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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Žemaitijos dvarų kraštovaizdžio tyrimai / Landscape Research of Samogitia Manor‘s

Macenkaitė, Erika 14 January 2009 (has links)
Šiandien Lietuvoje rūpinamasi tik vertingų dvarų ir jų kraštovaizdžio apsauga, jų tvarkymu. Susiduriama su daugeliu problemų, kaip lėšų trūkumas, tų dvarų ir jų kraštovaizdžio nepanaudojimas kultūriniam turizmui ir kt. Lietuva galėtų pasimokyti iš kitų užsienio valstybių, kurios bet kokia kaina siekia išsaugoti ir tvarkyti kultūros paveldo teritorijas taip, kad jos išliktų ateities kartoms. Viena iš tokių priemonių yra valstybinė –privati partnerystė. Šiame darbe atlikta Žemaitijos dvarų kraštovaizdžio tyrimai. Atliekant tyrimą naudotasi Kultūros paveldo departamento prie Kultūros ministerijos statistiniais duomenimis. Tyrimo rezultate nustatyta, kad Žemaitijoje daugeliui dvarų reikalinga skubi pagalba. Iš trylikos pasirinktų Žemaitijos dvarų blogiausia padėtis yra buvusioje Burbiškių dvaro sodyboje. Tam, kad būtų išsaugoti dvarai ir juos supantis kraštovaizdis tikslinga parengti dvarų tvarkymo planus, vadovaujantis Teritorijų planavimo įstatymo nuostatomis. Juose, kaip pagrindinė priemonė apsaugoti buvusių dvarų teritorijas, būtų nustatytos apsaugos zonos. / These days we take care of manor houses the landscape protection and management which are precious. But any way we encounter with many problems, such like lack of resources manor houses and their landscape unpracticed in cultural tourism and many other reasons. Lithuania could learn from other foreign states which at any price ties to save and manage cultural heritage territories that they will survive for future generations. One of such means is state-private partnership. Here was done Samogitia manor houses landscape investigation in this paper. It was used cultural heritage department statistical records while doing this job. It was designate that in Samogitia many of manor houses needs fast aid. The worse condition from thirteen chosen manor houses in Samogitia is past Burbiškės manor homestead. To save manor houses and landscape around them advisable to prepare plans of manor management with reference to law attitudes of territory management. The main implement to save past manors territories would be set save zones.

Dějiny panství Chroustovice / History of the Chroustovice Manor

Schejbalová, Tereza January 2018 (has links)
I focused on the general view of the manor in my thesis. Chroustovice wasn't an important manor. Due to this fact, it has never been written the work of a similar character. This thesis is personal to me because I have spent my life in Chroustovice. In the thesis I described historical, artistic, economical, social and ecclesial development of the manor. I described the changing of the owners of the manor. I tried to map trade with the surrounding villages and their belonging with the manor. I focused on the building of Chroustovice manorhouse, which was the centre of the manor, and it still dominates the village. I tried to collected the fate of the most prominent local natives. I tried to synthesize sources and literature. I enriched my thesis with rumors and stories that are still circulating in the region until today.

Revitalizace zámku Veľké Leváre / Revitalization of the Veľké Leváre Chateau

Bačiková, Lenka January 2019 (has links)
The aim of this work was to create a study of revitalization and restoration of the manor house and park in Veľké Leváre. During the creation of the design it was necessary to re-evaluate the cultural-historical values of the manor house, the construc- tional-technical condition, the requirements of the potential investor and the demand for functions in the village’s proximity. I have realized that placement of a mono-function in a mansion is almost impossible, considering its extensive ground plan. The manor house, thus, creates a complex of functions that overlap each other. The result of the entire design is a com- prehensive solution of the full use of the manor house with the park. Hence, the park will have a relaxing and recreational function. In the proposal, I have also offered a possible plan of stages of project’s works. The manor house and the adjacent park can, thus, fulfill the full function in the society again.

Zanavykų krašto buvusių dvaro sodybų kultūrinė vertė ir panauda / ZANAVYKAI OF REGION OF FORMER OF MANOR HOMESTEADS' CULTURAL VALUE AND UTILIZING

Anikiejeva-Stanaitienė, Oksana 12 June 2014 (has links)
Zanavykų kraštas - tai Šakių rajono regionas, Marijampolės apskrities vakarinė dalis. Zanavykų etninė grupė formavosi asimiluojant vietinei etninei grupei su Maţosios Lietuvos (Prūsijos) atvykėliais, ţemaičių naujakuriais ir kitomis šiose teritorijose, atsikėlusiomis etninėmis grupėmis. Todėl šiame regione susiformavo skirtingi, tik tam kraštui būdingi, ūkininkavimo būdai, statybos maniera – stilistika, kalbos dialektas, tradicijos bei kultūra. Zanavykų kraštas turi savo istorine – memorialine verte reikšmingų buvusių dvaro sodybų. Jų istorinė - memorialinė vertė yra vertybių pobūdţiu svarbi, lemianti reikšmingumą. Zanavykų krašte, svarbiausiomis buvusios dvaro sodybos yra laikomos keturios: Gelgaudiškio, Zyplių, Kidulių ir Ilguvos. Buvusios dvaro sodybos įamţina garsių giminių, tokių kaip Sapiegų, Tiškevičių, Koidelių, Komarų, Talko–Grincevičių-Ilgauskų, ir dar daugelį kitų, atminimą. / Zanavykas region - this region Šakiai district, western part of the county Marijampoles. The Zanavykai ethnic group formed perrimant local ethnic group in Lithuania Minor (Prussia) newcomers Samogitians settlers and other areas in the coming sociocultural ethnic groups. Therefore, in this region have resulted in different, specific only to land, farming methods, building style - the style, language, dialect, traditions and culture. The Zanavykai region has its own historical - memorial of significant value in the former manor house. Their historical - the memorials value is an important character values, determining significance. The Zanavykai have the most important of the former manor are held four: Gelgaudiskis, Zypliai, Kiduliai and Ilguva. Former manor perpetuates prominent families such as Sapieha, Tiskevicius, Koidelis, Komar, Talka-Grinceviciai-Ilgauskas, and many other victims.

Décors des résidences seigneuriales en Viennois et Grésivaudan du XIIIe au XVIe siècle : étude archéologique, stylistique et historique / Decoration of seigniorial residence in Grésivaudan and Viennois regions during the 13th- the 16th Centuries for archeological, stylistic and historical study

Peerapornpisal, Supamon 04 September 2018 (has links)
Aujourd’hui de nombreuses recherches sont menées sur les différents types de demeure aristocratiques. Notre étude porte sur un important corpus de résidences seigneuriales datées du XIIIe au XVIe siècle en Viennois et Grésivaudan ; quatre-vingts douze sites ont été rassemblés à partir, d’une part, de la recherche documentaire dans les archives, les bibliothèques et les centres de documentation, et d’autre part, de visites sur le terrain. Ce travail s’attache aux différents types de décors : les décors architecturaux, figuratifs, sculptés et peints. L’objectif de notre recherche est d’établir un corpus de résidences seigneuriales permettant d’étudier l’approche décorative intégrale des sites, ce qui permet un travail de recherche inédit. Le château et la maison forte subsistent encore de nos jours en grand nombre avec d’importants éléments architecturaux en place. La ressemblance entre les caractères architecturaux de ces deux catégories d’habitations assure un nombre suffisant de sites à étudier. Et la distinction de statut entre le château et la maison forte autorise des comparaisons intéressantes au niveau du décor. Le Dauphiné présente un grand nombre de résidences seigneuriales. Le territoire du Grésivaudan est connu comme étant une région propice à l’installation des habitants grâce aux terres fertiles des massifs de la Chartreuse et de la Belledonne. Quant au Viennois, son riche aspect géographique permet de trouver une grande variété de sites. Par ailleurs, l’histoire du Dauphiné démontre une longue période de dépendance du territoire où plusieurs comtes se sont succédés. La politique des conquêtes a permis d’étendre le territoire et de faire face aux ennemis. Notre recherche se concentre sur une période étendue allant du XIIIe au XVIe siècle. Elle inclut donc l’époque médiévale marquée par peu de changements dans les domaines économique et social en Europe occidentale du fait de la succession des guerres et des épidémies. Ceci ne signifie pas que cette période ait connu un recul mais qu’une faible mutation sociale influencée par la religion s’est produite. Cela se reflète dans le développement du domaine artistique. Notre recherche inclut également la période de mutation de la fin du Moyen-Âge et du début de la Renaissance. Ce moment se caractérise par la combinaison de l’art antiquisant et d’un nouveau courant artistique. Au travers de notre recherche, nous recherchons une possible évolution de l’approche décorative de l’habitat noble. L’étude de l’approche décorative des résidences seigneuriales nous permet de mieux appréhender les caractéristiques des décors aussi bien architecturaux que figuratifs. Les éléments architecturaux, sur lesquelles nous avons porté notre attention, comprennent les portes, fenêtres et coussièges, les tourelles en surplomb, les échauguettes, bretèches, meurtrières et cheminées. Les autres décors que nous avons examinés sont les décors figuratifs qui se composent des motifs peints et des peintures murales ainsi que des motifs et figures sculptées. Nous avons pu constater par nos études que toutes les formes de conception décorative (le décor architectural et le décor figuratif) possèdent la structure simple au début de la période étudiée (XIIIe siècle), puis cette forme élémentaire se développe de manière plus compliquée au cours du temps en particulier le décor peint. Nous constatons ainsi une évolution stylistique des décors. En outre, trois types des éléments décorés ; portes, fenêtres et cheminées montrent une ressemblance stylistique. Il s’agit du travail de moulure sur les linteaux, les encadrements et les bases de ces éléments et la présence d’écus armoriés symbolisant l’appartenance du site à une famille ou une personnalité. Ceci permet d’affirmer que ces décors sont caractéristiques de l’époque étudiée. Quant au décor figuratif, l’apparition de différentes figures autorise une dimension plus approfondie au travers d’une présentation narrative.... / There are nowadays many studies about aristocratic houses and their decoration. This study on decoration was achieved from the huge corpus of seignorial residences dated between the 13th and the 16th Centuries in the region of Viennois and Grésivaudan where a number of seignorial residences was found. Fifty-three selected sites gathered from a wide investigation were organized in two ways: firstly by documentary research in the archives, the libraries and the center of document resource, secondly by intervention in the studied area. This research focused on different categories of decoration: architectural, figurative, sculptural and painted decor. The research aims to establish the corpus of seigniorial residences which will enable it to study the entire decorative aspect of the selected sites. This will also allow for a new perspective of aristocratic house research.The castles and the fortified manor houses are known today as the existing aristocratic accommodation, which are in quite a large number and are unique in their architectural elements. The similarity of the two seignorial residences lies in their architectural characteristics. The quantity of them allows for an extension of the research framework for determining a sufficient number in terms of the studied sites. On the contrary, the difference of status between the castles and the fortified manor houses permits a comparison of their decorative aspects. Le Dauphiné has a great number of seignorial residences. The territory of Grésivaudan has been recognized for suitable settlement with fertile land in the mountains of Chartreuse and Belledonne. As for Viennois, this territory has a geographical variation which caused different characteristics of houses. Moreover, the history of Dauphiné presents a long period of independence with the succession of several Counts. The conquest policy was applied for defending the enemies in the surrounding areas and also for conquering more land. A great number of seignorial residences was included in this research. The study period from the 13th to the 16th Centuries is known as the transitional time from the end of the Middle Ages to the beginning of the Renaissance, there were many changes in different domains. These changes reflect the evolution of the decoration of aristocratic houses. The study of decoration of the respective seignorial residences will enable us to learn about the characteristics of the architectural and figurative decoration. Understanding the architectural decor involves a study of the architectural elements: doors, windows, turrets, watch-turrets, brattices, arrow holes and chimneys. The figurative decoration means a study of figurative presentation. The elements concerned are painting motifs and mural painting, sculptural motifs and figures. Molding in architectural decor emphasizes the structure of decorative elements. The frames of the doors and windows can be noticed by volumetric and symmetrical effects which can be seen on the lintel and the lower part of the frames of the structure. The appearance of sculpted shields above the doors and windows help complete the decorative aspect of the elements. The chimney has the same decorative effect but the molded decor would be on the upper part and the corbel or side posts. As for the figurative decoration, the presence of different figures like trees, animals, men create an in-depth dimension and more narration or a narrative scene. The painting motifs and the mural painting form a narrative which show a series of pictures which tell the sequence of an event or several successive scenes. Besides, as the corpus of the research assembles a great number of several types of decoration dating from 13th to 16th Centuries, it consequently reflects a stylistic evolution of decorative elements...

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