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Dynamique de mise en place des avalanches de débris sur les flancs aériens des volcans insulaires : le cas de La Réunion / Transport dynamic of the volcanic debris avalanches : La Reunion IslandPerinotto, Hélène 11 December 2014 (has links)
Les avalanches de débris, qui résultent du démantèlement des flancs des édifices volcaniques et montagneux, sont des écoulements granulaires rapides et dangereux dont le monteur est la gravité et qui présentent des distances de transport extrêmement importantes. La dynamique de leur mise en place et leurs mécanismes de transport permettant cette très grande mobilité sont des phénomènes qui demeurent encore mal compris. De nombreux modèles existent pour expliquer la grande mobilité des avalanches de débris et incluent des processus basés sur la lubrification ou la fluidification de la masse granulaire mais également sur le phénomène de désintégration dynamique des éléments. Cependant la grande majorité des modèles proposés souffre du manque d’observations de terrain et de quantification de l’évolution des matériaux au cours de leur transport au sein de la masse granulaire. Afin d’identifier les principaux mécanismes de transport des avalanches de débris, nous proposons dans ce travail une étude de terrain détaillée de dépôts d’avalanches de débris volcaniques qui résultent du démantèlement d’un volcan bouclier océanique, le Piton des Neiges (île de La Réunion, océan Indien). L’approche est couplée à un examen morphométrique (dimension fractale et circularité), exoscopique et granulométrique des particules présentes dans les dépôts. Elle est complétée par l’examen de la fabrique des dépôts basée sur l’anisotropie de la susceptibilité magnétique (ASM). Les données obtenues nous permettent de mettre en évidence une évolution de la dynamique de transport et de mise en place des dépôts d’avalanches de débris depuis les zones sources jusqu’aux domaines de dépôt distaux. On montre également que la désintégration dynamique et le gonflement dispersif qui l’accompagne opèrent tout au long du transport et à toutes les échelles au-dessus d’une limite inférieure de broyage à 500 μm. En dessous de cette limite, la réduction granulométrique résulte uniquement de processus d’attrition par friction entre les particules. La grande mobilité des avalanches de débris pourrait ainsi être expliquée par l’effet combiné de la libération d’énergie élastique par la désintégration dynamique des particules > 500μm et par une réduction de la friction interne à la matrice liée aux interactions dispersives des particules fines (< 500 μm). L’ensemble des données permettent également de préciser les directions de transport et l’ampleur des avalanches de débris liées aux déstabilisations du massif du Piton des Neiges. / Debris avalanches, resulting from flank collapses that shape volcanic and mountainous edifices are rapidand dangerous gravity-driven granular flows that travel long run out distances. The dynamic and the transport mechanisms behind this high mobility remain poorly understood. The numerous models proposed to explain this high mobility include processes based on lubrication or fluidisation of the granular mass of the flow body, but also the dynamic disintegration of the transported particles. To date,all these proposed mechanisms lack observational support and quantification of the state of the particles of the granular mass during the transport. To identify the main transport mechanisms, we propose here detailed field studies of volcanic debris avalanches deposits resulting of flank-collapse events on an oceanic shield volcano, the Piton des Neiges (La Réunion Island, Indian Ocean). This study has been combined with morphometric (fractal dimension and circularity), exoscopic and grain-size analyses. Moreover, the fabric of the deposits has been investigated by with the characteristics of the anisotropy of the magnetic susceptibility (ASM). From these data we highlight a proximal to distal evolution of the debris avalanches transport and emplacement dynamics. We demonstrate that syn-transport dynamic disintegration continuously operates with the distance from the source down to a grinding limit of 500μm. Below this limit, the particle size reduction exclusively results from the attrition of the particles by frictional interactions. Thus, the exceptional mobility of debris avalanches may be explained by thecombined effect of elastic energy release during the dynamic disintegration of the larger clasts (> 500μm) and frictional reduction within the matrix due to the dispersive interactions between the finer particles (< 500 μm). All these data also allow to specify the transport direction and the approximate size of the debris avalanches related to the Piton des Neiges destabilisations.
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Properties in New Complex Perovskite-Related Materials, a Matter of Composition and Structure / Egenskaper hos nya komplexa perovskitrelaterade material, en fråga om sammansättning och strukturShafeie, Samrand January 2013 (has links)
This PhD thesis presents investigations of perovskite-related compounds in systems of interest for applications in components in solid oxide fuel cells. The compound compositions derive from substitutions in the parent compounds LaCoO3, LaCrO3 and SrFeO3. Novel phases La2Co1+z(MgxTi1-x)1-zO6 were synthesized and investigated with regard to structure, thermal expansion, electronic and magnetic properties. The study focused on the composition lines La2Co(MgxTi1-x)O6 (z=0), where the oxidation state of Co nominally changes from +2 (x=0.0) to +3 (x=0.5), and La2Co1+z(Mg0.5Ti0.5)1-zO6, with a varying fraction of Co3+ ions. XANES data show that the Co ions in the system have discrete oxidation states of +2 and +3. The TEC increases with increasing x due to an increasing contribution from spin state transitions of the Co3+ ions. Novel compounds La2Cr(M2/3Nb1/3)O6 with M=Mg, Ni, Cu were synthesized and characterized with respect to structure and magnetic properties. XRPD and NPD data indicate Pbnm symmetry; however, SAED patterns and HREM images indicate a P21/n symmetry for M=Mg, and Cu. The magnetic measurements results were rationalized using the Goodenough-Kanamori rules. Oxygen-deficient phases with x≥0.63 in SrxY1-xFeO3-δ and Sr0.75Y0.25Fe1-yMyO3-δ (M=Cr, Mn, Ni and y=0.2, 0.33, 0.5), were synthesized and characterized with respect to structure, oxygen content, thermogravimetry, TEC, conductivity and magnetic properties. Powder patterns of phases agree with cubic perovskite structures. NPD data for x=0.75 reveal anisotropic displacement for the O atom, related to local effects from Fe3+/Fe4+ ions. SAED patterns for x=0.75 reveal the presence of an incommensurate modulation. The compounds start to lose oxygen in air at ~ 400°C. The TEC up to ~400°C for x=0.75 is ~10.5 ppm/K and increase to ~17.5 ppm/K at higher temperatures. The conductivity for x=0.91 is 164 S/cm at 400°C. Partial substitution of Fe by Cr, Mn or Ni does not increase the conductivity or decrease TEC.
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Magnetism of the endohedral metallofullerenes M@C_82 (M=Gd,Dy) and the corresponding nanoscale peapods: Synchrotron soft x-ray magnetic circular dichroism and density-functional theory calculationsKitaura, R., Okimoto, H., Shinohara, H., Nakamura, T., Osawa, H. 11 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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Characteristics of the late Mesozoic tectonic evolution of the South China block and geodynamic implications : Multi-approach study on the Qingyang-Jiuhua, Hengshan and Fujian coastal granitic massifsWei, Wei 27 December 2013 (has links) (PDF)
The vast distribution and long duration of the Late Mesozoic magmatism in the eastern part of South China presents a unique case in the world. This offers a natural laboratory to study the process of magma genesis, the magma emplacement mode, the relationship between magmatism and tectonics, the geodynamic role on the magma emplacement and lithospheric evolution. Since 50's, particularly 90's of the last century, geoscientists have made important efforts in geological cartography and carried out numerous studies with remarkable scientific achievements, building a solid background to understand the tectonic evolution of the South China Block (SCB). However, certain fundamental questions mentioned above remain unsolved and/or are in hot debate. In order to make progress in these scientific issues, we have carried out in a multi-disciplinary study in the Late Mesozoic Qingyang-Jiuhua massif, Hengshan massif and Fujian coastal zone according to their distance with respect to the paleo subduction zone of the Paleo-Pacific plate, the ages of granitic massifs and related tectonics, including field observation on the structure geology, micro-observation on thin section, U-Pb dating on monazite, AMS, paleomagnetism, gravity modeling and P condition concern the granite emplacement. In the view of deformation in these granitic massifs and their country rocks, mode and influence of regional tectonics on the emplacement, though each studied zone reveals its distinguished characteristics, they show some intrinsic and common relationships between them. With our new results and integrating previous data, in this thesis, we discuss the tectonic context of emplacement of these Late Mesozoic magmatic massifs and the geodynamic evolution of the SCB., We propose a 3-step geodynamic model: (1) during 145-130 Ma period, the Paleo-Pacific plate subducted northwestwardly, the West Philippines micro-continent, approaching to SCB, important subduction-related arc volcanism was produced in the coastal areas of Southeast China coast (Zhejiang-Fujian-Guangdong), forming a back-arc extension tectonic system in SCB; (2) during 130-110 Ma period, due to the collision between the West Philippines microcontinent and SCB, the compressional tectonic structures were developed in the Changle-Na'ao coastal zone, producing ductile deformation zones. However, the inland of the eastern part of SCB was under a NW-SE extensional tectonic regime; (3) during 105-90 Ma period, a new subduction zone was developed in the SE flank of the West Philippines micro-continent, the subducting slab reached the Changle-Nan'ao tectonic belt, with the possible break-off of slab, the asthenospheric ascent was responsible for the important emplacement of plutonic massifs and dykes. The tectonics of the eastern part of SCB was characterized by a general extensional system in this period. This tectonic pattern has been significantly disturbed by the Oligocene-Eocene opening of the South China sea,and the Miocene shortening of the SCB margin in Taiwan. Of course, this model should be improved by more geological, geophysical and geochemical investigations.
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Χημεία συμπλόκων ενώσεων του βαναδίου : σύνθεση, δομή, φυσικές και βιολογικές ιδιότητες / Chemistry of vanadium coordination complexes : synthesis, structure, physical and biological propertiesΣαρτζή, Χαρίκλεια 19 July 2012 (has links)
Στην παρούσα Διπλωματική Εργασία μελετήθηκε το σύστημα αντίδρασης του βαναδίου, V, με τον υποκαταστάτη δι-2-πυρίδυλο κετόνη, (py)2CO. Πρόκειται για έναν εξαιρετικά δημοφιλή υποκαταστάτη τον οποίο πολλές ερευνητικές ομάδες, όπως και η δική μας, έχουν μελετήσει με πολλά μεταλλοϊόντα, εκτός του βαναδίου. Η χημεία της δι-2-πυρίδυλο κετόνης βασίζεται στο γεγονός ότι η καρβονυλική της ομάδα μπορεί να υποστεί προσβολή από διάφορα πυρηνόφιλα (π.χ.H2O, ROH) και να σχηματίσει την ημικεταλική ή/και τη 1, 1-διολική μορφές της. Η μελέτη αυτού του συστήματος οδήγησε στη σύνθεση και το χαρακτηρισμό συμπλόκων του βαναδίου σε διάφορες οξειδωτικές βαθμίδες. Χαρακτηριστικό παράδειγμα αποτελεί το μικτού σθένους εννεαπυρηνικό σύμπλοκο (Et3NH)2[VIIVV8O18{(py)2CO2}4]∙2MeCN, με τον υποκαταστάτη να βρίσκεται στην διπλά αποπρωτονιωμένη 1, 1-διολική μορφή του. Ακόμη από το γενικό σύστημα αντίδρασης απομονώθηκαν σύμπλοκα VIV2, VV2, VIV3, VV4, VV12 και VΙV2 VV8 με τον υποκαταστάτη να βρίσκεται σε διάφορες μορφές. Μελετήθηκαν οι μαγνητικές ιδιότητες των συμπλόκων του τετρασθενούς βαναδίου. Η συμμετοχή ωστόσο του μετάλλου και των ενώσεων του σε διάφορες βιολογικές διεργασίες, όπως στη ρύθμιση του μεταβολισμού, στα ενεργά κεντρά μεταλλοενζύμων καθώς και η ικανότητά του να ενισχύει τη δράση της ινσουλίνης, μας έδωσαν το ερέθισμα να μελετήσουμε συγκεκριμένα την αντικαρκινική συμπεριφορά επιλεγμένων συμπλόκων που παρασκευάσαμε σε διάφορες σειρές καρκινικών κυττάρων. / In the present Diploma Work we have studied reactions of vanadium, V, sources and di-2-pyridyl ketone, (py)2CO. This ligand is very popular and its reactions with several metal ions have been investigated by many groups, including our group. No V complexes of (py)2CO have been reported. The chemistry of di-2-pyridyl ketone is based on the fact that its carbonyl group can be attacked by various nucleophiles (e.g. π.χ.H2O, ROH) to give the hemiketal or/and 1,1-diol forms. The systematic investigation of the V/(py)2CO reaction system has led to the synthesis and characterization of V compounds with the metal in various oxidation states. A characteristic example is the mixed-valence, enneanuclear complex (Et3NH)2[VIIVV8O18{(py)2CO2}4]∙2MeCN, in which the ligand participates in the doubly deprotonated 1,1-diolate form. From this general reaction system, VIV2, VV2, VIV3, VV4, VV12 και VΙV2 VV8 species have also been isolated. The magnetic properties of the VΙV complexes have also been studied. The participation of V compounds in important biological processes gave us the stimulus to study the antiproliferative activity of selected complexes in various cancer cell lines.
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Propriétés structurales et magnétiques de ferrites de gallium substituées par des terres rares / Structural and magnetic properties of gallium ferrites substituted by rare earth elementsNeacsa Iurcut, Daniela Maria 23 September 2016 (has links)
Nous présentons une contribution expérimentale à l’étude des propriétés structurales et magnétiques de ferrites de gallium substituées par des terres rares. Ce travail s’inscrit dans la thématique plus générale des multiferroïques magnétoélectriques dont fait partie le composé Ga2-xFexO3 qui est ferrimagnétique et présente une polarisation spontanée à température ambiante. On s’intéresse à l’influence de la substitution d’atomes de gallium ou de fer par des éléments de terres rares (Sc, Yb, Er, Sm) sur les paramètres structuraux de Ga2-xFexO3 avec 0,9 x 1,2 et à l’effet de la substitution par Sc et Yb sur la température de transition magnétique et l’aimantation à saturation. On présente une étude expérimentale du magnétisme du composé Ga0.99Yb0.01FeO3, réalisée à partir de mesures de la susceptibilité alternative et de l’aimantation en fonction du champ magnétique, H, et de la température T. Un large domaine d’irréversibilité magnétique est observé dans le diagramme de phase H–T. Les résultats suggèrent que Ga0.99Yb0.01FeO3 constitue un verre de spin Heisenberg tridimensionnel. / We present an experimental contribution to the study of structural and magnetic properties for gallium ferrites substituted by rare earth elements. This work is part of the more general theme of magnetoelectric multiferroïc which includes the Ga2-xFexO3 compound ferrimagnetic and with a spontaneous polarization at room temperature. We study the influence of the substitution of gallium or iron atoms with rare earth elements (Sc, Yb, Er, Sm) on the structural parameters of Ga2-xFexO3 with 0.9 x 1.2 and the effect of the substitution by Sc and Yb on the magnetic transition temperature and the saturation magnetization. We present an experimental study of magnetism Ga0.99Yb0.01FeO3 compound, realized from alternative susceptibility and magnetization measurements as a function of magnetic field, H, and the temperature T. A wide irreversible magnetic area is observed in the phase diagram H–T. The results suggest that Ga0.99Yb0.01FeO3 is a three-dimensional Heisenberg spin glass.
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Variações seculares de facies sedimentares de lama da plataforma continental de Cabo Frio (RJ)Cruz, Anna Paula Soares 11 May 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Biblioteca de Pós-Graduação em Geoquímica BGQ (bgq@ndc.uff.br) on 2017-05-11T16:44:42Z
No. of bitstreams: 1
CRUZ, A. P. S..pdf: 23384634 bytes, checksum: b417fd0517bbafbf4617a53288a634f4 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-05-11T16:44:42Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
CRUZ, A. P. S..pdf: 23384634 bytes, checksum: b417fd0517bbafbf4617a53288a634f4 (MD5) / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / Universidade Federal Fluminense. Instituto de Química. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Geoquímica, Niterói, RJ / A análise conjugada das propriedades físicas dos se
dimentos, como a velocidade da
onda P, susceptibilidade magnética, porosidade e de
nsidade gama, com propriedades
geoquímicas como Carbono Orgânico Total e mineralog
ia dos sedimentos proporciona uma
melhor avaliação dos processos envolvidos, proveniê
ncia e fluxo de material sedimentar,
permitindo que as mudanças ambientais possam ser de
finidas. Os parâmetros físicos além de
serem capazes de quantificar a distribuição de espa
ço entre os poros, indicam alterações pós-
deposicionais. Dessa forma, este trabalho visa aval
iar as inter-relações existentes entre
parâmetros físicos de seções sedimentares para dete
rminação da origem do fluxo de materiais
ao longo da fácies de sedimentar depositado sobre a
plataforma continental de Cabo Frio.
Nesse sentido, pode-se notar que as variações de Vp
estão ligadas ao tamanho do grão, assim
como ao aumento no conteúdo orgânico e aumento no t
eor de água nos sedimentos marinhos.
Os valores de SM mostraram-se associados a assemblé
ia mineralógica e ao teor de água dos
testemunhos. Além disso, foi possível constatar que
a valência dominante da razão Fe
foi o de Fe
, que influenciou diretamente nos picos de SM. As p
ropriedades físicas definiram
seções nos diferentes box-core analisados, os quais
o BCCF10-01, 04 e 09, apresentaram
aumento de grãos finos, que pode estar relacionado
a hidrodinâmica local, e/ou aumento de
contribuição sedimentar alóctone entre 100 e 80 ano
s AP. Além disso, a assembléia de
minerais pesados indicou proveniência de rochas met
amórficas derivadas de metassedimentos
siliciclásticos, granitóides, rochas máficas e alca
linas pertencentes a própria região de Cabo
Frio e adjacências. Os maiores teores de minerais e
ncontrados no BCCF10-01 e BCCF10-13,
podem informar sobre a influência de correntes de f
luxo oeste, proveniente da baía de
Guanabara e de correntes de norte, provenientes dos
rios São João e Paraíba do Sul como
principais agentes de transporte dos particulados s
edimentares e minerais para a fácies
sedimentar de lama da plataforma de Cabo Frio. / The combined analysis of the physical properties of
sediments, such as the P-wave
velocity, magnetic susceptibility, porosity and gam
ma-density, with geochemical properties
such as Total Organic Carbon and mineralogy of sedi
ments provides a better assessment of
the processes involved, provenance and sedimentary
material flow, allowing environmental
changes can be defined.
The physical parameters in addition to being able t
o quantify the
distribution of space between the pores also indica
te pos-depositional changes. Thus, this
study aims to evaluate the interrelations between p
hysical parameters of sedimentary sections
to determine the source of the material flow along
the sedimentary faces deposited on the
continental shelf of Cabo Frio.
In this sense, it may be noted that variations in V
p are clearly
linked to the grain size, and an increase in organi
c content and increased water content in
marine sediments.
The MS values were associated with the mineral asse
mblage and water
content of the cores. In addition, it determined th
at the oxidation state of the dominant was
, which directly influenced the peaks of MS.
Physical properties defined in the different
sections analyzed box-core, which the BCCF10-01, 04
and 09, showed an increase of fine
grains, which can be related to the local hydrodyna
mic or increased allochthonous sediment
contribution between 100 and 80 years BP.
In addition, the heavy mineral assemblage
indicated provenance of metamorphic rocks derived f
rom siliciclastic metasediments,
granitoids, mafic and alkaline rocks belonging to t
he region of Cabo Frio and surrounding
The highest minerals content found in BCCF10-01 and
BCCF10-13, can showed the
influence of flow west currents, from the Guanabara
Bay and currents of the north, from the
São João and Paraiba do Sul rivers as the main carr
iers of sedimentary particles and mineral
from mud faces of the Cabo Frio Shelf.
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Application de la microtomographie par rayons X à l'étude des dépôts de tsunamis / Application of X-ray microtomography to the study of tsunami depositsFalvard, Simon 01 April 2016 (has links)
L’étude des dépôts de tsunamis est une science relativement jeune, et si de nombreux progrès ont été faits, en particulier au cours des trois dernières décennies, les techniques disponibles à l’heure actuelle ne permettent pas l’étude exhaustive des dépôts, que ce soit à cause de problèmes de conservation, fréquemment rencontrés, ou de limites liées aux techniques analytiques elles-mêmes. En effet, leur résolution spatiale s’avère insuffisante pour les dépôts fins (fractions sableuses et inférieures), soit par leur principe même (absence de visualisation en trois dimensions sur des lames minces, par exemple), soit à cause des techniques d’échantillonnage dont elles dépendent. Ce travail a permis d’explorer les applications d’une technique analytique jusqu’à présent inutilisée dans ce domaine, la microtomographie par rayons X, appliquée à trois dépôts de tsunamis : les dépôts du tsunami de Lisbonne en 1755 sur les côtes Andalouses, ceux d’un tsunami causé en 1996 dans le Lac Karymskoye au Kamchatka, et un potentiel dépôt de tsunami datant de l’Holocène à Ninety Mile Beach, sur le littoral ouest de l’Australie. Les problématiques liées aux techniques d’échantillonnage et au traitement des données brutes et à leur exploitation sont passées en revue et les solutions retenues sont exposées. Les résultats obtenus sont comparés à ceux obtenus par l’utilisation de techniques analytiques dont la pertinence et l’utilité ont été démontrées lors de précédentes études. Cette technique se révèle extrêmement utile pour les analyses structurales (organisation interne des dépôts), texturales (distributions de tailles de grains, fabrique sédimentaire et dynamiques d’écoulements), ainsi que les analyses de composition (abondances en bioclastes et en minéraux lourds par exemple). Le croisement des études structurales et texturales du dépôt du tsunami de 1755 mettent en avant des dynamiques de mise en place allant parfois à l’encontre des scenarii généralement admis et offre un nouveau point de vue sur les dépôts de tsunami. / The study of tsunami deposits is a relatively young science, and even if substantial progress has been made (especially during the last three decades) the techniques available at present day do not allow exhaustive studies of the deposits, weither poor conservation of the deposits, which is a common problem, is to blame, or because of limitations of the techniques themselves. Their spatial resolution often appears to be insufficient for fine deposits (sand size fractions and finer) because of their working principle (lack of three dimensional visualisation of structures on thin sections for instance) or because of the sampling techniques they depend on. This work allowed exploring the applications of an analytic technique, X-ray computed microtomography, which had to this day never used before for the study of tsunami deposits. Three distinct case studies have been made: deposits from the 1755 Lisbon tsunami on the western coast of Spain (Andalusia), deposits from the 1996 tsunami triggered in Karymskoye Lake, and a potential mid-Holocene tsunami deposit at Ninety Mile Beach, western Australia. Problematic linked to sampling techniques and raw data processing and exploitation are addressed. Chosen solutions are exposed. The results are compared to those obtained using techniques whose relevance and usefulness have been proven in previous studies. This technique proves to be extremely useful for structural (deposits inner organisation), textural (grain size distribution, sedimentary fabrics and flow dynamics), and composition (bioclasts and heavy minerals abundances) analyses. Crossing structural and textural analysis of the 1755 Lisbon tsunami deposit unravels deposition modes which go against the usually admitted scenario and offers a new point of view on tsunami deposits.
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Analýza vybraných artefaktů v difuzních magneticko-rezonančních měřeních / Analysis of Selected Artefacts in Diffusion-Based Magnetic Resonance MeasurementsMarcoň, Petr January 2013 (has links)
The presented dissertation thesis analyses artefacts in diffusion-weighted images. In medical practice, the artefacts can impede the diagnostics of pathological tissues and, therefore, need to be eliminated. As the first step within the thesis, an analysis of the most frequent artefacts in diffusion-weighted images is performed, and the hitherto known approaches to artefact elimination are described. In order to facilitate the reduction of artefacts caused by the inhomogeneity of the static magnetic field and induced by eddy currents, a novel three-measurement method is shown. This technique will find application especially in measuring the diffusion coefficient of isotropic materials. At this point, it is important to note that a significant and commonly found problem is the magnetic susceptibility artefact; different magnetic susceptibility values at the boundary between two materials can cause magnetic field inhomogeneities and even complete loss of the signal. Therefore, we designed a novel method for the measurement of magnetic susceptibility in various samples of magnetically incompatible materials, which do not produce any MR signal. The technique was experimentally verified using a set of differently shaped diamagnetic and paramagnetic samples. In addition to the magnetic susceptibility problem, the thesis presents artefacts such as noise, motion-induced items, hardware limitations, chemical shift, and the dependence of the diffusion coefficient on the temperature. To enable precise measurement of the diffusion coefficient, we proposed a thermal system; in the experiment, it was determined that when the measurement error does not exceed 5%, the temperature change should not be higher than 0,1 °C. In the final sections of the thesis, practical application examples involving the designed methods are shown.
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Средње и горње плеистоцене лесно-палеоземљишне секвенце у долини Јужне Мораве / Srednje i gornje pleistocene lesno-paleozemljišne sekvence u dolini Južne Morave / Middle and upper Pleistocene Looes-paleearth sequences in the valley of South MoravaBačević Nikola 09 October 2018 (has links)
<p>Predmet istraživanja ove doktorske disertacije su srednje i gornje pleistocene lesno-paleozemljišne sekvence (LPS) u dolini Južne Morave na profilima ciglana u Stalaću i Belotincu. Ove LPC predstavljaju jedinstven kontinentalni arhiv paleoklimatskih i paleoekoloških promena tokom pleistocena u ovom delu Balkanskog poluostrva. Nakon detalʁnihterenskih istraživanjai uzorkovanja na pomenutim lesnim profilima, razmatrano je više istraživačkihproblema. Izvršeno jepedo- i lito-stratigrafsko opisivanje naoba profila. Na njima je zapaženo nekoliko metara moćnih glacijalnih lesnih horizonata i nekoliko interglacijalnih<br />pedokomleksa, koji se vizuelno jasno razlikuju. Izvršena je rekonstrukcija relʁefa na osnovu prostornih odnosa LPS. Ukupna deblʁinaanalizirananih LPS iznosi: u Stalaću približno20,5 m, gde je zapaženo po sedam pedokompleksa i lesnih horizonata, dok je deblʁina u Belotincu analiziranih LPS 8 m. Vrednosti magnetnog susceptibiliteta (MS) u Stalaćuukazuje da poreklo praškastog fluvijalnog materijala potiče izdva nezavisna izvora. Veće vrednosti MS prisutne su u materijalu koji potiče iz sliva Zapadne Morave. Dok manje vrednosti ukazuju da je poreklo materijala iz JužneMorave. U Belotincu manje vrednosti MS ukazuju da je poreklo materijala iz<br />sliva Južne Morave. Tumačenjem rezultata apsolutnog luminescentnog datiranja na oba profila ukazuju da su LPS nastajale tokom poslednjih ~ 350.000 godina u Stalaću i ~ 35.500 godina u Belotincu. Granulometrijski sastav LPS u Stalaću je sačinjen od pet različitih frakcija < 2,0 μm, 2,0-6,2 μm, 6,2-20,0 μm, 20,0-63,0 μmi >63,0 μm. Dok, su u Belotincu najviše zastupljene krupne čestice od 51 % do 66 % i grube frakcije, koje ukazuju na neposrednu blizinu izvora porekla materijala. Boja LPS na profilima u Stalaću i Belotincu menja se i kovarira sa MS. Kolorimetrijski rezultati ukazuju, slično MS rezultatima, da lesni sedimenti potiču jednim delom iz Južne Morave, a drugim delom iz Zapadne Morave. Geohemijske analize ukazuju na dominantno silikatno raspadanje čestica, slično dunavskom lesu. Geohemijski sastav LPS Belotinc pokazuje da pedokompleks je obogaćen organskog ugljenika, dok su u lesnim slojevima primećene niže vrednosti organskog ugljenika. Generalno tumačenje svih rezultata ukazuje na dominantan mediteranski klimatski uticaj na LPS u srednjem pleistocenu, dok je u gornjem i mlađem pleistocenu bio dominantan uticaj kontinentalne klime.</p> / <p>The research subject of this dissertation are Middle and Upper Pleistocene loesspaleosol sequences (LPS) in the South Morava valley, at brickyards’ profiles in Stalac and Belotinac. These LPS represent a unique continental record of paleoclimate and paleoecological changes during Pleistocene in this part of the Balkan Peninsula. After detailed terrain researches and samplings at the two loess profiles, several research problems were discussed. Pedostratigraphic and litho-stratigraphic descriptions were done for both profiles. There were found several meters of powerful glacial loess horizons and several interglacial pedocomplexes that were visually distinctive. A relief reconstruction was carried out based on spatial LPS ratios. The total thickness of the analyzed LPS is: approximately 20.5 m in Stalac, where seven pedocomplexes and seven horizons were observed, whereas thickness of analyzed LPS in Belotinac was 8 m. The magnetic susceptibility (MS) values in Stalacpoint at two independent sources of dusty fluvial materials. The higher MS values are observed in materials originating from the West Morava basin, while lower MS values indicate that materials originate from the South Morava basin. Interpretations of absolute luminescent dating results at both profiles indicate that the LPS were formed during last ~ 350.000 years in Stalac and ~ 35.500 in Belotinac. The LPS in Stalac is granulometrically consisted of five different fractions: < 2.0 μm, 2.0-6.2 μm, 6.2-20.0 μm, 20.0-63.0 μmand >63.0 μm. In Belotinac the most frequent particles are the large ones varying from 51% to 66% and rough fractions, which indicates that the material source was in its immediate proximity. The LPS colours both in Stalac and Belotinac covariate with the MS. Similarly to the MS results, the colorimetric results indicate that a part of the loess sediments originates from the South Morava, and the other part from the West Morava. Geochemical analyses point at a dominant silicate particle decomposition, which is similar to the Danube loess. Geochemical composition of BelotinacLPS shows an organic-carbon-enriched pedocomplex, while lower values of the organic carbon are observed in the loess layers. The general interpretation of the results points at dominant Mediterranean climate influence on the LPS in the Middle Pleistocene, while in the Upper and Younger Pleistocene a continental climate influence was dominant.</p>
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