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Determinação do consumo hídrico e desenvolvimento inicial da palma de óleo (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) fertirrigada com vinhaça / Determination of water consumption and initial development of the oil palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) under fertirrigation with vinasseEder Duarte Fanaya Júnior 06 October 2017 (has links)
Os biocombustíveis, tais como biodiesel e etanol, vem sendo cada vez mais utilizados como substitutos dos derivados do petróleo. O estudo de culturas bioenergéticas tem se expandido no Brasil, sendo instituido no país um Programa Nacional de Produção e Uso do Biodiesel, visando sua produção a partir de culturas típicas da agricultura familiar brasileira, como, por exemplo, a mamona e a palma de óleo. A cultura da palma de óleo tem maior concentração na região Norte do Brasil, porém, estudos relacionados ao cultivo desta em outras regiões ainda são incipientes. Visando o cultivo desta planta na região sudeste, utilizando a irrigação localizada e disponibilizando nutrientes por meio de um efluente oriundo de outra planta bioenergética, a vinhaça da cana-de-açúcar, este experimento teve como objetivo a determinação da evapotranspiração de cultura da palma de óleo por lisimetria de pesagem, em sua fase jovem e, descrever os efeitos da vinhaça nas características biométricas, clorofila e nos teores de nutrientes foliares desta cultura. O estudo foi realizado em uma área experimental situada na Fazenda Areão da Escola Superior de Agricultura \"Luiz de Queiroz\", USP, em Piracicaba-SP. As mudas foram produzidas em casa de vegetação, sendo transplantadas a campo em outubro de 2015, tendo sido avaliadas de novembro de 2015 a março de 2017. O espaçamento utilizado foi o de 9 x 9 m disposto em triângulo equilátero, totalizando 143 plantas ha-1. Os tratamentos foram dispostos aleatorimente, com três blocos compostos por quatro repetições cada, sendo eles: T1 - irrigação com adubação química; T2 - 50% da dose de potássio (K) via fertirrigação com vinhaça e os outros 50% da dose de K fornecida com a adubação química; T3 - 75% da dose de K via fertirrigação com vinhaça e os outros 25% da dose de K via adubação química; T4 - 100% da dose de K via fertirrigação com vinhaça. O sistema de irrigação utilizado foi o gotejamento. A evapotranspiração da cultura (ETc) foi determinada por lisimetria de pesagem. Ao fim do experimento foi realizada a coleta de folhas para a determinação da concentração de nutrentes. A palma de óleo apresentou valores de ETc e Kc entre 2,16-5,00 e 0,71-1,06 respectivamente, no seu primeiro ano de cultivo irrigado. Em sua fase jovem, a cultura respondeu de forma positiva a fertirrigação com vinhaça, sendo o T3 (75% da dose de K disponibilizado via fertirrigação por vinhaça) o que demonstrou melhores resultados quanto ao crescimento da cultura em Piracicaba-SP. As características meteorológicas em Piracicaba-SP são fatores positivos para o cultivo da palma de óleo na região, contudo, a temperaturas mínimas ocorridas no inverno podem afetar o desenvolvimento da planta. / Biofuels, such as biodiesel and ethanol, are increasingly being used as substitutes for petroleum derivatives. The study of bioenergy crops has expanded into Brazil, being instituted in the country a National Program for Production and Use of Biodiesel, for their production from typical crops of the Brazilian small farming, for example, castor bean and oil palm. The oil palm crop has higher concentration in the northern region of Brazil, however, studies related to the cultivation of this crop in other regions are still incipient. Aiming to cultivate this plant in the southeast region using localized irrigation and providing nutrients by effluent from another bioenergetic plant, the sugarcane vinasse, this work had as its main objective the determination of the crop evapotranspiration of oil palm by weighing lisimetry in its young phase and to describe the effects of vinasse on the biometric, chlorophyll and foliar nutrient contents of this crop. The study was carried out in an experimental area located at Areão Farm of the Superior School of Agriculture \"Luiz de Queiroz\", USP, in Piracicaba-SP. The seedlings were grown in a greenhouse and transplanted in the field October 2015, has been evaluated between November 2015 and March 2017. The spacing used was 9 x 9 m arranged in equilateral triangle, a total of 143 plants ha-1. The treatments were arranged randomly, with three blocks composed of four replicates each, being: T1 - irrigation with chemical fertilization; T2 - 50% of the potassium (K) dose supplied via fertigation with vinasse and the other 50% of the K dose supplied with the chemical fertilizer; T3 - 75% of K dose via fertigation with vinasse and the other 25% of K dose via chemical fertilization; T4 - 100% of K dose via fertigation with vinasse. The irrigation system used was the drip irrigation. The crop evapotranspiration (ETc) was determined by weighing lysimetry. At the end of the experiment, leaves were collected to determine the nutrient concentration. The oil palm showed values of ETc and Kc between 2.16-5.00 and 0.71-1.06, respectively, in its first year of irrigated cultivation. In its young stage, the crop responded positively fertigation with vinasse, and T3 demonstrated better results regarding growth crop in Piracicaba. Weather features in Piracicaba-SP were largely a positive factor for the cultivation of oil palm in the region, however, the minimum temperatures occurred in the winter can affect the development of the plant and can have a negative influence on future productions.
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Dimensionamento do sistema de Irrigação por Gotejamento Móvel (IRGMO): metodologia de cálculo e software / Dimensioning of the mobile drip irrigation system (IRGMO): calculation methodology and softwareAlex Nunes de Almeida 07 July 2016 (has links)
Com a necessidade de se promover o uso eficiente da água na agricultura, aprimoramentos e novos desenvolvimentos em equipamentos de irrigação são sempre bem-vindos. Um sistema de irrigação por gotejamento móvel (IRGMO), trata-se da união entre a irrigação por pivô central (irrigação por aspersão) e a irrigação por gotejamento (irrigação localizada). O sistema é constituído por tubos de descida que unem a linha principal do pivô central (aço zincado) com as linhas gotejadoras (polietileno). A vazão em cada ponto de derivação do pivô é calculada em função da vazão dos gotejadores e do número de emissores por metro linear de mangueira. A área é irrigada através do movimento circular do equipamento no campo, que arrasta sobre o terreno e sobre o dossel das plantas as linhas gotejadoras. As vantagens deste sistema híbrido de irrigação é poder utilizar gotejadores de vazão elevada (2 - 12 litros/ hora), o que reduz o risco de entupimento do sistema, assim como, requerer somente 1 a 2 % da quantidade equivalente de metros lineares de tubogotejadores da irrigação localizada fixa sobre o terreno. Este trabalho teve como objetivo apresentar uma metodologia de cálculo para o dimensionamento deste novo sistema de irrigação por gotejamento móvel, assim como, desenvolver um software livre de dimensionamento deste sistema. O software foi desenvolvido em Visual Basic 2015, utilizando a interface do Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2015 (Windows). A linguagem de programação segue a metodologia baseada em um conjunto de 44 equações, as quais por meio parâmetros fornecidos pelo usuário possibilitam o dimensionamento do sistema. O resultado foi um software leve, capaz de realizar os cálculos necessários rapidamente, apresentando ao final dimensionamento uma janela com resumo do sistema IRGMO e uma tabela contendo as informações para cada linha de derivação. Os resultados podem ser salvos em um arquivo de texto ou podem ser enviados diretamente ao Microsoft Excel, os parâmetros utilizados pelo usuário podem ser salvos também, dessa forma permitindo que um mesmo dimensionamento possa ser feito várias vezes. Além de apresentar o software desenvolvido, este trabalho apresenta também alguns cenários de dimensionamento. / With the need to promote the efficient use of water in agriculture, enhancements, and new developments in irrigation equipments are always welcome. A mobile drip irrigation system (IRGMO), is the union of center-pivot irrigation (sprinkler irrigation) and drip irrigation (localized irrigation). The system consists of lowering pipes connecting the main line of the central pivot (galvanized steel) with driplines (polyethylene). The flow at each point deriving from the pivot is calculated in function of the flow rate drippers and a number of transmitters per linear meter of hose. The area is irrigated through the circular motion of the equipment in the field which drags on the ground and on the canopy of plants driplines. The advantages of this hybrid system of irrigation is the use of high flow drippers (2-12 liters/hour), which reduces the risk of clogging the system, as well as it requires only 1 to 2% of the equivalent amount of linear meters of irrigation driptubes fixed on the ground. This work aimed to introduce a calculation methodology for the sizing of this new mobile drip irrigation system, as well as, to develop a free software system sizing. The software was developed in Visual Basic 2015, using the interface of Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2015 (Windows). The programming language follows the methodology based on a set of 44 equations, which through user-supplied parameters allows the sizing system. The result was a lightweight application, able to perform the necessary calculations quickly, showing the end sizing a window with a summary of the IRGMO system and a table containing the information for each line. The results can be saved in a text file or sent directly to Microsoft Excel, the parameters used by the user can be saved as well, and thus allowing that an even sizing can be done several times. In addition to introducing the application development, this paper presents also some sizing scenarios.
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Sizing, constructions and realization of tests of performance of a vortex tube that operate at low pressures to drive by solar energy / Dimensionamento, construÃÃo e realizaÃÃo de testes de desempenho de um tubo de vÃrtice que opere em baixas pressÃes para acionamento por energia solarGeorge Miranda Alves de Moraes e Silva 15 March 2012 (has links)
CoordenaÃÃo de AperfeiÃoamento de Pessoal de NÃvel Superior / This paper aims to scale, build and test a new vortex tube, operating from the use of compressed air at pressures below the pressure ranges typical of this unconventional cooling
device for the purpose of obtaining drafts cold for air conditioning. For that were originally studied theoretical and experimental aspects of flow processes through tests performed in the laboratory with a commercial vortex tube. Known influence of geometric parameters (such as the ratio between the length and internal diameter of the tube and the diameter of the diaphragm hole) and the thermophysical properties (such as inlet pressure gauge in the compressed air tube and the mass flow rate of the stream cold) air in the performance of the vortex tube, gave up the step of sizing the same. After engineered and designed parts of the
tube, the final steps were the manufacture of pipe and conducting experimental tests, beyond the selection of a photovoltaic array to provide the power required to drive the compressor. The results of the laboratory tests with a vortex tube counter-current type, internal diameter D
equal to 16.5 mm and a length equal to fifteen times this value, and configured diaphragm orifice diameter of 0.5D showed that temperatures of the cold air flow of 9.5 ÂC at a mass flow of 40% of the mass flow input are obtained when delivered by the compressor inlet gauge pressure of 3 bar and volumetric flow rate of 3.15 L/s compressed air. / O presente trabalho tem como objetivos dimensionar, construir e testar um novo tubo de vÃrtice, que opere a partir da utilizaÃÃo de ar comprimido em pressÃes abaixo das faixas de pressÃo tÃpicas deste dispositivo de refrigeraÃÃo nÃo-convencional, com o propÃsito de obter correntes de ar frio para climatizaÃÃo. Para tanto, foram inicialmente estudados
aspectos teÃrico-experimentais dos processos de escoamento, atravÃs de testes realizados em laboratÃrio com um tubo de vÃrtice comercial. Conhecida a influÃncia dos parÃmetros
geomÃtricos (tais como a razÃo entre o comprimento e diÃmetro interno do tubo e o diÃmetro do orifÃcio do diafragma) e das propriedades termofÃsicas (tais como a pressÃo manomÃtrica de entrada no tubo do ar comprimido e o percentual de vazÃo mÃssica da corrente de ar frio)
no desempenho do tubo de vÃrtice, deu-se a etapa de dimensionamento do mesmo. Depois de projetadas e desenhadas as peÃas do tubo, as etapas finais foram a fabricaÃÃo do tubo e a realizaÃÃo de testes experimentais, alÃm da seleÃÃo de um arranjo fotovoltaico que forneÃa a
potÃncia necessÃria para o acionamento do compressor. Os resultados dos testes em laboratÃrio com um tubo de vÃrtice do tipo contra-corrente, de diÃmetro interno D igual 16,5
mm e comprimento igual a quinze vezes esse valor, e configurado com diafragma de diÃmetro do orifÃcio de 0,5D, mostraram que sÃo obtidas temperaturas da corrente de ar frio de 9,5 ÂC a uma vazÃo mÃssica de 40% da vazÃo mÃssica de entrada, quando fornecido pelo compressor pressÃo manomÃtrica de entrada de 3 bar e vazÃo volumÃtrica de 3,15 L/s de ar comprimido.
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EvapotranspiraÃÃo e coeficientes de cultivo (KC) da cana-de-aÃÃcar irrigada por gotejamento subsuperficial / Evapotranspiration and crop coefficients of subsurface drip irrigated sugar caneFabricio Mota GonÃalves 10 April 2010 (has links)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento CientÃfico e TecnolÃgico / Sugar cane is one of the crops with the highest
level of water consumption, with a high
evapotranspiration demand throughout most of its
cycle. Knowledge of the sugar cane water demand, the time that irrigation should be applied, and how to irrigate the crop are becoming increasingly important for the sustainable development of irrigated sugar
cane cultivation, especially in areas of low water availability, as it is the case in northea stern Brazil. The experiment was carried out at the Curu Experimental Field (property of the Embrapa Tropical
Agroindustry), located in the Curu-Paraipaba Irrig
ation Project, city of Paraipaba-CE (3 Â 29 '20''S, 39 Â 9' 45''W and elevation 30m), in order to determine the evapotrans piration and crop coefficients (Kc) of sugarcane (Saccharum L. officinarium), subsurface drip-irrigated. It was used the SP 6949 sugar cane variety, planted in a spacing of 1.8 m between double rows and
0.4 m between rows within the double row. As to t
he irrigation, we used one lateral water line
for each double row, buried at a depth of 0.15 m, w
ith self-compensating drip emitters, with a
flow rate of 1 L h-1, spaced 0.5 m on the water line. The crop was irrigated daily and there
were three fertigations per week. The irrigation de
pth was periodically adjusted, keeping the soil water potential between -8 kPa to -20 kPa. The crop evapotranspiration (ETc) was determined using a wei
ghing lysimeter with a surface area of 2.25 m
2. The reference evapotranspiration (ETo) was estimated by the FAO Penman-Monteith method. The durations of the phenological stages of cane sugar were estimated through analysis of soil cover, with the use of digital images. Durations of 31, 49, 237 and 118 days were observed, respectively for initial, crop development, mid-season and late season stages. The yields achieved within and outside the lysimeter were respectively 144.4 and 108.8 t ha -1 . The total ETc observed
during the cycle of the sugar cane was 1074.1 m
m, with maximum values of 6.6 mm d-1 during the mid-season stage. Observed Kc values for initial, mid-season and late season stages were respectively 0.23, 1
.03 and 0.50. In the crop development stage, the relationship between Kc and the (crop) soil cover was represented with good accuracy by a negative quadratic
model. / A cana-de-aÃÃcar à uma das culturas com maior consumo de Ãgua, apresentando uma alta demanda evapotranspirativa ao longo da maior parte do seu ciclo. O conhecimento das necessidades hÃdricas da cana-de-aÃÃcar, do momento de aplicaÃÃo da Ãgua requerida pela mesma e a forma de aplicaÃÃo torna-se cada vez mais importante para o desenvolvimento sustentÃvel da sua produÃÃo irrigada, principalmente em regiÃes de pouca disponibilidade hÃdrica, como à o caso da regiÃo Nordeste do Brasil. O experimento foi conduzido no Campo Experimental do Curu, pertencente à Embrapa AgroindÃstria Tropical localizado no PerÃmetro Irrigado Curu-Paraipaba, municÃpio de Paraipaba-CE (3 29â 20ââ S, 39 9â 45ââ W e altitude de 30 m), com o objetivo de determinar a evapotranspiraÃÃo e os coeficientes de cultivo (Kc) da cana-de-aÃÃcar (Saccharum officinarium L.), irrigada por gotejamento subsuperficial. Utilizou-se a variedade de cana SP 6949, plantada no espaÃamento de 1,8 m entre fileiras duplas e 0,4 m entre linhas dentro da fileira dupla. Na irrigaÃÃo utilizou-se uma linha lateral para cada fileira dupla, enterrada na profundidade de 0,15 m, com gotejadores autocompensantes, com vazÃo de 1 L h-1, espaÃados de 0,5 m na linha. A cultura foi irrigada com freqÃÃncia diÃria e foram realizadas trÃs fertirrigaÃÃes por semana. A lÃmina de irrigaÃÃo foi ajustada periodicamente, mantendo-se o potencial de Ãgua no solo entre -8 kPa e -20 kPa. A evapotranspiraÃÃo da cultura (ETc) foi determinada utilizando-se um lisÃmetro de pesagem com Ãrea superficial de 2,25 m2. A evapotranspiraÃÃo de referÃncia (ETo) foi estimada pelo mÃtodo FAO Penman-Monteith. As duraÃÃes das fases fenolÃgicas da cana-de-aÃÃcar foram estimadas por meio da anÃlise da cobertura do solo pela cultura, determinada com o uso de imagens digitais. Foram observadas duraÃÃes de 31, 49, 237 e 118 dias, para as fases inicial, de desenvolvimento, intermediÃria e final, respectivamente. A produtividade alcanÃada dentro e fora do lisÃmetro foi de 144,4 e 108,8 t ha-1, respectivamente. A ETc total observada durante o ciclo da cana-de-aÃÃcar foi de 1.074,1 mm, com valores mÃximos da ordem de 6,6 mm d-1 durante a fase intermediÃria. Foram observados valores de Kc iguais a 0,23, 1,03 e 0,50, para as fases inicial, intermediÃria e final, respectivamente. Na fase de desenvolvimento vegetativo a relaÃÃo entre o Kc e a cobertura do solo pela cultura foi representada com bastante exatidÃo por um modelo quadrÃtico negativo.
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Escoamento em regime turbulento aplicado à Irrigação localizada com microtubos / Turbulent flow theory applied to localized irrigation (microtubs)Wanderley de Jesus Souza 03 February 2009 (has links)
Realizou se a presente pesquisa, visando investigar e apresentar um método alternativo de irrigação localizada, com o qual se obtivesse baixo custo e nível tecnológico comparável aos métodos existentes no mercado. Para tanto, desenvolveu-se os modelos matemáticos UNIVERSAL e WSBOTREL, para dimensionamento de microtubos sob regime de escoamento turbulento, onde se inclui as perdas de carga no microtubo, perda de carga localizada e por energia de velocidade na saída do microtubo, sendo que os mesmos foram utilizados no desenvolvimento de um software em planilha de Excel, para projetar linhas laterais com microtubos de comprimentos iguais e variáveis. Os modelos foram avaliados com o dimensionamento de uma linha lateral de irrigação, e tiveram ótimos desempenhos, tendo em vista que os dados coletados proporcionaram vazão média próxima da vazão de projeto, com coeficiente de determinação acima de 98%, excelente uniformidade de distribuição, baixo erro médio absoluto e coeficiente de variação de vazão. Avaliou-se o comportamento da água sob diferentes pressões e temperaturas, e verificou-se que a variação da vazão foi quase nula para uma diferença de temperatura de 3,00 Kelvins. O modelo WSBOTREL foi empregado para projetar um sistema de irrigação, com a proposta de utilizar fertirrigação em mudas de laranja cultivadas em estufa. O sistema ficou sob avaliação durante 160 dias, sendo que no final do ciclo, não foi observado entupimento dos emissores, e, as plantas tiveram alturas e diâmetros do caule iguais às plantas irrigadas de maneira tradicional com mangueiras, conforme procedimento adotado pela empresa, com vantagem de economizar mão de obra e solução utilizada na fertirrigação. Dessa forma, pode-se dizer que o sistema de irrigação com microtubos em regime de escoamento turbulento se mostrou tecnicamente viável para utilização. / The present work aims to investigate an alternative method of localized irrigation, with low cost and technological level comparable to nowadays equipments on the market. To do so, it has developed the mathematical models UNIVERSAL and WSBOTREL, for calculating microtubs diameter and length that would work under turbulent flow, where it is considered: head loss in the microtub and localized head loss at extremities. It was development software on a spreadsheet Excel, to design laterals lines with microtubs of similar and variable length. The models were evaluated for calculating the lateral line of irrigation systems, presenting great performance: collected data showed average discharge close to projected discharge, with coefficient of determination of 98%, excellent uniformity of distribution, low mean absolute error and variation coefficient of discharge. It was evaluated the behavior of emitters under different pressures and water temperatures. It was found that the discharge of variation was almost zero for a temperature difference of 3 degree Kelvin. The WSBOTREL model was used to design an commercial irrigation system, with the objective of making use of fertirrigation in nursery citrus plants (greenhouse). The system was under evaluation during 160 days. At the end of the growing cycle, it wasn´t observed clogging of emitters, and plants presented similar high and diameter of stem compare to the traditional irrigation method (hoses) according to the procedure adopted by the company, with advantage to reduce hand work and solution used in fertirrigation. The irrigation system with microtub under turbulent zone of flow was technically feasible to use.
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Sistema computacional de auxilio ao desenho, simulação e desenvolvimento de projetos de irrigação localizada / Computational system aid for drawing, simulation and development of localized irrigation projectsMaría Antonieta Pezo 23 January 2006 (has links)
O presente trabalho teve por objetivo desenvolver um programa computacional, denominado CADDHIL, para auxílio no desenho, simulação e dimensionamento de projetos de irrigação localizada em ambiente gráfico do AutoCAD. Foram utilizadas as linguagens de programação Auto Lisp e Delphi na criação do programa, que permite o desenho, procedimentos de cálculos automáticos e simulações de várias situações durante a fase de projeto. O programa permite a seleção do tipo de emissor, gotejador ou microaspersor, cálculo da lâmina de água a aplicar na cultura, dimensionamento da tubulação lateral, de derivação e principal. No dimensionamento da tubulação lateral foram propostos dois métodos, o trecho a trecho e o hidráulico. No dimensionamento da tubulação de derivação foi utilizado o método da divisão em trechos. No dimensionamento da tubulação principal foi utilizado o método econômico do custo anual total simplificado. Os dados do projeto de irrigação são armazenados em um banco de dados que podem ser acessados posteriormente. O programa apresenta ainda, tabelas auxiliares com dados de coeficientes de rugosidade, diâmetros de tubulações e ferramentas para cálculos hidráulicos, normalmente utilizados em projetos de irrigação localizada. / The main objective of this work was to develop a software, denominated CADDHIL, to support drawing, simulation and design of localized irrigation projects with AutoCAD program. Auto Lisp and Delphi languages were used in the program construction, that allows the drawing, automatic calculations procedures and simulations for several situations in the project stage. The program allows the selection and calculation the emitter type, drip emitter or spray emitter, depth of water to be delivery to irrigation crop, design of lateral, manifold and main pipeline. In lateral pipeline design two methods were proposed: the step by step and the hydraulic one. In the manifold pipeline design, the section method was used. In the main pipeline design the economic method of the simplified total annual cost was used. The data of the irrigation project are saved in a database that can be accessed at any moment. The software presents auxiliary tables with data of friction coefficients, inside diameters and tools for hydraulic calculations, usually used in projects of localized irrigation.
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Consumo de soluções fertilizantes por plantas adultas de lima ácida 'Tahiti' sobre limão 'Cravo' em irrigação localizada. / Consumption of fertilizing solutions for adult plants of tahiti lime on rangpur lime in localized irrigation.Carmello Crisafulli Machado 10 September 2004 (has links)
A citricultura desempenha papel fundamental na agroindústria do Estado de São Paulo; porém, nos últimos 5 anos, muitos citricultores sentem a necessidade de irrigar seus pomares, buscando estabilidade e aumento da produtividade. Para o desenvolvimento do projeto foram instalados três experimentos, sendo o primeiro para avaliar o lisímetro poroso desenvolvido por Machado & Coelho (2000), com o objetivo de determinar o consumo de água de plantas jovens de lima ácida Tahiti sobre citrumelo Swingle (Experimento I). O segundo trabalho de pesquisa, realizado em um pomar com dez anos de idade, teve como objetivo medir o consumo de solução fertilizante pelo sistema radicular de porta-enxerto limão Cravo sobre lima ácida Tahiti, pela metodologia do lisímetro poroso, em função de três diferentes soluções fertilizantes (Experimento II). O terceiro experimento, conduzido em casa de vegetação, teve por objetivo estudar o desenvolvimento vegetativo e o consumo de água de mudas de laranja Pêra sobre limão Cravo em função de fertirrigações à base de nitrogênio e cálcio no primeiro ano de plantio (Experimento III). Para a coleta dos dados do experimento I, utilizaram-se três plantas devidamente isoladas das precipitações naturais, abastecidas unicamente pelo lisímetro poroso. O consumo de água pelas plantas de lima ácida Tahiti sobre Citrumelo Swingle com 1 ano e meio de idade e fração de área molhada média (P) de 4%, variou de 2 a 3,5 L.dia-1 e a evapotranspiração da cultura variou de 3 a 5 mm.dia-1. Em plantas adultas realizou-se o experimento II, neste isolaram-se duas plantas das precipitações naturais para a realização do experimento. Na projeção da copa foram instalados nove conjuntos lisímetricos, sendo três para cada tratamento a ser implantado: Tratamento 1 água pura (testemunha), Tratamento 2 solução fertilizante (N, P e K) e Tratamento 3 solução fertilizante (N, P, K, Ca, Zn e B). A inclusão dos elementos Ca, Zn, B, e S na solução de N, P e K (Tratamento T3) promoveu aumento na absorção de água e nutrientes de 48% quando comparada à testemunha, e a aplicação de apenas os elementos N, P e K (Tratamento T2) foi superior à testemunha em 9%. O consumo de solução do tratamento T3 (N, P, K, Ca, Zn, B, e S) foi superior ao tratamento T2 (N, P e K) em 35%. A metodologia do lisímetro poroso apresentou resultados satisfatórios na medição do consumo de água pelas plantas adultas. Nas condições em que o experimento foi conduzido, ou seja, com valores de fração de área molhada de 5 % para PW e 13% para P, o consumo médio de água pelas plantas foi de 30 e 35 L.dia-1 para as plantas 1 e 2, respectivamente. Nas condições em que o experimento foi conduzido, os resultados referentes ao consumo de água pelas plantas mostraram que a aplicação de N e Ca via fertirrigação não promoveu aumento significativo nos valores de consumo de água pelas plantas. As menores doses de N e Ca proporcionaram os maiores valores de área foliar. Os valores de altura das plantas e diâmetro do tronco não apresentaram diferenças entre os tratamentos. / The citriculture plays fundamental role in the agribusiness of the State of São Paulo, however in the last 5 years many citrus growers feel the need to irrigate their orchards, looking for the stability and yield increase. For the development of the project three experiments were installed, being the first to evaluate the porous lysimeter developed by Machado & Coelho (2000), with the objective of determining the water consumption of young plants of Tahiti lime on Swingle citrumelo (Experiment I). The second research trial was accomplished at an orchard of ten years old, and had the objective of measuring the consumption of fertilizing solution by the root system of rangpur lime rootstock on Tahiti lime, using the porous lysimeter methodology, in function of three different fertilizing solutions (Experiment II). The third experiment was conducted in a greenhouse with the objective of studying the vegetative development and the water consumption of seedlings of Pêra orange on rangpur lime in function of fertigations with nitrogen and calcium in the first year from planting (Experiment III). Data of the experiment I was collected from three plants isolated properly from the natural rain, supplyed with water only from the porous lysimeter. The water consumption of the plants of Tahiti lime on the Swingle Citrumelo rootstock with 1 and a half year old and medium wetted area fraction (P) of 4%, varied from 2 to 3.5 L.day-1 and the crop evapotranspiration ranged from 3 to 5 mm.day-1. Experiment II was conducted with adult plants. Two plants were isolatedfrom the natural precipitations for the accomplishment of the experiment. Nine lysimeters sets were installed in the canopy projection, being three for each treatment to be implanted: Treatment 1 pure water (control), Treatment 2 fertilizing solution (N, P and K) and Treatment 3 fertilizing solution (N, P, K, Ca, Zn and B). The inclusion of the elements Ca, Zn, B, and S in the solution of N, P and K (Treatment T3) increased the uptake of water and nutrients in 48% when compared to the control, and the application of only the elements N, P and K (Treatment T2) was superior to the control in 9%. The consumption of solution in the treatment T3 (N, P, K, Ca, Zn, B and S) was higher than the treatment T2 (N, P and K) in 35%. The methodology of the porous lysimeter presented satisfactory results in the measurement of the water consumption for the adult plants. In the conditions in that the experiment was conducted, that is, with values of wetted area fraction of 5% for PW and 13% for P, the average consumption of water by the plants was of 30 and 35 L.day-1 for the plants 1 and 2, respectively. In the conditions the experiment was conducted, the results regarding the water consumption by the plants showed that the application of N and Ca through fertigation did not promote significant increase in the water consumption. The smallest doses of N and Ca provided the largest values of leaf area. The values of height of the plants and diameter of the trunk did not present differences among the treatments.
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La céramique dans le territoire industriel de Martres-Tolosane depuis le XVIe siècle / Earthenware in the industrial area of Martres-Tolosane since the XVIth centuryPiques, Stéphane 28 September 2012 (has links)
Le territoire industriel dont Martres-Tolosane est devenu le centre éponyme a une histoire ancienne. L’origine de la production céramique moderne est italienne et remonte au XVIe siècle. Peut-être attirés par les seigneurs locaux, les premiers potiers qui s’installent à Plagne, village proche de Martres, profitent de la présence de marnes calcaires et de forêts abondantes. Dès 1737, des faïenciers, principalement issus de Nevers, arrivent dans les nouvelles manufactures de faïence de Marignac-Laspeyres, Martres-Tolosane et Terrebasse. Après la Révolution, un « Système Productif et Commercial Localisé » se met en place. La pluri-activité des paysans-ouvriers est au cœur de ce système soutenu par une population en forte croissance et par la modicité des capitaux initiaux nécessaires. Des fermes-ateliers et des petites fabriques se créées sur une vingtaine de communes autour de Martres et commercent jusqu’à l’international. Cette réussite repose aussi sur la politique sociale des élites de Martres qui, en assurant une redistribution des revenus communaux, atténuent les effets de la prolétarisation, maintient des salaires bas et perpétuent la société rurale ancienne. La dépopulation de la seconde moitié du XIXe siècle touche l’activité qui se rétracte et ne résiste qu’en s’adaptant à la demande en faïence traditionnelle. Les faïenciers copient les motifs des centres français réputés, stratégie de niche qui leur permet de fournir en faïence-cadeaux durant le XXe siècle, les principales régions touristiques. En parallèle, la faïence s’ancre dans le territoire et devient un « produit de terroir » que la crise des années 1970 et les changements de mode semblent condamner. / The industrial area of which Martres-Tolosane has become the eponymous center has a long history. The origin of modern ceramic production is Italian and goes back to the XVIth century. Maybe attracted by the local Lords, the first potters who settle in Plagne, a village near Martres, take advantage of the presence of calcareous clay and plentiful forests. As early as 1737, earthenware makers, mainly from Nevers, arrive in the new earthenware factories created locally. After the French Revolution, a "Productive and Commercial Localised System” is set up. The various activities of the peasant workers are at the heart of this system, supported by a fast growing population and by the small amount of initial capital necessary. Farm-workshops and small factories are established in about twenty communities around Martres and they trade even on the international level. This success is also supported by the social action of the elites of Martres who, by assuring a redistribution of the municipal income, alleviate the effects of the proletarisation, maintain low salaries and perpetuate the old rural society. The depopulation of the second half of the XIXth century affects the activity which retracts and survives only by adapting to the demand for traditional earthenware. Earthenware makers copy the motives of renowned French centers, a niche strategy which allows them to supply the main tourist regions with earthenware gifts during the XXth century. At the same time), earthenware takes root in the area and becomes a “product of the land” that the crisis of the 1970s and the changes of fashion seem to condemn.
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Theoretical study of the optical properties of the noble metal nanoparticles: CD and MCD spectroscopyKarimova, Natalia Vladimirovna January 1900 (has links)
Doctor of Philosophy / Department of Chemistry / Christine M. Aikens / Gold and silver particles with dimensions less than a nanometer possess unique characteristics and properties that are different from the properties of the bulk. They demonstrate a non–zero HOMO–LUMO gap that can reach up to 3.0 eV. These differences arise from size quantization effects in the metal core due to the small number of atoms. These nanoparticles have attracted great interest for decades both in fundamental and applied research. Small gold clusters protected by various types of ligands are of interest because ligands allow obtaining gold nanoclusters with given sizes, shapes and properties. Three main families of organic ligands are usually used for stabilization of gold nanoclusters: phosphine ligands, thiolate ligands and DNA.
Usually, optical properties of these NPs are studied using optical absorption spectroscopy. Unfortunately, sometimes this type of spectrum is poorly resolved and tends to appear very similar for different complexes. In these cases, circular dichroism (CD) and magnetic circular dichroism (MCD) spectroscopy can be applied. However, the interpretation of experimental CD and MCD spectra is a complicated process.
In this thesis, theoretically simulated CD and MCD spectra were combined with optical absorption spectra to study optical activity for octa– and nona– and undecanuclear gold clusters protected by mono– and bidentate phosphine ligands. Additionally, optical properties of bare and DNA protected silver NPs were studied. Theoretical CD spectra were examined to learn more about the origin of chirality in chiral organometallic complexes, and to contribute to the understanding of the difference in chiroptical activity of gold clusters stabilized by different phosphine ligands and DNA–stabilized silver clusters. Furthermore, optical properties of the small centered gold clusters Au₈(PPh₃)₈²⁺ and Au₉(PPh₃)₈³⁺ were examined by optical absorption and MCD spectra using TDDFT. Theoretical MCD spectra were also used to identify the plasmonic behavior of silver nanoparticles.
These results showed that CD and MCD spectroscopy yield more detailed information about optical properties and electronic structure of the different chemical systems than optical absorption spectroscopy alone. Theoretical simulation of the CD and MCD spectra together with optical absorption spectra can be used to assist in the understanding of empirically measured CD and MCD and provide useful information about optical properties and electronic structure.
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Deep ultraviolet photoluminescence studies of Al-rich AlGaN and AlN epilayers and nanostructuresNepal, Neeraj January 1900 (has links)
Doctor of Philosophy / Department of Physics / Hongxing Jiang / Deep ultraviolet (UV) photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopy has been employed to study optical properties of AlGaN alloys, undoped and doped AlN epilayers and nanostructure AlN photonics crystals (PCs). Using a deep UV laser system with an excitation wave length at 197 nm, continuous wave PL, temperature dependent, and time-resolved PL have been carried out on these AlGaN and AlN epilayers and nanostructures.
We have measured the compositional and temperature dependence of the energy bandgap of AlxGa1-xN alloys covering the entire alloy range of x, 0 ⤠x ⤠1 and fitted with the Varshni equation. Varshni coefficients, alpha and betaï¬ in AlGaN alloys have a parabolic dependence with alloy concentration x. Based on the experimental data, an empirical relation was thus obtained for the energy gap of AlGaN alloys for the entire alloy concentration and at any temperature below 800 K.
The exciton localization energy in AlxGa1-xN alloys the entire composition range (0 ⤠x ⤠1) has been measured by fitting the band edge emission peak energy with the Varshni equation. Deviations of the excitonic emission peak energy from the Varshni equation at low temperatures provide directly the exciton localization energies, ELoc in AlGaN alloys. It was found that ELoc increases with x for x ⤠0.7, and decreases with x for x ⥠0.8. The relations between the exciton localization energy, the activation energy, and the emission linewidth have been established. It thus provides three different and independent methods to determine the exciton localization energies in AlGaN alloys.
Impurity transitions in AlGaN alloys have also been investigated. Continuous wave (CW) PL spectra of Si and undoped AlGaN alloys reveals groups of impurity transitions that have been assigned to the recombination between shallow donors and an isolated triply charged cation-vacancy (VIII)3-, a doubly charged cation-vacancy-complex (VIII-complex)2-, and a singly charged cation-vacancy-complex (VIII-complex)-1. The energy levels of these deep acceptors in AlxGa1-xN (0 ⤠x ⤠1) alloys are pinned to a common energy level in the vacuum. AlGaN alloys predominantly exhibiting the bandedge and (VIII-complex)1- transitions possess improved conductivities over those emitting predominantly (VIII)3- and (VIII-complex)2- related transitions. These results thus answer the very basic question of high resistivity in Al-rich AlGaN alloys.
Acceptor doped AlGaN alloys have been studied by deep UV PL. A PL emission line at 6.02 eV has been observed at 10 K in Mg-doped AlN. It is due to the recombination of an exciton bound to the neutral Mg acceptor (I1) with a binding energy, Ebx of 40 meV, which indicates large activation energy of the Mg acceptor. The observed large binding energy of the acceptor-bound exciton is consistent with relatively large binding energy of the Mg acceptor in AlN.
With the energy level of 0.51 eV for Mg dopants in AlN, it is interesting and important to study other suitable acceptor dopants for AlN. Growth and optical studies of Zn-doped AlN epilayers has been carried out. The PL spectra of Zn-doped AlN epilayers exhibited two impurity emission lines at 5.40 and 4.50 eV, which were absent in undoped epilayers. They are assigned respectively, to the transitions of free electrons and electrons bound to triply positively charged nitrogen vacancies (0.90 eV deep) to the Zn0 acceptors. It was deduced that the Zn energy level is about 0.74 eV above the valence band edge, which is about 0.23 eV deeper than the Mg energy level in AlN.
Nitrogen vacancies are the compensating defects in acceptor doped AlGaN alloys. A nitrogen vacancy (VN) related emission line was also observed in ion-implanted AlN at 5.87 eV and the energy level of singly charged VN1+ is found at 260 meV below the conduction band. As a consequence of large binding energy of VN1+ as well as high formation energy, VN1+ in AlN cannot contribute significant n-type conductivity, which is consistent with experimental observation.
The temperature dependent PL study of the bandedge emissions in GaN and AlN epilayers up to 800 K has been carried out, which reveals two distinctive activation processes. The first process occurring below Tt = 325 K (Tt = 500 K) for GaN (AlN) is due to the activation of free excitons to free carriers, whereas the second occurring above Tt with an activation energy of 0.29 eV (0.3 eV) for GaN (AlN) is believed to be associated with a higher lying conduction band (ï3) at about 0.3 eV above the conduction band minimum (ï1). These higher lying bands could affect device performance of GaN and AlN at elevated temperatures.
Two-dimensional nanostructured AlN photonic crystals (PCs) with a varying periodicity/diameter down to 150 nm/75 nm have also been studied by deep UV PL. With PCs formation, a 20-fold enhancement in the band edge emission intensity at 208 nm over unpatterned AlN epilayer has been observed. The emission intensity increases with the decrease in the lattice constant of the AlN PCs. AlN PCs represent photonic crystals with highest (shortest) bandgap (wavelength) semiconductors, which open up new opportunities for exploring novel physical phenomena in the artificially structured photonic band gap material systems and their applications, particularly in the area of deep UV as well as nano-photonics.
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