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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Avaliação do papel de duas proteínas de Leptospira interrogans na patogênese da leptospirose. / Role of two Leptospira interrogans lipoproteins in the pathogenesis of leptospirosis.

Jupciana Martins Figueredo 08 December 2016 (has links)
Leptospirose é uma zoonose mundial que acomete várias espécies de mamíferos, incluindo humanos, causada por espécies de bactérias patogênicas do gênero Leptospira. Possui um quadro de manifestação clínico muito variado, podendo apresentar desde sintomas comuns a outras doenças como febre, calafrios, cefaleia, dores musculares, enjoo, vômitos, diarreia e uma forma mais severa da infecção denominada síndrome de Weill. Seguindo a estratégia de genômica funcional, foram selecionados genes de Leptospira interrogans sorovar Copenhageni, LIC10377, LIC11122, LIC11184 e LIC12287, tendo como critério a predição de localização das proteínas na membrana. Os fragmentos referentes aos genes LIC11122 e LIC12287 foram clonados no vetor pGEM-T Easy e subclonados no vetor de expressão pAE. As proteínas avaliadas interagem com laminina e plasminogênio, de forma dose-dependentes e saturáveis, sugerindo atuam nos processos de patogênese da bactéria. A presença de um fator sigma na superfície celular desempenhando um papel secundário, sugere que a rLIC11122 pode ser uma proteína moonlight. / Leptospirosis is a worldwide zoonosis that affects several species of mammals, including humans, caused by species of pathogenic bacteria of the genus Leptospira. It has a very varied clinical manifestation board and may have symptoms from common tropical diseases such as fever, chills, headache, muscle aches, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and a severe syndrome of infection known as Weill syndrome. Following the functional genomics strategy, genes were selected from Leptospira interrogans serovar Copenhageni, LIC10377, LIC11122, LIC11184 and LIC12287, with the criterion of the prediction location of proteins in the membrane. The fragments related to genes LIC11122 and LIC12287 were cloned into pGEM-T Easy vector and subcloned into the expression vector pAE. The evaluated proteins interact with laminin and plasminogen, dose-dependent and saturable manner, suggesting participation in bacterial pathogenesis processes. The presence of a sigma factor on the cell surface plays a secondary role, suggests that performs a moonlight rLIC11122 protein.
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Caracterização imunogênica e funcional de duas lipoproteínas preditas de Leptospira interrogans expressas em Escherichia coli. / Immunogenic and functional characterization of two probable lipoproteins of Leptospira interrogans expressed in Escherichia coli.

Priscila Romero Mazzini Pereira 10 February 2017 (has links)
A leptospirose é a zoonose mais disseminada no mundo e uma das principais causas de perda econômica no agronegócio. O estudo de novos antígenos de superfície de Leptospira interrogans, é intrigante e pode fornecer conhecimento na interação inicial patógeno-hospedeiro. Os genes LIC13059 e LIC10879, escolhidos por bioinformática, com predição de localização na superfície celular, foram clonados e as proteínas recombinantes expressas em E. coli, para avaliar a interação com componentes do hospedeiro. Após purificação, as proteínas encontravam-se estruturadas e foram reconhecidas por soro de indivíduos infectados. As proteínas recombinantes interagem com plasminogênio, fibrinogênio e laminina. rLIC13059, nomeada Lsa25.6, quando ligada ao fibrinogênio é capaz de inibir a formação de coágulo de fibrina e rLIC10879, nomeada Lsa16, interage com e-caderina, sugerido envolvimento na cascata de coagulação e ligação com o hospedeiro, respectivamente. O plasminogênio ligado às proteínas é convertido em plasmina, o que poderia ajudar a penetração bacteriana no hospedeiro. / Leptospirosis is the most widespread zoonosis and also a major cause of economic loss in animal production worldwide. The study of new surface antigens of Leptospira interrogans is intriguing and may shed light into the initial pathogen-host interactions. We set out to study two novel coding sequences LIC13059 and LIC10879 predicted to be located at the cell surface. The genes were cloned and the recombinant proteins were expressed in E. coli. The purified recombinant proteins presented secondary structures, and interacted with plasminogen, fibrinogen and laminin human components. rLIC13059, named Lsa25.6, when bound to fibrinogen was capable of inhibiting the formation of fibrin clot, while rLIC10879, named Lsa16, interacted with e-cadherin, a mammalian cell receptor, suggesting participation in coagulation pathway and host-cell binding, respectively. The plasminogen captured by both recombinant proteins could be converted into plasmin, a mechanism that could help bacterial penetration in the host.
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Análise das proteínas de Leptospira com possível papel hemolítico através de expressão recombinante: detecção de expressão nativa, atividade biológica e potencial vacinal / Analysis of the Leptospira proteins with putative hemolytic role thorough recombinant expression: detection of native expression, biological activity and vaccine potential

Enéas de Carvalho 16 May 2008 (has links)
A leptospirose é considerada a zoonose mais difundida do mundo, assim como uma doença reemergente. Esta enfermidade, causada por bactérias patogênicas do gênero Leptospira, possui altas taxas de infecção em países em desenvolvimento, ocasionando graves prejuízos econômicos e de saúde pública. Até o momento, não existem vacinas humanas licenciadas contra leptospirose. Após o seqüenciamento do genoma de três espécies de Leptospiras vários genes foram apontados como candidatos vacinais promissores. Uma categoria importante de genes candidatos são aqueles com possível atividade hemolítica. Neste trabalho, clonamos e expressamos diversas proteínas com possível atuação hemolítica. As proteínas recombinantes obtidas, no entanto, não exibiram atividade hemolítica. Uma destas proteínas, TlyC, foi investigada quanto à sua capacidade de interagir com os componentes da matriz extracelular (MEC). Os resultados obtidos indicam que TlyC liga-se com alta afinidade a diversos componentes da MEC, e que esta proteína é capaz de inibir competitivamente a adesão de Leptospiras à um material biológico que se assemelha à MEC. A transcrição e expressão destas proteínas foi detectada em cultura de Leptospira. Algumas das proteínas recombinantes foram utilizadas em um desafio animal contra leptospirose, mas nenhum delas foi protetora. Concluímos que estas proteínas não parecem ser bons candidatos vacinais e que TlyC é uma proteína que interage com componentes da MEC. / Leptospirosis is considered the most disseminated zoonosis of the world, and also a reemerging disease. This disease, caused by pathogenic bacteria of the genus Leptospira, has high rates of infection in developing countries, leading to severe economic and medical costs. There is not a licensed vaccine against leptospirosis for human use. After the genome sequencing of three species of leptospires, several genes were pointed to be promising vaccinal candidates. An important category of these candidates are those with putative hemolytic activity. In this work, we cloned and expressed some proteins with putative hemolytic activity. The recombinant proteins obtained, however, did not show hemolytic activity. One of these proteins, TlyC, was investigated with regard to its possible ability to interact to extracellular matrix (ECM) components. The results obtained indicate that TlyC binds with high affinity to several ECM components and that this protein can inhibit the Leptospira bind to a biological material that ressambles the ECM. The transcription and expression of these proteins were detected in leptospires cultures. Some of the recombinant proteins were used in an animal challenge against leptospirosis, but none of them were protective. We conclude that these proteins do not seem to be good vaccine candidates and that TlyC is a protein that interacts with the ECM and its components.
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Caracterização da interação de Leptospira interrogans com o sistema protrombina/trombina e possíveis implicações na virulência. / Characterization of the interaction of Leptospira interrogans with prothrombin/thrombin system and possible implications in virulence.

Luís Guilherme Virgilio Fernandes 21 June 2017 (has links)
Os mecanismos responsáveis pelas manifestações hemorrágicas durante a leptospirose severa ainda são pouco compreendidos. Este trabalho avaliou os efeitos diretos e indiretos das leptospiras sobre moléculas do sistema de coagulação. Foi verificado que leptospiras virulentas são eficientes em bloquear a atividade da enzima trombina por meio do sequestro de seu sítio de ligação ao substrato, gerando uma menor formação do coágulo de fibrina, acarretando em sangramento e consequente disseminação do patógeno para outros sítios de infecção. Foi mostrado também que a inflamação causada pela resposta imune contra as bactérias causa uma ativação da coagulação, muito provavelmente via expressão de Fator Tissular, o que ocasiona um consumo e consequente esgotamento dos fatores e inibidores de coagulação, culminando em hemorragia e formação de trombos, os quais podem levar à falência de órgãos. Estes resultados melhoram o entendimento da patogênese da leptospirose e podem favorecer o desenvolvimento de terapias para as manifestações hemorrágicas. / The mechanisms responsible for the hemorrhagic manifestations during severe leptospirosis are still poorly understood. This work evaluated the direct and indirect effects of leptospires upon molecules of the coagulation system. It has been shown that virulent leptospires are effective in blocking the activity of the enzyme thrombin by sequestration of its substrate binding site, generating less fibrin clot formation, leading to bleeding and consequent dissemination of the pathogen to other sites of infection. It has also been shown that the inflammation caused by the immune response against the bacteria causes an activation of the coagulation, most probably via expression of Tissue Factor, which causes a consumption and consequent depletion of coagulation factors and inhibitors, culminating in hemorrhage and thrombus formation, which can lead to organ failure. These results improve the understanding of the pathogenesis of leptospirosis and may favor the development of therapies for hemorrhagic manifestations.
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Caracterização de duas proteínas de Leptospira interrogans na patogênese da leptospirose. / Characterization of two proteins of Leptospira interrogans in the pathogenesis of leptospirosis.

Renan Francisco Domingos 21 August 2014 (has links)
O sequenciamento da L. interrogans sorovar Copenhageni e as análises bioinformáticas permitiram a identificação de candidatos vacinais e fatores de virulência. Foram selecionados dois genes, LIC11834 e LIC12253, que foram submetidos a ensaios de presença do DNA genômico e RNA mensageiro em diferentes sorovares de Leptospira. Observamos que o gene LIC12253 foi o mais presente entre os sorovares testados. Os genes foram clonados em vetor de expressão pAE e expressos em E. coli BL21 SI. As proteínas recombinantes foram purificadas e submetidas a ensaio de dicroísmo circular, o qual confirmou que ambas as proteínas estavam estruturadas. Por meio de testes de imunogenicidade em camundongos, ambas as proteínas mostraram-se imunogênicas, apresentando altos títulos de anticorpos, porém não foram capazes de promover resposta imune celular. Em ensaios de localização das proteínas nativas podemos observar a presença destas proteínas na membrana externa de Leptospira. Ensaios de reatividade com soros de pacientes diagnosticados com leptospirose mostraram que há reconhecimento das proteínas por anticorpos presentes nesses soros, sugerindo que as proteínas são expressas durante a infecção. Em ensaios de adesão a componentes de matriz extracelular e componentes do soro e plasma humano, rLIC11834 apresentou ligação à laminina, sendo nomeada de Lsa33, além de ligação ao plasminogênio, ao C4bp e ao fibrinogênio de forma dose-dependente; rLIC12253 apresentou ligação à laminina, sendo chamada de Lsa25, e ao C4bp de forma dose-dependente. Ensaios de desafio demonstraram que as proteínas não apresentam proteção contra infecção letal em hamsters. Assim, acreditamos que estas proteínas multifuncionais possam interagir com proteínas do hospedeiro e ter participação na patogênese da doença. / The genomic sequencing and the advances of bioinformatics analysis allowed the identification of new vaccine candidates and new virulence factors. Therefore, two genes from L. interrogans serovar Copenhageni, LIC11834 and LIC12253 were selected and subjected to assays for the presence of genomic DNA and mRNA in different serovars of Leptospira. These assays found that the gene LIC12253 was the most present among the tested serovars. The genes were then cloned in the expression vector pAE and expressed in E. coli BL21 SI. The recombinant proteins were purified and subjected to circular dichroism, which confirmed that both proteins presented secondary structures. Immunogenicity tests in mice showed that both proteins are immunogenic, with high antibodies titers, but don\'t induce cellular immune response. Localization assays of the native proteins on the leptospiras demonstrated the presence of the proteins on the surface of Leptospira. Reactivity assays with sera of patients diagnosed with leptospirosis showed that the recombinant proteins could be recognized by their antibodies, suggesting that they are expressed during infection. Adhesion assays to the extracellular matrix components, human serum and plasma components, showed that the protein rLIC11834 binds to laminin and was called Lsa33. In addition, Lsa33 interacts to plasminogen, to C4bp and to fibrinogen in a dose-dependent manner. The protein rLIC12253 showed binding to laminina, named Lsa25, and to C4bp in a dose-dependent manner. Challenge assays showed that both recombinant proteins don\'t afford protection against lethal infection in hamsters. Thus, we believe that these multifunctional proteins may interact with host proteins and may play a role in leptospiral pathogenesis.
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Clonagem, expressão e caracterização de prováveis proteínas de membrana indentificadas no genoma de Leptospira interrogans. / Cloning, expression and characterization of probable membrane proteins identified on the Leptospira interrogans genome.

Lucas Pereira e Silva 26 April 2016 (has links)
A leptospirose é uma doença sistêmica, causada por bactérias patogênicas do gênero Leptospira. O desenvolvimento de novas estratégias para prevenir a doença é necessário. As pesquisas atuais têm interesse em identificar antígenos conservados que estão envolvidos nas interações patógeno-hospedeiro. Dois genes de L. interrogans foram selecionados, clonados, expressos e suas respectivas proteínas caracterizadas. Os genes foram amplificados por PCR e clonados no vetor de expressão PAE. As proteínas recombinantes foram purificadas por cromatografia de afinidade ao metal. A proteína rLIC10821 foi capaz de se ligar a laminina, plasminogênio e fibrinogênio. Ambas as proteínas foram localizadas na membrana externa de acordo com as três metodologias utilizadas: imunofluorescência, proteinase K, leptospira intacta. A proteína rLIC10821 que interagiu com o PLG foi capaz de gerar plasmina. Após a interação da proteína rLIC10821 com o fibrinogênio, foi possível identificar uma diminuição de 60% no coágulo de fibrina. / Leptospirosis is a systemic disease caused by pathogenic bacteria of genus Leptospira. The development of new strategies to prevent the disease is needed. Currently research has focused to identify conserved antigens related to the host-pathogen interaction. Two genes of L. interrogans were selected, cloned, expressed and its proteins characterized. The genes were amplified by PCR and cloned into expression vetor pAE. The recombinant proteins were purified by chromatography of metal affinity. The protein rLIC10821 were able to bind to laminin, plasminogen and fibrinogen. Both proteins were localized in the outer membrane according three methodologies: immunofluorescence, proteinase K, intact leptospira. The protein rLIC10821 interacted with PLG was able to generate plasmin. After the interaction of the protein rLIC10821 with fibrinogen, we could identify a decrease of 60% in the fibrin clot.
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Avaliação do papel de duas proteínas de Leptospira interrogans na patogênese da leptospirose. / Role of two Leptospira interrogans lipoproteins in the pathogenesis of leptospirosis.

Figueredo, Jupciana Martins 08 December 2016 (has links)
Leptospirose é uma zoonose mundial que acomete várias espécies de mamíferos, incluindo humanos, causada por espécies de bactérias patogênicas do gênero Leptospira. Possui um quadro de manifestação clínico muito variado, podendo apresentar desde sintomas comuns a outras doenças como febre, calafrios, cefaleia, dores musculares, enjoo, vômitos, diarreia e uma forma mais severa da infecção denominada síndrome de Weill. Seguindo a estratégia de genômica funcional, foram selecionados genes de Leptospira interrogans sorovar Copenhageni, LIC10377, LIC11122, LIC11184 e LIC12287, tendo como critério a predição de localização das proteínas na membrana. Os fragmentos referentes aos genes LIC11122 e LIC12287 foram clonados no vetor pGEM-T Easy e subclonados no vetor de expressão pAE. As proteínas avaliadas interagem com laminina e plasminogênio, de forma dose-dependentes e saturáveis, sugerindo atuam nos processos de patogênese da bactéria. A presença de um fator sigma na superfície celular desempenhando um papel secundário, sugere que a rLIC11122 pode ser uma proteína moonlight. / Leptospirosis is a worldwide zoonosis that affects several species of mammals, including humans, caused by species of pathogenic bacteria of the genus Leptospira. It has a very varied clinical manifestation board and may have symptoms from common tropical diseases such as fever, chills, headache, muscle aches, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and a severe syndrome of infection known as Weill syndrome. Following the functional genomics strategy, genes were selected from Leptospira interrogans serovar Copenhageni, LIC10377, LIC11122, LIC11184 and LIC12287, with the criterion of the prediction location of proteins in the membrane. The fragments related to genes LIC11122 and LIC12287 were cloned into pGEM-T Easy vector and subcloned into the expression vector pAE. The evaluated proteins interact with laminin and plasminogen, dose-dependent and saturable manner, suggesting participation in bacterial pathogenesis processes. The presence of a sigma factor on the cell surface plays a secondary role, suggests that performs a moonlight rLIC11122 protein.
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La Práctica veterinaria con caninos domésticos como factor de riesgo para la presentación de infecciones por Leptospira sp entre el personal laboral de clínicas y consultorios veterinarios

Forno Cuyutupa, Giulianna Luisa January 2010 (has links)
El objetivo del estudio fue determinar la tasa de seroreactores a Leptospira sp. y cuantificar el riesgo de infección entre los profesionales que laboran en contacto directo con caninos en comparación a los que no tienen contacto directo con estos dentro de sus labores en consultorios o clínicas veterinarias. Con esta finalidad se colectaron 287 muestras de suero de personas para la detección de anticuerpos mediante la prueba de microaglutinación. El 9.1% (13/143) de expuestos y el 0.7% (1/144) de no expuestos resultaron seropositivos. Los serovares reactivos fueron varillal, panama y ballum para expuestos; y en el grupo de profesionales no expuesto sólo se encontró un seroreactor multiple a los serovares australis, copenhageni y wolfii. El análisis por Regresión Logistica mostró que la exposición por práctica veterinaria tiene un Odds Ratio de 13.31 (IC 95%:1.43 - 124.08); y además la presencia de roedores intradomiciliarios obtuvo un Odds Ratio de 8.70 (IC 95%:1.83 – 41.26), encontrándose diferencia estadística para ambos factores de riesgo. Palabras clave: Leptospira sp, seroreactores, clínicas y consultorios veterinarios. / --- The objective of this study was to determine the frequency of seroreactors against Leptospira sp. and to quantify the risk of infection in professionals who work in direct contact with canine and the professionals who do not have direct contact with these animals in veterinary offices or small animal clinics. Serum samples were taken from 287 professionals who were assessed for the presence of antibodies against Leptospira sp. by the Microagglutination Test. The 9.1 % (13/143) of exposed professionals and 0.7% (1/144) of unexposed professionals had positive serology to Leptospira sp. The reactive serovars were varillal, panama and ballum in the exposed; and australis, copenhageni and wolfii in the unexposed. The exposition for veterinary practice had a Odds Ratio of 13.31 (IC 95%:1.43 - 124.08); and too the presence of rodents in home had a Odds Ratio of 8.70 (IC 95%:1.83 – 41.26), being statistically difference for both factors of risk. Keywords: Leptospira sp., seroreactors, veterinary offices or small animal clinics
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Epidemiology of infection with leptospira species in livestock in Papua New Guinea

nvetlab@online.net.pg, Peter Meiwan Wai'in January 2007 (has links)
The role of infection with Leptospira as a cause of infertility in Papua New Guinea(PNG) has not been confirmed, mainly because of the lack of robust and simple diagnostic tests in PNG. The aims of this study were to determine the seroprevalence and distribution of infection in livestock in PNG and to develop and validate a diagnostic test for use in PNG that was sufficiently accurate and reliable for confident interpretation of the results. The nested and real-time PCRs were assessed for use as diagnostic tools. The first survey was conducted on 3 commercial, 3 smallholder cattle farms and 4 abattoirs in March 2004 in PNG. Each herd was stratified into 3 age groups (< 2, 2-5 and >5 years), and sera from 1379 animals were sampled in Lae and Kimbe. In addition, 73 kidneys were collected from cattle at the abattoir and aseptically processed for culture. Two hundred and eighty three sera were collected from pigs killed at the abattoirs and 79 pig kidneys were collected and cultured. All sera were tested using the microscopic agglutination test (MAT). The dominant serovar infecting the cattle in PNG was Hardjo with a seroprevalence of 53.7%. The prevalence of serovar Hardjo in the six farms and the abattoir was significantly higher than serovars Tarassovi and Pomona (P < 0.05). All pig sera were negative for Leptospira. Leptospires were isolated by culture and the isolates were typed and identified as L. borgpetersenii serovar Hardjo. Cattle are a recognized reservoir for serovar Hardjo and may have a role in transmission to humans. The second survey was conducted in June 2006 to determine if cattle from smallholder farmers, village pigs and dogs in the Markham Valley in Lae, PNG were infected with Leptospira. In addition, pigs from a commercial piggery and horses from commercial and smallholder farms were also sampled. A total of 69 pig sera, 22 dog sera, 15 horse sera and 111 cattle sera were collected. The results showed that 1 dog and 1 pig were seropositive with serovar Canicola. Of the 111 cattle sampled, 21 were seropositive for Hardjo. It was concluded that the seroprevalence with serovar Hardjo in these cattle was significantly lower than cattle from commercial properties. Smallholder cattle may therefore not be a major source of Hardjo infection for animals on commercial farms and pigs do not appear to be infected with Leptospira. The Ab-ELISAs were constructed using one crude preparations of L. interrogans serovar Pomona and 2 different crude preparation of L. biflexa serovar Patoc. The three antigen preparations were evaluated using 21 MAT-positive and 96 MAT-negative pig sera to determine which antigen preparation was suitable for use in an Ab–ELISA. The selected antigen preparation (L1) was validated in the test using serum from 2 cattle and 1 pig population that were seropositive for Leptospira. A sub-population of seronegative cattle and pigs were also used. The Ab-ELISA was used to test 1,465 bovine sera from 8 cattle populations and the results were compared with the MAT using a Bayesian framework, to obtain an unbiased estimate of the accuracy of the tests. The ELISA had high sensitivity and specificity. Results from the Bayesian analysis showed that the sensitivity and specificity estimates for the Ab-ELISA were high compared to the MAT. Based on the test accuracy and its performance the Ab-ELISA using the L1 antigen described in this study is suitable for use in countries like PNG where the MAT is difficult to perform. Samples of kidneys from livestock in PNG were tested using culture and a PCR-based assay to detect Leptospira species. A total of 72 samples of kidney were collected from cattle and a total of 74 samples were collected from pigs slaughtered in Lae and Port Moresby. A second study was designed to assess the use of a real-time PCR for detecting leptospiral DNA in urine from cattle. One hundred and ninety-three urine samples were collected from a beef cattle farm in WA. Whole genomic DNA from kidney samples was extracted from each kidney using the QIAamp DNA Mini kit (Qiagen). Heat lysis was used to extract genomic DNA from clear urine samples and the QIAamp Mini Kit was used for urine that was contaminated with faeces. The PCR-based test was able to detect a higher number of Leptospira-positive kidneys compared to culture in EMJH medium. Results of testing DNA extracted from urine using the realtime PCR showed that this test is sensitive and able to detect cattle infected with pathogenic leptospires.
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La Práctica veterinaria con caninos domésticos como factor de riesgo para la presentación de infecciones por Leptospira sp entre el personal laboral de clínicas y consultorios veterinarios

Forno Cuyutupa, Giulianna Luisa January 2010 (has links)
El objetivo del estudio fue determinar la tasa de seroreactores a Leptospira sp. y cuantificar el riesgo de infección entre los profesionales que laboran en contacto directo con caninos en comparación a los que no tienen contacto directo con estos dentro de sus labores en consultorios o clínicas veterinarias. Con esta finalidad se colectaron 287 muestras de suero de personas para la detección de anticuerpos mediante la prueba de microaglutinación. El 9.1% (13/143) de expuestos y el 0.7% (1/144) de no expuestos resultaron seropositivos. Los serovares reactivos fueron varillal, panama y ballum para expuestos; y en el grupo de profesionales no expuesto sólo se encontró un seroreactor multiple a los serovares australis, copenhageni y wolfii. El análisis por Regresión Logistica mostró que la exposición por práctica veterinaria tiene un Odds Ratio de 13.31 (IC 95%:1.43 - 124.08); y además la presencia de roedores intradomiciliarios obtuvo un Odds Ratio de 8.70 (IC 95%:1.83 – 41.26), encontrándose diferencia estadística para ambos factores de riesgo. Palabras clave: Leptospira sp, seroreactores, clínicas y consultorios veterinarios. / The objective of this study was to determine the frequency of seroreactors against Leptospira sp. and to quantify the risk of infection in professionals who work in direct contact with canine and the professionals who do not have direct contact with these animals in veterinary offices or small animal clinics. Serum samples were taken from 287 professionals who were assessed for the presence of antibodies against Leptospira sp. by the Microagglutination Test. The 9.1 % (13/143) of exposed professionals and 0.7% (1/144) of unexposed professionals had positive serology to Leptospira sp. The reactive serovars were varillal, panama and ballum in the exposed; and australis, copenhageni and wolfii in the unexposed. The exposition for veterinary practice had a Odds Ratio of 13.31 (IC 95%:1.43 - 124.08); and too the presence of rodents in home had a Odds Ratio of 8.70 (IC 95%:1.83 – 41.26), being statistically difference for both factors of risk. Keywords: Leptospira sp., seroreactors, veterinary offices or small animal clinics
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