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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Att säga det med ord eller bild : En kvalitativ jämförande studie mellan talad kommunikation och kommunikation stöttad av samtalsmatta för personer med Multipel Skleros / Saying it in words or pictures : A qualitative comparative study between spoken communication and communication supported by Talking Mats® for people with Multiple Sclerosis

Arvidsson Schloenzig, Nina, Örneholm, Isabelle January 2011 (has links)
MS, multipel skleros, är en neurologisk sjukdom som kan leda till kommunikationsrelaterade problem. Personer med MS kan därför tänkas vara i behov av olika former av kommunikationshjälpmedel. Samtalsmatta är ett visuellt och bildbaserat kommunikationshjälpmedel som avser att underlätta för personer att visa åsikter och göra val. Syftet med denna studie är att utreda samtalsmattans effekt på kommunikation med personer med MS. Frågeställningarna rör huruvida samtalseffektiviteten påverkas av samtalsmattan, vilka för- och nackdelar samtalsmattan kan ha jämfört med verbal kommunikation och hur deltagarna uppfattar användandet av samtalsmattan. För att utreda detta har en kvalitativ metod använts. Två personer med MS har deltagit i två samtal, ett med samtalsmatta och ett med endast verbal kommunikation. Samtalen har sedan utvärderats via bedömningsinstrumentet Effectiveness Framework of Functional Communication (EFFC) för att ge ett mått på samtalseffektivitet. Deltagarna har även genomgått en återkopplande intervju där de har fått beskriva sin upplevelse av de olika kommunikationsformerna. Resultatet för studien visade på högre samtalseffektivitet i de talade samtalen, vilket även var den kommunikationsform som deltagarna prefererade. I vidare analys framkom dock fördelar med samtalsmattan gällande att de samtalen blev mer strukturerade och centrerade till det aktuella samtalsämnet. I diskussionen berörs fördelar och nackdelar med strukturerade samtal. Struktur kan underlätta genom att ge en ram för samtalet, men kan samtidigt kännas begränsande för individen. Uppfattningen av samtal kan även påverkas av tidigare samtalsvanor och de förväntningar som samtalspartnern har på samtalet. Författarna drar slutsatsen att de som ämnar använda samtalsmatta kan nyttja de fördelar som en ökad struktur medför, men måste samtidigt vara medvetna om individens förväntningar och behov.

Utvärdering utav effekten av obturatbehandling vid restspalt/fistel hos barn med total läpp-, käk- och gomspalt / Evaluation of the Effect of the Treatment with Palatal Fistula Obturation in Children with Complete cleft lip and palate.

Bengtsson, Ida January 2008 (has links)
<p>On children born with a complete cleft lip and palate (CLP) the repair of the alveolar ridge doesn´t take place before the children are about ten years old. This results in that they have a residual cleft in the alveolar ridge during their early childhood. This residual cleft, and the oronasal fistulas that may appear after the repair of the hard palate, can result in a negative influence on the speech of the children. Thereby it may be necessary with cover for examplewith a palatal plate or an obturator. At the Department of Orthodontics, at Linköping University Hospital, Sweden, some of the children with CLP undergo treatment with sustained palatal fistula obturation in order to cover fistulas or residual clefts. The aim of this study was to evaluate which effect this treatment has on the speech of the children. Outcome measures used were speech and caregivers opinion of the treatment. Potential relevant background factors as fistula size and timing of the treatment were investigated. This study included medical records, recordings of the speech of the children and dental study models of the maxilla from eleven children which had received treatment with sustained palatal fistula obturation. The parents of the children answered a parental report. In the perceptual evaluations of the speech recordings the results indicated that the articulation was improved after treatment in 81.8 % of the children and that the most common types of articulation errors before and after the orthodontic treatment were weak pressure consonants and retraction of dental plosives. It also appeared to be a connection between the age at which the children first had their obturator and how the speech was influenced. Regarding the parents ten of a total of eleven parents reported an improvement of their children´s speech- and/or eating ability and all of the parents would choose to let their children undergo the treatment again if they had the opportunity to choose. Conclusions drawn from this study is that treatment with sustained palatal fistula obturation is an applicable method for children with fistulas/residual clefts since most treated children´s speech benefitted from it.</p>

Perceptuell bedömning av tal före och efter svalglambåplastik hos patienter med velofarynxinsufficiens / Perceptual Speech Evaluation before and after Pharyngeal Flap Surgery in Patients with Velopharyngeal Insufficiency

Cronberg, Marie, Westman Näs, Gun January 2008 (has links)
<p>Velopharyngeal insufficiency may affect resonance, articulation and thus how speech is perceived by other listeners. Velopharyngeal insufficiency is frequently found in the cleft palate population due to structural abnormalities of the palate. The pharyngeal flap is the most commonly used operation designed to improve velopharyngeal function. The aim of the present study was to compare speech before and after pharyngeal flap surgery by perceptual evaluation regarding nasality, articulation and deviant speech. The study includes preoperative and postoperative speech samples of 28 patients who underwent pharyngeal flap surgery at the University Hospital in Linköping between 2002 and 2007. The speech samples were phonetically transcribed and analysed regarding nasality and articulation by the authors. For comparison of results, naïve listeners and graduate students of speech-language pathology rated speech deviances. Speech was evaluated as less hyper nasal and with less maladaptive patterns of articulation after surgery. Articulation with maladaptive patterns related to velopharyngeal insufficiency, especially weak articulation, decreased more than other misarticulations. Naïve listeners as well as speech language pathology students rated speech as being less deviant postoperatively. Naïve listeners rated speech as being more improved in comparison with speech language pathology students. The results indicate that pharyngeal flap surgery leads to less deviant speech as well as reduced hypernasality and misarticulation, which support other studies. Furthermore, the results indicate that speech pathology training may influence the perception of deviant speech. When assessing the outcome of speech enhancing surgery in future studies, the authors recommend adding the opinion of naïve listeners.</p> / <p>Velofarynxinsufficiens kan påverka talets resonans, artikulation och därmed hur talet uppfattas av omgivningen. Den vanligaste orsaken till velofarynxinsufficiens är någon form av medfödd missbildning i gommen. För att hjälpa patienter med velofarynxinsufficiens erbjuds talförbättrande operationer, där den vanligaste är svalglambåplastik. Syftet med föreliggande studie var att perceptuellt bedöma talet före och efter svalglambåplastik beträffande nasalitet, artikulation och grad av avvikelse samt jämföra två lyssnargruppers skattningar av talets grad av avvikelse. Studien gjordes utifrån preoperativa och postoperativa talinspelningar av 28 patienter som genomgått svalglambåplastik på Universitetssjukhuset i Linköping mellan 2002 och 2007. Talmaterialet transkriberades och analyserades av författarna beträffande nasalitet och artikulation. Patienternas tal bedömdes vara mindre hypernasalt och innehålla färre artikulationsavvikelser postoperativt. Artikulationsavvikelser direkt förknippade med velofarynxfunktion, främst tryckreducerad artikulation, minskade mer än andra artikulationsavvikelser. Lyssnargrupperna utgjordes av logopedstudenter respektive naiva lyssnare. Både logopedstudenter och naiva lyssnare bedömde att talets grad av avvikelse hade minskat efter kirurgi. De naiva lyssnarna upplevde en större förbättring än logopedstudenterna. Resultatet tyder på att svalglambåplastik ger ett mindre avvikande tal såväl som minskning av hypernasalitet och artikulationsavvikelser vilket överensstämmer med tidigare forskning. Föreliggande studie visar även att utbildning i analys av talavvikelser kan påverka upplevelsen av talets grad av avvikelse. Författarna förespråkar därför att utvärdering av talförbättrande kirurgi kompletteras med naiva lyssnares uppfattning i framtida studier.</p>

Återanvändning som kommunikativ resurs : En samtalsanalytisk studie av kommunikation med PECS hos en pojke med diagnosen autism / Communicative Recycling: : A Conversation Analytic Study of a Child with Autism Spectrum Disorder using PECS

Bergman, Elin, Levander, Sofie January 2008 (has links)
<p>Communicative recycling, to repeat utterances uttered by oneself or others, is a common phenomenon in all societies and languages. The talk of persons with autism often features recycling. The aim of this study was to identify different forms of recycling in communication involving a boy with autism and to describe its functions. Communication between the boy with autism, who used Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS) to communicate, and his parents and teachers was videotaped. The conversations took place in familiar settings, in the boy’s home and at his pre-school. The theoretical approach in the present study was Conversation Analysis (CA). The results provide further support for other studies in that recycling is an important interactional resource for children with limited linguistic capacities. The boy recycled the conversational frames taught in PECS and accommodated these to fit the context. The use of frames also enabled him to communicate with sentences. The transcribed examples exhibited diect as well as delayed recycling of other persons utterances made by the boy. The communicative recycling found in this study fulfilled all parts of the five-folded definition of functions presented by Tannen (1987): facilitating production and comprehension, creating a sense of connection, being a communicative resource enabling interaction and creating coherence as interpersonal involvement. The communicative recycling enabled the boy and his conversational partners to share communicative conventions. The use of recycling in conversations by people with autism may be a step towards a more generative use of language.</p>

Förberedande läpprundning hos personer som stammar : EMG-studier av stamning och flytande tal

Fröman, Charlotta, Henricson, Berit January 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Samtal vid middagsbordet i en trespråkig familj : Språkval i ett flerspråkigt sammanhang

Lindgren, Linnéa, Törneke, Kajsa January 2010 (has links)
Logopeder som träffar barn med språkstörning arbetar i hög grad med barnets hela familj. Specifik kunskap krävs då barnet och familjen är två- eller flerspråkiga. I denna fallstudie beskrivs språkanvändningen i en trespråkig familj som bor i Sverige. Den flamländsktalande modern och svensktalande fadern talade sina respektive modersmål med dottern Betty enligt språkstrategin one parent – one language (OPOL). Föräldrarna talade engelska sinsemellan. Data samlades in via videoinspelning, föräldraskattning och intervjuer. I den kvantitativa delen av studien undersöktes främst vilka språk som användes mellan familjemedlemmarna och i vilken grad kodväxling förekom. Den kvalitativa delen av studien fokuserade på föräldrarnas reflektioner om familjens trespråkighet ur ett individ-, familje- och samhällsperspektiv. Resultaten visade att föräldrarna följde sin språkstrategi väl och att kodväxling främst skedde föräldrarna emellan. Dottern följde strategin väl till fadern men till modern fanns betydande inslag av svenska. Tre teman som sammanfattar föräldrarnas reflektioner om flerspråkighet kunde urskiljas. Dessa var engelskans särställning i samhället, flamländska som minoritetsspråk samt språk som mått på integrering. Den logopediska relevansen diskuterades utifrån värdet av observationer på flerspråkiga barns interaktion med sina föräldrar vid bedömning, utökning av anamnes för flerspråkiga samt om logopeder bör rekommendera språkstrategier till flerspråkiga familjer. / Speech-language pathologists working with language impaired children often work with the child’s entire family. Specific knowledge is needed when the child and its family are bi- or multilingual. This case study describes the language use of a trilingual family living in Sweden. The Flemish speaking mother and the Swedish speaking father spoke their respective mother tongue with their daughter Betty in accordance with the language strategy one parent – one language (OPOL). The parents spoke English with each other. Data was collected by means of video recording, parental estimation and interview. The quantitative aspect of this study primarily examined what languages were used between different family members and to what extent code-switching occurred. The focus of the qualitative analysis was the parents’ reflections regarding the family’s trilingualism from an individual, family and societal perspective. The results showed that the parents followed their choice of language strategy well and that they code-switched mainly to each other and not to their daughter. Betty followed the strategy well to her father whereas she used a fair amount of Swedish to her mother. The parents’ reflections on multilingualism can be summarized in three themes. These were the unique position of English in society, Flemish as a minority language and language as a measure of integration. The clinical relevance was discussed in terms of the value of observing multilingual children interacting with their parents as a form of assessment, expanding the anamnesis for multilinguals and lastly whether speech-language pathologists should recommend language strategies to multilingual families.

Influence of speech task and utterance length on the measurement of pitch variability in the speech of Parkinson's disease patients after deep brain stimulation

Doorn, Jan van, Karlsson, Fredrik January 2013 (has links)
Parkinson’s disease (PD) affects patients voice characteristics, reducing pitch variability compared to normal controls (1,2). Previous reports have shown an increase in pitch variability due to deep brain stimulation (DBS) of the Subthalamic nucleus (STN) (3). For patients stimulated in caudal zona incerta (cZi), the results indicate no effect on pitch variability in a read speech task{Karlsson:2012jr}. The present study aimed at investigating the effects of speech task (spontaneous or read speech) and the lenght of the utterance on overall measures of pitch variability observed in DBS-treated patients. Ten patients treated with STN-DBS and ten patients treated with cZi-DBS were included in this prospective study. Utterances produced sponatenously and produced during readings of a standard passage were compared in terms of treatment effects in pitch variability due to STN-DBS and cZi-DBS (Stim OFF and Stim ON recordings made 1,5 hour apart, all in Med ON) 6 and 12 months after operation. The results indicate that pitch variability is affected differently by STN-DBS and cZi-DBS depending on speech task and utterance length. In short utterances (&lt;10 words), an increase in pitch variability is observed for both treatment groups and both speech tasks. For longer utterances, however, a more diverse effect of treatment and speech task is observed. The results therefore suggest that spech task and characteristics of thate utterance should be carefully considered when drawing conclusions on the overall effect of DBS on pitch variability. 1. Jiménez-Jiménez FJ, Gamboa J, Nieto A, Guerrero J, Ortí-Pareja M, Molina JA, et al. Acoustic voice analysis in untreated patients with Parkinson's disease. Parkinsonism Relat. Disord. 1997 Apr;3(2):111–6.  2. Holmes RJ, Oates JM, Phyland DJ, Hughes AJ. Voice characteristics in the progression of Parkinson’s disease. International Journal of Language &amp; Communication Disorders. 2000;35(3):407–18.  3. Dromey C, Kumar R, Lang AE, Lozano AM. An investigation of the effects of subthalamic nucleus stimulation on acoustic measures of voice. Mov. Disord. 2000;15(6):1132–8. / Intonation och rytm i talet hos personer med Parkinsons sjukdom - en longitudinell jämförelse mellan sjukdomens effekter och effekter av behandling

Applying the Vowel Formant Dispersion (VFD) method to the study of reduced or alterered vowel productions

Karlsson, Fredrik, Doorn, Jan van January 2012 (has links)
Formant centre frequencies are regularly used as acoustic measure of vowel quality because of the well established correlation between them and properties of vowel production(Fant, 1960). While it is recognised that it is important transform formant frequencies, as measured from the spectrogram, into relevant psychoacoustic scales when addressing issues of vowel perception, production studies are still largely based on the the raw, Hz-scaled, formant measurements. As a consequence, systematic studies of vowel articulation proficiency due to clinical conditions or effects of treatment are not easily afforded.  A number of derived measures have been proposed to capture whole-system effect of vowel production. Previous research has primarily used the calculated total area of formants measured from either [a], [u], [i] and [æ] or only [a], [u] and [i] productions, joined together to form a quadrilateral or a triangle (Vowel space area, VSA)(Kent &amp; Kim, 2003). In the reduced articulatory range of hypokinetic dysarthria, VSA is expected to be reduced by the dysarthria, and increased due to successful treatment the patient’s articulatory range.  However, VSA has been proposed to be not powerful enough to capture effects on vowel articulation found specifically in patients with Parkinson’s disease (PD), and therefore not able to establish treatment effects. Two alternative measures have been proposed previously that are more focused towards specifically towards finding expansion and reductions in vowel spaces, the Vowel articulation index (VAI)(Roy, Nissen, Dromey, &amp; Sapir, 2009) or Formant Centralization Ratio (FCR)(Sapir, Ramig, Spielman, &amp; Fox, 2010). Both VAI and FCR has been shown to be able to establish significant reductions vowel articulation due to PD. Similar to VSA, however, the VAI and FCR measures do not given any detailed insight into the nature of the change in articulation. Further, all three measures reduces all obtained vowel formant measurements into a single metric, resulting in a substantial loss of statistical power and a considerable reduction in quality of intra-speaker models of articulatory proficiency.  In response to the problematic properties of previous metrics, a revised view of formant frequencies more suitable for studies of changes in vowel articulation has recently been outlined, along with a new metric (Vowel Formant Dispersion, VFD). The VFD view of vowel formants are more closely connected to properties of vowel articulation and therefore affords more more detailed interpretations to be drawn concerning speakers’ production proficiency and offers increased reliability of within speaker estimates of this proficiency. This paper presents a detailed view of how VFD may applied to clinical populations where vowel production is affected by the condition (e.g. hypokinetic dysarthria) or where production should be affected (e.g. transexual patients or in successful treatment of dysarthric patients). It will be shown that most aspects of the study of vowel articulation proficiency will be significantly enhanced by the VFD method. Fant, G. (1960). Acoustic Theory of Speech Production. Mouton and Co 's-Gravenhage. Karlsson, F. (submitted). Vowel Formant Dispersion: a revised view of vowel production. The Journal of Acoustical Society of America. Kent, R. D., &amp; Kim, Y.-J. (2003). Toward an acoustic typology of motor speech disorders. Clinical Linguistics &amp; Phonetics, Clinical Linguistics &amp; Phonetics, 17(6), 427–445. Informa Allied Health. doi:10.1080/0269920031000086248 Roy, N., Nissen, S. L., Dromey, C., &amp; Sapir, S. (2009). Articulatory changes in muscle tension dysphonia: evidence of vowel space expansion following manual circumlaryngeal therapy Journal of communication disorders, Journal of communication disorders, 42(2), 124–135. doi:10.1016/j.jcomdis.2008.10.001 Sapir, S., Ramig, L. O., Spielman, J. L., &amp; Fox, C. (2010). Formant Centralization Ratio: A Proposal for a New Acoustic Measure of Dysarthric Speech. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 53(1), 114–114.

Arbetsminnesstrategier i förhållande till ordförråd hos barn med utvecklingsstörning.

Elfverson, Cajsa, Eriksson, Johanna January 2011 (has links)
Denna studie genomfördes i syfte att undersöka ett eventuellt samband mellan ordförråd och strategianvändning på arbetsminnesuppgifter hos barn med utvecklingsstörning. Barn med utvecklingsstörning antas ha svårare för att minnas visuellt presenterad information med hjälp av en fonologisk strategi, innebärande upprepning av ord subvokalt i arbetsminnet (Milgram, 1973). Henry (2002) menar att barn med utvecklingsstörning har en nedsättning vad gäller förmågan att subvokalt upprepa ord i arbetsminnet. Detta kan relateras till en studie av Gathercole och Baddeley (1989) som visar att fonologiskt arbetsminne är viktigt vid förvärvandet av nya ord. Baserat på detta formades vår hypotes om att ett större ordförråd skulle ha ett samband med användande av en fonologisk minnesstrategi.        I studien deltog 32 barn med mentala åldrar mellan 5:9–10:9 år. Barnen i gruppen med utvecklingsstörning bestod av 16 barn. Den andra gruppen utgjordes av barn med typisk utveckling, matchade mot barnen med utvecklingsstörning genom icke-verbal ålder. De två grupperna delades i sin tur in i tre åldersgrupper vardera för att dessa skulle kunna jämföras med varandra.  Varje barns ordförråd fastställdes för att jämföra detta med minnesstrategier. Ett speciellt utformat dataprogram hjälpte oss kartlägga gruppernas strategianvändning. De yngre åldersgrupperna i gruppen med utvecklingsstörning visade sig ha ett samband mellan en visuell strategi och ordförrådets storlek.  Det visade sig att kontrollgruppen i signifikant större utsträckning använde sig av en mogen fonologisk strategi i jämförelse med gruppen med utvecklingsstörning. Sammanfattningsvis tycks det finnas samband mellan strategianvändning och ordförrådets storlek. / The purpose of this study was to investigate a possible correlation between vocabulary and strategy use in working memory tasks. Children with intellectual disabilities are presumed to have difficulties in remembering visual represented information using a phonological strategy, meaning rehearsal in the working memory (Milgram, 1973). Children with intellectual disabilities have a deficit in the ability to rehearse words in working memory (Henry, 2002). This can be related to a study made by Gathercole and Baddeley (1989) implying that phonological working memory is important when learning new words. Our hypothesis was therefore that vocabulary size would correlate with a use of a phonological working memory strategy.      Thirty-two children with a mental age span between 5:9 and 10:9 participated. The target group consisted of 16 children with intellectual disability. The control group consisted of 16 children matched on non-verbal mental age. In order to compare children with equal mental age, the target group and the control group were divided into three age groups. In order to analyze which strategies children practice to remember, a computer program, specially designed for this study was used. The program helped us to map out strategy use among the groups. We determined each child’s vocabulary to compare these variables. We found a correlation between vocabulary size and strategy use in the younger age groups of children with with intellectual disability. We also found that the control group had a significantly larger use of the mature phonological strategy in comparison to the group with intellectual disability. To summarize it seems that there is a correlation between strategy use and vocabulary size.

KomRett : Utvärdering av en kommunikationskurs för närstående tillpersoner med Rett syndrom

Wandin, Helena January 2010 (has links)
I denna pilotstudie utvärderas KomRett, en kommunikationskurs för närstående till personer med Rett syndrom som genomfördes för första gången hösten 2009. Målsättningarna med KomRett var att öka kursdeltagarnas kunskap om kommunikation och strategier för att stimulera kommunikation samt grafisk AKK med eller utan ljud. Kursen utformades med utgångspunkt från innehållet i föräldrakurserna i projektet AKKTIV vid DART Center i Göteborg (Alternativ och Kompletterande Kommunikation Tidig InterVention till föräldrar som har barn med kommunikationssvårigheter). Kommunikationspartners till fyra personer med Rett syndrom deltog i studien. I utvärderingen användes analys av olika skattningsformulär samt videoanalys av filmer från två kursdeltagare. Resultaten visar att tre av sex kursdeltagarna började använda bilder i sin kommunikation med personerna med Rett syndrom efter kursen. I videoanalysen framkom att en av två kursdeltagare oftare använde en responsiv kommunikationsstil i vald aktivitet efter kursen. Höga poäng på utvärderingsformuläret tydde på att kursdeltagarna uppfattade kursen positivt och flera av kursdeltagarna uppgav att de var mer uppmärksamma på kommunikationen efter kursen.

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