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Främmande sidor : Främlingskap och nationell gemenskap i fyra svenska dagstidningar efter 1945Hultén, Gunilla January 2006 (has links)
<p>A major purpose of this study is to describe and analyse representations of migration and migrants in three local Swedish newspapers, Arbetarbladet, Borås Tidning, and Vestmanlands Läns Tidning and one national, Dagens Nyheter, at eight selected years during the period of 1945 – 2005. The dissertation investigates continuity and change over the course of time. The study also traces how journalistic discourses relate to migration policies. The main focus is on the local papers and the interplay between local and national perspectives in expressing estrangement and national community. The main sample consists of 1 537 articles published in the first three weeks of March in the years 1945, 1955, 1965, 1975, 1985, 1995 and the year 2000.</p><p>Quantitative and qualitative approaches are combined and the study is carried out within the traditions of Critical Discourse Analysis and rhetoric. One theoretical approach rests on the notion of the stranger, as conceptualized by Georg Simmel. Closely linked to this notion are the concepts of nation, culture, and identity. One purpose is to analyse how these aspects are textualised and visualised.</p><p>Despite the changes of migration to Sweden, press coverage has demonstrated a remarkable consistency in the representations of immigrants and migration policy throughout the period. The analyses indicate that there is a continuous dialogue between the press and the government agenda. Albeit the consonance between the papers, it needs to be pointed out that representations of strangers are heterogeneous. In certain respects the local papers differ from the national paper. The Dagens Nyheter was more inclined to use a negative and a conflict angle. The local papers, promoting strong place identities, were more prone to stress co-operation and shared interests. The portrayal often draws on an implicit positive self-representation of Sweden. Nationhood is still a resonant element in journalism, a late echo, as it were, of the People’s Home.</p>
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Främmande sidor : Främlingskap och nationell gemenskap i fyra svenska dagstidningar efter 1945Hultén, Gunilla January 2006 (has links)
A major purpose of this study is to describe and analyse representations of migration and migrants in three local Swedish newspapers, Arbetarbladet, Borås Tidning, and Vestmanlands Läns Tidning and one national, Dagens Nyheter, at eight selected years during the period of 1945 – 2005. The dissertation investigates continuity and change over the course of time. The study also traces how journalistic discourses relate to migration policies. The main focus is on the local papers and the interplay between local and national perspectives in expressing estrangement and national community. The main sample consists of 1 537 articles published in the first three weeks of March in the years 1945, 1955, 1965, 1975, 1985, 1995 and the year 2000. Quantitative and qualitative approaches are combined and the study is carried out within the traditions of Critical Discourse Analysis and rhetoric. One theoretical approach rests on the notion of the stranger, as conceptualized by Georg Simmel. Closely linked to this notion are the concepts of nation, culture, and identity. One purpose is to analyse how these aspects are textualised and visualised. Despite the changes of migration to Sweden, press coverage has demonstrated a remarkable consistency in the representations of immigrants and migration policy throughout the period. The analyses indicate that there is a continuous dialogue between the press and the government agenda. Albeit the consonance between the papers, it needs to be pointed out that representations of strangers are heterogeneous. In certain respects the local papers differ from the national paper. The Dagens Nyheter was more inclined to use a negative and a conflict angle. The local papers, promoting strong place identities, were more prone to stress co-operation and shared interests. The portrayal often draws on an implicit positive self-representation of Sweden. Nationhood is still a resonant element in journalism, a late echo, as it were, of the People’s Home.
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On noloa, jos ammattilaiset tekevät tökeröitä kielioppivirheitä:toimitushenkilökunnan kielenhuoltotiedot, -käytännöt ja -diskurssitSaviniemi, M. (Maija) 15 April 2015 (has links)
In my dissertation I study the language planning knowledge, language planning practices and language planning discourses of the editorial staff. In 2002 and 2004 I sent a questionnaire and got 232 answers via e-mail from local papers, other Finnish newspapers and Finnish Broadcasting Company. I research what kind of language planning knowledge the respondents have, how they regard the language planning of the standard Finnish language, what kind of language planning discourses the editorial staff constructs and what kind of language attitudes can be read from those discourses.
The problems with language planning often relate to compounds and commas. The spelling checker of the word processing program is often used. One must sometimes bend the rules, e.g. in the language of advertising. The local dialects and common speech are allowed to be used with some definings.
The language feedback is rare and often negative. In some places the language planning atmosphere is getting better. It also might be that there are no language planning principles at all among editorial staff.
I study the language planning discourses in the context of folk linguistics analysing the answers with the content analysis and critical discourse analysis. My focus is in the answers to the question Why [do you consider language planning very important, quite important or not so important]? Up to about 97 % of my informants consider language planning either very important or quite important. The discourses of quality, interaction, responsibility, tool, emotion and cherishing are activated. The aspect of interaction and communication gets highlighted. It seems that education effects positively the attitudes concerning language planning, though the opinions vary. / Tiivistelmä
Tutkin väitöskirjassani toimitushenkilökunnan kielenhuoltotietoja, -käytäntöjä ja diskursseja. Keräsin aineiston vuosina 2002 ja 2004 lähettämällä sähköpostikyselyn suomenkielisten paikallislehtien ja sanomalehtien sekä Yleisradio Oy:n uutis- ja ajankohtaistoimitusten henkilökunnalle. Aineistoni koostuu 232 vastauslomakkeesta. Selvitän tutkimuksessani, millaisia toimitushenkilökunnan kielenhuoltotiedot ovat, miten se suhtautuu suomen kielen standardin huoltoon, millaisia kielenhuoltodiskursseja toimitushenkilökunta rakentaa ja millaisia kieliasenteita niistä voidaan lukea.
Yleisimmät kielenhuolto-ongelmat liittyvät yhdyssanoihin ja pilkkuihin, ja useimmin kielenhuollon apuneuvoista on käytössä oikolukuohjelma. Kielenhuoltoperiaatteista joudutaan usein joustamaan ilmoituksenteossa, ja paikalliset murteellisuudet tai puhekielisyydet saavat näkyä teksteissä tietyin rajauksin.
Yleisöpalaute kielestä on vähäistä ja usein kielteistä. Joissakin toimituksissa kielenhuoltoilmapiiri on ollut aineistonkeruuhetkellä paranemaan päin. Toisaalta vastauksista ilmenee, että yhteisiä kielenhuoltoperiaatteita ei kaikissa toimituksissa ole.
Tarkastelen aineistossani aktivoituvia kielenhuoltodiskursseja kansanlingvistisestä näkökulmasta analysoimalla sisällönanalyyttisesti ja diskurssianalyyttisesti informanttieni vastauksia Miksi [pidätte kielenhuoltoa erittäin, melko tai ei kovin tärkeänä]? -kysymykseen. Peräti noin 97 % vastanneista pitää kielenhuoltoa erittäin tai melko tärkeänä. Vastaajat aktivoivat laatu-, vuorovaikutus-, vastuu-, väline-, tunne- ja vaalimisdiskursseja. Vuorovaikutuksen ja tiedonvälityksen näkökulma korostuu aineistossa. Koulutustaustan arvellaan vaikuttavan myönteisesti kielenhuoltoasenteisiin, vaikka asiasta on myös vastakkaisia mielipiteitä.
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