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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Superplastic Deformation Behaviour Of AZ31 Magnesium Alloy

Panicker, Radhakrishna M R 08 1900 (has links)
Superplastic deformation behaviour of AZ31 magnesium alloy having initial grain sizes 8, 11 and 17μm alloy was investigated at 673 K with initial strain rates ranging from 1x10-2 to 1x10-4 s-1. Mechanical data on fine grained AZ31 alloy with grain sizes 8 and 11 μm indicated a transition in deformation mechanisms. The strain rate sensitivity, m ~ 0.5 at low strain rates and m ~ 0.2 at high strain rates which suggest GBS and dislocation slip as the corresponding deformation mechanism. For coarse grained alloy having grain size 17 μm, m < 0.4 at low strain rates and ~ 0.2 at high strain rates, suggesting dislocation slip as the deformation mechanism. A superplastic maximum elongation of ~ 475% was observed for 8 μm alloy at low rate of deformation. At high strain rates, the deformation was non-superplastic for fine and coarse grained alloys. The contribution of GBS to total strain, ξ in the low strain rate regime was evaluated to be 50 – 60%, for both low and high elongation. EBSD studies indicated the maintenance of high fraction of high angle boundaries up to true strain of ~ 0.88 and a reduction in texture intensity. These observations show GBS as the dominant deformation mechanism for fine grained alloy. At higher strain rate, ξ was estimated to be 30%. Fraction of high angle boundaries was reduced and [0001] direction of grains was found to be rotated towards the tensile direction, suggesting dislocation slip. Based on mechanical data, flow localization and cavitation studies; the failure of the material during high rates of deformation was mainly due to flow localization. Extensive cavitation along with more uniform flow at a lower strain rate regime suggests the failure due to the cavity interlinkage and coalescence. The present GBS data are consistent with the previous relevant data in fine grained Mg based alloys in the low strain rate regime. The GBS data obtained in the dislocation regime in the present study are also in agreement with that of the previous investigations in fine grained Mg alloys.

Dynamic stress analysis of composite structures under elastic wave load : particulate reinforced metal matrix composites

Aghachi, Izendu Emenike Alu. January 2012 (has links)
D. Tech. Mechanical Engineering. / Discusses the main objective of this study was to extend the hybrid method developed by Paskaramoorthy, et al (1988). This objective was to study the effect of elastic wave on any particulate reinforced metal matrix composite (PRMMC). The specific objectives were: to compare the effect of plane wave and shear vertical wave on a particular particulate reinforced metal matrix composite (PRMMC)-Mg/TiC, using analytical method ; to use the extended hybrid method to determine the effect of particle size and single interface layer on Mg/TiC.

Μηχανική συμπεριφορά προηγμένων αεροπορικών κραμάτων μαγνησίου

Χάμος, Απόστολος 28 April 2009 (has links)
Διαχρονικά, ένας από τους βασικότερους στόχους της αεροπορικής βιομηχανίας είναι η μείωση του βάρους των αεροχημάτων προκειμένου να επιτευχθεί αύξηση του οφέλιμου φορτίου και παράλληλα μείωση των περιβαλλοντικών επιπτώσεων μέσω της μείωσης εκπομπής ρύπων. Στο πλαίσιο αυτό, η αξιοποίηση ελαφρύτερων μεταλλικών υλικών, όπως είναι για παράδειγμα τα κράματα μαγνησίου, μπορεί να αποτελέσει σημαντική τεχνολογική καινοτομία. Παρολ’ αυτά, μέχρι σήμερα η χρήση των κραμάτων μαγνησίου, και ειδικότερα των ελατών προιόντων, είναι εξαιρετικά περιορισμένη κυρίως λόγω της υψηλής διαβρωτικότητάς τους και δευτερευόντως λόγω της υποδεέστερης συμπεριφοράς ανοχής σε βλάβη σε σύγκριση με τα ευρέως χρησιμοποιούμενα κράματα αλουμινίου και τιτανίου. Στην παρούσα εργασία πραγματοποιείται μια συστηματική μελέτη της μηχανικής συμπεριφοράς δύο προηγμένων ελατών κραμάτων μαγνησίου της οικογένειας ΑΖ, συγκεκριμένα του ΑΖ31 και του ΑΖ61, λαμβάνοντας υπόψη τους μηχανισμούς παραμόρφωσης, συσσώρευσης βλάβης και αστοχίας που λαμβάνουν χώρα στη μικροδομή των υλικών. Ιδιαίτερη βαρύτητα δίνεται στη συμπεριφορά κόπωσης του κράματος ΑΖ31. Επιπλέον, μελετάται η επίδραση της προηγηθείσας βλάβης διάβρωσης στη μηχανική συμπεριφορά των υλικών. Για την αξιολόγηση της μηχανικής επίδοσης των εν λόγω κραμάτων πραγματοποιήθηκε εκτενής πειραματική μελέτη η οποία περιελάμβανε το χαρακτηρισμό της μικροδομής των υλικών, μηχανικές δοκιμές εφελκυσμού, κόπωσης και διάδοσης ρωγμής κόπωσης τόσο σε αδιάβρωτα όσο και σε προ-διαβρωμένα δοκίμια και ακολούθησε μεταλλογραφική ανάλυση και μελέτη των επιφανειών θραύσης των αντίστοιχων δοκιμίων των πειραματικών δοκιμών. Τα αποτελέσματα των δοκιμών εφελκυσμού έδειξαν ανισοτροπία των υλικών στις διευθύνσεις έλασης και κάθετα σε αυτήν. Από τη μεταλλογραφική ανάλυση που επακολούθησε προέκυψε ότι η παρατηρούμενη ανισοτροπία έχει αφετηρία τη γωνιακή διασπορά των πόλων των επιπέδων βάσης του κρυσταλλικού πλέγματος του υλικού. Επιπλέον, από το μεταλλογραφικό έλεγχο παρατηρήθηκε εμφανής διακύμανση της πυκνότητας των διδυμιών κατά μήκος των δοκιμίων εφελκυσμού και διαπιστώθηκε ο καθοριστικός ρόλος των διδυμιών στην πλαστική διαρροή στη διεύθυνση της έλασης. Ως προς τη συμπεριφορά κόπωσης, παρατηρήθηκε ότι οι καμπύλες S-N παρουσιάζουν μια πολύ ήπια μετάβαση από την περιοχή της ολιγοκυκλικής στην πολυκυκλική κόπωση, δηλαδή ότι η διάρκεια ζωής σε κόπωση εξαρτάται ισχυρά από μικρές μεταβολές της τάσης. Οι ρωγμές κόπωσης στο κράμα ΑΖ31 εκκινούν πρόωρα σε σημεία ασυμβατότητας πλαστικής παραμόρφωσης (π.χ. όρια των κόκκων) λόγω της αδυναμίας ενεργοποίησης των απαραίτητων 5 συστημάτων ολίσθησης που απαιτεί το κριτήριο του von Mises. Ως εκ τούτου το υλικό οδηγείται σε ψαθυρούς μηχανισμούς εκκίνησης και διάδοσης των ρωγμών κόπωσης. Για την καλύτερη κατανόηση του μηχανισμού κόπωσης του κράματος ΑΖ31 πραγματοποιήθηκαν δοκιμές νανο-διεισδύσεων σε διαφορετικά ποσοστά της διάρκειας ζωής προκειμένου να γίνει αντιληπτός ο μηχανισμός συσσώρευσης βλάβης στο αρχικό στάδιο της συνολικής διαδικασίας. Τα αποτελέσματα των εν λόγω δοκιμών έδειξαν ότι η επιφανειακή σκληρότητα του υλικού δεν παρουσιάζει ουσιαστική μεταβολή με τους κύκλους καταπόνησης μέχρι την εμφάνιση της ρωγμής. Τα στοιχεία αυτά αποτελούν μια ισχυρή ένδειξη ότι το υλικό αδυνατεί να συσσωρεύσει βλάβη υπό τη μορφή κυκλικής πλαστικότητας, με αποτέλεσμα την πρόωρη εκκίνηση των ρωγμών κόπωσης. Οι μηχανικές δοκιμές σε προ-διαβρωμένο υλικό έδειξαν, όπως ήταν αναμενόμενο, μια σημαντική υποβάθμιση της συνολικής μηχανικής συμπεριφοράς των υλικών. Η υποβάθμιση αυτή αποδίδεται στην προοδευτική ανάπτυξη των τριμμάτων διάβρωσης κάτω από εφελκυστικά φορτία. Τα τρίμματα διάβρωσης δρούν ως εγκοπές, αυξάνοντας τοπικά την τάση και παράλληλα μειώνοντας τη φέρουσα διατομή των δοκιμίων, με αποτέλεσμα το υλικό να αστοχεί χωρίς να προλάβει να δεχθεί σημαντικές πλαστικές παραμορφώσεις. Στην περίπτωση της κυκλικής φόρτισης η παρουσία των εγκοπών διάβρωσης έχει ως αποτέλεσμα τη δημιουργία συγκέντρωσης τάσεων στα άκρα τους, διευκολύνοντας έτσι την εκκίνηση και διάδοση των ρωγμών κόπωσης. Συμπερασματικά, η παρούσα εργασία παρέχει σαφείς ενδείξεις ότι το κύριο μειονέκτημα των κραμάτων μαγνησίου για χρήση σε αεροπορικές δομές είναι η συμπεριφορά κόπωσης, η οποία αποδίδεται στην κρυσταλλική δομή του μαγνησίου, και δευτερεύον μειονέκτημα είναι η υψηλή διαβρωτικότητα αυτών των υλικών η οποία οδηγεί σε σημαντική υποβάθμιση της μηχανικής συμπεριφοράς. / Permanent objective of the aeronautical industry is the weight reduction of airframe, systems and interior components in order to increase operational capacity and reduce environmental impact via reduction of fuel consumption. In this frame, the utilization of low weight materials, like magnesium alloys, could represent a break through solution. Yet, the aeronautical application of magnesium alloys remains very limited due to the high corrosion susceptibility and the poor damage tolerance behaviour as compared to other structural alloys like aluminum and titanium. In the present work, a systematic investigation of the mechanical behaviour of two advanced rolled AZ magnesium alloys, namely AZ31 and AZ61, was conducted by taking into account the deformation mechanisms, damage accumulation mechanisms and failure mechanisms taking place in the microstructure of the materials. The present work mainly focuses on the fatigue behaviour of AZ31 alloy. Furthermore, the effect of prior corrosion damage on the mechanical behaviour has also been assessed. To accomplish the above objective a thorough experimental investigation was performed including microstructural characterization, tensile tests, constant amplitude fatigue tests and constant amplitude fatigue crack growth tests on both parent and pre-corroded specimens. The experimental results were supported by extensive metallographic and fractographic investigation. The tensile tests performed revealed anisotropy of the yield strength of the materials between rolling and transverse direction. The metallographic analysis has shown that the observed anisotropy is attributed to the near basal texture of the alloys and the angular spread of basal poles towards the rolling direction. Furthermore, the metallographic investigation indicates a clear variation in twinning density across the specimen length and the decisive role of twins in plastic deformation has been pointed out. Concerning the fatigue behaviour, it was observed that the S-N curves exhibit a very smooth transition from low to high cycle fatigue regime, indicating very high stress sensitivity on the fatigue life of the materials. Fatigue cracks in AZ31 alloy initiate in an early stage between strain incompatibility points (e.g. grain boundaries) due to difficulties in satisfying the von Mises criterion. As a result, the initiation and propagation mechanisms of the fatigue cracks are characterized as cleavage. In order to understand the fatigue mechanism of magnesium alloy AZ31 in the early stages of fatigue damage accumulation process, nano-indentation measurements at different percentages of the fatigue life of the AZ31 alloy have been performed and hardness alteration was obtained. The obtained results have shown that nano-hardness remains unchangeable with fatigue cycles until crack initiation. This has been interpreted as a lack of the material’s ability to accumulate damage in terms of cyclic plasticity at the early stages resulting in very early crack initiation. This is a major disadvantage for application where fatigue life is of primary importance. The mechanical tests on pre-corroded specimens have shown a significant degradation of the overall mechanical behaviour of the materials. Tensile properties degradation due to prior corrosion damage is attributed to the progressive notch effect of the developed pits, which increase locally the applied stress and in parallel reduce the ability of the material to accumulate large amounts of plastic deformation. In the case of cyclic loading the presence of corrosion pits results in the development of stress concentration, facilitating essentially the initiation and propagation of fatigue cracks. Concluding, the present work provides evidence that the major disadvantage of magnesium alloys for use in aeronautical structures is their fatigue behaviour, which is attributed to the hexagonal structure of magnesium, and secondarily the high corrosion susceptibility of magnesium which leads to significant degradation of the mechanical performance of the alloys.

Análise da solidificação de ligas de magnésio para aplicação na fabricação de motores

Figueiredo, Arlan Pacheco January 2008 (has links)
Magnésio e suas ligas têm adquirido importância cada vez mais significativa como material estrutural de peso leve despertando um singular interesse pela indústria uma vez que oferece a melhor relação peso/resistência entre os metais. Os campos mais conhecidos de sua aplicação consistem na construção de veículos, na aeronáutica, manipulação industrial (robôs, automatização) e tecnologia de comunicação. Em particular, a indústria automobilística tem crescentemente ampliado a utilização de ligas de magnésio na produção de peças que vão desde caixas de câmbio até aros de rodas. As principais razões para este desenvolvimento são: mudanças na legislação ambiental, as exigências de cliente, e objetivos corporativos que requerem veículos mais leves diminuindo o consumo de combustível. O uso do magnésio para aplicações estruturais em altas temperaturas é limitado devido a sua baixa resistência à fluência. Isso se deve ao enfraquecimento do contorno de grão a partir da precipitação descontínua da fase b-Mg17Al12 de baixo ponto de fusão. Dentre as ligas de magnésio desenvolvidas para resistência à fluência, as ligas do sistema Mg-Al-RE-Ca oferecem ótimo desempenho com resultados similares à liga de alumínio ADC12. Muitos trabalhos sobre o sistema de ligas Mg-Al-RE-Ca foram realizados visando compreender a relação entre microestruturas e propriedades mecânicas. Entretanto, poucos estudos relacionaram a influência das variáveis de solidificação na formação das microestruturas. O presente trabalho tem como objetivo realizar um estudo em uma liga Mg-4%Al-3%La-1%Ca analisando a influência das variáveis térmicas tais como taxas de resfriamento, velocidade da isoterma liquidus e gradientes de temperatura, na formação de estruturas, na transição colunarequiaxial e espaçamento dendrítico durante o processo de solidificação. A previsão das distintas estruturas, tais como zona colunar e equiaxial é de grande interesse para avaliação e projeção das propriedades mecânicas dos fundidos. Dessa forma, a liga estudada foi submetida à solidificação unidirecional vertical ascendente e análise térmica. Foram realizadas análises metalográficas nos lingotes solidificados. Os resultados colaboram para uma melhor compreensão do fenômeno de solidificação da liga e serve como ferramenta no desenvolvimento de modelos de previsões de formação de micro e macroestruturas que influenciam diretamente nas propriedades mecânicas. / Due to their superior weight/resistance relation, magnesium and its alloys have been acquiring a great deal of importance in the modern industry, specially as lightweight structural materials in the fields of vehicle construction, aeronautics, industrial robotics, automation, and communication technologies. In particular, the automotive industry has been increasingly expanding the use of magnesium alloys in the production of auto-parts, ranging from gearbox housings to steering wheels. The main reasons for this developments are changes in environmental legislations, new customer requirements, and corporate policies regarding fuel consumption and weight/power relations. The use of magnesium alloys for structural applications at high temperatures is limited due to the precipitation of the discontinuous phase b-Mg17Al12, which in fact, weakens the grain boundary during service resulting in a low creep resistance. Among the magnesium alloys developed for creep resistance, the alloys of the system Al-Mg-RE-Ca offer optimum performance with results similar to the ADC12 aluminum alloy. Many studies on the Al-Mg-RE-Ca system alloys were aimed to understand the relationship between microstructure and mechanical properties. However, few studies undertake the influence of the solidification variables in the microstructure formation. This work aims to study the influence of some thermal variables such as temperature gradients, solidification and growth tip rate on the formation of microstructures, the columnar/equiaxial transition and dendrite arm spacing, during the solidification process of a Mg-4%Al-3%La- 1%Ca alloy. The prediction of the different structures, such as the columnar and the equiaxial regions is of great interest for the assessment and projection of the mechanical properties of the casts. Therefore, the alloy studied in this work were submitted to thermal analysis during an unidirectional vertical ascending solidification, as well as optical and scanning electron microscopy characterization. The results contribute to a better understanding of the solidification phenomena of the magnesium alloys, as well as a tool in the development of numerical models for the prediction of structures which directly influence the mechanical properties of the parts.

Análise da solidificação de ligas de magnésio para aplicação na fabricação de motores

Figueiredo, Arlan Pacheco January 2008 (has links)
Magnésio e suas ligas têm adquirido importância cada vez mais significativa como material estrutural de peso leve despertando um singular interesse pela indústria uma vez que oferece a melhor relação peso/resistência entre os metais. Os campos mais conhecidos de sua aplicação consistem na construção de veículos, na aeronáutica, manipulação industrial (robôs, automatização) e tecnologia de comunicação. Em particular, a indústria automobilística tem crescentemente ampliado a utilização de ligas de magnésio na produção de peças que vão desde caixas de câmbio até aros de rodas. As principais razões para este desenvolvimento são: mudanças na legislação ambiental, as exigências de cliente, e objetivos corporativos que requerem veículos mais leves diminuindo o consumo de combustível. O uso do magnésio para aplicações estruturais em altas temperaturas é limitado devido a sua baixa resistência à fluência. Isso se deve ao enfraquecimento do contorno de grão a partir da precipitação descontínua da fase b-Mg17Al12 de baixo ponto de fusão. Dentre as ligas de magnésio desenvolvidas para resistência à fluência, as ligas do sistema Mg-Al-RE-Ca oferecem ótimo desempenho com resultados similares à liga de alumínio ADC12. Muitos trabalhos sobre o sistema de ligas Mg-Al-RE-Ca foram realizados visando compreender a relação entre microestruturas e propriedades mecânicas. Entretanto, poucos estudos relacionaram a influência das variáveis de solidificação na formação das microestruturas. O presente trabalho tem como objetivo realizar um estudo em uma liga Mg-4%Al-3%La-1%Ca analisando a influência das variáveis térmicas tais como taxas de resfriamento, velocidade da isoterma liquidus e gradientes de temperatura, na formação de estruturas, na transição colunarequiaxial e espaçamento dendrítico durante o processo de solidificação. A previsão das distintas estruturas, tais como zona colunar e equiaxial é de grande interesse para avaliação e projeção das propriedades mecânicas dos fundidos. Dessa forma, a liga estudada foi submetida à solidificação unidirecional vertical ascendente e análise térmica. Foram realizadas análises metalográficas nos lingotes solidificados. Os resultados colaboram para uma melhor compreensão do fenômeno de solidificação da liga e serve como ferramenta no desenvolvimento de modelos de previsões de formação de micro e macroestruturas que influenciam diretamente nas propriedades mecânicas. / Due to their superior weight/resistance relation, magnesium and its alloys have been acquiring a great deal of importance in the modern industry, specially as lightweight structural materials in the fields of vehicle construction, aeronautics, industrial robotics, automation, and communication technologies. In particular, the automotive industry has been increasingly expanding the use of magnesium alloys in the production of auto-parts, ranging from gearbox housings to steering wheels. The main reasons for this developments are changes in environmental legislations, new customer requirements, and corporate policies regarding fuel consumption and weight/power relations. The use of magnesium alloys for structural applications at high temperatures is limited due to the precipitation of the discontinuous phase b-Mg17Al12, which in fact, weakens the grain boundary during service resulting in a low creep resistance. Among the magnesium alloys developed for creep resistance, the alloys of the system Al-Mg-RE-Ca offer optimum performance with results similar to the ADC12 aluminum alloy. Many studies on the Al-Mg-RE-Ca system alloys were aimed to understand the relationship between microstructure and mechanical properties. However, few studies undertake the influence of the solidification variables in the microstructure formation. This work aims to study the influence of some thermal variables such as temperature gradients, solidification and growth tip rate on the formation of microstructures, the columnar/equiaxial transition and dendrite arm spacing, during the solidification process of a Mg-4%Al-3%La- 1%Ca alloy. The prediction of the different structures, such as the columnar and the equiaxial regions is of great interest for the assessment and projection of the mechanical properties of the casts. Therefore, the alloy studied in this work were submitted to thermal analysis during an unidirectional vertical ascending solidification, as well as optical and scanning electron microscopy characterization. The results contribute to a better understanding of the solidification phenomena of the magnesium alloys, as well as a tool in the development of numerical models for the prediction of structures which directly influence the mechanical properties of the parts.

Vliv rychlosti ochlazování na mikrostrukturu a mechanické vlastnosti odlitků z hořčíkových slitin AZ91, WE43B a Elektron21 vyráběných metodou přesného lití / Influence of cooling rate on microstructure and mechanical properties of castings from magnesium alloys AZ91, WE43B and Elektron21 produced by investment casting

Jakubcová, Eliška January 2021 (has links)
This master's thesis deals with the effects of the cooling rate on the grain size of magnesium alloys based on Mg–Al (AZ91E) and Mg–Zr–RE (WE43B and Elektron21). The effects of the cooling rate are analyzed on samples of varying thickness for different cooling methods (forced–air–cooling, cooling into polymer, natural air cooling). We also evaluated the final microstructure, porosity, hardness, and mechanical properties for investment castings. Based on the evaluated grain sizes, we demonstrated a significant difference in the cooling rate influence on the grain size for the alloy AZ91E. Compared to Zirconium-based alloys (WE43B and Elektron21), for which the zirconium content influences grain size the most. For the alloys based on Mg–Zr–RE, it is possible to prefer casting conditions, without negative enlarging of the grain size.

Pasivace hořčíkových slitin / Passivation of magnesium alloys

Krejčířová, Dana January 2008 (has links)
Diploma thesis deals with the technology of surface modifications of magnesium alloys. Basic knowledge from the field of the corrosion of metal materials. The division corrosion according to way of attack and corrosion environment, etc. There is an enumeration of ways of the corrosion defence. Questions of surface modifications with an emphasis on passivation by conversion coating and its analysis. Characteristics of magnesium and its alloys. Magnesium alloys with lithium, possibilities of its passivation and the verification of corrosion resistance. Enumeration of the used devices, chemicals and materials. characteristics of the used alloys. creation of the corrosion resistance standard. Research in passivation on the alloy containing 12 percent of lithium. The verification of the corrosion test usability based on the suggestion of the background research results. The test results for passivated as well as untreated samples and the reference material (steel). Aplication of chromate-free passivation and corrosion test on the alloy containing 12 percent of lithium.

Fluoridové povlaky hořčíku připravované v taveninách / Fluoride coatings on magnesium prepared in melts

Drábiková, Juliána January 2014 (has links)
This work deals with the corrosion protection of magnesium alloy AZ31, AZ61, AZ91 using fluoride conversion coating prepared from Na[BF4] melt. The theoretical part describes the properties of magnesium alloys, the recent results of fluoride conversion coatings preparation and analysis of the available literature about the properties of salt Na[BF4] and its decomposition products. The experimental part was devided into two main sections. The first deals with the corrosion resistance of the treated magnesium alloys (AZ31, AZ61, AZ91 and AZ91 annealed) in the Na[BF4] melt. Corrosion resistance was tested using potentiodynamic tests and tests in the corrosion chamber. In the second part, the mechanism has been studied for preparing fluoride conversion coating, where it was shown that in air-free atmosphere the oxidizing agent in the process is boron, which is reduced from BIII to B0, and thereby enables the fluoride conversion coating.

Korozní odolnost konstrukčních slitin hořčíku / Corrosion Resistance of Structural Magnesium Alloys

Tkacz, Jakub January 2014 (has links)
This thesis describes magnesium alloys, their properties and methods of their production. However, experimental part is focused on AZ91 magnesium alloy. Conversion coatings were prepared on the AZ91 surface – chromate coating, phosphate permanganate coating and fluoride coating. Corrosion resistance of the prepared coatings were compared by immersion tests and by potentiodynamic methods. Evaluation of corrosion resistance by immersion tests was successful only for phosphate permanganate coating. Only this coating was removed during cleaning of the samples. For comparison of corrosion resistance was important to find the correct procedures and optimize the measurements methods. For these purposes have been chosen galvanic zinc coating on steel sheets. Thickness of the zinc coating were 8 and 30 microns. This coatings provide uniform zinc surface without heterogenities which was important for the potentiodynamic measurements. After optimization methods for potentiodynamic measurements by galvanic zinc coatings have been measured magnesium alloy AZ91 uncoated and coated by conversion coatings. For uncoated AZ91 magnesium alloy was determined suitable method so called virgin cathodic curve. On the other hand, for the coated AZ91 magnesium alloys was determined suitable method so called combined curve, within which we measured cyclic voltammetry curve (± 5 mV) and then virgin anodic curve.

Nekonveční metody svařování tvářených slitin hořčíku / Unconventional methods of welding of wrought magnesium alloys

Klimčáková, Kateřina January 2011 (has links)
Master's thesis deals with consideration possibility of conventional and unconvetional welding methods of wrought magnesium alloys. Methods of Friction Stir Welding, Pulsed Nd:YAG laser and Continuous Fiber laser was used to join magnesium alloy sheets AZ31, AZ61, ZE10 and ZE41. For studying influence of processing parameters on microstructure and mechanical properties were used methods of light microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, tensile tests and microhardness measurements. The results of tensile tests show that from the point of view of keeping ultimate tensile strength is the best methods for welding magnesium alloys Friction Stir Welding. Compared with Nd:YAG laser, fiber laser give better properties of welds. From comparing microstructure and mechanical properties . It wasn't found publications about Friction Stir Welding of magnesium ZE alloys or about FSW sheets with thickness only 0,8 mm and 1,6 mm.

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