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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Um estudo cinético da precipitação de compostos intermetálicos e da reversão da martensita em aços maraging 300 e 350. / A kinetics study of the precipitation of intermetallic compounds and reversion of martensite in maraging steels 300 and 350.

Leandro Gomes de Carvalho 13 September 2016 (has links)
O objetivo dessa tese é contribuir para o entendimento da precipitação de compostos intermetálicos e da reversão da martensita por meio de modelos cinéticos, tanto em experimentos isotérmicos no aço maraging 350 (350B) como em estudos não-isotérmicos nos aços maraging 300 (300A), maraging 350 (350C). Além da cinética das transformações de fase, foram estudadas também as mudanças da microestrutura e dos mecanismos de endurecimento decorrentes de tratamentos térmicos de envelhecimento para o aço maraging 350B. Para estas finalidades, foram usadas diversas técnicas complementares de caracterização microestrutural, como microscopia ótica (MO), microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV) com espectroscopia por dispersão de energia de raios X (EDS), microdureza Vickers, difração de raios X (DRX) e ferritoscopia. Já a calorimetria exploratória diferencial (DSC) foi usada para estudar a precipitação de compostos intermetálicos e reversão da martensita em experimentos não-isotérmicos. Os resultados dos experimentos não-isotérmicos de DSC com os aços maraging 300 e 350 evidenciaram que a precipitação ocorre em duas etapas. A primeira relacionada à difusão de soluto no volume com energia de ativação próxima da difusão do níquel e molibdênio na ferrita, enquanto a segunda acontece por meio da difusão de soluto ao longo das discordâncias com energia de ativação menor que a difusão do níquel e do molibdênio na ferrita. Observou-se também que a reversão da martensita pode ocorrer em duas etapas. A primeira etapa foi associada à difusão de soluto, enquanto a segunda foi relacionada ao mecanismo de cisalhamento. Já as observações microestruturais, por meio de microscopia óptica e de microscopia eletrônica de varredura, evidenciaram que a austenita revertida formou-se nas regiões de interface, como os contornos de grão, contornos de pacote e contornos de ripas da estrutura martensítica para temperaturas a partir de 520 °C, enquanto a austenita revertida encontrada no interior das ripas da martensita formou-se a partir de 560 °C. O estudo da cinética de precipitação e do comportamento da curva de envelhecimento em um aço maraging 350 (350B), para tratamentos isotérmicos entre 440 e 600 °C, mostrou que as medidas de microdureza podem ser muito úteis para estudos dessa natureza nesses aços. A análise cinética da precipitação, realizada por meio do ajuste dos dados experimentais aos modelos JMAK e Austin-Rickett, mostrou que eles se ajustam bem a esses modelos com coeficiente de correlação próximo de 1. Entretanto, a interpretação dos valores de n, obtidos pela equação Austin-Rickett, mostrou que eles têm maior concordância com as mudanças microestruturais observadas nos aços maraging, em estudos anteriores, se comparados com aqueles estimados por meio da equação JMAK. A interpretação das constantes n, usando a equação Austin-Rickett, permitiu estabelecer diversas etapas para a precipitação. Na primeira ocorre a precipitação nas discordâncias para 440 °C, seguida pelo crescimento de cilindros longos e finitos em comparação com a distância de separação deles para 480 °C e, por fim, o crescimento de precipitados partindo de dimensões pequenas com taxa de nucleação zero para 520 e 560 °C. Já o estudo do comportamento da curva de envelhecimento para diversos tempos entre 440 e 600 °C em aço maraging 350 (350B) mostrou que esse aço apresenta uma etapa de endurecimento e outra de amolecimento. Essa etapa de endurecimento, comumente atribuída à formação de fases intermetálicas coerentes e semicoerentes, pode subdividir-se em dois estágios para as temperaturas de envelhecimento de 440 e 480 ºC ou apresentar um único estágio para 520 e 560 ºC. Já a etapa de amolecimento é associada não somente ao mecanismo clássico de superenvelhecimento em que a queda na resistência mecânica ocorre em virtude da perda de coerência e do engrossamento de precipitados, mas também como consequência da formação de austenita revertida a partir da martensita, especialmente, para temperaturas entre 520 e 600 ºC. / The purpose of this thesis is to contribute to the understanding of precipitation of intermetallic compounds and reversion of martensite through kinetic models, as in isothermal experiments in maraging 350 steel (350B) as in non-isothermal studies in maraging steels 300 (300A) maraging 350 (350C). In addition to kinetics of phase transformation, they were also investigated both the changes of the microstructure and the mechanisms of hardening due to aging heat treatments for the maraging steel 350B. For these purposes, we used several complementary techniques for microstructural characterization, such as optical microscopy (OM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) with energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS), Vickers hardness, X-ray diffraction (XRD) and feritscope, while differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) was used to study the precipitation of intermetallic compounds and reversion of martensite in non-isothermal experiments. The results of the non-isothermal DSC experiments with the maraging steel 300 and 350 showed that precipitation occurs in two steps. First stage related to the diffusion of solute in bulk with activation energy next to nickel diffusion and molybdenum in the ferrite, while second stage occurs through the solute diffusion along dislocations with lower activation energy than the diffusion of nickel and molybdenum in ferrite. It was also observed that the reversion of the martensite can occur in two steps. First stage was associated with the solute diffusion, while the second stage is related to the shear mechanism. Microstructural observations by optical microscopy and scanning electron microscopy showed that austenite reverted was formed in the interface regions, such as grain boundaries, packet boundaries and lath boundaries of martensitic structure for temperatures from the 520 °C, while the reverted austenite found within the martensite laths formed from 560 °C. Study of the kinetics of precipitation and aging hardening behavior in a 350 maraging steel (350B), by isothermal treatments between 440 and 600 °C, showed that the microhardness measurements can be very useful for such studies in these steels. Kinetics of precipitation analysis was carried out by adjusting the experimental data to JMAK and Austin-Rickett models. It showed that they fit well to these models with a correlation coefficient close to 1. However, the interpretation of the n values, obtained by Austin-Rickett equation, they have showed higher agreement with the observed microstructural changes in the maraging steel, in previous studies, when compared with those estimated by JMAK equation. The interpretation of the constants, using the Austin-Rickett equation, revealed several steps to precipitation. In the first precipitates on dislocations for 440 °C followed by growth of long and finite cylinders in comparison with the distance their separation for 480 °C and, finally, the growth of precipitates starting from small dimensions with nucleation rate zero for 520 and 560 °C. Study of aging hardening behavior curve for various times between 440 and 600 °C in maraging steel 350 (350B) showed that the steel has a hardening step and another softening. This step of hardening, commonly attributed to the formation of intermetallic phases coherent and semicoerentes, it can be divided into two stages to the aging temperatures of 440 and 480 °C or present a single stage 520 and 560 °C. Since the softening stage is associated not only to classic overaging mechanism in which a drop in mechanical strength occurs due to loss of coherence and precipitate coarsening, but also as a consequence of austenite formation reverted from the martensite especially to temperatures between 520 and 600 °C.
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Mechanické vlastnosti materiálů připravovaných pomocí procesu SLM / Mechanical properties of materials prepared by SLM process

Doubrava, Marek January 2019 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the selection of process parameters used for manufacturing of high-strenth materials using SLM technology. The feedstock material was powder with a chemical composition according to standard DIN X3NiCoMoTi 18-9-5. Influence of change in process parameters on mechanical properties was examined by hardness tests and tensile tests. Metallographic and fractographic analysis were conducted with an aim to understand mechanisms of failure present in this type of material. Selection of optimal process parameters was based on the analysis of mechanical properties of manufactured samples. Possible future steps related to the improvement of the process were proposed. Results of this experiment were compared with literature regarding parts produced by SLM technology and conventional methods.

Caracterização mecânica e microestrutural dos aços 300M e maraging 300 após soldagem a plasma

Robson Coelho de Oliveira 10 August 2015 (has links)
Na indústria aeroespacial, para que um foguete ou míssil cumpra sua missão, faz-se necessário utilizar estruturas de materiais com alta resistência mecânica e, concomitantemente, de baixa densidade. Atualmente as virolas, estruturas calandradas e soldadas, que compõem os envelopes motores de projetos da área de espaço, como, por exemplo, o VLS-1, projeto em desenvolvimento no Instituto de Aeronáutica e Espaço (IAE), são fabricadas em aço 300M. Porém, devido algumas dificuldades enfrentadas, principalmente, durante as etapas de tratamento térmico, foi proposto substituí-lo pelo aço Maraging 300. Esta dissertação faz uma avaliação das vantagens da substituição do aço 300M pelo aço Maraging 300 aplicado na área aeroespacial, bem como do comportamento mecânico e da qualidade da solda a plasma, processo já empregado na fabricação das virolas. Os corpos-de-prova foram produzidos a partir dos aços Maraging e 300M, sendo que todos foram soldados com metal de adição correspondente ao material do corpo de prova, com e sem tratamento térmico. Paralelamente, foram elaborados corpos de prova com os aços dissimilares (Maraging 300 e 300M) soldados com metal de adição de Maraging, também nas condições tratado e não tratado termicamente. A solda de dissimilares envolve alguns desafios, tais como a de decidir qual metal de adição utilizar, ou mesmo não usar (soldagem autógena), e também de definir um ciclo térmico compatível com os dois metais, de forma a alcançar as propriedades desejadas em ambos os aços envolvidos. Para avaliação das propriedades mecânicas foram efetuados os ensaios de dureza, tração e impacto. Foram realizadas também análises por Microscopia Óptica (MO) e Microscopia Eletrônica de Varredura (MEV), permitindo a caracterização da interface das juntas soldadas (Cordão de Solda), da Zona Termicamente Afetada (ZTA) e do Metal Base. Com base nos resultados e nos processos empregados, permite-se afirmar que o aço maraging 300 possui um grande potencial para substituir o aço 300M na fabricação de envelopes motores para a indústria aeroespacial.
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Efeito da deformação a quente sobre a microestrutura, dureza e cinética de precipitação de um aço maraging C300

Castro Güiza, Gabriel Mauricio January 2015 (has links)
Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência e Engenharia dos Materiais, Florianópolis, 2015. / Made available in DSpace on 2016-05-24T17:42:41Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 338223.pdf: 6331702 bytes, checksum: 075fbdd17c9b549656a64a1a28f177d4 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015 / Os aços maraging são uma classe especial de aços com alta resistência e tenacidade. Apesar das suas excelentes propriedades, suas aplicações são limitadas devido ao seu alto custo de produção. Com o propósito de encontrar novos processos para melhorar as propriedades mecânicas deste aço, foram analisados os efeitos produzidos pelo forjamento a quente sobre a microestrutura, dureza e cinética de precipitação de um aço maraging C300. Para isto, corpos de prova prismáticos foram deformados sem lubrificação usando diferentes condições de forjamento, e depois foram analisados nas condições como forjado e envelhecido usando diferentes técnicas de caracterização, tais como: microscopia ótica, ensaios de dureza, microscopia eletrônica de varredura, microscopia eletrônica de transmissão, difração de raios X e dilatometria. Os resultados experimentais mostraram que se obteve um importante refinamento da largura dos blocos de martensita quando o forjamento produziu uma austenita não recristalizada ou parcialmente recristalizada. Adicionalmente, os espécimes nos quais a martensita foi produzida a partir de uma austenita não recristalizada apresentaram um endurecimento mais rápido e uma maior quantidade de austenita reversa do que as amostras restantes. Estes fatos sugerem que houve uma aceleração significativa nas reações de precipitação e de formação de austenita reversa nas amostras cuja martensita foi produzida a partir de austenita não recristalizada. Finalmente, se detectou um acréscimo da dureza no estado como forjado nas amostras deformadas a quente, cujo valor máximo foi de 8% nas condições de maior redução de altura. Este endurecimento foi reduzido durante o envelhecimento devido provavelmente à ação da recuperação da subestrutura da martensita.<br> / Abstract : Maraging steels are special steels with high strength and high toughness. Despite their desirable properties, their applications are limited due to their high production cost. In order to discover new processes that improve the mechanical properties of this alloy, the kinetical and microstructural changes induced by hot forging in a maraging C300 steel were analysed. Prismatic samples were deformed without lubrication using several forging conditions, and then were analysed in both the as forged and aged stages employing different techniques such as: optical microscopy, hardness testing, scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction and dilatometry. The experimental results showed that an important refinement of the martensite block width was obtained when hot working produced either work-hardened or partially recrystallized austenite. In addition, the specimens in which the martensite phase was produced from a work-hardened austenite hardened faster in the early stages of precipitation than non-deformed ones. Besides, the amount of austenite in the former samples was higher than the one found in the latter. These two facts suggest that a significant acceleration of the precipitation and reverted austenite formation reactions might be taking place in the samples where hot forging produced a work-hardened austenite. Finally, an increase in hardness was observed in the hot worked samples, which maximum value was 8% in the most deformed specimens. This raise was partially eliminated during aging, probably due to the recovery of the martensite substructure.
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AvaliaÃÃo da fragilizaÃÃo por hidrogÃnio no aÃo maraging 300 / Evaluation of hydrogen embrittlement of 300 maraging steel

Luis Paulo MourÃo dos Santos 23 May 2014 (has links)
CoordenaÃÃo de AperfeiÃoamento de NÃvel Superior / Os aÃos maraging sÃo ligas de ultra-alta resistÃncia com vasta aplicaÃÃo na engenharia, desde vasos de alta pressÃo de operaÃÃo em processos crÃticos, componentes aeronÃuticos, aplicaÃÃes militares atà equipamentos esportivos. O presente trabalho buscou avaliar os efeitos da fragilizaÃÃo por hidrogÃnio no aÃo maraging 18% Ni da classe 300, nas condiÃÃes solubilizada e envelhecida. As amostras foram solubilizadas a 1093 Â10K por 3,6 ks, seguido de um resfriamento ao ar e envelhecidas a 753 e 843 Â10K por 10,8 ks, respectivamente e resfriadas ao ar. Foi realizada uma caracterizaÃÃo microestrutural por difraÃÃo de raios-X, correntes parasitas, medidas de dureza Rockwell e microscopia eletrÃnica e Ãptica. Para avaliar os efeitos do ingresso de hidrogÃnio nas propriedades mecÃnicas do aÃo maraging 18% Ni da classe 300 foram realizados ensaios de traÃÃo com baixa taxa de deformaÃÃo (BTD). A taxa de deformaÃÃo aplicada foi 1,0 x 10-6 s-1. Os ensaios foram realizados ao ar (meio inerte) e em soluÃÃo de 3,5% NaCl sob o potencial catÃdico de -1,2 VECS. Foi observada uma reduÃÃo de 11,06 para 3,89% no alongamento e de 61,28 para 10% na reduÃÃo de Ãrea para as amostras solubilizadas. As amostras envelhecidas a 753 Â10K por 10.8 ks apresentaram maior reduÃÃo nessas propriedades. Nesta condiÃÃo a reduÃÃo observada foi de 1929,26 MPa para amostras ensaiadas ao ar para 447,64 MPa para amostras ensaiadas em soluÃÃo de 3,5% NaCl sob potencial catÃdico no limite de resistÃncia e de 7,30 para 1,62 % no alongamento. As amostras envelhecidas a 843 Â10K, as quais apresentaram de cerca de 10% de austenita sofreram fragilizaÃÃo similar as amostras envelhecidas a 753 Â10K. Trincas secundÃrias perpendiculares a carga aplicada foram observadas nas amostras solubilizadas e ensaiadas em soluÃÃo de 3,5% NaCl sob potencial catÃdico. Os resultados indicam que a presenÃa de precipitados e de austenita revertida impedem a propagaÃÃo de trincas secundÃrias na seÃÃo longitudinal nas condiÃÃes envelhecidas. A anÃlise da superfÃcie de fratura revelou caracterÃstica de uma fratura dÃctil nas amostras ensaiadas ao ar com dimples de diferentes tamanhos e profundidades, enquanto que nas amostras ensaiadas em soluÃÃo de 3,5% NaCl sob potencial catÃdico foram observadas trincas induzidas pelo hidrogÃnio e microcavidades e regiÃes de quase-clivagem para todas as condiÃÃes estudadas. / Maraging steels are ultra high strength alloys widely used in engineering applications from high pressure vessels operating in critical processes, aircraft components, military applications to sports equipment. This work assessed the effects of hydrogen embrittlement in 18% Ni maraging grade 300 steel in the solution annealed and aged conditions. Samples were solution annealed at 1093 Â10K for 3.6 ks, followed by air cooling and aging at 753 and 843 Â10K for 10.8 ks, respectively, and cooled by air. The microstructure was characterized by X-ray diffraction, eddy current, hardness measurement and optical and electron microscopy. To assess the effects of hydrogen ingress on the mechanical properties of 18% Ni maraging grade 300 steel, slow strain rate tests (SSRT) were performed. A strain rate of 1.0x10-6 s-1 was applied. The tests were carried out in air (middle inert) and the samples immersed in the electrolyte at a simultaneous potential of -1.2 VSEC. The results showed the reduction elongation from 11.06 to 3.89% and from 61,28 to 10% in reduction of area for samples in the solution annealed condition. The greatest reductions were observed in the samples aged at 753 Â10K for 10.8 ks. In this condition the reduction from 1929.26 MPa in air tests to 447.64 MPa in ultimate tensile strength and from 7.30 to 1.62% in elongation under cathodic polarization in the 3,5% NaCl solution was observed. The samples aged at 843 Â10K for 10.8 ks, where about 10% of reverted austenite was identified, showed evidence of hydrogen embrittlement as seen in the samples treated at different conditions. Secondary cracks, perpendicular to the loading direction at the longitudinal surface of the solution annealed fractured samples immersed in 3,5% NaCl solution under cathodic potential were seen. The results evidence that the precipitates and reverted austenite difficult secondary crack propagation in longitudinal section on aged samples. Scanning electron examination showed a change in fractografic features from ductile dimples to quasi-cleavage and microvoid modes when comparing samples without (air tested) and with hydrogen ingress.
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Analýza vlivu recyklace práškové oceli na porozitu dílů vyráběných technologií Selective Laser Melting / The impact of metal powder recycling on the porosity of parts produced by Selective Laser Melting

Sůkal, Jan January 2017 (has links)
Diploma thesis deals with the influence of recycling of powder steel 1.2709 on porosity of parts processed by SLM technology. Theoretical part of this thesis gives an overview of the influence of selected process parameters of this additive technology on the porosity of manufactured parts. The presence of pores in the material is the main cause of worse mechanical properties compared to conventionally manufactured materials. Since the advantage of this technology is the possibility of wasteless production, one of the possible causes of pore formation and degradation of properties of the powder material is due to standard recycling by means of sieving to remove the contaminants generated during the construction. This paper compares the porosity of parts produced by two different machines, analyzes the possible consequences of sieving on powder properties, establishes recommendations for setting the recycling process, and compares the degree of influence of process parameters on porosity.

Vývoj procesních parametrů technologie Selective Laser Melting pro výrobu lisovací formy pneumatik / Development of SLM process parameters for manufacturing of mold segment for molding tires

Měchura, Lukáš January 2018 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with finding suitable process parameters for the production of molding segment by SLM technology. It consists of a combination of structures, shells, thin slats and bulk parts. The tested material is maraging steel 300. The research part deals with the problem of choice of suitable process parameters, such as laser power and speed, hatch distance and thickness of the built layer. The achievable mechanical properties of the parts and the choice of the suitable structure were also examined. In the thesis were found suitable process parameters for printing of bulk parts and structures.

Surface Finishing and Corrosion Resistance of 3D Printed Maraging Steel

Shao, Yinan January 2020 (has links)
3D printing, also known as additive manufacturing (AM), has got rapidly developed since 1987. Compared with conventional manufacturing methods, 3D printing provides some advantages such as increasing material utilization and less waste of material. Maraging steel provides good strength and toughness without losing ductility, which has been used for the 3D printing technique. Selective laser melting (SLM) is one of the 3D printing methods, which is mostly used for metal and alloy powder. In this thesis, selective laser melting will be used for maraging steel. 3D printing maraging steel is a new material, the research about the properties of 3D printing maraging steel is still ongoing. Corrosion resistance is one of the most important properties of maraging steel due to the high cost of corrosion. So this thesis will focus on the corrosion behavior of 3D printing maraging steel. The purpose of this thesis was to find the best heat treatment condition for high corrosion resistance and to find the relationship between microstructure and corrosion behavior of maraging steel. In this thesis, several kinds of maraging steel samples with different heat treatment conditions were used. SLM, SLM austenized&amp;quenched, SLM aged, conventional austenized&amp;quenched, and conventional aged. Besides, two kinds of solutions were produced, NaOH (pH=11.5) and Na2SO4 (pH=6.5). To observe the microstructure, an optical microscope was used. The grain size is different between SLM and conventional samples, and also different between the samples with different heat treatment conditions. The potentiodynamic polarization method was used to measuring the corrosion behavior. SLM samples have much lower current density, and the passivation potential and the corrosion rate are similar compared with conventional samples. But due to the lack of further experiments, the relationship between corrosion behavior could be affected by the combined effect of several factors.
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Process and microstructure development of a LPBF produced maraging steel / Process- och mikrostrukturutveckling av ett pulverbäddproducerat maråldringsstål

Johansson, Kenny January 2020 (has links)
Additive manufacturing (AM) has the possibility of producing complex-shaped components which can not be produced by conventional manufacturing methods. This gives the opportunity for designers to freely think outside the design spectra which is otherwise limited by conventional manufacturing methods. AM of metal has rapidly been developed for the last three decades, and they now are reaching industrial acceptance levels, metal feedstock for use in AM is also rapidly growing. AM of metals is especially of interest for the tooling industry. The design freedom which AM offers the tooling manufacturer can design complex cooling channels within moulds, which could reduce cycle time and enhance the quality of components produced with the moulds. Maraging steels have been proven to both be able to be processed with AM but also have comparable performance to traditionally carbon-based used tool steels. Laser Powder Bed Fusion (LPBF) is one of the most promising AM systems today, by using powder as a feedstock it can produce high-resolution parts without needing to process them after they have been produced. However, there is a need to better understand processing within the LPBF system. This master thesis is aimed to process a newly developed maraging steel from Uddeholm, and conduct process parameter experiment and study their correlation to be able to produce samples with as few defects possible. It is crucial to conform to a good methodology for how to find those correlations and see how they influence the printed material. LPBF process has a multi-complex variable system, and by narrowing down the complexity by focus on the most influencing parameters as has been proven by many researchers. Even with a reduced focus, it is still a multi-variable problem. In this study a methodology of finding process parameters relations, a Design Of Experiment software was used, namely, MODDE. By screening of process parameter ranges, within the software, a statistical evaluation of operational process window can be found with fewer conducted experiment. Development of process parameter can traditionally be time-consuming and result in an unnecessary large number of experiments to find the operational window. The experiment showed that laser power and point distance had the most influencing effect on relative density, followed by exposure time and hatch distance. The experiment was firstly conducted with a layer thickness of 50 µm, the achieved relative density resulted in over 99.8 percent. However, a large lack of fusion defects was observed inside the specimens. Even though a high relative density was measured, a pore analysis has to be conducted to fully understand the size and shape of defects since they can have a severe impact on mechanical properties. It was believed that the layer thickness was too high and that the defects could be reduced by printing a set with same process parameters but with a lower layer thickness of 40 µm instead. The reduction of layer thickness did result in a significant decrease of the defects observed. However, future work after this thesis must be continued to further optimize and to increase the solidity of printed material to reach closer to its conventional produced relatives / Additiv tillverkning har möjligheten att producera komplext konstruerade komponenter som inte kan produceras med konventionella tillverkningsmetoder. Detta ger konstruktörer möjligheten att fritt tänka utanför designspektra som annars begränsas av konventionella tillverkningsmetoder. Additiv tillverkning av metall har snabbt utvecklats under de senaste tre decennierna och har nu nått industriella acceptansnivåer. Metallråvara för användning i additiv tillverkning växer snabbt. Additiv tillverkning av metaller är särskilt intressant för verktygsindustrin, designfriheten som additiv tillverkning kan erbjuda verktygstillverkaren för att kunna utforma komplexa kylkanaler inuti formar. Det kan således reducera cykeltiden och förbättra kvaliteten på komponenter som produceras med formarna. Maråldringsststål har visat sig att både kunna processas i additiv tillverkning och har jämförbara egenskaper med traditionellt kolbaserade verktygsstål. Pulverbäddsystemet är ett av de mest lovande systemen idag, genom att använda pulver som råmaterial kan systemet producera komponenter med hög noggranhet utan att behöva bearbeta dem efter att processen är klar. Det finns emellertid ett behov av att bättre förstå själva processen inom pulverbädds teknologin. Den här masteruppsatsen syftar till att additivt tillverka ett nyutvecklat maråldringsstål från Uddeholm. Samt att genomföra processparameterexperiment och studera deras korrelation för att kunna producera prover med så få defekter som möjligt. Det är avgörande att hitta en metod för hur man hittar korrelationerna och se hur de påverkar det tillverkade materialet. Pulverbäddsystemet har ett multikomplext variabelsystem. För att minska komplexiteten kan fokus läggas på de mest inflytelserika processparametrarna, vilket har bevisats av många forskare. Även med ett reducerat fokus är det fortfarande ett flervariabelsproblem. I denna studie användes en metod för att hitta relationer mellan processparametrar och en Design Of Experiment-programvara, nämligen MODDE. Genom screening av processparametrar, inom programvaran, kan en statistisk utvärdering av operativt processfönster hittas med färre genomförda experiment. Utvecklingen av processparametrar kan traditionellt vara tidskrävande och resultera i ett onödigt stort antal experiment för att hitta det operativa fönstret av processparametrar. Experimentet visade att lasereffekt och punktavstånd påverkande den relativa densiteten mest, följt av exponeringstiden och spåravståndet. Experimentet genomfördes först med en lagertjocklek av 50 mikrometer, lagertjockleken resulterade i en relativ densitet på över 99,8 procent. Emellertid observerades stora fusionsdefekter inuti proverna. Även om en hög relativ densitet mättes, måste en poranalys genomföras för att fullt ut förstå storleken och formen på defekter eftersom de kan ha en avgörande inverkan på mekaniska egenskaperna. Det misstänktes att lagertjockleken var för hög och att defekterna kunde minskas genom att tillverka en ytterligare uppsättning av samma processparametrar men med en lägre lagertjocklek på 40 mikrometer istället. Minskningen av lagertjockleken resulterade i en signifikant minskning av de observerade defekterna. Framgent efter den här avhandlingen måste dock arbetet fortsätta att ytterligare optimera och öka soliditeten i det additivt tillverkade materialet. Det för att uppnå bättre prover och komma ännu närmre det konventionellt tillverkade materialets egenskaper.
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Mechanical and tribological characterization of additive manufactured Co-alloyed tool steels aimed for cutting tool bodies

Rajan, Jijesh January 2022 (has links)
A drill tool body operates under tough cutting conditions where it is subjected to severe rubbing at the drill flute margin by the sliding chips. The tool wear caused by the contact stresses of the high-speed sliding chips is one of the common damage mechanisms observed in drill tool bodies. The present investigation is aimed at evaluating the wear properties, mechanical properties and tribological characteristics of the selective laser melting (SLM) produced drill bodies of Co-alloyed tool steels. Two different maraging steel powders, Modified 18Ni300 and Osprey MAR were the materials of interest in this work. A ranking was obtained after a detailed examination to select the most suitable cutting tool body material for drilling application. The microstructures of SLM-produced materials after aging were carefully characterized and analyzed. The result shows that both the materials are composed of fine dendritic cellular structures and even exhibit melt pool boundaries. The microhardness values taken on the as-polished samples indicate that Modified 18Ni300 is marginally harder than Osprey MAR. The material pick-up tendency, friction characteristics and wear properties of the two material samples at room temperature were also evaluated using a scratch tester and a pin-on-disc tribometer. The wear volume for the scratch test and the pin-on-disc test was quantified by a 3D optical profilometer. The overall coefficient of friction (COF) and the wear volume was considerably higher for Osprey MAR than Modified 18Ni300 in scratch testing. The increase in COF for Osprey MAR can be attributed to the build-up edge adhered to the moving stylus. Wear characterization of the scratched surface shows secondary plowing which validates the adhesion tendency of Osprey MAR. The results from the pin-on-disc test conform to the scratch results displaying marginally lower COF and wear volume for the Modified 18Ni300 disc specimen. The higher volume loss of pin manufactured from workpiece material SS2541 used against Modified 18Ni300 disc substantiates the better wear characteristics of this material. Characterization of wear on the surface and cross-section of disc samples suggests that the total wear is the result of adhesion by delamination and build-up edge, abrasion, and cellular fracture at the interacting interface. Machining application tests were also conducted to study the chip wear characteristics and facilitate the ranking of the materials concerning wear resistance. Chip breaker wear test was performed with chip breakers of two different surface topography, milled and ground, to evaluate the effect of surface texture and roughness on the wear behavior. The result shows adhesion on the chip breaker surface for both the materials of interest. The wear is higher in Osprey MAR than Modified 18Ni300 in both milled and ground conditions. A series of actual drill tests from SLM-produced drill bodies indicates wear at the drill flute margin. The drill body material at the chip flute margin is abraded by the sliding chips for Osprey MAR exhibiting greater wear than Modified 18Ni300 in which case the flute margin is intact. Adhesion is also seen at the flute surface for both materials. EDS analysis undertaken at the site of wear confirms the adhered material is of the workpiece SS2541. The results from all the aforementioned tests suggest that Modified 18Ni300 has better wear resistance than Osprey MAR. It also indicates that the cellular microstructure of SLM-produced maraging steels is not suitable for sliding wear resistance.
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