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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Il dilemma femminista dell'uso politico della violenza in Italia negli anni Settanta e Ottanta: tra pensiero politico e caso storico / The feminist dilemma of the political use of violence in Italy in the seventies and eighties: between political thought and historical case

Malizia, Marilisa <1984> January 1900 (has links)
Degli anni Settanta si parla, ormai quasi canonicamente, come gli anni della crisi, una crisi che compare quasi simultaneamente fuori e dentro i confini nazionali, e si configura come vera e propria crisi di sistema. Considerando il turning point rappresentato dai Seventies, è diffusa l'interpretazione nel contesto italiano del paradigma politologico secondo il quale è nella mancanza e nelle assenze del sistema politico-istituzionale alle domande di modernizzazione democratica provenienti dalle soggettività che emergono in quella che è stata definita la “stagione dei movimenti” che andrebbero individuate le radici prima della scelta della violenza come strumento di lotta politica e poi del cosiddetto “riflusso”. Questo studio cerca di analizzare le dinamiche e gli sviluppi nella relazione tra movimento femminista e violenza politica in Italia tra anni settanta e anni ottanta. Per comprendere ed analizzare le dinamiche di tale sviluppo è stato necessario prima ricostruire la genealogia del concetto di violenza politica elaborato dalla filosofia politica nel XX secolo e poi confrontarlo con il concetto di violenza proposto dal pensiero femminista nello stesso arco temporale. Allo stesso tempo si è considerato il fenomeno della violenza politicamente motivata agita nel decennio settanta, analizzando le specificità del femminismo stesso, ma anche, la possibilità di individuare lo scarto – politico, ideologico e esistenziale – tra le definizioni date dalla pratica femminista alla categoria di violenza e le peculiarità degli altri movimenti che si muovevano nella scena politica e sociale tra anni settanta e anni ottanta / The Seventies are regarded almost canonically as the years of crisis, a crisis that appears almost simultaneously inside and outside national borders, and is configured as a real crisis of the system. This study seeks to analyze the dynamics and developments in the relationship between feminist movement and political violence in Italy in the seventies and eighties. To understand and analyze the dynamics of this development, it has been necessary first to reconstruct the genealogy of the concept of political violence drafted by the political philosophy in the twentieth century and then compare it with the concept of violence proposed by feminist thought in the same timeframe. At the same time the phenomenon of politically motivated violence acted in the seventies was considered, by analyzing the specificities of Italian feminism itself, but also, the possibility of identifying the gap - political, ideological and existential - between the definitions given by feminist practices to the category of violence and the peculiarities of the other movements that emerged in the political and social scene in the seventies and eighties

Costruire salute con le comunita: analisi e valutazione della qualita della partecipazione nell'ambito di interventi di promozione della salute / Building health with communities: analysis and evaluation of quality of participation in the community health promotion field

Valletta, Luana <1986> January 1900 (has links)
I governi e le organizzazioni sanitarie internazionali ribadiscono da tempo l’importanza dell’attivazione di processi di partecipazione al fine di coinvolgere cittadini e stakeholders sui temi riguardanti la salute e il benessere delle comunità. La partecipazione dei cittadini negli interventi di promozione della salute può rafforzare l'empowerment, migliorare la salute generale e ridurre le disuguaglianze. In coerenza con queste premesse, la Regione Emilia-Romagna ha promosso e finanziato un programma estensivo biennale “Guadagnare salute in contesti di comunità”, con lo scopo di promuovere processi partecipativi sui temi di sani stili di vita attraverso un lavoro intersettoriale, interdisciplinare e con il forte coinvolgimento delle comunità locali. Il programma ha previsto la realizzazione di 6 progetti che hanno coinvolto diversi territori della Regione. Analizzare e valutare la partecipazione dei cittadini e la sua efficacia, all’interno queste progettazioni, è molto complesso anche per le diverse posizioni dei decisori e degli operatori sanitari sul concetto stesso di partecipazione e coinvolgimento della comunità. A tale scopo sono stati realizzati due studi quali-quantitativi. Il primo studio qualitativo ha cercato di approfondire la natura delle rappresentazioni della partecipazione all’interno di 17 dirigenti e funzionari che hanno coordinato e implementato a livello regionale e locale i progetti di comunità regionali finanziati. Nel tentativo di indagare le relazioni di una specifica partecipazione di qualità e per le ambiguità emerse dal primo studio e dalla letteratura (Dowling et al.,2004; Granner&Sharpe, 2004; Aveling&Jovchelovitch,2013) il secondo studio ha cercato di comprendere in che modo l’esperienza di una qualità della partecipazione, delle collaborazioni interdisciplinari e della percezione di contribuire a livello decisionale possa essere in relazione con il senso di comunità, l’empowerment, la soddisfazione per la partecipazione e l’intenzione a continuare a partecipare. Gli studi confermano le importanti relazioni tra la partecipazione di qualità e precisi outcome e aprono la strada a futuri approfondimenti specifici. / Citizens’ participation in health promotion interventions, in order to strengthen community empowerment, improve overall health and reduce inequalities is a central assumption of community health psychology and for the most important health organizations and Governments. The study of citizens’ participation and its effectiveness is quite complex also for the different positions about the meaning itself of participation and about which kind of participation’s experience can be useful for who is involved. These issues so far not been explored among health workers, health’s partnership and citizens involved in community-based health project. In the north of Italy, the Emilia-Romagna Region has promoted and funded an extensive two-year program "Gaining health in community settings" with the aim to promote participatory processes on health issue of through work across sectors, interdisciplinary and with the strong involvement of local communities and citizens. In order to understand the representations, ideas and meanings attributed to participation in the health promotion intervention, from who promotes designs and facilitates participatory processes will be presented a qualitative study carried out on 17 interviews of managers and health care professionals who have contributed to the planning and implementation of various community projects. Also, as pointed out by different authors (Dowling et al., 2004; Granner & Sharpe, 2004;Aveling & Jovchelovitch, 2013) it has become increasingly necessary to shift the focus from a general participation to specific processes involved in a quality participation and their possible relation. Starting from these premises was investigated through a questionnaire to 234 participants, active in the design and implementation of these projects, which processes are involved in who have a higher "quality participation" participatory experiences. Specifically, the relationship of quality participation processes have been investigated with the sense of community, empowerment, the perception of efficacy, the satisfaction of the participation and the intention to continue to participate.

New light on Nikolay Medtner as pianist and teacher

Karpeyev, Alexander January 2014 (has links)
This dissertation introduces the ‘Edna Iles’s Medtner Collection’ (EIMC), held by the British Library in London, and provides a detailed analysis of her ‘Notes on the Interpretation of Medtner’s Works’. Nikolay Medtner (1880–1951) was one of Russia’s leading, early-20th-century composers, who spent the latter part of his life in the UK. He wrote mainly for the piano, composing 14 piano sonatas, three piano concertos, 108 songs, three violin sonatas, a piano quintet and more than 90 pieces for solo piano. Although he performed and recorded, and was considered a prominent composer while he was resident in the UK, his wider renown in the West was limited. Edna Iles (1905–2003) was an English pianist and Medtner’s last pupil. She took numerous notes during and immediately following her lessons and, in 1997, donated all of her Medtner-related materials to the British Library. I am the fourth person to consult it. The scope of the EIMC is impressive: Medtner manuscripts, newspaper cuttings, photographs and letters, all of which she carefully organized before donating. Importantly, her ‘Notes on the Interpretation of Medtner’s Works’ contain unique information about how he taught and thought his music should be interpreted. She was, in fact, the only Medtner student to leave systematic written evidence of his pedagogy; the recordings she made of his music further demonstrate her mastery of his principles. She became, in effect, his disciple. This dissertation assesses the new light her ‘Notes’ shed on our knowledge of his methods and pianism. The Introduction provides details of Medtner reception history and introduces all available sources on Medtner performance practice. Chapter 1 summarizes the lives of Medtner and Iles, and elucidates the nature of their relationship. Chapters 2 through to 4 discuss the disciplines of Medtner’s approach to playing – basic piano technique, articulation, practicing, pedaling and memorization – corroborated elsewhere. Chapters 5 and 6 unravel the more intellectual concepts of fil rouge, tempo, phrasing, voicing and his distinction between energetic and rounded music that form the core of Iles’s ‘Notes’ and represent the EIMC’s most original contribution to Medtner performance practice. Chapter 7 provides the opportunity to observe and apply Medtner’s interpretive philosophy to a single work (Sonate-Idylle, Op. 56) by blending the advice conveyed in his printed scores with the methodology and insights he communicated to Iles. The Conclusions affirm the importance of the EIMC as a uniquely detailed primary source on Medtnerian performance practice. An inventory of the Edna Iles Medtner Collection and transcript of her ‘Notes on Interpretation of Medtner’s Works’ can be found in Appendices One and Two. Appendix Three offers a facsimile of exercises Medtner gave to Iles, preserved in her own handwriting. Appendices Four and Five provide a discography of Medtner piano works and pertinent contextual photographic evidence.

Appreciation of music in relation to personality factors

Martin, Peter J. January 1976 (has links)
The study falls into two parts, the investigation of what is meant by musical appreciation' and the investigation of the personality traits that characterise the musical appreciative. A review of the literature reveals that there is no agreement as to what music appreciation is. A practical investigation using a specially constructed questionnaire, in which 33 musicians were asked to indicate what they conceived music appreciation to be, confirmed the lack of concensus evident in the literature. To investigate the several aspects of music appreciation, the results of 200 secondary school pupils on a series of music tests and on a questionnaire concerning musical interests and experience were factor analysed. The same music variables were analysed using different techniques and the results of the different agree well. Twelve factors were identified. While no one factor stood out olearly from the others as a 'music appreciation faotor', eleven of the factors can loosely be described as relating to musio appreciation. These factors can be classified under three headings, factors of test ability, factors of performance on an instrument and factors of musical taste. (The twelfth factor concerns how musical the home background is.) The 'taste factors' are considered to be particularly valid, and they are confirmed by an independent study using a semantic differential technique with the same subjects. To investigate the personality struoture of the musically appreciative, one approach was to correlate the school pupils' personality test results (trom Eysenck's J.E.P.I. and Cattell's H.S.P.Q.) with measures from a number of musical variables, which were chosen because of their intrinsic importance and because they represented the 'appreciation' factors produced in the factor anaqses. A second approach, which yielded results consonant with the first, made use of the results of E.P.I. and 16P.F. from more than 200 musicians and music students. Without doubt, 'intelligence' is the trait that most characterises the musical. However, the musically appreciative are also sensitive and emotional. It ia suggested that their emotionality reveals itself as the driving force for any one of many different musical interests or pursuits. What characterises the musical person is the (musical) end to which this drive is directed. Why this drive is directed into musicality may be the result of other personality traits and of home background. Home background is found to be a more important influence on music appreciation than personality, though the two are not independent: those with a musical personality tend to come from musical homes. The magnitude of the relationships between personality and music appreciation and between home background and music appreciation were determined by multiple regression analyses and, disappointingly, are found to be rather slight. The personality characteristics of musically appreciative school pupils are not entirely the same as for musicians and music students. The differences are in line with published findings relating personality variables with the academic achievement of pupils/students at different levels of education. With both the school pupils and the adult musicians, some regularly occurring variations from the basic appreciative personality profile are recorded; e.g. different personality structures are associated with different tastes in music; brass players are more extrover; men musicians are more tough-minded and shrewd than women. The variations are sufficiently great to accommodate a great variety of personalities among the musically appreciative • A number of test instruments were devised for the study. Apart from the questionnaires and the semantic differential, already referred to, a test of ability to discriminate oomposers by their style was developed. This test is promising because 1t appears to measure rather different skills from those measured by other tests, because it is possibly the first genuinely objective test in music in which judgements about musical extracts must be made, and because it is popular with teachers. Although the test does not yet reach the technical standard required of tests, further research and development on it are considered well worth while and are planned.

Educare (al)la sessualità: dalla prevenzione alla promozione della salute sessuale per adolescenti / Educating sexuality: from prevention to teenage sexual health promotion

Landi, Nicoletta <1983> 10 June 2016 (has links)
In questo elaborato si analizzano le politiche internazionali e nazionali e le pratiche educative e socio-sanitarie pubbliche attraverso cui la salute sessuale dei/delle giovani è costruita e gestita nel contesto italiano e, in particolare, emiliano-romagnolo. Lo studio parte da un’indagine antropologica condotta presso un consultorio per adolescenti facente parte del Sistema Sanitario italiano - lo Spazio giovani di Bologna – e da una ricerca-azione focalizzata su un progetto educativo regionale destinato alle classi della scuola secondaria di primo grado chiamato W l’amore. Attraverso un confronto con i Paesi Bassi si riflette sull’educazione alla sessualità in ambito europeo evidenziandone le criticità e le potenzialità per quanto concerne una più generale tutela e promozione della salute dei/delle più giovani. Argomenti legati all’adolescenza, all’educazione e alla sessualità si connettono a questioni socio-politiche inerenti ai diritti sessuali e alla cittadinanza intima. Se la sessualità è una componente multiforme dell’esperienza umana poiché nella sua fluidità si incarna l’interazione tra individuo, alterità e società, l’educazione alla sessualità è uno spazio fisico e simbolico in cui costruire e condividere opinioni, desideri, intenzioni e identità. Pensare alla promozione del benessere sessuale non può prescindere dal problematizzare i processi sociali attraverso cui la sessualità degli/delle ragazzi/e è plasmata e normata. L’antropologia – nella sua portata critica – può evidenziare la complessità che caratterizza la rete dei servizi socio-sanitari e educativi destinati ai/alle giovani e le intenzioni degli/delle stakeholders che vi operano. Obiettivo della ricerca è quindi decostruire l’educazione alla sessualità e presentarla come processo sociale condiviso, continuo e volto alla tutela della pluralità sessuale e relazionale. Essa, inoltre, può contribuire alla co-costruzione di una società più inclusiva e in grado di valorizzare tutte le sfumature erotiche di cui si compone. / In this dissertation I analyse international and national policies and the related Public Health educative practices through which teenage sexual health is constructed and managed in the Emilia-Romagna area and in the wider Italian context. This study starts from an anthropological survey led within a youth centre part of the Italian Health System – named Spazio giovani and located in Bologna - and from an action-research focused on a specific regional project addressed to adolescents and teachers from secondary school named W l’amore. Furthermore, through a comparison with the Netherlands’ policies and practices concerning sex education, this study aims to reflect on comprehensive sexuality education in the European context in order to highlight its critical aspects and its potentialities. Topics related to adolescence, education and sexuality in a broader sense are linked to socio-political issues concerning sexual rights and intimate citizenship. If sexuality is a complex and multidimensional component of human experiences since its fluidity is embodied in the interaction among individuals and society, sex education represents a physical and a symbolic space where to define and to share opinions, desires, intentions and identities. Thinking about sexual health and its promotion means to problematize and de-naturalize the ways teenage sexuality is publicly constructed and managed. In this sense, anthropology can help underlining the complexity of social, health and educational services addressed to teenagers and highlighting the purposes of the stakeholders involved in developing and leading sex education programs for teenagers. Aim of this research is to present sex education as a continuous social process that is supposed to promote sexual and relational diversity and that may also contribute to the co-construction of a more inclusive society where all the nuances it is made of can be appreciated and protected.

A reaction time investigation of absolute pitch

Refaat, Malik January 2014 (has links)
Absolute Pitch (AP) is the ability to identify a musical note without the use of an external reference. The literature focusses on the accuracy of AP possessors and not on reaction times (RTs) in identifying musical notes. Investigating RT differences between observers with and without AP will further our understanding of the processes involved in AP. This thesis aimed to investigate the RTs of AP possessors and provide a new account of the cognitive mechanisms involved in AP. Three studies were conducted. The first was a tone identification study which was designed to identify RT profiles for AP possessors in comparison to non-AP possessors (NAP possessors).This study was designed to show that AP possessors were quicker and more accurate than NAP possessors in tone identification and that they identified each note of a chromatic scale with varying degrees of difficulty. The RT profile indicates that some notes are identified quicker than others and a relative process was used to identify some notes. The second was an interval identification study which was designed to identify the strategy used by AP possessors in interval identification to identify if an AP or RP strategy was used. The results showed intervals were identified with a similar RT profile to tones indicating a relative process used for both notes and interval identification. The data from these two studies was used to construct the first formal model of absolute pitch (the Multiple Reference Pitch Model) which provides an explanation of AP using three reference points and a relative strategy. The third study aimed to test this model by inducing anchors into participants and developing a sense of relative judgment. Further directions and limitations are discussed in the final chapter. These include the use of a case study design with only three participants and further applications of the model in other domains in Psychology.

Live music and the dilemmas of the Korean consumer experience : consumption, markets, and identities

Yoo, Jiyun January 2014 (has links)
This thesis examines the cultural consumption of live music events in contemporary South Korea. It explains the structure and emergence of the contemporary popular music industry, and offers a historical background to the development of South Korea’s society and culture. Live concerts, now a crucial part of music industry in Korea, are the central object of analysis, through which the current conditions of cultural consumption in South Korea are assessed. The thesis argues that music consumption experience in South Korea provides an opportunity through which a set of dilemmas and tensions in contemporary Korean identity can be explored. It proposes a theoretical concept, ‘Confucian Postmodernism’, with which to understand the contradiction and coexistence of Western postmodern and traditional values within the practices of cultural consumption. While academic research on music, culture and consumption is growing, there remains little research on the impact of the consumption of cultural products on East Asian social culture. This thesis offers a review of traditional and contemporary scholarly approaches to the study of music experience and consumption, identifying a deficit of research attention in the area of cultural consumption in South Korea. Through twenty semi-structured in-depth interviews, this study looks at both the Korean music market and consumer experiences, focusing on a specific experience of cultural consumption through the theories of ‘postmodern cultural consumption’ and Bourdieu’s ‘cultural capital’. Two major contemporary characteristics of Korean social identity are identified: (i) the tension between the activity of individual selfpresentation and necessary social conformity, and (ii) the struggle to gain symbolic differentiation within the Korean popular music field, the constitution of which betrays both traditional Confucian and postmodern influences. Assessing the role of music in terms of consumer experience dissolves previous theoretical distinctions between musical form content and aesthetic experience, while affording the opportunity to consider the broader socio-cultural shifts in South Korea.

PraDiVaP. Costruzione e validazione di uno strumento per osservare le prassi didattiche dell'insegnante di scuola primaria nella prospettiva della Formative Educational Evaluation / PraDiVaP: Development and validation of a tool for the observation and evaluation of teacher’s practice in primary school.

Tartufoli, Laura <1984> 09 May 2016 (has links)
La ricerca ha come oggetto la valutazione formativa delle prassi didattiche dell’insegnante di scuola primaria all’interno del contesto in cui esse assumono significato. Ci si è occupati di analizzare, sviluppare e verificare le procedure d’uso di strumenti di osservazione in grado di innescare processi di valutazione formativa, mirati a promuovere un’innovazione e un miglioramento dell’azione didattica, del contesto e della professionalità docente. Obiettivi • Costruire, mettere a punto e validare uno strumento strutturato (corredato da due strumenti complementari), da utilizzare per l’osservazione delle prassi didattiche messe in atto dall’insegnante (e del contesto in cui esse avvengono) durante lo svolgimento dell’attività didattica. • Definire procedure osservative e modalità di restituzione dei dati utili alla ricerca valutativa, nell’ottica della valutazione formativa della professionalità docente. Metodologia: Disegno di ricerca empirica, secondo un approccio di ricerca-formazione, capace di controllare: la validità e l’affidabilità dello strumento proposto; l’efficacia delle procedure d’uso di tale strumento in un’ottica di valutazione formativa. Le principali fasi della ricerca sono state: fase esplorativa (prima indagine esplorativa) e fase di try out (utilizzo di un questionario per la validazione di contenuto e di costrutto del PraDiVaP), per la messa a punto delle procedure osservative; studio pilota: osservazione sistematica su campione (di giudizio) di insegnanti, con successiva restituzione dei dati ai soggetti coinvolti. È stata utilizzata una metodologia di ricerca basata sull’osservazione sistematica, diretta e non partecipata, come strumento funzionale alla raccolta dei dati necessari per il processo di valutazione formativa delle prassi didattiche. Risultati conseguiti 1. Messa a punto di uno strumento d’osservazione con buone caratteristiche di validità, affidabilità; 2. Definizione di procedure d’uso di tipo formativo, atte a promuovere processi di riflessione individuale/collegiale e riprogettazione didattica; 3. Raccolta di evidenze sugli incontri di restituzione individuale e collegiale che consentono di riflettere sulla valenza formativa delle procedure messe in atto. / This PhD research aims at developing a tool for the observation and evaluation of teacher's practices in primary school, and the context where they occur. The main hypothesis is that observation, collection of data and the consequent feed back to the subjects involved (stakeholders) can lead teachers to put into place some effective processes of formative evaluation. Aims: • Create, develop and validate a structured tool to be used for observation of teacher’s practice (and the context in which they occur). • Define observational procedures and how to return useful data for evaluation research, in perspective of the formative evaluation of the teacher’s professionalism. Methodology: Empirical research, according to action research, able to control: the validity and reliability of the proposed tool; the effectiveness of the procedures in the use of this tool in perspective of formative assessment. The main phases of the research are: − Exploratory phase (first exploratory survey) and the try-out phase (use of a questionnaire for the validation of content and construct of PraDiVaP), for the development of observational procedures; − Pilot study: systematic observation of the sample (of judgment) of teachers, with subsequent return of data to the subjects involved. It use a methodology of systematic observational research, direct and non-participatory, as a functional tool for the collection of data necessary for the formative evaluation process of teacher’s practice. Results: 1. Development of an observation tool with good validity and reliability; 2. Definition of use formative procedures, to promote individual/collegial reflection and redesign teacher’s practice; 3. Collection of evidence on the meetings of individual and collegial return that let you reflect on the educational value of the procedures put in place.

Prematurity and the Transition to Self-Feeding: A Longitudinal Study on Mother-Child Interactions from 18 to 30 Months

Salvatori, Paola <1984> January 1900 (has links)
The present research expanded on the literature investigating mother-child feeding and playing interactions during the transition to self-feeding (18-30 months) in the preterm population. Maternal and infant factors were also considered. A total of 69 mother-child dyads (44 preterm and 25 full-term) participated in the research. Assessments took place at 18, 24, and 30 months of the child. At each assessment, mother-child interactions during feeding (Study 1) and during a doll-play (DP) situation representing feeding (Study 2) were video recorded and later coded, respectively through the SVIA (Ammaniti et al., 2006) and the EAS (Biringen, 2008). Moreover, the child’s development was assessed through the Griffiths Scale (Griffiths, 1996, 2006) and mothers filled the BDI-II (Beck & Steer, 1996), the STAI (Spielberg, 1983), and an anamnestic questionnaire built Ad-Hoc. Results of Study 1 showed a greater occurrence of dysfunctional feeding interactions in the preterm compared to the full-term group from 18 to 30 months. Specifically, preterm dyads reported greater maternal negative affective state, greater interactional conflict and lower dyadic reciprocity. Moreover, a significantly lower percentage of children in the preterm group reached eating autonomy compared to the full-term group during the 18-30 months period. Furthermore, adverse past feeding history (difficult breastfeeding and reflux) and lower total scores on the Griffiths were associated to a higher risk of child’s food refusal. Results of Study 2 showed that the preterm group displayed lower emotional availability than the full-term group during mother-child DP interactions from 18 to 30 months, with lower maternal sensitivity, greater maternal intrusiveness, and lower child’s involvement. These findings indicate that special attention should be paid to support mother-child interactions during the transition to self-feeding in the preterm population in order to foster the mother-child relationship and promote the child’s healthy eating behavior and affective development.

Dis-fare la disabilità infantile: le pratiche lavorative di operatrici e operatori dei servizi, e il ruolo della ricerca / Un-making childhood disability: the everyday practices of health and social workers, and the role of research

Riccio, Martina <1987> 10 June 2016 (has links)
Nel presente lavoro di tesi si sostiene che la disabilità infantile si produce nelle pratiche lavorative di operatrici e operatori dei servizi il cui agire diviene dis-abilitante poiché fortemente vincolato alle forme istituzionali, materiali e simboliche, della relazione terapeutica ed educativa. Attraverso la relazione individuale con l'educatrice/ore, l'abitudine a tenere il ragazzo certificato fuori dalla classe, l'orientamento scolastico alle scuole professionali, l'impossibilità di costruire percorsi educativi continuativi e in contesti eterogenei, ma anche attraverso i numerosi documenti necessari per attivare i percorsi di integrazione scolastica e le normative emesse dal Ministero dell'Istruzione, la disabilità viene quotidianamente prodotta e riprodotta. Questa, infatti, non pre-esiste alle pratiche che vengono messe in atto ma è parte di esse. Allo stesso tempo tale riproduzione coesiste sempre con tentativi di trasformazione che il “lavoro vivo”, di relazione (di cura o educativa), necessariamente implica. Parallelamente, nel corso dell'elaborato, viene sviluppata una riflessione sul ruolo sociale della ricerca come dispositivo di trasformazione. La ricerca(trice) che riconosce questo spazio di tensione tra riproduzione e trasformazione nel lavoro di operatrici e operatori può infatti scegliere di sostenere , attraverso il metodo stesso di ricerca, l'una o l'altra tendenza. Nel caso in cui si opti per la seconda è prima di tutto la pratica di ricerca a divenire campo di partecipazione e terreno di negoziazione per le alternative possibili e percorribili. Un necessario passo verso il cambiamento parte dunque dal riconoscere che tra ricercatrici/ricercatori e soggetti della ricerca, così come tra operatrici/operatori e “utenti”, vi è un campo comune di bisogni e intenti a partire dal quale solamente si possono ri-costruire pratiche educative, di cura e di liberazione. / The present thesis states that childhood disability is produced in the everyday practices of health and social workers. Their practices become dis-abling because are strongly tied to the institutionalized forms, material and symbolic, of the therapeutic and educational relation. Through the individualization of the relation with the educator, the habit of taking the “certified” child out of the class, the tendency to orient disable students to professional schools, the impossibility of creating continuous and heterogeneous educational paths, but also through the many documents needed to start school integration programs, disability is daily produced and reproduced, it is enacted. Disability does not pre-exist workers practices, but is part of them. At the same time reproduction always coexists with the possibility of difference and attempts to transformation. This tension is in fact constitutive of “live work in action” implicated in therapeutic and educational relation. Simultaneously in the thesis, the author develops a reflection on the social role of research as a tool for transformation. The research(er) who recognizes this “field of tension” between reproduction and transformation in the practices of health and social workers may choose to sustain, through the method of the research itself, the first or the second tendency. If we decide to choose the second, the practice of research first of all becomes a field of participation and negotiation for alternative possibilities. A necessary step towards change, thus, starts from recognizing that there are common needs and intents between researchers and subjects of research, and between social/health workers and “users”. Only from this common ground it is possible to re-build practices of care, education and liberation.

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