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Volvo VolemSeifert, Moritz January 2018 (has links)
What if the future of transportation was more diverse, more exciting and more responsible? What if Volvo became a true mobility provider with a broader product palette? What if the airship would finally get its great renaissance and what would it look like if Volvo developed it? With these questions in mind, I started my thesis and eventually designed an airship for Volvo. The word Volvo is derived from Latin and means “I roll” which inspired me to pick the name “Volem” which is equally derived from Latin and means “I fly”. The focus of the degree work is transport in tourism and the final concept is a holistic service design for continental round-trips provided by Volvo. It is not just an airship but rather an entirely new way of traveling suited to the needs of future tourism. A journey of this future should be environmentally responsible, experientially enriching, educational and exciting. The key to this future is “Volvo Volem”. “Volvo Volem” has a comfortable main deck, an extraordinary lounge and an observation balcony which provides an unforgettable experience with its views. During the design process, I conducted some research in the field of tourism and in LTA (lighter-than-air) technologies. I used traditional design tools like sketching and 3D-modelling to refine my ideas. To get an impression of the interior I got the opportunity to test the geometry in virtual reality, which turned out to be a very helpful technology with increasingly indispensable characteristics in the design field.
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Quantification of transport demand of hybrid lighter than air in Rwanda through stated preference methodsRwunguko, Jean d'Amour 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)-- Stellenbosch University, 2015. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Today, development of innovative modes of transport is taking place in order to accelerate the economic
growth of transport users as well as reducing the environmental pollution, through an improved
transport system. These new transport modes are associated with advances in modern technologies that
are able to provide solutions to different problems in the transport industry of developing countries.
This research was motivated by the cost reduction and environmental benefits, accruing from the use
of new technology of Hybrid Lighter Than Air (HLTA) transport mode. The intention then, was to
evaluate the modes choice preference of transport users in the case where the HLTA is introduced in
Rwanda. The new mode of HLTA is believed to make a contribution in solving transport challenges
stemming from the fact that Rwanda is a landlocked country. The landlockedness is associated with
lack of access to seaports, remoteness and isolation from major markets. This continues to impede the
development of the country and the problem is exacerbated by the fact that, road transport mode
dominates the transport operations in Rwanda. From an economic point of view, road transport causes
high transport economic costs for both passengers and freight, and increases, to a large extent,
environmental pollution.
In order to achieve the transport users’ modes choice preferences, this study has developed and used an
efficient survey design process of Stated Preference. Drawing from current literature, Stated Preference
is an accurate tool for data collection of studies that relate to choice preferences. This technique made
it possible to design questionnaires by hypothetically creating choice games using three attributes; i.e.
In Vehicle Travel Time, Waiting Time and Travel Cost for available alternative modes of transport.
Thereafter, the collection of data took place by interviewing the transport users of three routes that
accommodate heavy traffic in the study area, Rwanda.
The SPSS version 21 computer programme was used to analyse mode choice preference data and then
for a matter of checking the results, STATA S/E 11.1 was used. Among the results, these computer
programmes reported coefficients of attributes and these were applied in the Binomial logistic
regression mathematical structure in the model building process. The model refinement and validation
processes that followed, have suggested a removal of Waiting Time from the explanatory variables.
This was due to poor performance that Waiting Time has demonstrated in terms of prediction and
significance. Then, magnitudes of utilities of models were determined based on the two remaining
variables. The choice probability value of each alternative on different routes was calculated; and thus
transport demand of each mode was quantified.
According to the results, transport users in Rwanda would prefer and use HLTA in case it starts
operating. For both cargo and passenger transport, HLTA was chosen above other modes set into choice
process, with probabilities of 79.7%, 86.1%, and 58% for HLTA-Passenger on long, medium and short routes respectively and 71%, 56% and 77% for HLTA-Cargo on long, medium and short route
respectively. The passenger transport volume share of HLTA-Passenger projected in the year 2014 was
found to be 6269256 passengers against a total annual passenger traffic demand of 7941752 passengers
on the three routes considered. The annual freight volume of HLTA-Cargo was 10947921 tonnes
against a total of 16935637 tonnes on all the routes considered. These high demand volumes of HLTA
were due to high choice probabilities which in turn, were due to small values of attributes that HLTA
has got compared to those of other modes. It is, therefore, proposed that more research should be
conducted to study the viability of HLTA use in Rwanda. While doing so, such studies should consider
issues of economic viability, environmental benefit research and other studies engaging demand data,
since these data items would be published as the main results of this current work. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die ontwikkeling van innoverende vervoermiddels vind deesdae plaas ten einde die ekonomiese groei
van die gebruikers van vervoer te versnel, asook om maniere te soek om omgewingsbesoedeling te
bekamp deur die verbetering van vervoerstelsels. Hierdie nuwe vervoermiddels word geassosieer met
vooruitgang in moderne tegnologie, wat ten doel het om oplossings te voorsien vir verskeie probleme
in die vervoerindustrie van ontwikkelende lande. Hierdie navorsing is gemotiveer deur
kostevermindering en omgewingsvoordele, wat uit die gebruik van die nuwe tegnologie van Hibriede
Ligter as Lug vervoermiddels (lugskip) voortspruit. Die bedoeling was dan om die keuse van
vervoermiddelvoorkeure deur gebruikers, te evalueer ingeval die bogenoemde lugskip in Rwanda as
vervoermiddel implementeer sou word. Daar word beweer dat hierdie nuwe lugskip vervoermiddel ‘n
aandeel sal hê om die vervoeruitdagingsprobleme van Rwanda, wat landingeslote is, te help oplos.
Hierdie landingeslotenheid word geassosieer met ‘n gebrek aan toegang tot seehawens, afstand en
afsondering van groot markte. Voorts belemmer dit die ontwikkeling van die land en die probleem word
vererger deur die feit dat padvervoer die vervoer bedrywighede in die land oorheers. Padvervoer
veroorsaak hoë vervoer onkoste in die land se ekonomie, vir beide passasiers- en vragvervoer, en daar
is ‘n aansienlike toename in omgewingsbesoedeling.
Ten einde die vervoergebruikers se vervoermiddelkeuse voorkeure te bereik, het hierdie studie 'n
doeltreffende opname-ontwerp proses van Verklaarde Voorkeur ontwikkel en gebruik. Uit kennis van
huidige literatuur, word aanvaar dat Verklaarde Voorkeur 'n akkurate instrument is vir data-versameling
vir studies wat verband hou met die keuse van voorkeure. Hierdie tegniek het dit moontlik gemaak om
vraelyste te ontwerp deur die hipotetiese skepping van keuse speletjies wat drie eienskappe gebruik,
naamlik In-Voertuig Reistyd, Wagtyd en Reiskoste vir beskikbare alternatiewe vervoermiddels. Daarna
het dataversameling plaasgevind deurdat onderhoude met vervoergebruikers van drie swaarverkeerroetes
in Rwanda gevoer is.
Die SPSS weergawe 21 rekenaarprogram is gebruik om die vervoermiddel-keuse voorkeurdata te
analiseer, en daarna, ten einde die uitslae te ondersoek, is die STATA S/E 11.1 program gebruik. As
deel van die uitslae het hierdie rekenaarprogramme berig oor eienskappe van koëffisiënte. Hierdie
uitslae is toegepas in die Binomiale logistieke regressie wiskundige struktuur in ‘n modelbou-proses.
Die model validasieproses wat gevolg het, het voorgestel dat wagtyd weggelaat word as een van die
verklarende veranderlikes. Dit was as gevolg van swak prestasie wat wagtyd getoon het in terme van
voorspelling en betekenis. Daarna is groottes van modelle se nuttigheid bepaal op grond van die twee
oorblywende veranderlikes. Laastens is die keuse waarskynlikheidswaardes van elke alternatief op
verskillende roetes bereken, en sodoende is die vervoeraanvraag van elke vervoermiddel
gekwantifiseer. Volgens die uitslae sou vervoergebruikers in Rwanda die lugskip as vervoermiddel verkies en gebruik,
indien dit implementer sou word. Vir beide vrag- en passasiersvervoer, is die lugskip bo ander vorme
gekies wat in die keuse proses beskikbaar was, met waarskynlikhede van 79.7%, 86.1%, en 58 vir
lugskip-passasier op 'n lang, medium en kort roete onderskeidelik, en waarskynlikhede van 71%, 56%
en 77% vir lugskip-vrag op die lang, medium en kort roetes onderskeidelik. Die projeksie van die
passasier vervoer volume gedeelte van lugskip-passasier vir die jaar 2014 het bevind dat 6269256
passasiers uit 'n totale passasiersverkeer aanvraag van 7941752, geprojekteer vir 2014, op die drie
oorweegde roetes voorspel was. Die vrag volume van lugskip-vrag was 10947921 ton, teenoor 'n totaal
van 16935637 ton op al die oorweegde roetes. Hierdie hoë aanvraag volumes van lugskip vervoer was
as gevolg van hoë keuse waarskynlikhede wat op hul beurt, as gevolg van die klein waardes van
eienskappe van die lugskip in vergelyking met dié van ander vervoermiddels veroorsaak is. Die voorstel
is dus dat meer navorsing gedoen moet word om die lewensvatbaarheid van die gebruik van lugskip
vervoer in Rwanda te bestudeer. Terselfdertyd moet sodanige studies kwessies oorweeg wat die
ekonomiese lewensvatbaar van die vervoermiddel ondersoek, voordele vir die omgewing inhou en
ander studies waar aanvraagdata oorweeg word, aangesien sulke data alreeds gepubliseer sal wees as
die belangrikste resultate van hierdie huidige studie.
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Drive System of Electrical Lighter Vehicle with Brushless DC MachineLu, Wei-i 05 February 2010 (has links)
A drive system of the electrical lighter vehicle with the brushless DC machine is developed in the thesis. The system consists of a control unit based on a digital signal processor (DSP) and a drive module which combines a drive circuit, a brushless DC machine, and associated wheels. The motive power is delivered directly to the wheels without a power transmission system. The driving comments and the monitored signals between the modules and the control unit are communicated by the Controller Area Network (CAN) Bus. Each module can be controlled independently. By modifying the software of the system, the proposed drive system can be implemented in various electrical vehicles without changing circuit design. The developed system can be operated at forward, backward, and rotating motions. By limiting the armature current, the vehicle can be operated under the power saving mode. During the regenerative braking, the battery set is charged by the regenerative current. The experimental results show that the highest efficiency of the machine is 80 % with the motoring operation.
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Design nákladní vzducholodě / Design of cargo airshipKlvaňa, Pavel January 2014 (has links)
Subject of this diploma thesis is design of cargo airship. The thesis concerns analysis of problem and concept design vision of cargo airship exterior.
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Terra Nova : Mobility For The Future of The PlanetWolter, David January 2021 (has links)
The project is inspired by the idea of trying to simplify and create understanding on a broader level regarding the issues of climate change within the author’s field of design. How can design help us understand the relevance of acting now by visualizing how a potential future might look if action is not taken. Out of many issues that might arise due to climate change the project specifically targets that of desertification. The consequences global desertification already has on life and nature could potentially reach devastating levels in a not-so-distant future making it a highly important topic. Desertification if left uncontrolled is expected to force billions of people from the densest areas of the world onthe move by 2090. Driving densification of the last liveable land to reach unprecedented levels. This is a scenario that we want to stay clear of at all costs as it gambles our survival as a species on this planet. It would lead to the creation of vast unhabitable areas, potentially major conflicts, and large-scale segregation. Leaving little to no room for our ally nature to regenerate would mean the mass extinction of species and potentially life on our planet. To enforce the urgency of action taking the project steps into the distant future of 2086 to portray how a growing desert would have affected the way we live, the struggles it has brought, and how we are putting all efforts towards assisted regeneration of the planet. As much as the project is speculative the scenario builds from data and analytics mapped by scientists and research within the fields of eco- science. As the issue of desertification is an already existing problem today. Scientists and inventors are working on ways to counter its growth. Taking inspiration and learnings from biodiverse reforestation work done today and applying it to the potential scenario allowed the author to highlight issues in the current process. As the scenario was pushed to the extreme so were the problems within the current system. Scalability, cost-effectiveness, and flexibility came up as some of the most prevalent issues. Mobility already plays a great role in distributing the efforts of today’s work and will come to play an even greater role in future reforestation efforts. With technological development and systematic changes come new possibilities for innovation. The process behind the development consisted of exploring solutions that hinder desertification whilst simultaneously promoting and assisting in the regeneration of nature. This involved research into large-scale reforestation development and up-and-coming technologies. Through creative development and ideation grew potential scenarios that resulted in story-driven final visuals. The result is Terra Nova. A lighter than air propelled cocnept that allows long term cargo- mobility in barren areas with minimal impact to the environment. The vehicle is multifunctional in the sense that it carries the capabilities of both personal and cargo transport making it a great all-around vehicle.
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Peugeot Liminal Spacevan den Broek, Thijs January 2023 (has links)
Contemporary life and its fast-paced nature have created a shift in how we behave. Moments of calm are often disturbed by the human temptation to distract the mind. We try to push away the ambiguous moments of silence. However, these moments have proven to have significant mental benefits. They allow people to reflect and come down to their senses.Liminal spaces are spaces that can be described both as inside as well as outside. They are so powerful in their presence and aesthetic that they lead the occupant to question their surroundings and ultimately allow them to transition their mind. Mostly used in architecture and psychology, I wanted to explore what the limen could do in the transportation design field. During this project, I asked the question: How can Liminal spaces in the mobility sector develop a deeper connection with our environment and ourselves?The Peugeot Liminal Space is a service designed to provide a convenient getaway from society, in order to connect with nature and oneself. With the mindset that there is no destination needed, the mental journey is the end product.The design is a personal air balloon that serves as a transformative space for users to find solace, a quiet place that interacts with the user in a calm and non-intrusive manner.Throughout the journey, the user will pass several thresholds as they move further away/ get closer to society. By changing the vehicle’s attributes the user is stimulated to respond to the changes in their environment, requiring them to focus on the here and now. The balloon can be described as a mindfulness practice that adapts to the user’s needs while emphasizing movements from fauna and flora. Passing wind gusts, animals or moving trees can initiate a playful motion inside the vehicle.
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Numerical Investigation of Flow Around a Deformed Vacuum Lighter-Than-Air VehicleKerestes, Jared N. 02 June 2021 (has links)
No description available.
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Design vyhlídkové vzducholodi / Design of lookout airshipOndra, Martin January 2012 (has links)
Diploma thesis concerns with design of a lookout airship. The work tries to find a solution to a problem, how to connect technology, ergonomics and aesthetics into design of new product. Analysis of complete dilemma leads to a new design of an airship, which should become a valuable aircraft for transporting passangers, travelling and flying untraditional sightseeing flights
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Skin Tone, Age, and Body Image Representation in Health and Beauty Advertisements in Women’s Health MagazinesCollier-Green, Janae' 16 June 2017 (has links)
No description available.
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Avalia??o da adi??o de Nanos?lica e silicato de s?dio em pastas de cimento para po?os de petr?leo com baixo gradiente de fraturaQueiroz J?nior, Manoel Ivany de 27 May 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T14:07:08Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2013-05-27 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior / The oil wells cementing is a critical step during the phase of well drilling, because problems during the operation of slurry pumping and an incomplete filling of the annular space between the metal casing and the formation can cause the slurry loss. Therefore, the slurry adopted in primary cementing an oil well must be properly dosed so that these problems are avoided during its pumping. When you drill a well in a weak rock formation requires even more careful, because should be a limit of hydrostatic pressure exerted during cementation, that does not occur rock collapse. With the objective of performing the cementing of a well whose formation is weak or unconsolidated are employed lighter slurries. Thus, this study used slurries with sodium silicate and nano silica in concentrations of 0,1; 0,4; 0,7 e 1,0 gpc, in which the slurries with nano silica showed the rheological parameters higher concentrations of up to 0.7 gpc and for concentration of 1.0 the slurry with sodium silicate obtained the highest values, remaining above the limits for application in fields, mainly wells with low fracture gradient, because a significant increase in viscosity may result in an increase in pressure pumping in operations of secondary cementations. Furthermore, there was no decrease in strength with increasing concentration of additive. Then, it is possible use of these additives to formulate Lighter slurry / A cimenta??o de po?os de petr?leo ? uma das etapas mais criticas durante a fase de perfura??o de um po?o, pois problemas durante a opera??o de bombeio da pasta e um preenchimento incompleto do espa?o anular, entre o revestimento e a parede do po?o, podem causar a perda do mesmo. Portanto, a pasta adotada na cimenta??o prim?ria de um po?o de petr?leo deve ser calculada adequadamente para que sejam evitados estes problemas durante seu bombeamento. Ao se perfurar um po?o em uma forma??o rochosa fraca requer-se, ainda, mais cuidado, pois, em geral, deve existir um limite de press?o hidrost?tica exercida durante a cimenta??o, para que n?o haja o colapso da forma??o. Com o objetivo de se realizar a cimenta??o de um po?o cuja forma??o ? fraca ou inconsolidada s?o empregadas pastas leves. Desta forma, neste trabalho foram utilizadas pastas com silicato de s?dio e nano s?lica em concentra??es de 0,1; 0,4; 0,7 e 1,0 gpc, onde as pastas com nano s?lica apresentaram os par?metros reol?gicos superiores at? a concentra??o de 0,7 gpc e para a concentra??o de 1,0 gpc a pasta com silicato de s?dio obteve os maiores valores, ficando acima dos limites estabelecidos para aplica??o em campos, principalmente em po?os com baixo gradiente de fratura, pois o aumento significativo da viscosidade pode resultar no incremento da press?o de bombeio em opera??es de recimenta??o. Al?m disto, n?o foi observado em decr?scimo de resist?ncia mec?nica com aumento de concentra??o dos aditivos. Sendo poss?vel utiliza??o destes aditivos para formula??o de pastas leves
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