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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Integrated attitude determination system using a combination of magnetometer and horizon sensor data

Maass, E. (Eanette) 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: A different approach of employing attitude sensors with incomplete measurements in an attitude determination system is investigated. The amount of available attitude sensors on small satellites are limited, and the failure of sensors can be fatal when accurate attitude determination is necessary. The problem with sensors with incomplete measurements is that they must be used in combination with other sensors to obtain three dimensional attitude information. The aim is to enhance the possible number of sensor combinations that can be employed, in an attempt to improve the ability of the attitude determination system to tolerate sensor failures. An alternative sensor structure consisting of a magnetometer and two horizon sensors is presented. A method to obtain vector observations of the attitude from a combination between magnetometer and horizon sensor measurements is derived and tested. A full state Extended Kalman Filter is used to determine the satellite's attitude, attitude rate and disturbance torque from these vector observations. A second Extended Kalman Filter structure, using only magnetometer measurements, is implemented. The magnetometer Extended Kalman Filter and the horizon/magnetometer Extended Kalman Filter are integrated to obtain a single Extended Kalman Filter structure to determine the satellite's full attitude state. Integration is done by switching between the different pairs of vector information. A systematic analysis of the integrated filter's dynamic behaviour during the switching stages is done by means of a series of case studies. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die gebruik van oriëntasiesensore met onvolledige metingsdata in oriëntasiebepalingsstelsels is ondersoek. Slegs 'n beperkte aantal oriëntasiesensore is beskikbaar op mikro satelliete. 'n Foutiewe sensor kan dus noodlottig wees wanneer akkurate oriëntasiebepaling nodig is. Die probleem met sensore met onvolledige metingsdata is dat dit in sensor kombinasies gebruik moet word om drie dimensionele oriëntasieinligting te verkry. Die doel is dus om die moontlike aantal sensor kombinasies sodanig te vermeerder dat die oriëntasiebepalingsstelsel beter bestand sal wees teen moontlike sensor falings. 'n Alternatiewe sensor struktuur, bestaande uit 'n magnetometer en twee horison sensore, is ondersoek. 'n Metode vir die verkryging van 3-as oriëntasie inligting vanaf 'n kombinasie van magnetometer en horison sensor metingsdata is afgelei en getoets. 'n Vol toestand uitgebreide Kalmanfilter is gebruik om the satelliet se oriëntasie, oriëntasie snelheid en versteurings draairnoment vanaf die vektor observasies af te lei. 'n Tweede uitgebreide Kalmanfilter struktuur, wat slegs magnetometer metingsdata gebruik, is geïmplementeer. Die magnetometer filter en die horison/magnetometer filter is geïntegreer sodat een uitgebreide Kalmanfilter struktuur volle oriëntasie inligting kan aflei vanaf verskillende pare vektors met oriëntasie inligting. Integrasie is gedoen deur te skakel tussen die verskillende vektorpare. 'n Sistematiese analise van die geïntegreerde filter se dinamiese gedrag gedurende die oorskakelingstye is gedoen deur middel van 'n reeks gevallestudies.

Magnétomètres à pompage optique à Hélium 4 : développement et preuve de concept en magnétocardiographie et en magnétoencéphalographie / Helium 4 optically-pumped magnetometers : development and proof of concept in magnetocardiography and magnetoecephalography

Corsi, Marie-Constance 12 October 2015 (has links)
La magnétocardiographie (MCG) et la magnétoencéphalographie (MEG) sont deux techniques d'imagerie non-invasives mesurant respectivement les champs magnétiques cardiaques et cérébraux. Les dispositifs actuels utilisent des capteurs supraconducteurs de haute performance mais nécessitant un dispositif de refroidissement cryogénique, engendrant de fortes contraintes tant techniques que financières. Les magnétomètres à pompage optique (OPM) tendent à constituer une réelle alternative. Parmi eux figurent ceux développés au CEA-LETI, basés sur l'utilisation de l'hélium 4. Cette thèse a pour objectif de développer des magnétomètres vectoriels à 4He (fonctionnant à température ambiante) dédiés aux applications MCG et MEG.Après une optimisation des paramètres-clés d'un prototype non-miniaturisé préexistant, une sensibilité inférieure à 100 fT/sqrt(Hz) a pu être obtenue suivant deux axes. Afin de respecter les besoins spécifiques de la MCG et de la MEG une étape de miniaturisation a dû être menée et une architecture gradient-métrique a été mise en place. Parallèlement, des tests précliniques menés à Clinatec nous ont permis de concevoir un nouveau conditionnement du prototype, ainsi qu'un système réduisant les perturbations magnétiques. Une analyse des principales sources de bruit a révélé que les deux principaux contributeurs au bruit sont le laser et le système de décharge HF. Nous avons ainsi envisagé plusieurs pistes d'amélioration du niveau de bruit dont une nouvelle technique de détection. Le prototype issu de ces travaux comporte une pièce élémentaire (la cellule) d'un centimètre de côté, et présente une sensibilité intrinsèque de 350 fT/sqrt(Hz).Le dispositif a ensuite été testé avec succès dans le cadre de mesures MCG sur un sujet sain, précédées de tests sur fantôme ayant permis de prouver l'opérabilité de nos capteurs dans un environnement clinique. Par ailleurs, la reproductibilité des résultats ainsi que la possibilité de réduire à 30 s le temps d'acquisition des données ont pu être démontrées. Une optimisation spécifique de la partie optique du prototype a permis d'obtenir une sensibilité de l'ordre de 210 fT/sqrt(Hz) entre 3 et 300 Hz, compatible avec l'application MEG. Après des tests menés avec succès sur fantôme, trois séries d'essais ont été réalisées sur un sujet sain. Nous avons pu ainsi détecter des potentiels évoqués auditifs, visuels ainsi qu'une modulation de l'activité cérébrale spontanée sous l'effet de l'ouverture des paupières. L'ensemble des résultats obtenus constitue les premières preuves de concept cliniques du dispositif en MCG et MEG. / Magnetocardiography (MCG) and magnetoencephalography (MEG) are non-invasive techniques consisting in measuring respectively cardiac and brain magnetic fields. Despite their performance, the sensors currently used need a cryogenic cooling system which engenders technical and financial constraints. New cryogenic-free sensors have recently emerged: the OPMs (Optically-Pumped Magnetometers). Among them, vector 4He magnetometers developed by CEA-LETI which work at room-temperature. This thesis is focused on the development of 4He magnetometers dedicated to MCG and MEG.After having optimized the key-parameters of a first non-miniaturized prototype, a sensitivity inferior to 100 fT/sqrt(Hz) has been obtained along two axes. In order to meet biomedical constraints, a miniaturization of the device has been processed. In parallel, preclinical tests were carried out which have enabled us to design a gradiometer mode, a new packaging, and a magnetically isolated system. A noise analysis revealed that laser and HF discharge were the main sources of disturbance, and lead us to consider improvements such as a new detection mode. Eventually, a sensor, with a 1cm-sided cell, and an intrinsic sensitivity of 350 fT/√Hz has been developed.Then, device has been successfully tested in the frame of the MCG application from a healthy subject, preceded by a simulation study with a phantom which enables us to demonstrate its operability within a clinical environment. Moreover, we have proved the reproducibility of the measurements and the possibility to detect the main features of the cardiac cycle within a 30 s recording time. A specific optimization of the optical part has enabled us to obtain a 210 fT/sqrt(Hz) sensitivity between 3 and 300 Hz, suitable for the MEG application. After having tested our device with a phantom, three MEG experiments were performed with a healthy subject: auditory evoked field, visual evoked field and spontaneous activities have been detected. The obtained results form the first clinical proof of concept of the device for MCG and MEG applications.

Etude d'un magnéto-électromètre marin : conception, dimensionnement optimisé et réalisation d'un prototype / Study of a marine magneto-electrometer : design, optimized sizing and prototype realization

Baicry, Mathieu 12 November 2015 (has links)
La mesure des champs électromagnétiques très basses fréquences en mer est utilisée pour de nombreuses applications, dont les principales sont militaires et géophysiques. Les besoins pour ces applications sont des capteurs capables d'effectuer des mesures à très basses fréquences avec un niveau de bruit inférieur au nV.m^(-1).Hz^(-1/2).Les électromètres commerciaux et académiques utilisés actuellement pour la mesure des champs électriques en mer sont à mesure de tension. Leur inconvénient majeur est une remontée de bruit aux basses fréquences, due à l'électronique d'amplification du signal. Une autre méthode de mesure des champs électriques en mer consiste à mesurer le courant traversant un dispositif de faible impédance. Nous avons conçu un électromètre à mesure de courant et magnétomètre au sein du même capteur, en essayant de pallier les défauts des électromètres passés et actuels.Dans un premier temps, nous décrivons le milieu dans lequel le capteur sera amené à fonctionner, puis les applications auxquelles il est destiné, et enfin l'état de l'art des capteurs existant et leurs limites.Nous décrivons ensuite de manière détaillée le comportement du capteur. En particulier, nous déterminons par simulation et de manière expérimentale les différentes fonctions de transfert du capteur, en fonction de ses caractéristiques géométriques et de son environnement.Après avoir présenté plusieurs architectures possibles d'électromètres répondant aux objectifs fixés, nous utilisons les résultats obtenus au chapitre précédent pour dimensionner un électromètre dont la conductivité équivalente n'est pas forcément égale à celle de l'eau de mer. Ce degré de liberté supplémentaire par rapport aux contraintes de conception des électromètres à mesure de courant passés permet d'améliorer les performances du capteur. Enfin nous proposons deux méthodes de calibration de l'électromètre, sans connaissance a priori de son environnement.Enfin nous caractérisons les différents éléments d'un prototype de laboratoire, et nous présentons les résultats des tests de ce prototype complet. / The measurement of electric and magnetic fields at sea is of great interest for many applications (geophysics, oil prospection, vessels detection, etc.) In all cases, measurements at very low frequency with a very low noise are required.Most marine electrometers measure the potential difference between two separated electrodes. Their noise level is very good but increases when frequency decreases, due to amplification electronics. Another type of electrometers is based on a low impedance current measurement system. We designed a current based electrometer, which is as well able to simultaneously measure the magnetic field, trying to solve the problems of former devices.First, we describe the medium in which the sensor will be used, the applications for which it is intended, and the state of the art of existing sensors and their defects.We then describe in detail the behavior of the sensor. In particular, we determine by simulation and experimentally the different transfer functions of the sensor, depending on its geometrical characteristics and its environment.After presenting several potential architectures of electrometers meeting the targets, we use the results obtained in the previous chapter to scale an electrometer, whose equivalent conductivity is not necessarily equal to that of seawater. This additional degree of freedom in comparison with the design constraints of the former current measurement electrometers enables us to improve the performance of the sensor. Finally we propose two calibration methods of the electrometer, without prior knowledge of its environment.Finally we characterize the different elements of a laboratory prototype, and we present the results of the tests of the complete prototype.

Medida da magnetização de filmes finos: desenvolvimento de um magnetômetro kerr / Measurement of thin films magnetization: development of a kerr magnetometer

Garcia, Wagner Jesus da Silva 21 February 2014 (has links)
The Kerr effect is the rotation of the plane of polarization of a light beam during reflection on a magnetized sample. In this work we built an optical Kerr effect magnetometer Longitudinal (L-MOKE) and measured the magnetization of thin films produced by the technique of "magnetron sputtering". The magnetization measurements were in samples of permalloy (Py), iron (Fe) and a tri-layer Py/IrMn/Ta. / O efeito Kerr consiste na rotação do plano de polarização de um feixe de luz durante a reflexão sobre uma amostra magnetizada. Neste trabalho construímos um magnetômetro ótico de efeito Kerr Longitudinal (L-MOKE) e realizamos medidas de magnetização de filmes finos produzidos pela técnica de magnetron sputtering . Foram realizadas medidas de magnetização com amostras de permalloy (Py), ferro (Fe) e uma tri-camada de Py/IrMn/Ta.


EDUARDO PARENTE RIBEIRO 05 September 2006 (has links)
[pt] A grande demanda por visualização através de imagens aliada ao caracter não invasivo das medidas de campo magnético motiva o desenvolvimento de ferramentas para o processamento de sinais em biomagnetismo. A técnica de filtragem inversa no domínio da freqüência, utilizada para restauração de imagens óticas, foi aplicada para se obter, a partir do campo magnético medido, uma imagem de sua fonte. Diversas simulações com distribuições de momentos magnéticos foram realizadas para se avaliar a qualidade da recuperação em presença de ruído. A técnica foi também aplicada em medidas experimentais obtidas com um mangnetômetro supercondutor. / [en] The great demand for images and the non-invasive character of the magnetic field measurements encourage the development of tools for signal processing in biomagnetism. The inverse filtering in the frequency domain technique often used in optical image restoration was applied to obtain an image of the source of magnetic field from its measured magnetic signal. Many simulations with two-dimensional magnetic moment distribution were carried out to determine the quality of the recovery in the presence of noise. The algorithm was also used with experimental data from measurement made with a super conducting magnetometer.

Calibration and Uncertainty Analysis of a Spacecraft Attitude Determination Test Stand

Pope, Charles January 2017 (has links)
Experimental testing of attitude determination systems still plays an important role, despite increasing use of simulations. Testing provides a means to numerically quantify system performance, give confidence in the models and methods, and also discover and compensate for unexpected behaviours and interactions with the attitude determination system. The usefulness of the test results is dependent on an understanding of the uncertainties that contribute to the attitude error. With this understanding, the significance of the results can be assessed, and efforts to reduce attitude errors can be directed appropriately. The work of this thesis is to gain a quantitative understanding of the uncertainties that impact the attitude error of low cost spinning spacecraft using COTS camera (as Sun sensor) and MEMS magnetometer. The sensors were calibrated and the uncertainties in these calibrations were quantified, then propagated through the Triad method to uncertainties in the attitude. It was found that most systematic errors were reduced to negligible levels, except those due to timing latencies. Attitude errors achieved in the laboratory with the experimental setup were around 0.14 degrees (3σ) using either the Triad, q-method or Extended Kalman Filter with a gyro for dynamic model replacement. The errors in laboratory were dominated by magnetometer noise. Furthermore, correlated systematic errors had the effect of reducing the attitude error calculated in the laboratory. For an equivalent Sun-mag geometry in orbit, simulation showed that total attitude error would be of the order of 0.77 degrees (3σ). An uncertainty contribution analysis revealed this error was dominated by uncertainties in the inertial magnetic field model. Uncertainties in knowledge of the inertial Sun model, sensor calibration, sensor alignment and sensor noise were shown to be insignificant in comparison.

Conception et fabrication d'un magnétomètre à jauge de contrainte / Conception and fabrication of a strain-gage magnetometer

Ettelt, Dirk 13 June 2012 (has links)
Ce travail de th`ese est consacré à la conception, la réalisation technologique et la caractérisation fonctionnelle d'un nouveau type de capteur de champ magnétique MEMS 3D. Différent de l'approche classique utilisée pour des magnétomètres MEMS 3D, le capteur conçu dans le cadre de cette thèse n'a pas comme base le principe de la force de Lorentz, mais se sert des avantages qu'offrent les matériaux magnétiques intégrés dans des systèmes MEMS. Le matériau magnétique subit un moment lorsqu'il est soumis à un champ magnétique environnant. Le principe de détection du signal est basé sur la piézorésistivité et utilise des jauges en silicium mono-crystallin avec une section nanométrique. Le concept technologique convient également pour la fabrication de capteurs inertiels et est donc une approche prometteuse pour la fabrication des centrales de mesure inertielle (IMUs). La conception est principalement basée sur un modèle de bruit. En dehors de la considération des limitations technologiques, des aspects mécaniques, magnétiques et thermiques sont également pris en compte. Deux pistes ont été étudiées pour l'intégration du matériau magnétique. Une première option consiste dans l'intégration d'aimants terres-rares comme SmCo et NdFeB. Une deuxième option a pour objet l'intégration des multi-couches antiferromagnétiques et ferromagnétiques, couplées par le couplage d'échange. La réalisation technologique bien exigeante des ces deux approches sera présentée avec une concentration particulière sur les propriétés magnétiques des matériaux utilisés. Une autre partie sera consacrée à la caractérisation des contraintes mécaniques dans des couches minces qui peuvent devenir problématiques pour les micro-systèmes conçus dans le cadre de ce travail. Au final, la fabrication du capteur ainsi que des caractérisations fondamentales seront présentées afin d'établir une preuve expérimentale pour le concept du capteur. / This PhD thesis deals with the design, the technological implementation, and functional characterizations of a new type of monolothic 3D MEMS magnetometer. Other than for the classical approach used for 3D MEMS magnetometers, the sensor developed in this work is not based on the principle of Lorentz force, but takes advantage of magnetic material which is integrated into the MEMS device and experiences a torque when surrounded by a magnetic field. Signal detection is based on piezoresistive detection using gauges of monocrystalline silicon with nanometric section. The technological concept is also suitable for the fabrication of inertial sensors and thus a very promising approach for fabrication of inertial measurement units (IMUs). Sensor design mainly relies on a noise model. Besides technological limitations, mechanical, magnetic and thermal aspects are also taken into account. Two different methods for integration of magnetic material were explored. A first option consists in the integration of rare-earth magnets like SmCo and NdFeB, a second option is about the integration of exchange-bias coupled antiferromagnetic and ferromagnetic multilayers. The technologically challenging implentation of both approaches will be discussed with a special focus on magnetic properties of the used materials. A further part will be dedicated to the characterization of mechanical stress in thin layers, which may become problematic for the microsystems conceived in this work. Finally, sensor fabrication and fundamental characterizations will be presented as experimental proof of concept for the sensor.

Sledování pohybu materiálu v průběhu výroby / Material position tracking in production hall

Sládeček, Michal January 2018 (has links)
This diploma thesis describes implementation of an indoor positioning system for tracking the location and movement of material and products through the manufacturing plant. The system is designed with regards to simple installation and low overall implementation costs. It utilizes method of Wi-Fi and magnetic field fingerprinting. The system employs a client hardware (active tag with Wi-Fi module and sensors designed for this project) communicating with a server software which does the mapping and fingerprinting processing. Finall positioning system is prepared to collect locations data for further analysis aiming to improve efficiency of manufacturing processes.

Stabilizační 2D plošina pro digitální obrazový snímací systém / Two-axis Stabilized Aerial Photography Platform

Vácha, Lukáš January 2012 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with design and realization of control board with controlling program for stabilization platform application. Thesis is splitted in to six parts. In first part of thesis are summarized required parameters and properties of proposed system together with explanation of necessary theoretical basics. In second part of thesis is made analysis of sensors which are designated for sensing necessary magnitudes. Namely then magnetometer, accelerometer, gyroscope. For every sensor is there made analysis of influence caused by parasitic effects. In conclusion of second part is made choice of concrete sensors by choosing sensory module. Third part deals with conception of mechanical solution. Fourth part of thesis deals with design and construction of control board and also with description of circuit functional blocks. This is followed with fifth part which describing program equipment of board with setting up sensory module. In last part of thesis are described conclusions of testing.

Inerciální navigační jednotka / Inertial Navigation Unit

Kulka, Branislav January 2014 (has links)
This thesis is concerned with attitude estimation of small flying robots using low cost, small-sized inertial and magnetic sensors. A quaternion-based extended Kalman filter is used, which adaptively compensates external acceleration. External acceleration is the main source of estimation error. If external acceleration is detected, the accelerometer measurement covariance matrix of the Kalman filter is adjusted. The proposed algorithms are verified through experiments. Selected algorithm is implemented on STM32F4DISCOVERY development board.

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