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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Metaphorical conceptions of the European Union in the British press / Europos Sąjungos konceptualioji metafora britų spaudoje

Koroliova, Natalija 24 September 2008 (has links)
In the present study the most frequent conceptual metaphors of the EU in the British Press are analysed applying the method of content analysis. / Šiame darbe yra analizuojamos dažniausiai naudojamos britų spaudoje Europos Sąjungos konceptualiosios metaforos.

Lietuviškos socialinės reklamos pragmatika ir stilistika / Stylistics and pragmatics of Lithuanian social advertising

Kaminskaitė, Neringa 20 November 2012 (has links)
Socialinė reklama – tai nemokama arba iš dalies apmokama, sukrečianti arba humoristinio pobūdžio komunikacijos forma, kuria stengiamasi pakeisti visuomenės požiūrį ar elgesį pozityvesne linkme, tiesiogiai nesiekiant pelno. Atlikta apklausa Socialinės reklamos poveikis visuomenei parodė, kad dauguma apklaustųjų žino, kas yra socialinė reklama. Ši reklamos rūšis padeda spręsti socialines problemas, o paveikiausia ji rodoma per televiziją. Lietuvoje vis dar trūksta kokybiškai sukurtų socialinių reklamų. Dažniausiai socialinės reklamos kuriamos direktyvais, kiek rečiau reprezentatyvais. Komisyvų rasta tik „Sveikatos apsaugos“ grupėje. Esama ir mišraus tipo reklamų. Socialinėse reklamose dažniausiai raginama liepiamosios nuosakos antruoju asmeniu. Taip pat nevengiama retorinių klausimų. Išskirtas gąsdinimo mikroaktas. Šis aktas pasireiškia ne tik žodinėje, bet ir vaizdinėje informacijoje. Šiurpūs vaizdai tampa išskirtiniu socialinės reklamos elementu. Socialinė reklama kuriama pagal tris kompozicijos modelius: klasikinį / uždarąjį; nepilną klasikinį / atvirąjį ir vieno dėmens. Būdingas atvirasis kompozicijos tipas. Vyrauja publicistinis funkcinis stilius, bet esama reklamų, kai susipina keli stiliai, daugiausiai publicistinis ir šnekamasis. Siekiant įtaigumo, naudojami įvairūs kalbos aktualizacijos būdai. Dažnesnė sintaksės aktualizacija. Daugiausiai retorinių sušukimų, elipsės, retorinių klausimų. Aktualizuojant leksiką, naudojamasi epitetais, nevengiama ironijos. Ypatingas... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Social advertising – is a form of communication, which is of shocking or comic nature. It tries to change the attitude or behaviour of society towards a more positive direction, not using direct account. It may be free, paid or partially paid. Questioning Social advertising effect of community revealed that most respondents know social advertising and it helps to solve social problems. This advertisement has the biggest influence on TV. In Lithuania social advertising still are not high quality. Social advertising mostly created by directives. Not so many advertisements created by constatives. Commissives used only in Health service group. Generally, social advertising used second person imperatives. Also used rhetoric questions. Commination act was taken a part. This speech act used not only in the text also in visual information. Horrific views become exceptional element of social advertising. Social advertising is created according to three composition models: classical / closed; not fully classical / open and having one element. Open composition type is characteristic. Publicist functional style is prevailing, though the most of advertisements are created using some styles – publicistic and spoken for the most part. In order to avoid conventionality, seeking for suggestibility, more effect, different ways of actualization are used. Syntax actualization is more frequent. There are rhetoric exclamations, ellipsis, rhetoric questions. Actualizing lexis, epithets are used... [to full text]

Metaphorical legitimization strategy in American Presidents' inaugural addresses / Metaforinė legitimizacijos strategija Amerikos prezidentų inauguracinėse kalbose

Agarkovienė, Aleksandra 18 July 2014 (has links)
The present study aims at analysing metaphor in the inaugural addresses of American Presidents. It is hypothesised that metaphor is a legitimization strategy which is employed to affect the audience. The research questions were formulated as follows: What conceptual metaphors and their linguistic realizations are used for legitimization in American Presidents’ inaugural addresses and what are their rhetorical implications? The study was carried out within the framework of the Critical Metaphor Theory suggested by Charteris-Black (2005), which is a blend of Conceptual Metaphor Theory and Critical Discourse Analysis. The corpus of the study was compiled of 14 and 16 inaugural addresses delivered by American Presidents affiliated to the Democratic and Republican parties respectively. To achieve the aim the following objectives were set. Firstly, metaphorical expressions were identified and ascribed to the conceptual metaphors they manifest. Secondly, the quantitative analysis was carried out to reveal the frequency of the metaphorical expressions underlying the prevailing conceptual metaphors in the inaugural addresses delivered by the members of both political parties. Finally, the realizations of the conceptual metaphors were contrasted and interpreted across the two political parties. The analysis revealed the following prevailing conceptual metaphors: AMERICA IS A FAMILY, AMERICA IS A PERSON, POLITICS IS A JOURNEY, SIGNIFICANT IS BIG, POLITICS IS A BUILDING, DIFFICULTIES ARE... [to full text] / Šis darbas nagrinėja metaforą kaip legitimizacijos strategiją, dominuojančią Amerikos prezidentų inauguracinių kalbų diskurse. Atlikti tyrimai rodo. kad metafora kaip legitimizacijos strategija yra vartojama siekiant daryti įtaką visuomenei. Tyrimui vykdyti buvo suformuoti tokie klausimai: kokios konceptualios metaforos yra vartojamos Amerikos prezidentų inauguracinėse kalbose legitimizacijos tikslais, kokia yra jų lingvistinė raiška ir kokia yra jų retorinė potekstė? Metafora politikoje, būdama šio tyrimo dėmesio centre, atsiduria tarp kognityvinės lingvistikos ir diskurso analizės. Panašu, kad abi šios mokslo sritys prisideda prie metaforų nagrinėjimo politiniame diskurse, sukurdamos aiškesnį jų pobūdžio ir veikimo ypatumų vaizdą. Taigi, šis tyrimas buvo atliktas remiantis Kritinės metaforos teorija, kuri yra Konceptualios metaforos teorijos ir Kritinės diskurso analizės derinys. Konceptualios metaforos teorijos pirmtakai Lakoff ir Johnson (1980: 4) parodė, jog mūsų konceptuali sistema savo prigimtimi yra iš esmės metaforinė. Metaforos esmė yra vieno dalyko supratimas ir patyrimas kito dalyko atžvilgiu. Mokslininkai teigia, jog konceptualios metaforos, kurios yra vartojamos politiniame diskurse, sėkmingai gali įtikinti, įteisinti bei įtakoti publiką. Susidomėjimas politikų kalba sustiprėjo diskurso tyrinėtojų dėka, kurie nagrinėja metaforų vartojimą politikų pasisakymuose, politinių partijų ir judėjimų dokumentuose, žiniasklaidoje, pokalbiuose prie apvalaus stalo, debatuose... [toliau žr. visą tekstą]

Darbo konceptas lietuvių ir rusų patarlėse ir priežodžiuose / The concept of work in Lithuanian and Russian proverbs and bywords

Mikėnaitė, Gintarė 22 July 2014 (has links)
Magistro darbe „Darbo konceptas lietuvių ir rusų patarlėse ir priežodžiuose“ bandoma plačiau panagrinėti koncepto darbas specifiką ir raišką lietuvių ir rusų kalbų pasaulėvaizdžiuose, atrasti panašumų ir skirtumų, rekonstruoti kalbai būdingą pasaulėvaizdį, tautų mąstymo strategijas. Atlikus lyginamąją ir konceptualiąją analizę, išanalizavus surinktą medžiagą, nustatyta, kad darbo konceptas lyginamose kalbose yra suvokiamas panašiai (darbas (darbštumas) – kaip gerovės šaltinis, darbas – kaip tinginystės priešprieša, tinginystė –kaip darbo parodija, darbas – jungtis tarp žmogaus ir gamtos, darbas – kaip vargas, darbas –kaip žmogaus savybių matmuo, darbas – kaip mokymo įrankis, darbas – šeimyninės sanklodos rodiklis, darbas – gyvenimiškos tiesos saugykla). Dažniausi darbo denotatai lietuvių ir analogiškai rusų kalboje yra darbas (darbštumas) – kaip gerovės šaltinis, darbas – kaip tinginystės priešprieša, tinginystė – kaip darbo parodija, darbas – kaip vargas, darbas – kaip žmogaus savybių matmuo. Darbas (darbštumas) – kaip gerovės šaltinis dažniausiai realizuojamas lietuvių kalboje. Rusų kalboje dažniausiai realizuojamas darbas – kaip tinginystės priešprieša, tinginystė – kaip darbo parodija. Lietuvių ir rusų kalbų patarlės ir priežodžiai pasižymi raiškos įvairove: aktyviai vartojami posakiai su neigiamu modalumu, elipsė, dauguma atvejų yra metaforiški, vaizdingi, lakoniški, neretai hiperbolizuoti, vyrauja ironija, komiškumas, garsinis aspektas, kategoriškumas, pamokymai ir... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The aim of this master work, „The concept of work in Lithuanian and Russian proverbs and bywords“, is to take a wider glance at the concept of work in Lithuanians and Russians world-view, to find similarities and differences, to recreate the type of world-view which would be common to the language and also to recreate the strategies of thinking. After a comparative and conceptual analysis and after the analysis of collected examples, we made a conclusion that the concept of work is perceived similarly: work (diligence) as the source of wellness, work as the confrontation with laziness, laziness as the parody of diligence, work as the connection between human and nature, work as misery, work as the measurement of humanity, work as the proper way to educate, work as the measurement of family values and work as the storage of all the values. The most frequent and common for both Lithuanian and Russian languages meanings of the concept work are these: work as the source of wellness, work as the confrontation with laziness, laziness as the parody of diligence, work as misery and work as the measurement of humanity. The most common meaning to Lithuania language is work as the source of wellness and the most common meaning of work to Russian language is work as the confrontation with laziness and laziness as the parody of diligence. Lithuanian and Russian proverbs and bywords can be expressed in various ways: there are a lot of examples which have negative meaning. People use many... [to full text]

Afázie jako interdisciplinární problém / The Aphasia as Interdisciplinary Problem

SYNEKVALVODOVÁ, Olga January 2017 (has links)
The master´s thesis is focused on aphasia as a speech disorder. Aphasia is an element of research in many fields of study. The aim of this thesis is to interpret academic background and conclusions. Aphasiology, linguistics, speech therapy, neurology, neurolinguistics, psycholinguistics, cognitive psychology and cognitive neuropsychology are interested in aphasia. At the beginning of this thesis we can read about aphasia, its causes, classifications and diagnostics. Other chapters summarize conclusions of mentioned disciplines.

Postojové konektory/operátory: kontrastivní analýza vybraného vzorku textů / Attitude discourse markers: a contrastive analysis of selected texts

BROŽOVÁ, Kristýna January 2016 (has links)
The aim of this Master´s thesis is the contrastive analysis of discourse markers on a selected type of texts in Spanish and Czech language. The thesis is divided in two parts theoretical and practical part. Firstly, in the theoretical part of the thesis, is introduced the textual linguistic the field which studies discourse markers. For wholeness, are briefly mentioned all of the seven standards of textuality with profound focus on textual coherence. Other part of the thesis aims on terminology of discourse markers (especially on conectores), which is problematic, and various classifications according to Czech and Spanish authors. The last part of the theoretical part is dedicated to attitude markers the main theme of this thesis, their characteristics, functions and examples. The practical part of the thesis is introduced by contrastive analysis of attitude markers carried out on selected sample of texts. Firstly the attitude markers are identified and secondly described and classified. Also is mentioned the absolute and relative frequency and comparison of the contrasts and coincidences in both languages. The thesis is finally summarized in Spanish résumé.

Analýza anonymizačních strategií v angličtině / Forensic analysis of anonymization strategies in English

Volná, Veronika January 2016 (has links)
The objective of this thesis is to identify those specific aspects of written style which native speakers of English modify when attempting to anonymize their texts. The conclusions are based on the analysis of 20 texts by 10 authors, all of whom are native speakers of English. Two texts dealing with the same topic were produced by each participant; one was written as an official letter of complaint, and the other was written as an anonymous letter. The bulk of the results are grounded on a qualitative stylistic analysis of the individual texts, with merely a brief survey of quantitative methods.The purpose of the introductory chapter is to familiarize the reader with the subject of forensic authorship analysis, to provide a brief summary of the current state of research, and to introduce a series of empirical studies. The practical part of the thesis presents the qualitative stylistic analysis, provides a shorter summary of the quantitative analysis, and finally ventures to draw meaningful conclusions from the results. The results showed that the majority of authors manipulated with the style/register of the texts and with the specific lexical choices, whereas none of the 10 authors made alterations to spelling and only 2 authors chose to change the punctuation in the anonymous text. However,...

Typy a užívání zkratek na Twitteru / Types and use of shortening on Twitter

Gižová, Veronika January 2017 (has links)
The thesis works with the fact that communication on social network sites, particularly on Twitter, occurs in short text messages, tweets, which are restricted to the maximum of 140 characters. This leads to the tendency to shorten single and multiword expressions in order to save space and increase the content of sent information. The thesis examines the hypothesis that the number of shortenings on Twitter and their variation may function as a stylistic indicator of tweet genre. It is expected (i) that the number of shortenings in the Twitter sample will be higher compared to other genres and (ii) that the sample will contain more types of shortening, some of which will be characteristic for the tweet genre in general in comparison with the control sample. The research sample of 200 shortenings was collected from two Twitter trends, #Grenfell Tower and #Wimbledon. In the analysis part, the collected sample of shortenings is examined quantitatively, compared to the control sample and separately, interpreted qualitatively. The Appendix contains the complete table listing the meanings of all shortenings. Key words: Twitter, shortening, stylistics, internet linguistics, language of social media

Korpusová analýza faktorů sémantické interpretace francouzského gérondivu / A corpus analysis of the semantic interpretation factors of the French gérondif

Nádvorníková, Olga January 2012 (has links)
in English A corpus analysis of the semantic interpretation factors of the French gérondif The aim of this work is to analyse factors influencing the interpretation of the implicit meaning of the French gérondif (Ger), and to explain, on the basis of this research, the semantic functioning of this non-finite verbal form (in connection with its equivalents in Czech). Our departing point is that the Ger form functions as an interpretation instruction, which defines the means of the integration of the action of the Ger into the action of the main proposition. This interpretation instruction defines the semantic invariant of the Ger, and thus its basic meaning; other meanings are derived on the basis of complex interactions of syntactic, lexical and pragmatic factors. The method used to examine these factors is based on a computer analysis of wide data acquired from monolingual and parallel corpora (FRANTEXT and InterCorp). Part I presents a summary of the results of the latest research of Ger and defines the specific factors: morphological which determine the essential interpretation instruction of the Ger (I.1.1) and basic relationships of aspect and time between the Ger and the main proposition (I.1.2); syntactic which define the Ger as a predication (I.2.1), its syntactic function in the context of...

Tocharské výpůjčky v čínštině / Tocharian loanwords in Chinese

Židek, Jan January 2017 (has links)
This work was created to review the evidence for lexical borrowing from the Tocharian languages to the Chinese languages. The used methodology relies on lexical lists, previous etymological findings, linguistic typology and anthropological input. For preparatory data manipulation, a set of semi- automatic scripts has been created. Presented is a qualitative research based on previous findings assisted by raw data. The outcome of this work should be testable findings which could be extracted to a computer processable form.

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