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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Galicizmy v ruském jazyce / Gallicisms in Russian language

Pelikán, Simona January 2016 (has links)
PELIKÁN, Simona, Bc.: Gallicisms in Russian language [Master Thesis]. Charles University. Faculty of Arts; Institute of East European Studies. Master thesis instructor: Mgr. Jana KITZLEROVÁ, Ph.D. Graduate degree designation: Master (Mgr.). Praha, UK, FF, ÚVES, 2016. Pages 116. The subject of thesis is to analyze the issues of gallicisms in Russian language. It focuses mainly on the frequency of gallicisms in Russian during the various stages of historical development from the first contact of languages to the present. The aim of this work is to determine as well as explain the French influence on Russian vocabulary, explore today's language situation and demonstrate acquired knowledge on selected lexical units grouped in the final analysis of the thesis. In introduction, the work is devoted to the characteristics of historical relations between Russia and France. It concentrates particularly on the important milestones in the historical development of Russia limited by the reign of specific sovereigns. The thesis then describes the theoretical knowledge of linguistic borrowings and loan words in Russian. It also defines the specific attributes of French loan words in Russian language and their level of adaptation. In the section devoted to the analysis of selected gallicisms, the work generalizes...

Modeli srpskog jezika i njihova primena u govornim i jezičkim tehnologijama / Models of the Serbian language and their application in speech and language technologies

Ostrogonac Stevan 21 December 2018 (has links)
<p>Statistički jezički model, u teoriji, predstavlja raspodelu verovatnoća nad skupom svih mogućih sekvenci reči nekog jezika. U praksi, to je mehanizam kojim se estimiraju verovatnoće sekvenci, koje su od interesa. Matematički aparat vezan za modele jezika je uglavnom nezavisan od jezika. Međutim, kvalitet obučenih modela ne zavisi samo od algoritama obuke, već prvenstveno od količine i kvaliteta podataka koji su na raspolaganju za obuku. Za jezike sa kompleksnom morfologijom, kao &scaron;to je srpski, tekstualni korpus za obuku modela mora biti daleko obimniji od korpusa koji bi se koristio kod nekog od jezika sa relativno jednostavnom morfologijom, poput engleskog. Ovo istraživanje obuhvata razvoj jezičkih modela za srpski jezik, počev&scaron;i od prikupljanja i inicijalne obrade tekstualnih sadržaja, preko adaptacije algoritama i razvoja metoda za re&scaron;avanje problema nedovoljne količine podataka za obuku, pa do prilagođavanja i primene modela u različitim tehnologijama, kao &scaron;to su sinteza govora na osnovu teksta, automatsko prepoznavanje govora, automatska detekcija i korekcija gramatičkih i semantičkih gre&scaron;aka u tekstovima, a postavljaju se i osnove za primenu jezičkih modela u automatskoj klasifikaciji dokumenata i drugim tehnologijama. Jezgro razvoja jezičkih modela za srpski predstavlja definisanje morfolo&scaron;kih klasa reči na osnovu informacija koje su sadržane u morfolo&scaron;kom rečniku, koji je nastao kao rezultat jednog od ranijih istraživanja.</p> / <p>A statistical language model, in theory, represents a probability distribution over sequences of words of a language. In practice, it is a tool for estimating probabilities of word sequences of interest. Mathematical basis related to language models is mostly language independent. However, the quality of trained models depends not only on training algorithms, but on the amount and quality of available training data as well. For languages with complex morphology, such as Serbian, textual corpora for training language models need to be significantly larger than the corpora needed for training language models for languages with relatively simple morphology, such as English. This research represents the entire process of developing language models for Serbian, starting with collecting and preprocessing of textual contents, extending to adaptation of algorithms and development of methods for addressing the problem of insufficient training data, and finally to adaptation and application of the models in different technologies, such as text-to-speech synthesis, automatic speech recognition, automatic detection and correction of grammar and semantic errors in texts, and determining basics for the application of the models in automatic document classification and other tasks. The core of the development of language models for Serbian is defining morphologic classes of words, based on the information contained within the morphologic dictionary of Serbian, which was one of the results of a previous research.</p>

O původu slov (etymologie názvosloví sladkovodních druhů ryb v ČR a anglicky mluvících zemích Evropy) / On the origin of words (Freshwater Fish Labelling Etymology in the Czech Republic and European English-speaking countries)

Novák, Lukáš January 2011 (has links)
The thesis doesn't have the tendency or ambition to reach the particular conclusion or final solution (which would be at least as debatable as the construction that it is based on). But it should bring different approach and focus on selected animal genus (our distant ancestors), accepting them as a contemporary cultural, economical and culinary interest. Insight trough the prism of tendency, specifics and unwritten rules of linguistics, under the thumb of cultural representativneness and its identification. The contact of two distinc worlds, antithesises. The silent and peaceful world of fishes, that has retained the objectified prism of lucent wall under the water level, which singularises it from antropocentric world of "those", who think to stand on the top of imaginary pyramid. The work is divided in three parts: Introductory principles, etymological research and addendum, which interprets fish from the art, astronomy, folklore, and booklore point of view.

Problémy překladu nizozemské zahradnické terminologie do češtiny / Problems in translation of Dutch horticultural terminology

Zubrová, Hana January 2013 (has links)
In this diploma thesis I concerned myself with translations of Dutch horticultural texts into Czech language, both professional and popular-science texts, as wel as legislative and pragmatic. The aim of my thesis was to analyse different kinds of horticultural texts from translatological point of view and to find out some problematic phenomena, which arise by the reception and translation of these texts. I concentrated also on relations of equivalence between Dutch, Latin and Czech terminology by the names of plants, writing of the scientific names and evaluation of selected texts in terms of text linguistics. First chapter is devoted to teoretical parts of linguistics and translatology related to this problematic and it is mainly based on research of literary sources. Further I concerned myself with some translatological problems, which a translator meets in the area of professional and popular-science literature. First of them was the problem of nomanclatural names, individual botanical categories and rules for writing of the names of plants. From comparison of plant names in expert publications arised that the way of writing of these names is in both languages same and according to the international rules. By the botanical names I compared also on the example of assortment of spring bulbs the...

Chyby při akvizici srbštiny jako cizího jazyka / Mistakes in Acquisition of Serbian as a Foreign Language

Stojanovičová, Zorica January 2016 (has links)
(in English): Our master's thesis deals with errors that students do during the acquisition of Serbian language. We focused on the grammatical but also on the spelling aspects of the Serbian language. The data from students were collected in form of questionnaire, test and translation. These were filled in by fifty respondents whose mother tongue was mainly Czech and six respondents had Russian language as their mother tongue. Language proficiency of Serbian was between levels A1 and C2. However, native speakers of Serbian had Czech as their second mother tongue. Interlanguage and intralingual interference were also the matter of our error analysis. Because of that we were also interested in other Slavic languages that our respondents speak. The aim of our thesis is to find out what kind of errors students of Serbian language do. Through this we would like to help both the students in more efficient language learning and the teachers to overcome the errors made by students and thereby contribute to the improvement of their language skills.

Nástroj na tvaroslovnou analýzu staré angličtiny / Morphological Analyser of Old English

Tichý, Ondřej January 2014 (has links)
The paper describes the construction and testing of an electronic application for automatic morphological analysis of Old English. It introduces resources and methodologies at our disposal based on the state of the art in the field of electronic analysis of Old English and on an overview of Old English morphology. A detailed account of the chosen methodology is offered and a specific description of the implementation is provided: from the acquisition and preparation of the input data and choice of technology to the programming and testing of the results. The resulting recall of 95% can be seen as a success of the project, however, the paper also shows how the recall may be improved. It also discusses further use of the analyser, especially the disambiguation of its results. The paper makes a future semi-automatic morphological tagging of Old English texts a real possibility. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)

Sinestezijska metafora u pridevima u engleskom i srpskom jeziku:kognitivnolingvistički pristup / Synaesthetic Metaphors in Adjectives in English and Serbian Language:Cognitive Linguistic Approach

Komaromi Bojana 17 June 2014 (has links)
<p>Sinestezijska metafora smatra se posebnom vrstom metafore kod koje je izvorni domen utisak primljen preko jednog čula, dok je ciljni domen utisak primljen preko drugog čula, npr. o&scaron;tar ukus, sladak miris, tople boje i sl. Rezultati dosada&scaron;njih istraživanja ukazuju na izvesne op&scaron;te tendencije vezane za smer metaforičkog preslikavanja kod sinestezijskih metafora: hijerarhijski &bdquo;niža&ldquo; čula, kao &scaron;to su dodir i ukus, preslikavaju se na &bdquo;vi&scaron;a&ldquo; čula, kao &scaron;to su zvuk i vid, odnosno, konkretniji i dostupniji čulni modaliteti preslikavaju se na apstraktnije. Primećeno je da ove tendencije postoje u različitim jezicima i različitim diskursima i da su primenjive kako kod dijahronih tako i kod sinhronih istraživanja. S druge strane, utvrđene su i izvesne razlike između različitih jezika koje se mogu pripisati pre svega kulturolo&scaron;kim uticajima. S obzirom na to da su u sinestezijskim metaforama oba domena čulna, posebna pažnja se posvećuje i specifičnoj perceptivnoj ali i kognitivnoj osnovi ovih metafora.<br />Cilj istraživanja u ovoj disertaciji je da se kroz kontrastivnu analizu izuče sinestezijsko-metaforički prenosi značenja u engleskom i srpskom jeziku i ukaže na univerzalne tendencije kao i međujezičke varijacije, dok se posebna pažnja posvećuje upravo perceptivnim, kognitivnim i kulturolo&scaron;kim aspektima ove pojave.<br />Istraživačka građa sačinjena je od sinestezijskih prideva, odnosno prideva koji imaju dva ili vi&scaron;e značenja u različitim čulnim domenima. Istraživanje je rađeno na osnovu rečničke analize, dok su konsultovani i elektronski korpusi. Za svaki čulni domen (a ukoliko je moguće i za poddomene nekih čula) ustanovljene su tendencije u smerovima metaforičkog preslikavanja. Rezultati su obrađeni deskriptivnom i kontrastivnom metodom i obrazloženi uz pomoć saznanja iz oblasti kognitivne lingvistike ali i drugih naučnih oblasti.</p> / <p>Synaesthetic metaphors are considered to be a special type of metaphor in which one sensory modality is described in terms of another, e.g. sharp taste, sweet smell, warm colours etc. Research conducted in different languages indicates that there are certain tendencies concerning the directionality of metaphoric mapping: that hierarchically &ldquo;lower&rdquo; senses, such as touch and taste tend to map onto &ldquo;higher&rdquo; modalities, such as sound and sight; alternatively, we can say that more concrete and more accessible modalities tend to map onto more abstract ones. The determined tendencies proved to be applicable even to linguistically unrelated languages, different registers and to both diachronic and synchronic studies. On the other hand, there are certain differences among different languages, which can be attributed to cultural influences. Also, since both domains in synaesthetic metaphors are sensory modalities, a special emphasis in studies is placed on the particular perceptive as well as cognitive bases of this phenomenon.<br />The research in this thesis is a contrastive analysis of synaesthetic transfers of meaning in English and Serbian. The aim of the research is to point to universal tendencies of synaesthetic metaphors and cross-linguistic variations between the two languages, while special emphasis is placed on the particular perceptive and cognitive bases of this phenomenon, as well as the influences of culture on the formation of these expressions.<br />The language material is composed of synaesthetic adjectives, i.e. adjectives that have two or more meanings in different sensory domains. The research is based on the analyses of dictionary entries of English and Serbian sensory adjectives, while additional examples are collected form electronic corpora. The directionality of mapping is determined for each sensory domain (and, if possible, for sensory subdomains). The research results are analysed using descriptive and contrastive methods and explained using findings from the field of cognitive linguistics as well as other relevant scientific fields.</p>

Stereotyp slyšícího člověka v českém znakovém jazyce / Stereotype of the Hearing Person in the Czech Sign Language

Basovníková, Marie January 2017 (has links)
Topic of this thesis is the stereotype of a hearing person from the perspective of cultural and linguistic minority of the Deaf and how it is fixated in Czech Sign Language. The theoretical and methodological basis of the thesis lies in cognitive ethnolinguistic of J. Bartmiński and following its principles includes lexicon (analyses individual signs, collocations and idioms connected to the concept of HEARING) as well as text. On this level, different texts are explored: everyday communication in Czech Sign Language, artistic genres (storytelling, visual vernacular, fairy tales, humor, films) and texts written in Czech by Deaf authors. The stereotype of a hearing person thus reconstructed from these sources reflects various experiences of the cultural minority of the Deaf with hearing persons - both positive and negative (especially communication and behavior specific to hearing persons from the viewpoint of the Deaf).


Rycheva, Ekaterina January 2019 (has links)
In the dissertation the author presents the analysis of the use of phraseological units in modern political discourse in Russia and the Czech Republic. The author shows that phraseology can be a tool for increasing the expressiveness of a speech, for contacting and influencing the audience in the political discourse. The analysis of cognitive and pragmatic specifics of idioms and metalanguage commentaries in the speech of politicians in a comparative aspect is carried out. As a result the author showes the specifics of the use of phraseological units in describing the speech image of a politician. Key words: phraseology, phraseologism, discourse, political discourse, political linguistics, cognitive linguistics, image of a politician, speech portrait of a politician.

Anoikonyma a mikroanoikonyma na Žďársku / Anoikonyms and microanoikonyms in the Žďársko region

Foralová, Michaela January 2013 (has links)
This thesis focuses on 375 minor place-names (hydronyms, oronyms and land names) in the region of Žďársko. The origin of 185 anoikonyms is studied from a linguistic aspect for the first time; the other names are taken from my bachelor thesis. The objective of this thesis is to determine the origin of given minor place-names. The required information was searched in various printed materials, journals and also on the Internet. As an important source for examination several local witnesses have been interviewed and consultation with experts in onomastic was conducted. Methods such as collection, analysis and interpretation of the collected data were used in this thesis. Consequently, after the origin was clarified, the anoikonyms were analyzed according to the so called model theory - it was assigned to individual relational and structural models or types. This thesis aims for systematical approach to minor place-names and their preservation for future generations.

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