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Manipulátor v lince na ohřev výřezů dřeva / Manipulator in the line for heating logsVítek, Jan January 2020 (has links)
This thesis concerns with construction design of manipulator. The purpose of the manipulator is to transport beech logs. It is a part of the production line for heating and steaming veneering of the logs before their subsequent processing. This thesis presents a new design solution. It offers detailed descriptions of the purpose of the construction and of individual functional assemblies. It also describes the means for operating the machine and the types of sensors used. Calculation of forces and reactions in the mechanism, based on a simplified load calculation model, constitutes an important part of the work. Design of key components of the machine is then based on the results of the analysis of the forces involved. The supplements of the thesis include photographs of the manipulator realization and selected technical design.
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Vestavěné zařízení pro řízení robotické ruky / Embedded Device for Robotic Arm ControlKyzlink, Jiří January 2020 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with a design and implementation of an embedded device (module), used to control a robotic manipulator. The module instructs servomotors of the manipulator to move according to the commands received via USB interface. The module consists of two double-sided printed circuit boards. The first one allows connection to the CAN bus, redundant and thus reliable power supply for servomotors as well as the whole module. The second board, compute oriented one, embeds powerful microcontroller used to communicate with the servomotors and to solve the kinematics tasks. As a part of the thesis a graphical user interface as well as a web-oriented interface were developed. Both interfaces allow full control of the manipulator. All the communicating buses, tools and methods used during the design and implementation phases of the work are described in the thesis. Finally, measurements proved improvement of the motion smoothness and response times in several orders of magnitude in comparison to the previous system.
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Konstrukce jednokolového mobilního robotu se schopností stání na místě / Design of single-wheel mobile robotŠustek, David January 2020 (has links)
The master thesis deals with the issue of a single-wheeled robot, especially its construction and movement in more difficult terrain with the possibility of collecting samples. A variant of the robot balanced by a pair of gyroscopes was chosen as the most suitable construction. The robot is able to move in a space with an inclination of up to 24° and is equipped with its own manipulator design.
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Automatická výměna nástrojů - napichovací rameno / Automatic tool changerRydlo, Andrej January 2020 (has links)
Adressed topic of the thesis is automatic tool change in industrial machining. Core work is done on construction design of automatic tool changer. Designed manipulator grabs the tool by linear movement and is meant to be used with unspecified horizontal machining centre. Individual working cells include design of grippers, extending motion of the arm, rotary motion of the arm and linear motion of the whole manipulator. Essential part of the thesis are technical calculations and simulations.
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Vizuální zpětnovazební řízení pro humanoidního robota / Visual servoing for humanoid robotNedvědický, Pavel January 2020 (has links)
This thesis deals with construction of a cheap robotic manipulator, which should be used for exhibitions and educational purposes. This project is a teamwork of two students. A robotic arm with four degrees of freedom was developed. Control and power electronics were installed for whole robot. The software’s aim is to develop a software that can control the robot by visual feedback, obtained from image processing of an image from 3D camera. Lastly, a graphic user interface for robot movement control is presented.
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Demonstrační úloha pro robotický manipulátor EPSON / Demonstration Application for EPSON Industrial ManipulatorFireš, Martin January 2012 (has links)
This work deals with design and construction of a robotics checkers player based on computer vision, a move solving algorithm Minimax and a industrial manipulator EPSON C3. Work also deals with design of robot communication protocol and C# communication library execution.
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Návrh manipulačního stolu pro otáčení obrobků / Design of manipulation table for workpiece rotatingHorák, Jiří January 2010 (has links)
This master’s thesis deals with the design of the manipulator for rotating objects, especially workpieces, semifinished products, or complete products around horizontal axis. It’s the manipulator for objects where is needed change orientation during production process. This thesis describes step by step construction of individual components of the manipulator and calculations of propulsive units. At the beginning the conveyor roller with propulsive unit is designed. The next step is construction of scissor lift table and choice of the propulsive unit. There is also made FEM analysis for the scissor mechanism. The next unit is aimed to the construction and computation of rotating and telescopic jaw. Then hydraulic circuit with computation of the propulsive unit is designed. As the final step the appropriate type of sensors are chosen and the step diagram of the manipulator is made. The manipulator is designed in the 3D model program and there are also made some assembly drawings.
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Manipulátor nástrojů, nástrových hlav a držáků / Manipulator of Tools, Tool Heads and Tools HoldersŠevčík, Michal January 2010 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis is to design manipulator for handling tools and tool heads between two tool’s magazines of the two vertical machining centers. One part of this thesis is a proposal of solutions, selection of the optimal choice, its construction and technical calculations of some construction nodes. Other parts of this thesis are technical drawings. The technical drawing of assembly, and two technical drawings of main components.
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Podavač palet svislého obráběcího centra. / Pallet Feeder of the Machine Tool CentreKrenželok, Andrzej January 2010 (has links)
The subject of this thesis is the proposal of constructional solution for pallet changer of the vertical machining center. This pallet changer serves for the manipulation with technological pallets between dilatory places of the machining center and charger of pallets. Thanks to this changer the machines share one workpieces´ base. Main accent is not put only on the function but also on the low price of this solution.
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Návrh paletizačního manipulátoru / Design of manipulator for palletizationFlorián, Michal January 2010 (has links)
The matter of this master´s thesis is the construction of two variations of manipulator for palletization. The first solution is the derrick manipulator; the second one is the gantry manipulator. The aim of this master´s thesis is the comparison of both solutions from the point of view of the applicability, the cost and the demandingness of production. The productinon documentation will be elaborated for the selected solution.
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