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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Megacrysts in volcanic rocks of the Cameroon volcanic line - constraints on magma genesis and contamination

Rankenburg, Kai Unknown Date (has links)
Univ., Diss., 2002--Frankfurt (Main) / Zsfassung in dt. und engl. Sprache

The geochemistry of Mt. Misery volcano, St. Kitts, Lesser Antilles : a combined U-series disequilibria and crystal size distribution study

Williams, Cheryl Ann January 1996 (has links)
No description available.

Petrogénesis y emplazamiento de enjambres de diques máficos mesozoicos de Chile Central (30º-33º45’ S): implicancias tectónicas en el desarrollo del arco jurásicocretácico temprano

Creixell Torres, Christian January 2007 (has links)
En esta tesis se han estudiado cinco enjambres de diques máficos mesozoicos de Chile central (30º-33º45’ S) mediante la combinación de diferentes técnicas petrológicas y geofísicas, con el fin de entender en profundidad la evolución tectónica mesozoica de Chile central. De estas unidades, el enjambre de diques del Elqui, localizado en la Alta Cordillera de los Andes (30º S) tiene una edad comprendida entre el Triásico Tardío y el Jurásico Medio. En la Cordillera de la Costa, el enjambre de diques del Limarí (30º50’-31º15’ S) tiene una edad aproximada entre el Jurásico y el Cretácico Temprano (171-120 Ma), el enjambre de diques de Concón (33º S) y de Cartagena (33º30’-33º45’ S) tienen una edad jurásica (163- 157 Ma), mientras que el enjambre de diques de El Tabo (33º15’-33º30’ S) tendría una edad cretácica temprana (~141 Ma). El emplazamiento de los enjambres de diques de Concón y Cartagena ocurrió a través de fracturas de cizalle, orientadas NW-SE a E-W, en niveles corticales intermedios (12-15 km). Este proceso ocurrió durante las primeras etapas de construcción del batolito jurásico en sucesivas etapas de deformación transtensiva y transpresiva. Tras estos episodios magmático-tectónicos, ocurrió una etapa extensional, en la cual se produjo basculamiento de bloques (20º-23º hacia el NNW y S) asociado a extensión NNW-SSE y finalmente el emplazamiento del enjambre de diques de El Tabo a niveles corticales someros. Durante esta extensión probablemente ocurrió la exhumación parcial de rocas metamórficas que ocurren en el sector de las Cruces, cristalizadas a presiones de 6,12+2,21 kbar. Por otra parte, el emplazamiento de los enjambres de diques de El Tabo, Limarí y Elqui ocurrió a través de fracturas probablemente extensionales generadas durante la propagación de los diques. El enjambre de diques del Limarí sería en parte contemporáneo con el plutonismo del Jurásico Medio-Tardío, mientras que el enjambre de diques del Elqui, fuertemente rotado (26º en dirección horaria) se asoció a direcciones de dilatación cortical desde NW-SE a NE-SW. La composición geoquímica e isotópica (caracterizada por valores positivos de εNd) de la mayor parte de los enjambres de diques indica que los magmas que los originaron se derivaron de fuentes mantélicas astenósfericas. Una notable excepción la constituye el enjambre de diques del Tabo, donde algunas muestras con valores negativos de εNd, pero elevados contenidos de Cr y Mg sugieren interacción con fuentes mantélicas enriquecidas, probablemente litósfericas. Comparativamente, la composición geoquímica de los enjambres de diques del Limarí y Elqui es similar a la de enclaves máficos pertenecientes al batolito del Jurásico Medio-Superior, lo cual sugiere una probable relación genética entre el plutonismo y los diques. Las trayectorias de flujo magmático de bajo buzamiento en estos diques refuerza esta hipótesis, en que los diques se habrían inyectado desde reservorios corticales poco profundos. En los enjambres de diques de Concón y Cartagena, las diferencias geoquímicas con el plutonismo indica que los diques, a pesar de haberse emplazado en forma coetánea con el plutonismo, se derivaron de reservorios geoquímicamente diferentes a la de los magmas que generaron los plutones.

Magma Envelopes, Enclaves and Rogue Crystals in the Atascosa Lookout Lava Flow: Magma Communication Across a Range of Crustal Levels

Burrill, Christine 25 October 2018 (has links)
The Atascosa Lookout lava flow is a mid-Tertiary trachyandesite flow that caps the rhyolitic to dacitic volcanic sequence exposed in the Atascosa Mountains of southern Arizona. The flow erupted near the beginning of extension in the southern Basin and Range following the floundering of the Farallon plate and during the development of the San Andreas fault. The flow hosts a variety of disequilibrium crystals and textures including resorbed and overgrown feldspar phenocrysts with inclusion-rich zones, quartz-bearing enclaves, and clusters of plagioclase +/- chromium diopside, magnesian augite, quartz, hornblende, and orthopyroxene crystals and envelopes of contrasting composition with both the groundmass and the enclaves. Current evidence suggests that magma generation and differentiation commonly take place mainly in the lower crust and batches of magma are emplaced and equilibrate across a range of crustal levels. Crystallization depths and temperatures of various phases in the flow were obtained with new and revised geothermometers and geobarometers to examine the petrogenesis of the lava flow. Major elements of parental melts for most of the mineral phases were estimated using thermobarometry equilibrium tests and rare earth and trace element concentrations of parental melts of hornblendes and clinopyroxenes were calculated using known partition coefficients elements. Thermobarometry shows distinct ranges of temperatures and pressures for each component of the flow and calculated parental melts of various phases are distinct from one another. Orthopyroxenes crystallized at depths greater than 25 km, at the highest temperatures from the most mafic parent, estimated to be a picro-basalt. Clinopyroxenes crystallized at 11.5 – 30 km, lower temperatures and a more evolved parent of basalt or trachybasalt composition. Plagioclase crystallized throughout the crust from a range of intermediate melts and hornblendes crystallized 12 – 13 km from a parental melt similar in composition to the groundmass. This study demonstrates the lava flow hosts minerals that crystallized from different parent melts at various crustal levels. Extension and previous magmatism provided a rapid path for magma to ascend, subduing crustal assimilation and enhancing the probability of a diverse crystal cargo that retains the record of the plumbing system beneath a volcanic complex.

The Magmatic Origin and Evolution of the Oxnadalur Volcanic Complex in Northern Iceland

Kaiser, Jason F 01 January 2010 (has links) (PDF)
The 8-9 million year old volcanic complex of Oxnadalur is host to large-volume basalt flows, small and large volume rhyolite ash and lava flows, and a gabbroic intrusion. Both the plagioclase and pyroxene phenocrysts of the basalt are larger in size in the younger flows. The rhyolite ashes contain no primary crystals, but numerous basalt xenoliths and pumice fragments. The rhyolite lava flows are banded, with only the oldest containing phenocrysts of sanidine and plagioclase. One rhyolite flow is a mingled hybrid of two glasses, each containing plagioclase, pyroxene, and hornblende. Whole rock major and trace element analyses indicate a mixing trend among all of the units in the complex; yet abundant xenoliths in the ashes make this less data less dependable. In situ major and trace element analyses were performed via electron microprobe show two distinct populations in the variation diagrams, with the basalts and rhyolites separated by a compositional gap. Electron microprobe analyses also show that the plagioclase of the basalts and the gabbro are normally zoned with distinct calcic cores and sodic rims; this is also true for the mingled hybrid flow. Rare earth element analyses done via laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry, show that the phenocrysts are enriched in the light and depleted in the heavy rare earth elements. Rare earth element abundances in the glasses have a trend similar to that of ocean island basalt rather than that of mid ocean ridge basalt. Plagioclase geothermometry and amphibole geobarometry indicate that the magma chambers were replenished by new batches of melt and may have existed at a shallow level in the crust just prior to being erupted. Oxygen isotope ratios are depleted compared to those of typical mid ocean ridge basalts, typically indicating that the source melt was partially melted from a hydrothermally altered layer in the crust. As the δ18O values are whole rock, the depletion may be the result of any sub solidus interaction with low δ18O water. The data indicate that multiple shallow reservoirs evolved separately, with limited communication while being intruded by new magma throughout the lifespan of the complex.

The Evolution of a Chemically Zoned Magma Chamber: the 1707 Eruption of Fuji Volcano, Japan

Watanabe, Shizuko 05 December 2003 (has links)
No description available.

Processes and Time Scales of Differentiation in Silicic Magma Chambers: Chemical and Isotopic Investigations

Snyder, Darin C. 18 April 2005 (has links)
No description available.

Petrology of the 1877 eruption of Cotopaxi Volcano, Ecuador: Insight on magma evolution and storage

Saalfeld, Megan A. 17 April 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Application of Magma Recharge, Plagioclase Zoning, and Crystal Size Distribution (CSD) Theory to Natural Solid-Liquid Equilibria

Ustunisik, Gokce K. January 2009 (has links)
No description available.

Géochronologie et pétrogenèse du complexe ultramafique-alcalin carbonatitique de Jacupiranga (BR) / Geochronology and petrogenesis of the Jacupiranga ultramafic-alkaline carbonatite Complex (BR) / Geocronologia e petrogênese do complexo ultramáfico alcalino carbonatítico de Jacupiranga (SP)

Chmyz, Luanna 24 February 2017 (has links)
Le Complexe de Jacupiranga (Cajati, SP) est l’une de plusieurs occurrences alcalines du Méso-Cénozoïque situées aux bords de la bassin de Paraná, dans la région sud-est de la Plate-forme Sud-Américaine. Cette unité présente une grande variété de roches: dunites, wehrlites, clinopyroxènites, roches de la série ijolitique, diorite, syénite, monzonite, phonolites, lamprophyres et carbonatites. Considérant que les carbonatites ont été largement étudiés au cours des dernières décennies, grâce à l’importance de sa minéralisation en phosphate, les roches silicatées ont été très peu étudiées. Cette étude présente des nouvelles données géochronologiques, de chimie minérale, de géochimie et isotopique pour le Complexe Jacupiranga, visant à mieux comprendre l'origine et l'évolution de l'unité. Âge argon des différents lithotypes varient entre 133,7±0,5 Ma et 131,9±0,5 Ma, tandis que l’âge obtenu par U-Pb au zircon est de 134,9±0,65 Ma, indiquant que la mise en place de l'unité a été contemporaine à l’extrusion de tholéiites de la Province Magmatique du Paraná. Bien qu'il ne soit pas possible de définir une séquence de mise en place parmi la clinopyroxenite, la diorite et le lamprophyre, la monzonite présente l’âges argon et U-Pb plus âgés que les autres roches. Deux séries magmatiques sont proposées pour les roches silicatées, compte tenu de leurs compositions chimiques: (1) une série fortement sous-saturé en silice, éventuellement lié à un magma parental de composition néphélinitique et (2) une deuxième série modérément sous-saturé, lié à des magmas basanitiques. Les lamprophyres sont considérés représentatifs du magma basanitique. La composition du liquide calculé en équilibre avec les coeurs de la diopside aux clinopyroxénites est similaire aux lamprophyres, ce qui indique qu'une partie des clinopyroxénites est associée au magma basanitique. Monzonite et meladiorite présentent les caractéristiques pétrographiques, compositionnelle et isotopique (87Sr/86Sri: 0,705979 à 0,706086; 143Nd/144Ndi: 0,511945 à 0,512089) qui suggèrent le processus d'assimilation crustale, bien que de caractère local et limité à certains impulsions de magma basanitique. Les carbonatites ont des rapports isotopiques (Nd et Pb) et composition trace (e.g. Ba/La, Nb/Ta) qui exclurent un lien avec les roches silicatées par immiscibilité de liquide. Il est proposé deux scénarios: un magma carbonatitique primaire, généré directement par la fusion du manteau, ou un magma secondaire généré par l’immiscibilité d'un composant silicaté encore inconnu dans l'unité. Données Nd-Sr-Pb-Hf indiquent une contribution importante du manteau lithosphérique subcontinental dans la genèse des roches du complexe. Les lamprophyres et le liquide calculé en équilibre avec le clinopyroxène ont des rapports CaO/Al2O3 et La/Zr relativement élevés et faible Ti/Eu, ce qui indique un manteau lithosphérique métasomatisé par des fluides riches en CO2 et les mécanismes de fusion "vein-plus-wall-rock". Les différences de composition entre ces liquides sont interprétés comme comme résultant du mélange entre la fusion des veines métasomatiques avec la fusion des péridotites, ainsi des proportions différentes de clinopyroxène/grenade à la source. Les variations dans les valeurs ΔεHf suggèrent que le magma basanitique represente une contribution plus grande des vein wehrlitique, tandis que le magma nephelinitiquea été être généré à partir des contributions un peu plus important des peridotites, bien que les deux fluides sont enrichis. Appauvrissement en Nb, Yb, enrichissement en ETR lèger pour rapport le lourdes et l'enrichissement en Cs, Rb et Sr dans les lamprophyres réactions suggèrent que les reactions métasomatiques à la source mantellique ont été associées aux fluides dérivés de processus de subduction. Les âges modèles TDM indiquent l'hétérogénéité à la source et sont compatibles avec les valeurs généralement obtenues pour les occurrences alcalines au du Sud-Est de la Plate-forme Sud-Américaine. / The Jacupiranga Complex (Cajati, SP) is one of several Meso-Cenozoic alkaline units intrusive along the Parana Basin margins, in the Central-Southeastern part of the South American Platform. This unit comprises a large variety of lithotypes: dunites, whehrlites, clinopyroxenites, rocks from the ijolite series, diorites, syenites, manzonites, phonolites, lamprophyres, and carbonatites. While carbonatites have been extensively investigated over the last decades, as they host an important phosphate ore deposit, little attention has been paid to the silicate rocks. The current study presents new geochronological, mineralogical, geochemical, and isotopic data on the Jacupiranga Complex, in order to better understand the origin and evolution of the unit. 40Ar/39Ar ages for different lithotypes range from 133.7±0.5 Ma to 131.9±0.5 Ma, while monzonite zircon analyzed by SHRIMP yields a U-Pb concordia age of 134.9±0.65 Ma, indicating that the Jacupiranga emplacement was contemporaneous with the extrusion of the tholeiites of the Paraná Magmatic Province. There seems to be no obvious age progression for clinopyroxenites, diorites, or lamprophyres, although the monzonite yield both 40Ar/39Ar and U-Pb ages older than those of the other rocks. Geochemical compositions of the silicate rocks are used to evaluate two main magma-evolution trends for that unit: (1) a strongly silica-undersaturated series, probably related to nephelinite melts and (2) a mildly silica-undersaturated series related to basanite melts. Lamprophyre dikes within the complex are considered as good representatives of the basanite parental magma. Compositions of the calculated melts in equilibrium with diopside cores from clinopyroxenites are quite similar to those of the lamprophyres, suggesting that at least a part of the clinopyroxenites is related to the basanite series. Meladiorite and monzonite show petrographic features and geochemical and isotope compositions (87Sr/86Sri: 0.705979-0.706086 and 143Nd/144Ndi: 0.511945-0.512089) suggestive of crustal assimilation, although it may be relegated to a local process and to some basanite batches. Carbonatites yield isotopic ratios (Nd and Pb) and trace elements composition (e.g. Ba/La, Nb/Ta) that preclude a link by liquid immiscibility with the silicate rocks. Two scenarios are envisaged: a primary magma of carbonatite composition originated by direct partial melting of the mantle or an origin by immiscibility from a hypothetical silicate magma currently unknown in the complex. Nd-Sr-Pb-Hf isotopic data indicate an important contribution of the subcontinental lithospheric mantle (SCLM) in the genesis of those rocks. Lamprophyres and calculated melts in equilibrium with clinopyroxene show relatively high CaO/Al2O3 and La/Zr ratios and low Ti/Eu, indicating a lithospheric mantle metasomatized by CO2-rich fluids and vein-plus-wall-rock melting mechanisms. Compositional variations among those liquids are attributed to the mixing between metasomatic veins partial melt and peridotite partial melt, besides as well as to the differences in the clinopyroxene/garnet ratios on in the mantle. ΔεHf variations suggest a slightly higher role of the wall-rock peridotite as a source component for the nephelinites, whereas the basanite parental magma is mainly related to the wehrlite veins, although both are enriched magmas. Depletion in Nb-Yb, enrichment of LREE relative to HREE, and enrichment in Cs, Rb and Sr in the lamprophyres suggest that the metasomatic reactions in the mantle source were caused by slab-derived fluids. TDM model ages indicate the heterogeneous nature of the mantle source and are coherent with the values generally obtained for the alkaline occurrences from the Central-Southeastern part of the South-American Platform.

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