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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Oplemenjivanje šećerne repe u cilju povećanja tolerantnosti prema abiotičkom stresu - nedostatku vode / Sugar beet breeding for improved tolerance to abiotic stress – water deficit

Danojević Dario 26 December 2014 (has links)
<p>Najznačajniji ograničavajući činilac proizvodnje svih biljnih vrsta je nedostatak dovoljnih količina vode. Dobijanje novih genotipova sa povećanom tolerantno&scaron;ću prema nedostatku vode bi doveo do stabilnijih prinosa i u nepovoljnim uslovima, ali oplemenjivanje prema ovom abiotičkom faktoru je jo&scaron; uvek dugotrajno i iziskuje značajna finansijska sredstva. Do sada je bilo veoma malo istraživanja o uticaju nedostatka vode na &scaron;ećernu repi koristeći morfolo&scaron;ke i fiziolo&scaron;ke pokazatelje i kod roditeljskih linija i njihovih hibridnih kombinacija. Zbog toga, potraga za jednostavnim i brzim metodama za opis oplemenjivačkog materijala u odnosu na nedostatak vode igra važnu ulogu u programima oplemenjivanja.<br />Cilj istraživanja je bio da se u uslovima vodnog deficita ispitaju: razlike između roditeljskih linija i njihovih hibrida za 10 odabranih svojstava (masa svežeg korena, masa suvog korena, broj listova, masa liske po biljci, masa lisne dr&scaron;ke po biljci, gustina stoma, difuzni otpor stoma, sadržaj prolina, relativni sadržaj vode u listovima i specifična masa lista), kombinacione sposobnosti linija, međusobna povezanost između svojstava, kao i koja od ispitivanih svojstava bi se mogla koristiti kao pouzdan pokazatelj prema nedostatku vode.<br />Za materijal su odabrane: 4 jednoklične fertilne inbred linije &scaron;ećerne repe različite tolerantnosti prema venjenju u poljskim uslovima (linije 3, 4, 5 i 6), 2 monogermna citoplazmatski mu&scaron;ko sterilna testera ( linija 1 i 2 ) i njihovih 8 hibrida (3x1, 3x2, 4x1, 4x2, 5x1, 5x2, 6x1 i 6x2). Biljke su gajene u stakleniku, a primenjena su tri tretmana zalivanja i to: 30% od izmerene dnevne potro&scaron;nje vode (DPV), 60% od DPV i kontrola (100% od DPV).<br />Najmanja masa svežeg korena (jedna godina istraživanja) je zabeležena kod linija 3 i 4 (u polju ocenjene kao osetljive na nedostatak vode). Masa korena linija i hibrida kao jedno od najvažnijih svojstava u oplemenjivanju je bila u pozitivnoj korelaciji sa masom liske i masom lisne dr&scaron;ke u kontroli kao i u tretmanima. Masa liske osetljivih linija 3 i 4 je u jednoj godini bila najmanja u kontroli (100% DPV) i 60% DPV, a u uslovima najvećeg nedostatka vode skoro da nije bilo razlika između linija, kao ni&nbsp;između hibrida. Veći sadržaj prolina i veća specifična lisna masa se ne mogu koristiti kao pogodna svojstva za veću tolerantnost &scaron;ećerne repe prema nedostatku vode. Primenom PCA analize jasno su se izdvojile linije 3 i 4, koje su u poljskim uslovima ocenjene da su osetljive na nedostatak vode. Prema klaster analizi može se reći da su sa svojstvima korena najvi&scaron;e povezana: masa liske, masa lisne dr&scaron;ke, broj listova i RWC. Tako da su ova svojstva od većeg značaja za oplemenjivanje &scaron;ećerne repe u uslovima dobro obezbeđenih vodom kao i u uslovima sa smanjenim količinama vode. Svojstva koja su bila u najslabijoj vezi sa korenom &scaron;ećerne repe su: gustina stoma, difuzni otpor stoma, specifična masa listova i sadržaj prolina.</p> / <p>The most limiting factor for production of all plant species is the lack of appropriate amount of water. Breeding of new genotypes with increased tolerance to the water stress would lead to more stable yields under dry conditions. Breeding for this abiotic factor is time-consuming and requires significant financial resources. There have been very few researches of the impact of water stress in the sugar beet using morphological and physiological parameters in the parent lines and their hybrid combinations. Therefore, the search for simple and rapid methods for the description of breeding materials in relation to water stress, play an important role in breeding programs.<br />The aim of this research was to examine the differences between parental lines and their hybrids under water deficit for 10 selected traits: (fresh root weight, dry rootweight, number of leaves, lamina weight per plant, petiole weight per plant, stomatal density, stomatal diffusive resistance, proline content, relative water content in leaves and specific leaf weight). The aim of this research was also to test combining ability of lines, correlation between the traits and which trait could be used as a reliable parameter in water stress conditions.<br />As plant material were used: 4 monogerm fertile sugar beet inbred lines with different tolerance to leaf wilting in field conditions (lines 3, 4, 5 and 6), 2 monogerm cytoplasmic male sterile testers (lines 1 and 2) and their hybrids 8 (3x1, 3x2 , 4x1, 4x2, 5x1, 5x2, 6x1 and 6x2). Plants were grown in a greenhouse, and there were applied two treatments of irrigations: 30% of the daily water need (DWN), 60% of the DWN and control (100% of DWN).<br />Line 3 and 4 (in the field marked as sensitive to water stress) had a lowest fresh root weight. Root weight as one of the most important trait in breeding was positively correlated with the lamina weight and petiole weigh in the control and in the treatments. Lines 3 and 4 had lowest lamina weight in the control (100% DWN) and 60% of DWN. The higher content of proline and higher specific leaf weight cannot be&nbsp;used as a suitable trait for higher tolerance to water stress. Lines 3 and 4 were separeted by PCA analysis from other genotypes. These lines were marked as sensitive to water stress in field conditions. According to cluster analysis, the root traits were the most correlated with lamina weight, petiole weight, number of leaves and RWC. These traits are significant for sugar beet breeding in well water and dry water conditions. Stomatal density, stomatal diffusive resistance, specific leaf weight and proline content were in the lowest correlation with root traits.</p>

Yes Please

Braun, Justin Farris 29 September 2009 (has links)
No description available.

Seleção de linhagens de feijão para caracteres agronômicos e com qualidade de sementes, nutricionale tecnológica / Selection of common bean lines of high performance agronomic and seeds, nutritional and technological quality

Mambrin, Ritieli Baptista 22 February 2013 (has links)
The common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) has a great national importance and therefore, the development of new cultivars with excellent agronomic performance, seed quality, technological and nutritional, represent an alternative to solve food, social and economic problems. Therefore, experiments were carried out, conducted in three growing seasons: normal rainy 2010/2011, dry season 2011 and normal rainy 2011/2012. Treatments consisted of 16 inbred common bean lines, 12 inbred lines belonging to different breeders and four commercial cultivars used as control. The objectives of this work were: (1) evaluated the effects of the line x environment interaction on the morphological, phenological and grain yield characters of inbred common bean lines and to study the correlation and the direct and indirect association between these characters; (2) evaluate the morphological characteres and the health and physiological quality of bean seeds by different tests, and to determine the association of vigor tests with field emergence to evaluate the morphological and physiological and sanitary quality of seeds advanced lines of beans by different tests, and to determine the association of vigor tests with field emergence seedling in the field; and (3) study genetic variability of common bean lines as grain yield, cooking time and minerals concentration in grains, study the linear correlation between grain yield, cooking time and the minerals concentration in grains and use the Z index to select the common bean lines with superiority for most characters. Significant line x environment interaction was obtained for the seed coat colour, days number for the flowering, pods number per plant, seeds number per plant, 100 seed mass and grain yield. The grain yield and morphological characters don t show correlation coefficients estimates favorable for the selection common bean lines with high grain yield. It was observed that genetic variability exists to proceed with the selection of lines regarding morphological, physiological and sanitary quality of seeds. The lines, TB 02- 24, LP 07-80, LP 08-90, CNFP 10104, Carioca, TB 02-07 and SM 1810 had higher germination and vigor and the lines, Guapo Brilhante, Gen P5-4-3-1 and Gen PR14-2-3 show up with lower germination and vigor. The accelerated aging test is the most appropriate to estimate the effect of bean seeds. The common bean lines showed genetic variability for the grain yield, the cooking time and the calcium and iron concentrations in grains. Correlation of low magnitude was found between the study variables, indicating the no existence of casual correlation. The selection of the Gen Pr 14-2-3 line is recommended because it provided the highest Z index values for most characters. According to the results, genetic variability exists to make selection of lines as the morphological, physiological and sanitary quality of the seed. / O feijão (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) tem uma grande importância nacional e, por isso, o desenvolvimento de novas cultivares com excelentes características agronômicas, com qualidade de sementes, nutricional e tecnológica, representaria uma alternativa para solucionar problemas alimentares, sociais e econômicos. Diante disso, foram conduzidos três experimentos em cultivo de safra 2010/2011, safrinha 2011 e safra 2011/2012. Os tratamentos consistiram de 16 linhagens avançadas de feijão, sendo 12 linhagens pertencentes a diferentes obtentores e quatro cultivares comerciais, utilizadas como testemunhas. Os objetivos deste trabalho foram: (1) avaliar os efeitos da interação linhagem x ambiente sobre os caracteres morfológicos, fenológicos e de produção das linhagens avançadas de feijão e estudar as associações lineares e as relações diretas e indiretas entre esses caracteres; (2) avaliar as características morfológicas e da qualidade sanitária e fisiológica de sementes de feijão por diferentes testes, bem como determinar a associação dos testes de vigor com a emergência de plântulas a campo; e (3) estudar a variabilidade genética das linhagens de feijão quanto à produtividade de grãos, o tempo de cozimento e a concentração de minerais em grãos e a associação linear entre esses caracteres, utilizando o índice Z para selecionar as linhagens com superioridade para a maioria dos caracteres. Interação linhagem x ambiente significativa foi obtida para a coloração do tegumento das sementes, o número de dias da emergência à floração, o número de vagens por planta, o número de sementes por planta, a massa de 100 sementes e a produtividade de grãos. Os caracteres morfológicos não apresentam estimativas de coeficiente de correlação favoráveis à seleção de linhagens de feijão com superioridade para a produtividade de grãos. Foi observado que existe variabilidade genética para se proceder à seleção de linhagens quanto às características morfológicas, qualidade sanitária e fisiológica de sementes. As linhagens Pérola, TB 02-24, LP 07-80, LP 08-90, CNFP 10104, Carioca, TB 02-07 e SM 1810 apresentaram maior germinação e vigor e as linhagens, Guapo Brilhante, Gen P5-4-3-1 e Gen Pr14-2-3 mostram-se com menor germinação e vigor. O teste de envelhecimento acelerado é o mais indicado para estimar o vigor de sementes de feijão. As linhagens de feijão apresentaram variabilidade genética para a produtividade de grãos, o tempo de cozimento e a concentração de cálcio e de ferro em grãos. Correlações de baixa magnitude foram obtidas entre as variáveis em estudo, indicando a inexistência de relação casual. A seleção da linhagem Gen Pr 14-2-3 é recomendável, pois forneceu os maiores valores de índice Z para a maioria dos caracteres.

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