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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Rochas basálticas da formação serra geral no município de Araçatuba, estado de São Paulo

Torres, Marli [UNESP] 22 December 2004 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:26:14Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2004-12-22Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T19:33:39Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 torres_m_me_rcla.pdf: 1805669 bytes, checksum: d973e91da82ae1928d863d8f021b62ab (MD5) / A área de ocorrência de rochas basálticas, objeto do estudo da presente dissertação, está localizada no noroeste do Estado de São Paulo, no Município de Araçatuba. Os estudos das rochas basáticas da Formação Serra Geral, da área em questão, abrangeram trabalhos de campo e de laboratório. Os trabalhos de campo compreenderam levantamentos de superfície e de subsuperfície, através da perfuração do poço profundo - PMA. As amostragens de superfície ocorreram em cavas de antigas pedreiras desativadas e em afloramentos do leito do Ribeirão Baguaçu. Em subsuperfície, foram coletadas 490 amostras de calha de rochas basálticas da Formação Serra Geral, em intervalos regulares de 2 metros, até a profundidade de 980 metros. Os estudos desenvolvidos, a partir das amostras de calha, permitiram a identificação de uma sucessão de 27 derrames, com espessuras que variam entre 10 e 84 metros, que edificaram o pacote vulcânico, atravessado pela perfuração do poço PMA. A classificação e nomenclatura, baseada em critérios químicos, revelaram, não somente, a natureza toleítica das rochas estudadas mas, também, que a maioria dessas rochas são representadas predominantemente por basaltos e andesi-basaltos. A partir das concentrações de elementos maiores, menores, dos teores de TiO2 e de elementos traços incompatíveis, bem como dos padrões de abundância de elementos terras raras, essas rochas vulcânicas foram divididas em dois grupos a saber: Paranapanema e Pitanga (Peate et al, 1992). / The area of occurrence of basaltic rocks, object of these studies, is located in the northwest of the State of São Paulo, in the Araçatuba City. The studies of the basaltic rocks of the Serra Geral Formation, of the area in question, has enclosed laboratory and field works. The field works had understood surveys surface and of subsurface, through the borehole s samplings, cutting through 980 m of basaltic rocks (deep well PMA). The samplings of surface had occurred on disabled stone pits of old quarries and outcrops of the of the Baguaçu s stream s bed . In subsurface, 490 samples of basaltic rocks of the Serra Geral Formation had been collected, in regular intervals of 2 meters, until the depth of 980 meters. The developed studies had allowed the identification of a succession of 27 basaltic flows, with thicknesses that vary between 10 and 84 meters, that had built the volcanic sequence, crossed for the drilling s deep well PMA. The classification and nomenclature, based on chemical criteria, had revelead, not only, the tholeiitic nature of the studied rocks but, also, that the majority of these rocks is predominantly represented by basalts and andesi-basalts. From the concentrations of larger and minors elements, of tenors of TiO2 and incompatible trace elements, as well as of the standards of abundance of REE, these volcanic rocks had been divided in two groups: Paranapanema and Pitanga.

Caracterização geocronológica dos granitóides do Complexo de Bárue e da Suíte de Guro, centro-oeste de Moçambique: implicações tectônicas e metalogenéticas / Geochronological characterization of the Bárue Complex and Guro Suite Granitoids, Midwest Mozambique: tectonic and metallogenetic implications

Vicente Albino Manjate 30 November 2015 (has links)
A parte central de Moçambique foi marcada por eventos episódicos consistindo de granitogênese mesoproterozóico e neoproterozóico, magmatismo neoproterozóico, sedimentação neoproterozóica e magmatismo cambriano. Estes eventos produziram unidades geológicas cujas relações espaciais e temporais tem sido controversas no que se refere à Suíte de Guro e ao Complexo de Bárue. Alguns autores defendem a existência de duas unidades geológicas distintas e outros incorporavam a Suite de Guro no Complexo de Bárue formando assim uma e única unidade geológica. Dentro deste contexto este trabalho tenta dar uma melhoria no modelo geocronológico/tectônico das rochas graníticas do Complexo de Bárue e da Suíte de Guro utilizando dados geocronológicos U-Pb SHRIMP em zircão e idades Sm-Nd modelo manto empobrecido (\'T IND.DM\' ), caracterizando as suas respectivas fontes e evoluções tectono-magmáticas com base na geoquímica isotópica Sr e Nd em rocha total e em dados litogeoquímicos em rocha total. Estes dados em conjunto com as informações geológicas e geocronológicas disponíveis na literatura permitiram modelar a evolução da crosta continental da região central de Moçambique. O modelo proposto aponta para eventos de cristalização magmática mesoproterozóico, neoproterozóico e cambriano e de sedimentação neoproterozóico. Em adição, apartir dos dados obtidos e das informações das ocorrências minerais disponíveis para a área de estudo, foi feita a correlação dos processos ígneos e metamórficos relacionados à evolução tectono-magmática dos granitóides com as suas respectivas especializações metalogenêticas, visando o estabelecimento de critérios de prospectividade regional para exploração mineral. Alguns eventos relacionados com intrusão de veios pegmatíticos e alteração de rochas pré-existentes são responsáveis pelas mineralizações na área de estudo. / The central part of Mozambique was marked by Mesoproterozoic and Neoproterozoic granite genesis events followed by Neoproterozoic sedimentation events and Cambrian magmatism. These events produced geological units whose spatial relationship has been controversial in regard to the Guro Suite and the Bárue Complex. Some authors advocate the existence of two distinct geological units and other embodied the Guro Suite in the Bárue complex thus forming one and the same geological unit. Within this context, this work tries to give an improvement in geochronological pattern of granitic rocks of the Bárue Magmatic Arc and Guro Suite using geochronological U-Pb SHRIMP data on zircons and Sm-Nd depleted mantle model ages (\'T IND.DM\'), characterizing their respective sources and tectonic-magmatic evolution based on whole rock Sr and Nd isotope geochemistry and whole rock Lithogeochemical data. These data together with the geological and geochronological data available in the literature allowed modeling the evolution of the continental crust of central Mozambique. The proposed model points to Mesoproterozoic, Neoproterozoic, and Cambrian magmatic crystallization events and followed by Neoproterozoic sedimentation. In addition, from the obtained data and information of mineral occurrences available for the study area, the correlation of igneous and metamorphic processes related to tectonic and magmatic evolution of the granitoids with their respective metallogenetic specialization was made, aiming to establish a regional prospective solutions for mineral exploration. Some events related to pegmatitic veins intrusion and alteration of preexisting rocks are responsible for the mineralization in the study area.

Magma injections and destabilization of basaltic volcanoes : A numerical study : Application to La Reunion (Indian ocean, France) and Stromboli (Tyrrhenian sea, Italy) / Injections magamatiques et destabilisation des volcans basaltiques : étude numérique : Applications à la Réunion (Océan Indien, France) et Stroboli (mer Tyrrhénienne, Italie)

Catry, Thibault 23 May 2011 (has links)
L'évolution de la majorité des volcans basaltiques est marquée par des phénomènes récurrents d'instabilité latérale. De nombreux facteurs d'instabilité, impliqués dans des déstabilisations à long terme ou des effondrements de flancs instantanés, ont été recensés depuis l'événement majeur qui a frappé le Mont Saint-Helens en 1980. Cependant, le rôle de ces facteurs sur la stabilité mécanique des édifices est mal contraint dans la mesure où les glissements de flancs résultent en général de plusieurs causes simultanées. Notre étude se concentre sur une comparaison des caractéristiques morphologiques et structurales de deux systèmes basaltiques, La Réunion (Océan Indien, France) et Stromboli (Mer Tyrrhénienne, Italie). Nous avons montré que, bien qu'ayant des volumes et des contextes géodynamiques très différents, les systèmes sont tous deux caractérisés par une activité intrusive intense le long de rift zones et ont subi des déstabilisations latérales récurrentes durant leur évolution. Parmi les facteurs d'instabilité, les exemples de La Réunion et de Stromboli soulignent l'influence majeure des complexes intrusifs dans la croissance et le démantèlement des volcans, comme le prouvent les études de terrain et la surveillance des ces volcans actifs. Les modèles classiques considèrent que le processus d'instabilité latérale en domaine volcanique résulte de la mise en place d'une ou plusieurs intrusions verticales, entrainant des mouvements de flancs le long d'une surface de glissement pré-existante. De nouvelles données de terrain obtenues au Piton des Neiges (La Réunion), ainsi que des données de littérature sur d'autres édifices, ont permis de mettre en évidence le rôle des intrusions sub-horizontales dans les déstabilisations de flancs et de caractériser la géométrie des intrusions sub-verticales et sub-horizontales au sein des volcans basaltiques. Cette étude compare les résultats de la modélisation numérique des champs de déplacements de surface crées par la mise en place d'intrusions magmatiques à faible / fort pendage dans les édifices basaltiques, grâce à une méthode d'éléments frontières mixte (Mixed Boundary Element Method), dans le but de déterminer le comportement mécanique d'un édifice soumis à des injections magmatiques sous différents champs de contraintes. Les résultats de cette étude montrent qu'un champ de contraintes anisotrope favorise le glissement le long des intrusions, généré par la contrainte cisaillante co-intrusive, à l'origine de déplacements à l'échelle du flanc de l'édifice. Ces déplacements de grande ampleur, préférentiellement liés à des intrusions subhorizontales, peuvent probablement déclencher des grands glissements latéraux si leur amplitude dépasse le seuil de stabilité de l'édifice. L'application des résultats théoriques à des exemples réels de déformations enregistrées sur des volcans basaltiques (dont La Réunion et Stromboli, au cours de leurs crises éruptives de 2007) révèle que le modèle de déstabilisation associée à des intrusions sub-verticales est un mécanisme pouvant générer des effondrements de flancs sur des petits édifices à fortes pentes comme Stromboli. De plus, nos données de terrain et les résultats de modélisation confirment l'importance des intrusions sub-horizontales dans l'évolution morpho-structurale des grands édifices basaltiques à faibles pentes comme le Piton de la Fournaise (La Réunion), l'Etna ou le Kilauea, et plus particulièrement dans les instabilités de flancs pouvant causer des tsunamis dévastateurs. / Most basaltic volcanoes are affected by recurrent lateral instabilities during their evolution. Numerous factors have been shown to be involved in the process of flank destabilization occurring over long periods of time or by instantaneous failures. However, the role of these factors on the mechanical behaviour and stability of volcanic edifices is poorly-constrained as lateral failure usually results from the combined effects of several parameters. Our study focuses on the morphological and structural comparison of two end-member basaltic systems, La Reunion (Indian ocean, France) and Stromboli (southern Tyrrhenian sea, Italy). We showed that despite major differences on their volumes and geodynamic settings, both systems present some similarities as they are characterized by an intense intrusive activity along well-developed rift zones and recurrent phenomena of flank collapse during their evolution. Among the factors of instability, the examples of la Reunion and Stromboli evidence the major contribution of intrusive complexes to volcano growth and destruction as attested by field observations and the monitoring of these active volcanoes. Classical models consider the relationship between vertical intrusions of magma and flank movements along a preexisting sliding surface. A set of published and new field data from Piton des Neiges volcano (La Reunion) allowed us to recognize the role of subhorizontal intrusions in the process of flank instability and to characterize the geometry of both subvertical and subhorizontal intrusions within basaltic edifices. This study compares the results of numerical modelling of the displacements associated with high-angle and low-angle intrusions within basaltic volcanoes. We use a Mixed Boundary Element Method to investigate the mechanical response of an edifice to the injection of magmatic intrusions in different stress fields. Our results indicate that the anisotropy of the stress field favours the slip along the intrusions due to cointrusive shear stress, generating flank-scale displacements of the edifice, especially in the case of subhorizontal intrusions, capable of triggering large-scale flank collapses on basaltic volcanoes. Applications of our theoretical results to real cases of flank displacements on basaltic volcanoes (such as the 2007 eruptive crisis at La Reunion and Stromboli) revealed that the previous model of subvertical intrusions-related collapse is a likely mechanism affecting small-scale steeply-sloping basaltic volcanoes like Stromboli. Furthermore, our field study combined to modelling results confirms the importance of shallow-dipping intrusions in the morpho-structural evolution of large gently-sloping basaltic volcanoes like Piton de la Fournaise, Etna and Kilauea, with particular regards to flank instability, which can cause catastrophic tsunamis.

Comportement des éléments traces au cours des processus de dégazage. Etude des volcans Piton de la Fournaise (Réunion) et Lascar (Chili) / Trace element behaviors during degassing processes. Case studies of Piton de la Fournaise (Reunion island) and Lascar (Chile) volcanoes

Menard, Gabrielle 27 May 2014 (has links)
Dans le cadre de cette thèse, nous avons cherché à mieux comprendre le comportement des éléments traces – et notamment des éléments légers Li et B – lors des processus de dégazage magmatique par une approche géochimique, basée sur l'analyse de produits volcaniques naturels (laves, gaz, aérosols volcaniques) de deux volcans aux styles éruptifs très contrastés, le Piton de la Fournaise (Réunion) et le Lascar (Chili). Dans un premier temps, cette étude s'est intéressée au rôle des transferts de gaz dans le déclenchement des éruptions majeures et aux échelles de temps impliquées. L'étude des compositions en éléments traces des laves récentes (1998-2008) du Piton de la Fournaise nous a notamment permis d'identifier des anomalies transitoires en éléments volatils (p.e., Li, Cu, B, Tl, Bi, Cd) en début de l'éruption majeure d'avril 2007. La cinétique de fractionnement par diffusion des éléments explique les anomalies observées. Les courts laps de temps nécessaires pour fractionner par diffusion Li par rapport à Cd (minutes à quelques heures) et Bi par rapport à Cd (quelques heures à deux jours) soutiennent l'idée que les magmas ont subi des variations rapides de pression quelques jours avant l'effondrement du cratère du Dolomieu. Dans un second temps, ce travail de thèse a porté sur le dégazage passif du volcan Lascar. Le panache volcanique dilué a été échantillonné au cours de 3 missions d'échantillonnage, menées entre 2009 et 2012, et caractérisé en termes de gaz acides (SO2, HCl, HF) et d’éléments traces. Au cours de ces missions, des mesures de flux de SO2 par DOAS ont également été réalisées. Les données mettent en évidence deux sources principales qui contribuent à l'activité de dégazage observée en surface: un réservoir magmatique profond et un système hydrothermal superficiel. Les contributions des deux sources varient dans le temps en réponse aux changements de l'activité volcanique. Cette évolution temporelle a été démontrée non seulement avec des traceurs répandus comme le SO2 et HCl, mais aussi avec des éléments traces à la fois volatils et très mobiles tel que le B. Pour la détermination des teneurs en B de nos échantillons, nous avons développé une méthode de dosage très précise par dilution isotopique. Appliquées aux laves du Piton de la Fournaise, cette technique nous a permis d'estimer les quantités de B perdues lors des processus de dégazage magmatique (ϵB compris entre 10 et 30%) ainsi que leur dépendance aux conditions de dégazage (continu en système ouvert, processus pré-, syn- et post-éruptifs). Appliquées aux aérosols du Lascar, elle nous a permis de montrer que la volatilité du B est favorisée lors des processus hydrothermaux (interactions gaz-eau, gaz-roche). Enfin, appliquées à des enclaves de péridotites, cette technique nous a permis d'apporter des contraintes nouvelles sur le comportement du B dans le manteau terrestre et d'estimer la teneur en B du manteau primitif (0,26 ± 0,04 ppm). / This study is aimed at better understanding the behavior of trace elements – and notably those of light elements such as Li and B – during magma degassing processes. For this purpose, we used a geochemical approach based on the analysis of fresh lavas and volcanic aerosols from Piton de la Fournaise (Réunion) and Lascar (Chile) volcanoes, respectively. Firstly, this thesis work focused on the role of gas transfers in triggering major eruptions and the time scales involved. Trace element analyses of recent lavas (1998-2008) of Piton de la Fournaise reveal anomalous abundances of volatile elements (e.g., Li, Cu, B, Tl, Bi, Cd) a few days prior to the April 2007 summit collapse. The kinetic (diffusive) fractionation of elements accounts for the observed anomalies. The short time-scales required to fractionate Li from Cd diffusively (minutes to hours) and Cd from Bi (few hours to two days) support the idea that the magmas underwent rapid pressure variations a few days before the summit collapse.Secondly, this study concentrated on the quiescent degassing activity of Lascar volcano. Both major gaseous species and trace element enrichment in gas and aerosols collected in the sustained plume over the period 2009 to 2012 suggest the involvement of two main degassing sources with contrasted geochemical signatures: a deep magmatic reservoir and a shallow hydrothermal system. Contributions from these two dominant sources vary with time in response to changes in volcanic activity. This temporal evolution has been shown not only by well-known tracers such as SO2 and HCl, but also by a trace element both volatile and highly fluid-mobile such as B. To determine the bulk boron concentration of our samples, we have developed a robust low-blank method based on isotope dilution ICP-MS. Applied to lavas of Piton de la Fournaise, this technique allowed us to quantify the amount of B lost during magma degassing (10-30%) and its dependency on degassing conditions. Applied to aerosols of Lascar, it enabled us to show that B volatility is enhanced during hydrothermal processes (gas-water, gas-rock interactions). Finally, applied to fertile peridotite xenoliths, it led us to establish new constraints on the behavior of B during mantle processes and estimate a primitive mantle B content of 0.26 ± 0.04 ppm.

Pražské metro jako prostor k realizaci geologických exkurzí / Prague metro as a place for geological excursions

Pekárovics, František January 2018 (has links)
Pražské metro jako prostor pro realizaci geologických exkurzí Abstract: The aim of this diploma thesis is to evaluate and explore the potential of the tiling materials used in the Prague metro and to create guidelines suitable for organizing geological excursions. Ysdfvwavweefawfbaljehbrrkvjasdhbflavjsdhbf alskdjfbalksjdfnaůksjdnaůkjsdfnaůksjsa Sdfasdfasdfasfavsdfvaskedjfnalksjdfnca weuifhmacskdjfmcapisdjfcaksdjnfcamůskdjfnmacsdkjfnmacůskjdfmnacůs kdjfmnaclskdjfnmacůskdjfnacf askdjfaůksjdf nasdkfjn askdjfn aůksjdnf aůskjdfn aůkjsdf akjsdn fakůjsd fnaůksjdfnaůksrjng adg

Geometry and stratigraphy of the Limeira tholeiitic intrusion, Paraná¡ magmatic province (SP-Brazil) / Geometria e estratigrafia da intrusão de Limeira (SP-Brasil)

Santos, Lucas Martins A. dos 23 November 2018 (has links)
The Limeira Intrusion is an occurrence related to the Mesozoic continental flood basalts of Paraná Magmatic Province, cropping out at the eastern São Paulo state. It is made up of basic- intermediate rocks with a great diversity of structures, textures, and modal compositions, related to the specific evolutionary process in a magma chamber. 2D forward modeling of magnetometric data, based on available aerial and newly obtained ground data integrated with in situ rock magnetic susceptibility measurements, were used to establish its geometry. The results, even considering intrinsic drawbacks of magnetometric theoretical models, are compatible with the geologic-based presumed intrusion geometry. In addition, the stratigraphic analysis of compositional and textural variations, coupled with the structural and geometric features, allowed the interpretation of its emplacement mechanism and thermal evolution. Quantitative textural analysis through crystal size distribution (CSD) of plagioclase crystals, the spatial distribution pattern of structures, microtextures, granulation, and rock-types, evidenced the internal heterogeneities of this occurrence. An approximately 110 m top-to-floor exposure section reveals that its internal heterogeneity was caused by non-instantaneous successive emplacement of three different magma injections. The textural analysis also reveals fine-grained crystals formed under different cooling paths, present in medium- to coarse- grained rocks within the intrusion, next to sharp contacts between different rock compositions. The contacts between different rocks are characterized by hybridization textures and by significant amounts of plumose granophyre-type and plumose plagioclase. The time lapse between consecutive pulses is responsible for a stepwise cooling-path, preservation of hybridization textures, and the development of almost rigid surfaces providing crystals alignment during magma flow. High-resolution Sr-isotopy data demonstrates a complex assembly history, possibly involving filter pressing of residual liquids, and pre-existent crystals before magma installation in coarse-grained rocks. It is also possible to recognize fewer amounts of country-rocks assimilation, which decreases towards the intrusion\'s core and can be associated with magma migration due to filter pressing processes. In the feeder zone, the evolution of emplacement was marked by an almost continuous decrease in wall-rock assimilation by the consecutive magma batches. / A intrusão de Limeira é uma ocorrência associada aos basaltos continentais Mesozoicos da Província Magmática do Paraná, aflorando na região leste do estado de São Paulo. Esta intrusão é composta por rochas básico-intermediárias que ocorrem com grande diversidade de estruturas, texturas e composições modais, relacionados aos mecanismos evolutivos específicos desta câmara. A modelagem magnetométrica bidimensional, baseado em aerolevantamentos disponíveis e dados recentes obtidos em campo e integrados às medidas de suscetibilidade magnética em rocha, foram utilizados para estabelecer sua geometria. Os resultados, mesmo considerando as desvantagens intrínsecas teóricas do método, são compatíveis com o modelo geológico presumido para esta intrusão. Adicionalmente, a análise das variações estratigráficas de composição e texturas, associados aos parâmetros estruturais e geológicos, permitiram a interpretação dos mecanismos de colocação e evolução térmica desta intrusão. Análises texturais quantitativas através da análise de distribuição de tamanho de cristais (DTC), a distribuição espacial de padrões estruturais, microtexturas, granulação e litotipos, evidenciam a heterogeneidade interna desta ocorrência. A seção de aproximadamente 110 metros de topo- a-base revela que sua heterogeneidade interna foi causada pela injeção sucessiva de pelo menos três pulsos magmáticos. Através da análise textural foram reconhecidos cristais de plagioclásio de granulação muito fina a fina presentes em rochas de granulação média a grossa, formados em diferentes razões de resfriamento e próximo ao contato abrupto entre rochas de diferentes composições. Estes contatos caracterizam zonas onde são reconhecidas texturas híbridas e são marcados pela presença e abundância de intercrescimentos granofíricos do tipo plumoso e plagioclásios plumosos. O espaço de tempo entre pulsos magmáticos consecutivos é responsável pela evolução térmica em etapas nesta intrusão, preservando as texturas de hibridização, e desenvolvendo superfícies com rigidez suficiente para promover o alinhamento de cristais de plagioclásio por fluxo magmático. Análises isotópicas demonstram um processo de colocação complexo para este corpo, possivelmente envolvendo a filtragem por pressão dos líquidos residuais da cristalização dos pulsos iniciais, além da existência de ante-cristais formados antes da instalação das rochas de granulação grossa. Também é possível reconhecer o processo de assimilação de uma pequena parcela das rochas encaixantes, principalmente pelas rochas das bordas, que decai para o centro da intrusão e é marcado pela migração dos líquidos residuais. Na zona de alimentação, a evolução da colocação é marcada pela diminuição do processo de assimilação pelos pulsos seguintes.

Geometry and stratigraphy of the Limeira tholeiitic intrusion, Paraná¡ magmatic province (SP-Brazil) / Geometria e estratigrafia da intrusão de Limeira (SP-Brasil)

Lucas Martins A. dos Santos 23 November 2018 (has links)
The Limeira Intrusion is an occurrence related to the Mesozoic continental flood basalts of Paraná Magmatic Province, cropping out at the eastern São Paulo state. It is made up of basic- intermediate rocks with a great diversity of structures, textures, and modal compositions, related to the specific evolutionary process in a magma chamber. 2D forward modeling of magnetometric data, based on available aerial and newly obtained ground data integrated with in situ rock magnetic susceptibility measurements, were used to establish its geometry. The results, even considering intrinsic drawbacks of magnetometric theoretical models, are compatible with the geologic-based presumed intrusion geometry. In addition, the stratigraphic analysis of compositional and textural variations, coupled with the structural and geometric features, allowed the interpretation of its emplacement mechanism and thermal evolution. Quantitative textural analysis through crystal size distribution (CSD) of plagioclase crystals, the spatial distribution pattern of structures, microtextures, granulation, and rock-types, evidenced the internal heterogeneities of this occurrence. An approximately 110 m top-to-floor exposure section reveals that its internal heterogeneity was caused by non-instantaneous successive emplacement of three different magma injections. The textural analysis also reveals fine-grained crystals formed under different cooling paths, present in medium- to coarse- grained rocks within the intrusion, next to sharp contacts between different rock compositions. The contacts between different rocks are characterized by hybridization textures and by significant amounts of plumose granophyre-type and plumose plagioclase. The time lapse between consecutive pulses is responsible for a stepwise cooling-path, preservation of hybridization textures, and the development of almost rigid surfaces providing crystals alignment during magma flow. High-resolution Sr-isotopy data demonstrates a complex assembly history, possibly involving filter pressing of residual liquids, and pre-existent crystals before magma installation in coarse-grained rocks. It is also possible to recognize fewer amounts of country-rocks assimilation, which decreases towards the intrusion\'s core and can be associated with magma migration due to filter pressing processes. In the feeder zone, the evolution of emplacement was marked by an almost continuous decrease in wall-rock assimilation by the consecutive magma batches. / A intrusão de Limeira é uma ocorrência associada aos basaltos continentais Mesozoicos da Província Magmática do Paraná, aflorando na região leste do estado de São Paulo. Esta intrusão é composta por rochas básico-intermediárias que ocorrem com grande diversidade de estruturas, texturas e composições modais, relacionados aos mecanismos evolutivos específicos desta câmara. A modelagem magnetométrica bidimensional, baseado em aerolevantamentos disponíveis e dados recentes obtidos em campo e integrados às medidas de suscetibilidade magnética em rocha, foram utilizados para estabelecer sua geometria. Os resultados, mesmo considerando as desvantagens intrínsecas teóricas do método, são compatíveis com o modelo geológico presumido para esta intrusão. Adicionalmente, a análise das variações estratigráficas de composição e texturas, associados aos parâmetros estruturais e geológicos, permitiram a interpretação dos mecanismos de colocação e evolução térmica desta intrusão. Análises texturais quantitativas através da análise de distribuição de tamanho de cristais (DTC), a distribuição espacial de padrões estruturais, microtexturas, granulação e litotipos, evidenciam a heterogeneidade interna desta ocorrência. A seção de aproximadamente 110 metros de topo- a-base revela que sua heterogeneidade interna foi causada pela injeção sucessiva de pelo menos três pulsos magmáticos. Através da análise textural foram reconhecidos cristais de plagioclásio de granulação muito fina a fina presentes em rochas de granulação média a grossa, formados em diferentes razões de resfriamento e próximo ao contato abrupto entre rochas de diferentes composições. Estes contatos caracterizam zonas onde são reconhecidas texturas híbridas e são marcados pela presença e abundância de intercrescimentos granofíricos do tipo plumoso e plagioclásios plumosos. O espaço de tempo entre pulsos magmáticos consecutivos é responsável pela evolução térmica em etapas nesta intrusão, preservando as texturas de hibridização, e desenvolvendo superfícies com rigidez suficiente para promover o alinhamento de cristais de plagioclásio por fluxo magmático. Análises isotópicas demonstram um processo de colocação complexo para este corpo, possivelmente envolvendo a filtragem por pressão dos líquidos residuais da cristalização dos pulsos iniciais, além da existência de ante-cristais formados antes da instalação das rochas de granulação grossa. Também é possível reconhecer o processo de assimilação de uma pequena parcela das rochas encaixantes, principalmente pelas rochas das bordas, que decai para o centro da intrusão e é marcado pela migração dos líquidos residuais. Na zona de alimentação, a evolução da colocação é marcada pela diminuição do processo de assimilação pelos pulsos seguintes.

O leucogranito Inhandjara: um exemplo de diferenciação magmato-hidrotermal na província Granítica Itu, SP (Brasil) / not available

Araujo, Fernando Prado 23 July 2018 (has links)
O Leucogranito Inhandjara é um pequeno e diferenciado stock Ediacarano (~570 M.a.) que constitui a borda nordeste do Batólito de Itu (estado de São Paulo, SE Brasil), um corpo rapakivi tipo A, composto principalmente por quatro intrusões (Indaiatuba, Salto, Itupeva e Cabreúva). O stock aflora como granitos hololeucocráticos, com teores radiométricos diferenciados (mais enriquecidos em Th e U do que as unidades vizinhas). Ele apresenta as maiores altitudes da região, sendo separado das outras unidades graníticas por um cinturão de gnaisses do embasamento. É constituído por dois litotipos: (1) monzogranito inequigranular a porfirítico com biotita, apresenta megacristais de feldspato potássico em uma matriz de granulação média a grossa; e (2) álcali-feldspato granito equigranular médio a fino, definido como a fácies mais evoluída, consistindo de albita subédrica (An<5) e quartzo, feldspato potássio e Li-siderofilita anédricos. Como fases magmáticas acessórias, apresenta fluorita, topázio, zircão, ilmenita e columbita-tantalita. O Leucogranito é metaluminoso do tipo A (subtipo A2), com caráter alcali-cálcico a alcalino, da série ferroana. Ele apresenta natureza reduzida, sendo classificado como da série ilmenita. As fácies apresentam enriquecimento progressivo em SiO2, Al2O3, Na2O, F, Cs, Rb, Nb, Ta e Y, enquanto os teores de TiO2, Fe2O3, MgO, CaO, Sr, Ba e Zr tendem a diminuir em direção ao Topázio Granito. Para os elementos terras raras (ETR), a fácies evoluída apresenta ligeiro enriquecimento nos elementos pesados, com conteúdo ETRTOTAL em torno de 150 ppm e razão (La/Yb)N de 0,6. Apresenta um padrão quase retilíneo quando normalizada por condrito, com forte anomalia negativa de Eu (Eu/Eu* = 0,003), se destacando das demais unidades do Batólito Itu. Análises químicas de zircão corroboram diretamente com o modelo de diferenciação, apresentando composição enriquecida em Hf, Y, Nb, Th e U nas bordas de cristais no Biotita Granito e por todos cristais do Topázio Granito, o que pode indicar cristalização tardia em presença de fase fluida. O stock apresenta evidências de intenso metassomatismo, principalmente albitização pervasiva e greisenização fissural, onde a paragênese de muscovita com Li, quartzo e clorita (± fluorita) ocorre associada a sulfetos disseminados (pirita, esfalerita e galena, ± calcopirita e molibdenita). O processo de alteração também afetou as rochas gnáissicas encaixantes, transformando-as em corpos de topázio-Li micas-quartzo greisen, associados a veios de quartzo-topázio mineralizados com hübnerita (wolframita rica em Mn) e cassiterita. Portanto, o Leucogranito de Inhandjara apresenta evidências mineralógicas e químicas de forte diferenciação, resultante da cristalização de um magma tardio, enriquecido em fases voláteis e elementos incompatíveis e acentuada pela interação com fluidos hidrotermais ricos em F exsolvidos do magma. Essas características colocam o stock no espectro mais evoluído dentro do Batólito Itu, relacionando-o com os processos de mineralização em metais raros (Nb-Ta-W-Sn) presentes na área da antiga Mina de Inhandjara. / The Inhandjara Leucogranite is a small and differentiated Ediacaran stock (ca 570 Ma) that constitutes the northeaster border of the Itu Batholith (São Paulo state, SE Brazil), an A-type rapakivi body, composed of four main intrusions (Indaiatuba, Salto, Itupeva and Cabreúva). The stock outcrops as hololeucocratic granites, with distinguished radiometric contents (more enriched in Th and U than the surrounding units). It presents the highest altitudes of the region, occurring separated from the other granitic plutons by a belt of basement gneisses. It is made of two main units: (1) inequigranular to porphyritic biotite-bearing monzogranite, with potassium feldspar megacrysts in a medium to coarse-grained matrix; and (2) medium to fine-grained equigranular alkali feldspar granite, defined as the most evolved facies, consisted of subhedral albite and anhedral quartz, potassium feldspar and Li-bearing siderophyllite. As accessory magmatic phases, it shows fluorite, topaz, zircon, ilmenite and columbite-tantalite. The Leucogranite is metaluminous of A-type (A2 subtype), with alkali-calcic to alkalic character, from the ferroan series. It presents reduced nature and is classified into the ilmenite series. The facies show progressive increase of SiO2, Al2O3, Na2O, F, Cs, Rb, Nb, Ta e Y, while contents of TiO2, Fe2O3, MgO, CaO, Sr, Ba e Zr tend to decrease to the alkali-feldspar granite. For the rare earth elements (REE), the evolved facies shows slight enrichment in the heavy elements, with REETOTAL content around 150 ppm and (La/Yb)N ratio of 0.6. It displays an almost flat pattern in chondrite-normalized plots, with strong negative Eu anomaly (Eu/Eu* = 0.003), highlighting itself from the other units from the Itu Batholith. Zircon chemical analyses directly corroborate to the differentiation model, presenting composition enriched in Hf, Y, Nb, Th and U at the crystal borders in biotite granite and throughout the crystals of the alkali-feldspar granite, what may indicate late crystallization in the presence of fluid phase. The stock shows evidences of intensive metasomatism, mainly as pervasive albitisation and fissure to pervasive greisenisation, where the paragenesis of Li-bearing muscovite, quartz and chlorite (± fluorite) occurs associated with disseminate sulphides (pyrite, sphalerite and galena, ± chalcopyrite and molybdenite). The alteration process also affected the gneissic country rocks, transforming them to topaz-Li-bearing micas-quartz greisen bodies, associated with quartz-topaz veins mineralised with hübnerite (Mn-rich wolframite) and cassiterite. Therefore, the Inhandjara Leucogranite presents mineralogical and chemical evidences of strong differentiation, resulting from the crystallization of a late magma, enriched in volatile phases and incompatible elements, and enhanced by interaction with exsolved F-rich hydrothermal fluids. Those characteristics place the stock in the most evolved spectrum inside the Itu Batholith, relating it with the rare-metal (Nb-Ta-W-Sn) mineralization processes which occur in the area from the old Inhandjara Mine.

O leucogranito Inhandjara: um exemplo de diferenciação magmato-hidrotermal na província Granítica Itu, SP (Brasil) / not available

Fernando Prado Araujo 23 July 2018 (has links)
O Leucogranito Inhandjara é um pequeno e diferenciado stock Ediacarano (~570 M.a.) que constitui a borda nordeste do Batólito de Itu (estado de São Paulo, SE Brasil), um corpo rapakivi tipo A, composto principalmente por quatro intrusões (Indaiatuba, Salto, Itupeva e Cabreúva). O stock aflora como granitos hololeucocráticos, com teores radiométricos diferenciados (mais enriquecidos em Th e U do que as unidades vizinhas). Ele apresenta as maiores altitudes da região, sendo separado das outras unidades graníticas por um cinturão de gnaisses do embasamento. É constituído por dois litotipos: (1) monzogranito inequigranular a porfirítico com biotita, apresenta megacristais de feldspato potássico em uma matriz de granulação média a grossa; e (2) álcali-feldspato granito equigranular médio a fino, definido como a fácies mais evoluída, consistindo de albita subédrica (An<5) e quartzo, feldspato potássio e Li-siderofilita anédricos. Como fases magmáticas acessórias, apresenta fluorita, topázio, zircão, ilmenita e columbita-tantalita. O Leucogranito é metaluminoso do tipo A (subtipo A2), com caráter alcali-cálcico a alcalino, da série ferroana. Ele apresenta natureza reduzida, sendo classificado como da série ilmenita. As fácies apresentam enriquecimento progressivo em SiO2, Al2O3, Na2O, F, Cs, Rb, Nb, Ta e Y, enquanto os teores de TiO2, Fe2O3, MgO, CaO, Sr, Ba e Zr tendem a diminuir em direção ao Topázio Granito. Para os elementos terras raras (ETR), a fácies evoluída apresenta ligeiro enriquecimento nos elementos pesados, com conteúdo ETRTOTAL em torno de 150 ppm e razão (La/Yb)N de 0,6. Apresenta um padrão quase retilíneo quando normalizada por condrito, com forte anomalia negativa de Eu (Eu/Eu* = 0,003), se destacando das demais unidades do Batólito Itu. Análises químicas de zircão corroboram diretamente com o modelo de diferenciação, apresentando composição enriquecida em Hf, Y, Nb, Th e U nas bordas de cristais no Biotita Granito e por todos cristais do Topázio Granito, o que pode indicar cristalização tardia em presença de fase fluida. O stock apresenta evidências de intenso metassomatismo, principalmente albitização pervasiva e greisenização fissural, onde a paragênese de muscovita com Li, quartzo e clorita (± fluorita) ocorre associada a sulfetos disseminados (pirita, esfalerita e galena, ± calcopirita e molibdenita). O processo de alteração também afetou as rochas gnáissicas encaixantes, transformando-as em corpos de topázio-Li micas-quartzo greisen, associados a veios de quartzo-topázio mineralizados com hübnerita (wolframita rica em Mn) e cassiterita. Portanto, o Leucogranito de Inhandjara apresenta evidências mineralógicas e químicas de forte diferenciação, resultante da cristalização de um magma tardio, enriquecido em fases voláteis e elementos incompatíveis e acentuada pela interação com fluidos hidrotermais ricos em F exsolvidos do magma. Essas características colocam o stock no espectro mais evoluído dentro do Batólito Itu, relacionando-o com os processos de mineralização em metais raros (Nb-Ta-W-Sn) presentes na área da antiga Mina de Inhandjara. / The Inhandjara Leucogranite is a small and differentiated Ediacaran stock (ca 570 Ma) that constitutes the northeaster border of the Itu Batholith (São Paulo state, SE Brazil), an A-type rapakivi body, composed of four main intrusions (Indaiatuba, Salto, Itupeva and Cabreúva). The stock outcrops as hololeucocratic granites, with distinguished radiometric contents (more enriched in Th and U than the surrounding units). It presents the highest altitudes of the region, occurring separated from the other granitic plutons by a belt of basement gneisses. It is made of two main units: (1) inequigranular to porphyritic biotite-bearing monzogranite, with potassium feldspar megacrysts in a medium to coarse-grained matrix; and (2) medium to fine-grained equigranular alkali feldspar granite, defined as the most evolved facies, consisted of subhedral albite and anhedral quartz, potassium feldspar and Li-bearing siderophyllite. As accessory magmatic phases, it shows fluorite, topaz, zircon, ilmenite and columbite-tantalite. The Leucogranite is metaluminous of A-type (A2 subtype), with alkali-calcic to alkalic character, from the ferroan series. It presents reduced nature and is classified into the ilmenite series. The facies show progressive increase of SiO2, Al2O3, Na2O, F, Cs, Rb, Nb, Ta e Y, while contents of TiO2, Fe2O3, MgO, CaO, Sr, Ba e Zr tend to decrease to the alkali-feldspar granite. For the rare earth elements (REE), the evolved facies shows slight enrichment in the heavy elements, with REETOTAL content around 150 ppm and (La/Yb)N ratio of 0.6. It displays an almost flat pattern in chondrite-normalized plots, with strong negative Eu anomaly (Eu/Eu* = 0.003), highlighting itself from the other units from the Itu Batholith. Zircon chemical analyses directly corroborate to the differentiation model, presenting composition enriched in Hf, Y, Nb, Th and U at the crystal borders in biotite granite and throughout the crystals of the alkali-feldspar granite, what may indicate late crystallization in the presence of fluid phase. The stock shows evidences of intensive metasomatism, mainly as pervasive albitisation and fissure to pervasive greisenisation, where the paragenesis of Li-bearing muscovite, quartz and chlorite (± fluorite) occurs associated with disseminate sulphides (pyrite, sphalerite and galena, ± chalcopyrite and molybdenite). The alteration process also affected the gneissic country rocks, transforming them to topaz-Li-bearing micas-quartz greisen bodies, associated with quartz-topaz veins mineralised with hübnerite (Mn-rich wolframite) and cassiterite. Therefore, the Inhandjara Leucogranite presents mineralogical and chemical evidences of strong differentiation, resulting from the crystallization of a late magma, enriched in volatile phases and incompatible elements, and enhanced by interaction with exsolved F-rich hydrothermal fluids. Those characteristics place the stock in the most evolved spectrum inside the Itu Batholith, relating it with the rare-metal (Nb-Ta-W-Sn) mineralization processes which occur in the area from the old Inhandjara Mine.

Eruption cycles and magmatic processes at a reawakening volcano, Mt. Taranaki, New Zealand : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Earth Science at Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand

Turner, Michael Bruce January 2008 (has links)
Realistic probabilistic hazard forecasts for re-awakening volcanoes rely on making an accurate estimation of their past eruption frequency and magnitude for a period long enough to view systematic changes or evolution. Adding an in-depth knowledge of the local underlying magmatic or tectonic driving processes allows development of even more robust eruption forecasting models. Holocene tephra records preserved within lacustrine sediments and soils on and surrounding the andesitic stratovolcano of Mt. Taranaki (Egmont Volcano), New Zealand, were used to 1) compile an eruption catalogue that minimises bias to carry out frequency analysis, and 2) identify magmatic processes responsible for variations in activity of this intermittently awakening volcano. A new, highly detailed eruption history for Mt. Taranaki was compiled from sediment sequences containing Holocene tephra layers preserved beneath Lakes Umutekai and Rotokare, NE and SE of the volcano’s summit, respectively, with age control provided by radiocarbon dating. To combine the two partly concurrent tephra records both geochemistry (on titanomagnetite) and statistical measures of event concurrence were applied. Similarly, correlation was made to proximal pyroclastic sequences in all sectors around the 2518 m-high edifice. This record was used to examine geochemical variations (through titanomagnetite and bulk chemistry) at Mt. Taranaki in unprecedented sampling detail. To develop an unbiased sampling of eruption event frequency, a technique was developed to distinguish explosive, pumice-forming eruptions from dome-forming events recorded in medial ash as fine-grade ash layers. Recognising that exsolution lamellae in titanomagnetite result from oxidation processes within lava domes or plugs, their presence within ash deposits was used to distinguish falls elutriated from blockand- ash flows. These deposits are focused in particular catchments and are hence difficult to sample comprehensively. Excluding these events from temporal eruption records, the remaining, widespread pumice layers of sub-plinian eruptions at a single site of Lake Umutekai presented the lowest-bias sampling of the overall event frequency. The annual eruption frequency of Mt. Taranaki was found to be strongly cyclic with a 1500-2000 year periodicity. Titanomagnetite, glass and whole-rock chemistry of eruptives from Mt. Taranaki’s Holocene history all display distinctive compositional cycles that correspond precisely with the event frequency curve for this volcano. Furthermore, the largest known eruptions from the volcano involve the most strongly evolved magmas of their cycle and occur during the eruptive-frequency minimum, preceding the longest repose intervals known. Petrological evidence reveals a two-stage system of magma differentiation and assembly operating at Mt. Taranaki. Each of the identified 1500-2000 year cycles represent isolated magma batches that evolved at depth at the base of the crust before periodically feeding a mid-upper crustal magma storage system.

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