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The role of geographic information systems within retail location decision makingHernandez, Juan Antonio January 1999 (has links)
No description available.
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Service considerations and the design of strategic distribution systemsCole, Michael H. 08 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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Strategic Location Planning for Broadband Access Networks under Cooperative TransmissionLin, Bin 23 April 2009 (has links)
To achieve a cost-effective network deployment, employing state-of-art technical advances provides a practical and effective
way to enhance system performance and quality of service provisioning. Cooperative transmission has been recognized as one of
the most effective paradigms to achieve higher system performance in terms of lower bit-error rate, higher throughput, larger coverage, more efficient energy utilization, and higher network reliability. This dissertation studies the location planning for the deployment of broadband access networks and explores the great potential of
cooperative transmission in the context of single-cell cooperative relaying and multi-cell cooperative transmission, respectively. The placement problem is investigated in two categories of network deployment environment, i.e., an existing wireless access network and a perspective broadband access network, respectively.
In an existing wireless access network, to solve some practical problems such as the requirements of capacity enhancement and
coverage extension, relay stations (RSs) are introduced in the network architecture. We propose two optimization frameworks with
the design objectives of maximizing cell capacity and minimizing number of RSs for deployment, respectively. Mathematical
formulations are provided to precisely capture the characteristics of the placement problems. The corresponding solution algorithms are developed to obtain the optimal (or near-optimal) results in
polynomial time. Numerical analysis and case studies are conducted to validate the performance benefits due to RS placement and the computation efficiency of the proposed algorithms.
To deploy a new metropolitan-area broadband access network, we explore the integration of passive optical network (PON) and wireless cooperative networks (WCN) under the multi-cell cooperative transmission technology. An optimization framework is provided to solve the problem of dimensioning and site planning. The issues of
node placement, BS-user association, wireless bandwidth and power breakdown assignment are jointly considered in a single stage to achieve better performance. We also propose a solution to the complex optimization problem based on decomposition and linear approximation. Numerical analysis and case studies are conducted to verify the proposed framework. The results demonstrate the performance gains and economic benefits.
Given a set of network parameters, the proposed optimization frameworks and solutions proposed in this dissertation can provide design guidelines for practical network deployment and cost estimations. And the constructed broadband access networks show a more cost-effective deployment by taking advantage of the cooperative transmission technology.
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Strategic Location Planning for Broadband Access Networks under Cooperative TransmissionLin, Bin 23 April 2009 (has links)
To achieve a cost-effective network deployment, employing state-of-art technical advances provides a practical and effective
way to enhance system performance and quality of service provisioning. Cooperative transmission has been recognized as one of
the most effective paradigms to achieve higher system performance in terms of lower bit-error rate, higher throughput, larger coverage, more efficient energy utilization, and higher network reliability. This dissertation studies the location planning for the deployment of broadband access networks and explores the great potential of
cooperative transmission in the context of single-cell cooperative relaying and multi-cell cooperative transmission, respectively. The placement problem is investigated in two categories of network deployment environment, i.e., an existing wireless access network and a perspective broadband access network, respectively.
In an existing wireless access network, to solve some practical problems such as the requirements of capacity enhancement and
coverage extension, relay stations (RSs) are introduced in the network architecture. We propose two optimization frameworks with
the design objectives of maximizing cell capacity and minimizing number of RSs for deployment, respectively. Mathematical
formulations are provided to precisely capture the characteristics of the placement problems. The corresponding solution algorithms are developed to obtain the optimal (or near-optimal) results in
polynomial time. Numerical analysis and case studies are conducted to validate the performance benefits due to RS placement and the computation efficiency of the proposed algorithms.
To deploy a new metropolitan-area broadband access network, we explore the integration of passive optical network (PON) and wireless cooperative networks (WCN) under the multi-cell cooperative transmission technology. An optimization framework is provided to solve the problem of dimensioning and site planning. The issues of
node placement, BS-user association, wireless bandwidth and power breakdown assignment are jointly considered in a single stage to achieve better performance. We also propose a solution to the complex optimization problem based on decomposition and linear approximation. Numerical analysis and case studies are conducted to verify the proposed framework. The results demonstrate the performance gains and economic benefits.
Given a set of network parameters, the proposed optimization frameworks and solutions proposed in this dissertation can provide design guidelines for practical network deployment and cost estimations. And the constructed broadband access networks show a more cost-effective deployment by taking advantage of the cooperative transmission technology.
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Kunden beeinflussen die betriebliche Standortplanung / Neue Ansätze zur Berücksichtigung empirisch ermittelter AuswahlentscheidungenHaase, Knut, Müller, Sven, Hoppe, Mirko 18 February 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Standortentscheidungen sind
der strategischen Planung zuzuordnen.
In diesem Beitrag geht
es um Standorte, die von
Kunden aufgesucht werden und
im Wettbewerb stehen. Aus der
Sicht eines Kunden ist die Wahl
einer Einrichtung ein diskretes
Entscheidungsproblem. Derartige
Entscheidungen können
durch diskrete Wahlmodelle
(zum Beispiel Logit-Modelle)
abgebildet werden. Dieser
Beitrag zeigt, wie deren Ergebnisse
in die modellgestützte
Standortplanung integriert werden
können. Die Anwendbarkeit
der Ansätze wird an zwei
Fallstudien demonstriert. / Within the framework of strategic
planning, location decisions
must necessarily take into
account competition factors.
The customer’s choice is a discrete
decision problem. In this
paper, we highlight the opportunities
for integration of the
results of a discrete choice
model (for example a logit
model) into facility location planning.
The approaches are applied
to two different case studies.
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Kunden beeinflussen die betriebliche Standortplanung: Kunden beeinflussen die betriebliche Standortplanung: Neue Ansätze zur Berücksichtigung empirisch ermittelter AuswahlentscheidungenHaase, Knut, Müller, Sven, Hoppe, Mirko 18 February 2010 (has links)
Standortentscheidungen sind
der strategischen Planung zuzuordnen.
In diesem Beitrag geht
es um Standorte, die von
Kunden aufgesucht werden und
im Wettbewerb stehen. Aus der
Sicht eines Kunden ist die Wahl
einer Einrichtung ein diskretes
Entscheidungsproblem. Derartige
Entscheidungen können
durch diskrete Wahlmodelle
(zum Beispiel Logit-Modelle)
abgebildet werden. Dieser
Beitrag zeigt, wie deren Ergebnisse
in die modellgestützte
Standortplanung integriert werden
können. Die Anwendbarkeit
der Ansätze wird an zwei
Fallstudien demonstriert. / Within the framework of strategic
planning, location decisions
must necessarily take into
account competition factors.
The customer’s choice is a discrete
decision problem. In this
paper, we highlight the opportunities
for integration of the
results of a discrete choice
model (for example a logit
model) into facility location planning.
The approaches are applied
to two different case studies.
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Туристичко уређење Старе планине / Turističko uređenje Stare planine / Tourism Development of Stara PlaninaJovanović LJubomir 02 June 2010 (has links)
<p>Предмет ове докторске тезе је туристичко уређење Старе планине. Циљ рада је утврђивање оптималног модела туристичког уређења простора за развој планинског туризма. Као најбољи, аутор сматра модел који се заснива на примени стандарда и правила туристичког уређења простора која се примењују у планирању референтних (успешних) планинских туристичких дестинација данас у свету. Правила и стандарди се односе на све елементе туристичког система који посебно укључује: туристичку инфраструктуру, туристичку супраструктуру, социјалну и техничку инфраструктуру и организациони модел развоја. Посебно је важно да се планирање уређења простора спроведе спровођењем стратегијског плана развоја туризма са активним учешћем свих зааинтересованих субјеката, чија улога је кључна у развоју туризма. Дати су бројни теоријски аргументи који потврђују наведене тврдње.</p> / <p>Predmet ove doktorske teze je turističko uređenje Stare planine. Cilj rada je utvrđivanje optimalnog modela turističkog uređenja prostora za razvoj planinskog turizma. Kao najbolji, autor smatra model koji se zasniva na primeni standarda i pravila turističkog uređenja prostora koja se primenjuju u planiranju referentnih (uspešnih) planinskih turističkih destinacija danas u svetu. Pravila i standardi se odnose na sve elemente turističkog sistema koji posebno uključuje: turističku infrastrukturu, turističku suprastrukturu, socijalnu i tehničku infrastrukturu i organizacioni model razvoja. Posebno je važno da se planiranje uređenja prostora sprovede sprovođenjem strategijskog plana razvoja turizma sa aktivnim učešćem svih zaainteresovanih subjekata, čija uloga je ključna u razvoju turizma. Dati su brojni teorijski argumenti koji potvrđuju navedene tvrdnje.</p> / <p>The subject of this PhD thesis is tourism development of Stara Planina. The goal of the essay is to define the optimal model of tourism spatial development for growth in mountain tourism. The author believes that the best model is based on the application of standards and rules of tourism spatial development applied in planning of reference (successful) mountain tourist destination in the world today. The rules and standards are related to all elements of tourism system including: tourism infrastructure, tourism superstructure, social and technical infrastructure and organisational model of development. It is essentially important to implement the spatial development planning by putting into practice the strategic plan of tourism development with the active participation of all interested entities that have the key role in tourism development. Various theoretic arguments are given to confirm the affirmed statements.</p>
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