Spelling suggestions: "subject:"llarg""
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Estudo micro-estrutural, histoquímico e imunoistoquímico da placenta de lhama (Lama guanicoe glama) / Microestructural, histochemistry, and inmunohistochemistry study of the llama´s placenta (Lama guanicoe glama)Iturrizaga, David Montes 09 December 2005 (has links)
A placenta de lhama tem sido descrita como epitélio-corial, mas os estudos existentes não aprofundam nos aspectos microscópicos. Para detalhar as características microestruturais foram feitas observações ao microscópio de luz, eletrônico de varredura e de transmissão. Foram coletados 09 úteros grávidos em associação com as membranas fetais, entre 28 a 36 semanas de gestação. Parte do material foi fixado com solução de paraformaldeído 4% e emblocado em paraplast e historesina. Seções de 5µm foram submetidas a colorações de hematoxilina-eosina, Tricrômico de Masson, reações histoquímicas de PAS, Perl?s e fosfatase ácida, e imunohistoquímica para a detecção de uteroferrina. Fragmentos foram fixados com glutaraldeído 2,5%, para microscopia eletrônica de varredura e transmissão. Os resultados observados permitem classificar a placenta da lhama como corioalantóidea, difusa, pregueada, epitéliocorial e o feto esta recoberto pela membrana epidermal. O trofoblasto apresentou células de morfologia variada, desde cúbicas, arredondas até triangulares, com citoplasma contendo grânulos PAS+. Células binucleadas com citoplasma aumentado e núcleos arredondados, bem como células trofoblásticas gigantes com múltiplos núcleos, também foram observadas. As aréolas estavam preenchidas de material PAS positivo Observaram-se grande quantidade de vasos sangüíneos na interface materno-fetal, entre as células do epitélio uterino e ao arredor das projeções coriônicas, as quais eram ramificadas. O mesênquima com fibras colágenas em grande quantidade auxiliam no suporte das projeções coriônicas. Observou-se positividade as reações histoquímicas de PAS, Perl?s e fosfatase ácida, e imunohistoquímica de uteroferrina na interface materno fetal, mas com maior notoriedade no epitélio e lume das glândulas uterinas. Células trofoblásticas gigantes com 4 ou mais núcleos estavam nas projeções coriônicas, mostrando escassa ou nula reatividade histoquímica ao PAS, indicando funcionalidades diferentes das células trofoblásticas mono ou binucleadas. O alantóide estava conformado por uma camada única de células de diferentes alturas, sendo que na superfície destas observaram-se estruturas circulares e poliédricas. A membrana epidermal possui um epitélio estratificado plano de até sete camadas de células mono, bi ou trinucleadas. A alta vascularização das faces materna e fetal, a qual indica uma ótima troca de sustâncias entre ambas faces, e a alta atividade metabólica demonstrada nas glândulas uterinas revelam uma adaptação da gestação desta espécie habitante das altas altitudes da serra do Peru. / The placenta of the llama has been described like epitheliochorial, but existent researches don\'t study in depth microscopic aspects. In order to detail their ultrastructurals characteristics observations were made by light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Samples of nine uteruses between 28 to 36 weeks of pregnancy were collected in association with fetal membranes. A part was fixed with of 4% paraformaldehyde solution and embedded either in paraffin or in glycol methacrylate resin. Sections of 5µm in thickness were stained with haematoxylin and eosin, Masson\'s trichrome staining and PAS (Perl`s and acid fosfatase, and inmunohistochemestry for uteroferrina detection. Another part was fixed with 2,5 % glutaraldehyde and post-fixed in 1% osmium tetroxide and processed for SEM. The trophoblast presented cells of morphology varied, since cubical, rounds off until triangular, with cytoplasm with granules PAS+. Binucleates cells with increased cytoplasm and spherical nucleus, as well as giant trophoblastics cells with multiple nucleus, had been also observed. Aréolas was filled of positive material PAS. Great amount of blood vessels are in the maternofetal interface, between the cells of uterine epithelium and around of the chorionic projections. Collagen fibers are observed in the mesenchymae and inside the chorionic projections. PAS positive reaction was observed in the materno-fetal interface, mane manifest in epithelium and lumen of uterine glands. Giant size trofoblastic cels of 4-7 or more nucleus were found in chorionich proyections, showing scarse or nule histochemistry reactivity, indicating different functionalities of different kind of mono or bi nucleated cells. The allantois is structured by an unique layer of different sizes cells, in their surface are circular and polyhedral structures, representing a morphological consideration from this type of function allantois cells. The epidermal membrane is formed by 7 or more layers of cells with one, two or three nucleus. The superficial layer present more smooth cells. The high vascularization of the maternal and fetal faces indicates an optimal interchange of substances between both. The collagen inside the chorionics projections serves as a support skeleton), and the high metabolic demonstrate activity in uterine glands, develope a pregnacy adaptation of these specie who lives in highs of Perú.
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Resinas epoxi sililadas retardantes a la llama. Síntesis, caracterización y propiedadesMercado Roca, Luis Adolfo 02 December 2005 (has links)
Las resinas epoxi son ampliamente utilizadas en soldaduras, recubrimientos, adhesivos y materiales compuestos. En algunas aplicaciones las resinas epoxi requieren de funciones especiales y versátiles, tales como alta adhesión a los sustratos, bajo encogimiento, bajo estrés térmico después del curado, buena dureza, baja inflamabilidad y buena resistencia química. La inflamabilidad de las resinas epoxi es una de las principales desventajas en su aplicación debido a que, como todo polímero orgánico, son inherentemente combustibles y en presencia de una fuente de calor y de oxígeno se queman fácil y rápidamente. Por consiguiente, algunos retardantes al fuego, tales como compuestos bromados, óxidos de antimonio, compuestos fósforo-halogenados, etc. son incorporados en las resinas epoxi para reducir su inflamabilidad. Estos compuestos son excepcionalmente efectivos pero presentan el inconveniente que incrementan las cantidades de humos y productos de descomposición tóxicos y corrosivos que se desprenden durante la combustión del polímero. Por esta serie de inconvenientes en la actualidad se ha incrementado la investigación de otros heteroátomos como retardantes a la llama para reemplazar a los halógenos.En los últimos años se han descrito algunas aproximaciones sobre resinas epoxi con silicio unido covalentemente a la matriz polimérica. Así, han sido descritas modificaciones sobre resinas epoxi comerciales y copolimerizaciones de monómeros glicidílicos que contienen silicio con resinas epoxi comerciales, consiguiéndose una mejora de las propiedades retardantes a la llama sin sacrificar las propiedades mecánicas de la resina curada.En este trabajo se ha planteado como objetivo general el desarrollo de resinas epoxi basadas en silicio con propiedades retardantes a la llama. Así, se ha llevado a cabo la síntesis de monómeros glicidílicos que contienen silicio en su estructura. Para establecer una relación entre la presencia y proporción del silicio y las propiedades físicas de los materiales resultantes, se han preparado polímeros termoestables a partir de mezclas de un glicidilo comercial con los monómeros que contienen silicio así como prepolímeros obtenidos a través de reacciones de crecimiento de cadena entre el DGEBA y un silanodiol. También se han sintetizado monómeros y agentes de curado que contienen fósforo en su estructura y se han preparado polímeros termoestables que contengan ambos heteroátomos. Con objeto de estudiar el mecanismo de reacción de monómeros que contienen silicio con aminas primarias, se ha sintetizado un monómero sililado monofuncional, fenilglicidiloxidimetilsilano (GDMPS), y se ha comparado su reactividad frente a una amina primaria, anilina, con la de un glicidilo comercial, fenilglicidiléter (PGE). El estudio cinético fue llevado a cabo mediante NIR y aplicando a los datos espectrales obtenidos métodos de análisis multivariante de resolución de curvas (MCR-ALS). Se ha llevado a cabo el estudio cinético del curado de un diglicidilo que contiene silicio, fenildiglicidiloximetilsilano (DGPMS), y de las mezclas de éste con DGEBA con una diamina primaria, DDM, mediante DSC isotérmico y dinámico. Además, se han estudiado los fenómenos de gelificacion y vitrificación de estos sistemas mediante DMTA en modo cizalla y TMDSC. Se han preparado polímeros termoestables y se han evaluado sus propiedades termodinamomecánicas, térmicas y de retardancia a la llama. Las propiedades termodinamomecánicas han sido estudiadas mediante DMTA en modo de flexión. La estabilidad térmica de estos compuestos se ha estudiado mediante análisis termogravimétrico en atmósfera de nitrógeno y de aire. Las propiedades de retardancia a la llama fueron evaluadas mediante el test ASTM-D-2683 del índice de oxígeno limitante (LOI). Finalmente, se ha estudiado la degradación térmica de los polímeros obtenidos para establecer el modo de actuación del silicio durante la degradación. Para ello, se ha realizado el estudio cinético de la degradación a partir datos obtenidos por TGA, estudios de las etapas iniciales de la degradación mediante quimioluminiscencia (QL) y la caracterización de los productos formados por TGA-MS, GC-MS, ATR-FTIR y DRX.De los resultados obtenidos se han podido establecer las siguientes conclusiones: (1) Se ha determinado que la presencia del silicio produce un aumento en la reactividad del epóxido probablemente debido a efectos electrónicos. Esta mayor reactividad además reduce la importancia del camino autocatalítico en el curado con aminas primarias. (2) Las resinas epoxi sililadas termoestables muestran una disminución de la Tg y de la densidad de entrecruzamiento con el incremento del porcentaje de silicio.Esta disminución está relacionada con un aumento del volumen libre debido a la mayor longitud de los enlaces Si-O. (3) Los polímeros termoestables que contienen silicio muestran un incremento del LOI a partir de un contenido de silicio del 3%. En los polímeros que contienen silicio y fósforo, se encontraron evidencias de la existencia de sinergia entre los dos heteroátomos. (4) La degradación de los polímeros que contienen silicio, tanto en atmósfera inerte como oxidante, conlleva la formación de oligómeros cíclicos de fenilmetilsiloxano, lo que implica que parte del silicio abandona la fase condensada. El residuo contiene silicio como SiO2, formando probablemente una capa aislante que actúa como barrera térmica y de transferencia de masa disminuyendo de esta manera la producción de volátiles. / The epoxy resins are widely used in coatings, adhesives, composites, etc. In some applications of epoxy resins special and versatile features are required, such as high adhesion to the substrates, low shrinkage, low thermal stress after curing, toughness, chemical resistance and low flammability. The flammability of epoxy resins is the main drawback in their application. Some flame retardants compounds, such as brominebased compounds, antimony oxides, phosphorous-halogen compounds etc. are incorporated in the epoxy resins to reduce their flammability. These compounds are exceptionally efficient but they have the inconvenience that they increase the smoke and toxic and corrosive gas evolution during the combustion of the polymer. For these drawbacks in the last years it has been increased the investigation of other heteroatoms like flame retardants to replace the halogens.Some approaches about epoxy resins with silicon covalently bonded to the polymeric matrix have been reported. In this way, modifications of commercial epoxy resins and copolymerizations of silicon-based monomers with commercial epoxy resins giving to good flame retardancy, thermal and mechanical properties have been reported.The aim of this thesis is the development of novel fire retardant silicon-based epoxy resins. Glycidyl monomers with silicon in their structure, prepolymers obtained by mean of growth of chain reactions between diphenyl silanediol and diglycidylether of bisphenol A (DGEBA) and a phosphorous-containing glycidyl monomer and two phosphorilated diamines were synthesized. Thermoset polymers were obtained from curing reactions of the compounds synthesized. To study the reaction kinetics of silicon-containing epoxy monomer with primary amines, a monofunctional silicon-containing epoxy monomer has been sinthesized, glycidyloxydimethylphenyl silane (GDMPS), and its reactivity with a primary amine, aniline, has been compared with that of a commercial epoxy monomer, phenylglycidylether (PGE). Kinetics studies were carried out by Near Infrared Spectroscopy (NIR) and applying to the spectral data obtained the multivariate resolution of curves methods. Likewise, the kinetic and curing behaviour studies for the difunctional silicon-containing epoxy monomer, diglycidyloxyphenylmethyl silane (DGPMS), and the mixtures of this monomer with DGEBA with a primary diamine, 4,4'- diaminediphenylmethane (DDM), have been carried out by means of isothermal and dynamic DSC. The gelation and vitrification for these systems have been studied by thermodinamechanical analysis (DMTA) with a shear sandwich clamp and modulated temperature differential scanning calorimetry (TMDSC).The relationship between the amount of silicon and the thermodinamomechanical, thermal and flame retardancy properties of the thermoset materials obtained have been established. Thermoset materials were obtained from mixtures of commercial glycidyl monomer, DGEBA, with a silicon-containing glycidyl monomer, diglycidyloxyphenylmethyl silane (DGPMS), and their properties have been evaluated.Thermodinamomechanical properties have been evaluated by DMTA using a 3-point bending clamp. The thermal stability have been analyzed by thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) in nitrogen and air atmospheres. The flame retardant properties have been evaluated by means of ASTM-D-2683, the limiting oxygen index test (LOI).Finally, the thermal degradation of the silicon-containing polymers has been investigated by means of chemiluminiscence (CL), TGA-MS, GC-MS, ATR-FTIR andDRX.From the results obtained the following conclusions can be infered: (1) The silicon occurrence increases the reactivity of the epoxide due to electronic effects. This higher reactivity also reduces the importance of the autocatalytic path in the curing reactions with primary amines. (2) The thermoset epoxy resins showed a decrease in the Tg and the crosslinking density when the amount of silicon increases. This decrease is related with an increase of the free volume due to the Si-O and Si-C bonds. (3) The siliconcontaining thermosets show an increment of the LOI for silicon contents higher than 3%. In the polymers that contain silicon and phosphorous, there are evidences of the synergyc effect. (4) During the degradation of the silicon-containing materials in both, nitrogen and air atmospheres, cyclic siloxane oligomers were released. A silicon oxide rich char is formed, probably forming an insulating layer.
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Plant oils as renewable precursors of thermosetting and flame retardant polymersMontero de Espinosa Meléndez, Lucas 10 November 2009 (has links)
El objetivo principal de esta tesis es la síntesis de polímeros empleando aceites vegetales como reactivos de partida. En la primera parte, se prepararon diferentes polímeros termoestables por modificación química de aceite de girasol alto oleico y posterior polimerización via aza-Michael y radicalaria. Se ha realizado un estudio exhaustivo del mecanismo de entrecruzamiento por reacción aza-Michael pudiéndose comprobar que variando la temperatura de entrecruzamiento y añadiendo un ácido de Lewis como catalizador se produce la formación de anillos de tipo quinolina como puntos de entrecruzamiento. En la segunda parte, se empleó aceite de girasol alto oleico para sintetizar polímeros entrecruzados con grupos funcionales fosforados que mostraron propiedades de retardancia a la llama. Se empleó la polimerización por metátesis acíclica de dienos (ADMET) para la síntesis de polímeros lineales y entrecruzados con grupos funcionales fosforados empleando ácido 10-undecenoico (derivado del aceite de ricino). Estos polímeros presentaron propiedades de retardancia a la llama. Como conclusión general, se puede afirmar que se emplearon aceites vegetales y sus derivados como reactivos para la síntesis de materiales poliméricos de manera satisfactoria. / The main objective of this thesis is the synthesis of polymers using as starting reagents plant oil based chemicals. In the first part, different thermosetting polymers were synthesized through chemical modifications of commercial high oleic sunflower oil followed by cross-link via aza-Michael addition and radical polymerization. A thorough study of the aza-Michael cross-link reaction with model compounds showed that depending on the temperature and the presence of a Lewis acid catalyst quinoline rings can be formed as cross-link points. In the second part, high oleic sunflower oil was used for the synthesis of cross-linked polymers containing phosphorus functional groups via radical polymerization that showed improved flame retardancy. Acyclic diene metathesis (ADMET) polymerization was used for the synthesis of linear and cross-linked polymers with phosphorus containing functional groups using 10-undecenoic acid (castor oil derived). These polymers showed and improved flame retardancy. As a general conclusion, plant oils could be used as renewable reagents for the synthesis of linear and cross-linked polymers.
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Estudo micro-estrutural, histoquímico e imunoistoquímico da placenta de lhama (Lama guanicoe glama) / Microestructural, histochemistry, and inmunohistochemistry study of the llama´s placenta (Lama guanicoe glama)David Montes Iturrizaga 09 December 2005 (has links)
A placenta de lhama tem sido descrita como epitélio-corial, mas os estudos existentes não aprofundam nos aspectos microscópicos. Para detalhar as características microestruturais foram feitas observações ao microscópio de luz, eletrônico de varredura e de transmissão. Foram coletados 09 úteros grávidos em associação com as membranas fetais, entre 28 a 36 semanas de gestação. Parte do material foi fixado com solução de paraformaldeído 4% e emblocado em paraplast e historesina. Seções de 5µm foram submetidas a colorações de hematoxilina-eosina, Tricrômico de Masson, reações histoquímicas de PAS, Perl?s e fosfatase ácida, e imunohistoquímica para a detecção de uteroferrina. Fragmentos foram fixados com glutaraldeído 2,5%, para microscopia eletrônica de varredura e transmissão. Os resultados observados permitem classificar a placenta da lhama como corioalantóidea, difusa, pregueada, epitéliocorial e o feto esta recoberto pela membrana epidermal. O trofoblasto apresentou células de morfologia variada, desde cúbicas, arredondas até triangulares, com citoplasma contendo grânulos PAS+. Células binucleadas com citoplasma aumentado e núcleos arredondados, bem como células trofoblásticas gigantes com múltiplos núcleos, também foram observadas. As aréolas estavam preenchidas de material PAS positivo Observaram-se grande quantidade de vasos sangüíneos na interface materno-fetal, entre as células do epitélio uterino e ao arredor das projeções coriônicas, as quais eram ramificadas. O mesênquima com fibras colágenas em grande quantidade auxiliam no suporte das projeções coriônicas. Observou-se positividade as reações histoquímicas de PAS, Perl?s e fosfatase ácida, e imunohistoquímica de uteroferrina na interface materno fetal, mas com maior notoriedade no epitélio e lume das glândulas uterinas. Células trofoblásticas gigantes com 4 ou mais núcleos estavam nas projeções coriônicas, mostrando escassa ou nula reatividade histoquímica ao PAS, indicando funcionalidades diferentes das células trofoblásticas mono ou binucleadas. O alantóide estava conformado por uma camada única de células de diferentes alturas, sendo que na superfície destas observaram-se estruturas circulares e poliédricas. A membrana epidermal possui um epitélio estratificado plano de até sete camadas de células mono, bi ou trinucleadas. A alta vascularização das faces materna e fetal, a qual indica uma ótima troca de sustâncias entre ambas faces, e a alta atividade metabólica demonstrada nas glândulas uterinas revelam uma adaptação da gestação desta espécie habitante das altas altitudes da serra do Peru. / The placenta of the llama has been described like epitheliochorial, but existent researches don\'t study in depth microscopic aspects. In order to detail their ultrastructurals characteristics observations were made by light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Samples of nine uteruses between 28 to 36 weeks of pregnancy were collected in association with fetal membranes. A part was fixed with of 4% paraformaldehyde solution and embedded either in paraffin or in glycol methacrylate resin. Sections of 5µm in thickness were stained with haematoxylin and eosin, Masson\'s trichrome staining and PAS (Perl`s and acid fosfatase, and inmunohistochemestry for uteroferrina detection. Another part was fixed with 2,5 % glutaraldehyde and post-fixed in 1% osmium tetroxide and processed for SEM. The trophoblast presented cells of morphology varied, since cubical, rounds off until triangular, with cytoplasm with granules PAS+. Binucleates cells with increased cytoplasm and spherical nucleus, as well as giant trophoblastics cells with multiple nucleus, had been also observed. Aréolas was filled of positive material PAS. Great amount of blood vessels are in the maternofetal interface, between the cells of uterine epithelium and around of the chorionic projections. Collagen fibers are observed in the mesenchymae and inside the chorionic projections. PAS positive reaction was observed in the materno-fetal interface, mane manifest in epithelium and lumen of uterine glands. Giant size trofoblastic cels of 4-7 or more nucleus were found in chorionich proyections, showing scarse or nule histochemistry reactivity, indicating different functionalities of different kind of mono or bi nucleated cells. The allantois is structured by an unique layer of different sizes cells, in their surface are circular and polyhedral structures, representing a morphological consideration from this type of function allantois cells. The epidermal membrane is formed by 7 or more layers of cells with one, two or three nucleus. The superficial layer present more smooth cells. The high vascularization of the maternal and fetal faces indicates an optimal interchange of substances between both. The collagen inside the chorionics projections serves as a support skeleton), and the high metabolic demonstrate activity in uterine glands, develope a pregnacy adaptation of these specie who lives in highs of Perú.
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Zoometric measures in llamas (Lama glama) of rural families in the T'olar and Pajonal natural grazing fields of the municipality Santiago de Machaca - department of La PazTuco Cano, Eloy 01 January 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Llamas have provided, and continue to provide, fiber, meat, skins, fertilizer and transport for the Andean people. In addition, they are part of the traditional and religious culture of the Aymara and the Quechua. Both are currently unaware of the productive qualities of llamas, especially those related to meat production, which is the principle product responsible for generating greater income for farmers. For this reason, 554 llamas were evaluated from a total of 3,693 in 2005. The llamas came from T’olar and Pajonal grasslands in the Santiago de Machaca region of La Paz, Bolivia and represented males and females from four age categories (newborn, 1-2 years, juvenile, and adult). They were evaluated with the objective of determining the zoometric measurements of llamas fed on T’olar and Pajonal grasses. Evaluations were categorized according to gender and age group, while also applying descriptive statistics of zoometric measurements of llama anatomy including the head, neck, thorax, and abdomen regions, as well as height, weight, and fur thickness. The Pv measurement for T’olar fed llamas (64.4 kg) was higher than that of the Pajonal fed llamas (59.9 kg). With respect to gender, females (67.1 kg) were larger than males (53.0 kg). Adults were the largest age group (89.7 kg), followed by juveniles (85.9 kg), 1-2 years (58.7 kg) and newborns (34.1 kg). The T’olar llamas achieved better results than the Pajonal llamas. Furthermore, females were superior to males, most likely due to the large number of females as compared to males in the llamas. Zoometric measurements increased with age, generally reaching a statistically significant margin (P<0.01) between age groups. Growth was greatest between the newborn and juvenile groups but it ultimately slowed down afterwards.
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Digestibility, Nitrogen Balance, and Blood Metabolites in Llama and Alpaca Fed Barley and Barley Alfalfa Forages.Davies, Heather Loree 28 April 2005 (has links) (PDF)
These projects were conducted to determine the digestibility of forage diets with differing CP levels in llamas and alpacas. The Utah study was designed to compare llama and alpaca nutritional parameters to determine if nutritional recommendations for llamas can be directly extrapolated to alpacas. The first study evaluated the effects of forage quality on blood metabolites and nitrogen balance in mature, intact male llamas (n = 4, 36 ± 4.4 months, 87 ± 17 kg) at high altitude in Letanias, Bolivia (4,267 m = aprox.14,000 ft above sea level). A second experiment was conducted with eight adult gelded camelids (n = 8; 4 llamas, 24-36 months, 90 ± 10.7 kg; 4 alpacas, 24-36 months, 50 ± 4 kg) at Brigham Young University, Provo, UT (altitude 1370 m). Animals were randomly fed barley hay (B) and 80% barley/20% alfalfa hay (BA). A fresh cut grass pasture (P) was included as the third forage for Bolivian llamas. Animals were housed in metabolism crates and diets were fed for a 7 d adjustment period followed by a 5 d collection period. Feed, feed refusal, feces and urine were collected, dried and N content determined by combustion analysis. Venous blood samples were collected on d 12 at 30 min intervals over a 6 h period. Plasma was harvested and analyzed for electrolytes (Na, K, Cl, Ca, Ca++, P, Mg) and metabolites (glucose, non- esterified fatty acids (NEFAs), urea N, creatinine, albumin, total protein (TPP), osmolality (Osm)). Llamas and alpacas demonstrated differences with respect to nitrogen metabolism when consuming forage diets with differing protein concentration. Llamas showed a N maintenance requirement of 0.75 g crude N/ W0.75. Using the standard CP to digestible protein (DP) conversion factor of 0.8, llamas required 0.60 digestible N/W0.75. When consuming the same high protein barley alfalfa diet, llamas had a much greater increase in N retention than alpacas. These species differences indicate that alpacas have a higher N requirement to meet metabolic needs, and extrapolations with respect to nitrogen requirements and balance are not valid between llamas and alpacas. In the Bolivian llama trial, locally grown and harvested hycrested and Siberian wheat grass pasture (P), barley (B), and barley80%/alfalfa20% (BA) hays were fed. The Bolivian llamas were in negative N balance when fed the B and P diets. Dry matter digestibility was greater with the B and BA than P forage, and N digestibility was significantly higher with BA than either the B or P forages. Nitrogen maintenance requirement for Bolivian llamas at 4,267 m was 0.58 compared to 0.75 g crude N/W0.75 for Utah llamas, an increased digestive efficiency and a lower N maintenance requirement at higher altitude.
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Evaluation of vicuñas (Vicugna vicugna) fed with three types of hay in stables in the municipality of Tiahuanaco, department of La PazCartagena Catacora, José 01 January 2007 (has links) (PDF)
This study was conducted in the Rural Academic Unit of Tiahuanaco, in the Ingavi province, in the department of La Paz. Three juvenile vicunas and three adult vicunas were used. Our objective was to observe the development of vicunas (Vicugna vicugna) fed with three types of hay (Bromus catharicus Phalaris tuberoisum and Medicago sativa) in stables. We obtained the following results: rectal temperature of 38.2ºC in juveniles and 38.6ºC in adults; heart rate of 68 beats/min in juveniles and 67 beats/min in adults; respiratory rate of 18 breaths/min in juveniles and 17 breaths/min in adults; femoral vein pulse of 70 pulses/min in juveniles and 64 pulses/min in adults; compartment movement of 7 movements/min 7 times in juveniles and 7 movements/min 7 times in adults. Measurements for apparent digestibility were: (MS) 78.8% in juveniles and 80.4% in adults; (MO) 74.2% in juveniles and 76.4% in adults; (PB) 85.2% in juveniles and 83.7% in adults; (EE) 83.2% in juveniles and 76.2% in adults; (FDN) 75.6% in juveniles and 73.8% in adults; (ELN) 81.2% in juveniles and 78.3% in adults; (NDT) 80.4% in juveniles and 77.7% in adults; (ED/Kcal) 353.8 grams in juveniles and 341.8 grams in adults. For metabolites en vicuna serum we obtained: total protein of 6.7 g/dl in juveniles and 7.7 g/dl in adults; albumin of 5.3 g/dl in juveniles and 5.7 g/dl in adults; creatinine of 1.3 mg/dl in juveniles and 1.5 mg/dl in adults; urea of 40.7 mg/dl in juveniles and 39.2 mg/dl in adults; glucose of 131.8 mg/dl in juveniles and 130.7 mg/dl in adults; cholesterol of 29 mg/dl in juveniles and 27.4 mg/dl in adults; triglycerides of 44.2 mg/dl in juveniles; GPT of 5.5 UI/I in juveniles and 5.1 UI/I in adults; GOT of 5.4 UI/I in juveniles and 5.1 UI/I in adults; calcium of 8.5 mg/dl in juveniles and 8.3 mg/dl in adults; phosphorus of 2.4 mg/dl in juveniles and 2.3 mg/dl in adults; magnesium of 19 mEq/L. Lastly, we observed a weight gain of 2.6 g/day in juveniles and 1.8 g/day in adults.
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Determination of protein profile and presence of antibodies in llama seminal plasma (Llama glama)Flores Lópes, Francisco 01 January 2002 (has links) (PDF)
Internationally, Bolivia has the largest llama population followed by Peru. This makes our country a power in this renewable resource for working and generating economic development. This is mainly because of the quality of llama meat, which has nutritional properties superior to other animal species. The development and research in our country of llamas is not very significant. But in other countries advanced studies have been done for years, specifically in the area of reproduction, which represents problems for intensive repopulation because of singular characteristics of semen and copulation. The present research work was done at the UAC in Tiahuanacu (U.C.B.) and is titled: “Determination of protein profile and presence of antibodies in llama seminal plasma at three, four, and five years of age.” At different dates of semen collection, protein fractions were determined, their molecular weights, presence of antibodies and concentrations of protein fractions. This determined the presence of possible components of seminal plasma caused by low percentages of successful breeding for these animals. In the field work, a series of tests were done so the male would respond to the artificial collection of semen. It began with the mannequin technique (Peruvian) and others, which had no results. The objective was obtained with the mannequin technique for the llama group, which was accepted by 80% of the males. The lab work consisted of separating the seminal plasma from the semen with a centrifuge. Electrophoresis was used to determine protein fractions. This helps to determine the number of protein fractions, their molecular weights, immunoglobulins and their concentrations. The highest concentrations of protein fractions were found in four and five year old animals with 15 to 18 protein fractions. In weekly semen collections the last week showed 18 fractions (four year old animals). These could possibly play an important role in nutrition, capacitation and protection of spermatozoa. The molecular weights of the proteins in seminal plasma vary from one animal to another and dates of collection. The extreme ranges are from 2,000 to 150,000 Daltons. Five year old animals have higher molecular weights with respect to younger animals. With respect to immunoglobulins or antibodies, proteins with molecular weights of 150,000 to 152,500 Daltons were found in animals from three to five years old. Immunoglobulins G in llama seminal plasma were found using the radial immune diffusion technique. Concentrations of protein fractions are variable with extreme ranges from 11.65 to 0.03 mg/ml of seminal plasma. These variations are heterogeneous in the age of the animals as well as in the collections dates. There is a slight increase in five year old animals in the third week of semen collection. The finals results of the proteins fractions and their molecular weights show that there are antibodies in llama seminal plasma. These play an important role in spermatic viability, which is why this subject should continue to be researched to determine its specific function and look for alternatives to isolate and neutralize these antibodies and increase the fertility indexes of these animals.
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Effect of the use of amaranth leaf flour in the development of a diet for guinea pigsGuerrero Carrera, Verónica del Rocío 01 January 2006 (has links) (PDF)
This study was carried out in the San Clemente community. The objective was to analyze the effect of using amaranth leaf flour in the creation of a diet for guinea pigs. The field work was done over a period of 12 months and was done in two phases: Development of the diet: this was done by growing the amaranth, cutting it, and dehydrating it until flour was obtained. Then, it was mixed into the diet in accordance with the pre-determined formula along with the other respective materials. Handling of guinea pigs: This was done in the shed of the San Clemente community after it had been re-conditioned and disinfected. The weaned guinea pigs were taken there for the study for a period of 2 months. A completely randomized design (CRD) with six treatments was used. Each treatment had four repetitions. There was one experimental unit, which consisted of five guinea pigs. The data were evaluated via an analysis of variance, a Tukey test, and orthogonal comparisons. The variable of interest was the % of amaranth flour in a basic diet. The treatments were as follows: T0= Control diet with 0% amaranth flour; T1= 20% amaranth flour; T2= 40% amaranth flour; T3= 60% amaranth flour; T4= 80% amaranth flour; T5= Fresh amaranth with herbs from the community. Analyzed Variables: biweekly weight gain; monthly mortality; daily dry feed intake; production costs per treatment; and tasting. From the results, we concluded that the T1 diet and grass-feeding in the community were the best options since they presented the best results in weight gain and nutrient conversion. With regard to dry feed intake, T5 was consumed in the greatest quantities and thus had the highest production cost.
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Exploring multivariate adaptations of the Lag-Llama univariate time series forecasting approachKhorasani, Arian 09 1900 (has links)
The focus of this study explores the adaptations of the Lag-Llama univariate time series forecasting approach [8] to handle multivariate time series, named LSTM2Lag-Llama. This extension is motivated by the increasing necessity to deal with datasets containing many variables of interest, particularly in the healthcare sector. A novel approach is introduced that harnesses the capabilities of the Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) model. The baseline LSTM model takes multivariate input data and has been used widely to capture long-range dependencies within time series data. These features make it an ideal candidate for our task of expanding the Lag-Llama model to handle multivariate time series. The research process involves a detailed and systematic LSTM2Lag-Llama model to accommodate multiple input and output variables. This adaptation process is not a straightforward task. It requires careful consideration of the model architecture, loss function, and training methodologies. The performance of the LSTM2Lag-Llama model is then evaluated using a real-world dataset on early sepsis predictions. This dataset presents a challenging yet practical scenario for time series forecasting, making it an ideal testbed for our LSTM2Lag-Llama model. The results of this research demonstrate the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed approach, representing a significant step towards exploring multivariate adaptations of the Lag-Llama model. The LSTM2Lag-Llama model not only handles multivariate data but also leverages the LSTM model’s ability to capture multivariate relationships in its hidden states. While the study does not directly implement the model in a practical healthcare setting, it underscores the potential of such advancements in time series forecasting techniques. This research represents a significant contribution to the field of time series forecasting in healthcare. It opens up new avenues for future research and has the potential to significantly impact the way healthcare professionals use time series data for prediction and decision-making. / L'objectif de cette étude est d'explorer les adaptations de l'approche de prévision univariée des séries temporelles Lag-Llama [8] pour traiter les séries temporelles multivariées, nommée LSTM2Lag-Llama. Cette extension est motivée par la nécessité croissante de traiter des ensembles de données contenant de nombreuses variables d'intérêt, notamment dans le secteur de la santé. Une nouvelle approche est introduite qui exploite les capacités du modèle Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM). Le modèle LSTM de base prend des données d'entrée multivariées et a été largement utilisé pour capturer les dépendances à long terme dans les données de séries temporelles. Ces caractéristiques en font un candidat idéal pour notre tâche d'extension du modèle Lag-Llama pour gérer les séries temporelles multivariées. Le processus de recherche implique un modèle LSTM2Lag-Llama détaillé et systématique pour accueillir plusieurs variables d'entrée et de sortie. Ce processus d'adaptation n'est pas une tâche simple. Il nécessite une considération minutieuse de l'architecture du modèle, de la fonction de perte et des méthodologies d'apprentissage. Les performances du modèle LSTM2Lag-Llama sont ensuite évaluées à l'aide d'un ensemble de données du monde réel sur les prédictions précoces de septicémie. Cet ensemble de données présente un scénario difficile mais pratique pour la prévision de séries temporelles, ce qui en fait un banc d'essai idéal pour notre modèle LSTM2Lag-Llama. Les résultats de cette recherche démontrent la faisabilité et l'efficacité de l'approche proposée, ce qui représente une étape importante vers l'exploration des adaptations multivariées du modèle Lag-Llama. Le modèle LSTM2Lag-Llama gère non seulement les données multivariées, mais tire également parti de la capacité du modèle LSTM à capturer les relations multivariées dans ses états cachés. Bien que l'étude n'implémente pas directement le modèle dans un contexte pratique de soins de santé, elle souligne le potentiel de telles avancées dans les techniques de prévision des séries temporelles. Cette recherche représente une contribution significative au domaine de la prévision des séries temporelles dans le domaine de la santé. Elle ouvre de nouvelles voies pour la recherche future et a le potentiel d'impact significatif sur la manière dont les professionnels de la santé utilisent les données de séries temporelles pour la prédiction et la prise de décision.
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