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An adaptive control strategy for unmanned machiningMackinnon, R. January 1985 (has links)
No description available.
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A novel methodology for modelling CNC machining system resourcesVichare, Parag January 2009 (has links)
No description available.
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A Computational Framework for Control of Machining System Capability : From Formulation to ImplementationArchenti, Andreas January 2011 (has links)
Comprehensive knowledge and information about the static and dynamic behaviour of machine tools, cutting processes and their interaction is essential for machining system design, simulation, control and robust operation in safe conditions. The very complex system of a machine tool, fixture and cutting tools during the machining of a part is almost impossible to model analytically with sufficient accuracy. In combination with increasing demands for precision and efficiency in machining call for new control strategies for machining systems. These strategies need to be based on the identification of the static and dynamic stability under both the operational and off-operational conditions. To achieve this it is necessary to monitor and analyze the real system at the factory floor in full production. Design information and operational data can then be linked together to make a realistic digital model of a given machining system. Information from such a model can then be used as input in machining simulation software to find the root causes of instability. The work presented in this thesis deals with the static and dynamic capability of machining systems. The main focus is on the operational stability of the machining system and structural behaviour of only the machine tool, as well. When the accuracy of a machining system is measured by traditional techniques, effects from neither the static stiffness nor the cutting process are taken into account. This limits the applicability of these techniques for realistic evaluation of a machining system’s accuracy. The research presented in this thesis takes a different approach by introducing the concept of operational dynamic parameters. The concept of operational dynamic parameters entails an interaction between the structural elements of the machining systems and the process parameters. According to this concept, the absolute criterion of damping is used to evaluate the dynamic behaviour of a machining system. In contrast to the traditional theory, this methodology allows to determine the machining system's dynamic stability, in real time under operating conditions. This framework also includes an evaluation of the static deformations of a machine tool. In this context, a novel concept of elastically linked system is introduced to account for the representation of the cutting force trough an elastic link that closes the force loop. In addition to the elastic link which behaves as a static element, a dynamic non-contact link has been introduced. The purpose is to study the non-linear effects introduced by variations of contact conditions in joints due to rotational speed. / QC 20111123
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Evaluation of a Contactless Excitation and Response System for Condition Based MaintenanceGRIGORIADIS, ILIAS January 2016 (has links)
New environmental regulations as well as the increasing industrial competitiveness have set new more demanding rules on the manufacturing industry. In order to abide by those rules not only from the legal point of view but also to be able survive, manufacturing has to be more sustainable from many aspects, especially the economical one. One way to achieve the previous target is an unfortunately often oversighted aspect of the industry sector, the maintenance strategy. Condition based maintenance, CBM, can be used successfully in the industry and accurate estimation of spindle life time can lead to large savings in downtime and cost. CBM requires accurate sensors and equipment in order to get the right indicators whether equipment performance is deteriorating or not. One performance factor when planning a machining process is chatter vibration and one way to avoid this deteriorating phenomenon is to choose cutting parameters that allow stable machining. Various types of sensors are available for vibration and other CBM related measurements. Depending on the situation, the most applicable sensor is selected. The core of this thesis is to investigate the usefulness of measurements with the contactless excitations and response unit in terms of condition based maintenance. In the first part of the thesis, some of the theoretical aspects of maintenance are extensively elaborated upon and later on, the experimental part is presented along with the results’ discussion. The hardware required by the experiments has been provided by KTH and the experiments took place in two of an automotive industry’s production sites. There have been two visits at site A and one at site B, apart from the initial meetings. The measurements have been analyzed with the use of MATLAB. / Nya miljöregler samt ökande industriell konkurrens har satt nya mer krävande regler för tillverkningsindustrin. För att följa dessa regler, inte bara ur rättslig synpunkt utan också för att kunna överleva, behöver tillverkningen ske mer hållbar ur många aspekter, särskilt den ekonomiska. Ett sätt att uppnå målen är via, en tyvärr ofta underskattad metod, underhållsstrategin. Tillståndsbaserat underhåll, CBM, kan användas med framgång inom branschen och korrekt uppskattning av spindellivstid kan leda till stora besparingar genom minskade driftstopp och kostnader. CBM kräver noggranna sensorer och utrustning för att få rätt indikatorer för att avgöra om utrustningens prestanda försämras eller ej. En prestationsavgörande faktor vid planering av bearbetningsprocesser är vibrationer. Ett sätt att undvika dessa försämrade fenomen är att välja skärparametrar som tillåter stabil bearbetning. Olika typer av sensorer finns tillgängliga för vibrations- och andra CBM-relaterade mätningar. Beroende på situation, väljs den mest lämpliga sensorn. Kärnan i denna rapport är att undersöka nyttan av mätningar med en beröringsfri excitations- och mätenhet för tillståndsbaserat underhåll. I de första avsnitten av rapporten redogörs några av de teoretiska aspekterna av underhåll och i de senare är den experimentella delen presenterad, tillsammans med diskussion kring resultat. Hårdvaran som krävs för experimenten har tillhandahållits av KTH och experimenten ägde rum på två produktionsanläggningar hos en fordonstillverkare. Det har varit två besök på plats A och ett besök på plats B, bortsett från inledande möten. Mätningarna har analyserats med hjälp av MATLAB.
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Estimation of Machining System Dynamic Properties - Measurement and ModellingÖsterlind, Tomas January 2017 (has links)
Dynamic characteristics of machining systems are analysed for improved understanding of both structural and process properties. The thesis stresses the use of testing methods under operational like conditions as these are more representative of closed loop systems, such as machining systems, as compared to conventional testing methods. The test instrument proposed is a contactless excitation and response system, developed for testing of machine tool spindles under load and with rotating spindle. The instrument uses electromagnetic excitation and displacement sensors for analysis of rotating milling tools subject to load. A graphical tool for displaying and analysing rotor displacement was developed in conjunction with this. A modelling procedure for both off-line and on-line estimation of dynamic properties of mechanical structure and process information is presented. The proposed auto-regressive moving average models enable calculation of operational dynamic parameters and they can be estimated in a recursive manner, thus enabling real-time monitoring. The discrimination between stable and unstable processes, both in turning and milling, was performed by analysing the damping obtained from the operational dynamic parameters. / <p>QC 20170330</p>
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An Analysis of Machining System Capability and Its Link with Machined Component QualityÖsterlind, Tomas January 2013 (has links)
Machining components out of tolerances is of no use in competitiveproduction. The machining system sets the limitations of dimensionalaccuracy and surface quality of a machined component. The capabilityof the machining system describes these limits in terms of specifiedvalues. This thesis deals with machining system capability analysismainly focused on machine tool static and dynamic stiffness.The influence of stiffness and flexibility on machining systemcapability is analytically and experimentally investigated. Theexperimental work presented in the thesis complies with the theoriesand shows the relation between machine tool capability and theoutcome on the machine component.The concept of capability analysis by elastic linked system andthe currently available tools for such an evaluation is presented anddiscussed. The basis of elastic linked system analysis is the use ofmeasurements under loaded condition. The machine tool is loadedwith a known force creating a test condition closer to real machining,compared to current methods of unloaded machine tools. Twomeasurement tools for elastic linked system capability analysis areexplained in the thesis: Loaded Double Ball Bar and ContactlessExcitation and Response System.The thesis consists of an analytical base and an experimental casestudy on spiral bevel gear face milling. The experiments are discussedand compiled with the given theories. / <p>QC 20130513</p>
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Dinamičko ponašanje obradnih sistema za mikroobradu / Dynamic behavior of micromachining systemsMlađenović Cvijetin 30 September 2020 (has links)
<p>Predmet istraživanja prikazanih u okviru doktorske diseracije su samopobudne vibracije pri obradi glodanjem. Na osnovu detaljne analize zakonitosti nastanka samopobudnih vibracija uspostavljena je određena paralela između glodanja i mikrogkodanja, za slučajeve kada je dubina rezanja veća od radijusa rezne ivice alata. Za tako usvojene pretpostavke, razvijeni su modeli unapređene numeričke simulacije procesa glodanja i mikroglodanja. Razvijeni modeli su svestrano verifikovani, s jedne strane, u segmentima gde postoje podaci u literaturi; poređenjem sa rezultatima drugih autora, a sa druge strane poređenjem sa sopstvenim eksperimentalnim ispitivanjima. Za eksperimentalno definisanje granične dubine rezanja pri glodanju predložena je inovativna metoda tangenti, a pri mikroglodanju, imajući u vidu raspoloživu mernu opremu, metoda hrapavosti obrađene površine. Matematički modeli i eksperimentalne metode su verifikovani pri obradi tri karakteristične vrste materijala i na dva obradna sistema pri glodanju, odnosno jednom materijalu i jednom obradnom sistemu pri mikroglodanju. Rezultati istraživanja su prezentovani kroz dvanaest poglavlja čiji sadržaj se navodi u nastavku.</p><p>U prvom, uvodnom poglavlju, ukazano je na značaj istraživanja samopobudnih vibracija pri makro i mikroglodanju. Prikazana je i aktuelnost istraživanja analizom broja naučnih radova koji se bave problematikom samopobudnih vibracija u periodu od poslednjih dvadeset pet godina.<br />Kroz drugo poglavlje detaljno su prikazana dosadašnja istraživanja samopobudnih vibracija pri makroglodanju, dok su u trećem poglavlju prikazana istraživanja samopobudnih vibracija pri mikroglodanju. Izvršena je analiza uticajnih parametri na graničnu dubinu rezanja, koja predstavlja osnovni pokazatelj dinamičke stabilnosti kako makro, tako i mikroobradnih sistema.<br />Na osnovu saznanja prikazanih u okviru drugog i trećeg poglavlja u četvrtom poglavlju su definisani ciljevi i hipoteze istraživanja.<br />Matematičke metode za definisanje karte stabilnosti obradnog sistema, prikazane su u petom poglavlju. Prikazana su dva matematička modela za definisanje karte stabilnosti pri makroglodanju, model srednjeg ugla kontakta alata u zahvatu i model Furijeovih redova. Prezentovana je numerička simulacija procesa obrade glodanjem, namenjena prvenstveno za simulaciju sila rezanja. Polazeći od prethodno prikazane ideje u okviru ovog poglavlja je razvijena nova matematička metoda predikcije granične dubine rezanja - unapređena numerička simulacija procesa glodanja.<br />U okviru šestog poglavlja prikazane su eksperimentalne metode identifikacije vibracija mašina alatki, odnosno eksperimentalno određivanje modalnih parametara obradnih sistema kao i metode detekcije samopobudnih vibracija pri glodanju. U cilju definisanja granične dubine rezanja, prikazana je metoda frekventne analize vibracija pri glodanju, kao metoda koja se često koristi u savremenim eksperimentalnim istraživanjima. Međutim, i matematičke i eksperimentalne metode analize vibracija pri glodanju imaju određena ograničenja. Polazeći od prethodnog, razvijena je inovativna metoda tangenti, bazirana na ranije korišćenoj metodi u okviru Laboratorije za mašine alatke Instituta za proizvodno mašinstvo FTN u Novom Sadu, i primeni savremenih mernih sistema. Pored toga, u ovom poglavlju je eksperimentalno potvrđen uticaj samopobudnih vibracija na kvalitet obrađene površine i geometrijsku tačnost obratka.<br />Metodologija sprezanja matematički i eksperimentalno definisanih funkcija frekventnog odziva elemenata mašine alatke prikazana je u sedmom poglavlju. Prezentovane su jednačine sprezanja pomerajnih odziva matematmički definisanih funkcija frekventnog odziva alata i držača alata, bazirane na Ojlerovoj teoriji grede, sa eksperimentalno definisanom funkcijom frekventnog odziva sklopa glavnog vretena mašine alatke.<br />U okviru osmog poglavlja razvijen je matematički model sila rezanja pri mikroglodanju. Predloženi model sila rezanja, koji uzima u obzir silu trenja između leđne površine alata i obrađene površine, implementiran je u unapređenu numeričku simulaciju glodanja čime je omogućena njena primena za definisanje graničnih dubina rezanja pri mikroglodanju.</p><p>Verifikacija razvijenih numeričkih i eksperimentalnih metoda za ispitivanje vibracija pri makroglodanju je prikazana u devetom poglavlju. Sproveden je niz eksperimentalnih ispitivanja, pri kojima su određivane granične dubine glodanja pri obradi tri različita materijala obratka (Al7075, 42CrMo4 i Ti-6Al-4V) na dva obradna sistema. Na osnovu ovih ispitivanjima izvršena je verifikacija unapređene numeričke simulacije glodanja i inovativne metode tangenti.<br />U desetom poglavlju prikazana je verifikacija metoda analize samopobudnih vibracija pri mikroglodanju. Primenom metodologije sprezanja pomerajnih odziva, definisani su modalni parametri obradnog sistema za mikroobradu, potrebni za definisanje graničnih dubina rezanja, tj. karte stabilnosti, unapređenom numeričkom simulacijom mikroglodanja. Karta stabilnosti definisana razvijenom unapređenom numeričkom simulacijom, verifikovana je eksperimentalno i poređenjem sa literaturnim izvorima.<br />U jedanaestom poglavlju data su zaključna razmatranja, kritički osvrt na ostvarene rezultate, i pravci budućih istraživanja.<br />Dvanaesto poglavlje prikazuje pregled korišćene literature, koju čini 218 referenci većim delom citirane u samom radu, a u zasebnom poglavlju dati su prilozi.</p> / <p>The subject of research presented in the doctoral dissertation are self-excited vibrations in milling. Based on a detailed analysis of the self-excited vibrations occurrence, a certain parallel has been established between macro and micromilling, for cases when the depth of cut is greater than the cutting edge radius of the tool. For such adopted assumptions, models of advanced numerical simulation of macro and micromilling processes were developed. The developed models were comprehensively verified, on the one hand, by comparison with the results of other authors, and on the other hand by comparison with own experimental results. An innovative tangent method has been proposed for the experimental definition of the cutting depth limit in milling, and the method of machined surface roughness has been proposed for micromilling, having in mind the available measuring equipment. Mathematical models and experimental methods were verified by machining three characteristic types of materials on two machining systems in macromilling, and one material on one machining system in micromilling. The results of the research are presented through twelve chapters, the content of which is listed below.</p><p>In the first, introductory chapter, the importance of the research of self - excited vibrations in macro and micromilling is pointed out. The topicality of the research is also presented by analyzing the number of scientific papers dealing with the issue of self - excited vibrations in the period of the last twenty - five years.<br />The second chapter presents in detail the previous research on self-excited vibrations during macromilling, while the third chapter presents research on self-excited vibrations during micromilling. An analysis of the influential parameters on the cutting depth limit was performed, which is a basic indicator of the dynamic stability of both macro and micromachining systems.<br />Based on the findings presented in the second and third chapters, the fourth chapter defines the goals and hypotheses of the research.<br />Mathematical methods for defining the stability lobe diagram of the machining system are presented in the fifth chapter. Two mathematical models for defining the stability lobe diagram for macromachining are presented, the model of the tool’s mean contact angle and the model of Fourier series. Numerical simulation of the milling process is presented, intended primarily for the simulation of cutting forces. Starting from the previously presented idea, a new mathematical method for predicting the cutting depth limit has been developed within this chapter - an improved numerical simulation of the milling process.<br />In the sixth chapter, experimental methods of machine tools vibration identification are presented, ie experimental determination of machining systems modal parameters as well as methods of self - excited vibrations detection during milling. In order to define the cutting depth limit, the method of vibrations frequency analysis during milling is presented, as a method that is often used in modern experimental research. However, both mathematical and experimental methods of milling vibration analysis have certain limitations. Starting from the previous one, an innovative tangent method was developed, based on the previously developed method, used within the Laboratory for Machine Tools, Institute of Production Engineering Facultz of Technical Sciences in Novi Sad, and the application of modern measuring systems. In addition, in this chapter, the influence of self - excited vibrations on the machined surface quality and the geometric accuracy of the workpiece is experimentally confirmed.<br />The methodology of machine tool elements mathematically and experimentally defined frequency response functions coupling is presented in the seventh chapter. The displacement responses coupling equations of mathematically defined tools and tool holders FRF's (based on Euler 's beam theory) with the experimentally defined FRF of the machine tool main spindle assembly are presented.<br />Within the eighth chapter, a mathematical model of cutting forces in micromilling was developed. The proposed cutting forces model, which takes into account the friction force between the reliefe tool surface and the machined surface, is implemented in an advanced numerical micromilling simulation, which enables its application to define cutting depth limit in micromilling.</p><p>Verification of the developed numerical and experimental methods for vibrations analysis during macromachining is presented in the ninth chapter. A series of experimental tests were performed, during which the cutting depth limits were determined during the milling of three different workpiece materials (Al7075, 42CrMo4 and Ti-6Al-4V) on two machining systems.<br />In the tenth chapter, the verification of the methods of analysis of self-excited vibrations during micromilling is presented. Using the methodology of coupling displacement responses, the modal parameters of the machining system for micromachining are defined, needed to define the cutting depth limits, ie. stability lobe diagram, by advanced numerical micromilling simulation The stability lobe diagram, defined by the developed advanced numerical simulation, was verified experimentally and by comparison with literature sources.<br />The eleventh chapter provides concluding remarks, a critical review of the achieved results, and directions for future research.<br />The twelfth chapter presents an overview of the used literature, which consists of 218 references, mostly cited in the paper itself.</p>
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Controlling the dynamic characteristics of machining systems through consciously designed joint interfacesFrangoudis, Constantinos January 2014 (has links)
The precision of machining systems is ever increasing in order to keep up with components’ accuracy requirements. At the same time product variants areincreasing and order quantities are decreasing, which introduces high demands on the capability of machining systems. The machining system is an interaction between the machine tool structure, the process and the control system and is defined in terms of capability by the positional, static, dynamic and thermal accuracy. So far, the control of the machining system, in terms of static and dynamic stability is process based which is often translated into sub-optimum process parameters and therefore low productivity.This thesis proposes a new approach for control of the machining systemwhich is based on the capability to control the structural properties of themachine tool and as a result, controlling the outcome of the machining process.The control of the structural properties is realized by carefully designed Joint Interface Modules (JIMS). These modules allow for control of the stiffness and damping of the structure, as a result of tuning the contact conditions on the interface of the JIM; this is performed by control of the pre-load on the interface,by treatment of the interface with damping enhancing materials, or both. The thesis consists of a presentation of the motivation behind this work, the theoretical basis on which the proposed concept is based and a part describing the experimental investigations carried out. Two prototype JIMs, one for a milling process and one for a turning process were used in the experimental investigations that constitute the case studies for examining the validity of the proposed concept and demonstrating its applicability in a real production environment. / <p>QC 20140611</p> / EU FP7 POPJIM
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