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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Sudeep Reddy Angamgari (20431028) 16 December 2024 (has links)
<p dir="ltr">Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) are increasingly applied in agricultural tasks such as crop monitoring, especially with AI-driven enhancements significantly increasing their autonomy and ability to execute complex operations without human interventions. However, existing UAV systems lack efficiency, intuitive user interfaces using natural language processing for command input, and robust security which is essential for real-time operations in dynamic environments. In this paper, we propose a novel solution to create a secure, efficient, and user-friendly interface for UAV control by integrating Large Language Model (LLM) with the case study on agricultural environment. In particular, we designed a four-stage approach that allows only authorized user to issue voice commands to the UAV. The command is issued to the LLM controller processed by LLM using API and generates UAV control code. Additionally, we focus on optimizing UAV battery life and enhancing scene interpretation of the environment. We evaluate our approach using AirSim and an agricultural setting built in Unreal Engine, testing under various conditions, including variable weather and wind factors. Our experimental results confirm our method's effectiveness, demonstrating improved operational efficiency and adaptability in diverse agricultural scenarios.</p>

Flood Simulation in the Colombian Andean Region Using UAV-based LiDAR : Minor Field Study in Colombia

Höglund, Simon, Rodin, Linus January 2023 (has links)
Flooding is a worldwide problem that every year causes substantial damage for the environment and stakeholders nearby, and this impact relates to several of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Colombia is specially prone to flooding as 17% of its surface area is at risk of extreme flooding. In addition, there is something called a POT (plan de ordenamiento territorial) for every municipality in Colombia, which states how the territory should be managed. For this project the rivers were of particular interest, and the POT states that no temporary or permanent constructions are allowed within 30 meters on either side of a river. The purpose of this report was to investigate and analyze the possibilities of using UAV (unmanned aerial vehicle) -based photogrammetry and UAV-based LiDAR (light detection and ranging) technology to gather sufficient data for a model that could simulate different flooding scenarios in the examined area. Data from the UAV-based photogrammetry resulted in a complete visual overview of the examined area. The data gathered from the UAV-based light detection and ranging resulted in an accurate point cloud that could be processed into a DTM (digital terrain model) where three different flooding scenarios were simulated. The simulations and the visual model showed that majority of people in theexamined area were disobeying the POT and the 30 meter rule, therefore being in risk of flooding and impacting the natural diversity of the body of water. The simulation also showed that stakeholders close to the body of water were affected for each of the three different water level scenarios. In some cases, it was only vegetation and crops that got affected by the flooding scenario, while in other cases entire structures and buildings were damaged due to the increase of water level. To complement the flooding scenarios, interviews were conducted with people that have good knowledge of the area and of ecology, resulting in a stakeholder analysis. This provided an additional depth to the analysis and showed the complexity in the management of flooding in the area.

Monitorización de cambios en la lámina libre de agua en humedales mediante teledetección

Pena Regueiro, Jesús 07 September 2023 (has links)
Tesis por compendio / [ES] Los humedales son uno de los ecosistemas que reciben mayor atención por parte de la comunidad científica. Su importancia se puede explicar teniendo en cuenta que ayudan a mitigar los efectos de inundaciones, pueden actuar como filtros de agua y constituyen hábitats de valiosas especies de fauna y flora. En los últimos años este tipo de ambientes están cada vez más amenazados como consecuencia de la contaminación, alteraciones de los niveles de agua asociadas a los efectos del cambio climático y usos antrópicos, introducción de especies invasoras y los efectos negativos de algunos cambios de usos del suelo y determinadas prácticas asociados a ellos (agrícolas, pastoreo y urbanización). Para analizar estos ecosistemas, la teledetección se presenta como una herramienta con alto potencial que permite identificar, evaluar y monitorizar estos espacios. En esta tesis se utilizaron imágenes Sentinel-2A/B, Landsat-5 TM y Landsat-8 OLI para extraer láminas de agua libre en dos entornos: humedales mediterráneos costeros (Prat Cabanes-Torreblanca, Marjal de Sagunto, Marjal de La Safor y Marjal Pego-Oliva) y el humedal de llanura aluvial situado en el centro de España las Tablas de Daimiel. Para ello, se realizó un análisis de siete índices de agua (NDWI, mNDWI, Cedex, Re-NDWI, Awei(sh), AWEI (nsh) y B_Blue) y de umbrales para obtener la cartografía de las masas de agua libre en estos espacios. El objetivo principal es definir el índice y el umbral que permitan un uso más amplio de la metodología para su aplicación en otras zonas húmedas. También se utilizó información LiDAR (Laser Imaging Detection and Ranging) en el humedal de La Safor para analizar los efectos de la superficie inundada en diferentes usos del suelo. La evaluación de los resultados se realizó a partir de la validación con un conjunto de muestras obtenidas a partir de imágenes de elevada resolución espacial. Se calcularon la fiabilidad global y el índice kappa en los humedales analizados para distintas fechas y sensores. En el caso de los humedales costeros, el índice de agua NDWI con un umbral de ¿0,30 proporcionó los resultados con mayor precisión obteniendo un valor promedio de 0,89 en fiabilidad global. En el caso del humedal de las Tablas de Daimiel, se seleccionaron el índice MNDWI y umbral ¿0,15 para imágenes Landsat-5 (fiabilidad global 0,88), el índice MNDWI y umbral ¿0,25 para imágenes Landsat-8 (fiabilidad global 0,99) y el índice NDWI y umbral ¿0,20 (fiabilidad global 0,99) en el caso de imágenes Sentinel-2A/B. En el humedal de las Tablas de Daimiel se realizó un análisis temporal desde el año 2000 al 2021 que permitió calcular las anomalías de la superficie de agua, de la precipitación, del nivel piezométrico y del caudal hidrológico. Esta reconstrucción temporal también permitió comparar los resultados derivados a partir de las imágenes Sentinel-2A/B y de las imágenes Landsat 8. Se realizó un análisis de correlación entre los índices de anomalías calculados, que revela una correlación no significativa entre las anomalías precipitación y de superficie de agua. Mientras que el índice de anomalías de superficie de agua si presentó una correlación estadísticamente significativa con los índices de anomalía de caudal y de niveles piezométricos. En cuanto al análisis comparativo entre las imágenes Landsat-8 y Sentinel-2 se obtuvo una relación lineal entre la superficie de agua estimada por ambos sensores con un valor de R2 = 0,87. No obstante, la mayor resolución espacial de Sentinel-2 permite detectar masas de agua más pequeñas contribuyendo a un mejor análisis de los patrones de variabilidad en el área de estudio. La información derivada de esta tesis presenta una aplicabilidad de interés medioambiental para el seguimiento del estado de los humedales ayudando a adaptar planes de gestión que conduzcan a un estado de conservación adecuado. / [CA] Els aiguamolls són un dels ecosistemes que reben major atenció per part de la comunitat científica. La seua importància es pot explicar tenint en compte que ajuden a mitigar els efectes d'inundacions, poden actuar com a filtres d'aigua i constitueixen hàbitats de valuoses espècies de fauna i flora. En els últims anys aquest tipus d'ambients estan cada vegada més amenaçats a conseqüència de la contaminació, alteracions dels nivells d'aigua associades a l'efecte del canvi climàtic i usos antròpics, introducció d'espècies invasores i els efectes negatius d'alguns canvis d'usos del sòl i determinades pràctiques associades a ells (agrícoles, pasturatge i urbanització). Per a analitzar aquests ecosistemes, la teledetecció es presenta com una eina amb alt potencial que permet identificar, avaluar i monitorar aquests espais. En aquesta tesi es van utilitzar imatges Sentinel-2A/B, Landsat-5 TM i Landsat-8 OLI per a extraure làmines d'aigua lliure en dos entorns: aiguamolls mediterranis costaners (Prat Cabanes-Torreblanca, Marjal de Sagunt, Marjal de La Safor i Marjal Pego-Oliva) i l'aiguamoll de plana al·luvial situat en el centre d'Espanya les Taules de Daimiel. Per a això, es va realitzar una anàlisi de set índexs d'aigua (NDWI, mNDWI, Cedex, Re-NDWI, Awei (sh), AWEI (nsh) i B_Blue) i de llindars per a obtindre la cartografia de les masses d'aigua lliure en aquests espais. L'objectiu principal és definir l'índex i el llindar que permeten un ús més ampli de la metodologia per a la seua aplicació en altres zones humides. També es va utilitzar informació LiDAR (Laser Imaging Detection and Ranging) en l'aiguamoll de La Safor per a analitzar els efectes de la superfície inundada en diferents usos del sòl. L'avaluació dels resultats es va realitzar a partir de la validació amb un conjunt de mostres obtingudes a partir d'imatges d'elevada resolució espacial. Es van calcular la fiabilitat global i l'índex kappa en els aiguamolls analitzats per a diferents dates i sensors. En el cas dels aiguamolls costaners, l'índex d'aigua NDWI amb un llindar de ¿0,30 va proporcionar els resultats amb major precisió obtenint un valor mitjà de 0,89 en fiabilitat global. En el cas de l'aiguamoll de les Taules de Daimiel, es van seleccionar l'índex MNDWI i llindar ¿0,15 per a imatges Landsat-5 (fiabilitat global 0,88), l'índex MNDWI i llindar ¿0,25 per a imatges Landsat-8 (fiabilitat global 0,99) i l'índex NDWI i llindar ¿0,20 (fiabilitat global 0,99) en el cas d'imatges Sentinel-2A/B. En l'aiguamoll de les Taules de Daimiel es va realitzar una anàlisi temporal des de l'any 2000 al 2021 que va permetre calcular les anomalies de la superfície d'aigua, de la precipitació, del nivell piezomètric i del cabal hidrològic. Aquesta reconstrucció temporal també va permetre comparar els resultats derivats a partir de les imatges Sentinel-2A/B i de les imatges Landsat 8. Es va realitzar una anàlisi de correlació entre els índexs d'anomalies calculats, que revela una correlació no significativa entre les anomalies precipitació i de superfície d'aigua. Mentre que l'índex d'anomalies de superfície d'aigua si va presentar una correlació estadísticament significativa amb els índexs d'anomalia de cabal i de nivells piezomètrics. Quant a l'anàlisi comparativa entre les imatges Landsat-8 i Sentinel-2 es va obtindre una relació lineal entre la superfície d'aigua estimada per tots dos sensors amb un valor de R2 = 0,87. No obstant això, la major resolució espacial de Sentinel-2 permet detectar masses d'aigua de menor grandària contribuint a una millor anàlisi dels patrons de variabilitat en l'àrea d'estudi. La informació derivada d'aquesta tesi presenta una aplicabilitat d'interés mediambiental per al seguiment de l'estat dels aiguamolls ajudant a adaptar plans de gestió que condueixen a un estat de conservació adequat. / [EN] Wetlands are one of the ecosystems that receive the most attention from the scientific community. Their importance can be explained by the fact that they help mitigate the effects of flooding, can act as water filters, and provide habitats for valuable species of fauna and flora. In recent years, these types of environments are increasingly threatened as a result of pollution, alterations in water levels associated with the effects of climate change and anthropic uses, the introduction of invasive species and the negative effects of some changes in land use and certain practices associated with them (agriculture, grazing and urbanization). To analyze these ecosystems, remote sensing is presented as a tool with high potential to identify, evaluate and monitor these areas. In this thesis, Sentinel-2A/B, Landsat-5 TM and Landsat-8 OLI images were used to extract free water bodies in two environments: coastal Mediterranean wetlands (Prat Cabanes-Torreblanca, Marjal de Sagunto, Marjal de La Safor and Marjal Pego-Oliva) and the alluvial plain wetland located in the center of Spain, the Tablas de Daimiel. For this purpose, an analysis of seven water indices (NDWI, mNDWI, Cedex, Re-NDWI, Awei (sh), AWEI (nsh) and B_Blue) and thresholds were carried out to obtain the mapping of free water bodies in these areas. The main objective is to define the index and threshold that allow a wider use of the methodology for its application in other wetlands. LiDAR (Laser Imaging Detection and Ranging) information was also used in La Safor wetland to analyze the effects of the flooded surface on different land uses. The evaluation of the results was carried out based on the validation with a set of samples obtained from high spatial resolution images. The overall accuracy and the kappa index were calculated for the wetlands analyzed for different dates and sensors. In the case of the coastal wetlands, the NDWI water index with a threshold of ¿0.30 provided the most accurate results with an average value of 0.89 in global accuracy. In the case of Las Tablas de Daimiel wetland, the MNDWI index and threshold ¿0.15 were selected for Landsat-5 images (overall accuracy 0.88), the MNDWI index and threshold ¿0.25 for Landsat-8 images (overall accuracy 0.99) and the NDWI index and threshold ¿0.20 (overall accuracy 0.99) in the case of Sentinel-2A/B images. In Las Tablas de Daimiel wetland, a temporal analysis was carried out from 2000 to 2021 to calculate the anomalies of the water surface, precipitation, piezometric level and hydrological flow. This temporal reconstruction also made it possible to compare the results derived from Sentinel-2A/B images and Landsat 8 images. A correlation analysis was performed between the calculated anomaly indices, which revealed a non-significant correlation between the precipitation and water surface anomalies. However, the water surface anomaly index did show a statistically significant correlation with the flow anomaly and piezometric level indexes. As for the comparative analysis between Landsat-8 and Sentinel-2 images, a linear relationship was obtained between the water surface estimated by both sensors with a value of R2 = 0.87. However, the higher spatial resolution of Sentinel-2 allows the detection of smaller water masses contributing to a better analysis of the variability patterns in the study area. The information derived from this thesis presents an application of environmental interest for monitoring the state of wetlands helping to adapt management plans that lead to an adequate conservation status. / Pena Regueiro, J. (2023). Monitorización de cambios en la lámina libre de agua en humedales mediante teledetección [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/196109 / Compendio

Spatial technology as a tool to analyse and combat crime

Eloff, Corné 30 November 2006 (has links)
This study explores the utilisation of spatial technologies as a tool to analyse and combat crime. The study deals specifically with remote sensing and its potential for being integrated with geographical information systems (GIS). The integrated spatial approach resulted in the understanding of land use class behaviour over time and its relationship to specific crime incidents per police precinct area. The incorporation of spatial technologies to test criminological theories in practice, such as the ecological theories of criminology, provides the science with strategic value. It proves the value of combining multi-disciplinary scientific fields to create a more advanced platform to understand land use behaviour and its relationship to crime. Crime in South Africa is a serious concern and it impacts negatively on so many lives. The fear of crime, the loss of life, the socio-economic impact of crime, etc. create the impression that the battle against crime has been lost. The limited knowledge base within the law enforcement agencies, limited logistical resources and low retention rate of critical staff all contribute to making the reduction of crime more difficult to achieve. A practical procedure of using remote sensing technology integrated with geographical information systems (GIS), overlaid with geo-coded crime data to provide a spatial technological basis to analyse and combat crime, is illustrated by a practical study of the Tshwane municipality area. The methodology applied in this study required multi-skilled resources incorporating GIS and the understanding of crime to integrate the diverse scientific fields into a consolidated process that can contribute to the combating of crime in general. The existence of informal settlement areas in South Africa stresses the socio-economic problems that need to be addressed as there is a clear correlation of land use data with serious crime incidents in these areas. The fact that no formal cadastre exists for these areas, combined with a great diversity in densification and growth of the periphery, makes analysis very difficult without remote sensing imagery. Revisits over time to assess changes in these areas in order to adapt policing strategies will create an improved information layer for responding to crime. Final computerised maps generated from remote sensing and GIS layers are not the only information that can be used to prevent and combat crime. An important recipe for ultimately successfully managing and controlling crime in South Africa is to strategically combine training of the law enforcement agencies in the use of spatial information with police science. The researcher concludes with the hope that this study will contribute to the improved utilisation of spatial technology to analyse and combat crime in South Africa. The ultimate vision is the expansion of the science of criminology by adding an advanced spatial technology module to its curriculum. / Criminology / D.Litt. et Phil. (Criminology)

Spatial technology as a tool to analyse and combat crime

Eloff, Corné 30 November 2006 (has links)
This study explores the utilisation of spatial technologies as a tool to analyse and combat crime. The study deals specifically with remote sensing and its potential for being integrated with geographical information systems (GIS). The integrated spatial approach resulted in the understanding of land use class behaviour over time and its relationship to specific crime incidents per police precinct area. The incorporation of spatial technologies to test criminological theories in practice, such as the ecological theories of criminology, provides the science with strategic value. It proves the value of combining multi-disciplinary scientific fields to create a more advanced platform to understand land use behaviour and its relationship to crime. Crime in South Africa is a serious concern and it impacts negatively on so many lives. The fear of crime, the loss of life, the socio-economic impact of crime, etc. create the impression that the battle against crime has been lost. The limited knowledge base within the law enforcement agencies, limited logistical resources and low retention rate of critical staff all contribute to making the reduction of crime more difficult to achieve. A practical procedure of using remote sensing technology integrated with geographical information systems (GIS), overlaid with geo-coded crime data to provide a spatial technological basis to analyse and combat crime, is illustrated by a practical study of the Tshwane municipality area. The methodology applied in this study required multi-skilled resources incorporating GIS and the understanding of crime to integrate the diverse scientific fields into a consolidated process that can contribute to the combating of crime in general. The existence of informal settlement areas in South Africa stresses the socio-economic problems that need to be addressed as there is a clear correlation of land use data with serious crime incidents in these areas. The fact that no formal cadastre exists for these areas, combined with a great diversity in densification and growth of the periphery, makes analysis very difficult without remote sensing imagery. Revisits over time to assess changes in these areas in order to adapt policing strategies will create an improved information layer for responding to crime. Final computerised maps generated from remote sensing and GIS layers are not the only information that can be used to prevent and combat crime. An important recipe for ultimately successfully managing and controlling crime in South Africa is to strategically combine training of the law enforcement agencies in the use of spatial information with police science. The researcher concludes with the hope that this study will contribute to the improved utilisation of spatial technology to analyse and combat crime in South Africa. The ultimate vision is the expansion of the science of criminology by adding an advanced spatial technology module to its curriculum. / Criminology and Security Science / D.Litt. et Phil. (Criminology)

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