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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Properties in New Complex Perovskite-Related Materials, a Matter of Composition and Structure / Egenskaper hos nya komplexa perovskitrelaterade material, en fråga om sammansättning och struktur

Shafeie, Samrand January 2013 (has links)
This PhD thesis presents investigations of perovskite-related compounds in systems of interest for applications in components in solid oxide fuel cells. The compound compositions derive from substitutions in the parent compounds LaCoO3, LaCrO3 and SrFeO3. Novel phases La2Co1+z(MgxTi1-x)1-zO6 were synthesized and investigated with regard to structure, thermal expansion, electronic and magnetic properties. The study focused on the composition lines La2Co(MgxTi1-x)O6 (z=0), where the oxidation state of Co nominally changes from +2 (x=0.0) to +3 (x=0.5), and La2Co1+z(Mg0.5Ti0.5)1-zO6, with a varying fraction of Co3+ ions. XANES data show that the Co ions in the system have discrete oxidation states of +2 and +3. The TEC increases with increasing x due to an increasing contribution from spin state transitions of the Co3+ ions. Novel compounds La2Cr(M2/3Nb1/3)O6 with M=Mg, Ni, Cu were synthesized and characterized with respect to structure and magnetic properties. XRPD and NPD data indicate Pbnm symmetry; however, SAED patterns and HREM images indicate a P21/n symmetry for M=Mg, and Cu. The magnetic measurements results were rationalized using the Goodenough-Kanamori rules. Oxygen-deficient phases with x≥0.63 in SrxY1-xFeO3-δ and Sr0.75Y0.25Fe1-yMyO3-δ (M=Cr, Mn, Ni and y=0.2, 0.33, 0.5), were synthesized and characterized with respect to structure, oxygen content, thermogravimetry, TEC, conductivity and magnetic properties. Powder patterns of phases agree with cubic  perovskite structures. NPD data for x=0.75 reveal anisotropic displacement for the O atom, related to local effects from Fe3+/Fe4+ ions. SAED patterns for x=0.75 reveal the presence of an incommensurate modulation. The compounds start to lose oxygen in air at ~ 400°C. The TEC up to ~400°C for x=0.75 is ~10.5 ppm/K and increase to ~17.5 ppm/K at higher temperatures. The conductivity for x=0.91 is 164 S/cm at 400°C. Partial substitution of Fe by Cr, Mn or Ni does not increase the conductivity or decrease TEC.

Feasibility Study on Additive Manufacturing of Copper Windings using Electron Beam Melting

Wiele, Marilena, Abulawi, Murad January 2023 (has links)
Within the framework of this thesis, the electron beam melting of pure copper for the purpose of producing electrical windings was examined. The conventional manufacturing process of copper windings was investigated, and the potential advantages offered by the design freedom inherent in the electron beam melting process were explored. A comprehensive parameter study was conducted to optimize the existing production parameters for the electron beam melting of pure copper, with a specific focus on achieving the desired material properties suitable for electric motor windings. Moreover, according to additive manufacturing possibilities, conceptual winding models were developed and subsequently were fabricated in a laboratory setting using electron beam melting. The investigation revealed a notable correlation between the achievable wall thickness and the focus offset. A focused electron beam, which was achieved with a focus offset of 17 mA, allowed for the production of thinner walls with reduced surface roughness. Additionally, the study highlighted that the density of the manufactured parts decreased as the hatch offset increased, particularly posing a more critical impact on smaller cross-sectional areas than larger ones. Furthermore, implementing a double-scanned contour for the hatch contributed to diminishing roughness while simultaneously increasing the maximum density to 99.6 %. Influencing the electrical conductivity of printed copper samples through heat treatment was successfully demonstrated, resulting in a conductivity of 91.7% ± 1.8% IACS post-heat treatment. / Inom ramen för denna avhandling undersöktes elektronstrålesmältningen av ren koppar i syfte att producera elektriska lindningar. Den konventionella tillverkningsprocessen av kopparlindningar undersöktes, och de potentiella fördelarna som erbjuds av designfriheten som är inneboende i elektronstrålesmältningsprocessen undersöktes. En omfattande parameterstudie genomfördes för att optimera befintliga produktionsparametrar för elektronstrålesmältning av ren koppar, med särskilt fokus på att uppnå önskade materialegenskaper lämpliga för elmotorlindningar. Dessutom, i enlighet med additiva tillverkningsmöjligheter, utvecklades konceptuella lindningsmodeller och tillverkades därefter i laboratoriemiljö med användning av elektronstrålesmältning. Undersökningen avslöjade en anmärkningsvärd korrelation mellan den möjliga väggtjockleken och fokusförskjutningen. En fokuserad elektronstråle, som uppnåddes med en fokusförskjutning på 17 mA, möjliggjorde produktion av tunnare väggar med minskad ytjämnhet. Dessutom visade studien att densiteten hos de tillverkade delarna minskade när avståndet mellan smältlinjerna ökade, vilket i synnerhet innebar en mer kritisk påverkan på mindre tvärsnittsareor än större. Dessutom bidrog implementeringen av en dubbelskannad kontur för luckan till att minska grovheten samtidigt som den maximala densiteten ökade till 99,6 %. Att påverka den elektriska ledningsförmågan hos tryckta kopparprover genom värmebehandling demonstrerades framgångsrikt, vilket resulterade i en ledningsförmåga på 91,7 % ± 1,8 % IACS efter värmebehandling.

Characterization of Conduction and Polarization Properties of HVDC Cable XLPE Insulation Materials

Ghorbani, Hossein January 2016 (has links)
Since its first introduction in 1998, extruded direct current (DC) cable technology has been growing rapidly leading to many cable system installations with operation voltages up to 320 kV. Cable manufacturers invest heavily on technology development in this field and today extruded DC cable systems for operation voltages as high as 525 kV are commercially available. The electrical field distribution in electrical insulation under DC voltage is mainly determined by the conduction physics, therefore a good understanding of the DC conduction is necessary. In case of Cross-linked Polyethylene (XLPE) insulation, the presence of the peroxide decomposition products (PDP) is believed to influence its electrical properties. The PDP are volatile and therefore they may diffuse out of the samples during sample preparation and testing. Besides, the morphology of the XLPE is known to evolve over time even at moderate temperatures. Since the material may change during preparation, storage and even measurement, the procedure during all stages of the study should be chosen carefully. In this work, the physics of the dielectric response and conduction in XLPE is briefly discussed. The existing measurement techniques relevant to characterization of DC conduction in XLPE insulation materials are reviewed. The procedure for high field DC conductivity measurement is evaluated and recommendations for obtaining reproducible results are listed. Two types of samples are studied, i.e. thick press molded samples and thick plaque samples obtained from the insulation of in-factory extruded cables. For press molded samples, the influence of the press film used during press molding and the effect of heat-treatment on the electrical properties of XLPE and LDPE are studied. High field DC conductivity of XLPE plaque samples is measured with a dynamic electrode temperature to simulate the standard thermal cycles. Investigations show that using PET film during press molding leads to higher apparent DC conductivity and dielectric losses when compared to using aluminum foil. The influence of heat-treatment is different depending on the press film. High field DC conductivity measurements and chemical composition measurement of samples obtained from the cable insulation are in good agreement with the results obtained from the full scale measurements. Finally a non-monotonic dependence of apparent DC conductivity to temperature of some samples pressed with PET film is discovered which to the author’s best of knowledge has not been previously reported in the literature. / Sedan det första införandet i 1998 har extruderad likspänning (DC) kabeltekniken vuxit snabbt och har lett till många existerande kabelsysteminstallationer med driftspänningar upp till 320 kV. Kabeltillverkare investerar kraftigt i teknikutveckling inom detta område och idag finns extruderade DC kabelsystemen tillgängliga för driftspänningar så höga som 525 kV. Elektrisk fältfördelning i isolationsmaterial under hög DC spänning, beror framförallt på materialets elektriska ledningsfysik, därför är en bra förståelse av DC ledningsförmåga nödvändig. Isolationsmaterial av tvärbunden polyeten (PEX) innehåller tvärbindningsrestgaser som tros påverka materialets elektriska egenskaper. Restgaserna är flyktiga och kan diffundera bort från proven under preparering och mätning, även under måttliga temperaturer. PEX materialets morfologi ändras även med tiden. Med tanke på att materialet kan ändras under provpreparering, lagring och även vid mätning, så måste samtliga steg ovan väljas mycket försiktigt. I detta arbete diskuteras grundläggande fysik för dielektrisk polarisering och ledningsförmåga i PEX-isolation tillsammans med granskning av existerande mätteknik relevant för karakterisering av ledningsförmåga i PEX. Procedurer för mätning av DC ledningsförmåga under höga elektriska fält är undersökta och rekommendationer för reproducerbar mätningar är framtagna. Två typer av prover är studerade, tjocka pressade plattor och tjocka plattor som ursvarvats från kommersiell tillverkade högspänningskablar. För pressade plattor, studerades effekten utav press-filmens påverkan på de elektriska egenskaperna hos PEX och LDPE. Påverkan av värmebehandling på DC ledningsförmåga av PEX plattor studerades också. Slutligen studerades DC ledningsförmåga av PEX och LDPE plattor under höga DC fält och med dynamisk temperatur på elektroderna med syftet att efterlikna standardvärmecyklingar. Undersökningarna visade att användningen av PET filmer under pressning av plattor ledde till högre DC ledningsförmåga och högre dielektriska förluster i proven i jämförelse med användning av aluminiumfolie. Påverkan utav värmebehandling är olika beroende på typ av film som används pressningen. Det finns en stark korrelation mellan resultaten från DC konduktivitet och kemisk komposition mätningar från plattor skaffat från kabelisolation och resultaten från fullskaliga kabelmätningar. Slutligen, upptäcktes ett icke monotont beroende av DC konduktivitet hos PEX och LDPE plattor på temperatur som tidigare inte rapporterats i litteraturen. / <p>QC 20160125</p>

Structure and Properties Investigations of the La2Co1+z(Ti1-xMgx)1-zO6 Perovskite System / Struktur och Egenskapsundersökningar av La2Co1+z(Ti1-xMgx)1-zO6 Perovskit Systemet

Shafeie, Samrand January 2011 (has links)
Perovskite based materials have great potentials for various energy applications and the search for new materials for uses in SOFCs has largely been concentrated to this class of compounds. In this search, we have studied perovskite phases in the system La2Co1+z(Ti1-xMgx)1-zO6, with 0  x 0.9 and z = 0.0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6. Crystal structures were characterized by XRD and, for selected compositions, also by NPD and SAED. They exhibit with increasing x, as well as increasing z, a progressive increase in symmetry from monoclinic to orthorhombic to rhombohedral. The main focus in this work has been on the investigation of structure-property relations for compositions with 0.0 x 0.5 and z = 0. The nominal oxidation state of Co increases for these with increasing x, from Co2+ for x = 0 to Co3+ for x = 0.5. Magnetic measurements and XANES studies showed that the average spin state of Co changes linearly with increasing x, up to x = 0.5, in accordance with varying proportions of Co with two fixed oxidation states, i.e. Co2+ and Co3+. The data suggests that the Co3+ ions have an IS spin state or a mixture of LS and HS spin states for all compositions with nominally only Co2+ and Co3+ ions, possibly with the exception of the composition with x = 0.1, 0.2 and z = 0, for which the data indicate that the spin state might be HS. The XANES data indicate furthermore that for the perovskite phases with z = 0 and x &gt; 0.5, which in the absence of O atom vacancies contain formally Co4+, the highest oxidation state of Co is Co3+, implying that the substitution of Ti4+ by Mg2+ for x ³ 0.5 effects an oxidation of O2- ions rather than an oxidation of Co3+ ions. The thermal expansion was found to increase nearly linearly with increasing oxidation state of Co. This agrees well with findings in previous studies and is attributable to an increase in the ionic radius of Co3+ ions with increasing temperature, due to a thermal excitation from a LS to IS or LS/HS spin states. High temperature electronic conductivity measurements indicate that the electronic conductivity increases with an increase of both relative and absolute amount of Co3+. The latter can be attributed to an increase in the number of Co-O-Co connections. Additional high temperature magnetic measurements for selected samples, whose susceptibilities did not follow a Curie law behaviour up to room temperature, showed effective magnetic moments that did approach plateaus even at high temperatures (900 K). Interpretations of these data are, however, hindered by the samples losing oxygen during the applied heating-cooling cycle. The present study has shown that the investigated system is suitable for further studies, of more fundamental character, which could provide further insight of the structure-property relationships that depend on the oxidation state of Co. / Studies of cobalt based perovskites for cathode materials in solid oxide fuel cells.

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