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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A stylistics of drama : Stoppard's travesties, with particular reference to parody

Tan, Peter Kok Wan January 1989 (has links)
No description available.

A Research on Stylistics of the Wei-Jin Dynasty

Chou, Yu-chin 04 August 2009 (has links)

The literary and non-literary text : translating and discourse

McErlain, Patricia Edith January 1994 (has links)
No description available.

'We do not see things as they are. We see them as we are' : fictional point of view and reader response; an empirical exploration

Lowe, Valerie January 1999 (has links)
No description available.

Travailler à l’indécis. Étude littéraire et stylistique de Verlaine / Crafting the Undecided. A literary and stylistic study of Verlaine

Thomas, Solène 25 May 2018 (has links)
À partir de ses recueils les plus emblématiques (Poëmes saturniens, Fêtes galantes, Romances sans paroles), la critique a souvent fait de l’art poétique de Verlaine un art de la fadeur, du brouillage et de l’imprécision. Ce trait caractéristique de l’écriture est alors imputé à un système de perception défaillant, comme si le poète, en retrait du monde, ne percevait le réel qu’à travers le voile de la rêverie ou du souvenir. Cette thèse prend le parti opposé et propose de voir en Verlaine un être doté d’une acuité sensorielle remarquable, apte à saisir les moindres nuances du réel. L’imprécision qui émane des textes poétiques doit alors être mise au compte d’un minutieux travail de la langue. En effet les mots, suspects d’inadéquation, enclosent la singularité d’un réel infiniment riche et toujours mouvant. À charge dès lors pour le poète d’en atténuer les contours, d’en brouiller les frontières catégorielles ; l’entreprise poétique de Verlaine résulte ainsi d’un véritable travail de sape du langage commun. Du reste, cette entreprise d’atténuation se poursuit dans le corpus en prose (fictions, autobiographies, textes critiques) : Verlaine, ayant à cœur de torpiller tout ce qui pourrait ressembler à une assertion trop catégorique, multiplie les concessions, les dénégations, les hésitations. Faisant retour sur son propre dit, il donne à lire les tâtonnements d’un discours s’élaborant en suspicion du langage. / Beginning from his most emblematic collections (Poëmes saturniens, Fêtes galantes, Romances sans paroles), critics have often seen Verlaine’s poetry as a drab art, scrambled and imprecise. This characteristic is then attributed to a defective sense of perception, as if the poet, disconnected from the world, could only perceive reality through a veil of dreams or of memories. This study takes the opposite view, proposing that we see in Verlaine one who is gifted with a remarkable ability to feel and perceive, seizing upon the slightest nuances present in reality. The supposed imprecision that emanates from his poetic texts must therefore be considered through a painstaking study of language. In essence, the words, long suspected of being mismatched, hold within them the singularity of a rich and supremely moving reality. The poet’s mission is then to weaken the contours, to blur categorical boundaries, and Verlaine’s poetic enterprise thus results in a veritable undermining of everyday language. What’s more, this attempted undermining continues in his prose works (fiction, autobiographies, critical texts): invested in wrecking anything that could seem to be an overly categorical assertion, Verlaine increases the concessions, the denials, the hesitations. Returning over his own words, he demonstrates the trial-and-error of a discourse developed through a suspicion of language itself.

The translation of irony in Australian political commentary texts from English into Arabic

Chakhachiro, Raymond, University of Western Sydney, Macarthur, Faculty of Education January 1997 (has links)
The main thesis of this study is that the translation of irony from English into Arabic in commentary texts in Australia is not amenable to traditional translation theories. The way Arabic and English speakers employ irony to express themselves reflects the linguistic and cultural distance between both languages. To tackle this problem, the study ventures into a contrastive analysis with reference to a number of linguistic and non-linguistic devices and concepts. It concentrates on the interpretation and the linguistic realisation of irony in both languages by utilising a number of contemporary linguistic models. The research takes the view that ironic devices are the foundation of the structural development of the texts in question. To demonstrate this, the speech act and conversational theories are used. The interaction between the ironic devices and the text development constitute a framework for the overall rhetorical meaning of the text. After an overview of the relevant literature of translation, contrastive analysis and comparative stylistics, an analysis/translation model is devised and implemented. A thorough contrastive analysis is made of English and Arabic commentary texts. Similarities and differences between the Arabic and English texts are found. Discrepancies were observed in the form, function and the number of ironic devices used in both languages. Based on the findings seven general strategies are proposed for the translation of irony in Australian commentary texts from English into Arabic. / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Poetics of Lev Tolstoy's Kholstomer

Forehand, Paul 29 September 2014 (has links)
This thesis contains an analysis of the ways in which form and content are combined to create significance within a text, as well as an exploration of the ways in which the mechanics of didactic fiction convey this significance to the reader.

Pragmatinių prielaidų kūrimas literatūriniuose tekstuose / Development of pragmatic presuppositions in fictional texts

Rumšas, Armandas 27 December 2011 (has links)
Šiame moksliniame darbe Rogerio Fowlerio naujosios stilistikos mokslinėje perspektyvoje nagrinėjama, kaip pamatinės skaitytojo žinios įtakoja literatūrinio kūrinio teksto pradžios interpretaciją. Darbe tiriamas pragmatinių prielaidų veikimas poezijoje ir prozoje (romanuose); ištirti 437 eilėraščiai ir 223 romanai, o gauti duomenys lyginami su šešių žanrų trijų šimtų neliteratūrinių kūrinių pragmatininių prielaidų kūrimo duomenimis. Visi tyrimui atsitiktinai parinkti tekstai buvo sukurti anglakalbių dvidešimtojo amžiaus autorių. Pragmatinių prielaidų kūrimą siekiama kvantifikuoti, naudojantis Van Rooijaus ir Pottso pragmatinių verčių tyrimo strategija. Išskiriami keturi pagrindiniai pragmatinių prielaidų iššaukimo būdai – nestandartinis (1) veiksmažodžių formų, (2) artikelių ir (3) deiktinių elementų vartojimas bei (4) mišrus metodas – pirmųjų trijų metodų kombinacija arba nestandartinis leksinių priemonių vartojimas. Tyrimu siekiama patikrinti, ar skirtingų žanrų literatūriniuose tekstuose pastebimi bendri pragmatinių prielaidų iššaukimo dėsningumai, ar teksto žanras esmingai įtakoja pragmatinių elementų parinkimą. / In the framework of new stylistics as developed by Roger Fowler, this scientific work researches the impact of the background knowledge of the reader on the interpretation of the beginning of a literary text. The functioning of pragmatic presuppositions in poetry and non-poetic fiction (novels) is explored; 437 poems and 223 novels are analyzed, and the obtained data is compared with the statistical values of the development of pragmatic presuppositions in six genres of non-fictional texts, 300 texts in total. All the sample of the thesis represents works of the twentieth century English-writing authors. Development of pragmatic presuppositions is sought to be quantified by employing the strategy of the research of pragmatic values as developed by van Rooij and Potts. Four main ways of triggering pragmatic presuppositions are singled out in the thesis: non-standard use of (1) verb forms, (2) articles and (3) deictic elements as well as (4) the mixed method represented by combinations of the first three methods or non-standard use of lexical elements. The research strives to verify whether fictional texts of different genres maintain the same trends of triggering pragmatic presuppositions or the genre of a text imposes upon the choice of pragmatic elements.

A sobrevivência da poética clássica latina na épica medieval: Waltharius, tradução e estudo / The survival of the classic Latin poetry in the medieval epic: Waltharius, translation and study

Schmidt, Pedro Baroni 17 December 2012 (has links)
Ao lado da tradução integral e inaugural em língua portuguesa dos 1456 versos do Waltharius, escrito em língua latina provavelmente entre os séculos IX e X em algum mosteiro do Império Carolíngio, é apresentado um estudo de aproximação à obra, onde são descritos e analisados os aspectos formais e estilísticos (metro, rima, aliteração, assonância, figuras, tempo, espaço, personagens e narrador), o diálogo com a tradição poética, e o problema do gênero literário. A partir do reconhecimento da presença do processo de imitação e dos paralelos estruturais entre o Waltharius e seus antecessores poéticos, entre os quais se destaca a Eneida de Virgílio, é levantada a discussão sobre a tipologia do poema, se épica ou não. Ao opor a definição poética no texto do Waltharius com os teorizadores de gêneros poéticos antigos e medievais, queda a conclusão de que o poema não é composto a partir dos parâmetros de gênero e sim de modelo, sendo, acima de tudo, um poema virgiliano. / Together with the full and inaugural translation into Portuguese of the Waltharius 1456 verses, written in Latin probably between the ninth and tenth centuries in a monastery of the Carolingian Empire, it is presented a study approaching to the work, in which the formal and stylistic aspects (meter, rhyme, alliteration, assonance, figures, time, space, characters and narrator), the dialogue with the poetic tradition, and the problem of literary genre are described and analyzed. From the recognition of the imitation process presence and of the structural parallels between the Waltharius and its poetic predecessors, among which stands out Virgils Aeneid, the discussion is raised on the poems typology, whether epic or not. Opposing the poetic definition found in the Waltharius text to the ancient and medieval theorists of poetic genres, we are lead to the conclusion that the poem is not composed from the parameters of genre, but of model, and it is, above all, a Virgilian poem.

Formação de palavras expressivas na norma urbana culta de São Paulo: projeto NURC/SP / Formation of expressive words in the urban erudite norm of São Paulo: Nurc Project/SP

Bacheschi, Celso Antonio 02 July 2014 (has links)
Este trabalho tem como corpus as gravações realizadas pelo Projeto NURC/SP contidas nos três volumes da série A Linguagem Falada Culta na Cidade de São Paulo e como objetivo relacionar os processos de formação de palavras e seus valores expressivos nos três tipos de inquéritos do Projeto: elocuções formais, diálogos entre dois informantes e diálogos entre informante e documentador. Como procedimento metodológico, é feito um levantamento dos vocábulos expressivos presentes nos inquéritos do projeto, os quais são divididos de acordo com o processo de formação e, posteriormente, pelo valor expressivo. Nos casos de composição, consideram-se os compostos não só no sentido tradicional do termo, mas também segundo o conceito de lexia composta proposto por Pottier, que permite identificar a presença de compostos já lexicalizados que ainda não se encontram nas gramáticas nem nos dicionários. Pretende-se identificar, também, composições ad hoc, formadas com objetivos específicos dentro do discurso e por meio das quais o falante pode atingir efeitos expressivos que se restringem à situação em que são empregadas. Na análise dos exemplos, observa-se que os compostos têm sua origem em grupos sintáticos ordinários que se cristalizam, como deus nos acuda e pão pão queijo queijo. Parte dos compostos encontrados no corpus é formada por repetição, como corre-corre. Quando ocorre a repetição de substantivos, o elemento repetido passa por processo de conversão, tornandose determinante do primeiro. No caso de verbos, a repetição do significante é utilizada para estabelecer a ideia de reiteração. Um número significativo de compostos são palavras-ônibus, como não sei que, não sei das quantas e, frequentemente, são utilizadas como elementos de estratégia discursiva na reprodução de diálogos. As ocorrências estudadas permitem observar, ainda, que o efeito expressivo atingido pode ser determinado pelo contexto. Entre os casos de derivação, inclui-se a prefixação, cujo principal valor afetivo é de intensificação. A derivação sufixal fornece mais possibilidades para a obtenção de efeitos expressivos, como atenuação, exatidão, ausência de dúvida, depreciação, semelhança, eufemismo, intensificação, exiguidade e ironia, os quais podem variar de acordo com o contexto. Embora sejam menos comuns, também são de interesse deste trabalho os processos de derivação regressiva, derivação parassintética e as onomatopeias. Finalmente, dividem-se as ocorrências por tipo de inquérito e faz-se uma comparação estatística, que tem o objetivo de relacionar os elementos analisados ao diferente grau de formalidade de cada gênero, bem como estabelecer uma ligação entre os diferentes gêneros orais e os valores expressivos que neles predominam / This work has as corpus recordings performed by the Project NURC / SP contained in the three volumes of the series A Linguagem Falada Culta na Cidade de São Paulo and aims to correlate the processes of formation of words and their expressive values in the three types of inquiries of the Project: formal utterances, dialogues between two speakers and dialogues between informant and documenter. As a methodological procedure, there is a research of expressive vocabulary present in the inquiries, which are divided according to the process of formation and later the expressive value. The compound words are considered not only in the traditional sense, but also according to the concept of compound lexia proposed by Pottier, which allows to identify the presence of compounds already lexicalized that are not yet in the dictionaries or grammars. It is intended also to identify ad hoc compositions formed with specific goals within discourse and through which the speaker can achieve expressive effects that are restricted to the situation in which they are employed. In the analysis of examples it is observed that the compounds have their origin in crystallized ordinary syntactic groups, as deus nos acuda and pão pão queijo queijo. Part of the compounds found in the corpus is formed by repetition, as corre-corre. When the repetition of nouns occurs, the repeated element goes though a conversion process, becoming determinant of the first. In the case of verbs, the repetition of the signifier is used to establish the idea of reiteration. A significant number of compounds are broad sense words as não sei que, não sei das quantas and are often used as elements of discursive strategy when reproduced dialogues. Occurrences studied allow also observe that expressive effect achieved can be determined by the context. The cases of derivation include the prefixation, whose main affective value is intensifying. The suffixation provides more possibilities to obtain expressive effects such as attenuation, accuracy, lack of doubt, depreciation, likeness, euphemism, intensification, smallness and irony, which may vary according to the context. Although less common, are also of interest in this work the processes of regressive derivation, prefix and suffix derivation and onomatopoeia. Finally, the occurrences are divided by type of inquiry in order to make a statistical comparison, which aims to relate the elements analyzed at different degree of formality of each genre, as well as establishing a link between the different oral genres and values expressive that predominate in them

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