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Mesure in-situ du comportement des pièces en situation d'usinage à l'aide d'une mesure optique / In-situ measurement of workpiece behaviour in machining situations using optical measurementRebergue, Guillaume 10 December 2018 (has links)
Les pièces de structure aéronautique utilisées dans l’aéronautique sont fabriquées en plusieurs étapes. Des étapes, comme le traitement thermique, génèrent des contraintes résiduelles. Les enlèvements de matière réalisés par les opérations d’usinage peuvent alors conduire à la réorganisation des contraintes résiduelles dans la matière et ainsi à la déformation de la pièce. La mesure in-situ de ces déformations devient nécessaire lorsque ce phénomène est étudié. Ces travaux de thèse abordent cette problématique dans le cadre du projet SIMP-Aero. L’objectif de ces travaux de thèse est d’adapter la méthode de corrélation d’images numériques à la mesure de la déformation de pièce pendant l’usinage, c’est-à-dire dans un centre d’usinage. Pour cela, plusieurs améliorations sont apportées à la méthode. Premièrement, les mouvements du système optique sont pris en compte afin que ceux-ci n’altère pas la qualité des mesures. Ensuite, les copeaux présents sur les images sont détectés et filtrés par un algorithme. Au final, la méthode développée permet de mesurer des champs de déplacement durant toute la séquence d’usinage, sans devoir l’interrompre, avec une incertitude de mesure de l’ordre du centième de millimètre. / Structural aluminum alloy parts used in aeronautics are manufactured in several steps, from forming processes and heat treatments to final machining. Some of the process steps induce residual stresses. The material removal during machining release these residual stresses and thus, leads to the part deformation. The in-situ measurement of these deformations becomes necessary when this phenomenon is studied. The present work address this problematic in the context of the ANR SIMP-Aero Project. It aims to define a reliable experimental technique dedicated to the measurement of part deformations during machining of large aeronautical parts. The backbone of the technique relies on Digital Image Correlation (DIC). Mainly as a consequence of the harsh constraints environment of machining, the customization of DIC is required. First, movements of the optical system are quantified and compensated for the proper measurement of the workpiece displacement. Then, the metal chips that fly between the observed surface and the acquisition system are detected and filtered by the algorithm. Finally, the developed method enables the measurement of displacement fields throughout the whole machining sequence, without interrupting it, and a measurement uncertainty of around one hundredth of a millimeter is ensured.
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Estudo da formação do cavaco no torneamento de superligas de níquel /Gama, Renann Pereira. January 2014 (has links)
Orientador: Marcos Valério Ribeiro / Co-orientador: Teófilo Miguel de Souza / Banca: Manoel Cleber de Sampaio Alves / Banca: Amauri Hassui / Resumo : O aumento das exigências mundiais por melhores produtos e a crescente competição entre empresas no mercado globalizado aumenta a busca por processos que garantam menores custos aliados a grande produtividade e produto de alta qualidade. Assim o grande desenvolvimento industrial e tecnológico tem aumentado a pesquisa em processos de usinagem que promovam, por exemplo, alto desempenho no que diz respeito à remoção de material, menor avaria e desgaste da ferramenta e menores impactos ao meio ambiente. Em relação às superligas a base de níquel, as mesmas têm um papel extremamente importante nas indústrias aeronáutica, automobilística, petróleo e gás dentre outras. As superligas a base de níquel estudadas foram a Nimonic 80A, o Inconel 718 e a Pyromet A31, materiais de difícil usinagem que possuem alta resistência mecânica e à corrosão em temperaturas elevadas. O objetivo deste trabalho é o estudo da formação do cavaco em relação aos diversos parâmetros de usinagem, a fim de alcançar alto desempenho e melhorias no torneamento cilíndrico externo destas ligas. As ligas foram torneadas utilizando-se diversos parâmetros de usinagem: velocidades de corte (75 e 90 m/min), avanço (0,15 e 0,18 mm/rot), profundidade (0,8 mm), Mínima Quantidade de Fluido (MQF), Fluido abundante e ferramenta de metal duro com recobrimento (TiAlN). Analisou-se a formação de cavacos, a rugosidade do material, o volume de material removido, o comprimento usinado. Foram realizadas ainda análises macroestruturais e de tempo de vida das ferramentas utilizadas a fim de se detectar possíveis desgastes, bem como análises microestruturais dos cavacos através da microscopia óptica e das ferramentas por microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV) e espectroscopia de energia dispersiva (EDS). Assim foi possível notar que há mais de um tipo de desgaste associado ... (Resumo cmpleto, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: The increase of world requirements per better products and the growing competition between companies in the global market makes them seek processes that ensure lower costs allied to high productivity and high quality product. Thus the great industrial and technological development has increased the search for machining processes that promote, for example, high performance as regards the chip removal, less tool wear and failure and reduced impact on the environment. Regarding superalloys based on nickel, they have an extremely important role in the aeronautical and automotive industries among others. The nickel-based superalloy studied are the Nimonic 80A, Inconel 718, Pyromet A31 difficult to machine materials that has high mechanical strength and corrosion resistance at higher temperatures. The objective of this work is to study the influence of the application of cutting fluids in turning and the machining parameters in order to achieve high performance and optimization of machining this alloys. The alloys were machined using various machining parameters: cutting speed (75 and 90 m/min), feed rate (0,15 and 0,18 mm/rot), cutting depth (0,8 mm), Minimum Quantity fluid (MQF), Fluid abundant and coated tools. After turning chip samples were obtained, was measured the surface roughness, chip volume removed, cutting length and macrostructural analyzes were performed and of lifetime of the tools used in order to detect possible wear, as well as, microstructural analyzes of the chips by optical microscopy and tools by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS). Thus it was possible to note that there is more than one type of wear associated the turning of nickel alloys, as well as the cutting speed of 75 m/min was the best in general terms for use of abundant fluid. Regarding the application of MQF obtained satisfactory ... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Mestre
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Problema de redimensionamento de lotes para máquinas paralelas em ambientes de usinagem /Leandrin, Matheus Artioli. January 2019 (has links)
Orientador: Adriana Cristina Cherri Nicola / Banca: Silvio Alexandre de Araujo / Banca: Sonia Cristina Poltroniere Silva / Resumo: Este trabalho aborda o Problema de Redimensionamento de Lotes (PRL) capacitado, com múltiplos produtos e máquinas paralelas. O redimensionamento de lotes é uma variação do problema de dimensionamento de lotes que pode ser identificado em sistemas produtivos com elevada taxa de interrupções, como quebras, refugos, entre outros, fazendo com que o plano de produção seja prejudicado, necessitando de atualizações a medida que ocorrem as interrupções. São considerados três parâmetros de interrupção: manutenção corretiva, mão de obra insuficiente e indisponibilidade de matéria-prima. É permitido o atendimento da demanda nos períodos com atrasos e utilização de hora extra. O problema tem por objetivo minimizar os custos de preparação, estoque, atraso e hora extra. Baseado em um modelo matemático proposto na literatura para resolver problemas de dimensionamento de lotes, um modelo matemático para representar o PRL foi proposto. O PRL foi formulado como um problema de programação linear inteira mista (PLIM) e resolvido através do método exato branch and bound. Testes computacionais foram realizados com exemplares adaptados da literatura e abrangem os três parâmetros de interrupção / Abstract: This work approaches the capacitated Lot Resizing Problem (LRP) with multi-products and parallel machines. The lot resizing problem is a lot sizing problem variation which can be identified in productive systems with high rate of interruptions, as breaks, refuse, and others, impairing the planning production and making update needed as soon as interruptions happens. Three parameters for interruption were considered: corrective maintenance, insufficient man power and unavailability of raw material. Demand can be performed with back-orders and overtime requests. This work has the objective of minimize inventory holding costs, back-orders, setup and overtime costs. Based on a mathematical model proposed in the literature to solve the lot sizing problem, a mathematical model to represent the LRP was proposed. The LRP was formulated as a mixed integer problem and solved by branch and bound exact method. Computational experiments were performed with adapted literature instances embracing the three parameters of interruption / Mestre
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Application of ultrasonic welding to the rapid prototyping of microfluidic systems for biotechnologyAramphongphun, Chuckaphun 31 August 2001 (has links)
This paper introduces an alternative technique for the development of
microfluidic systems for biotechnology based on mechanical machining and
ultrasonic welding. Advantages of this approach over existing prototyping
approaches involving the rapid development of tooling include: (a) short cycle
time, (b) design flexibility, and (c) low cost manufacturing. In addition, the process
provides a migration path to high volume production. A limitation of this system is
that it cannot practically produce microchannels smaller than about 250 μm (0.010
in). However, for many biological cell-based biosensors, this feature scale seems
well suited based on cell viability results. Several issues are discussed relevant to
this approach, including bond strength, seal leakage, and sterilization. / Graduation date: 2002
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Self-propelled rotary tool for turning difficult-to-cut materialsParker, Grant 01 April 2011 (has links)
Hard turning of difficult-to-cut materials is an economical method of machining components with high surface quality and mechanical performance. Conventionally in the machining industry, generating a component from raw goods includes a casting or forging process, rough machining, heat treatment to a desired hardness, and then finished-machining through a grinding process. Given the relative disadvantages of grinding, which include high specific energy consumption and low material removal rates, a newer technology has been introduced; hard turning. After the heat treatment of a cast part (generally in a range of 50-65 HRC), hard turning allows for immediate finished-machining. Hard turning reduces the production time, sequence, cost, and energy consumed. In addition, dry machining offsets environmental concerns associated with the use of coolant in grinding operations as well as other common turning operations.
Higher specific forces and temperatures in the contact area between the tool and workpiece lead to excessive tool wear. Generated tool wear affects the quality of the machined surface. Therefore, minimizing tool wear and consequently the generated surface quality become the status quo. Adverse effects associated with generated heat at the tool tip can be reduced by using
cutting fluid or by continuously providing a fresh cutting edge. The latter method will be applied in this thesis.
Rotary tool cutting involves a tool in the form of a disk that rotates about its axis. Different types of rotary tools have been developed, all with similar functional characteristics, however few are commercially available. Rotary tools can be classified as either driven or self-propelled. The former is provided rotational motion by an external source while the latter is rotated by the chip flow over the rake face of the tool.
A prototype self-propelled rotary tool (SPRT) for hard turning was developed which provides economical benefits and affordability for the user. It was tested on a turret-type CNC lathe by machining AISI 4140 Steel that was heat treated to 54-56HRC and Grade 5 Titanium (Ti-6Al-4V). Carbide inserts with ISO designation RCMT 09 T3 00 (9.5mm diameter) were used during machining. Both the SPRT rotational speed and the workpiece surface roughness were measured. Also, chips were collected and analyzed for each of the cutting conditions. The same procedure was followed during machining with the same tool which was denied the ability to rotate, therefore simulating a fixed tool with identical cutting conditions. Comparisons were made between tool life, surface roughness, and chip formation for the fixed tool and SPRT. Tool rotational speed was also analyzed for the SPRT. In general, the designed and prototyped SPRT showed very good performance and validated the advantages of self-propelled rotary tools.
A typical automotive component that is hard turned from difficult-to-cut materials is a transmission input shaft. These components demand high strength and wear resistance as they couple the vehicle‟s engine power to the transmission and remaining driveline. / UOIT
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DEVELOPMENT OF A MANUFACTURING CELL IN COMPLIANCE WITH IEC 61499 : Implementation of a function blocks network for controlling a CNC-based systemPalomeque Soto, José Enrique January 2012 (has links)
Today’s market is subjected to numerous changes due to the need of continuous improvement of different commercial brands in order to survive against competitors. This competition drives the evolution of industrial processes, to satisfy the high customers’ requirements. It means that factors such as flexibility, adaptability and agility are crucial for the successful development of industries, which experience some degrees of uncertainty due to machine breakdowns, delays and market fluctuations among others. The current trend in manufacturing industries consists in the implementation of distributed control systems (DCS), substituting the earlier programmable logic controllers (PLC) systems where a main processor operated as the central unit of the system. To this end, the application of function blocks (FB) compliant with the IEC 61499 standard represents an innovative technique for dealing with the design and programming of DCSs. These FBs enable the creation of event-driven networks governed by embedded algorithms that can be used to enhance the flexibility and portability of industrial job-shops based on a distributed architecture. Job-shop floors represent a principal concept in manufacturing industries. This project is focused on the integration of a computer numerically controlled (CNC) machine and a gantry robot which must be coordinated and cooperate for the achievement of an industrial machining and assembly process. It implies the design of a PLC-managed distributed cell using nxtControl software. This software facilitates the construction of FBs-networks to control both machines and enables the communication process via service interface function blocks (SI-FB). Likewise, the whole process will be monitored using an interface also created within nxtControl which will allow the operator to decide the batch and characteristics of the production. This project is also intended to set the basis for the understanding of the FB concept defined in IEC 61499 which moves away from earlier scan-based systems to event-driven models, aiming to contribute to the development of future research in the function blocks area.
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MEMS-enabled micro-electro-discharge machining (M³EDM)Alla Chaitanya, Chakravarty Reddy 11 1900 (has links)
A MEMS-based micro-electro-discharge machining technique that is enabled by the
actuation of micromachined planar electrodes defined on the surfaces of the workpiece is
developed that eliminates the need of numerical control machines. First, the planar
electrodes actuated by hydrodynamic force is developed. The electrode structures are
defined by patterning l8-µm-thick copper foil laminated on the stainless steel workpiece
through an intermediate photoresist layer and released by sacrificial etching of the resist layer.
The planer electrodes are constructed to be single layer structures without particular features
underneath. All the patterning and sacrificial etching steps are performed using dry-film
photoresists towards achieving high scalability of the machining technique to large-area
applications. A DC voltage of 80-140 V is applied between the electrode and the workpiece
through a resistance-capacitance circuit that controls the pulse energy and timing of spark
discharges. The parasitic capacitance of the electrode structure is used to form a resistance
capacitance circuit for the generation of pulsed spark discharge between the electrode and the
workpiece. The suspended electrodes are actuated towards the workpiece using the
downflow of dielectric machining fluid, initiating and sustaining the machining process.
Micromachining of stainless steel is experimentally demonstrated with the machining voltage
of 90V and continuous flow of the fluid at the velocity of 3.4-3.9 m/s, providing removal
depth of 20 µm. The experimental results of the electrode actuation match well with the
theoretical estimations. Second, the planar electrodes are electrostatically actuated towards
workpiece for machining. In addition to the single-layer, this effort uses double-layer
structures defined on the bottom surface of the electrode to create custom designed patterns
on the workpiece material. The suspended electrode is electrostatically actuated towards the
wafer based on the pull-in, resulting in a breakdown, or spark discharge. This instantly
lowers the gap voltage, releasing the electrode, and the gap value recovers as the capacitor is
charged up through the resistor. Sequential pulses are produced through the self-regulated
discharging-charging cycle. Micromachining of the stainless-steel wafer is demonstrated
using the electrodes with single-layer and double-layer structures. The experimental results
of the dynamic built-capacitance and mechanical behavior of the electrode devices are also
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Rapid Fabrication Techniques for Anatomically-Shaped Calcium Polyphosphate Substrates for Implants to Repair Osteochondral Focal DefectsWei, Christina Yi-Hsuan January 2007 (has links)
The purpose of the present study is to develop techniques for manufacturing anatomically-shaped substrates of implants made from calcium polyphosphate (CPP) ceramic. These substrates have tissue-engineered cartilage growing on their top surfaces and can be used as implants for osteochondral focal defect repair. While many research groups have been fabricating such substrates using standard material shapes, e.g., rectangles and circular discs, it is considered beneficial to develop methods that can be integrated in the substrate fabrication process to produce an implant that is specific to a patient’s own anatomy (as obtained from computer tomography data) to avoid uneven and/or elevated stress distribution that can affect the survival of cartilage. The custom-made, porous CPP substrates were fabricated with three-dimensional printing (3DP) and computer numerically controlled (CNC) machining for the first time to the best of the author’s knowledge.
The 3DP technique was employed in two routines: indirect- and direct-3DP. In the former, 3DP was used to fabricate molds for pre-shaping of the CPP substrates from two different powder size ranges (<75 μm and 106-150 μm). In the latter, CPP substrates were produced directly from the retrofitted 3DP apparatus in a layer-by-layer fashion from 45-75 μm CPP powder with a polymeric binder. The prototyped samples were then sintered to obtain the required porosity and mechanical properties. These substrates were characterized in terms of their dimensional shrinkage and density. Also, SEM images were used to assess the particle distribution and neck and bond formations. The substrates produced using the indirect-3DP method yielded densities (<75 μm: 66.28 ± 11.62% and 106-150 μm: 65.87 ± 6.12%), which were comparable to the substrates used currently and with some success in animal studies. Geometric adjustment factors were devised to compensate for the slight expansion inherent in the 3DP mold fabricating process. These equations were used to bring the plaster molds into true dimension. The direct-3DP method has proven to be the ultimate choice due to its ability to produce complex anatomically-shaped substrates without the use of a chemical solvent. In addition, it allows for precise control of both pore size and internal architectures of the substrates. Thus, the direct-3DP was considered to be superior than the indirect-3DP as a fabrication method.
In the alternative CNC machining approach to fabrication, the ability to machine the CPP ceramic was feasible and by careful selection of the machining conditions, anatomically-shaped CPP substrates were produced. To develop strategies for optimizing the machining process, a mechanistic model was developed based on curve fitting the average cutting forces to determine the cutting coefficients for CPP. These cutting coefficients were functions of workpiece material, axial depth of cut, chip width, and cutter geometry. To explore the utility of this modelling approach, cutting forces were predicted for a helical ball-end mill and compared with experimental results. The cutting force simulation exhibits good agreement in predicting the fundamental force magnitude and general shape of the actual forces. However, there were some discrepancies between the predicted and measured forces. These differences were attributed to internal microstructure defects, density gradients, and the use of a shear plane model in force prediction that was not entirely appropriate for brittle materials such as CPP.
The present study successfully developed 3DP and CNC fabrication methods for manufacturing anatomically-shaped CPP substrates. Future studies were recommended to explore further optimization of these fabrication methods and to demonstrate the utility of accurate substrates shapes to the clinical application of focal defect repair implants.
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Rapid Fabrication Techniques for Anatomically-Shaped Calcium Polyphosphate Substrates for Implants to Repair Osteochondral Focal DefectsWei, Christina Yi-Hsuan January 2007 (has links)
The purpose of the present study is to develop techniques for manufacturing anatomically-shaped substrates of implants made from calcium polyphosphate (CPP) ceramic. These substrates have tissue-engineered cartilage growing on their top surfaces and can be used as implants for osteochondral focal defect repair. While many research groups have been fabricating such substrates using standard material shapes, e.g., rectangles and circular discs, it is considered beneficial to develop methods that can be integrated in the substrate fabrication process to produce an implant that is specific to a patient’s own anatomy (as obtained from computer tomography data) to avoid uneven and/or elevated stress distribution that can affect the survival of cartilage. The custom-made, porous CPP substrates were fabricated with three-dimensional printing (3DP) and computer numerically controlled (CNC) machining for the first time to the best of the author’s knowledge.
The 3DP technique was employed in two routines: indirect- and direct-3DP. In the former, 3DP was used to fabricate molds for pre-shaping of the CPP substrates from two different powder size ranges (<75 μm and 106-150 μm). In the latter, CPP substrates were produced directly from the retrofitted 3DP apparatus in a layer-by-layer fashion from 45-75 μm CPP powder with a polymeric binder. The prototyped samples were then sintered to obtain the required porosity and mechanical properties. These substrates were characterized in terms of their dimensional shrinkage and density. Also, SEM images were used to assess the particle distribution and neck and bond formations. The substrates produced using the indirect-3DP method yielded densities (<75 μm: 66.28 ± 11.62% and 106-150 μm: 65.87 ± 6.12%), which were comparable to the substrates used currently and with some success in animal studies. Geometric adjustment factors were devised to compensate for the slight expansion inherent in the 3DP mold fabricating process. These equations were used to bring the plaster molds into true dimension. The direct-3DP method has proven to be the ultimate choice due to its ability to produce complex anatomically-shaped substrates without the use of a chemical solvent. In addition, it allows for precise control of both pore size and internal architectures of the substrates. Thus, the direct-3DP was considered to be superior than the indirect-3DP as a fabrication method.
In the alternative CNC machining approach to fabrication, the ability to machine the CPP ceramic was feasible and by careful selection of the machining conditions, anatomically-shaped CPP substrates were produced. To develop strategies for optimizing the machining process, a mechanistic model was developed based on curve fitting the average cutting forces to determine the cutting coefficients for CPP. These cutting coefficients were functions of workpiece material, axial depth of cut, chip width, and cutter geometry. To explore the utility of this modelling approach, cutting forces were predicted for a helical ball-end mill and compared with experimental results. The cutting force simulation exhibits good agreement in predicting the fundamental force magnitude and general shape of the actual forces. However, there were some discrepancies between the predicted and measured forces. These differences were attributed to internal microstructure defects, density gradients, and the use of a shear plane model in force prediction that was not entirely appropriate for brittle materials such as CPP.
The present study successfully developed 3DP and CNC fabrication methods for manufacturing anatomically-shaped CPP substrates. Future studies were recommended to explore further optimization of these fabrication methods and to demonstrate the utility of accurate substrates shapes to the clinical application of focal defect repair implants.
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Improving Machining System Performance through designed-in Damping : Modelling, Analysis and Design SolutionsDaghini, Lorenzo January 2012 (has links)
With advances in material technology, allowing, for instance, engines to withstand higher combustion pressure and consequently improving performance, comes challenges to productivity. These materials are, in fact, more difficult to machine with regards to tool wear and especially machine tool stability. Machining vibrations have historically been one of the major limitations to productivity and product quality and the cost of machining vibration for cylinder head manufacturing has been estimated at 0.35 euro per part. The literature review shows that most of the research on cutting stability has been concentrating on the use of the stability limits diagram (SLD), addressing the limitations of this approach. On the other hand, research dedicated to development of machine tool components designed for chatter avoidance has been concentrating solely on one component at the time. This thesis proposes therefore to extend the stability limits of the machining system by enhancing the structure’s damping capability via a unified concept based on the distribution of damping within the machining system exploiting the joints composing the machine tool structure. The design solution proposed is based on the enhancement of damping of joint through the exploitation of viscoelastic polymers’ damping properties consciously designed as High Damping Interfaces (HDI). The tool-turret joint and the turret-lathe joint have been analysed. The computational models for dimensioning the HDI’s within these joints are presented in the thesis and validated by the experiments. The models offer the possibility of consciously design damping in the machining system structure and balance it with regards to the needed stiffness. These models and the experimental results demonstrate that the approach of enhancing joint damping is viable and effective. The unified concept of the full chain of redesigned components enables the generation of the lowest surface roughness over the whole range of tested cutting parameters. The improved machining system is not affected by instability at any of the tested cutting parameters and offers an outstanding surface quality. The major scientific contribution of this thesis is therefore represented by the proposed unified concept for designing damping in a machining system alongside the models for computation and optimisation of the HDIs. From the industrial application point of view, the presented approach allows the end user to select the most suitable parameters in terms of productivity as the enhanced machine tool system becomes less sensitive to stability issues provoked by difficult-to-machine materials or fluctuations of the work material properties that may occur in ordinary production processes. / <p>QC 20120413</p> / DampComat / Production 4 micro / FFI Robust Machining
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