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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Jordförvärvslagen : Förutsättningar för förvärvstillstånd till juridiska personer vid förvärv av lantbruksegendom / The Land Acquisition Act : Conditions for Acquisition Permits for Legal Persons in Connection with Acquisition of Agricultural Property

Henriksson, Beata January 2022 (has links)
Lantbruket har sedan länge haft stor betydelse för Sverige. För att kunna kontrollera vem som förvärvar mark taxerad som lantbruksegendom har lagar sedan 1900-talet satts i kraft. Lagen har sedan början vilat på ett syfte vilket består i att bevara ägarbalansen mellan olika ägarkategorier, speciellt juridiska och fysiska personer. Sedan första lagen stiftades har lagstiftningen har juridiska personers möjligheter till förvärv varit mycket begränsad. Syftet med denna uppsats är att redogöra under vilka förutsättningar och villkor juridiska personer kan lämnas förvärvstillstånd vid förvärv av lantbruksegendom. För att kunna genomföra arbetet har en rättsdogmatisk metod använts i kombination med en rättsanalytisk metod. Materialet som använts är gällande och tidigare lagstiftning, praxis från Högsta förvaltningsdomstolen och Högsta domstolen, underrättspraxis från kammarrätten samt förarbeten tillhörande Jordförvärvslagen (SFS 1979:230). Uppsatsen kan konstatera att det i gällande lagstiftning föreligger fyra villkor då juridisk person kan lämnas förvärvstillstånd när lantbruksegendom förvärvats från fysisk person. Det sker under två förutsättningar, antingen lämnas kompensationsmark eller så sker förvärvet kompensationsfritt. Lämnas kompensationsmark till fysisk person eller staten för naturvårdsändamål inom fem år eller kan komma att lämnas inom fem år kan juridisk person lämnas förvärvstillstånd. Sker förvärvet kompensationsfritt kan tillstånd lämnas om den förvärvade egendomen skall ändra ändamål. Detta måste vara fastställt innan förvärvet sker genom t.ex detaljplan. Ett tredje fall där juridisk person kan lämnas förvärvstillstånd är om förvärvet avser skogsmark och förvärven bedriver sådan industriell verksamhet i vilken egendomens virkesavkastning behövs, som appliceras på mindre träförädlande företag med koppling till orten förvärvet sker från. Sista villkoret som förvärvstillstånd kan lämnas juridisk person är om det föreligger särskilda skäl. En bedömning görs i varje enskilt fall utifrån intresset att bevara ägarbalansen och de skäl som förvärvet innebär. Det allmänna intresset kan även komma att beaktas. I förarbeten tas som exempel att sådana skäl kan vara om den förvärvade egendomen är kapitalkrävande. Lagstiftningen gällande juridiska personers förvärv av lantbruksmark är fortsatt väldigt strikt men vissa undantag görs. Utgångspunkten är dock att förvärvstillstånd inte ska lämnas och bedömning blir därav väldigt restriktiv. / Agriculture has been of great importance to Sweden. To be able to control who acquires land taxed as agricultural property, laws have been enacted since the 20th century. From the beginning, the law has rested on one purpose, which is to preserve the balance of ownership between different categories of owners, especially legal and natural persons. Since the first law was enacted, legislation regarding the acquisition of legal entities has been very limited.  The purpose of this thesis is to explain the conditions under which legal persons can be granted an acquisition permit when acquiring agricultural property. To be able to carry out the work, a legal dogmatic method has been used in combination with a legal analytical method. This essay is based on current and previous legislation, case law from the Supreme Administrative Court and the Supreme Court, lower court case law from the Court of Appeal and preparatory work and SOU belonging to the Land Acquisition Act (SFS 1979: 230).  What can be stated with the thesis is that there are four conditions in current legislation when a legal person can be granted an acquisition permit when agricultural property has been acquired from a natural person. This takes place under two conditions, either compensation land is provided, or the acquisition takes place without compensation. If compensation land is provided to a natural person or the state for nature conservation purposes within five years or may be provided within five years, a legal person may be granted an acquisition permit. If the acquisition takes place without compensation, permission can be granted if the acquired property is to change purpose, this must be determined before the acquisition takes place through, for example, a detailed plan. A third case where a legal person can be granted an acquisition permit is if the acquisition relates to forest land and the acquisitions conduct such industrial activities in which the property's timber yield is needed, which is applied to smaller wood processing companies in connection with the locality from which the acquisition takes place. The last condition on which an acquisition permit can be granted to a legal entity is if there are special circumstances. An assessment is made in each individual case based on the interest in maintaining the ownership balance and the reasons that the acquisition entails. The public interest may also be considered.  The legislation regarding legal persons acquisition of agricultural land remains very strict, but certain exceptions are made. The starting point, however, is that an acquisition permit should not be issued and that the assessment of this will be very restrictive.
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A efic?cia, no ordenamento jur?dico brasileiro, da responsabiliza??o penal da pessoa jur?dica pela pr?tica de crimes ambientais

Pinheiro, Jos? Arruda de Miranda 21 December 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T14:27:19Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 JoseAMP_DISSERT.pdf: 611395 bytes, checksum: 408fd692f763f1aec5ff57294a03a83e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-12-21 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior / The environment, which fundamental importance has already been recognized in all the world, is an actual national and international discussion subject, whose interest grows for the society, and consequently to the Law, in order to prevent the natural resources to the present and future generations. The 1988 Brazilian Constitution, recognizing the importance of the environment, treated about it in many of its parts, even dedicating a specific chapter (Chapter V About Environment, inserted in Title VIII About Social Order). The brazilian constitutional text established to everyone the fundamental right of enjoying an equilibrated environment, obligating the State and all society to defend and preserve the environment to the present and future generations. The economic growing process, that predominated and still persist in the big majority of the countries, where is practiced the capitalist system, has in the enterprises (legal persons) one of its main actors. Many times, these enterprises, especially in the actual globalized world in where we live, where the gain of money is priorized, ends, at the moment they act, making damages to the environment. These damages are, many times, considered by the law. crimes against the environment. The 1988 Brazilian Constitution, according to the Modern Criminal Law, realizing that many crimes were being committed by the enterprises, established in article 225, ?3rd, the criminal responsibility of the legal persons. Almost ten years after the 1988 Brazilian Constitution, was published the Law number 9.605/98, in which third article established the penal responsibility of the legal persons that practice crimes against the environment, without excluding the individual responsibility / O meio ambiente, cuja import?ncia fundamental j? foi definitivamente reconhecida em todo o mundo, constitui um tema da ordem do dia tanto no cen?rio nacional quanto no internacional, despertando um crescente interesse da sociedade, e por conseq??ncia, do Direito, no que diz respeito ? preserva??o dos recursos naturais para as presentes e futuras gera??es. A Constitui??o Brasileira de 1988, reconhecendo a import?ncia do meio ambiente, dele tratou em diversas de suas passagens, inclusive dedicando-lhe um cap?tulo espec?fico (Cap?tulo V Do Meio Ambiente, inserido no T?tulo VIII Da Ordem Social). O texto constitucional brasileiro consagrou a todos o direito fundamental de desfrutar de um meio ambiente ecologicamente equilibrado, impondo ao Poder P?blico e ? coletividade o dever de defend?-lo e preserv?-lo para as presentes e futuras gera??es. O processo de crescimento econ?mico que predominou e ainda persiste na grande maioria dos pa?ses, onde vigora o sistema capitalista, tem nas empresas (pessoas jur?dicas) um dos seus principais atores. Muitas vezes, essas empresas, especialmente no mundo contempor?neo globalizado em que vivemos, onde se prioriza o ac?mulo de capital, acabam, ao desempenharem suas atividades, praticando atos lesivos ao meio ambiente, atos esses que muitas vezes s?o previstos legalmente como crimes ambientais. A Constitui??o Brasileira de 1988, de acordo com os ideais do Direito Penal Moderno, percebendo que, em um n?mero grande de vezes, os crimes ambientais estavam sendo praticados atrav?s de pessoas jur?dicas, previu expressamente em seu texto (art. 225, ?3?) a possibilidade da sua responsabiliza??o criminal. Quase dez anos ap?s ser promulgada a Constitui??o Federal de 1988, foi sancionada a Lei n? 9.605/98, que em seu artigo terceiro, previu a responsabiliza??o penal da pessoa jur?dica pela pr?tica de crimes ambientais, sem excluir a das pessoas f?sicas
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Jednání právnických osob (Teoretická koncepce) / Making juridical acts by legal entities (A theoretical conception)

Šilhavý, Filip January 2015 (has links)
Herein presented thesis intends to outline some of the conceptual yet practical issues that arise as of the effect of the new civil code in relation to conceptual changes of legal doctrine of legal persons and its legal acting. In chapter 2 hereof the author briefly illustrates the history and development of legal persons in the continental Europe with a special focus on the theories of legal persons. In the end of the chapter the author analyzes the current concept of the legal persons in the legal system of the Czech Republic. In chapter 3 hereof the author describes the primary principles upon which the concept of legal persons and its legal acting is built. The author also briefly analyzes the term and meaning of legal acting in general. The author further engages in analysis of acting of legal persons and its legal nature in relation to the question of who is the person acting; whether it is a legal act performed by a natural person acting in representation of the legal person or whether it is the legal person who acts on its own. In the final part of the chapter the author analyses the law on acting of legal representatives on behalf of the legal person and outlines the issues arising thereof. In chapter 4 the author describes and analyses particular issues that arise from the effective law....
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Pojem investor v mezinárodních dohodách na ochranu investic / The concept of investor in international agreements on the protection of investments

Dubovan, Michal January 2011 (has links)
The term "investor" in international investment agreements The aim of this thesis is to explain, compare and evaluate the meaning of investor as one of the key terms used in the area of international investment protection. From a systematic point of view, international investment activities are governed by international economic law, which is a sub-discipline of public international law. Foreign investment as a transfer of assets from one country to another in order to generate wealth is a kind of activity known and done since the era of colonialism or even before. The subjects carrying out these operations are called investors. However the framework of international investment protection as we know it today started out when the so called bilateral investment treaties (BITs) became commonly used to protect and promote international investing. These treaties entered into by states as sovereign members of the international community stipulated conditions to protect each other's investors in order to stimulate the flow of free capital over the borders. As mentioned before the term investor inter alia is a fundamental part of each international investment agreement. It specifies the range of subjects that are protected under such treaty and thus entitled to pursue their claims on international level in case of...
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Trestní odpovědnost poskytovatelů zdravotních služeb / Criminal liability of health-care providers

Miřejovská, Martina January 2020 (has links)
Criminal liability of health-care providers Abstract This diploma thesis focuses on the criminal liability of the health-care providers. Its main objective is to provide a comprehensive overview of the fundamental issues, such as who can be a provider, what is the definition of healthcare services and what are the possible conditions of criminal liability. Another aim is to provide an overview of selected offenses that can be committed in connection with providing healthcare services and summary of the relevant legislation in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and in the Federal Republic of Germany. In this thesis, I mostly use the methods of description, analysis and comparison. The thesis is divided into six chapters, which follow a logical order. The first chapter explains the key concepts. Specifically, it is the definition of healthcare services, facilities and providers, lege artis procedure, informed consent and criminal liability. The second chapter focus on the criminal liability of natural persons, on the definition of a criminal offence and also the relevant circumstances excluding liability from the provision of healthcare point of view. The third chapter deals with the criminal liability of legal persons and their possible exculpation. The fourth chapter analyses selected...
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Trestněprávní odpovědnost právnických osob na úseku ochrany životního prostředí / Criminal liability of legal entities for environmental protection

Horčičáková, Eva January 2014 (has links)
: The main purpose of this thesis is to introduce and also to assess the new law on criminal liability of legal persons which brings really important changes into existing Czech criminal law conception. The first chapter is focused on the explanation of the terms which are indispensable to the topic such as criminal and administrative liability or the definition of the legal entities. The second chapter describes the development of the criminal liability of legal persons in the environmental law on the international and EU background. The third chapter provides a view of the current law basics. Specifically the substantive and procedural law questions are clarified. The fourth chapter offers the comparison especially of the slovak and polish law. In the fifth chapter the relevant judicature is analysed when the results are the basement for the future practising of the courts. In the end of the chapter the frequency of the new law is evaluated and also the recommendation for future utilization is given.

O regime de aplicação das penas no campo da responsabilidade penal da pessoa jurídica nos crimes ambientais.

Rolim, Patrícia Sarmento 06 April 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Rosina Valeria Lanzellotti Mattiussi Teixeira (rosina.teixeira@unisantos.br) on 2017-05-26T18:00:23Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Patricia Sarmento Rolim.pdf: 1716189 bytes, checksum: 6d3d9012f041bcec97058059093d731b (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-05-26T18:00:23Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Patricia Sarmento Rolim.pdf: 1716189 bytes, checksum: 6d3d9012f041bcec97058059093d731b (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-04-06 / This paper aims to demonstrate the feasibility and effectiveness of criminal law within the scope of environmental law, in the search for a true environmental criminal law, demonstrating that it acts not only in a symbolic way, which would relieve public authorities of rethinking A policy of protection and especially of effective prevention of the environment. It was a research whose methodological procedure is of the type combined with observance of the qualitative, descriptive, explanatory and also exploratory type being directed to two strands, one of them focused on the criminal responsibility of legal entities in the ambit of environmental crimes; In the second place, directed to the complex structure imposed by the legislation regarding the application of penalties to legal entities. The dialectical method (dialectical materialism) should be observed taking into account the very contradictory aspects of the present research, where the reality will have to be analyzed from the confrontation of theories and hypotheses, as well as concepts taken as "truth" in order to of a new solution in its historical, cultural and social aspects. The central problem of this research emphasizes the regime of application of penalties of legal persons in crimes committed against the environment, where several other related problems are unfolded in view of the mutual dependence between them. The dosimetry of the sentence presupposes the admissibility of criminal liability of legal persons, as well as the recognition of the effectiveness of criminal law in the area of environmental law, taking into account that this is a deeply preventive nature, leaving to criminal law the difficult task of tightening the Legislation as a way to try to make "environmental criminal law" more effective. The main aspects related to the systematic application of penalties to collective bodies were analyzed, using, therefore, the system of penalties provided for in the Penal Code, taking into account the omissions of the Environmental Crimes Law, which despite To constitute until the present day the object of controversies and severe criticisms constitutes central theme of our research. / O presente trabalho tem o objetivo de buscar demonstrar a viabilidade e a efetividade do Direito Penal no âmbito do Direito Ambiental, na busca de um verdadeiro Direito Penal Ambiental, demonstrando que o mesmo atua não apenas de forma simbólica, o que desobrigaria os poderes públicos de repensarem uma política de proteção e, principalmente, de prevenção ao meio ambiente realmente eficaz. Tratou-se de uma pesquisa cujo procedimento metodológico é do tipo combinado com observância do tipo qualitativo, descritivo, explicativo e também exploratório, sendo dirigida para duas vertentes, a primeira delas voltada para a responsabilidade penal das pessoas jurídicas no âmbito dos crimes ambientais; a segunda, direcionada para a complexa estrutura posta pela legislação no que concerne à aplicação das penas às pessoas jurídicas. O método dialético (materialismo dialético) foi observado levando-se em consideração os aspectos contraditórios da presente pesquisa, sendo necessário a análise da realidade a partir da confrontação de teorias e hipóteses, além de conceitos tomados como ¿verdade¿, a fim de se obter uma nova solução em seus aspectos históricos, culturais e sociais. O problema central dessa pesquisa salienta o regime de aplicação das penas das pessoas jurídicas nos delitos praticados contra o meio ambiente, para onde se desdobram vários outros problemas conexos, tendo em vista haver uma mútua dependência entre ambos. A dosimetria da pena pressupõe a admissibilidade da responsabilidade penal das pessoas jurídicas, assim como o reconhecimento da efetividade do Direito Penal no âmbito do Direito Ambiental, levando em consideração este apresentar uma natureza profundamente preventiva, restando ao Direito Penal a difícil tarefa de tornar mais rigorosa a legislação como forma de tentar dar uma maior efetividade ao ¿Direito Penal ambiental¿. Foram analisados os principais aspectos relacionados à sistemática de aplicação das penas aos entes coletivos, utilizando-se, para tanto, do sistema de aplicação de penas previsto no Código Penal, levando-se em consideração as omissões da Lei dos Crimes Ambientais, a qual apesar de constituir até os dias atuais objeto de controvérsias e severas críticas, constitui tema central da nossa pesquisa.
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The Impediment for Public Procurement with the Linked Legal Entity / El Impedimento Para la Contratación Estatal de la Persona Jurídica Vinculada

Armas Diéguez, Silvana Lorena 10 April 2018 (has links)
This paper analyzes from a constitutional perspective, applying the test of proportionality about limiting rights, the impediment to hiring those associated corporations, through individuals, with those legal persons which has imposed a sanction temporary or permanent disqualification from government contracts. From this framework of study, the author finds that the interference on freedom of contract is disproportionate because it violates the principle of causality and strict liability, by attributing to a third party (legal person linked) consequences for the actions made to it by a different legal entity. / El presente trabajo analiza desde una perspectiva constitucional, aplicando el test de proporcionalidad en la limitación de los derechos, el impedimento para la contratación de aquellas personas jurídicas vinculadas, a través personas naturales, con aquellas personas jurídicas a las cuales se las ha impuesto una sanción de inhabilitación temporal o definitiva para contratar con el Estado. A partir de dicho marco de estudio, la autora considera que la injerencia sobre la libertad de contratación es desproporcionada en razón a que vulnera el principio de causalidad y la responsabilidad objetiva, al atribuirle a un tercero (persona jurídica vinculada) las consecuencias por las acciones realizadas por una persona jurídica distinta a ella.
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The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act and the criminal responsibility of the company / El Foreign Corrupt Practices Act y la responsabilidad penal de la empresa

Gadea Benavides, Héctor 25 September 2017 (has links)
Due to the possible adoption in Peru of the criminal responsibility for companies and of the corporate compliance programs, the author analyzes the position that the United States has adopted facing the acts of corruption abroad, which legal basis is the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act.In the present article, the author will do an study of this regulation, covering its scope, who are imputable by it and the possible situations that generate criminal responsibility. All of this developed over the position taken by the jurisprudence in notorious corruption scandals.In addition, the development of the effectiveness of the compliance figure will be studied as well as the implementation of incentives for the corporations to adopt prevention policies. / A raíz de la posible adopción en el Perú de la responsabilidad penal para empresas y de los programas de compliance, el autor analiza la postura que ha tomado el ordenamiento de Estados Unidos frente a los actos de corrupción en el extranjero, cuya base normativa es el Foreign Corrupt Practices Act. En el presente artículo, el autor hará un estudio de esta regulación, cubriendo sus alcances, quiénes son imputables y los posibles supuestos de hecho.Todo esto sobre la base de la postura que ha adoptado la jurisprudencia frente a sonados escándalos de corrupción. Además, se estudiará el desarrollo de la eficacia de la figura del compliance y la implementación de incentivos para los empresarios de adoptar políticas de prevención.
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Sankcionování právnických osob / Sanctioning of Legal Persons

Březinová, Kristýna January 2018 (has links)
The purpose of this Dissertation Thesis is to comprehensively set forth the issue of sanctioning of legal persons and also to critically evaluate it. The present Thesis is divided into five chapters. Firstly, the basic terms related to sanctioning of legal persons are defined and the institute of criminal liability of legal persons is expounded including evolution of the legislative in task as well as exposition of the legislation in force. The core of this Dissertation Thesis constitutes detailed analysis of sanctioning of legal persons. Attention is payed not only to stipulations on sanctioning of legal persons included primarily in the Czech Act on Criminal Liability of Legal Persons and Proceedings against Them, but above all the attention is drawn to suggestions on legislative changes de lege ferenda in relation to sanctioning of legal persons. The Author suggests incorporation of new sanctions such as pecuniary punishment against registered capital or supervision over legal entities executed by insolvency administrators or for example integration of a new provision covering mitigating and aggravating circumstances related specifically to legal persons. This Dissertation Thesis also covers current statistics regarding the imposition of sanctions on legal persons and draws interesting...
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