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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Afghánistán jako izolátor regionálních komplexů? Sektorová analýza afghánské bezpečnosti / Afghanistan as an insulator of regional complexes? Sectoral analysis of Afghan security

Haringová, Ingrida January 2017 (has links)
The goal of master thesis Afghanistan as an insulator of regional complexes? Sectoral analysis of Afghan security was to analyze security of Afghanistan based on sectors and from the viewpoint of Regional security complex theory developed by Barry Buzan and Ole Wæver. The purpose of the thesis was to review categorization of Afghanistan as an insulator and identify factors which undermine his status as such. Afghanistan's location is very much unique because it lies among three different regional security complexes - Central Asia, The Middle East, and South Asia. The analysis was conducted through combination of a) discourse analysis of statements and speeches of president Ashraf Ghani and CEO Abdullah Abdullah (2014 - ) and added with information from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and b) material relations in regions, such as trade routes, military aid etc. and c) history. Analysis is based on military, political, and economic sectors. The discursive analysis pays attention to the perception of Afghanistan on itself with focus on institutional discourse and broader debate in the English-speaking afghan media.

Variace na čtení s porozuměním na úrovni B1 ve třech vybraných učebnicích češtiny pro cizince / The differences of reading comprehension at level B1 in three Czech textbooks for foreigners

Doležalová, Dominika January 2021 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the speech skills of reading comprehension and comparison of its implementation in selected textbooks of Czech as a foreign language at the B1 level. The analysis focuses on comparing how reading comprehension is approached in individual textbook materials - whether separate sections are set aside for this skill or not, whether reading texts are appropriate in terms of content and language of the level B1, and whether they are included in the reading texts activities before, during and after reading the text, or what form they have and what type of reading they focus on. The aim of the diploma thesis is also to find out whether the preferences of practicing only one of the types of reading do not prevail in selected textbooks, or whether the focus on practicing different types of reading according to SERR is balanced.

Computational study of cancer

Gundem, Gunes 29 September 2011 (has links)
In my thesis, I focused on integrative analysis of high-throughput oncogenomic data. This was done in two parts: In the first part, I describe IntOGen, an integrative data mining tool for the study of cancer. This system collates, annotates, pre-processes and analyzes large-scale data for transcriptomic, copy number aberration and mutational profiling of a large number of tumors in multiple cancer types. All oncogenomic data is annotated with ICD-O terms. We perform analysis at different levels of complexity: at the level of genes, at the level of modules, at the level of studies and finally combination of studies. The results are publicly available in a web service. I also present the Biomart interface of IntOGen for bulk download of data. In the final part, I propose a methodology based on sample-level enrichment analysis to identify patient subgroups from high-throughput profiling of tumors. I also apply this approach to a specific biological problem and characterize properties of worse prognosis tumor in multiple cancer types. This methodology can be used in the translational version of IntOGen.

Rozpad Československa a Jugoslávie - Komparativní případová studie / The Dissolution of Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia - A Comparative Case Study

Kaplan, Petr January 2011 (has links)
The thesis compares two different modes of state disintegration of post-communist federations. Yugoslavia is an example of a violent breakup, Czechoslovakia stands for a peaceful way, how to split a state. Using the Level of Analysis concept the study looks for differences at five levels focusing mainly on the change caused by the process of democratic transition in both states that removed the old regime and brought a competitive atmosphere among the old and new elites representing various ethnic groups. The outcome of the analysis is that the role of the army, the length of the liberalization process and the different historical experience are factors that matter most.

La diversité culturelle entre discours et pratique : une analyse multi-niveaux

Ben Rhouma, Leyla 12 1900 (has links)
Située dans le discours actuel à la mode sur la diversité culturelle, l’objet de cette thèse consiste à comprendre l’orientation pratique d’une organisation internationale en matière de gestion de sa diversité culturelle interne. Il propose que, face aux changements qui ont modifié la configuration sociodémographique de la sphère organisationnelle, il serait intéressant de partir d’une organisation pour laquelle la diversité est une tradition tributaire de son fonctionnement. L’organisation sujet d’étude est internationale, affiliée à l’Unesco. Cette dernière étant reconnue pour son mandat qui valorise et protège les cultures. L’ancrage épistémologique de la thèse est bi-disciplinaire. Il considère deux champs théoriques sur lesquels se construit la diversité culturelle. Le premier est forgé dans les théories de management dites « occidentales » sur la diversité. Le deuxième champ, s’établit sur une approche dynamique de la culture apportée par les « Cross-Cultural Studies ». La méthodologie que nous avons mobilisée pour cette recherche est principalement qualitative. Elle est également diverse puisqu’elle veut identifier trois niveaux d’analyses. D’abord, l’étude historique réalisée se fonde sur l’analyse d’articles choisis tirés des archives de l’« organisation mère » (Unesco). Elle se veut être une étude exhaustive qui révèle l’évolution du discours « global » de cette organisation sur la diversité culturelle depuis sa création. Ensuite, afin de mieux comprendre le discours interne de l’Organisation sur la diversité culturelle, une analyse du contenu d’un « halo » de ses politiques internes a lieu. Elle nous permet de comprendre la valeur que prend la diversité culturelle dans son discours « organisationnel » dans la période de temps que nous traitons. Enfin, les histoires « individuelles » des acteurs de la diversité culturelle, apportent une description riche et, complètent l’analyse avec leurs interprétions des pratiques de gestions mises en place à leur égard. Des éléments de recherche sous adjacentes sont aussi amenés dans la thèse et font également partie du processus de l’analyse de la pratique de la diversité culturelle dans l’Organisation. En effet, la thèse se penche sur le problème conceptuel sur la « diversité culturelle ». Elle apporte des éclaircissements à la terminologie à travers l’analyse de ses différents emplois dans la littérature organisationnelle. Par ailleurs, elle clarifie la notion d’organisation internationale et propose une description du contexte unesquien défini par sa diversité culturelle interne. L’ensemble des niveaux examinés a permis de mettre en évidence une double constatation. D’une part, le paradoxe entre les trois niveaux. D’autre part, la neutralité des pratiques de gestion de la diversité culturelle pour les employés et la demande implicite de reconnaissance de leurs identités culturelles. Des recommandations sont proposées et des suggestions pour de recherches ultérieures sont formulées à la conclusion de la thèse. / The thesis is developed in the current “in vogue” speech on cultural diversity. The main objective of our purpose consists in understanding the orientation of an international organization regarding the management of its cultural diversity. We think that, according to the change that modifies the socio-demographic configurations of the organizational context, it would be interesting to study an organization for which diversity is a tradition of its functioning. Our subject of study is an international organization affiliated to Unesco. The latter is recognized for its position, which values and protects the cultures. The field of knowledge is bi-disciplinary. The first one is forged in the theories of management on diversity. The second field comes from “Cross-Cultural Studies”. The methodological approach is also diversified in order to identify three levels of analysis of the cultural diversity in the Organisation. First, we have realized a historic study, based on the analysis of chosen articles from Unesco’s archives. It aims to reveal the evolution of the global discourse on cultural diversity, since its creation. Then, to better understand the internal organisational discourse about its cultural diversity, an analysis of the content of a “halo” of the internal policies takes place. This analysis allows us to understand the value of cultural diversity in a particular period. Finally, the stories of the actors of cultural diversity bring a rich description and complete the analysis with the interpretation of these actors of the management of the cultural diversity in the Organization. Additional elements of search are brought in the thesis and they are a part of the process of the analysis of the global orientation of the Organisation on the cultural diversity. We bring clarifications to the terminology of cultural diversity though an analysis of its use on the organisational literature. Besides, the thesis clarifies the notion of international organisation and proposes a description of the unesquian context defined by its internal cultural diversity. All the examined levels allowed highlighting a double observation. On one hand the paradox between the three levels; Global-organisational-individual. On the other hand, the neutrality of the practices of management of the cultural diversity and the request of recognition of the cultural identities, implicitly formulated by them. In conclusion, we provide the contributions and limitations of the thesis and we propose research possibilities.

Determining Appropriate Sample Sizes and Their Effects on Key Parameters in Longitudinal Three-Level Models

January 2016 (has links)
abstract: Through a two study simulation design with different design conditions (sample size at level 1 (L1) was set to 3, level 2 (L2) sample size ranged from 10 to 75, level 3 (L3) sample size ranged from 30 to 150, intraclass correlation (ICC) ranging from 0.10 to 0.50, model complexity ranging from one predictor to three predictors), this study intends to provide general guidelines about adequate sample sizes at three levels under varying ICC conditions for a viable three level HLM analysis (e.g., reasonably unbiased and accurate parameter estimates). In this study, the data generating parameters for the were obtained using a large-scale longitudinal data set from North Carolina, provided by the National Center on Assessment and Accountability for Special Education (NCAASE). I discuss ranges of sample sizes that are inadequate or adequate for convergence, absolute bias, relative bias, root mean squared error (RMSE), and coverage of individual parameter estimates. The current study, with the help of a detailed two-part simulation design for various sample sizes, model complexity and ICCs, provides various options of adequate sample sizes under different conditions. This study emphasizes that adequate sample sizes at either L1, L2, and L3 can be adjusted according to different interests in parameter estimates, different ranges of acceptable absolute bias, relative bias, root mean squared error, and coverage. Under different model complexity and varying ICC conditions, this study aims to help researchers identify L1, L2, and L3 sample size or both as the source of variation in absolute bias, relative bias, RMSE, or coverage proportions for a certain parameter estimate. This assists researchers in making better decisions for selecting adequate sample sizes in a three-level HLM analysis. A limitation of the study was the use of only a single distribution for the dependent and explanatory variables, different types of distributions and their effects might result in different sample size recommendations. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Educational Psychology 2016

Optimální plnění drážky s ohledem na použitou izolaci motoru a pracovního zatížení / Optimal fill factor of slot with respect of used insulation of motor and duty

Samek, Josef January 2016 (has links)
Only in English.

委內瑞拉查維茲政權能源政策之研究- 由分析層次探討 / The study of the energy policy of Venezuela’s Chávez Regime- Examined from level of analysis

高晨峰 Unknown Date (has links)
委內瑞拉為世界第五大的石油輸出國,且同為石油輸出國家組織的創始會員國之一。石油是委內瑞拉最為重要的產業與經濟活動,而委內瑞拉因石油而富,亦因石油而貧,委內瑞拉所依賴的石油一直以來猶如兩面刃般深刻的影響委內瑞拉的政治、經濟與社會。   1992年政變失敗的陸軍中校查維茲打著激烈改革的口號,於1998年贏得委內瑞拉總統大選,終結支配委內瑞拉政治長達50年的「協定民主」,為委內瑞拉的歷史打開了新的一頁。對於查維茲而言,委內瑞拉的石油不但是國家主權獨立的象徵,同時亦應用於國際政治中重要的地緣政治武器。因此,查維茲上台後,便積極展開石油改革計畫,強化對國內石油產業的控制權,重整委內瑞拉國營石油公司,並利用石油收入進行社會發展計畫。此外,配合近年來國際油價的高漲,查維茲在區域與國際政治舞台上,運用委內瑞拉豐富的石油蘊藏與龐大的石油收入,進行合縱連橫,攏絡盟友並且試圖削弱美國的影響力。   本研究採用K. J. Holsti所提出的個人、國家、體系與全球四個分析層次作為主要分析架構,以求對於查維茲政權能源政策做出全面性的探討。此論文假設查維茲政權能源政策的發展,決策者為核心因素,藉由在個人層次上,透過決策者個人研究,以求對查維茲個人政治理念有通盤的了解,並探討如何影響委內瑞拉能源政策之發展。再者,選取在國內、體系中對委內瑞拉能源政策影響較深的因素,解釋查維茲政權在這些因素影響下,產生何種政策輸出?最後,探討近年來全球能源環境的變遷與重要的發展趨勢,作為影響查維茲政權能源政策的重要中介因素,解釋全球能源環境的變化與發展對查維茲能源政策有何影響? / Venezuela is the fifth-largest oil exporter in the world, also, one of the funding members of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries. In Venezuela, most industries and economic activities are dominated by Petroleum sector, a “double edged sword” which brings both positive and negative effects, and deeply influences the political, economic and social conditions in Venezuela. In 1998, the former lieutenant colonel, Hugo Chávez, who had organized an unsuccessful coup in 1992, seized the power as president in the election with the claim of “radical reformation”. The result in 1998 presidential election terminated the nearly fifty-year long “pacted democracy” and create a unprecendented prospect on Venezuela’s history. To Chávez, the oil is not only the symbol of independence of national sovereignty, but also a useful geopolitical weapon in the field of international politics. Therefore, Chávez began his oil reformation: strengthen the state control to the oil industry, reorganize the national oil company, Petroleos de Venezuela, SA, PDVSA, and use the income to facilitate the social policy. Moreover, due to the reason of oil price surging in recent years, the abundant oil reserve and its’ enormous output value enable Chavez to expand his power base and also to put his intention of striking the influence of United State in both regional and international stage to practice. This study adopts K. J. Holsti’s four levels of analysis – individual, state, system and global, as the analytic framework to this research. In this study, the individual level is assumed as the core factor of the energy policy development under the Chávez regime. Chavez’s political ideas and how it influences Venezuela’s energy policy would be examined through the study of his leadership. Furthermore, taking important factors influencing energy policy in both domestic and international level into account, what policies output related to the above factors had Chavez made? Last but not the least, a discussion of global energy environment change in recent years would be made for explaining how it acts as the intermediary factors which influence the energy policy of Chávez regime.

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