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Magnetic field-induced phase transformation and variant reorientation in Ni2MnGa and NiMnCoIn magnetic shape memory alloysKaraca, Haluk Ersin 15 May 2009 (has links)
The purpose of this work is to reveal the governing mechanisms responsible for the magnetic field-induced i) martensite reorientation in Ni2MnGa single crystals, ii) stress-assisted phase transformation in Ni2MnGa single crystals and iii) phase transformation in NiMnCoIn alloys. The ultimate goal of utilizing these mechanisms is to increase the actuation stress levels in magnetic shape memory alloys (MSMAs). Extensive experimental work on magneto-thermo-mechanical (MTM) characterization of these materials enabled us to i) better understand the ways to increase the actuation stress and strain and decrease the required magnetic field for actuation in MSMAs, ii) determine the effects of main MTM parameters on reversible magnetic field induced phase transformation, such as magnetocrystalline anisotropy energy (MAE), Zeeman energy (ZE), stress hysteresis, thermal hysteresis, critical stress for the stress induced phase transformation and crystal orientation, iii) find out the feasibility of employing polycrystal MSMAs, and iv) formulate a thermodynamical framework to capture the energetics of magnetic field-induced phase transformations in MSMAs. Magnetic shape memory properties of Ni2MnGa single crystals were characterized by monitoring magnetic field-induced strain (MFIS) as a function of compressive stress and stress-induced strain as a function of magnetic field. It is revealed that the selection of the operating temperature with respect to martensite start and Curie temperatures is critical in optimizing actuator performance. The actuation stress of 5 MPa and work output of 157 kJm−3 are obtained by the field-induced variant reorientation in NiMnGa alloys. Reversible and one-way stress-assisted field-induced phase transformations are observed in Ni2MnGa single crystals under low field magnitudes (<0.7T) and resulted in at least an order of magnitude higher actuation stress levels. It is very promising to provide higher work output levels and operating temperatures than variant reorientation mechanisms in NiMnGa alloys. Reversible field-induced phase transformation and shape memory characteristics of NiMnCoIn single crystals are also studied. Reversible field-induced phase transformation is observed only under high magnetic fields (>4T). Necessary magnetic and mechanical conditions, and materials design and selection guidelines are proposed to search for field-induced phase transformation in other ferromagnetic materials that undergo thermoelastic martensitic phase transformation.
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Energy-efficient multistable valve driven by magnetic shape memory alloysSchiepp, Thomas, Schnetzler, René, Riccardi, Leonardo, Laufenberg, Markus January 2016 (has links)
Magnetic shape memory alloys are active materials which deform under the application of a magnetic field or an external stress. Due to their internal friction, recognizable from the strain-stress hysteresis, this new material technology allows the design of multistable actuators. This paper describes and characterizes an innovative airflow control valve whose aperture is proportional to the deformation of the active material and thus controllable by the input voltage. The multistability of the material is partially exploited within an airflow control loop to reduce the energy losses of the valve when a specific airflow value must be hold.
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Magnetic Microstructure and Actuation Dynamics of NiMnGa Magnetic Shape Memory MaterialsLai, Yiu Wai 23 July 2009 (has links)
Magnetic shape memory (MSM) materials are a new class of smart materials which exhibit shape deformation under the influence of an external magnetic field. They are interesting for various types of applications, including actuators, displacement/force sensors, and motion dampers. Due to the huge strain and the magnetic field-driven nature, MSM materials show definite advantages over other smart materials, e.g. conventional thermal shape memory materials, in terms of displacement and speed. The principle behind the magnetic field induced strain (MFIS) is the strong coupling between magnetization and lattice structure. The investigation of both static and dynamic magnetic domain structures in MSM materials is a key step in optimizing the properties for future possible devices.
In this work, optical polarization microscopy is applied to investigate the twin boundary and magnetic domain wall motion in bulk NiMnGa single crystals. Surface magnetic domain patterns on adjacent sides of bulk crystals are revealed for the first time providing comprehensive information about the domain arrangement inside the bulk and at the twin boundary. The tilting of the easy axis with respect to the sample surface determines the preferable domain size and leads to spike domain formation on the surface. Out-of-plane surface domains extend into the bulk within a single variant, while a twin boundary mirrors the domain pattern from adjacent variants. Furthermore, magnetic domain evolution during twin boundary motion is observed. The partial absence of domain wall motion throughout the process contradicts currently proposed models. The magnetic state alternates along a moving twin boundary. With the abrupt nucleation of the second variant this leads to the formation of sections of magnetically highly charged head-on domain structures at the twin boundaries. On the other hand, a dynamic actuation experimental setup, which is capable to provide high magnetic fields in a wide range of frequency, was developed in the course of this study. The observation of reversible twin boundary motion up to 600 Hz exhibits the dependence of strain, hysteresis, and twin boundary velocity on the actuation speed. MFIS increases with frequency, while the onset field is similar in all observed cases. Twin boundary mobility enhancement by fast twin boundary motion is proposed to explain the increase in MFIS. The twin boundary velocity is shown to be inversely proportional to the twin boundary density. No limit of twin boundary velocity is observed in the investigated frequency range.
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Herstellung und Charakterisierung von texturiertem Ni-Mn-Ga als magnetisches FormgedächtnismaterialPötschke, Martin 01 July 2011 (has links)
Im Legierungssytem Ni-Mn-Ga tritt bei Zusammensetzungen nahe der stöchiometrischen Zusammensetzung Ni2MnGa der magnetische Formgedächtniseffekt auf. Darunter versteht man die Dehnung durch Bewegung von Zwillingsgrenzen im Magnetfeld. Einkristalle aus Ni-Mn-Ga mit einer tetragonalen 5M-Martensitstruktur zeigen magnetisch erzeugbare Dehnungen von bis zu 6 %. Diese großen Dehnungen verbunden mit der schnellen Schaltfrequenz von Magnetfeldern machen den Effekt interessant für technische Anwendungen z. B. als Aktoren. Derartige Einkristalle sind schwierig und teuer herzustellen, weshalb für technische Anwendung Polykristalle von Interesse sind. Diese lassen sich im Allgemeinen leichter und preiswerter herstellen. Um den magnetischen Formgedächtniseffekt in Polykristalle einzustellen, werden grobkörnige, texturierte Proben mittels des Verfahrens der gerichteten Erstarrung hergestellt. Die Gefügeuntersuchungen erfolgen mit metallographischen Schliffen und die Kornorientierungen werden mit der EBSD-Technik bestimmt. Um das Gefüge zu vergröbern, werden Glühungen nach einer aufgebrachten Warmverformung untersucht. Zur Verringerung der für die Bewegung der Zwillingsgrenzen notwendigen Spannung (Zwillingsspannung) werden die Proben im Druckversuch mechanisch trainiert. Dabei kann die Zwillingsspannung teilweise unter die magnetisch erzeugbare Spannung auf die Zwillingsgrenzen (Magnetospannung) abgesenkt werden. Eine weitere Absenkung der Zwillingsspannung wird durch eine plattenförmige Probengeometrie mit Dicken im Bereich der Korndurchmesser erreicht. An derartigen Proben wird magnetisch rückstellbare freie Dehnung durch Zwillingsgrenzenbewegung erzielt.
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Coupled Thermal and Electrical Transport in Unconventional Metals for Applications in Solid-State CoolingSaini, Abhishek 23 August 2022 (has links)
No description available.
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Počítačové modelování hranic dvojčatění ve slitinách s tvarovou pamětí / Computer modeling of twin-boundaries in shape memory alloysHeczko, Martin January 2020 (has links)
This Master‘s thesis is focused on theoretical study of twinning in magnetic shape memory alloys based on Ni2MnGa using ab initio calculations of electronic structure within the projector augmented wave method. In particular, the effect of increasing concentration of manganese at the expense of gallium was studied on total energy and stress profiles along different deformation paths in the (10-1)[101] shear system of non-modulated martensite. Further, this work deals with the effect of the concentration of manganese on the energy of planar fault caused by presence of partial dislocation due to motion of twin boundary. The results show that the shear modulus in studied shear system increases with the increasing concentration of manganese as well as energy barrier and deformation characteristics along shear deformation paths increases, which makes the shear more difficult in Mn-rich alloys. Increasing concentration of manganese also leads to rising the planar fault energy. All these effects can be responsible for lower mobility of twin boundaries in alloys with higher concentration of manganese.
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Martensitické mikrostruktury v tenkých vrstvách a objemových monokrystalech Heuslerových slitin Ni-Mn-Ga / Martensite microstructures in thin films and monocrystals of Heusler alloys Ni-Mn-GaOnderková, Kristýna January 2020 (has links)
Title: Martensite microstructures in thin films and monocrystals of Heusler alloys Ni-Mn-Ga Author: Kristýna Onderková Department: Department of Surface and Plasma Science Supervisor: Mgr. Ing. Oleg Heczko, Dr., Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences Abstract: The submitted thesis examines mainly the first thin films from Ni-Mn-Ga Heusler alloy prepared by magnetron sputtering on the new equipment at Institute of Physics of Charles University. However, the work also analysed the thin films prepared in IFW Dresden and bulk material. The main focus of the work is primarily on the martensitic microstructures, because of the significant effect that their twin boundaries have on the magnetic shape memory phenomena. Microscopic techniques used for the research were mainly Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), but also Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) and Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM). As the Ni-Mn-Ga properties are stronly dependent on chemical composition, the composition was evaluated by two different methods (Electron Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy and X-ray Fluorescence) and observed differences discussed. Finally the results were compared with X-ray diffraction (XRD) measurements and the films were further characterised by magnetic measurements using Vibrating Sample Magnetometer (VSM)....
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FDTD simulace funčkních fotonických struktur / FDTD simulace funčkních fotonických strukturNovák, Ondřej January 2021 (has links)
This thesis aims to (i) design and optimize the geometry of magneto-photonic crystal based on ferromagnetic garnet in order to resonantly enhance the magneto-optical re- sponse, (ii) to explore the possibility of using magnetic shape memory alloy to build an optically active photonic element, using advanced FDTD modeling. A Faraday rotation of 180◦ was reached but with low values of transmissivity. An investigation of the origin of such high values of Faraday rotation led to a conclusion that such structure has to be highly sensitive towards a change of a refractive index of its surroundings. This was confirmed, and so further development of this structure can lead to an efficient concentra- tion detector. Three designs of optically active element utilizing deformation of magnetic shape memory material in the external magnetic field were numerically simulated. Two designs (photonic crystal with cylindric holes in a hexagonal lattice and self-standing foil with cylindric holes in a square lattice) proved to be efficient and worth of further development. 1
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Entwurfsgerechte Charakterisierung und Modellierung magnetischer Formgedächtnislegierungen für AntriebeEhle, Fabian 25 May 2023 (has links)
Magnetische Formgedächtnislegierungen (MSM-Legierungen) weisen im Vergleich zu anderen Festkörperwandlern und konventionellen elektromagnetischen Wandlerprinzipien unikale Kopplungseigenschaften auf. Dies motiviert ihre Anwendung in kompakten und schnellschaltenden Antrieben. Aufgrund der Kompliziertheit ihres Kopplungsverhaltens ist jedoch ein modellbasierter Entwurf unumgänglich. Die vorliegende Arbeit widmet sich der Beschreibung einer Unterklasse von MSM-Antrieben mit eisenbehafteten Magnetkreisen und engen Luftspalten durch eine Kombination von Messung und Modell. Ziel ist dabei die Beantwortung anwendungsrelevanter Fragestellungen im Antriebsentwurf. Die Grundlage dafür bildet die heuristische Definition eines auf verallgemeinerten Kirchhoffschen Netzwerken (Netzwerkmodellen) basierenden Ersatzmodells des MSM-Elements samt umgebendem Luftspalt. Die das Verhalten des Ersatzmodells beschreibenden magnetischen Größen werden durch ein neuartiges und im Rahmen der Arbeit entwickeltes Messverfahren ermittelt. Ein Prüfstand setzt dieses Messverfahren um und ermöglicht eine simultane magnetische und magnetomechanische Charakterisierung von MSM-Elementen unter Kraft- oder Wegvorgabe. Eine empirische Validierung der gemessenen Zusammenhänge, auch anhand thermodynamischer Gesichtspunkte, weist die Plausibilität der das Ersatzmodell beschreibenden Zusammenhänge nach. Diese Ergebnisse motivieren die Entwicklung eines Netzwerkmodells, das die hysteresebehaftete magnetomechanische Kopplung innerhalb des Ersatzmodells thermodynamisch korrekt berücksichtigt. Mithilfe des Modells gelingt es, das experimentell bestimmte integrale magnetomechanische Verhalten des MSM-Elements samt umgebendem Luftspalt in wesentlichen Aspekten vorherzusagen. / Magnetic shape memory (MSM) alloys are considered promising active materials for compact electromagnetic drives due to their strong magneto-mechanical coupling. However, the latter is associated with a strong nonlinearity and a distinct hysteresis making a model-based design indispensable. The present work describes the behavior of a subclass of MSM drives with iron-core and small air gaps by means of a combination of model and experiment. Heuristically, an equivalent lumped-element model considering the MSM element and the surrounding air gap is proposed. An associated novel magnetic measurement procedure determines the quantities describing the behavior of this equivalent model. A test setup implements the measurement procedure and allows for a simultaneous magnetic and magneto-mechanical characterization either under constant load or under constant displacement. An empiric validation, also with regard to thermodynamic aspects, indicates the plausibility of the collected data describing the simplified equivalent model. These results motivate the development of a novel lumped-element model considering the hysteretic magneto-mechanical coupling of the equivalent model in a thermodynamically consistent way. Its validation by means of various magneto-mechanical experiments shows that the model is able to predict the essential magnetic and magneto-mechanical behavior of the MSM element and the surrounding air gap with sufficient accuracy, making it appropriate for system design.
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Struktur, Wachstum und Phasenumwandlungen dünner Eisen-Palladium Schichten / Structure, growth and phase transitions of thin Iron-Palladium filmsEdler, Tobias 15 June 2010 (has links)
No description available.
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