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ADAPT-An environmentally sustainable and affordable building systemTengzelius, Benjamin January 2023 (has links)
We are living at a tipping point of human civilisation. Our impact on the climate has become undeniable and if we don’t want a drastically different way life, we must adapt. The building sector is responsible for around 19% of the total CO2 emissions and 30% of the energy use in Sweden. To lower that amount, we need to build smarter. To design a sustainable building, we need a holistic approach that consider several factors. This thesis discusses the concept of sustainability and the sustainability factors that influence the design of a building. By using a range of certification systems, such as EU level(s) and Miljöbyggnad 4.0 we can evaluate the design in an early stage to avoid neglecting any vital aspects of sustainability. Furthermore, the concept of adaptability as a source of sustainability is explored, and a design for a modular house that is both sustainable and affordable is proposed.
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Propuesta de actividades para la preparación de los exámenes estatales de espaňol en Reino Unido. / Teaching methods of Spanish as a second language in Great BritainSERRANO SERRANO, Sergio January 2017 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to analyse the methodology of the teaching idioms in UK, especially the teaching of Spanish as a second language. Once the situation of learning Spanish is described, some exercises will be presented owing to the fact that they follow the communicative method, and the English system of education. In these activities, the four skills are important, but the oral expression is going to be more practised, due to the fact that it is very complicated for the students, due to the difficulty for English speakers. In these activities, the public exams are going to be into account, since the students must pass them in the different levels. The content presented in those exams is the one that appear in this thesis. To conclude, some advises are presented for preparing this exercises, based on my own experience as a Spanish Assistant that I had in the year 2014-2015.
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En studie om hållbart boende, innovativa lösningar och miljöcertifieringar. / A study of sustainable housing, innovative solutionsand environmental certifications.Sebastian, Siljö, Sandra, Winberg January 2021 (has links)
Boverket höjer kraven på hållbart byggande och från och med 2022 finns det krav på att varje byggnad med bygglov ska upprätta en klimatdeklaration. Studien har undersökt den bakomliggande kunskapen kring att bo hållbart. De som säger sig bo och leva hållbart, hur medvetna är de kring de val de gör och hur dessa påverkar miljön? EU-kommissionen har ett ramverk och det finns flertalet certifieringar som talar om hur miljövänligt ett boende är, dels att leva i och dels att bygga boendet. En kvalitativ metod har valts och genom intervjuer med personer som har gedigen kunskap och utbildning om hållbart boende och byggande kombinerat med personer utan utbildning och ett starkt egenintresse vill vi ta reda på hur de använder sig av dessa certifieringar eller andra lösningar för att uppnå ett miljövänligt boende. Våra respondenter var eniga och ifrågasatte dessa certifieringar till vår förvåning. De var övertygade om att det går att göra mer, och bättre, för miljön genom att pressa gränserna och inte nöja sig med en certifiering- när det går att göra mer. De visade på luckor i processen till certifiering som från utsidan ser bra ut men faktiskt inte är det mest optimala för miljön. Våra respondenters kunskap är beundransvärd och medvetenheten kring varje val i byggprocessen är imponerande. Det är slående hur stor kunskap de besitter, kunskap som bör spridas och utnyttjas. Små val i byggprocessen och i det dagliga livet gör stor skillnad för vår miljö. Men för den som inte besitter eller, vet var kunskapen ska inhämtas kan det kännas som en stor process. Resultatet i denna studie är något som förhoppningsvis ska kunna berika och vara en intressant läsning för alla, från den som precis börjat fundera på att källsortera till personen som lever självförsörjande off-grid.
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Investigating the barriers to increase Levels of Automation. : A case study in pre-assembly of tap changer assembly line.MEHTA, ADVAIT, Subramanian, Mahalingam January 2019 (has links)
The overarching goal of this thesis is to investigate and explore the barriers that a company would face while increasing the Levels of Automation (LoA), in the preassembly production unit. To achieve the primary goal of investigating the barriers this study takes a threefold approach. Firstly, the current LoA was measured for the preassembly workstations. This measurement was conducted by incorporating an existing methodology adapted from the literature review known as DYNAMO++ methodology. This method is incorporated such that, the current LoA of the preassembly workstations could be measured and analysed. The current LoA of the preassembly workstations are analysed to investigate the potential workstations where LoA could be increased, in line with the company’s triggers for implementing automation. For this, experiences of the personnel’s belonging to the operational level of preassembly workstations were incorporated, to find the scope of improvements for increasing the LoA. Additionally, the company’s triggers for implementing automation was investigated from the managerial level. The research questions were answered by adapting an explorative, single case study method. Additionally, four types of data collection techniques were used, such as – interviews, focus groups, observations, and document analysis. Subsequently, source triangulation was adapted to analyse the data collected; to develop a comprehensive understanding of the barriers identified., Finally, the barriers faced by the company to increase LoA are identified by considering the implications that the improvement opportunities would impose upon the production systems environment. The identified barriers were then categorised further based on factors that exist internal as well as external to the production systems environment. The barriers identified in this study highlights various factors that the management must consider beforehand while initiating automation decisions in future automation projects in the preassembly area. Regardless of the barriers faced by the company, there are more opportunities to improve manufacturing processes through automation technologies. This thesis contributes to the knowledge of the factors that restrain the implementation of automation technologies and how companies could deal with it.
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