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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Organisational development : values and the sustainable workplace

Zhang, Xiaoxing January 2009 (has links)
Organisations exist. An organisation is not just a group of people, a workplace, a structure or system; it is a combination of these and many other aspects involved in its operation. In recent years, the nature and needs of organisations have changed dramatically, challenging them to rethinking how they organise themselves and accomplish their goals in a sustainable manner. This is an important, but not easy, task. The research presented in this thesis aims to contribute to organisational development theory and practice, in terms of how to articulate collective organisational values, and upon which to establish a sustainable workplace framework to govern and improve organisational performance. The research was undertaken in two phases. Phase 1 focused on researching organisational values, which is considered as a critical step towards the development of sustainable workplaces. A values and behaviours study was conducted in the UK offices of the sponsoring company. Schwartz's values survey instrument and values theory are, for the first time, applied extensively in an organisational context, as opposed to the comparative intercultural research conducted at the national/cultural level. The study used a structured, mixed methods approach which Involved virtually all employees, whose values profiles were collected and analysed through an organisation-wide survey. Follow-up workshops and post workshop activities with a company Values Group faCilitated the sharing of common values; they then helped staff representatives develop their own organisational values statements, independent of senior management, before a final stage of negotiation. Meanwhile, a set of core-values-related workplace behaviours and relevant mechanisms were identified and communicated across the whole organisation. The core organisational values are fundamental in governing the workplace behaviours, and the mechanisms represented desirable work practices. This values-based approach facilitated the identification of the grassroots demand for continuous improvement of workplace environmental, social and economic performances, hence formed a foundation for the development of sustainable workplaces. The findings from the first phase revealed the core values of the organisation, highlighted the importance of applying the principles of sustainable development to the workplace context, which prompted further research into the nature of a sustainable workplace (phase 2). Although there is an increasing interest in sustainable workplace development, as an emerging and fast developing area, the body of research is still fragmented and unbalanced. In order to establish a holistic and balanced approach to the development of sustainable workplaces, available guidance documents were systematically categorised, compared and synthesised within a clear framework, to facilitate easy understanding and practice. This revealed that, at present, emphasis tends to be placed on environmental impacts arising from workplace activities, and hence the promotion of environmental awareness among the workforce. Whilst this may be appropriate in itself, it is of concern that other key aspects of sustainable development (Le. social and economic aspects) have been overlooked to a significant extent. A sustainable workplace framework was therefore established which provides a balanced approach for governing all aspects of the workplace development. The data obtained from phase 1 not only highlighted the need for such a balanced approach, but also inform the identification and prioritisation of the indicators within the framework, which offer useful measures for organisational behaviours. Meanwhile, the framework can be used as a tool to facilitate the integration of values into workplace development. The research concludes that to develop an organisation in a sustainable manner, a set of collective organisational values must be articulated, which will serve as guiding principles of work place behaviours and practices, and therefore dictate workplace performance. The shaping of collective organisational values should be based on a clear understanding and communication of employees' personal values, and that Schwartz's circumplex model of human values and associated survey instrument are helpful neutral framing devices to initiate and structure such a debate. As all the elements of sustainability are rooted in values, the identification of the collective organisational values could be considered as a critical step towards the development of sustainable workplaces. Furthermore, the research highlighted that the sustainable workplace is a multidimensional concept which requires holistic thinking. The conceptual framework developed in this research joins together the key aspects/criteria of sustainable workplaces, with the aim to balance the workplace environmental, social and economic performances. By linking the organisational values and related key business issues to workplace sustainable development criteria, the development towards sustainable workplaces could consequently enhance organisational values, therefore improving organisational perfonnance as well as employees' quality of life at work.

Ambivalenz der Macht interne Kommunikation des öffentlichen Sektors und ihre Auswirkung auf Veränderungsprozesse

Fackelmann, Bettina January 2007 (has links)
Zugl.: Hamburg, Univ., Diss., 2007 u.d.T.: Fackelmann, Bettina: Spezifika der internen Kommunikation des öffentlichen Sektors und ihre Auswirkungen auf Veränderungsprozesse

Entwicklung eines Führungsmodells unter Berücksichtigung der Implikationen der Digitalen Technologien in Industrieunternehmen

Winterwerber, Torsten 28 June 2021 (has links)
Die Digitalisierung wird die Art und Weise der Führung nicht disruptiv verändern. Die Einführung und Umsetzung der Digitalisierung beeinflussen und werden gleichzeitig beeinflusst durch die spezifischen Ausprägungen der Technologie, die Führung, die Unternehmenskultur, die Organisation, die Kommunikation und die Kompetenzen der Mitarbeiter . Durch die Recherche der aktuellen Literatur und vor allem mithilfe der qualitativen Inhaltsanalyse in Bezug auf die selbst durchgeführten Experteninterviews wird deutlich, dass die Führung und damit die Motivation der Mitarbeiter von den oben genannten Faktoren in nahezu gleichem Maße beeinflusst werden. Der direkte Zusammenhang der einzelnen Faktoren wird von allen befragten Experten bestätigt. Die bereits in der Literatur genannten und von den Experten als wesentliche Einflussfaktoren klassifizierten Merkmale der Technologie, Kultur, Führung, Organisation, Kommunikation und Kompetenz können als latente Merkmale beschrieben werden. Diese sind nicht direkt beobachtbar und zudem in ihrer theoretischen Bedeutung häufig kompliziert sowie erklärungsbedürftig. Daher werden die latenten Merkmale mithilfe von Indikatoren und Objekten näher beschrieben. Die Merkmale, Indikatoren und Objekte sowie ihre Beziehung zueinander beschreiben Elemente einer optimalen Führung, die eine hohe Motivation bei den Geführten hervorruft, und den Einfluss neuer Technologien berücksichtigt. Zusammenfassend stellt der Verfasser in dieser Arbeit ein Führungsmodell zur Verfügung, um zukünftige abstrakte oder konkrete Entscheidungen bei der Umsetzung der Digitalisierung im Unternehmen in ihrer Auswirkung auf Führung zu verstehen. Das Modell zeigt Handlungsalternativen und Zusammenhänge sowie potenzielle Konflikte. Es ermöglicht damit eine angepasste und optimierte Unternehmensführung.:Zusammenfassung 4 Danksagung 5 Inhaltsverzeichnis 6 Abbildungsverzeichnis 9 Tabellenverzeichnis 10 Anhangsverzeichnis 11 Abkürzungsverzeichnis 12 1. Einführung 13 2. Gliederung der Arbeit 15 3. Forschungsstand 17 3.1. Begriffsbestimmung 17 3.2. Führung 19 3.2.1. Führungsdimensionen 21 3.2.2. Transaktionale und transformationale Führung 22 3.2.3. Charismatische Führung 23 3.2.4. Führungssubstitute 24 3.2.5. Digitale Führung 25 3.2.6. Shared Leadership 25 3.2.7. Virtuelle Führung 26 3.2.8. Agile Führung 27 3.2.9. Anforderungen an Führungskräfte 27 3.2.10. Führungskräfte im digitalen Umfeld 29 3.3. Motivation 30 3.4. Unternehmenskultur und Ethik 33 3.5. Digitalisierung 35 3.5.1. Motive zur Digitalisierung 38 3.5.2. Hindernisse zur Digitalisierung 40 3.5.3. Digitale Kommunikation 40 3.5.4. Arbeitsformen im digitalen Umfeld 42 3.6. Arbeitsorganisation und Produktionssysteme 44 3.6.1. Herausforderungen im Lean Management 45 3.6.2. Führungskultur im Lean Management 46 3.6.3. Digitalisierung von Produktionssystemen 46 3.7. Fazit zum Forschungsstand 48 4. Forschungsfrage und Forschungsziel 50 5. Forschungsdesign 51 5.1. Grounded Theorie 53 5.2. Qualitative Inhaltsanalyse 54 5.3. Theoretische Vorüberlegungen zur Inhaltsanalyse 54 5.3.1. Vorgehensweise der Inhaltsanalyse 55 5.3.2. Festlegung der Untersuchungsfrage 56 5.3.3. Grundsätzliche Strukturierungsdimensionen 56 5.4. Das theoriegenerierende Experteninterview 57 5.4.1. Definition der Fragen für die Experteninterviews 57 Leitfragen 57 Komplementärfragen 58 5.4.2. Sampling der Experten 59 5.4.3. Transkription der Interviews 61 5.4.4. Auswertung der Interviews 61 5.4.5. Ergebnisse der Experteninterviews 67 6. Design des Führungsmodells (Spezifikation, Operationalisierung und Messung) 70 6.1. Vorgehensweise zur Gestaltung des Führungsmodells 70 6.2. Spezifikation der verwendeten Begriffe im Führungsmodell 71 6.2.1. Indikatoren der Technologie 73 Digitalisierungsstrategie 73 Automatisierungsgrad 73 Technische Assistenzsysteme 74 Informationstransparenz 74 Entscheidungshoheit 74 6.2.2. Indikatoren der Kultur 75 Digitalisierungsgrad 75 Diversität 76 Globalisierung 76 Flexibilität 76 Werteströmungen 76 Demografischer Wandel 77 6.2.3. Indikatoren der Führung 77 Führungsstil 78 Führungsinstrumente 78 Arbeitszeit 78 Arbeitgeberimage 78 Grundsätze und Prinzipien 79 Mitarbeiterzufriedenheit 79 6.2.4. Indikatoren der Organisation 79 Spezialisierung der Organisation 80 Formalisierung der Organisation 80 Standardisierung der Organisation 80 Zentralisierung der Organisation 81 Konfiguration der Organisation 81 Partizipation in Organisationen 81 Virtualisierung der Organisation 82 6.2.5. Indikatoren der Kommunikation 82 Wege der Kommunikation 83 Inhalte der Kommunikation 83 Politik der Kommunikation 84 6.2.6. Indikatoren der Kompetenz 84 Fachlich-methodische Kompetenzen 84 Sozial-kommunikative Kompetenzen 85 Personale Kompetenzen 85 Aktivitätsbezogene Kompetenzen 85 Kognitive Kompetenzen 85 6.3. Operationalisierung des Datenmaterials 87 6.4. Messung der Indikatoren 88 6.4.1. Statistische Beschreibung der Indikatoren und der Merkmale 88 6.4.2. Deskriptive Statistik der Indikatoren und latenten Merkmale 90 Statistische Auswertung der Technologieindikatoren 91 Statistische Auswertung der Kulturindikatoren 92 Statistische Auswertung der Führungsindikatoren 93 Statistische Auswertung der Organisationsindikatoren 94 Statistische Auswertung der Kommunikationsindikatoren 96 Statistische Auswertung der Kompetenzindikatoren 97 6.4.3. Statistische Auswertung der latenten Merkmale 98 6.5. Führungsmodell 100 6.5.1. Konstruktion des Modellrahmens 100 6.5.2. Konstruktion der Modellstruktur 102 6.5.3. Das Führungsmodell 103 Modellbaustein der Technologie 104 Modellbaustein der Kultur 104 Modellbaustein der Führung 105 Modellbaustein der Organisation 106 Modellbaustein der Kommunikation 106 Modellbaustein der Kompetenz 107 6.5.4. Anwendung des Modells 108 6.5.5. Bewertung des Modells 109 6.5.6. Plausibilitätsprüfung 109 Fallbeispiel 1: Aktuelles Szenario 110 Fallbeispiel 2: Transformationsszenario 112 Fallbeispiel 3: Zukunftsszenario 114 7. Fazit 116 8. Literaturverzeichnis 118 9. Anhang 133

An investigation of the current system of destination management organisations : the case of China

Tian, Xiaoran January 2014 (has links)
This research investigates Destination Management Organisation (DMOs) in China, and looks at their functions and their adoption of Performance Measurement Systems (PMSs). A two-stage questionnaire survey has adopted to achieve the pre-determined aims of the research. Finally, ninety-three DMOs took part in the first stage survey and thirty-four DMOs were involved in the second stage survey. The key findings from the research are as follows. (1) Irrespective of their nature and level, Chinese DMOs attached most importance to the functions of “economic-driver”, “marketing” and “coordination & collaboration”. (2) DMOs attached a second level of importance to the functions of “operator”, “administrator”, “statistics” and “training”; however, particularly at municipality and city levels; also Chinese public DMOs paid more attention to these aspects. (3) Chinese public DMOs, particularly at provincial and city level, placed more emphasis on the functions of “regulator” and “legitimacy”. (4) Chinese higher-level public DMOs paid less attention to the function of “public awareness”, “funding” and “international relations”, however they did performed much better than non-public lower-level DMOs to these tasks. (5) Chinese governmental DMOs at higher-level, and private DMOs, were the best at adopting PMSs in their organisations. (6) The PMSs of Chinese DMOs paid greatest attention to measuring the aspects of “visitor”, “earning” and “marketing”, and medium levels of attention to the aspects of “stakeholder”, “operation” and “event”, and relatively low attention to evaluating their performance of the aspects of “employment” and “innovation” in their organisations. Finally, a refined PMS model that could be adopted by Chinese DMOs in the future was developed at the end. Based on the above findings, the refined model aimed to measure the performance of “stakeholders”, “employees” and “customers” by assessing the outcomes of the aspects of “management” and “marketing” for Chinese DMOs. The refined PMS model was developed and based on the top-down operation system that currently existed in China and was supposed to pursue every major aspect of the system for each stakeholder in the DMOs.

Strategische Netzwerke : Evolution und Organisation /

Sydow, Jörg. January 2005 (has links) (PDF)
Freie Univ., Habil.-Schr.--Berlin, 1992.

Integrationskonzept für Systemtechnologien : eine konzeptionelle Gesamtsicht organisatorischer und strategischer Aspekte von Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM) /

Ruppert, Peter. January 1989 (has links) (PDF)
Diss. Wirtschaftswiss. St. Gallen, 1989 ; Nr. 1143. / Bibliogr.

Multi-dimensional sustainability framework for service organisations in the GCC countries

Al Kaabi, Ahmed Musabbeh January 2014 (has links)
Sustainability in the business context seeks to create long-term value by seizing the opportunities and overcoming the challenges of simultaneously addressing the organization’s economic, environmental and social responsibilities. Several sustainability models and frameworks have been put forward over the past three decades, aiming at helping organizations embed sustainability at the core of their businesses. Their relevancy and applicability are significant, particularly for the manufacturing sector and the overall value chain, even though service organizations are equally important stakeholders in this process. The raising interest to promote sustainability-focused practices, processes and policies in organizations in the Gulf Co-operation Council (GCC) region, particularly across the service sector, have contributed to define the goal of this research, namely: to establish the main drivers and challenges faced by local service organizations to embed sustainability at the core of their business strategy and practice, in order to develop an innovative multi-dimensional sustainability framework specifically adapted to the service sector in the GCC countries’ socio-cultural and economic environment. For this purpose, a research path was followed which included: comparative critical analysis of the leading organizational sustainability frameworks and maturity models; an empirical evaluation of their relevancy in the particular context of GCC countries; and primary research to confirm the perceived applied research gap and to evaluate the feasibility and relevancy of putting forward a sector specific framework. The outcome of this research is an innovative multi-dimensional sustainability framework for service sector organizations in the GCC region, which will provide stronger guidance on how to select and implement the most relevant sustainability aspects within the local service sector businesses, thus allowing them to develop better sustainability-focused policies and practices in the workplace. This framework will also contribute to academic community by opening new views on how sustainability is perceived and what adjustments are needed for it to work in the service sector in the context of GCC countries. This framework can later on be extended to other countries of the MENA region, where existing sustainability models and frameworks would not be fit for purpose. The framework hereby proposed was validated by combining the quantitative research and qualitative data collection and analysis using a combined positivist and interpretive case study strategy based on carefully selected cases across the service sector in the GCC countries. The measurable success of this framework will be the time it will take to reach a significant number of service sector organizations in the GCC countries that achieve the ideal balance between their social, economic and environmental dimensions with few constraints, thus becoming potential leaders of change for a more sustainable and inclusive successful future.

Contextualising all-African peacekeeping : political and ethical dimensions

Massey, Simon January 2003 (has links)
The hypothesis underlying this research is that Africa's leaders are under a moral/political imperative to summon the will to develop a capacity to intervene in conflicts, possibly with external assistance, but without direct extra-continental intervention. This begs two questions. Is Africa right — politically and morally – to assume this task? And should the rest of the world, particularly the traditional intervening powers, accept and/or promote and/or assist African self-pacification? A trend toward subsidiarity and the regionalisation of conflict management in the African context followed reversals for United Nations and Western policy in the early 1990s, notably in Somalia and Rwanda. In the wake of these setbacks the universal impulse to intervene wherever necessary was overshadowed by a particularist/relativist position that distinguished Africa and African conflicts as cases apart. This translated in theoretical terms to a switch away from a cosmopolitan position allowing of international intervention to a communitarian position that promotes the African 'community' or African sub-regional 'communities' as the primary loci for addressing conflict. The continental organisation, the Organisation of African Union (0AU), has been hampered in assuming this task by its strict Charter adherence to state sovereignty and non-intervention in the internal affairs of its member states. As a result the logic of subsidiarity devolved on Africa's sub-regional organisations, in particular the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) and the Southern Africa Development Community (SADC). However, these organisations have found development of a security framework problematic, suffered from internal rivalries and have been hindered by paucity of funds and logistics. Interventions undertaken under the auspices of these bodies have often been of dubious legitimacy under international law. Viewed from the perspective of the 'just war' tradition these interventions also invariably seem morally suspect. Unwilling to intervene directly, the United States, France and Britain have established a joint initiative to enhance peacekeeping capacity in Africa. This project, under funded and ill considered, has proven inadequate from the perspective of both African participants and its sponsors. The research examines two case studies — intervention by the OAU in Chad in 1980-1982 and the peacekeeping operation undertaken by ECO WAS in Guinea-Bissau in 1998-1999. These cases confirm that existing mechanisms are ineffective for addressing African intra-state conflict. Moreover, they show that extra-African involvement remains an enduring feature of conflict on the continent. A return to the universal/cosmopolitan impulse in terms of international intervention in African conflicts seems unlikely in the short to medium term. In view of this neglect Africa must continue the project of self-pacification. The West is under a moral duty to set aside narrow national interests and expand and improve its existing peacekeeping capacity enhancement programme.

Organizational and economic aspects of housing management in deprived areas

Blomé, Gunnar January 2011 (has links)
This dissertation consists of five papers with different objectives. The overall objective is to improve knowledge of effective policies regarding socially deprived large housing estates. All studies deal with the real estate context from a housing company decision-making perspective. The first two papers focus on organisational issues and the following three papers deal with economic issues related to the development of a specific housing area. The research is based on case studies which involve specific methodologies such as interviews, direct observation and collecting data from company accounts. The main message of this thesis is that landlord policies and resources spent on operation and maintenance contribute to local area development. It is also underlined that there is a need for a paradigm shift in Swedish housing, since the regulatory framework appeared to be inadequate. The experience from this study shows that many problems can be solved within the existing laws and through efficient customised property management, but landlords need more effective incentives to improve their policies further. The first two papers address issues about how to organise local management resources in large housing estates. Three different functions were identified: customer service, (e.g. fault-reporting); the letting process; and caretaking (day-to-day management and control over indoor and outdoor areas). The models where more decisions are decentralised lead to better information about the local conditions, make it easier to coordinate work in an area, create more motivation for the staff and make it easier to involve the tenants. This was particularly valuable for socially deprived estates, but the decentralised model raised some moral hazard problems, e.g. the local team create their own agenda, are pressured by certain tenants to give them advantages and that the result is lack of control and consistent housing policy in the company. The third paper deals with Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in housing management. Different types of costs are identified and related to the estates’ social condition. The results indicate that a CSR-based management policy leads to approximately 4.5 percent lower annual operation and maintenance costs which improved the company’s profitability, especially if the higher standard of maintenance, made higher rents possible. The study also identified three other benefits of CSR; improved tenant relationship, goodwill and business opportunities and the study is a first step towards a better understanding of the economic consequences of CSR in a real estate-context. The fourth paper analyses the return of the Swedish slumlords, with a focus on a specific area in Malmö. The tenants stayed even though the rent was higher and the quality was lower than in neighbouring areas because of a combination of three factors; rents were paid by different forms of welfare payment, lack of alternatives because of queues to other areas and because some tenants saw an advantage in the “no questions” asked policy that the slumlord followed. It is further argued that the property owners found this slum strategy as profitable either because they hoped to find a “bigger fool” to sell to or because the decision makers in the company had not invested their own money. The study concludes that both tenants and investors were in the end losers, but not the company managers.The fifth paper is an economic evaluation of renovation in socially deprived housing estates. The empirical data indicates that it is profitable to use a clear and active housing management strategy, especially if the rent levels are affected by the standard of management by the landlord. The results also show that the landlord’s policy had positive social effects, both in the form of tenant welfare and in the form of lower costs for Police and the Fire department. The study also indicates that it can be difficult to justify large scale investment purely from a business perspective. / QC 20111122

An investigation into the effects of NHS reforms on physiotherapy and its management structures in England and Wales

Jenkins, Fiona January 2016 (has links)
Background. A constantly changing reform agenda has frequently changed NHS management arrangements. Impacts are documented for medicine and nursing but much less so for the third largest profession, physiotherapy. Aims. To evaluate the impact of NHS reforms on physiotherapy analysing whether the resulting management structures impacted on staff and patient care; comparing English and Welsh arrangements with previous periods. Method. Observational mixed methods including a narrative literature review; questionnaire census; semi-structured interviews; physiotherapy narrative history; and a normative evaluation of physiotherapy management structures. Results. NHS reforms had impacted on the structure of physiotherapy management and organisation. Of the eight management structures described in Øvretveit’s (1992) schema: Three were not observed; two were observed but needed modification; three were observed and empirically applicable with small modifications; social enterprises had evolved with management structures similar to those in the NHS. The main changes to physiotherapy managers’ roles between1989-2014 were substantial reorganisations affecting the employing organisation and role of the managers with a reduction in Community Trusts and the introduction of competing providers into English NHS physiotherapy. Clinical autonomy had been extended with advanced practice roles in some areas. The role of the professional body and TU (the CSP) was generally well-regarded by managers. The differences between England and Wales related more to management structures than national policy differences. Conclusions. Most physiotherapists were managed within cross-AHP structures. Devolved structures were increasingly emerging but physiotherapy managers preferred professionally-led structures. Physiotherapy managers ranked the AHP Directorate the highest and the Fragmented structure the lowest. The AHP professions will need to consider merging to conserve their power as professions and to maximise their combined contribution to patient care and organise to meet fiscal challenges in both countries.

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