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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Magnetic Mineralogy of Nb-bearing Carbonatites from Oldoinyo Dili (Tanzania) / Magnetisk mineralogi av Nb-innehållande karbonatiter från Oldoinyo Dili (Tanzania)

Frejd, Julia January 2021 (has links)
Niobium (Nb) and Rare Earth Elements (REE’s) have in recent years received considerable attention because of their importance to the modern technical industry, and more specifically the enhanced sustainability that comes with them. The main source for Nb and REE’s on Earth are carbonatites and associated alkaline silicate rocks. This report examines the magnetic properties of rocks from the Oldoinyo Dili carbonatite complex in northern Tanzania. Previous workers have suggested a link between the Fe-bearing mineralogy and the formation of Nb-mineralizations at Oldoinyo Dili. This hypothesis is further examined in this report by combining detailed petrographic observations and withnew measurements of magnetic susceptibility. The aim is to see if any correlation exists between occurrence of Nb-mineralizations and the types of Fe-minerals present at Oldoinyo Dili. Based on the magnetic susceptibility measurements, at least two different species of Fe-minerals arefound in the examined samples. These are characterized by different magnetic trends during heating/cooling and also by their separate Curie temperatures (Tc). In combination with the petrographic observations these minerals are interpreted to be magnetite (Fe2O4) with Tc ~580°C, and a mineral that most likely represents a solid solution between ilmenite (FeTiO3) and hematite (Fe2O3) with Tc ~300°C. Here, no clear link between the type of opaque mineral(s) present and the total Nb content of the carbonatites can be conclusively determined based on the petrography and the magnetic measurements alone. Although the results of this report provide an important first step towards understanding the relationship between Nb-mineralizations and the magnetic mineralogy at Oldoinyo Dili, more detailed analyses of the mineral chemistry is a necessity to fully understand their complex relations and the specific conditions under which they formed. / Niob (Nb) och sällsynta jordartsmetaller (REE’s) har på senare år fått stor uppmärksamhet för sin betydelse för den moderna tekniska industrin, och specifikt för den förhöjda hållbarhet som de bidrar med. Den huvudsakliga källan till Nb och REE’s på jorden är karbonatiter och associerade alkalisilikater. Denna rapport undersöker de magnetiska egenskaperna för karbonatit-komplexet Oldoinyo Dili i norra Tanzania. Forskare har tidigare anat att det finns en koppling mellan Fe-bärande mineralogi och bildandet av Nb-mineraliseringar vid Oldoinyo Dili. Denna hypotes undersöks vidare i denna rapport genom att kombinera detaljerade petrografiska observationer med nya mätningar av magnetisk susceptibilitet. Syftet är att undersöka om det finns någon korrelation mellan förekomst av Nb-mineraliseringar och de typer av järnmineral som finns vid Oldoinyo Dili. Baserat på de genomförda magnetiska susceptibilitets-mätningarna så finns det åtminstone två olika sorters järnmineral i de undersökta proverna. De karaktäriseras av olika magnetiska trender vid upphettning/nedkylning och även av sina olika Curietemperaturer (Tc). Kombinerat med petrografiska observationer uttolkas att dessa mineral är magnetit (Fe2O4) med Tc ~580°C, samt en mineral som troligen är en solid solution av ilmenit (FeTiO3) och hematit (Fe2O3) med Tc ~300°C. Det går inte att senågon tydlig koppling mellan förekommande opaka mineral och det totala Nb-innehållet i karbonatiterna med säkerhet enbart utifrån petrografin och de genomförda magnetiska mätningarna. Resultaten av denna rapport utgör ett bra första steg mot att förstå relationen mellan Nb-mineraliseringar och den magnetiska mineralogin för Oldoinyo Dili, men mer detaljerade analyser av mineralkemin är nödvändigt för att till fullo förstå de komplexa förhållanden som råder vid bildning av dessa.

Properties in New Complex Perovskite-Related Materials, a Matter of Composition and Structure / Egenskaper hos nya komplexa perovskitrelaterade material, en fråga om sammansättning och struktur

Shafeie, Samrand January 2013 (has links)
This PhD thesis presents investigations of perovskite-related compounds in systems of interest for applications in components in solid oxide fuel cells. The compound compositions derive from substitutions in the parent compounds LaCoO3, LaCrO3 and SrFeO3. Novel phases La2Co1+z(MgxTi1-x)1-zO6 were synthesized and investigated with regard to structure, thermal expansion, electronic and magnetic properties. The study focused on the composition lines La2Co(MgxTi1-x)O6 (z=0), where the oxidation state of Co nominally changes from +2 (x=0.0) to +3 (x=0.5), and La2Co1+z(Mg0.5Ti0.5)1-zO6, with a varying fraction of Co3+ ions. XANES data show that the Co ions in the system have discrete oxidation states of +2 and +3. The TEC increases with increasing x due to an increasing contribution from spin state transitions of the Co3+ ions. Novel compounds La2Cr(M2/3Nb1/3)O6 with M=Mg, Ni, Cu were synthesized and characterized with respect to structure and magnetic properties. XRPD and NPD data indicate Pbnm symmetry; however, SAED patterns and HREM images indicate a P21/n symmetry for M=Mg, and Cu. The magnetic measurements results were rationalized using the Goodenough-Kanamori rules. Oxygen-deficient phases with x≥0.63 in SrxY1-xFeO3-δ and Sr0.75Y0.25Fe1-yMyO3-δ (M=Cr, Mn, Ni and y=0.2, 0.33, 0.5), were synthesized and characterized with respect to structure, oxygen content, thermogravimetry, TEC, conductivity and magnetic properties. Powder patterns of phases agree with cubic  perovskite structures. NPD data for x=0.75 reveal anisotropic displacement for the O atom, related to local effects from Fe3+/Fe4+ ions. SAED patterns for x=0.75 reveal the presence of an incommensurate modulation. The compounds start to lose oxygen in air at ~ 400°C. The TEC up to ~400°C for x=0.75 is ~10.5 ppm/K and increase to ~17.5 ppm/K at higher temperatures. The conductivity for x=0.91 is 164 S/cm at 400°C. Partial substitution of Fe by Cr, Mn or Ni does not increase the conductivity or decrease TEC.

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