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Korelace abiotických proxy v holocenních jezerních sedimentech peri-Atlantské Arktidy / Correlation of abiotic proxies in Holocene lacustrine sediments of Peri-Atlantic ArcticRoman, Matěj January 2017 (has links)
The peri-Atlantic Arctic, one of the most sensitive components of the Earth climate system, experienced pronounced climatic fluctuations during the Holocene. Several external forcings were considered responsible for these variations, including decline of insolation on the Northern Hemisphere, changes in distribution of land ice mass, explosive volcanism, or changes in atmospheric and oceanic circulation. In order to explore the driving mechanisms of the peri-Atlantic Arctic environmental variability, three sites located in different parts of the region were selected for palaeoenvironmental reconstructions with focus on extracting the climatic information. With this intention, sedimentary cores from i) Lake Garmaksla, Central Svalbard, ii) Jarfjorden, northeastern Norway, and iii) Kobbefjord area, southwestern Greenland, were retrieved and subjected to multi-proxy investigation. The absolute chronostratigraphic framework was established by comprehensive radiocarbon (14 C) and short-lived radioisotopes (210 Pb, 137 Cs) dating. Further analyses include measurements of magnetic susceptibility, grain size distribution, element composition by means of X-ray fluorescence (XRF), and elements bound to organic matter, i.e. organic carbon, nitrogen, sulphur and biogenic silica. The relationships between the...
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Mesure et modélisation du comportement magnéto-mécanique dissipatif des matériaux ferromagnétiques à haute limite élastique sous chargement multiaxial / Measurement and modeling of magneto-mechanical dissipative behavior of high yield stress ferromagnetic materials under multiaxial loadingRekik, Mahmoud 03 June 2014 (has links)
Les travaux de recherche discutés dans ce manuscrit concernent la conception des générateurs de puissance électrique pour l'aéronautique. L’augmentation de la puissance massique de ces équipements passe par une augmentation des vitesses de rotation, donc une augmentation des contraintes. Un premier point est de s'assurer de la bonne tenue mécanique des matériaux. Un deuxième point est de pouvoir prendre en compte les modifications du comportement magnétique (et donc in fine du couple) lorsqu'ils sont soumis à un état de contraintes multiaxial. L’étude présentée vise en particulier à illustrer l’influence d'états de contraintes biaxiaux sur le comportement magnétique des matériaux constitutifs du rotor. Le défi repose sur la mise en place de méthodes de caractérisation du comportement magnéto-mécanique dissipatif uniaxial et multiaxial des nuances développées par Aperam et utilisées par Thales Avionics pour leurs applications aéronautiques (en FeCo-2V et Fe-3%Si à grains non orientés). Des essais non conventionnels seront effectués sur des échantillons en forme de croix de manière à s'approcher des contraintes réellement subies par le rotor. Les essais sont effectués sur la machine d'essai triaxiale Astrée du LMT-Cachan. L'état de contraintes est estimé par corrélation d'images et par diffraction des rayons X. Des mesures magnétiques anhystérétiques et de pertes d'énergie sous contraintes sont reportées. D'autre part, un modèle multi-échelle multiaxial, décrivant le comportement d’un VER à partir de l'équilibre énergétique à l'échelle microscopique sera présenté. L’approche est fondée sur la comparaison des énergies libres de chaque domaine. Une comparaison probabiliste est faite pour déterminer les variables internes que sont les fractions volumiques des domaines. Différentes stratégies envisageables pour modéliser la dissipation statique seront discutées. Puis nous présentons l’approche magnéto-élastique que nous avons retenue visant à une meilleure considération de l’effet de la contrainte sur le comportement des matériaux ferromagnétiques. / The research presented in this thesis is motivated by the design of rotors for high speed rotating machines. The increased power density of these devices requires a higher rotation speed, leading to higher levels of centrifugal forces and stress in the rotor. A first point is to ensure good mechanical strength of the materials. A second point is to take into account changes in the magnetic behavior (and ultimately torque) when they are subjected to a multiaxial stress state. The present study aims at exploring the influence of biaxial stress states on the magnetic behavior of the materials of the rotor. The challenge lies in the development of methods for the characterization of the magneto-mechanical dissipative uniaxial and multiaxial behavior of metal sheets developed by Aperam Alloy and used by Thales Avionics for their aeronautical applications (in FeCo-2V and non-oriented Fe-3%Si). Non conventional experiments are performed on cross-shaped samples in order to apply biaxial stress representative of the loadings experienced by rotors of rotating machines. These experiments are performed on a multiaxial testing machine, Astrée. Stress level is estimated thanks to digital image correlation and X-ray diffraction Both anhysteretic and dissipative magnetic responses to magneto-mechanical loadings have been recorded. On the other hand, a multi-scale multiaxial model describing the behavior of a RVE from the energy balance at the microscopic scale is presented. The approach is based on a comparison of the free energy of each domain. A probabilistic comparison is made to determine the volume fraction of domains used as internal variables. Different strategies for modeling the static dissipation are discussed. Then we present the chosen magneto-elastic approach, improving the description of the effect of stress on ferromagnetic materials behavior.
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Exploring the Frustrated Spin-Chain Compound Linarite by NMR and Thermodynamic InvestigationsSchäpers, Markus 07 October 2014 (has links)
Within the last decades low-dimensional frustrated quantum spin systems have attracted great interest in the field of modern research. In these systems a competition of various magnetic interactions takes place, leading to an energetically degenerated magnetic ground state, and thus to the occurrence of exotic, unconventional physical properties at low temperatures.
This thesis focuses on the quasi one-dimensional frustrated spin chain system linarite, PbCuSO4(OH)2. In this compound the basic building blocks are CuO4 plaquettes which are connected to each other along one crystallographic direction, analogue to a chain. The frustration in linarite is established due to the competition between the magnetic interactions. The nearest-neighbor magnetic spins are coupled ferromagnetically along the chain via a coupling constant J1, while the next-nearest neighbors are coupled antiferromagnetically via a coupling constant J2. For this configuration it is not possible to satisfy all magnetic couplings simultaneously, hence the system is magnetically frustrated.
In this work, comprehensive thermodynamic and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) studies demonstrate that linarite is one of the richest and most fascinating compounds in the class of low-dimensional frustrated magnets. By means of susceptibility, magnetization, specific heat, magnetocaloric effect, magnetostriction, and thermal-expansion measurements a rich magnetic phase diagram could be mapped out below a temperature of 2.8 K. The phase diagram contains five different magnetic regions/phases for an external magnetic field pointing along the chain direction. Based on the thermodynamic studies it was possible to calculate the exchange integrals within the frustrated J1-J2 model and extensions of it by using various theoretical approaches.
The magnetic microscopic nature of the different long-range magnetic phases present in linarite were investigated by NMR measurements and by collaborative neutron scattering experiments. The ground state (phase I) is identified as an incommensurate elliptical helical structure. Via a theoretical modelling the 1H-NMR spectrum of the ground state could be explained, revealing a rearrangement of the zero-field structure in an external magnetic field of 2.0 T used for the NMR studies. By further increasing the external field the system undergoes a complex spin flop transition in two steps (phase I - phase III - phase IV). In phase III a phase separation takes place where one part of the spins form a circular spiral structure while the remaining fraction form a simple antiferromagnetic structure. In phase IV the remaining circular spiral structure vanishes, so that all spins collectively form the antiferromagnetic collinear phase. The most peculiar physical properties studied in this thesis take place in region V at high fields, showing only tiny features in the thermodynamic properties. The magnetic spins in region V form a sine-wave modulated spin-density structure as identified via NMR and neutron investigations. It is discussed whether region V is related to a multipolar phase or if the spin-density wave structure could possibly coexist with such a phase.
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Estudo de compostos LiMePO4 (Me=Mg, Co, Ni) através de Ressonância Magnética Nuclear / Studies of LiMePO4 (Me = Mg, Co, Ni) compounds through Nuclear Magnetic ResonanceSilva, Marcos Antonio da 06 October 2000 (has links)
Nesta dissertação é apresentado um estudo dos compostos Li1-3xMgFexPO4 através de Ressonância Magnética Nuclear (7Li e 31P), no intervalo de temperatura de 150 a 410 K. Estudos desses compostos através de técnicas de difração de elétrons e efeito Mossbauer confirmam que os íons Fe entram na rede cristalina na forma Fe3+, substituindo os íons Li+. O comportamento dos espectros de RMN, dos tempos de relaxação spin-rede e da susceptibilidade magnética dos núcleos 7Li e 31P em função da temperatura, em conjunto com medidas de condutividade iônica, indicam que, mesmo com a adição de impurezas Fe3+ na rede, os íons Li+ pouca mobilidade dentro do intervalo de temperatura utilizado. / This work reports a 7Li and 31P nuclear magnetic resonance study in the Li1-3xMgFexPO4 phases between 150 and 410 K. This study, complementary to those made using Mössbauer and magnetic neutron diffraction experiments, confirms that the Fe3+ ions enter as in the lattice, and that they enter substituting Li ions. The behavior of the 7Li e 31P nuclear magnetic resonance spectra, together with ionic conductivity measurements, show that no Li mobility occurs in temperature range studied even with the addition of the Fe impurity.
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Characteristics of the late Mesozoic tectonic evolution of the South China block and geodynamic implications : Multi-approach study on the Qingyang-Jiuhua, Hengshan and Fujian coastal granitic massifs / Caractéristiques de l’évolution de la partie orientale du bloc de Chine du Sud au Mésozoïque supérieur et implications géodynamiques : Etude pluridisciplinaire de la mise en place des massifs granitiques de Qingyang-Jiuhua, Hengshan et de la côte du Fujian et des structures tectoniques associéesWei, Wei 27 December 2013 (has links)
La vaste distribution géographique et la longue durée du magmatisme au Mésozoïque supérieur (Jurassique et Crétacé) en Chine du Sud présente le cas unique dans le monde. Ceci présente un laboratoire naturel très favorable a l’étude des processus de magmatogénèse, et des modes de mise place des plutons granitiques. Il permet également d’aborder l’analyse des relations magmatisme-tectonique et les contextes géodynamiques de la mise en place de magma dans leur cadre lithosphérique. Depuis les années 50, et surtout les années 90, des scientifiques ont mis un effort important sur la cartographie géologique, mené des études pétrologiques et géochronologiques et ainsi obtenu une base solide pour la compréhension de l’évolution tectonique du Bloc de Chine du Sud (SCB). Cependant, des questions fondamentales restent encore sans réponses ou vivement débattues. Dans le but de progresser sur ces sujets fondamentaux, nous avons mené des études pluridisciplinaires sur les massifs d’âge Mésozoïque supérieur de Qingyang-Jiuhua (Province d’Anhui), Hengshan (Province de Hunan) et certains plutons affleurant dans la zone côtière du Fujian. Le choix des massifs est fonde sur leur distance variable par rapport à la paléozone de subduction, les âges comparables de ces massifs et les déformations associées. Les méthodes d’étude comprennent l’observation de terrain, l’analyse microscopique de lames minces, la datation par U-Pb de monazite, l’ASM, le paléomagnétisme, la modélisation gravimétrique et la barométrie à partir de Al-total dans l’amphibole magmatique. Bien que chaque massif présente des caractéristiques distinctes, ils partagent des points communs du point de vue de leur orientation préférentielle, de la déformation de leurs encaissants et de l’influence de la tectonique régionale sur leur mise en place, D’après nos nouveaux résultats et en intégrant les données précédentes, nous discutons dans cette thèse les contextes tectoniques de mise en place de ces massifs granitiques et l’évolution géodynamique de SCB, et proposons un scénario géodynamique en 3 étapes. (1) Pendant la période 145-130 Ma, la subduction vers le NW de la plaque Paléo-Pacifique sous le continent asiatique fait rapprocher le micro-continent de l’Ouest-Philippines avec le continent de Chine du Sud, produisant l’important magmatisme d’arc et formant un régime tectonique en extension en SCB ? Dans l’arrière-arc; (2) Pendant la période 130-110 Ma, dûe à la collision entre le micro-continent de l’Ouest Philippines et SCB, une structure compressive vers le NW a été développée dans la zone de Changle Nan’ao, produisant des déformations ductiles. Cependant, l’intérieur de la partie orientale du SCB était encore en régime tectonique extensif de direction NW-SE; (3) Pendant la période 105-90Ma, une nouvelle zone de subduction a été développée au SE du micro-continent de l’Ouest Philippines, le panneau subductant atteint la zone de Changle-Nan’ao, avec probablement des morceaux de panneau cassé, provocant l’ascension de l’asthénosphère, responsable de la mise en place d’importants massifs granitiques et de filons. La tectonique de SCB pendant cette période est caractérisée par un système tectonique d’extension générale. Ce dispositif a été significativement perturbe par l’ouverture oligo-miocène de la mer de Chine du Sud et par la compression miocène de la marge à Taiwan. Ce modèle géodynamique reste à être amélioré par de futures investigations géologiques, géophysiques et géochimiques. / The vast distribution and long duration of the Late Mesozoic magmatism in the eastern part of South China presents a unique case in the world. This offers a natural laboratory to study the process of magma genesis, the magma emplacement mode, the relationship between magmatism and tectonics, the geodynamic role on the magma emplacement and lithospheric evolution. Since 50’s, particularly 90’s of the last century, geoscientists have made important efforts in geological cartography and carried out numerous studies with remarkable scientific achievements, building a solid background to understand the tectonic evolution of the South China Block (SCB). However, certain fundamental questions mentioned above remain unsolved and/or are in hot debate. In order to make progress in these scientific issues, we have carried out in a multi-disciplinary study in the Late Mesozoic Qingyang-Jiuhua massif, Hengshan massif and Fujian coastal zone according to their distance with respect to the paleo subduction zone of the Paleo-Pacific plate, the ages of granitic massifs and related tectonics, including field observation on the structure geology, micro-observation on thin section, U-Pb dating on monazite, AMS, paleomagnetism, gravity modeling and P condition concern the granite emplacement. In the view of deformation in these granitic massifs and their country rocks, mode and influence of regional tectonics on the emplacement, though each studied zone reveals its distinguished characteristics, they show some intrinsic and common relationships between them. With our new results and integrating previous data, in this thesis, we discuss the tectonic context of emplacement of these Late Mesozoic magmatic massifs and the geodynamic evolution of the SCB., We propose a 3-step geodynamic model: (1) during 145-130 Ma period, the Paleo-Pacific plate subducted northwestwardly, the West Philippines micro-continent, approaching to SCB, important subduction-related arc volcanism was produced in the coastal areas of Southeast China coast (Zhejiang-Fujian-Guangdong), forming a back-arc extension tectonic system in SCB; (2) during 130-110 Ma period, due to the collision between the West Philippines microcontinent and SCB, the compressional tectonic structures were developed in the Changle-Na’ao coastal zone, producing ductile deformation zones. However, the inland of the eastern part of SCB was under a NW-SE extensional tectonic regime; (3) during 105-90 Ma period, a new subduction zone was developed in the SE flank of the West Philippines micro-continent, the subducting slab reached the Changle-Nan’ao tectonic belt, with the possible break-off of slab, the asthenospheric ascent was responsible for the important emplacement of plutonic massifs and dykes. The tectonics of the eastern part of SCB was characterized by a general extensional system in this period. This tectonic pattern has been significantly disturbed by the Oligocene-Eocene opening of the South China sea,and the Miocene shortening of the SCB margin in Taiwan. Of course, this model should be improved by more geological, geophysical and geochemical investigations.
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Estudo de compostos LiMePO4 (Me=Mg, Co, Ni) através de Ressonância Magnética Nuclear / Studies of LiMePO4 (Me = Mg, Co, Ni) compounds through Nuclear Magnetic ResonanceMarcos Antonio da Silva 06 October 2000 (has links)
Nesta dissertação é apresentado um estudo dos compostos Li1-3xMgFexPO4 através de Ressonância Magnética Nuclear (7Li e 31P), no intervalo de temperatura de 150 a 410 K. Estudos desses compostos através de técnicas de difração de elétrons e efeito Mossbauer confirmam que os íons Fe entram na rede cristalina na forma Fe3+, substituindo os íons Li+. O comportamento dos espectros de RMN, dos tempos de relaxação spin-rede e da susceptibilidade magnética dos núcleos 7Li e 31P em função da temperatura, em conjunto com medidas de condutividade iônica, indicam que, mesmo com a adição de impurezas Fe3+ na rede, os íons Li+ pouca mobilidade dentro do intervalo de temperatura utilizado. / This work reports a 7Li and 31P nuclear magnetic resonance study in the Li1-3xMgFexPO4 phases between 150 and 410 K. This study, complementary to those made using Mössbauer and magnetic neutron diffraction experiments, confirms that the Fe3+ ions enter as in the lattice, and that they enter substituting Li ions. The behavior of the 7Li e 31P nuclear magnetic resonance spectra, together with ionic conductivity measurements, show that no Li mobility occurs in temperature range studied even with the addition of the Fe impurity.
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