Spelling suggestions: "subject:"lüneburg""
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Advances in Complex Electromagnetic MediaKundtz, Nathan January 2009 (has links)
<p>Complex artificial materials (metamaterials) strongly interact with light and can be used to fabricate structures which mimic a material response that has no natural equivalent. Classical tools for the design of optical or radio frequency devices are often ill-suited to utilize such media or have shortcomings in their ability to capture important physics in the device behavior. Recently it has been demonstrated that the structure of Maxwell's equations can be used to exploit this newly available freedom. By leveraging the `form-invariance' of Maxwell's equations under coordinate transforms, it is possible to develop material distributions in which light will behave as though flowing through warped coordinates. This design process is termed `transformation optics' and has inspired the creation of many novel electromagnetic structures such as the invisibility cloak.</p><p>In this dissertation the tools used in the field of transformation optics will be explored and expanded. Several new designs are discussed, each of which expands upon the ideas that have previously been employed in the field. To begin, I show that the explicit use of a transformation which extends throughout all space may be used to reduce the overall size of an optical device without changing its optical properties. A lens is chosen as a canonical device to demonstrate this behavior. For this work I provided the original idea for a compressing transformation as well as its dielectric-only implementation. I then mentored Dan Roberts as he confirmed the device properties through simulation. I further demonstrate that currents may be succesfully employed within the framework of transformation optics-resulting in novel antenna designs. For this work I suggested handling the sheet currents as the limit of a volumetric current density. I also demonstrated how an intermediate coordinate system could be used to easily handle the types of transformatios which were being explored.</p><p>For a particular functionality the choice of transformation is, in general, not unique. It is natural, then, to seek optimized transformations which reduce the complexity of the final structure. It was recently demonstrated that for some transformations a numerical scheme could be employed to find quasi-conformal transformations for which the requisite complex material distribution could be well approximated by an isotropic, inhomogeneous media. This process was previously used to demonstrate a carpet cloak-a device which masks a bump in a mirror surface. Unlike the more common transformation optical media, which exhibit strong losses at high frequencies, isotropic designs can be readily made to function at infrared or even optical frequencies.</p><p>The prospect of leveraging transformation optics in devices which operate at high frequencies, into the infrared and visible, motivates the use of quasi-conformal transformations in lens design. I demonstrate how transformation optics can be used to take a classical lens design based on spherical symmetry, such as a Luneburg lens, and warp it to suit the requirements of a planar imaging array. I report on the experimental demonstration of this lens at microwave frequencies. In the final design a lens is demonstrated in a two-dimensional field mapping waveguide to have a field of view of ~140 degrees and a bandwidth exceeding a full decade. In this work I proposed the idea of using the inverse of the quasi-conformal transform to arrive at the lens index profile. I performed all necessary simulations and wrote ray tracing code to confirm the properties of the lens. I proposed the metamaterial realization of the lens and performed the necessary retrievals for material design. I wrote code which would create the layout for an arbitrary gradient index structure in a standard computer aided drafting format. I fabricated three lenses-two of which are described in this thesis-and took all of the data shown in the thesis.</p><p>The most well known example of a transformation optical device is the invisibility cloak. Despite the great deal of attention paid to the cloak in the literature, the most natural way in which to quantify the efficacy of the cloak-its cross-section-has never been experimentally determined. This measurement is of practical interest because the cloak provides a useful canonical example of a medium which relies on the unique properties of metamaterials-strong anisotropy, inhomogeneity and both magnetic and electric response. Thus, a cloaking cross-section measurement provides a useful way to quantify advancements in the effective medium theories which form the basis for metamaterials. I report on the first such measurements, performed on the original microwave cloaking design. The experiments were carried out in a two-dimensional TE waveguide. Explicit field maps are used to determine the Bessel decomposition of the scattered wave. It is found that the cloak indeed reduces the scattering cross-section of a concealed metal cylinder in a frequency band from 9.91 to 10.14 GHz. The maximum cross-section reduction was determined to be 24%. The total cross-section and the Bessel decomposition of the scattered wave are compared to an analytical model for the cloaking design which assumes a discrete number of loss-less, homogenized cylinders. While the qualitative features of the cloak-a reduced cross-section at the cloaking frequency-are realized, there is significant deviation from the homogenized calculation. These deviations are associated with loss and inaccuracies of the effective-medium-model for metamaterials. In this work I proposed of direct integration of the fields to perform cross-section measurements. I worked out the necessary formulas to determine the coefficients in the Bessel expansion and the resulting scattering cross-section. I mentored an undergraduate student, Dan Gaultney, who scripted the application of the cross-section analysis and took the necessary data. All of the data in this thesis, however, is based on my own implementation of the data analysis.</p> / Dissertation
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Increasing the Crossover Levels of Beams in Geodesic Luneburg Lens Antennas / Ökning av Korsningsnivåerna i Strålningsfältet för Geodetiska Luneburg LinsantennerArnberg, Philip January 2021 (has links)
The new and forthcoming generation of mobile networks intend to operate at considerably higher frequencies than the previous systems. This lift in frequency of operation alleviates today’s communication systems’ crowded bandwidth and allows for faster data rates than previously possible. However, the suggested increase in frequency of operation introduces new challenges and new antenna solutions are required. One possible candidate for the future communication systems is the Luneburg lens antenna that offers high gain, a simple feeding network and wide-angle scanning. Scanning of lens antennas occurs by placing several feeds along its focal line, but where the width size of the feed place a major constraint on the achievable crossover level between beams. In this thesis, we aim to increase the crossover level between beams in a geodesic Luneburg lens antenna. The importance of a high crossover level is to ensure a more equal performance in terms of data rate transfer to all end users. Here, we investigate two different methods on achieving a higher crossover level. The first method is to utilize a near-field lens while the other method concerns the usage of a generalized Luneburg lens that allows to displace the focal point outside the lens’ contour. A comparison study of these two alternatives are made where it is shown that a generalized Luneburg lens is the preferable choice. A generalized geodesic Luneburg lens is thereafter designed that attains a crossover level of -3:87 dB at the central frequency 62 GHz for the center port. The lens performs well with a bandwidth of 15% and a scanning range between ±52°. The reflection coefficient is below -13 dB in the frequency range of interest and the cross-talk is below -17:9 dB. The realized gain is simulated to 19:01 dBi at 57 GHz, 20:85 dBi at 62 GHz and 21:34 dBi at 67 GHz for the central port. / Den nya och de kommande generationerna av mobilnät avser att fungera på betydande högre frekvenser än tidigare system. Det här lyftet i frekvens minskar den trånga bandbredden i dagens kommunikationssytem och tillåter för snabbare datahastigheter än tidigare möjligt. Däremot, den förslagna ökningen av frekvens introducerar nya utmaningar och därmed behövs nya antennlösningar. En möjlig kandidat för det framtida kommunikationssystemet är Luneburg linsantennen som erbjuder en hög antennförstärkning, ett enkelt matningsnätverk och en bred vinkelskanning. Vinkelskanning av linsantenner sker genom att placera flera matningar längs dess fokallinje, men där bredden på matningarna utgör en stor begränsning för den nåbara korsningsnivån mellan strålningsfält. Det här examensarbetets syfte är att öka korsningsnivåerna mellan strålningsfälten i en geodetisk Luneburg linsantenn. Betydelsen att ha höga korsningsnivåer mellan strålningsfält är att säkerhetsställa en mer jämn prestanda av datahastigheter för alla slutanvändare. Vi undersöker två olika metoder för att uppnå högre korsningsnivåer. Den första metoden använder en närfältslins medan den andra metoden använder sig av en generaliserad Luneburg lins som tillåter att förflytta fokalpunkten utanför linsens kontur. En jämförelsestudie mellan dessa två metoder är genomförd där det visas att den generaliserade Luneburg linsen är det fördelsaktiga valet. En generaliserad Luneburg lins är därefter designad som uppnår korsningsnivåer på -3:87 dB på den centrala frekvensen 62 GHz för center porten. Linsen fungerar väl med en bandbredd på 15% och vinkelskanning mellan ±52°. Reflektionskoefficienten är under -13 dB i frekvensområdet av intresse och kopplingen mellan olika portar är under -17:9 dB. Den realiserade antennförstärkningen är simulerad till 19:01 dBi vid 57 GHz, 20:85 dBi vid 62 GHz och 21:34 dBi vid 67 GHz.
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Focusing antennas and associated technology in millimeter waves and sub-millimeter waves / Conception d’une antenne focalisante à dépointage électronique fonctionnant dans la bande des 60 GHzBor, Jonathan 14 November 2014 (has links)
Avec la multiplication des transmissions sans fil et l'augmentation de la taille des données à transférer, il est devenu primordial d’augmenter le débit et donc de monter en fréquence. C'est pour cela que la bande des 60 GHz (57-66 GHz) a été allouée mondialement. A cause de la forte atténuation et de la coupure éventuelle du lien émission/réception du fait de la présence humaine, les antennes à 60 GHz doivent être très souvent reconfigurables. C’est dans cette optique que Canon Research Center France et l’IETR se sont associés pour mener à bien ce travail de thèse. Un nouveau procédé de fabrication de matériau à gradient d’indice a été développé. Le fait de presser un échantillon de matériau composite contenant de l’air permet d’augmenter sa masse volumique et donc sa constante diélectrique. Cette dernière est donc contrôlable par simple pression à une température optimisée. Grâce à ce procédé, divers antennes et composants à gradient d’indice ont été réalisés. L’étude s’est principalement focalisée sur la lentille de Luneburg, qui présente une loi d’indice radiale et qui possède une infinité de points focaux autour de la lentille. Cette lentille a été réalisée avec une variation d’indice progressive et est alimentée tout d’abord par un guide d’onde ouvert. L’étude s’est ensuite focalisée sur la conception de sources intégrées afin de pouvoir les positionner côte à côte et permettre d’obtenir le dépointage du faisceau. Pour ce faire, l’utilisation de guides diélectriques intégrés rayonnant (RSIW) a été étudiée. Deux sources passives sont conçues avec respectivement une transition ligne/fente/guide et une transition avec plongeur dans le guide rayonnant. Par la suite, une troisième source a été conçue utilisant un substrat unique avec une transition ligne coplanaire/plongeur/guide afin de simplifier la technologie de réalisation. Enfin, deux prototypes actifs ont été conçus afin de faire une communication complète à 60 GHz. Des puces réceptrices intégrées de chez Hittite ont été utilisées afin d’alimenter les sources rayonnantes qui illuminent la lentille de Luneburg. L’objectif in fine était d’obtenir trois faisceaux dirigés dans des directions distinctes. Enfin, une première contribution à l’étude d’antennes en bande submillimétrique est effectuée avec la réalisation d’un cornet, d’une antenne à polarisation circulaire et d’une antenne de focalisation en champ proche. / With the increase of wireless communications and the required bite rate of data, it needs to increase the working frequency up to the millimeter wave range. For that purpose, the 60 GHz bandwidth (57-66GHz) has been unlicensed all over the world. Because of the loss and possible non-line-of-sight communication, the antennas should have beam scanning properties. Therefore, the Canon Research Center France and the IETR have run a study (PhD) to fulfill this project. A new technological process has been developed in order to manufacture inhomogeneous materials. By pressing a composite foam material sample, it will expel the air from the sample and so, increase its density and its relative permittivity. Using this process, several antennas and components have been manufactured. A particular focus has been done on the Luneburg lens antenna. This one has a radial index law and has infinity of focal points around the lens. This lens has been manufactured with a smooth gradient index law and first fed by an open-ended waveguide to validate the technological process. Secondly, integrated sources have been studied in order to place them side by side and to allow scanning the main beam direction. Thus, the use of Radiating Substrate Integrated Waveguide (RSIW) appears to be the solution. Two passives sources have been realized. The first one is a RSIW fed by a coupling slot from a microstrip line and the second one is a RSIW fed by a coaxial probe from a first thin SIW. A thirdly RSIW has been studied fed by a coplanar line and a coaxial probe and to simplify the manufacturing. Finally, two active antennas prototypes have been realized to perform a complete communication at 60 GHz. Complete integrated chips from the Hittite company have been used to feed the RSIW which illuminate the Luneburg lens. The objective was to implement a beam scanning antennas with three distinct beam directions. Lastly, a preliminary contribution to the sub-millimeter antennas has been performed with the manufacturing of a horn, a circular polarization antenna and a near-field focusing antenna.
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Low-profile fully-metallic Luneburg lens antenna / Lågprofilerad samt fullt metallisk Luneburg linsantennDjounidi, Justine January 2022 (has links)
Modern communication systems face new technological challenges, such as the narrowness and overload of the conventional frequency bands employed for these applications. Nowadays, communication systems are expected to operate at higher frequencies, such as the mm-wave band. In particular, for space applications, specific environmental conditions make it necessary to design low-profile, lightweight and high gain systems with wide-angle scanning capabilities. Traditional solutions are reflectors antennas or planar arrays. Reflectors often end up being bulky, whereas array antennas are lossy and costly. Lens antennas, unpopular at low frequencies due to their large size, offer a better solution in this context, due to their focusing properties, wide-scanning capability, and broadband behaviour. Among lens antennas, geodesic lens antennas have recently increased interest since they are fullymetallic and easy to manufacture. Previous research aiming at reducing the profile of geodesic lens antennas, while preserving high performances, allowed a total height reduction by a factor 4. In this work, I investigate the possibility of reducing the profile even further by following a different approach. Instead of folding by mirroring the curved profile, the lens antenna is built with circular ridge structures, in an attempt to discretize the original profile. Different approaches have been proposed. First, designs with different numbers of squared ridges were proposed. The reflections are reduced by chamfering the corners of the ridges. Moreover, triangle ridges and alternating the ridges orientation have also been investigated. The final design has four squared ridges with the same orientation. This design was chosen due to its radiation performance. This approach reduces the profile by a factor 18. A prototype has been manufactured working on the frequency band [24,34] GHz. The scanning range is ±62◦ , reflections levels are below -15 dB and at 29 GHz the maximum realized gain is equal to 15.75 dBi. This solution offers attractive properties, mainly due to its compactness. The height of the lens antenna is restricted by the flare, which was set at λ/2. This means that this lens antenna can be stacked in a linear array with grating-lobe-free performance in the elevation plane. / Moderna kommunikationssystem står inför nya tekniska utmaningar, såsom smalheten samt överbelastning inom de konventionella frekvensband som avsatts för tillhörande applikationer. Nutida kommunikationssystem förväntas operera på högre frekvenser, vilket implicerar våglängder på millimeternivå. Särskilt inom rymdapplikationer så finns förutbestämda miljömässiga förhållanden som nödvändiggör användning av lågprofilerade och lättviktiga system med hög antennförstärkning samt möjlighet för vidvinkelskanning. Traditionella lösningar omfattar både reflektorantenner och plana gruppantenner, vilket antingen är otympligt respektive kostsamt. Linsantenner, otympliga och därav opopulära val inom lägre frekvenser, visar sig vara bra lösningar i given kontext. Detta följer av linsernas fokuseringsegenskaper, breda skanningsförmåga samt naturligt stora frekvensband. Inom guppen av linsantenner så har geodetiska linsantenner fått ökat intresse till följd av dess simpla tillverkningsprocess samt fullt metalliska struktur. Tidigare forskning som syftat åt att minska profilen tillsammande med bibehållen prestanda, har lyckats minska höjden men en faktor av fyra. I detta arbete så undersöks möjligheten att krympa profilen ytterligare via användning av ett nytt angreppssätt. I stället för att vika linsen överstämmande med en kurvig profil, så formas linsantennerna med cirkulära ås-strukturer (små böjningar) i strävan efter att diskretisera den ursprunglig profilen. Olika tillvägagångssätt visas i detta arbete. Först visas profiler med ett varierande antal kvadratiska åsar. Reflektioner längs profilen reduceras vid introduktion av fasningar av kvadratens tillhörande hörn. Ytterligare så har triangulära åsar samt riktningen (ås med riktning upp eller riktning ned längs den horisontella profilen) av samtliga typer utvärderats. Den slutliga designen har fyra kvadratiska åsar i samma riktning, ett designval baserat på strålningsprestanda. Arbetet visar att det sistnämnde tillvägagångssättet minskar profilen med en faktor av 18. En fungerande prototyp inom frekvensbandet [24,34] GHz har tillverkats baserat på sistnämnd design, som uppnår ett skanningsområde upp till 62◦ , en reflektionsnivå under -15 dB samt en maximal antennförstärkning på 15.75 dBi vid 29 GHz. Den föreslagna lösningen erhåller attraktiva egenskaper, främst med avseende på dess kompakthet. Höjden på linsantennen begränsas av en matchande flank med en halv våglängd stor öppning, så att flertalet linsantenner kan staplas och forma en linjär gruppantenn vars prestanda utesluter större sidolober längs höjdplanet.
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Investigation of Several Novel Radio-Frequency Techniques - Biologically Inspired Direction Finding, 3D Printed RF Components and Systems, and Fundamental Aspects of Antenna MatchingYu, Xiaoju, Yu, Xiaoju January 2016 (has links)
This dissertation presents the investigation of biologically inspired direction finding (DF) and localization systems, 3D printing solution for RF components and systems, and fundamental aspects of antennas regarding bandwidth and power efficiency. Biologically inspired direction finding and localization systems are explored first. Inspired by the human binaural auditory system, an improved direction of arrival (DoA) estimation technique using two antennas with a lossy scatterer in between them to achieve additional magnitude cues is proposed. By exploiting the incident-angle- dependent magnitude and phase differences between the two antennas with specially designed scatterer, the DoA of an incident signal from two-dimensional (2-D) / three- dimensional (3-D) space can be estimated. Besides, compact DF systems with enhanced directional sensitivity using a scatterer of high permittivity in between adjacent closely spaced electrically-small antennas are examined. Inspired by the human monaural auditory system, a novel single-antenna DF technique is also proposed by exploiting the incident-angle-dependent spectra for a broadband RF signal only. In addition, a wideband superior DF system utilizing Luneburg lens and uniformly placed detectors on the equator of the lens is evaluated. The DoA is estimated using the amplitude distribution of the received signals at the detectors. Moreover, A portable inventory localization system utilizing hybrid RF (for direction, using previously introduced DF techniques) and ultrasound (for distance) signals is proposed and experimentally demonstrated. Next, a multilayer phased array system is designed and individual parts are printed to demonstrate the applicability of hybrid thermal wire-mesh embedding (for conductors) and thermoplastic extrusion (for dielectrics) techniques for additively manufacturing RF17integrated systems. Finally, fundamental aspects of antennas in terms of bandwidth limit for reactive matching and power efficiency for non-Foster matching are analyzed.
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Novel Broadband Direction of Arrival Estimation Using Luneburg LensYu, Xiaoju, Liang, Min, Sabory-Garcia, Rafael 10 1900 (has links)
ITC/USA 2012 Conference Proceedings / The Forty-Eighth Annual International Telemetering Conference and Technical Exhibition / October 22-25, 2012 / Town and Country Resort & Convention Center, San Diego, California / A broadband passive direction finding system utilizing Luneburg lens has been investigated. With the simulated power level distribution at the detectors mounted on a Luneburg lens, both Cramér-Rao bound (CRB) and the root mean square error (RMS) based on the Correlation Algorithm (CA) for the direction of arrival (DoA) estimation have been derived and calculated. Guidelines on how to design the Luneburg lens detecting system have been studied. Finally, as a proof-of-concept demonstration, the DoA performance of a Luneburg lens fabricated using the polymer jetting technology with five detectors 10° equally spaced to receive the azimuth signal from -20° to 20° is demonstrated.
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3D Printed Modulated Geodesic Lens Antenna With Even Coverage in the Far-FieldLindohf, Harald, Wikner, Marcus January 2022 (has links)
The development of 5G and 6G entails new demandson antennas. This includes fast and reliable connections to a largenumber of devices. A wider area of coverage, and thus moreantennas are also expected, which is problematic for the expensiveantennas used today. To meet those demands, a geodesic lensantenna has been proposed. The antenna utilises several feedingports for beam forming. It is designed to operate at a frequencyof 8 to 12 GHz and is optimised to have an even coverage in thefar-field. The design is modulated with one fold to reduce theheight of the antenna. A prototype of the antenna is 3D printedwith PLA and coated with aluminium tape. The design has asimulated realised gain of 13.5 dBi and beam width of around30°. The 3D printed antenna could not be tested due to technicalproblems with the testing facilities, but is expected to have similarresults. / Med utvecklingen av 5G och 6G kommer stora krav på antenner. Flera enheter skall kunna vara uppkopplade och samtidigt krävs högre hastigheter med stabil uppkoppling. Utöver det ställs det även krav på en bred täckning vilket innebär att fler antenner behöver kopplas upp, vilka har höga kostnader idag. För att möta dessa krav har en design för en geodetisk linsantenn lagts fram. Antennen använder flera ingångar för att skapa en riktbar stråle. Den är designad för att operera inom frekvenserna 8 till 12 GHz och är optimerad för att få en jämn täckning i fjärrfältet. Designen nyttjar en vikning för att minska antennens höjd. En prototyp av antennen tillverkas med hjälp av 3D printad plast som beläggs med aluminiumtejp. Designen har en simulerad förstärking av 13.5 dBi och en strålbredd runt 30°. Den 3D printade antennen kunde inte testas på grund av tekniska problem med testutrustningen men förväntas ha liknande resultat som den simulerade. / Kandidatexjobb i elektroteknik 2022, KTH, Stockholm
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Study and design of new multibeam antenna architectures in Ku and Ka bands for broadband satellite applications / Étude de nouvelles architectures d'antennes multifaisceaux en bande Ka pour les télécommunications par satellite à très haut débitDiallo, Cheikh-Dieylar 19 December 2016 (has links)
Les antennes multifaisceaux (AMFs) sont cruciales pour les applications de télécommunications par satellite modernes et futures, civiles et militaires. La partie basse du spectre électromagnétique est saturée alors que de larges bandes de fréquences sont disponibles dans la bande Ka, dans laquelle des missions à très-haut débit ont émergées au cours de la dernière décennie. La tendance consiste à réduire la taille des spots pour les couvertures multi-spots afin de diminuer le prix des satellites. Ainsi des antennes d’ouverture de plus en plus grande électriquement sont requises, induisant des ruptures technologiques majeures. Les lentilles de Luneburg insérées dans un guide d’ondes à plans parallèles (GOPP) deux plaques métalliques parallèles (PMPs) sont des solutions attractives pour illuminer les AMFs, puisqu’elles peuvent aboutir à des formateurs de faisceaux de bande et champ de visée larges, pertes et coûts faibles, et simples à concevoir, réaliser et intégrer. Les travaux de cette thèse portent sur le développement de nouvelles méthodes d’implémentation et sur la conception de AMFs à base de lentille de Luneburg. La réalisation de la lentille de Luneburg est connue pour être un défi technologique majeur. Un état de l’art des méthodes de réalisation est fourni. Ensuite, deux nouvelles méthodes sont proposées, ainsi qu’une méthode et des outils de conception. La première méthode de réalisation consiste en une matrice périodique et régulière de plots métalliques de taille inférieure à la longueur d’onde, et où la séparation du GOPP varie. La hauteur des plots et la séparation du GOPP contrôlent la valeur de l’indice de réfraction équivalente. L’antenne à 9 faisceaux tout métal conçue, fabriquée et mesurée, comporte 8314 plots et présente d’excellentes performances, notamment meilleures que sa version à séparation de plaques constante. La seconde méthode de réalisation consiste en une matrice périodique et régulière de trous circulaires de taille inférieure à la longueur d’onde réalisés sur un des deux revêtements cuivrés d’un substrat diélectrique plus une plaque métallique supérieure séparée du plan des trous par une couche d’air d’épaisseur fixe. L’antenne à 5 faisceaux conçue comporte 2696 trous et présente de très bonnes performances comparés à ces semblables dans la littérature. / Multi-beam antennas (MBAs) are crucial to modern and future, civilian and military satellite telecommunications applications. The low part of the electromagnetic spectrum is congested, while wide band of frequencies are available in the Ka-band, in which broadband missions have emerged in the last decade. The trend is reducing the size of spots in multi-beam coverage to reduce the cost of satellites, hence more electrically large antennas are needed, with major technological breakthrough as a consequence. Luneburg lenses in parallel-plate waveguide (PPW) are attractive solutions to excite MBAs, since they could lead to wide band and field-of-view, low loss and cost, easy to design, manufacture and accommodate Beam Forming Networks. This PhD deals with the development of novel implementations and the design of broadband, low loss and wide field-of-view Luneburg lens based MBAs. The implementation of the Luneburg lens is known as a major technological challenge. A state-of-the art of the implementation techniques is presented. Then two novel implementations of Luneburg lens in PPW environment are proposed, like design method, process and tools. The first implementation consists of a periodic and regular array of subwavelength vertical metal posts, where the PPW spacing is variable. The post height and PPW spacing modulate the equivalent refractive index. The all-metal 9-beams antenna designed, manufactured and measured, has 8314 posts and shows excellent performances, better than the traditional constant PPW spacing version. The second implementation consists of periodic and regular array of subwavelength circular holes etched on the copper cladding of a dielectric substrate with an air gap between the holes plane and the PPW top plate. The radius of the holes control the equivalent index. The 5-beams antenna designed has 2696 holes and shows very good performances as compared to similar devices in literature.
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Dual-polarized geodesic lens in sub-THz / Dubbelpolariserad geodetisk lins i sub-THzFu, Wenfu January 2022 (has links)
In the sub-THz frequency range, the geodesic lens can realize low losses and beam scanning capability with high gain and high aperture efficiency due to its fully metallic property and rotational symmetry. Therefore, in high-frequency applications, a geodesic lens is considered a more promising solution in comparison to phased arrays or other beamforming techniques. To realize dual polarization for geodesic lenses, a polarization rotator using fully metallic screens can be placed at the lens aperture to increase the channel capacity. In this thesis, we propose a dual-polarized fully metallic geodesic lens antenna with the operation frequency centered at 120 GHz. The proposed design contains two layers of geodesic lenses and two polarization rotators placed in their respective apertures with ±45° polarization. By using a twist waveguide for the feeding, we eliminate the leakage caused by the air gap between the metal plates. The simulation results show that the dual-polarized lens can achieve an angular scanning range of ±60° and its scanning loss is 0.6 dB, with an aperture efficiency of 90%. Finally, we propose a prototype design with mechanical considerations to ensure robustness in future manufacturing, assembly, and testing. / Geodetiska linser kan tillämpas åt frekvenser under THz för att realisera låga förluster och strålscanningskapacitet med både hög förstärkning och apertureffektivitet, detta på grund av dess fullt metalliska egenskaper samt rotationssymmetri. I högfrekventa tillämpningar anses därför en geodetisk lins vara lovande i jämförelse med en fasstyrda gruppantenn eller andra strålformningstekniker. Ytterligare så kan polarisationsrotatorer med helt metalliska skärmar kan placeras vid linsöppningen för att realisera korspolariserade fält samt öka kanalkapaciteten hos geodetiska linser. I denna avhandling föreslårs en justerbar korspolariserad samt fullt metallisk geodetisk linsantenn centrerad runt 120 GHz. Den föreslagna designen innehåller två lager geodetiska linser och två polarisationsrotatorer placerade i sina respektive utgångar med respektive polarisatonsförskjutning på ±45°. Genom att använda en vriden vågledare för matningen så eliminerars läckaget som normalt följer av luftgapet mellan metallplattorna. Simuleringsresultaten visar att den korspolariserade linsen kan uppnå ett avsökningsområde inom vinklar ±60° men en skanningsförlust på 0,6 dB, detta med en apertureffektivitet på 90%. Slutligen föreslår vi en prototyp med hänsyn till mekaniska aspekter för att säkerställa robusthet i framtida tillverkning, montering och testning.
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3D-Printed Geodesic Luneburg Lens Antenna With Novel Patch Antenna FeedingBerglund, Elin, Freimanis, Sandis January 2021 (has links)
With the roll out of new technologies and the worldbecoming more connected, there is a rising demand for higherbandwidth and new frequency bands. To meet the demand,higher frequencies are used in new communication systems.Higher frequencies come with the need for new antenna designsand one promising type of antenna is the lens antenna. In thispaper, a modulated geodesic Luneburg lens with a novel feedingmethod is proposed for use between 8-10 GHz. Furthermore, themanufacturing of the lens explores the possibility of 3D printingas a method of producing cheap antennas.The paper verifies the viability of using a patch antenna andhorn as a feeding method for a parallel-plate waveguide lens.First the lens is modeled and simulated in CST Microwave Studioand is then 3D-printed in PLA plastic and taped with coppertape. The antenna achieves -5 dB S11-parameter between 8-10GHz. The antenna also achieves 60 scanning in the azimuthplane. The antenna achieves a HPBW of 15. / Med utvecklingen av nya tekniker och envärld som blir allt mer digital är efterfrågan på större bandbreddoch nya frekvensband hög. För att möta efterfrågananvänds högre frekvenser i nya kommunikationssystem. Medanvändningen av högre frekvenser behövs nya antenndesigneroch en lovande typ av antenn är linsantennen. I den härartikeln föreslås en modulerad geodesic Luneburg lins med enny typ av matningsmetod för användning mellan 8-10 GHz. Förtillverkningen av linsen utforskas 3D-printning som en billig ochenkel metod.Artikeln verifierar användningen av en patch-antenn och etthorn som matningsmetod för en lins av parallella metallplattor.Först simuleras linsen i CST Microwave Studio och 3Dprintassedan i PLA-plast och tejpas med koppartejp. Antennenåstakommer -5 dB i S11-parameter mellan 8-10 GHz. Antennenhar en skanning av 60 i azimut-planet och har en HPBW av15. / Kandidatexjobb i elektroteknik 2021, KTH, Stockholm
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