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<p>Lubrication and friction of modern rolling element bearings were investigated to develop a physics-based bearing friction model. A test rig was designed and developed to measure the frictional torque of radially loaded rolling element bearings with oil bath lubrication. Deep groove ball bearings and radial needle roller bearings were studied at various loads, speeds and lubrication conditions. Experimental results indicate that bearing friction models currently used in industry can be inaccurate, especially when predicting bearing fluid drag losses. A separate test rig was designed and developed to investigate the lubrication and friction of rolling element bearing cage pockets, as new cage pocket designs could improve bearing efficiency. Cage pocket oil starvation was observed for certain operating conditions, and the starvation was found to correlate strongly with cage pocket friction. In order to better understand friction and lubrication characteristics of bearings, computational fluid dynamics (CFD) models were developed to compare with the experimental results. Fluid motion inside the rolling element bearings was investigated using CFD to determine fluid drag torque of bearing components. Fluid drag torque obtained from CFD and experimental measurements are in good agreement. Results from the CFD models also included pressure distributions over bearing surfaces and fluid velocity near rolling elements, but were limited to global length scales. At the micro-scale, rolling element bearing lubrication and friction is dictated by elastohydrodynamic lubrication (EHL). The radial needle roller bearings and deep groove ball bearings used in this investigation are characterized by line and elliptical contacts, respectively. EHL modeling was therefore developed for line contacts with a strongly coupled fluid solid interaction (FSI) solver. Solid bodies were modeled with finite element (FE) software to incorporate inhomogeneities such as inclusions and surface features which affect EHL pressure, film thickness and friction. Results were used to investigate lubricant film thickness at lubricated line contacts under various operating conditions. This work was further extended to model EHL circular contacts with an FSI approach, combining CFD and FE software. The newly developed FSI EHL model provided critical insights regarding fluid behavior in and around EHL point contacts and fluid properties within the lubricant film. Given the modeling results at the micro and macro scale within the rolling element bearings, a better understanding of bearing friction and lubrication is developed, and supported by experimental data.</p>
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Interactions of Additives on Surfaces via Temperature Programmed DesorptionSeeley, Marisa A. January 2017 (has links)
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Development of a generalized mechanical efficiency prediction methodology for gear pairsXu, Hai 08 November 2005 (has links)
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A Theoretical and Experimental Investigation of Roller and Gear ScuffingLiou, Joe J. 30 July 2010 (has links)
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Investigation of Lubrication and Springback in Forming of Draw Quality and Advanced High Strength SteelsKardes Sever, Nimet 20 June 2012 (has links)
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Application of the Space – Time Conservation Element and Solution Element Numerical Method to Flows in Fluid FilmsCioc, Sorin 31 August 2004 (has links)
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An Elastohydrodynamic Lubrication Model for Helicopter High-Speed Transmission ComponentsCioc, Carmen Ana Beatrice January 2004 (has links)
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Fretting in Wind Power Pitch Bearings: Micro-Slip Experiments and Bearing Test Rig Design / Fretting i lager till vindturbinsblad: mikroglidningsexperiment och konstruktion av en lagerprovningsriggDe La Presilla, Román January 2020 (has links)
Wind power is the fastest-growing form of green energy production in Europe, today accounting for 15% of the total power demand with 100.000 turbines installed. This tremendous development relied on a massive technological undertaking that must be continued, and even accelerated in order to meet the European Commission’s environmental goals for 2050. Currently, more active individual control of the rotor blades, turning the blade into and out of the wind, has proven its ability to reduce structural loads on the blades and other components significantly, therefore paving the road towards strong cost reductions. To allow for such adjustment, the rotor blades are connected to the rotor hub via pitch bearings. However, these new structural load reduction control strategies force the pitch bearings into a much more demanding operation condition. More frequent positioning activity and often in the form of smaller oscillating motions, when compared to traditional pitch control. This leading to an increased risk of wear damage of the pitch bearing that could fully incapacitate the blade control. At which point the safe regulation of the turbine can no longer be guaranteed and catastrophic failure, such as the loss of a rotor blade, is possible. This project pertains to the design a bearing test rig that can be used to test rolling element bearings with contact conditions that emulate those found in pitch bearings. A novel frameless motor-driven concept is proposed. The concept is aimed towards preventing unnecessary damage of non-test bearings and improving the dynamic performance of the test rig for a given motor capacity. One further objective of the project involved using an existing KTH single contact test rig to study the friction behavior of different lubricants when minute reciprocal tangential displacements are imposed. / Vindkraft är idag det snabbast växande området för grön elproduktion i Europa och står med 100 000 installerade turbiner för 15% av den totala elförsörjningen. Denna otroliga utvecklingen har berott på en massiv teknologisk insats som måste fortsätta. För att nå Europakommissionens miljömål för 2050 måste expansionen av grön elproduktion och vindkraft till och med trappas upp. Nyligen har en mer aktiv individuell reglering av rotorbladen, vilket möjliggör att bladen kan styras in- och ut ur vinden, visat sig kunna reducera lasterna på blad och andra komponenter avsevärt, vilket därmed möjliggör stora kostnadsreduceringar. Dessa justeringar möjliggörs genom att rotorbladen ansluter hubben via ett rotorbladslager. Dessa nya lastreducerande reglerstrategier tvingar dock lagren att arbeta under högre belastning jämfört med traditionell reglering av rotorbladens lutningsvinkel. Det här sker genom mer frekvent positionering och ofta som små oscillerande rörelser, vilket leder till en högre risk för slitage på rotorbladslagren, som i sin tur kan leda till förlust av rotorbladsregleringen. När så sker kan inte längre en säker reglering av turbinen garanteras och katastrofala fel är möjliga, så som förlust av rotorblad. Det här projektet avser att utarbeta en design för en lagerprovningsrigg som kan användas för att testa rullager med kontaktvillkor som efterliknar de som återfinns i rotorbladslagren. Ett nytt koncept,m som är baserat på en ramlös motor, presenteras. Konceptet avser att förhindra onödigt slitage hos testriggens motorlager och förbättra de dynamiska egenskaperna för en given motorkapacitet. Projektet innefattar även en studie av friktionsbeteendet hos olika smörjmedel under små upprepande tangentiella rörelser, som utförts med en befintlig testrigg på KTH.
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Investigating mucin interactions with diverse surfaces for biomedical applicationsPetrou, Georgia January 2019 (has links)
Mucous membranes are covered with mucus, a viscoelastic hydrogel that plays an essential role in their protection from shear and pathogens. The viscoelasticity of mucus is owing to mucins, a group of densely glycosylated proteins. Mucins can interact with a wide range of surfaces; thus, there is big interest in exploring and manipulating such interactions for biomedical applications. This thesis presents investigations of mucin interactions with hydrophobic surfaces in order to identify the key features of mucin lubricity, as well as describes the development of materials that are optimized to interact with mucins. In Paper I we investigated the domains which make mucins outstanding boundary lubricants. The results showed that the hydrophobic terminal domains of mucins play a crucial role in the adsorption and lubrication on hydrophobic surfaces. Specifically, protease digestion of porcine gastric mucins and salivary mucins resulted in the cleavage of these domains and the loss of lubricity and surface adsorption. However, a “rescue” strategy was successfully carried out by grafting hydrophobic phenyl groups to the digested mucins and enhancing their lubricity. This strategy also enhanced the lubricity of polymers which are otherwise bad lubricants. In Paper II we developed mucoadhesive materials based on genetically engineered partial spider silk proteins. The partial spider silk protein 4RepCT was successfully functionalized with six lysines (pLys-4RepCT), or the Human Galectin-3 Carbohydrate Recognition Domain (hGal3-4RepCT). These strategies were aiming to either non-specific electrostatic interactions between the positive lysines and the negative mucins, or specific binding between the hGal3 and the mucin glycans. Coatings, fibers, meshes and foams were prepared from the new silk proteins, and the adsorption of porcine gastric mucins and bovine submaxillary mucins was measured, demonstrating enhanced adsorption. The work presented demonstrates how mucin-material interactions can provide us with valuable information for the development of new biomaterials. Specifically, mucin-based and mucin-inspired lubricants could provide desired lubrication to a wide range of surfaces, while our new silk based materials could be valuable tools for the development of mucosal dressings. / Slemhinnor täckts av slem, en viskoelastisk hydrogel som spelar en viktig roll för att skydda mot mekanisk nötning och patogener. Muciner, en grupp av tätt glykosylerade proteiner, spelar en viktig roll i viskoelasticiteten av slem. Eftersom muciner kan interagera med diverse ytor är det av stort intresse att utforska och manipulera sådana interaktioner för biomedicinska tillämpningar. Denna avhandling presenterar undersökningar av mucininteraktioner med hydrofoba ytor för att identifiera de viktigaste egenskaperna hos mucinsmörjning, samt beskriver utveckling av material som optimerades för att interagera med muciner. I Artikel I undersökte vi de domäner som bidrar till mucinernas enastående kapacitet som smörjmedel. Resultaten visade att mucinernas hydrofoba terminaldomäner spelar en avgörande roll vid adsorption och smörjning på hydrofoba ytor. Mer specifikt, proteasklyvning av svinmagemuciner och salivmuciner resulterade i klyvningen av dessa domäner och förlust av smörjning och ytadsorption. Genom att länka hydrofobiska fenylgrupper till de uppbrutna mucinerna, lyckades deras smörjningsegenskaper förbättras. Denna strategi förbättrade också smörjningsegenskaper hos andra polymerer som annars har dåliga smörjningsegenskaper. I Artikel II utvecklade vi mukoadhesiva material baserade på genetiskt modifierade partiella spindelsilkeproteiner. Spindelsilkeproteinet 4RepCT funktionaliserades framgångsrikt med tillsats av sex lysiner (pLys-4RepCT), eller den mänskliga Galectin-3 karbohydrat igenkänningsdomänen (hGal3-4RepCT). Syftet med dessa strategier var antingen att öka ospecifika elektrostatiska interaktioner mellan de positiva lysinerna och de negativa mucinerna, eller den specifika bindningen mellan hGal3 och mucin-glykanerna. Beläggningar, fibrer, nät och skum framställdes från de nya silkeproteinerna. Efter att adsorption av svinmagsmuciner och bovina submaxillära muciner uppmätts, visade de nya silkeproteinerna förbättrad mucin adsorption. Detta arbete visar hur interaktioner mellan mucin-material kan bidra med värdefull information för utvecklingen av nya biomaterial. Mucinbaserade och mucininspirerade smörjmedel kan ge önskad smörjning till ett brett spektrum av ytor, medan vår nya silkesbaserad material kan vara ett värdefullt verktyg för utvecklingen av slemhinneförband. / <p>QC 20190412</p>
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