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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Pertes mécaniques par frottement et lubrification dans une boîte de vitesses / Power losses and lubrication in automotiv gearbox

Leprince, Gauthier 19 December 2011 (has links)
Dans le domaine automobile, les réductions de consommation de carburant et des émissions polluantes constituent des axes de recherches majeurs. Dans ce contexte, de nombreux efforts sont portés sur l’amélioration du rendement des boîtes de vitesses. Parmi l’ensemble des pertes générées dans une boîte de vitesses, les pertes par barbotage peuvent représenter une source de perte importante. Si différents modèles existent pour quantifier les pertes par barbotage, aucun d’entre eux ne prend en compte l’influence de la présence d’air dans le lubrifiant. Grâce à un banc d’essais spécifique, il est montré que l’aération de l’huile peut avoir un impact sur les pertes par barbotage. Un modèle original d’estimation des pertes dues à l’aération est alors développé. Ce dernier révèle que des propriétés du lubrifiant autres que la viscosité ou la masse volumique peuvent avoir une influence sur les pertes par barbotage. L’étude des pertes par barbotage conduit également à s’intéresser à ce mode de lubrification largement employé dans les boîtes de vitesses manuelles. Actuellement, la mise au point de cette méthode de lubrification souffre d’un manque d’informations portant principalement sur les débits mis en jeu lors du phénomène de projection d’huile par les pignons en rotation. L’analyse de ces débits d’huile est conduite au moyen d’un banc d’essais développé spécifiquement. Les nombreux résultats de mesures obtenus permettent de mieux appréhender ce phénomène de projection. Un modèle analytique est finalement proposé permettant d’estimer les débits d’huile projetée pouvant être utilisé lors de la mise au point de la lubrification d’une boîte de vitesses. / Reducing fuel consumption and automobile emissions are nowadays the main topics of research for the automotive industry. Therefore, the situation involves concentrating many efforts to improve gearbox efficiency. Churning losses may represent a significant source of loss among the losses generated in a gearbox. Several models have been developed to quantify churning losses but they do not consider the air present in the lubricant. The use of a specific test rig has revealed that oil aeration could have an impact on churning losses. A heuristic model estimating aeration induced losses has therefore been developed. The latter reveals that some unexpected lubricant's properties, apart from viscosity and density, may impact churning losses. Indeed, the study of churning losses also encourages learning more about this type of lubrication, widely used in manual gearboxes. There is currently a lack of information around the development of that method of lubrication. This lack of information bears mainly on the flows involved in the phenomenon of oil splashed up by the rotating gears. The analysis of the involved oil flows is carried out with a test rig designed for that purpose. Therefore, the numerous findings based on a series of measurements may help splash phenomenon to be better understood. Finally, an analytical model is proposed to help estimate the flow of oil splashed. Such model may be used for the development of gearbox lubrication.

Physico-chemistry, high pressure rheology and film-forming capacity of polymer-base oil solutions in EHL / Physico-chimie, rhéologie haute pression et capacité à former des films de solutions huile de base-polymère en EHL

Mary, Charlotte 03 February 2014 (has links)
Le développement de lubrifiants à haute valeur ajoutée subissant des conditions opératoires de plus en plus draconiennes, économes en carburant et performants pendant une longue durée reste un défi considérable pour les fabricants d’huiles. Cette thèse concerne l’étude du rôle et des actions des améliorants d’indice de viscosité (ou Viscosity Index Improvers (VII)) dans les lubrifiants moteurs. Le premier objectif visé dans ce travail est la caractérisation des comportements rhéologiques et la modélisation de la viscosité en fonction de conditions réelles de température, pression et contrainte de cisaillement pour des solutions d’huile de base et de polymère sans additifs fonctionnels. Plusieurs polymères (PAMA, OCP et PISH) de masses moléculaires et conformations (peigne, linéaire et étoile) différentes sont utilisés à 1,2% en masse dans une huile de base minérale hydrocraquée. L’originalité de la thèse réside dans l’utilisation de rhéomètres non-commerciaux à haute pression (jusqu’à 800 MPa). Un deuxième défi réside dans la compréhension de la relation entre la réponse rhéologique des lubrifiants automobiles simplifiés et les mécanismes présents à l’échelle moléculaire en explorant les notions de conformation, de solubilité et de rayon hydrodynamique grâce à l’extension de la loi d’Einstein à haute pression. Enfin, l’étude se concentre sur le lien entre rhéologie et tribologie et par extension, entre la composition chimique du lubrifiant et la tribologie. Les épaisseurs de film sont mesurées et comparées avec les prédictions analytiques de Hamrock-Dowson et avec les simulations numériques basées sur l’équation de Reynolds généralisée en incluant les modèles rhéologiques. Les données expérimentales et numériques sont en adéquation. / The development of high value-added lubricants overcoming more and more drastic operating conditions, fuel-efficient and providing excellent performance during a long time remains a huge challenge for oil makers. This thesis is dedicated to the study of the role and the actions of Viscosity Index Improvers (VII) in engine lubricants. The first objective targeted in this work is the characterization of the rheological behaviors and the modeling of viscosity in function of realistic conditions of temperature, pressure and shear stress for polymer-thickened base oil solutions without functional additives. Several polymers (PAMA, OCP and PISH) with different molecular weights and conformations (comb, linear and star) are used with a concentration of 1.2% (w/w) in a hydrocracked mineral base oil. The originality of the thesis lies in the use of non-commercial rheometers under high pressure (up to 800 MPa). A second challenge is the understanding of the relationship between the rheological response of simplified engine lubricants and the mechanisms occurring at the molecular scale by exploring the notions of conformation, solubility and hydrodynamic radius by the extension of the Einstein’s law at high pressure. Finally, the study focuses on the link between rheology and tribology and by extrapolation, between the chemical composition of the lubricant and tribology. The film thickness is measured and compared with the Hamrock-Dowson analytical predictions and with the numerical simulations based on the generalized Reynolds’ equation including the rheological models. Both experimental and numerical data are in good agreement.

Analyse expérimentale de l'effet de la texturation des patins sur le comportement des butées hydrodynamiques à géométrie fixe / Experimental analysis of the effect of pads texturing on fixed geometry hydrodynamic thrust bearings behavior

Henry, Yann 13 December 2013 (has links)
La texturation de surface est une thématique récente qui suscite un certain engouement pour les contacts dynamiques. Pendant de nombreuses années, les tribologues ont privilégié les surfaces lisses aux faibles rugosités pour limiter le frottement. Inspiré des rugosités de surface organisées observées dans la nature, les topologies de surfaces sont désormais axées sur la texturation et la structuration des rugosités. Fort de ce potentiel, de nombreuses études traitent, par une approche numérique, la modélisation de ces surfaces et les études expérimentales sont rares, avec une instrumentation souvent insuffisante pour appréhender tous les phénomènes physiques. Par une approche expérimentale, nous analysons le comportement des butées hydrodynamiques à faces parallèles partiellement texturées. Les 80 capteurs équipant le dispositif d'essais permettent d'apprécier avec rigueur la phénoménologie à l'interface du patin et du film lubrifiant. L'analyse met l'accent sur la capabilité de ce composant à être intégré dans un environnement industriel. Afin d'objectiver les résultats, les campagnes d'essais sont menées sur dix butées hydrodynamiques dont quatre sont munies de texturation. Une comparaison de ces butées facilite leur classement en termes de capacité de charge, de réduction de frottement ou encore de risque d'usure dans les phases de démarrage. Pour les configurations étudiées, les butées texturées ne peuvent concurrencer les butées à poches ou à plans inclinés du point de vue de la capacité de charge. En se référant à une butée à faces parallèles, les butées texturées permettent une réduction du frottement de 30% à faibles charges tandis que pour de fortes charges, les / Surface texturing is a recent topic which has raised a great interest in contact dynamics. For many years, engineers have favored smooth surfaces with low roughness in order to minimize friction losses. Inspired by textured surfaces which can be commonly found in nature, the research in surface topography is now focused on texturing and roughness characterization. Considering the great potential of surface texturing, many research studies analyze this subject, most commonly theoretically, while experimental works are often performed with inadequate equipment which does not allow a proper evaluation of the involved physical phenomena. This study uses an experimental approach in order to analyze the behavior of hydrodynamic thrust bearings with parallel textured pads. The experimental device is equipped with 80 sensors which allow a proper assessment of the phenomenology at the film/pad interface. This analysis focuses on the capability of this textured component to be integrated in an industrial environment. To objectify the results, the tests are conducted on ten hydrodynamic thrust bearings, among which four are textured. The comparison between the performances of these bearings facilitates their classification in terms of load-carrying capacity, friction loss and wears resistance during the start-up period. Results show that for the studied configurations, the textured thrust bearings cannot compete with pocketed or tapered land thrust bearings in terms of load-carrying capacity. In the case of parallel thrust bearings, surface texturing can help to reduce friction up to 30% at low loads while for heavy loads, their performance is equivalent or even lower than that of

Influence des discontinuités géométriques sur les performances des paliers en régime thermoélastohydrodynamique (TEHD) / Influence of geometrical discontinuities on the thermoelastohydrodynamic performance of journal bearings

Giraudeau, Célia 28 November 2016 (has links)
Lors de diverses opérations de maintenance, des dégradations au niveau des rotors et des organes de supportage du groupe turbo-alternateur ont pu être constatées. Celles-ci se traduisent souvent par la présence de rayures au niveau des paliers hydrodynamiques, synonymes de fortes discontinuités dans le film d'huile. C'est dans ce contexte que s'inscrivent ces travaux de thèse. L'objectif est d'avoir une meilleure compréhension et prédiction de leur impact sur le fonctionnement du palier. Pour cela, les paliers à géométrie fixe sont étudiés théoriquement et expérimentalement. L'étude théorique présente un modèle de résolution en régime thermoélastohydrodynamique (TEHD) permettant de prendre en compte les déformations introduites par les champs de pression et de température. Le développement d'un code capable de faire des calculs en régime hydrodynamique (HD) pour des paliers à géométrie fixe a été réalisé. L'étude expérimentale permet d'étudier le comportement d'un palier à deux lobes symétriques pour diverses positions et profondeurs de rayure placée sur l'arbre. Pour tous les cas, différentes configurations de charge et de vitesses sont testées, 25 au total. Les résultats obtenus pour les cas rayés permettent de mettre en avant l'importance de la profondeur de la rayure sur le comportement du palier. Pour les cas de fonctionnement réalisés, il apparaît que les champs de pression sont plus fortement impactés par la présence d'une rayure que les champs de température. Ces résultats sont comparés à ceux obtenus par le calcul avec l'utilisation d'un code interne à EDF qui permet la résolution de problèmes en régime TEHD. / During various maintenance operations in power plants, some new issues have come to light. One of these issues is the degradation of the supporting and guiding components for the rotating shafts. The degradation has resulted in scratches on bearings which leads to discontinuities of the oil film. The operator of the plant should provide a fast diagnosis of the influence of these scratches. The aim of the work is to examine these issues, to acquire a better understanding of physical phenomenon and to improve numerical predictions. Theoretical and experimental studies have been done for plain journal bearings. The numerical model is based on a thermoelastohydrodynamic (TEHD) resolution that allows to take into account solid deformations induced by the pressure and temperature fields. A computer code has been developed to solve the hydrodynamic (HD) problem. An experimental study has been performed on a two lobe journal bearing with a scratch on the rotating shaft at two scratch locations and for several scratch depth. For all of these configurations, local pressures and temperatures have been measured for different rotational speeds and applied loads. The scratch depth is one parameter that affects the most the journal bearing behavior. It influences more significantly the pressure field, with a drop of pressure near the scratch, than the temperature field. Those results have been compared to the numerical results obtained with an internal EDF software that can provide TEHD solutions.

Etude des mécanismes d'action des additifs de maniabilité aux interfaces des enrobés bitumineux tièdes / Study of additives mechanisms at warm mix asphalt interfaces

Geisler, Flavien 10 July 2015 (has links)
L'additivation chimique des bitumes est un des procédés employé industriellement pour produire des enrobés bitumineux tièdes. Bien que différents additifs commerciaux soient disponibles sur le marché, les mécanismes d'actions impliqués dans la réduction des températures de mise en œuvre demeurent relativement mal connus. Dans le cadre de cette thèse CIFRE TOTAL, trois approches complémentaires ont été étudiées afin d'avoir une meilleure compréhension de ses mécanismes. La particularité de notre démarche vient du fait que ces études ont été réalisées aux températures de mise en œuvre des enrobés bitumineux (90°C - 165°C). Dans un premier temps, une étude rhéologique indique qu'à ces températures, le bitume possède un comportement newtonien sur une large gamme de taux de cisaillement. Nous avons montré que la viscosité du bitume est peu sensible à l'ajout d'additifs mais qu'elle dépend essentiellement de la température. Nous suggérons que la viscosité volumique n'est pas adaptée pour comprendre les phénomènes mis en jeu. Nous proposons alors d'étudier le comportement rhéologique des bitumes en films minces (de quelques dizaines de micromètres). Dans un deuxième temps, nous avons employé une approche tribologique afin de mieux appréhender le comportement des systèmes liant/granulats. Des tests de frottement menés sur avec des matériaux modèles en présence de bitume révèlent qu'en régime de lubrification hydrodynamique, la réponse en frottement n'est pas sensible à l'additivation des bitumes mais à la température. En régime de lubrification limite, notre étude a montré que la réponse en frottement dépend de la température, des matériaux et de l'additivation des bitumes. Enfin, une approche interfaciale indique que les additifs modifient peu la tension superficielle du bitume et le mouillage des granulats dans l'air. En milieu aqueux, l'effet tensioactif de certains additifs est clairement mis en évidence par des essais de détermination de tension interfaciale et par des essais de mouillage. La combinaison de ces trois approches permet une meilleure compréhension des phénomènes se produisant aux niveaux des interfaces granulat/granulat et granulat/bitume. / One way to produce Warm Mix Asphalt (WMA) consists in adding chemicals to bitumen. Although several! kinds of additives are available on the market the mechanisms of this technology remains still not well understood. This thesis realized within a partnership between TOTAL and the Laboratory of Tribology and Systems Dynamic is focus on three axes to get a better understanding of these mechanisms. One singularity of our approach is due to the fact that experiments were performed at industrial processing temperatures (90°C- 165°C). ln a first lime, a rheological study has shown that bitumen exhibits a Newtonian behaviour at mixing and compacting temperatures. Bitumen viscosity mainly depends on temperature but in not very affected by the chemical additivation. We suggest that the bulk rheology is not adapted to understand the phenomena which are involved and we propose to study the behaviour of thin films of few tens of microns instead. ln a second lime, a tribological approach was employed to better understand mechanisms involved in binder/aggregate systems. Friction tests were performed with model materials. Results are that the friction answer is not sensible to the presence of additives but ta temperature in hydrodynamic lubrication range. ln boundary lubrication range, the response is material-, temperature- and additive-dependant. Finally, results of an interfacial study have shown that the interfacial tension of bitumen and that the wettability of aggregates are not very sensitive ta additives when the experiments are performed in air. When performed in an aqueous medium, interfacial tension measurements and wettability tests clearly allow to reveal the surfactant behaviour of effect of some additives. The combination of the three approaches allow a better understanding of phenomena which are involved at bitumen/aggregates and aggregates/aggregates interfaces.

Tribology for Greener Combustion Engines : Scuffing in Marine Engines and a Lubricating Boric Acid Fuel Additive / Tribologi för grönare förbränningsmotorer : Skuffning i fartygsmotorer och ett smörjande borsyrabaserat bränsleadditiv

Olander, Petra January 2018 (has links)
This thesis aims at increased knowledge in two fields of tribological research; both related to making currently used combustion engines greener. The first field regards the possibilities of using a boric acid fuel additive to increase fuel efficiency. The second field is about the severe wear phenomenon scuffing, which can become problematic when cargo ships are operated on low-sulphur fuel to reduce sulphuric emissions. Tribological tests were developed and performed to simulate the applications. Advanced surface analysis was performed to understand changes occurring on the outermost surface of sliding components, which affect friction and wear. Samples from engines were studied to verify the relation between the lab tests and the applications. In the case of boric acid, the coefficient of friction was below 0.02 for large parts of the tests, but varied with test parameters. The corresponding reduction in friction was up to 78% compared with tests without the additive. As an attempt to assess if the substantial fuel savings found in field tests with passenger cars (6%) can be explained by friction reduction in boundary and mixed lubricated parts of the piston assembly, assumptions were presented that would lead to fuel savings close to these 6%. Boric acid was detected on surfaces after the tests, and the tribofilm appearance depended on test parameters. The tribofilms were shown to be affected by storage time and test temperature; a finding that is vital for future studies. In the case of scuffing, mechanisms were studied and accumulation of wear debris had a significant role on scuffing initiation in the lab scale scuffing tests. Regarding the possibility to test materials scuffing resistance, there was a large scatter in the results, and thereby difficult to draw conclusions. Two new piston ring materials were identified to perform somewhat better than the currently used. In conclusion, findings that could facilitate immediate improvement of fuel efficiency of today’s combustion engine vehicles as well as findings that strengthen available hypotheses on scuffing mechanisms are presented. The latter offers improved understanding of scuffing and thereby give possibilities to counteract the higher risk associated with operation on cleaner fuel.

Nanotribology Of Emulsified Lubricants

Kumar, Deepak 06 1900 (has links) (PDF)
In case of metalworking operations, the purpose of lubrication is served by a complex mixture of two or more phases, these mixtures are known as metalworking fluids (MWFs). For many decades oil-in-water emulsions have been used as metalworking fluids. The particular advantage of using oil-in-water emulsion in metalworking operations is that it combines the cooling property of water and the lubrication property of the oil. To explain the lubrication mechanism for oil-in-water emulsions as metalworking fluids a variety of models and theories has been proposed. To understand the lubrication mechanism, the role of each ingredient in the tribological process needs to be studied. In the present study a model for lubrication which determines force and proximity regimes of droplets based on the droplet size distribution is proposed. Dynamic light scattering (DLS) is used to characterize the emulsions. The small droplets are found to be the ones which enhance lubricity. DLVO (Derjaguin-Landau-Verwey-Overbeek) theory is used to validate the results. The concentration and type of surfactant is found to be the performance controlling parameter. A further analysis of the three interfacial energetics; oil/water, oil/substrate, water/substrate, is studied in the presence and absence of surfactants with the help of a Goniometer, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), atomic force microscopy (AFM). Such energetics reflects the rate at which the excess surfactant molecules accumulate at the water/oil interface and desorb into the phases. The tribological response is recorded using AFM and the nanotribometer (NTR). Frictional response of the chemisorbed self-assembled monolayer of surfactant (sodium oleate) on the steel substrate reflects that a tribofilm helps in lubricating the contact under boundary lubrication by creating a low shear strength material. Water being the continuous phase in oil/water emulsion a thin water layer adjacent to steel substrate is always present. This thin layer on the solid substrate acts as a barrier to the lubricating oil droplets to reach the metal surface. The focus of the present work is also to investigate conditions which permit the disjoining of the water film to allow the oil to lubricate the metal substrate. AFM is used to study the interaction force between an oil droplet and the steel substrate through water. An oil encapsulated SiO2 colloidal probe used to simulate the oil droplet. The charge regulatory status of the substrates and interfaces are found to be critical in mapping the force characteristics when DLVO interaction is considered. The condition for activation of non-DLVO (hydration, hydrophobic, capillary) forces are also identified and found to be dependent on the physical states of surfaces. Disjoining of the thin film can be controlled by selecting surfactants based on interfacial energetics and attractive force characteristic can be achieved to facilitate lubrication.

Modelagem do mecanismo biela-manivela com folga na junta pino-pistão / Slider-crank mechanism modelling with clearance at piston-pin revolute joint

Reis, Vitor Luiz 22 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Katia Lucchesi Cavalca Dedini / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Mecânica / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-22T07:50:24Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Reis_VitorLuiz_M.pdf: 22501479 bytes, checksum: 7dcc42bed756f7cd1dc28e2f763f91ed (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013 / Resumo: Este trabalho apresenta o desenvolvimento de um modelo dinâmico para o mecanismo biela-manivela com folga na junta de revolução pino-pistão. As equações do movimento para este sistema são obtidas através do método de Lagrange e os efeitos relacionados ao contato, atrito e lubrificação que atuam nos elementos com folga são alvo de estudo. O modelo da força de contato utilizado baseia-se na formulação de Hertz, considerando a inclusão do efeito dissipativo associado ao impacto entre o pino e o pistão. A força de atrito adotada baseia-se no atrito de Coulomb, porém adaptada à abordagem da dinâmica multicorpos. Tais modelos são validados com os resultados encontrados na literatura recente. A pesquisa apresenta contribuição na avaliação do efeito introduzido pela lubrificação hidrodinâmica na junta com folga. Dois modelos de lubrificação hidrodinâmica são avaliados: o primeiro apresenta uma solução direta e de baixo custo computacional; o segundo modelo obtém uma solução numérica que leva em consideração o efeito da aceleração imposta ao fluido lubrificante pelo movimento do mecanismo. A resposta dinâmica é obtida sob a variação paramétrica do tamanho da folga e a velocidade de rotação da manivela. Ao final, agrega-se ao sistema um modelo simplificado de geração da curva de pressão para um motor de combustão interna típico. Observou-se que a inclusão do modelo de lubrificação proposto não garante a sustentação do pino-pistão em regime de lubrificação hidrodinâmica durante as simulações efetuadas. Desta maneira, faz-se necessário o desenvolvimento de um modelo de lubrificação hidrodinâmica e elastohidrodinâmica capaz de determinar o comportamento no contato pino-pistão de maneira mais realista / Abstract: This work presents the development of a dynamic model for the slider-crank mechanism with clearance on the piston-pin revolute joint. The equations of motion for this system are obtained by Lagrange's method and the effects related to contact, friction and lubrication at the elements that operate in the clearance are the targets of study. The contact force model used in this work is based on Hertz formulation, considering the inclusion of the dissipative effect associated with the impact between the pin and the piston. The frictional force adopted is based on the Coulomb friction but adapted to the multibody dynamics approach. Such models are validated with the results found in recent literature. The research presents contribution in evaluating the effect introduced by hydrodynamic lubrication in the revolute joint clearance. Two models of hydrodynamic lubrication are investigated: the first model presents a direct solution of low computational cost, the second model results in a numerical solution that consider the effect of the acceleration of the lubricant fluid imposed on the movement of the mechanism. The dynamic response is studied for different sets of parameters of clearance and rotational speed of the crank. Moreover, a simplified model of the generation of the pressure curve for a typical internal combustion engine was included in the system. It was observed that the present lubrication model does not guarantee the support of the pin-piston system for hydrodynamic lubrication in the present simulations. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a more realistic model of hydrodynamic lubrication and elastohydrodynamic lubrication that is capable of reproducing the behavior of the piston-pin contact / Mestrado / Mecanica dos Sólidos e Projeto Mecanico / Mestre em Engenharia Mecânica

Análise de um modelo termohidrodinâmico para mancais axiais / Analysis of a thermohydrodynamic model for thrust bearings

Vieira, Leonardo Carpinetti, 1987- 26 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Kátia Lucchesi Cavalca Dedini / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Mecânica / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-26T15:33:06Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Vieira_LeonardoCarpinetti_D.pdf: 8387504 bytes, checksum: c4ddda686a98c9562fec4c86ff5f3a1c (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014 / Resumo: Este trabalho possui como principal objetivo analisar a influência da variação da temperatura e, consequentemente, da viscosidade do fluido lubrificante sobre o comportamento de mancais axiais lubrificados de geometria fixa. Foi implementado numericamente, para isto, um modelo termohidrodinâmico (THD) baseado na resolução da Equação de Reynolds generalizada e da Equação de Energia através do Método dos Volumes Finitos (MVF), permitindo a obtenção da distribuição de pressão e da distribuição de temperatura ao longo do filme de óleo presente entre o mancal estacionário e o colar do eixo em movimento. Os resultados de capacidade de carga axial do mancal e o seu comportamento dinâmico, cuja análise é feita através dos coeficientes equivalentes de rigidez e amortecimento do lubrificante, são comparados com os resultados obtidos através de um modelo exclusivamente hidrodinâmico (HD), isotérmico e isoviscoso, previamente desenvolvido, buscando-se compreender o grau de influência da variação da temperatura na análise de mancais deste tipo. A influência de uma gama de parâmetros geométricos envolvidos, tais como comprimento angular da rampa e do segmento e inclinação da rampa, também é analisada, com o objetivo de se definir parâmetros geométricos ótimos do mancal que resultam em uma maior capacidade de carga axial. A influência de parâmetros de operação, tais como velocidade de rotação e espessura mínima de fluido, também é analisada. Resultados experimentais obtidos através de uma bancada de testes montada com um turbocompressor são utilizados para se validar os resultados do modelo implementado numericamente e analisar o comportamento de um sistema real capaz de funcionar a velocidades de rotação muito altas e sujeito a esforços axiais abruptos e elevados / Abstract: The main aim of this work is to analyse the influence of the temperature variation and, as consequence, the viscosity variation of the lubricant fluid on the behaviour of lubricated fixed-geometry thrust bearings. For this purpose, a thermohydrodynamic (THD) model, based on the solution of the Generalized Reynolds¿ Equation and of the Energy Equation by use of a Finite Volume Method, was developed, enabling the calculation of both pressure and temperature distribution along the fluid film present between the stationary bearing and the rotating collar. The results of axial load capacity of the bearing and its dynamic behaviour, characterised by the equivalent stiffness and damping coefficients, are compared to the results obtained by a previously developed purely hydrodynamic (HD), isothermal and isoviscous model, with the objective of understanding the influence of the temperature variation on the analysis of this type of bearings. The influence of several geometric parameters, such as pad length, ramp length and slope of the ramp, is also analysed, with the objective of defining the optimum values that lead to a higher load capacity. Also, the influence of operating parameters as speed and minimum film thickness on the behaviour of the system is studied. Experimental results, obtained at a test rig mounted with a small turbocharger are used to validate the simulated results and analyse the behaviour of a real system, capable of supporting high speeds of rotation and severe and abrupt external loads / Doutorado / Mecanica dos Sólidos e Projeto Mecanico / Mestre em Engenharia Mecânica


Wolf, Jason 01 January 2019 (has links)
Next generation defense and commercial applications for structural steels require new alloys that eliminate or reduce critical elements from their composition to lower cost and improve manufacturability, while maintaining or exceeding high strength and toughness requirements. A new alloy, denoted as AF9628, has recently been developed for this purpose and its manufacturing characteristics and the material response in component manufacturing must be fully understood. In the present study, hardened AF9628 alloy was turned with a coated carbide cutting tool under fixed cutting speed, feed rate, and depth of cut parameters. This work focuses on chip-form and tool-wear analysis to understand, for the first time with AF9628, these fundamental aspects of the turning process and their relationship to productivity and part quality. Current industry standard practice of flood-cooled machining for AF9628 was used during machining experiments. Dry, minimum quantity lubrication (MQL), and cryogenic machining were investigated as alternative cooling and lubrication conditions. High-speed imaging during AF9628 turning experiments provides a new insight into the chip formation process, while the use of optical microscopy and scanning white light interferometry allowed for further characterization of chip-form and tool-wear. Chip-form is favorable as short, arc-shaped chips with new tools under all of the tested cooling and lubrication conditions. As a result of rapid wear at the end of the tool-life in all of the experimental conditions, chip-form evolves to unfavorably long, snarled ribbon-like chips and the resultant cutting force increased by as much as 64% under flood-cooled conditions. Tool-wear types that were observed during experiments include a combination of nose wear, built-up edge, plastic deformation, and groove wear on the rake face. Due to the fixed cutting parameters and cutting tool selected for this study, which were designed for flood-cooled machining in a prior study, undesirable failure of the cutting tools under dry, MQL, and cryogenic machining occurred. Future work requires experimentation across a wider processing space, and with different cutting tools, to thoroughly evaluate alternative cooling and lubrication techniques for machining AF9628.

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