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In this project, we searched for new constructions and symmetric presentations of important groups, nonabelian simple groups, their automorphism groups, or groups that have these as their factor groups. My target nonabelian simple groups included sporadic groups, linear groups, and alternating groups. In addition, we discovered finite groups as homomorphic images of progenitors and proved some of their isomorphism type and original symmetric presentations. In this thesis we found original symmeric presentations of M12, J1 and the simplectic groups S(4,4) and S(3,4) on various con- trol groups. Using the technique of double coset enumeration we constucted J2 as a homomorphic image of the permutation progenitor 2∗10 : (10 × 2). From our mono- mial progenitor 11∗4 : (2 : 4) we found a homomorphic image of M11. In the following chapters we will discuss how we went about obtaining homomorphic images, some con- structions of the Cayley Diagrams, and how we solved some extension problems.
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The link between convection and crystallization in a sub-axial magma chamber and heat output in a seafloor hydrothermal systemLiu, Lei 10 July 2007 (has links)
In this thesis, I present a simple time-dependent model of heat transfer between a turbulently convecting and crystallizing magma body and the overlying hydrothermal circulation. Most of the known seafloor hydrothermal sites on faster-spreading ridges are dominated by basalt. The hydrothermal fields within parts of the Lau Basin in the Southwest Pacific are driven by andesitic magma. To determinate the different characteristics of magma-driven hydrothermal system, two types of magma material, basaltic and andesitic magma are considered. Two different crystallization scenarios are considered¡ªcrystals in suspension and crystals settling. In either case, I assume that large-scale convection within the magma chamber is homogenous. Also, the effect of crystallinity and water content-dependent magmatic viscosity is considered.
Based on the proposed models, the total heat output from the upper surface of the magma chamber and the temperature in hydrothermal system are derived numerically. The simulation results show that without magma replenishment, the heat output and hydrothermal temperature decay rapidly within about ten years. For two different crystallization distribution cases, such rapid decay is not consistent with observations.
The conflict between the simulation results and the field observations shows the need to develop more accurate magma convection models. Different from the existing modeling methods, I propose to model the magma convection with replenishment. The replenishment model can be classified into two categories in terms of status of magma chamber size. To replenish the magma system without changing the magma chamber size, the heat flux decaying rate is slowed down and hydrothermal system lifetime is extended for a little longer. Although this model is more accurate than existing ones in terms of slow decaying rate of heat flux, it does not achieve a steady state as is observed. This leads us to model replenishment with variant magma chamber size. I model the replenishment rate as a constant and exponential decay, respectively. Thus, I assume the magma chamber size is time-varying. Simulation results show that magma heat flux approaches a steady state over a time scale of decades. This result is consistent with the observations, which indicates the effectiveness of proposed modeling methods.
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Temporal and spatial variations in the geochemistry and mineralogy of the younger historic lavas of Mount Etna, SicilyGyopari, Mark Christopher January 1988 (has links)
No description available.
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Mass Cycling through Crustal Magma Chambers and the Influence of Thermo-Mechanical State on Magma Compositions through TimeOzimek, Constance 10 April 2018 (has links)
Magma chambers are a fundamental component of crustal magma transport modulating erupted volumes, compositions, and timing of eruptions. However, we understand little about how eruption episodicity relates to magma chamber evolution. A sizable amount of research has been done on the thermo-mechanical and chemical evolution of a chamber, but little has been done in combining the two. The many influences on composition make inference of crustal processes from erupted compositions dicult, but there are patterns of eruptive evolution in well- characterized systems that suggest something systematic is occurring.
We have developed a coupled thermo-mechanical-chemical model in order
to characterize melt evolution through cycles of chamber filling, rupture, and drainage in a thermally evolving, viscoelastic crust. We consider a deeply seated oblate spheroidal chamber, calculating pressure, temperature, volume, elemental concentration, partitioning between crystals and melt, and crustal temperature through time. We characterize the time dependence of chamber failure, thermal longevity, and melt elemental concentrations on mechanical parameters and influx rates, exploring the dependence on depth, primary and crustal compositions. These results should be important for constraining physical controls on eruption episodicity and predictions of instability at magmatic centers.
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Evolution thermique d'un océan de magma primitif en interaction avec l'atmosphère : conditions pour la condensation d'un océan d'eau / Thermal evolution of an early magma ocean in interaction with the atmosphere : conditions for the condensation of water oceanLebrun, Thomas 04 December 2013 (has links)
La recherche de nouvelles formes de vie est une quête passionnante mais quidemande avant tout de comprendre l’origine de l’apparition d’une forme de vie.La seule planète qui abrite la vie à notre connaissance est la Terre. Comprendrepourquoi les autres planètes de notre système solaire n’en abrite pas ou plus estune étude nécessaire pour pouvoir mieux cibler nos cherches de nouvelles vies dansles autres systèmes stellaires. L’objectif de cette thèse est d’apporter des premierséléments de réponse à cette question. Nous nous sommes principalement concentréssur la comparaison d’évolution thermique entre Mars, la Terre et Vénus vers lafin de leur accrétion lors du refroidissement de leur océan de magma. L’évolutionthermique d’océans de magma produits par collision avec des impacteurs géantslors de l’accrétion est supposée dépendre de la composition et de la structure del’atmosphère à travers l’effet de serre du CO2 et H2O relâché par le magma durantsa cristallisation. Afin de contraindre les différentes échelles de temps de refroidissementdu système, nous avons développé un modèle 1-D de convection paramétréd’un océan de magma couplé avec un modèle atmosphérique 1-D radiatif-convectif.Nous avons conduit une étude paramétrique et décris l’influence de plusieurs variablestelles que le contenu initial en volatils, la profondeur initiale de l’océan demagma ou encore la distance planète-soleil. Nos résultats suggèrent que la présenced’une atmosphère de vapeur retarde la fin de la phase d’océan de magma d’environ1 Ma. De plus, nous observons également que la vapeur d’eau condense en un océanaprès 0.1, 1.5 et 10 Ma respectivement pour Mars, la Terre et Vénus. Ce tempsserait virtuellement infini pour une planète de la taille de la Terre située à moins de0.66 ua du soleil. Au regard de ces résultats, nous remarquons que pour la Terre etMars, les échelles de temps de formation d’un océan d’eau sont plus courtes que lagamme de temps entre chaque impacts majeurs. Ceci impliquerait que des océansd’eau successifs peuvent s’être développés durant l’accrétion. En revanche, Vénus,du fait de sa grande proximité avec le seuil de distance au soleil (0.66 ua), pourraitavoir maintenu sa phase d’océan de magma plus longtemps durant l’accrétion.Par la suite, la prise en compte de l’échappement hydrodynamique nous a permisde constater que ce phénomène a très peu d’incidence sur le réservoir global d’eaud’une planète durant la phase d’océan de magma. Cependant, on observe qu’aprèsla condensation de la vapeur d’eau, l’échappement devient de plus en plus efficaceet le réservoir d’eau fini par être totalement évaporé peu de temps avant la fin de lasolidification du manteau. Enfin, nous avons commencé à étudier l’influence d’autresgros impacts durant le refroidissement de l’océan de magma. Les premiers résultatsmontrent que dans le cas de Mars et la Terre, la durée de leur phase d’océan demagma est plus courte que la gamme de temps entre chaque impact majeur. Il en résulte que ces planètes ont dû connaitre une alternance entre phase d’océan demagma et phase d’océan d’eau. Ce phénomène n’a en revanche pas dû avoir lieusur Vénus. En effet, la durée de sa phase d’océan de magma est plus longue que lagamme de temps entre chaque impact majeur. C’est pourquoi, la phase d’océan demagma sur Vénus a dû se prolonger durant toute la phase d’impacts et qu’aucunocéan d’eau n’a pu se former avant la fin de cette période. / The research of new life forms is an exciting quest but requires understandingthe origin of the appearance of a form of life. The only planet that houses life as weknow is the Earth. Understand why the other planets in our solar system do nothouse it, is needed to better target our looking for new lives in other star systems.The objective of this thesis is to provide preliminary answers to this question.We mainly focused on the comparison between thermal evolution of Mars, Earthand Venus to the end of their accretion during their cooling magma ocean. Thethermal evolution of magma oceans produced by collision with giant impactorsduring accretion is expected to depend on the composition and structure of theatmosphere through the greenhouse effect of CO2 and H2O released by the magmaduring its crystallization. In order to constrain the various cooling timescales ofthe system, we developed a 1-D parameterized convection model of a magma oceancoupled with a 1-D radiative-convective model of the atmosphere. We conducted aparametric study and described the influence of several variables such as the initialvolatile inventories, the initial depth of the magma ocean and planet-sun distance.Our results suggest that the presence of a steam atmosphere delays the end ofthe magma ocean phase by about 1 Myr. In addition, we also observe that thewater vapor condenses to an ocean after 0.1, 1.5 and 10 Myr respectively for Mars,Earth and Venus. This time would be virtually infinite for an Earth-sized planetlocated at less 0.66 UA from the sun. In view of these results, we note that for theEarth and Mars, the timescales of the water ocean formation are shorter than timegaps between major impacts. This would imply that successive water oceans mayhave developed during accretion. However, Venus, due to its close proximity to thethreshold distance from the sun (0.66 AU), could have maintained its magma oceanphase longer during accretion. Thereafter, taking into account the hydrodynamicescape permitted us to see that this phenomenon has very little influence on theoverall water tank of a planet during the magma ocean phase. However, we canobserve that after the condensation of the water vapor, the hydrodynamic escapebecomes more efficient and the water tank be completely evaporated shortly beforethe end of the mantle solidification. Finally, we began to study the influence ofother major impacts during the cooling of the magma ocean. The first results showthat in the case of Mars and Earth, the duration of their magma ocean phase isshorter than time gaps between major impacts. In consequently, these planets hadto know an alternation between a phase magma ocean and a ocean water phase. Thisphenomenon does not, however, have taken place on Venus. Indeed, the durationof its magma ocean phase is longer than the time gaps between major impacts.Therefore, the magma ocean phase on Venus had to extend throughout the phaseimpacts and no ocean water has been formed before the end of this period.
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Rails to carry copper; a history of the Magma Arizona RailroadChappell, Gordon S. January 1965 (has links)
No description available.
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Volcanisme alcalin associé à l'initiation de la rupture continentale : Rift Est Africain, Tanzanie, bassin de Manyara / Alkaline volcanism associated with early stage of rifting : East African Rift, Tanzania, Manyara basinBaudouin, Céline 25 November 2016 (has links)
Le rift Est africain (REA) est une frontière de plaque en extension. Ce rift présente plusieurs stades d’extension, de l’initiation du rift en Tanzanie jusqu’à l’accrétion océanique en Afar. Le bassin de Manyara se situe le plus au sud de branche Est du REA. Il est caractérisé par la présence de volcanisme récent (< 1,5 Ma) et d’un essaim sismique dans la croûte inférieure (20 – 40 km). De par sa localisation et son contexte tectonique, le bassin de Manyara offre l’opportunité d’étudier le stade le plus précoce de l’initiation du rift. Le bassin de Manyara est composé de plusieurs types de laves hyperalcalines, les néphélinites magnésiennes (Mg# > 55) (Labait, Kwaraha), de calciocarbonatite (Kwaraha) et des néphélinites différenciées (Mg# < 35) (Hanang).Les néphélinites magnésiennes (Labait et Kwaraha) sont des laves primaires composées d’olivines et de clinopyroxènes (cpx). La modélisation géochimique des éléments en trace suggère que ces magmas primaires résultent d'un degré de fusion partielle ≤ 1 % à partir d'une péridotite à grenat et phlogopite. Ces magmas proviennent d’une profondeur > 120 km (présence de xénolites avec des conditions d’équilibre > 4 GPa). Les minéraux ont cristallisés à partir d’un magma pauvre en eau (0,1 et 0,5 pds % H2O). La calciocarbonatite et les néphélinites différenciés sont issues des néphélinites magnésiennes par cristallisation fractionnée et processus d’immiscibilité. Les néphélinites du Hanang sont riches en éléments alcalins (9,5 – 12,1 pds % Na2O+K2O) et en silice (44,2 – 46,7 pds% SiO2) et sont composés de cpx, grenat, néphéline, titanite et apatite. La zonation complexe dans les cpx (par exemple, changement brusque de Mg#, Nb/Ta, et H2O) implique une différenciation magmatique en système ouvert avec immiscibilité de liquide carbonaté et silicaté ainsi qu’un remplissage de la chambre magmatique avec des liquides primaires. La faible teneur en eau des cpx (3 – 25 ppm H2O) indique la présence d’un magma pauvre en eau (0,3 pds % H2O) lors de la cristallisation des cpx à des conditions crustales (340 – 640 MPa et 1050 – 1100 °C). L’étude des inclusions vitreuses dans les néphélines de Hanang permet de contraindre l'évolution magmatique tardive des néphélinites et le comportement des éléments volatils (CO2, H2O, S, F, Cl) lors du stockage et de la remontée du magma. Les inclusions vitreuses sont composées d’un verre trachytique, d’une phase carbonatée et d’une bulle de rétraction. Le verre trachytique contient du CO2 (0,43 pds % CO2, analyses SIMS), du soufre (0,21 à 0,92 pds% S), du chlore (0,28 – 0,84 pds % Cl) et très peu d’H2O (< 0,1 pds % H2O, analyses Raman). Le processus d’immiscibilité conduisant à la formation du carbonate se produit dans un système fermé pendant l'ascension rapide du magma, entre 200 – 500 MPa. La phase carbonatée est un carbonate anhydre et riche en Ca-Na-K-S (33 pds % CaO, 20 pds % Na2O, 3 pds % K2O, et 3 pds % S). Le liquide pré-immiscible a une composition phonolitique avec 6 ± 1,5 pds % CO2 à une pression de 700 MPa. Une étude préliminaire des inclusions par spectroscopie XANES et des roches par spectroscopie Mössbauer a permis de déterminer que les laves de Manyara se sont formées à conditions oxydantes (~ ∆FMQ +1,5).À l’initiation du rift, le volcanisme dans le bassin de Manyara est caractérisé par des magmas riches en CO2 et pauvres en H2O issus d’au moins 120 km de profondeur sous l'escarpement du rift. La présence de ces magmas riches en CO2 et la faible quantité de roches volcaniques émises à la surface peuvent indiquer que le piégeage et la percolation de ces magmas en profondeur est un déclencheur potentiel des essaims sismiques profonds. / East African Rift (EAR) is the divergent plate boundary. EAR exposes different stages of extension, from early stage rifting in Tanzania to oceanic accretion in Afar (Ethiopia). Manyara basin is the southernmost rift system of the east branch of EAR with recent volcanism (< 1.5 Ma) and a seismic swarm in the lower crust (20 – 40 km). Due to its location and tectonic setting, the Manyara basin offers the opportunity to study the earliest stage of rift initiation. Manyara volcanism is composed of several types of hyper-alkaline lavas as Mg-nephelinites (Mg# > 55) (Labait, Kwaraha), calciocarbonatite (Kwaraha) and evolved nephelinites (Mg# < 35) (Hanang).Mg-nephelinites (Labait and Kwaraha) are primary lavas mainly composed of olivine and clinopyroxene (cpx). Geochemical modelling from trace elements suggests that these primary magmas result from a degree of partial melting < 1 % from a CO2-garnet-phlogopite-bearing peridotite. These magmas have an asthenospheric source at depth > 120 km (lava carries xenoliths with equilibrium conditions > 4 GPa). The minerals were crystallized from a magma with a low H2O content (0.1 and 0.5 wt% H2O). The calciocarbonatite and evolved nephelinites are derived from Mg-nephelinites by fractional crystallization and immiscibility processes. Hanang nephelinites are silica- and alkaline-rich lavas (44.2 – 46.7 wt % SiO2, 9.5 –12.1 wt % Na2O+K2O, respectively) composed by cpx, Ti-garnet, nepheline, apatite and titanite. Complex zonation of cpx (e.g. abrupt change of Mg#, Nb/Ta, and H2O) and trace element patterns of nephelinites record magmatic differentiation involving open system with carbonate-silicate immiscibility and primary melt replenishment. The low H2O content of cpx (3 – 25 ppm wt. H2O) indicates that at least 0.3 wt % H2O was present at depth during carbonate-rich nephelinite crystallization at 340 – 640 MPa and 1050 – 1100 °C. The study of hosted-nepheline melt inclusions from Hanang allows constraining the late magmatic evolution of nephelinites during storage and magma ascent. Melt inclusions are composed by a silicate trachytic glass, a carbonate phase and a shrinkage bubble. Trachytic glass contains high content in CO2 (0.43 wt %, SIMS analyses), sulfur (0.21 – 0.92 wt % S), chlorine (0.28 –0.84 wt % Cl) and H2O low content (< 0.1 wt %, Raman analyses). Immiscibility process leading to the formation of carbonate occurs in a closed system during rapid magma ascent between 200 – 500 MPa. The carbonate phase is a Ca-Na-K-S-rich and anhydrous carbonate (33 wt % CaO, 20 wt % Na2O, 3 wt % K2O, and 3 wt % S). The pre-immiscible liquid has a phonolitic composition with 6 ± 1.5 wt % CO2 at 700 MPa. A preliminary study of melt inclusions by XANES spectroscopy and whole rocks by Mössbauer spectroscopy was used to determine these Manyara lavas were formed at oxidizing conditions (~ ΔFMQ +1.5).The early stage rifting volcanism (Manyara Basin) is characterized by CO2-rich and H2O-poor magmas from at least 120 km below the rift escarpment. The presence of CO2-rich magmas and the small amount of volcanic rocks erupted at the surface may indicate that the storage and percolation of these magmas at depth is a potential trigger for deep seismic swarms.
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The compositional consequences of two phase flowBrown, Ian Stuart January 1988 (has links)
No description available.
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Nonlinear wave equations with dispersion, dissipation and amplificationHarris, Shirley Elizabeth January 1992 (has links)
No description available.
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Element fluxes associated with co-existing tholeiitic and calc-alkaline magmas in JapanHunter, Arlene Graham January 1993 (has links)
No description available.
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