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Rasprostranjenost Haemosporidia u populacijama migratornih i sedentarnih vrsta ptica pevačica (Passeriformes) u Srbiji / Distribution of Haemosporidia in population of migratory and sedentary passerine birds (Passeriformes) in SerbiaStanković Daliborka 27 September 2018 (has links)
<p>Hemosporidije kao krvno prenosivi paraziti, veoma su rasprostranjeni u populacijama ptica širom planete. Izazivaju avijarnu malariju ili stanje slično njoj, a prenose se preko insekatskih vektora. Hemosporidije su veoma dobro proučene u severnoj i zapanoj Evropi i Severnoj Americi. S obzirom da su hemosporidije slabije izučavane u Palearktičkom migratornom sistemu zapadnog Balkana, osnovni cilj bio je da se istraži koje su vrste tri ispitivana roda hemosporidija <em>Plasmodium</em>, <em>Haemoproteus </em> i<em> Leucocytozoon</em> zastupljene kod različitih migratornih grupa ptica pevačica u Srbiji. Rasprostranjenje,prevalenca i parazitemija ustanovljene su na dva načina: pregledanjem krvnih razmaza ptica i pomoću molekularne (PCR) metode. Sakupljeno je 202 uzorka krvi sa sedam lokaliteta. Zaraza rodovima <em>Plasmodium,Haemoproteus</em> i <em>Leucocytozoon</em> ustanovljena je kod 66 jedinki, sa ukupnom prevalencom od 32,7%. Najčešći rod hemosporidija bilo je <em>Haemoproteus</em> sa prevalencom od 26,1%. Sve zaražene ptice bile su adultne. Samo je jedna ptica imala ko-infekciju. Ustanovljena je 31 loza, od čega su dve potpuno nove i neotkrivene do sada. Loza CCF25 iz roda <em>Plasmodium,</em> izolovana je kod obične zebe (<em>Fringilla coelebs)</em>, a dok ORIORI04 pripada rodu <em>Leucocytozoon</em> i izolovana je kod vuge(<em>Oriolus oriolus</em>). Loza GRW06<br />(<em>Plasmodium elongatum) </em> izolovana je po prvi put kod obične zebe, dok su loze PARUS20 i PARUS25 (<em>Leucocytozoon sp</em>.) po prvi put zabeležene kod planinske sive (<em>Poecile montanus)</em> i ćubaste senice (<em>Lophophanes cristatus)</em>. Većina ptica (29) imala je srednji nivo parazitemije. Ustanovljena je značajna razlika u prevalenci između stanarica i delimičnih selica. Razlika u srednjoj parazitemiji bila je značajna takođe između stanarica i delimičnih selica.</p> / <p>Avian haemosporidians are vector-transmitted blood parasites distributed worldwide, abundant in many bird families and well-studied across Europe and North America. Since avian hemosporidians were poorly examined in the Palearctic migratory flyways of the Western Balkans, the goal of this study was to investigate what species of three haemosporidian genera<em> Plasmodium,</em> <em>Haemoproteus</em> and <em> Leucocytozoon</em> infect both resident and migratory passerine birds in Serbia. The prevalence, distribution and parasitemia of avian haemosporidian infections were screened using both nested PCR method and microscopy observation. Out of 202 sampled birds at seven localities, 66 were positive for haemosporidians. Total prevalence was 32.7%. Great majority of infected birds (29 individuals) had moderate level of parasitemia. The most abundant haemosporidian genus was Haemoproteus with prevalence of 26.1%. All infected birds were adults, whereas none of tested juveniles were infected. Mixed infection was recorded only in one bird. We identified 31 genetic lineages of haemosporidian parasites. Two new cytochrome b lineages of <em>Plasmodium</em> and <em> Leucocytozoon</em> were identified and found in hosts Common Chaffinch (<em>Fringilla coelebs</em>) and Golden Oriole (<em>Oriolus oriolus)</em>. We identified three new host records for previously known lineages. The lineage GRW06 (<em>Plasmodium elongatum</em>) occurred in Common Chaffinch, while the lineages PARUS20 and PARUS25 (<em>Leucocytozoon sp</em>.) were recorded in Willow Tit (<em>Poecile </em> <em>montanus</em>) and Crested Tit (<em>Lophophanes cristatus)</em>, respectively. We found statistically significant differences in the prevalence of three haemosporidian genera among resident and partial migratory birds. The difference in mean parasitemia was significant only between resident and partial migrants.</p>
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A Survey for Leucocytozoon Simondi Mathis and Leger (1910) in Canada Geese of the Malheur Wildlife RefugeSnively, John Val 01 January 1973 (has links)
Blood smears of blood collected in 1971 and 1972 from 291 Canada geese at Malheur National Wildlife Refuge were examined to determine the incidence of the avian malarial parasite, Leucocytozoon simondi. No parasites were found. Absence of blood parasites suggests that birds using migration routes to the north and northeast of Malheur are free of the disease.
The Leucocytozoon infections known in California waterfowl may be attributable to sources within the flyway east or northeast of California, to infected birds crossing over from other flyways, or abnormal conditions in the molting grounds of sub-adult and non-nesting birds where major flyways converge in northcentral Canada.
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Presencia de Leucocytozoon smithi en pavos de engorde de crianza comercial del departamento de LimaLazo Palomino, Anlly Dessire January 2007 (has links)
Manifesta que la leucocitozoonosis de los pavos es una enfermedad producida por el protozoo Leucocytozoon smithi y se caracteriza por producir grandes pérdidas económicas en la industria avícola. El ciclo de vida del hemoparásito comprende el desarrollo de la esquizogonia en los tejidos del ave, la gametogonia en las células sanguíneas y la fecundación y esporogonia en el artrópodo vector. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue demostrar la presencia de las formas gametogónicas del Leucocytozoon smithi en pavos procedentes de granjas comerciales del departamento de Lima. Para tal efecto se tomaron muestras de sangre de 346 pavos aparentemente sanos procedentes de once granjas comerciales. Se muestrearon animales entre de 1 a 17 semanas durante los meses de Octubre a Noviembre del 2005. Se prepararon dos frotis de sangre por pavo los que fueron coloreados con tinción Giemsa y observados al microscopio simple (100X). No se observaron gametocitos de L. smithi en ninguno de los frotis examinados concluyéndose que el parásito no se encuentra presente en poblaciones aparentemente sanas y de estarlo lo esta en una prevalencia menor al 1%. / Tesis
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Adaptive molecular evolution and biodiversity in malaria parasitesBodden, Haley Nicole 10 August 2018 (has links)
Haemosporidian parasites are the agents of malaria. Countless vertebrates are affected by haemosporidians each year. Haemosporidians have been shown to be evolving at rapid rates; leading to new species of haemosporidians being discovered and new host associations being made. Adaptive molecular evolution was detected in an important hemoglobin degradation gene, falcilysin. At multiple sites across multiple genes involved in important functions signatures of negative selection were detected. The signatures of selection across non-hemoglobin degradation genes were indicative of evolutionary conservation when compared to the more variable hemoglobin degradation genes. This is probably due to the important role the hemoglobin degradation genes play in haemosporidian metabolism. A survey of local passerines detected a parasite prevalence rate of 57%. This included three genera of haemosporidians detected across six lineages and two more distantly related sequences. Leucocytozoon was detected for the first time in Mississippi songbirds, indicating the importance of surveying for understanding haemosporidian evolution and range.
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Indirect effects of river regulation : consequences for landbirds of reduced numbers of aquatic insectsStrasevicius, Darius January 2007 (has links)
<p>Abstrakt: Jag har undersökt hur älvreglering påverkar mängden knott (Tvåvingar: <i>Simuliidae</i>) längs flera norrlandsälvar och vilka konsekvenser denna påverkan får för den landlevande fågelfaunan. Studien visar att utbyggnad av älvar har en negativ effekt på mängden knott. Det fanns sju gånger högre tätheter av knott längs "orörda älvar" jämfört med utbyggda älvar.</p><p>Skillnaden i antal knott mellan älvtyperna var mycket större för knotthanar än för knotthonor, vilket förklaras av att honorna är rörligare eftersom de flyger och letar efter blod. Knott lever av blod från ett flertal däggdjur och fåglar och visar en stor variation i värd-specificitet mellan olika arter. Jag fann en högre frekvens av haemosporida blod parasiter (<i>Leucocytozoon</i>) i fåglar längs "orörda" Vindelälven jämfört med den reglerade Umeälven. Detta mönster stämmer väl överens med tätheten fågelparasiterande knott som är lägre längs Umeälven. Knott attackerade främst värdar som var stora och vanliga. Fågelsamhällets sammansättning skiljde sig mellan orörda och utbyggda älvdalar. Tätheten av icke insektsätande fåglar tenderade att minska, efter häcksäsongen, längs orörda älvar medan den ökade längs utbyggda älvar. Den insektsätande fågeln svartvit flugsnappare (<i>Ficedula hypoleuca Pallas</i>) uppvisade större häckningsframgång längs orörda älvar jämfört med utbyggda älvar. Detta är förmodligen en effekt av den större mängden insekter som finns längs orörda älvar.</p> / <p>The effects of river regulation on blackfly (Diptera: <i>Simuliidae</i>) abundances and consequences for the avifauna in terrestrial environments were studied along multiple rivers in northern Sweden. I found that impoundment of rivers has detrimental effect to blackfly abundances. The densities of large-river breeding blackfly species were several-fold higher along free-flowing than along regulated rivers. The difference in abundances was much larger in males than blood-seeking females. Blackflies attacked a variety of mammalian and avian hosts and showed different levels of host-specificity between species. I found higher prevalence of haemosporidian blood parasites (<i>Leucocytozoon</i>) in birds along the free-flowing Vindel River in comparison to the regulated Ume River, where the lower densities of ornithophilic blackflies were reduced. Blood-seeking blackflies predominantly attacked large and/abundant hosts.</p><p>Assemblages of birds differed between valleys of regulated and free-flowing rivers. Densities of noninsectivorous birds tended to decrease along free-flowing rivers in the post-breeding season, but increased along regulated rivers at the same time. Insectivorous European pied flycatcher (<i>Ficedula hypoleuca Pallas</i>) showed greater fledging success along free-flowing than regulated rivers, which probably reflects the higher insect abundances found along freeflowing rivers.</p>
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Indirect effects of river regulation : consequences for landbirds of reduced numbers of aquatic insectsStrasevicius, Darius January 2007 (has links)
Abstrakt: Jag har undersökt hur älvreglering påverkar mängden knott (Tvåvingar: Simuliidae) längs flera norrlandsälvar och vilka konsekvenser denna påverkan får för den landlevande fågelfaunan. Studien visar att utbyggnad av älvar har en negativ effekt på mängden knott. Det fanns sju gånger högre tätheter av knott längs "orörda älvar" jämfört med utbyggda älvar. Skillnaden i antal knott mellan älvtyperna var mycket större för knotthanar än för knotthonor, vilket förklaras av att honorna är rörligare eftersom de flyger och letar efter blod. Knott lever av blod från ett flertal däggdjur och fåglar och visar en stor variation i värd-specificitet mellan olika arter. Jag fann en högre frekvens av haemosporida blod parasiter (Leucocytozoon) i fåglar längs "orörda" Vindelälven jämfört med den reglerade Umeälven. Detta mönster stämmer väl överens med tätheten fågelparasiterande knott som är lägre längs Umeälven. Knott attackerade främst värdar som var stora och vanliga. Fågelsamhällets sammansättning skiljde sig mellan orörda och utbyggda älvdalar. Tätheten av icke insektsätande fåglar tenderade att minska, efter häcksäsongen, längs orörda älvar medan den ökade längs utbyggda älvar. Den insektsätande fågeln svartvit flugsnappare (Ficedula hypoleuca Pallas) uppvisade större häckningsframgång längs orörda älvar jämfört med utbyggda älvar. Detta är förmodligen en effekt av den större mängden insekter som finns längs orörda älvar. / The effects of river regulation on blackfly (Diptera: Simuliidae) abundances and consequences for the avifauna in terrestrial environments were studied along multiple rivers in northern Sweden. I found that impoundment of rivers has detrimental effect to blackfly abundances. The densities of large-river breeding blackfly species were several-fold higher along free-flowing than along regulated rivers. The difference in abundances was much larger in males than blood-seeking females. Blackflies attacked a variety of mammalian and avian hosts and showed different levels of host-specificity between species. I found higher prevalence of haemosporidian blood parasites (Leucocytozoon) in birds along the free-flowing Vindel River in comparison to the regulated Ume River, where the lower densities of ornithophilic blackflies were reduced. Blood-seeking blackflies predominantly attacked large and/abundant hosts. Assemblages of birds differed between valleys of regulated and free-flowing rivers. Densities of noninsectivorous birds tended to decrease along free-flowing rivers in the post-breeding season, but increased along regulated rivers at the same time. Insectivorous European pied flycatcher (Ficedula hypoleuca Pallas) showed greater fledging success along free-flowing than regulated rivers, which probably reflects the higher insect abundances found along freeflowing rivers.
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