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The distribution of plasminogen activator in the male genital tractKester, Ralph Charles 08 April 2020 (has links)
The blood of man is rich in plasminogen, the inactive precursor of plasmin, a protease (Astrup, 1956a); the most characteristic action of plasmin is the digestion of fibrin, i.e. fibrinolysis. Many tissues, including the prostate (Rasmussen and Albrechtsen, 1960a), contain substances which can activate plasminogen, and thus initiate fibrinolysis, and it has been assumed that both the excessive fibrinolysis seen in the blood of some patients with prostatic disease (Tagnon, Whitmore, Schulman and Kravitz, 1953a), and in prostatic surgery (Lombardo, 1957), is due to the release of this activator into the blood stream (Fearnley, 1965). Human semen contains a substance which can activate the blood fibrinolytic system (von Kaulla and Shettles, 1953). Indeed, when human seminal fluid is ejaculated, it undergoes a process resembling the clotting and fibrinolysis of the blood, by coagulating then liquefying spontaneously. The coagulum is formed when a fibrinogenlike protein secreted by the seminal vesicles is acted upon by a clotting enzyme from the prostate (Mann, 1964). Coagulation is followed within about 20 minutes by liquefactionliquefaction of the clots by an enzyme assumed to come from the prostate (Huggins and Neal, 1942). This enzyme resembles plasmin in that it is a protease acting on a fibrin-like substrate, and that it is derived from an
inactive precursor.
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Relationship between semen viscosity and male genital tract infectionsFlint, Margot 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScMedSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The basic semen analysis plays a pivotal role in the diagnosis of male infertility and makes a significant contribution to the diagnostic process in andrology, gynecology and clinical urology. In 1902, the man considered to be ―the founding father of modern andrology‖ Edward Martin, proposed that an analysis of a semen sample should be incorporated into all infertility assessments. Following this suggestion in 1956, the scientist John MacLeod advanced the basic semen analysis from beyond a mere observation and introduced the importance of certain semen parameters such as morphology, motility and viscosity.
The present day examination includes the analysis of certain established semen parameters, which can provide key information about the quality of a patient‘s semen and the functional competence of the spermatozoa. A semen analysis is also a valuable diagnostic tool in assessing possible disorders of the male genital tract and the secretory pattern of the male accessory sex glands. This information can help to determine the reproductive capacity of the male and can be used in conjunction with the partner to indicate the impact of male genital pathophysiology in the assessment of a couple‘s prospect for fertility.
Patients attending the andrology laboratory at Tygerberg Academic Hospital for a semen analysis are referred based on primary, secondary or idiopathic infertility. Amongst these patients, an increase in semen viscosity has been observed over a period of time and created the need to assess the possible causes behind this trend. Despite viscosity being included in a routine spermiogram, it raises a considerable amount of concern as it is assessed semi-quantitatively.
In the first part of this study, the possible correlation between seminal hyperviscosity and leukocytospermia was assessed. To achieve the most comprehensive assessment of viscosity, a new approach was used, which is a highly quantitative method to record viscosity in the international unit, centipoise (cP). The analysis of semen samples for possible leukocytospermia was approached by three methods the first of which was cytological. During this method granulocyte grading was performed on stained semen smears during the normal determination of morphology. The same approach was taken for the second method, whereby white blood cell concentrations were quantified with a leukocyte peroxidase test in the total sample group (n=200). Viscosity was compared between the samples classified as leukocytospermic positive or negative, according to the set reference values of the World Health Organisation (WHO). Correlation analysis between the two variables was also performed. In the biochemical approach of detecting leukocytospermia, an enzyme-linked immunoabsorbant assay (ELISA) was used to quantify the concentration of the extracellular polymorphonuclear (PMN) enzyme released from leukocytes. This test was performed on 124 randomly selected samples. All samples were fractionated before storage in liquid nitrogen, to allow for multiple assessments to be performed on each sample. The PMN elastase concentration was assessed against viscosity to investigate a possible correlation and relationship with the presence of leukocytospermia. All three methods of detecting possible infection showed a significantly positive relationship with increased viscosity in semen samples. The second approach in the study was to assess increased viscosity and leukocytospermia against parameters included in the spermiogram. An evaluation of hyperviscosity and its correlations to the various other semen parameters can allow for a detailed study into the effects that this anomaly may elicit. With the assessment of each of the sperm parameters against the leukocyte count and viscosity (cP), volume, concentration and morphology showed significance.
To further the study, the third angle was to investigate a possible correlation between viscosity and the functional status of the male accessory sex glands. The biochemical approach of assessing the secretory patterns of the prostate and seminal vesicles against markers of infection can possibly further the understanding behind hyperviscous semen and leukocytospermia. Citric acid and fructose, secretory products of the prostate and seminal vesicles respectively, showed no significance when assessed against the leukocyte count and viscosity. However, this project was a pilot study and this approach offers an exciting avenue for further research. These research findings may provide a more comprehensive assessment of a man‘s fertility status. Seen in the context of patients attending the andrology laboratory of Tygerberg Academic Hospital, this is greatly needed as the majority of these patients cannot afford advanced assisted reproductive therapies. The introduction of a more accurate method of quantifying viscosity may possibly help to identify, diagnose and treat patients suffering from leukocytospermia in order to ultimately enhance their fertility potential. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die basiese semenanalise speel 'n belangrike rol in die diagnose van manlike infertiliteit en maak dus 'n betekenisvolle bydrae tot die diagnostiese proses in andrologie, ginekologie en kliniese urologie. In 1902 het Edward Martin, wat deur sommige navorsers as die vader van moderne andrologie beskou word, voorgestel dat 'n semenanalise deel moet vorm van alle infertiliteitsondersoeke. In 1956 het die wetenskaplike John MacLeod aanvoorwerk gedoen om die grondslag van 'n basiese semenanalise daar te stel, wat beteken het dat, in plaas van net 'n observasie studie te doen, 'n semenmonster kwantitatief analiseer moes word en dat parameters soos spermmorfologie, motiliteit en viskositeit as deel van die volledige analise gedoen moet word.
Die hedendaagse analise sluit, behalwe die basiese semenparameters, ook inligting in oor die funksionele aspekte van spermatozoa. Die semenanalise is dus ook ‗n belangrike diagnostiese hulpmiddel om inligting rakende moontlike abnormaliteite in die manlike genitale traktus en die sekretoriese funksies van die manlike bykomstige geslagskliere te verskaf. Hierdie inligting kan help om 'n moontlike diagnose van die man se fertiliteitspotensiaal te maak. Terselftertyd kan dit ook tesame met die metgesel se reproduktiewe inligting meer lig werp op die impak van die man se genitale patofisiologie op die paartjie se fertilitetspotensiaal.
Pasiënte wat die andrologielaboratorium van die Tygerberg Akademiese Hospitaal besoek word verwys op grond van primêre, sekondêre of idopatiese infertiliteit. Gedurende die laaste aantal jare is daar ‗n toename in voorkoms van verhoogde semenviskositeit onder hierdie groep pasiënte waargeneem. Dit het die behoefte laat ontstaan om die moontlike redes hiervoor te ondersoek. Ten spyte van die feit dat viskositeit deel vorm van die roetine semenanalise is dit tog kommerwekkend aangesien dit op 'n semi-kwantitatiewe manier bepaal word.
In die eerste deel van hierdie studie is 'n moontlik korrelasie tussen seminale hiperviskositeit en leukositospermie ondersoek. Om die beste moontlike verwantskap te kon bepaal is 'n nuwe en hoogs kwantitatiewe metode gebruik om viskositeit in numeriese waardes volgens internasionale standaarde in centipoise (cP) te meet. Daar is van drie metodes gebruik gemaak om die teenwoordigheid van leukositospermie in 'n semenmonster te ondersoek. Die eerste metode was die sitologiese metode waar die teenwoordigheid van granulosiet op die gekleurde semensmeer tydens die standaard morfologie beoordeling bepaal word. Die tweede was deur middel van 'n leukosietperoksidase toets waarmee daar 'n kwantitatiewe telling gedoen kan word, soos teenwoordig in 'n voorbereide semenmonster. Hierdie twee bepalings is op die totale studiepopulasie van 200 pasiënte gedoen. Die viskositeit van monsters met of sonder die teenwoordigheid van leukositospermie, soos bepaal met die voorafgaande metodes en gebaseer op die WGO riglyne, is met mekaar vergelyk. Korrelasies is ook tussen hierdie twee veranderlikes en verskeie semenparameters van hierdie twee groepe gedoen. Die derde metode was 'n biochemiese ontleding met behulp van 'n ensiemgekoppeldeimmuunsorberende essai (ELISA) vir die bepaling van die ekstrasellulêre konsentrasie van polimorfonukleêre (PMN) elastase ensiem in die seminale plasma. Hierdie toets is op 124 lukraak gekose semenmonsters uitgevoer. Alle monsters is gefraksioneer voor berging in vloeibare stikstof om meervoudige analises van elke monster moontlik te maak. Die PMN elastase konsentrasies is vergelyk met die viskositeit van die semenmonsters vir 'n moontlike korrelasie en verwantskap met die teenwoordigheid van leukositospermie. Die resultate van al drie hierdie metodes, vir die moontlike bepaling van infeksie, het 'n betekenisvolle positiewe verwantskap met die toename in graad van viskositeit in semenmonsters aangetoon. Die tweede benadering van hierdie studie was om die viskositeitsgradering en die kwantitatiewe leukositopermie waardes te vergelyk met die semenparameters wat bepaal is tydens die semenanalise. Die doel van hierdie benadering was om enige verwantskap of effek van viskositeit asook die teenwoordigheid van witbloedselle op die semenparameters te ondersoek. Daar is betekenisvolle verwantskappe gevind tussen die viskositeitstatus van 'n semenmonster, die teenwoordigheid van witbloedselle en die semenparameters, soos motiliteit, morfologie en spermatosoa konsentrasie. Die derde benadering was om 'n ondersoek te doen na die moontlike verwantskap tussen viskositeit en die sekretoriese funksies van die manlike bykomstige geslagskliere, te wete die prostaat en seminale vesikula. Die biochemiese ondersoek na die sekresies van hierdie twee organe, naamlik fruktose en sitroensuur, is gedoen om te bepaal of die teenwoordigheid van infeksies van die manlike traktus, en waargeneem as leukositospermia, ook in verband gebring kan word met die viskositeitstatus van 'n semenmonster. Daar is geen verband gevind tussen die sekresies van hierdie twee kliere en die viskositeit van die semenmonsters nie. Aangesien hierdie deel van die studie net as 'n loodsprojek beskou is, is die biochemiese bepalings slegs op 'n beperkte aantal semenmonsters uitgevoer en kan hierdie tipe ondersoek as 'n moontlike verdere studie onderneem word.
Hierdie navorsingsresultate kan lei tot ‗n meer omvattende assessering van mans se fertiliteitstatus. Dit is uiters noodsaaklik in die konteks van omstandighede van die pasiënte wat die andrologielaboratorium van die Tygerberg Akademiese Hospitaal besoek aangesien die meerderheid nie gevorderde in vitro behandeling kan bekostig nie. Die akkurate bepaling van 'n semenmonster se viskositeit kan dus moontlik waarde toevoeg tot die identifisering, diagnose en behandeling van pasiënte met leukositospermie om sodoende hulle fertiliteitspotensiaal te verbeter.
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Estudo ultraestrutural do desenvolvimento da espermatogênese e da via espermática de preás (Galea spixii, Wagler, 1831) criados em cativeiro / Ultrastructural study of the development of spermatogenesis and sperm airway in preá (Galea spixii; Wagler, 1831)Santos, Paulo Ramos da Silva 05 July 2012 (has links)
A potencialidade da produção de inúmeras espécies silvestres vem sendo pesquisada em todo mundo, demonstrando que estas podem se transformar em fontes renováveis de produtos de grande rentabilidade. Alguns espécimes vêm sendo explorados indiscriminadamente como fonte de proteína de origem animal, como o preá (Galea spixii) que já está sendo criado com objetivo de manejo e reprodução, com repercussão econômica. Para perspectiva de produção comercial e de preservação da espécie, tem de haver estudo das diversas etapas do desenvolvimento testicular, especialmente daquelas associadas à puberdade e a maturidade sexual na reprodução. Assim, o presente projeto desenvolvido teve como objetivo avaliar os detalhes ultraestruturais dos componentes dos compartimentos testiculares, a evolução do processo espermatogênico e os aspectos relativos à evolução dos demais órgãos da via espermática em preás em diferentes fases do ciclo reprodutivo. Fragmentos testiculares e da via espermática de preás machos em diferentes idades foram coletados no Centro de Multiplicação da Universidade Federal Rural do Semiárido, Mossoró, RN, por ocasião do projeto de IC (Processo FAPESP n º 08/57190-8). O material coletado foi processado para microscopia de luz, microscopia eletrônica de varredura e microscopia eletrônica de transmissão. As observações e eletromicrografias sub-celulares e de superfície foram realizadas nos microscópios eletrônicos de transmissão e varredura do Setor de Anatomia da FMVZ/USP. Dados microscópicos revelaram a presença de espermatozoides no lúmen do túbulo seminífero e do epidídimo aos 45 dias de idade. O desenvolvimento das células de Sertoli e Leydig está diretamente relacionado com a entrada à puberdade dos preás. Os estádios de desenvolvimento sexual em preás podem ser classificados nas seguintes fases: impúbere (zero e 15 dias), pré-púbere (30 dias), púbere (45, 60, 75 e 90 dias de idade) e pós-púbere (120 e 150 dias). / The production capability of many wild species has been researched worldwide, demonstrating that these can turn into renewable products with high profitability. Some specimens have been indiscriminately exploited as a source of animal protein, such as the cavy (Galea spixii) that is already created with the purpose of handling and reproduction, with economic impact. To view the commercial production and preservation of the species, there must be study of the various stages of testicular development, especially those associated with puberty and sexual maturity in reproduction. Thus, this project was developed to evaluate the ultrastructure details of the components of testicular compartments, the evolution of the spermatogenic process and aspects of the evolution of spermatic via in spix\'s yellow-toothed cavy at different stages of the reproductive cycle. Testicular fragments and spermatic via the male spix\'s yellow-toothed cavy at different ages were collected Multiplication Center of Universidade Federal Rural do Semi-Arido, Mossoró, RN, at the Scientific Initiation Project (FAPESP Process No. 08/57190-8). The collected material was processed for light microscopy, scanning electron microscopy and transmission electron microscopy. The observations and photomicrographs cellular and surface were performed in transmission and scanning electron microscopes of the Department of Anatomy FMVZ / USP. Microscopic data revealed the presence of spermatozoa in the lumen of the seminiferous tubule and epididymis at 45 days old. The development of Sertoli and Leydig cells are directly related to the entry of puberty in spix\'s yellow-toothed cavy. The stages of sexual development in spix\'s yellowtoothed cavy may be classified into the following phases: impuberal (zero and 15 days), prepubertal (30 days), pubertal (45, 60, 75 and 90 days old) and post pubertal (120 and 150 days).
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Nucleoside and HIV Drug Transport at the Blood-Testis BarrierKlein, David Michael January 2015 (has links)
The immune-reactive sperm are kept separate from the body by epithelial barriers such as the blood-testis barrier (BTB). While these barriers are beneficial for the protection of sperm from toxicants, they can make treating these areas difficult due to preventing the entry of pharmacological agents. This is especially an issue in the treatment of HIV and Ebola infection based on the ample evidence that these viruses are able to survive and spread from within the male genital tract (MGT), but only a few antiviral drugs are known to access the MGT. Transporters that line the epithelial barriers of the MGT, especially the BTB, are important for determining whether or not a drug is able to penetrate into the MGT through transepithelial transport. Several nucleoside analogs (NSA), which are used to treat HIV infection and leukemias, are known to be able to accumulate in seminal plasma, which makes them a useful tool for understanding transepithelial transport for the BTB. The purpose of these studies is to characterize the transport profile for the MGT, in particular the BTB, to gain a better understanding of how xenobiotics, especially ones based on nucleosides, can access the MGT. The chief finding of this work is the discovery of a transepithelial transport pathway expressed by Sertoli cells that allows for the entry of nucleosides (necessary for germ cell development) and NSA into the MGT. This pathway depends on equilibrative nucleoside transporter (ENT) 1 uptake and ENT2 efflux and occurs in both rats and humans. These studies provide the foundation for being able to predict the penetration of novel drugs into the MGT.
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Estudo ultraestrutural do desenvolvimento da espermatogênese e da via espermática de preás (Galea spixii, Wagler, 1831) criados em cativeiro / Ultrastructural study of the development of spermatogenesis and sperm airway in preá (Galea spixii; Wagler, 1831)Paulo Ramos da Silva Santos 05 July 2012 (has links)
A potencialidade da produção de inúmeras espécies silvestres vem sendo pesquisada em todo mundo, demonstrando que estas podem se transformar em fontes renováveis de produtos de grande rentabilidade. Alguns espécimes vêm sendo explorados indiscriminadamente como fonte de proteína de origem animal, como o preá (Galea spixii) que já está sendo criado com objetivo de manejo e reprodução, com repercussão econômica. Para perspectiva de produção comercial e de preservação da espécie, tem de haver estudo das diversas etapas do desenvolvimento testicular, especialmente daquelas associadas à puberdade e a maturidade sexual na reprodução. Assim, o presente projeto desenvolvido teve como objetivo avaliar os detalhes ultraestruturais dos componentes dos compartimentos testiculares, a evolução do processo espermatogênico e os aspectos relativos à evolução dos demais órgãos da via espermática em preás em diferentes fases do ciclo reprodutivo. Fragmentos testiculares e da via espermática de preás machos em diferentes idades foram coletados no Centro de Multiplicação da Universidade Federal Rural do Semiárido, Mossoró, RN, por ocasião do projeto de IC (Processo FAPESP n º 08/57190-8). O material coletado foi processado para microscopia de luz, microscopia eletrônica de varredura e microscopia eletrônica de transmissão. As observações e eletromicrografias sub-celulares e de superfície foram realizadas nos microscópios eletrônicos de transmissão e varredura do Setor de Anatomia da FMVZ/USP. Dados microscópicos revelaram a presença de espermatozoides no lúmen do túbulo seminífero e do epidídimo aos 45 dias de idade. O desenvolvimento das células de Sertoli e Leydig está diretamente relacionado com a entrada à puberdade dos preás. Os estádios de desenvolvimento sexual em preás podem ser classificados nas seguintes fases: impúbere (zero e 15 dias), pré-púbere (30 dias), púbere (45, 60, 75 e 90 dias de idade) e pós-púbere (120 e 150 dias). / The production capability of many wild species has been researched worldwide, demonstrating that these can turn into renewable products with high profitability. Some specimens have been indiscriminately exploited as a source of animal protein, such as the cavy (Galea spixii) that is already created with the purpose of handling and reproduction, with economic impact. To view the commercial production and preservation of the species, there must be study of the various stages of testicular development, especially those associated with puberty and sexual maturity in reproduction. Thus, this project was developed to evaluate the ultrastructure details of the components of testicular compartments, the evolution of the spermatogenic process and aspects of the evolution of spermatic via in spix\'s yellow-toothed cavy at different stages of the reproductive cycle. Testicular fragments and spermatic via the male spix\'s yellow-toothed cavy at different ages were collected Multiplication Center of Universidade Federal Rural do Semi-Arido, Mossoró, RN, at the Scientific Initiation Project (FAPESP Process No. 08/57190-8). The collected material was processed for light microscopy, scanning electron microscopy and transmission electron microscopy. The observations and photomicrographs cellular and surface were performed in transmission and scanning electron microscopes of the Department of Anatomy FMVZ / USP. Microscopic data revealed the presence of spermatozoa in the lumen of the seminiferous tubule and epididymis at 45 days old. The development of Sertoli and Leydig cells are directly related to the entry of puberty in spix\'s yellow-toothed cavy. The stages of sexual development in spix\'s yellowtoothed cavy may be classified into the following phases: impuberal (zero and 15 days), prepubertal (30 days), pubertal (45, 60, 75 and 90 days old) and post pubertal (120 and 150 days).
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Thirty five million people are currently living with HIV-1 today with women accounting for half of infected individuals globally. Sexual transmission is the main route of HIV transmission with approximately 40% of HIV infections occurring when the mucosal lining of the female genital tract (FGT) is exposed to HIV in semen from an infected male partner. Seminal plasma (SP), the fluid portion of semen, is a complex fluid which plays an immunomodulatory role in the FGT for successful conception, largely due to its high concentrations of TGF-β1. Several factors in SP from HIV-uninfected men have been shown to either inhibit or enhance HIV infection in target cells, however it is not clear how SP from HIV infected men would modulate genital epithelial cells (GECs), the first cells that encounter HIV in the FGT. The overall goals of this thesis were to compare inflammatory and regulatory cytokine concentrations in SP from HIV-uninfected and infected men, and subsequently compare GEC cytokine responses following exposure to SP from HIV-uninfected and HIV-infected men. I also investigated how SP and TGF-β regulated cytokine production and barrier function in GECs in the presence of HIV. The results summarized in this thesis demonstrated that HIV infection leads to different cytokine profiles in SP, based on stage of HIV-1 infection. HIV-infected men in acute stage contained higher levels of proinflammatory cytokines in their SP compared to HIV-uninfected and chronically infected men (CI men) which subsequently lead to higher levels of proinflammatory cytokines from GECs compared to CI men. In the follow up to this study we found that active TGF-β, which was found in higher concentrations in SP from CI men and led to decreased inflammatory response from GECs, was compartmentalized between blood plasma and seminal plasma. Higher levels of active TGF-β in SP correlated with decreased semen viral load and the immune activation marker sCD14 leading us to believe that ART-naive CI men in our cohort were naturally controlling their immune activation status, as active TGF-β levels were lower in ART-treated men. Short-term exposure of GECs to SP from CI men or TGF-β at comparable concentrations to SP protected the GEC barrier against HIV by decreasing inflammatory cytokines and preventing tight junction breakage. However, long-term exposure to TGF-β in the presence of HIV further increased inflammation in GECs suggesting a biphasic role for TGF-β in the FGT. This body of work summarized in this thesis demonstrates for the first time how semen from HIV-infected men modulates FGT epithelial cell cytokine responses and barrier function, an important consideration in the design of local therapeutic strategies to protect the FGT against HIV infection. / Thesis / Doctor of Philosophy (Medical Science)
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Morfologia dos órgãos genitais masculinos de pacas (Agouti paca Linnaeus, 1766) / Morphology of the masculine genital organs of paca (Agouti paca Linnaeus, 1766)Borges, Edson Moreira 31 March 2004 (has links)
Estudou-se a posição e morfologia dos órgãos genitais masculinos de dez pacas-machos adultas; cinco espécimes fixados em solução aquosa de formol a 10% foram estudados macroscopicamente; de cinco espécimes foram coletados fragmentos dessas estruturas, que após procedimento usual para a inclusão em paraplast e historesina, foram analisados microscopicamente. Externamente identificou-se o escroto na época da migração dos testículos que apresentavam parênquima estruturado em túbulos seminíferos em cuja membrana basal repousava o epitélio germinativo; estes órgãos também podiam estar na cavidade abdominal ou no trajeto inguinal. O pênis fibroelástico localizava-se na região púbica, em direção caudal, sua glande, revestida por epitélio queratinizado, era recoberta pelo prepúcio, abaixo deste verificou-se uma estrutura delgada cartilagínea com bordas serreadas; um par de espículas ósseas estavam em um saco ventral à uretra, cuja mucosa era revestida por epitélio de transição. O ducto epididimário, revestido por epitélio pseudo-estratificado e cúbico simples, apresentava-se enovelado na cabeça, continuava-se em corpo e cauda, da qual se originava o ducto deferente, revestido por epitélio estratificado colunar. As glândulas genitais acessórias pares: vesiculares, prostáticas, coaguladoras e bulbo uretrais, estruturavam-se como glândulas mucosas desembocando na uretra pélvica. / The position and morphology of the male genitals of ten adult male pacas were studied; five especimens were fixed in aqueous solution of 10% formol and studied microscopically. From five especimens were collected fragments of these structures that after this usual proceeding to the inclusion in paraplaster and historesin they were analysed microscopically. Externally, we could identify the scrotum in the age of migration of testicle that presented structured parenchyma in seminiferous tubules which the basal menbrane reposed the germinative epithelium; these organs could be in the abdominal cavity or in the inguinal course. The fibroelastic male organ is located in the pubic region, in direction to tail, its gland, covered by keratinous epithelium was recovered by prepuce, under this we can find one thin cartilaginous structure with serried boards; one pair of osseous espícules were in the ventral sack until urethra which mucous was covered by epithelium of transition. The epidermal duct was covered by a pseudo- stratified epithelium and cubic simple, and it was coiled in the head, it was kept the body and the tail which one the referent duct originated, covered by pseudo- stratified epithelium columnar. The genital glandulas accessories: Vesicular, prostate, coagulative and urethral bulb, estructured like mucous glandulas emerging to pelvic urethra.
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Morfologia dos órgãos genitais masculinos de pacas (Agouti paca Linnaeus, 1766) / Morphology of the masculine genital organs of paca (Agouti paca Linnaeus, 1766)Edson Moreira Borges 31 March 2004 (has links)
Estudou-se a posição e morfologia dos órgãos genitais masculinos de dez pacas-machos adultas; cinco espécimes fixados em solução aquosa de formol a 10% foram estudados macroscopicamente; de cinco espécimes foram coletados fragmentos dessas estruturas, que após procedimento usual para a inclusão em paraplast e historesina, foram analisados microscopicamente. Externamente identificou-se o escroto na época da migração dos testículos que apresentavam parênquima estruturado em túbulos seminíferos em cuja membrana basal repousava o epitélio germinativo; estes órgãos também podiam estar na cavidade abdominal ou no trajeto inguinal. O pênis fibroelástico localizava-se na região púbica, em direção caudal, sua glande, revestida por epitélio queratinizado, era recoberta pelo prepúcio, abaixo deste verificou-se uma estrutura delgada cartilagínea com bordas serreadas; um par de espículas ósseas estavam em um saco ventral à uretra, cuja mucosa era revestida por epitélio de transição. O ducto epididimário, revestido por epitélio pseudo-estratificado e cúbico simples, apresentava-se enovelado na cabeça, continuava-se em corpo e cauda, da qual se originava o ducto deferente, revestido por epitélio estratificado colunar. As glândulas genitais acessórias pares: vesiculares, prostáticas, coaguladoras e bulbo uretrais, estruturavam-se como glândulas mucosas desembocando na uretra pélvica. / The position and morphology of the male genitals of ten adult male pacas were studied; five especimens were fixed in aqueous solution of 10% formol and studied microscopically. From five especimens were collected fragments of these structures that after this usual proceeding to the inclusion in paraplaster and historesin they were analysed microscopically. Externally, we could identify the scrotum in the age of migration of testicle that presented structured parenchyma in seminiferous tubules which the basal menbrane reposed the germinative epithelium; these organs could be in the abdominal cavity or in the inguinal course. The fibroelastic male organ is located in the pubic region, in direction to tail, its gland, covered by keratinous epithelium was recovered by prepuce, under this we can find one thin cartilaginous structure with serried boards; one pair of osseous espícules were in the ventral sack until urethra which mucous was covered by epithelium of transition. The epidermal duct was covered by a pseudo- stratified epithelium and cubic simple, and it was coiled in the head, it was kept the body and the tail which one the referent duct originated, covered by pseudo- stratified epithelium columnar. The genital glandulas accessories: Vesicular, prostate, coagulative and urethral bulb, estructured like mucous glandulas emerging to pelvic urethra.
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Morfologia dos órgãos genitais masculinos do tucuxi amazônico (Sotalia fluviatilis) / Morphology of the male genital organs in amazonian tucuxi (Sotalia fluviatilis)Pereira, Simone Machado 30 May 2008 (has links)
Sotalia fluviatilis é o único Delphinidae que ocorre em água doce, sendo endêmico da região amazônica. É considerada pela IUCN como espécie insuficientemente conhecida (dados deficientes), estando incluída no Apêndice I da CITES como espécie ameaçada de extinção. Atualmente, vem sendo alvo de caça ilegal para utilização como isca na pesca de um bagre, conhecido como piracatinga. Sendo assim, toda medida para melhor compreensão da biologia desta espécie é de suma importância para assegurar medidas eficazes de conservação no futuro. Neste trabalho foi realizada a descrição morfológica dos órgãos genitais masculinos do tucuxi, através de analises de amostras provenientes dos acervos do Instituto de Desenvolvimento Sustentável Mamirauá e do Instituto de Pesquisas da Amazônia. Estas foram analisadas através de técnicas macroscópicas, de microscopia óptica e de microscopia eletrônica de varredura. Os órgãos genitais masculinos do tucuxi são compreendidos por grandes testículos e epidídimos típicos, presos à cavidade abdominal pelo mesórquio. Os ductos deferentes são convolutos nas regiões proximais e retos nas suas poções distais, possuindo um pequeno útero masculino entre eles. A próstata é pequena e compacta, coberta pelo músculo compressor da próstata, e envolve toda a uretra pélvica. O pênis é fibroelástico, possuindo uma flexura sigmóide em espiral e a extremidade livre afilada. Os pilares do pênis estão inseridos em pequenos ossos pélvicos, sendo que associados à raiz do pênis estão os músculos isquiocavernoso, bulboesponjoso e retrator do pênis. Em geral, a estrutura macro e microscópica, a localização e a função destes órgãos é semelhante à outras espécies da Ordem Cetacea, com exceção de alguns detalhes. / Sotalia fluviatilis is endemic in Amazon region and the only Delphinidae living in freshwater. It is considered by IUCN as an insufficiently known specie (deficient data) and is included in CITES Appendices I as a threatened specie. Additionally, this species is currently hunted and used as bait for fishing practices of a catfish called piracatinga. Thus, all efforts directed toward understanding the biology of this animal are important and may help to implement future conservation strategies. In the present study, samples of males tucuxi\'s genital organs provided by Instituto de Desenvolvimento Sustentável Mamirauá and Instituto de Pesquisas da Amazônia were analyzed by gross and microscopic techniques and by scanning electron microscopy. The male tucuxi\'s genital organs are represented by big testes and a typical epididymis that is adhered to the abdominal cavity wall by the mesorchium. The ductus deferens are convoluted in the proximal region and straight in the distal portion, and a small uterus masculinus is located between them. The prostata is small, compact, covered by the prostate compressor muscle, and totally involves the pelvic urethra. The penis is fibroelastic and characterized by a spiral sigmoid flexure that ends in a tapering cone. The crura are inserted on small pelvic bones, and the ischiocavernosus, bulbospongiosus and retractor penis muscles are associated to the base of the penis. In general, the structure, location and function of these organs are similar to other Cetacea species, except about some details.
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Morfologia dos órgãos genitais masculinos do tucuxi amazônico (Sotalia fluviatilis) / Morphology of the male genital organs in amazonian tucuxi (Sotalia fluviatilis)Simone Machado Pereira 30 May 2008 (has links)
Sotalia fluviatilis é o único Delphinidae que ocorre em água doce, sendo endêmico da região amazônica. É considerada pela IUCN como espécie insuficientemente conhecida (dados deficientes), estando incluída no Apêndice I da CITES como espécie ameaçada de extinção. Atualmente, vem sendo alvo de caça ilegal para utilização como isca na pesca de um bagre, conhecido como piracatinga. Sendo assim, toda medida para melhor compreensão da biologia desta espécie é de suma importância para assegurar medidas eficazes de conservação no futuro. Neste trabalho foi realizada a descrição morfológica dos órgãos genitais masculinos do tucuxi, através de analises de amostras provenientes dos acervos do Instituto de Desenvolvimento Sustentável Mamirauá e do Instituto de Pesquisas da Amazônia. Estas foram analisadas através de técnicas macroscópicas, de microscopia óptica e de microscopia eletrônica de varredura. Os órgãos genitais masculinos do tucuxi são compreendidos por grandes testículos e epidídimos típicos, presos à cavidade abdominal pelo mesórquio. Os ductos deferentes são convolutos nas regiões proximais e retos nas suas poções distais, possuindo um pequeno útero masculino entre eles. A próstata é pequena e compacta, coberta pelo músculo compressor da próstata, e envolve toda a uretra pélvica. O pênis é fibroelástico, possuindo uma flexura sigmóide em espiral e a extremidade livre afilada. Os pilares do pênis estão inseridos em pequenos ossos pélvicos, sendo que associados à raiz do pênis estão os músculos isquiocavernoso, bulboesponjoso e retrator do pênis. Em geral, a estrutura macro e microscópica, a localização e a função destes órgãos é semelhante à outras espécies da Ordem Cetacea, com exceção de alguns detalhes. / Sotalia fluviatilis is endemic in Amazon region and the only Delphinidae living in freshwater. It is considered by IUCN as an insufficiently known specie (deficient data) and is included in CITES Appendices I as a threatened specie. Additionally, this species is currently hunted and used as bait for fishing practices of a catfish called piracatinga. Thus, all efforts directed toward understanding the biology of this animal are important and may help to implement future conservation strategies. In the present study, samples of males tucuxi\'s genital organs provided by Instituto de Desenvolvimento Sustentável Mamirauá and Instituto de Pesquisas da Amazônia were analyzed by gross and microscopic techniques and by scanning electron microscopy. The male tucuxi\'s genital organs are represented by big testes and a typical epididymis that is adhered to the abdominal cavity wall by the mesorchium. The ductus deferens are convoluted in the proximal region and straight in the distal portion, and a small uterus masculinus is located between them. The prostata is small, compact, covered by the prostate compressor muscle, and totally involves the pelvic urethra. The penis is fibroelastic and characterized by a spiral sigmoid flexure that ends in a tapering cone. The crura are inserted on small pelvic bones, and the ischiocavernosus, bulbospongiosus and retractor penis muscles are associated to the base of the penis. In general, the structure, location and function of these organs are similar to other Cetacea species, except about some details.
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