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Availability and Surface Runoff of Phosphorus from Compost Amended Mid-Atlantic SoilsSpargo, John Thomas 07 January 2005 (has links)
The accumulation of P in soil from land-applied biosolids and manure increases the risk for P enrichment of agricultural runoff. Transport of these residuals to areas where P may be efficiently utilized is necessary to reduce the threat to water quality. Composting can improve biosolids and manure handling characteristics to make their transportation more feasible; however, little is known about P dynamics in compost-amended soil. We investigated the factors controlling P solubility and plant availability in two soils, a Kempsville fine sandy loam (Typic Hapludult) and a Fauquier silty clay loam (Ultic Hapludalf), amended with one of 4 composts (2 biosolids composts and 2 poultry litter - yard waste composts), poultry litter, or inorganic P (as KH2PO4) in incubation and greenhouse pot studies. We also compared the effects of compost, poultry litter and commercial fertilizer on surface P runoff from a Fauquier silty clay loam that had received compost, poultry litter, or commercial fertilizer for 5 years. Organic amendments with higher concentrations of Fe, Al, and Ca had lower relative P solubility/availability. Phosphorus solubility in the Kempsville fine sandy loam, having far lower native P binding capacity, was more affected by Fe, Al, and Ca applied with the organic amendments. The concentration of P in runoff from the compost treatments was higher; however, infiltration was increased and runoff decreased so the mass loss of P and sediment was lower. Improved soil physical properties associated with compost applications aid to limit P runoff. / Master of Science
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Nitrogen Rate and Source Effects on Biomass Yield of Teff Grown for Livestock Feed in the Mid-Atlantic RegionHurder, Katherine Anne 17 May 2011 (has links)
Teff (Erogrostis tef (Zucc.)), an annual warm-season grass from Ethiopia, has potential to provide forage during periods when cool-season grass growth is limited by high temperatures. An experiment was conducted at three Virginia locations in 2009 and 2010 to determine the effect of nitrogen (N) fertilization rate and source on the yield, nutritive value, and nitrate content of teff. Nitrogen (N) was applied at 0, 45, 90, and 135 kg plant available N ha-1 as a single application of either ammonium nitrate (AN) or broiler litter (BL) at seeding. The experimental design was a randomized complete block with a two-factor factorial treatment design (N rate and source) and four replications. Biomass yield typically peaked at the 90 kg N ha-1 rate, but rarely showed an increase beyond the 45 kg N ha-1 rate. Yield ranged from 2325 to 7542, 1477 to 6151, and 1805 to 8875 kg DM ha-1 for the Blacksburg, Southern Piedmont, and Shenandoah Valley locations, respectively. Crude protein and total digestible nutrients ranged from 70 to 240 g kg-1 and 460 to 700 g kg-1, respectively. Nitrate concentrations increased with increase in N fertilization but source had no effect on nitrate concentration. Typically, nitrates only posed a health risk for ruminant livestock at N rates above 90 kg N ha-1, but dangerous levels were present occasionally at the 0 and 45 kg N ha-1 rates. The results from this study indicate that teff responds to moderate rates of N and could provide summer forage for grazing livestock in the mid-Atlantic region. / Master of Science in Life Sciences
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Reducing Ammonia Volatilization and Escherichia coli from Broiler Litter Using Multiple Applications of Sodium BisulfateHunolt, Alicia Erin 17 April 2015 (has links)
Ammonia (NH₃) emissions from animal manure, such as poultry litter, can cause air quality problems. These emissions also result in excessive nitrogen (N) loading into aquatic environments which can lead to water quality problems where N is the limiting nutrient for eutrophication, such as the Chesapeake Bay. Poultry litter treatment (PLT, sodium bisulfate) is an acidic amendment that is applied to litter in poultry houses to decrease NH3 emissions, but currently it can only be applied before birds are placed in the houses. This project analyzed the effect of multiple PLT applications on litter properties and NH₃ release in a controlled and field environment. Volatility chambers with acid traps were used to compare multiple, single, and no applications of PLT to poultry litter. Both single and reapplied PLT caused a greater moisture content and lower pH in litter. Additionally, the E.coli in litter was decreased significantly with both single and reapplied PLT. After 15 days, NH₃ released from litter treated with reapplied PLT was significantly less than litter with both single and no applications. Furthermore, NH₄⁺-N content of litter was greatest in litter treated with reapplied PLT increasing its fertilizer value. The efficacy of a new farm scale system capable of applying several additions of PLT to poultry litter throughout the growth of a flock was also evaluated. Though litter pH, E.coli, and NH₃ volatilization were temporarily decreased with PLT application, the overhead reapplication auger system is not recommended at this time due to moisture and corrosion problems. / Ph. D.
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Motivating Proenvironmental Behavior: Examining the efficacy of financial incentivesFurrow, Cory Benjamin 23 October 2015 (has links)
A key strategy to motivate proenvironmental behavior (PEB) involves the promise of monetary rewards. Financial incentives are intuitively appealing because they can increase an individual's expected benefits for engaging in the PEB; however, there is concern that incentives can transform motivations for the PEB. The purpose of this study was to examine the role of financial incentives on behavior across time. Specifically, I used an experimental design to examine the immediate effects payments on litter-removal effort (Phase 1) followed by effort after payments were no longer available (Phase 2). Undergraduate students were recruited for a trail evaluation study and randomly assigned to a control treatment or a financial incentive treatment. In Phase 1 I asked students to pick up discarded litter during their trail evaluation (PEB). The incentive condition offered students $0.25 for each of the possible 16 items of trash planted along the trail. The control condition simply asked students to help by picking up trash. Students were again asked to collect trash in Phase 2 but the financial incentive condition was not offered a payment. In accordance with self-determination theory I expected payments to increase effort in the short term and suppress effort when the incentive was no longer provided. Although there was an overall decrease in effort between phases within both conditions, the results of a repeated-measures ANOVA indicated no difference between the control and incentive condition in either phase. Given the lack of a statistically significant finding, it is possible that there are conditions under which payments provide no greater inducement than a simple request for help. This idea is supported by a meta-analysis, which identifies a consistent lack of effect for easily-performed tasks. Additional research is needed to further understand the conditions under which financial incentives can motivate and sustain PEBs. / Master of Science
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"Fatores determinantes no processo de decomposição em florestas do Estado de São Paulo". / Determinant factors of decomposition process in São Paulo State forestsCastanho, Camila de Toledo 05 August 2005 (has links)
A atividade de decomposição constitui-se em importante indicador do padrão funcional dos ecossistemas, pois controla processos básicos relacionados à disponibilidade de nutrientes e produtividade. Salienta-se a importância das características climáticas, edáficas, da qualidade da serapilheira e da fauna do solo como determinantes no processo de decomposição. No entanto, a importância de cada um destes fatores varia em escalas de tempo e espaço. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a importância de alguns fatores determinantes na decomposição em trechos representativos dos principais ecossistemas florestais do Estado de São Paulo. Para tanto foram conduzidos dois experimentos independentes. O primeiro, aqui denominado Experimento Exóticas, examinou os efeitos do tipo florestal e da fauna do solo sobre a decomposição de folhas de uma espécie exótica (Laurus nobilis L.) em duas florestas úmidas (Floresta de Restinga do Parque Estadual da Ilha do Cardoso e Floresta Atlântica de Encosta do Parque Estadual Carlos Botelho) e uma floresta estacional (Floresta Estacional Semidecidual da Estação Ecológica de Caetetus). Os efeitos destes fatores foram testados em duas situações: acima e abaixo da superfície simulando então o ambiente de decomposição de folhas e raízes respectivamente. O tipo florestal apresenta efeito superior à fauna acima da superfície, enquanto abaixo apenas o efeito da fauna é significativo. Esses resultados indicam que a hierarquia dos fatores determinantes na decomposição difere para folhas e raízes. Se por um lado a decomposição de folhas é muito mais susceptível às mudanças climáticas do que a de raízes, por outro, alterações na comunidade afetam a decomposição em ambas as condições. Acima da superfície, a fauna apresentou efeito significativo apenas na Floresta Atlântica de Encosta, sendo essencial na diferenciação das duas florestas úmidas. Abaixo da superfície e na ausência da fauna, a porcentagem de massa remanescente foi muito similar nas três florestas. No entanto, diferenças entre as florestas, na presença da fauna, tornam-se aparentes sugerindo que há contribuição específica da fauna na decomposição de raízes destas florestas. A Floresta de Restinga apresentou o efeito mais pronunciado da fauna abaixo do solo. Esses resultados indicam que a fauna é um fator de notável importância na determinação da decomposição de raízes, particularmente em florestas tropicais úmidas arenosas. Outro experimento, aqui denominado Experimento Nativas, foi desenvolvido para avaliar o efeito do substrato e da formação florestal na decomposição de folhas de quatro espécies nativas em trechos das quatro principais formações florestais do Estado de São Paulo. Para tanto, o experimento foi desenvolvido nos três trechos florestais do experimento Exóticas incluindo ainda o Cerradão da Estação Ecológica de Assis. Foi escolhida uma espécie de árvore, em cada um dos tipos florestais, para que suas folhas fossem usadas como substrato nas bolsas de serapilheira. Tipo florestal e substrato demonstraram efeito significativo sobre a quantidade de massa remanescente ao longo do experimento. A maior parte das espécies sofreu maiores perdas na Floresta Atlântica, seguida da Floresta de Restinga, Floresta Estacional e Cerradão. Esses resultados sugerem que o total de precipitação associado a sua distribuição são importantes determinantes no processo de decomposição, de forma que as duas florestas mais úmidas apresentam, em média, taxas de decomposição duas vezes maiores do que as duas florestas estacionais. As demais diferenças encontradas entre as formações florestais devem ser explicadas por características edáficas e bióticas. Em relação ao efeito das espécies, observaram-se as maiores perda de massa em Esenbeckia leiocarpa Engl., seguida de Copaifera langsdorfii Desf., Guapira opposita Vell. e Calophyllum brasiliensis Camb.. Os parâmetros químicos só mostram correlação negativa significativa com as taxas de decomposição quando G. opposita é excluída da análise. Neste caso a porcentagem de lignina foi o parâmetro que apresentou melhor correlação (r2= 0,59). Apesar dos padrões gerais apresentados acima, a interação entre tipo florestal e substrato evidencia algumas variações, que se relacionam principalmente ao aumento relativo na perda de massa de C. langsdorfii em sua área de origem, o Cerradão. Quando comparadas as taxas de decomposição (k) encontradas na Floresta Estacional e no Cerradão, C. langsdorfii apresenta decaimento 40% maior no Cerradão, enquanto as demais espécies apresentam, em média, taxas 28% menores no Cerradão do que na Estacional. Esses resultados sugerem estreita correlação entre a comunidade decompositora e a serapilheira local. O estudo do processo de decomposição, reconhecendo seus fatores determinantes e a variação na hierarquia desses fatores em diferentes condições ambientais, como apresentado nesse trabalho, é de fundamental importância, não só para o entendimento dos ecossistemas florestais de São Paulo, mas para o planejamento de atividades de manejo, restauração e conservação. / Composition is an important indicator of functional patterns of ecosystems, as it controls basic processes related to the availability of nutrients and to ecosystem productivity. Climatic and edaphic conditions and the quality of the litter and soil fauna as determining factors are of particular importance in the process of decomposition. The significance of each one of these varies with spatial and temporal scale. The objective of this work was to evaluate the importance of certain determining factors of decomposition in sites representing the main forest ecosystems of the state of São Paulo, Brazil. To accomplish this, two independent experiments were conducted. The first, denoted here as the Exotics" experiment, was to examine the effects of the type of forest and the soil fauna on the decomposition of leaves of an exotic species (Laurus nobilis L.) in two humid forests (Restinga Forest of the Parque Estadual da Ilha do Cardoso e Atlantic Forest of the Parque Estadual Carlos Botelho) and a seasonal forest (Semideciduous Forest of the Estação Ecológica de Caetetus). The effects of these factors were tested above and belowground, to simulate the environment of decomposition among leaves and roots respectively. The type of forest had a significant effect over fauna above the surface, while below the surface, only fauna had significant effect. These results indicate that the hierarchy of determining factors in decomposition differs between leaves and roots. If on the one hand decomposition in leaves is much more susceptible to variation in climate than are roots, on the other hand changes in the soil fauna affect decomposition in both environments. Above the surface, fauna had a significant effect only in the Atlantic Forest, emphasizing the difference between two humid forests. Under the surface, and in the absence of fauna, the percentage of remaining biomass was very similar in the three forests. Notwithstanding differences in the forests, the presence of fauna was apparent, suggesting that there is a specific contribution of fauna in decomposition among roots in these forests. The Restinga Forest produced the most pronounced effect of fauna below the soil surface. These results indicate that fauna is a factor of notable importance in the decomposition of roots, especially in humid sandy tropical forests. The other experiment, here called the Native" experiment, was developed to evaluate the effects of the substrate and the forest type on the decomposition of leaves of four native species in sites of the four major forest types in São Paulo state. The experiment was conducted in the same three forest sites as the Exotics" experiment, including the Cerradão da Estação Ecológica de Assis. A tree species was chosen in each forest type, the leaves of which were used as substrate for the litter bags. The type of forest and the substrate demonstrated a significantly greater effect on the quantity of remaining mass throughout the experiment. The majority of the species suffered greater losses in the Atlantic Forest, followed by the Restinga Forest, the Semideciduous Forest, and the Cerradão. These results suggest that the total associated precipitation and its distribution are important determinants in the process of decomposition. As such, the two most humid forests show, on average, decomposition rates twice as great as the two seasonal forests. The rest of the differences encountered between forest types can be explained by edaphic and biotic factors. With respect to the effect of the species, the greatest biomass losses were observed in Esenbeckia leiocarpa Engl., followed by Copaifera langsdorfii Desf., Guapira opposita Vell. and Calophyllum brasiliensis Camb. Chemical parameters only show significant negative correlation with decomposition rates when G. opposita is excluded from the analysis. In this case the percentage of lignin was the parameter that showed the greatest correlation (r2= 0,59). In spite of the general patterns presented above, the interaction between forest type and substrate showed some variation, principally related to the loss of mass of C. langsdorfii in its native habitat, the Cerradão. Comparing decomposition rates (k) found in the Semideciduous Forest and Cerradão, C. langsdorfii shows a decrease of 40% more in the Cerradão, while the other species show, on average rates 28% lower in the Cerradão than in the Semideciduous Forest. These results suggest a strict correlation between the decomposition community and the local litter. Understanding processes of decomposition, is of fundamental importance and includes recognizing the determining factors and the variation in the importance of these factors under different environmental conditions, as presented in this study. This is true not only for our understanding of the forest ecosystems of São Paulo, but also for management planning, restoration, and conservation.
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Production and biodegradation of dissolved carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus from Canadian forest floorsTurgeon, Julie. January 2008 (has links)
Dissolved organic matter (DOM) is operationally defined as soluble/colloidal material passing through a 0.45mum filter paper. The importance of DOM in soils relies on its role in soil formation and weathering processes, plant and microbial assimilation and soil and water acidification. However, the scientific community studying DOM still disagrees on whether fresh or humified material is the major source of DOM within the forest floor. One of the factors that could influence the overall importance of DOM production by organic horizons is its potential for biodegradability. In addition, the interaction occurring between the nutrients (i.e. nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P)) and carbon (C) substrate is believed to be of major importance. / To acquire more knowledge on the production and biodegradation of dissolved C, N and P during decomposition of organic matter (OM), I performed laboratory incubations to evaluate rates of production and transformation, the influence of the degree of OM decomposition and stand type on these rates, and the stoichiometric relationships of the different quotients during the incubations. First, I performed a 30-day incubation of coniferous and deciduous OM from 10 Canadian forest floors representing various degrees of OM decomposition and subsequently measured the amount of: dissolved organic carbon (DOC), total dissolved nitrogen (TDN), nitrate (NO3-N), ammonium (NH4-N), dissolved organic nitrogen (DON), total dissolved phosphorus (TOP) and carbon dioxide (CO2-C). I performed water extractions with the same set of samples to evaluate the biodegradability of DOC and DON and the transformations of TDN, NO3-N and NH4-N. / Fresh material produces more DOM than humified material; material in the midpoint of decomposition (F horizon) produced the largest amount of DIN. Coniferous and deciduous samples did not display different rates of DOM production, most likely because of the overshadowing effect of OM degree of decomposition. I found strong links between the organic matter and dissolved phase C and N content and C:N quotient. The biodegradation, measured as DOC disappearance and mineralization of CO2-C, showed a discrepancy, reflecting the importance of increasing microbial biomass at the beginning of the incubation in response to priming effect. The sharp decrease of TDN and DON observed in the first few days of the incubation, in addition to increasing amount of dissolved inorganic N as waste products during decomposition of DON, supports this hypothesis. A better understanding of the dynamics of dissolved C, N and P in soil is essential to further understand their role in global elemental cycles, including climate change, forest management and pollution.
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Production and Biodegradation of Dissolved Carbon, Nitrogen and Phosphorous from Canadian Forest FloorsTurgeon, Julie January 2009 (has links)
Dissolved organic matter (DOM) is operationally defined as soluble/colloidal material passing through a 0.45~m filter paper. The importance of DOM in soils relies on its role in soil formation and weathering processes, plant and microbial assimilation and soil and water acidification. However, the scientific community studying DOM still disagrees on whether fresh or humified material is the major source of DOM within the forest floor.[...] / La matière organique dissoute (DOM) est composée de particules dissoutes et colloïdales passant au travers un filtre de 0.45 Ilm. L'importance de DOM dans les sols est liée à son rôle dans la pédogenèse, les processus d'altération des minéraux, l'assimilation par les plantes et microbes, ainsi que l'acidification des plans d'eau et des sols.[...]
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An evaluation of large woody debris restorations on the Manistee and Au Sable rivers, MichiganKlungle, Matthew M. January 2006 (has links)
Thesis (M.S.)--Michigan State University. Dept. of Fisheries and Wildlife, 2006. / Title from PDF t.p. (viewed on June 19, 2009) Includes bibliographical references (p. 39-40). Also issued in print.
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Interação nitrogênio e resíduo de eucalipto na estabilização do carbono no solo / Interaction of nitrogen and eucalypt harvest residues in carbon stabilization in soilOliveira, Fernanda Cristina Caparelli de 25 March 2011 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2011-03-25 / Fundação de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Minas Gerais / The content of soil organic matter (SOM) is one of the most important indicators of the quality and sustainability of soils. In forestry sector, the management practices are planned so that soil carbon (C) stocks are sustained along rotations. It seems that nitrogen (N) additions in Eucalyptus sp. plantations can accelerate the litter and labile organic matter decomposition at initial stages, but it may contribute to residue C stabilization in more recalcitrant fractions of SOM. This study aimed at quantifying under field conditions: 1) the effect of the N rate on the decomposition of eucalypt harvest residues; 2) the C dynamic into particulate organic matter (POM) and mineral associated organic matter (MAM); and 3) to determine the transfer of fertilizer nitrogen-15 to POM and MAM. The experiment was conducted on short-rotation eucalypt areas in two regions (South and West) with distintic precipitation and clay content, near Eunápolis, in Southern Bahia. The treatments consisted of four levels of N (0, 25, 50 e 100 kg ha-1), five sampling periods (0, 3, 6, 12 and 36 months) all without harvest residue removal and an additional treatment without N addition and harvest residue. Ammonium nitrate was the source of N, except at the 50 kg ha-1 at which 5 % of dose was applied as 15(NH4)2SO4 (98 atom % excess 15N). The experiment was in a randomized block design, with five replicates. Soil samples were collected at depths of 0-10, 10-20, 20-40, 40-60 cm. The application of 50 kg ha-1 of N in the South region reduced the decomposition rate of branches, bark and the combined residues (leaves + branch + bark). Branches and bark showed the higher N half-life time (t0,5). When aboveground plant residues were removed and the roots were the sole C input there was a 33 and 14 % decrease on the more stable MAM-C stocks, respectively, at the South and West regions. In South region N addition preserved more C derived from C4 plants that used to be planted in the area before the eucalypt. After three years of N additions, more fertilizer 15N was in the MAM fraction and less 15N was detected below the 10 cm depth. / Um dos principais indicadores da qualidade e da sustentabilidade dos solos é seu conteúdo de matéria orgânica (MOS). No setor florestal, as práticas silviculturais buscam a manutenção e o aumento do estoque de carbono (C) no solo. Acredita-se que a adição de nitrogênio (N) em plantios de eucalipto pode acelerar a decomposição da serapilheira e da matéria orgânica lábil nos estádios iniciais de decomposição, mas por outro lado, contribui para a estabilização do C do resíduo em frações mais estáveis da MOS. Este trabalho teve como objetivo quantificar, em condições de campo: 1) o efeito de doses de N nas taxas de decomposição do resíduo da colheita de eucalipto; 2) a transferência do seu C para a matéria orgânica particulada (MOP) e associada aos minerais (MAM); e 3) determinar a transferência do N do fertilizante para a MOP e MAM. O experimento foi conduzido em plantios comerciais de eucalipto em duas regiões com precipitações e teores de argila distintos, no município de Eunápolis, Extremo Sul da Bahia. Os tratamentos consistiram de quatro doses de N (0, 25, 50 e 100 kg ha-1), cinco épocas de coleta (0, 3, 6, 12, 36 meses), todos sem a remoção do resíduo, além de um tratamento adicional sem a adição de N e com remoção do resíduo. A fonte de N utilizada foi o nitrato de amônio (NH4NO3), com exceção da dose de 50 kg ha-1, em que 5 % da dose de N foram aplicados como 15(NH4)2SO4, com 98% átomos em excesso. O delineamento utilizado foi em blocos casualizados, com cinco repetições. As amostras de solo foram coletadas nas camadas de 0-10, 10-20, 20-40, 40-60 cm. A dose de 50 kg ha-1, na região sul, reduziu a taxa de decomposição do galho, casca, e do combinado (folha+galho+casca). Os galhos e cascas foram os componentes que apresentam os maiores tempos de meia vida (t0,5) de N. A remoção dos resíduos, com aporte de C apenas via sistema radicular, acarretou em decréscimos de 33 e 14 % no C da frações mais estáveis da MOS, da região Sul e Oeste, respectivamente. Na região Sul, a adição de N preservou o estoque de C originário de plantas C4 cultivadas previamente ao eucalipto na MAM. Após três anos da aplicação de N no solo, a maior porcentagem de 15N encontrava-se na MAM, com pouco 15N sendo perdido para camadas abaixo de 10 cm de profundidade.
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"Fatores determinantes no processo de decomposição em florestas do Estado de São Paulo". / Determinant factors of decomposition process in São Paulo State forestsCamila de Toledo Castanho 05 August 2005 (has links)
A atividade de decomposição constitui-se em importante indicador do padrão funcional dos ecossistemas, pois controla processos básicos relacionados à disponibilidade de nutrientes e produtividade. Salienta-se a importância das características climáticas, edáficas, da qualidade da serapilheira e da fauna do solo como determinantes no processo de decomposição. No entanto, a importância de cada um destes fatores varia em escalas de tempo e espaço. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a importância de alguns fatores determinantes na decomposição em trechos representativos dos principais ecossistemas florestais do Estado de São Paulo. Para tanto foram conduzidos dois experimentos independentes. O primeiro, aqui denominado Experimento Exóticas, examinou os efeitos do tipo florestal e da fauna do solo sobre a decomposição de folhas de uma espécie exótica (Laurus nobilis L.) em duas florestas úmidas (Floresta de Restinga do Parque Estadual da Ilha do Cardoso e Floresta Atlântica de Encosta do Parque Estadual Carlos Botelho) e uma floresta estacional (Floresta Estacional Semidecidual da Estação Ecológica de Caetetus). Os efeitos destes fatores foram testados em duas situações: acima e abaixo da superfície simulando então o ambiente de decomposição de folhas e raízes respectivamente. O tipo florestal apresenta efeito superior à fauna acima da superfície, enquanto abaixo apenas o efeito da fauna é significativo. Esses resultados indicam que a hierarquia dos fatores determinantes na decomposição difere para folhas e raízes. Se por um lado a decomposição de folhas é muito mais susceptível às mudanças climáticas do que a de raízes, por outro, alterações na comunidade afetam a decomposição em ambas as condições. Acima da superfície, a fauna apresentou efeito significativo apenas na Floresta Atlântica de Encosta, sendo essencial na diferenciação das duas florestas úmidas. Abaixo da superfície e na ausência da fauna, a porcentagem de massa remanescente foi muito similar nas três florestas. No entanto, diferenças entre as florestas, na presença da fauna, tornam-se aparentes sugerindo que há contribuição específica da fauna na decomposição de raízes destas florestas. A Floresta de Restinga apresentou o efeito mais pronunciado da fauna abaixo do solo. Esses resultados indicam que a fauna é um fator de notável importância na determinação da decomposição de raízes, particularmente em florestas tropicais úmidas arenosas. Outro experimento, aqui denominado Experimento Nativas, foi desenvolvido para avaliar o efeito do substrato e da formação florestal na decomposição de folhas de quatro espécies nativas em trechos das quatro principais formações florestais do Estado de São Paulo. Para tanto, o experimento foi desenvolvido nos três trechos florestais do experimento Exóticas incluindo ainda o Cerradão da Estação Ecológica de Assis. Foi escolhida uma espécie de árvore, em cada um dos tipos florestais, para que suas folhas fossem usadas como substrato nas bolsas de serapilheira. Tipo florestal e substrato demonstraram efeito significativo sobre a quantidade de massa remanescente ao longo do experimento. A maior parte das espécies sofreu maiores perdas na Floresta Atlântica, seguida da Floresta de Restinga, Floresta Estacional e Cerradão. Esses resultados sugerem que o total de precipitação associado a sua distribuição são importantes determinantes no processo de decomposição, de forma que as duas florestas mais úmidas apresentam, em média, taxas de decomposição duas vezes maiores do que as duas florestas estacionais. As demais diferenças encontradas entre as formações florestais devem ser explicadas por características edáficas e bióticas. Em relação ao efeito das espécies, observaram-se as maiores perda de massa em Esenbeckia leiocarpa Engl., seguida de Copaifera langsdorfii Desf., Guapira opposita Vell. e Calophyllum brasiliensis Camb.. Os parâmetros químicos só mostram correlação negativa significativa com as taxas de decomposição quando G. opposita é excluída da análise. Neste caso a porcentagem de lignina foi o parâmetro que apresentou melhor correlação (r2= 0,59). Apesar dos padrões gerais apresentados acima, a interação entre tipo florestal e substrato evidencia algumas variações, que se relacionam principalmente ao aumento relativo na perda de massa de C. langsdorfii em sua área de origem, o Cerradão. Quando comparadas as taxas de decomposição (k) encontradas na Floresta Estacional e no Cerradão, C. langsdorfii apresenta decaimento 40% maior no Cerradão, enquanto as demais espécies apresentam, em média, taxas 28% menores no Cerradão do que na Estacional. Esses resultados sugerem estreita correlação entre a comunidade decompositora e a serapilheira local. O estudo do processo de decomposição, reconhecendo seus fatores determinantes e a variação na hierarquia desses fatores em diferentes condições ambientais, como apresentado nesse trabalho, é de fundamental importância, não só para o entendimento dos ecossistemas florestais de São Paulo, mas para o planejamento de atividades de manejo, restauração e conservação. / Composition is an important indicator of functional patterns of ecosystems, as it controls basic processes related to the availability of nutrients and to ecosystem productivity. Climatic and edaphic conditions and the quality of the litter and soil fauna as determining factors are of particular importance in the process of decomposition. The significance of each one of these varies with spatial and temporal scale. The objective of this work was to evaluate the importance of certain determining factors of decomposition in sites representing the main forest ecosystems of the state of São Paulo, Brazil. To accomplish this, two independent experiments were conducted. The first, denoted here as the Exotics experiment, was to examine the effects of the type of forest and the soil fauna on the decomposition of leaves of an exotic species (Laurus nobilis L.) in two humid forests (Restinga Forest of the Parque Estadual da Ilha do Cardoso e Atlantic Forest of the Parque Estadual Carlos Botelho) and a seasonal forest (Semideciduous Forest of the Estação Ecológica de Caetetus). The effects of these factors were tested above and belowground, to simulate the environment of decomposition among leaves and roots respectively. The type of forest had a significant effect over fauna above the surface, while below the surface, only fauna had significant effect. These results indicate that the hierarchy of determining factors in decomposition differs between leaves and roots. If on the one hand decomposition in leaves is much more susceptible to variation in climate than are roots, on the other hand changes in the soil fauna affect decomposition in both environments. Above the surface, fauna had a significant effect only in the Atlantic Forest, emphasizing the difference between two humid forests. Under the surface, and in the absence of fauna, the percentage of remaining biomass was very similar in the three forests. Notwithstanding differences in the forests, the presence of fauna was apparent, suggesting that there is a specific contribution of fauna in decomposition among roots in these forests. The Restinga Forest produced the most pronounced effect of fauna below the soil surface. These results indicate that fauna is a factor of notable importance in the decomposition of roots, especially in humid sandy tropical forests. The other experiment, here called the Native experiment, was developed to evaluate the effects of the substrate and the forest type on the decomposition of leaves of four native species in sites of the four major forest types in São Paulo state. The experiment was conducted in the same three forest sites as the Exotics experiment, including the Cerradão da Estação Ecológica de Assis. A tree species was chosen in each forest type, the leaves of which were used as substrate for the litter bags. The type of forest and the substrate demonstrated a significantly greater effect on the quantity of remaining mass throughout the experiment. The majority of the species suffered greater losses in the Atlantic Forest, followed by the Restinga Forest, the Semideciduous Forest, and the Cerradão. These results suggest that the total associated precipitation and its distribution are important determinants in the process of decomposition. As such, the two most humid forests show, on average, decomposition rates twice as great as the two seasonal forests. The rest of the differences encountered between forest types can be explained by edaphic and biotic factors. With respect to the effect of the species, the greatest biomass losses were observed in Esenbeckia leiocarpa Engl., followed by Copaifera langsdorfii Desf., Guapira opposita Vell. and Calophyllum brasiliensis Camb. Chemical parameters only show significant negative correlation with decomposition rates when G. opposita is excluded from the analysis. In this case the percentage of lignin was the parameter that showed the greatest correlation (r2= 0,59). In spite of the general patterns presented above, the interaction between forest type and substrate showed some variation, principally related to the loss of mass of C. langsdorfii in its native habitat, the Cerradão. Comparing decomposition rates (k) found in the Semideciduous Forest and Cerradão, C. langsdorfii shows a decrease of 40% more in the Cerradão, while the other species show, on average rates 28% lower in the Cerradão than in the Semideciduous Forest. These results suggest a strict correlation between the decomposition community and the local litter. Understanding processes of decomposition, is of fundamental importance and includes recognizing the determining factors and the variation in the importance of these factors under different environmental conditions, as presented in this study. This is true not only for our understanding of the forest ecosystems of São Paulo, but also for management planning, restoration, and conservation.
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