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Využití marketingu k posílení konkurenceschopnosti firmy / Usage of Marketing for Improving Competitiveness of CompanyKurowská, Monika January 2014 (has links)
This master’s thesis deals with proposal of activities impoving competitiveness of the company Infinit in providing wellness stays, with a specific focus on the website of the company. The theoretical part is devoted to the competition, competitiveness, marketing and methods of marketing analysis. The practical part examines the business of the company, analyses its internal and external environment and proposes appropriate measures aimed at increasing competitiveness and will use for furure development of the company.
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Rozvoj konkurenceschopnosti podniku / Development of Competitiveness of CompanyŠťáva, Štěpán January 2016 (has links)
Master thesis focuses on developing proposals for strengthening competitiveness of a company engaged in the development, manufacture and sale of electronic light sources with glass or plastic shades. Aim of the thesis is to process and evaluate proposals for measures leading to strengthening company’s competitiveness on the Czech market and contributing to ensure company's sales growth on the market. The proposals are based on theoretical knowledge gained from professional literature and on analyses of the current state of the company.
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Prezentace a obraz knihoven v médiích, mediální obraz knihovníka/knihovnice / Presentation of libraries in media and media representation of librariansNováková, Gabriela January 2013 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to analyze the media image of libraries and librarians in the years 2007-2011. The first part describes the theoretical knowledge of marketing and promotional tools used in libraries, with a particular focus on media tools. The second part is followed by a practical part, which monitors the application of these tools and the results of their action with regard to the public. Theoretical knowledge based ideas Philip Kotler were supplemented with a practical knowledge gained from the media analysis of the years 2007-2011, whose data were obtained from the database Anopress. Mapping the current marketing situation in the media library for a chance to innovate their marketing practices and to attract to the library and more satisfied users.
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Marketing Strategies to Increase Profits from Retailing Fair Trade CoffeeKnowles, Emily Christine 01 January 2015 (has links)
Low consumer loyalty threatens the sustainability of the fair trade (FT) coffee market and corporate social responsibility investment. To provide business owners with strategies and decision-making processes to market FT coffee products successfully in the United States, this phenomenological study explored the lived experiences, perceptions, and insights of 20 FT coffee marketing managers. Planned behavior theory served as the conceptual framework. Face-to-face or Skype interviews were conducted with each of the 20 purposefully sampled FT coffee marketing managers. The data from these interviews were analyzed using Moustakas' modified van Kaam method and qualitative analytic software to collect, group, reduce, validate, and organize the interview data into themes. Nine themes emerged from the analyses. The theme analysis revealed the importance of including consumer education as a part of a marketing strategy to improve consumer understanding of the FT label and to catalyze demand. Based upon the topics participants emphasized during the interviews, another principal theme was the importance of establishing a direct relationship with a farm. Furthermore, 2 of the 20 participants provided unique insights on achieving consumer trust and the importance consumers attribute to consistent taste. Educating consumers on the effects and implications of the FT label is instrumental in increasing profits from FT coffee. The findings could catalyze beneficial social change by enabling business owners to educate consumers through marketing communications, which increase their market share of FT coffee and thereby enhance the lives of third-world farmers.
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Řízení spokojenosti zájmových skupin s kvalitou služeb vysokých škol / Management of Stakeholder Satisfaction with Service Quality of Higher Education InstitutionsSchüller, David January 2012 (has links)
This work focuses on the management of university stakeholder satisfaction with the service quality of these institutions. It examines the links between satisfaction, stakeholders, and service quality. This work deals with different approaches and methods of service quality satisfaction measurement and the emphasis is placed especially on tertiary education. The following goals and hypotheses were formulated on the basis of theoretical knowledge obtained from scientific publications. The main aim of this work is to suggest a new model for management of stakeholder satisfaction with the service quality of tertiary institutions. The second main aim is to suggest a new method of analysis of student satisfaction with the service quality of tertiary institutions. There is a close connection between both main targets and students are considered as clients in this dissertation. Hypotheses and sub-goals are also closely related to the main aim. They are formulated in such a way as to help reach the main targets and verify the suggested method in practice. For instance, the identification of stakeholders of tertiary institutions is one of the sub-goals of this work and its accomplishment significantly helped to fulfil the main targets. The sub-goals are also focused on the area of marketing communications. Marketing communication is the integral part of the suggested model for management of stakeholder satisfaction with the service quality of tertiary institutions. Therefore, one sub-goal is to formulate a set of recommendations which will improve marketing communication of tertiary institutions with their stakeholder. The author produced this dissertation on the basis of theoretical knowledge from scientific literature written by Czech and foreign authors and also conducted research. The primary research was done using the following techniques: individual interviews, focus groups and a (questionnaire) survey. The results of the primary research were analysed using the applications Microsoft Office Excel, Statistics and QC. Expert.Microsoft. The data analysed from the primary research was used to define the importance of individual stakeholders within the suggested model of satisfaction management. On the basis of the results provided, the criteria was identified and then used to evaluate their importance for measurement of student satisfaction with service quality. Moreover, the results obtained by primary research enabled the statistical verification or refutation of the hypotheses of the dissertation.
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Impact of Metaverse on Marketing Communication : A case study of the fashion industryNabukalu, Resty, Wanjohi, Ambrosena January 2023 (has links)
No description available.
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Vad lyssnar du på? : En kvalitativ studie om attityd till reklam i podcaster / What are you listening to? : A qualitative study on attitudes towards advertising in podcastsBrandt, Linnéa, Melgar, Julietta, Rolfes, Maja January 2023 (has links)
Tidigare forskning om upplevelser och attityd till reklam i podcaster har varierat i sina resultat. Det finns studier som tyder på att annonsformatet värdläst reklam bidrar till den bästa lyssningsupplevelsen för konsumenterna. Samtidigt finns det andra studier som visar att traditionell radioreklam istället bidrar till en bättre lyssningsupplevelse. Eftersom podcastlyssnandet ökar i Sverige kan det därför vara av intresse att undersöka konsumenternas attityder till dessa två annonsformat i podcaster både för företag som funderar på att sponsra en podcast men även ur ett producentperspektiv. Studien strävar efter att undersöka det här genom 14 kvalitativa intervjuer som transkriberats, tolkats och genomgått en tematisk analys. Resultatet visade att de flesta har en negativ inställning till reklam i podcaster men har en förståelse att reklamen behöver inkluderas ur ett ekonomiskt perspektiv. Det uttrycktes som positivt när ett reklaminslag upplevdes som humoristiskt och informativt av informanterna. Negativa åsikter uttrycktes när reklaminslagen upplevdes för monotona och säljande. Generellt var attityden och upplevelsen av den värdlästa reklamen mer positiv på grund av det personliga tillvägagångssättet där det fanns mer utrymme för humor, information och delgivning av privata detaljer från podcasvärden. Med studiens resultat vill författarna presentera upplevelsen och attityden till reklam ur en konsuments perspektiv och på så vis bidra med förståelse och inspiration till fältet inom marknadskommunikation, men även företag och producenter i podcastbranschen. Studien är skriven på svenska. / Previous research on experiences and attitudes towards advertising in podcasts has varied in its results. There are studies that indicate that the host-read advertising format contributes to the best listening experience for consumers. On the other hand, there are studies that show that traditional radio advertising contributes to a better listening experience instead. Since podcast listening has increasing in Sweden, it may therefore be of interest to investigate consumers’ attitudes towards these two advertising formats in podcasts, both for companies that are considering sponsoring a podcast but also from a producers perspective. This study aim to investigate this through 14 qualitative interviews that have been transcribed, interpreted and subjected to a thematic analysis. The results showed that most consumers of this study have a negative attitude towards advertising in podcasts but at the same time have an understanding that advertising needs to be included from an economic perspective. A positive attitude were expressed when an advertising feature was experienced as humorous and informative by the informants. Negative opinions were expressed when the advertising elements were perceived as too monotonous and selling. In general, the attitude and experience of the host-read advertisement was more positive due to the personal approach where there was more room for humor, information and the sharing of private details from the podcast host. With the results of the study, the researchers want to present the experience and attitude to advertising from a consumer's perspective and thus contribute with understanding and inspiration to the field of marketing communication, but also companies and producers in the podcast industry. The study is written in Swedish.
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寬頻影音網站之整合行銷傳播:以hiChannel北京奧運轉播為例 / IMC of Webcasters: A Case Study of Beijing Olympic Broadcasting on hiChannel萬年生, Wan, Nien Sheng Unknown Date (has links)
本論文由寬頻影音網站脈絡出發,並以整合行銷傳播理論視野切入,透過hiChannel北京奧運轉播的個案研究,析論利益關係者(stakeholders)、內容(content)、通路(channels)、資料庫行銷(database marketing)和結果(results)等研究者歸納的整合行銷傳播重要面向。
其次,研究者在內容面向共檢視行銷團隊的「可控制」(controlled)和「不可控制」(uncontrolled)二類訊息;但主要側重前者。透過業者深度訪談,及內容分析主要網站規劃、網路廣告等針對廣告主和閱聽眾的行銷傳播素材、各階段報紙報導和公關稿(press release),發現不論hiChannel的「全頻道、全賽事、免費收視」整體訴求,及特派員活動強調的「hiChannel陪你看奧運 聊運動」訊息主軸,大致均能符合執行和策略一致等整合意涵。
最後,本論文結合個案行銷傳播目標和各分析章節內容,並扣連學者提出的稽核、障礙和層級概念,共同檢視hiChannel北京奧運轉播的結果面向。研究者發現,本個案實具備良好的整合行銷傳播內涵,並至少符合較低層次的整合層級。 / This study aims to explore how the Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) is applied to broadcast Beijing Olympic Games on hiChannel. The author, adopting case study methodology, tries to elucidate the context of webcasters and five significant pillars of IMC. These five distinct attributes are as follows: stakeholders, content, channels, database marketing and results.
9 depth interviews are conducted to understand how hiChannel planed and used the perspectives of five pillars of IMC. Also, via content analysis, all campaigning messages of on-line activities, the print media and press release are analyzed.
The major concepts of each pillar of IMC are re-examined in this case study. The findings show that the team of hiChannel informs the controlled messages such as,“free to watch all channels, all games of Beijing Olympics” and “to watch and chat about all games of Beijing Olympics at the same time” to not only advertisers but target audience. Besides, the author finds that the team in order to accomplish the commercials, website page views and other what hiChannel desired in this case study, they conveyed both executional also strategic consistency through each channels, across all tools in substance, before and during the period of Beijing Olympic Games.
Last but not least, the author also finds that because Olympic Games are renowned, and tend to attract broad target audience, there is no need for the application of database marketing. Moreover, this case study also leads us to rethink the use of database marketing and other four pillars of IMC according to industry characteristics and other qualifications.
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Marketing vybraných klubů České fotbalové ligy / Marketing of selected Czech football league clubsČmakal, Tomáš January 2014 (has links)
Title: Marketing of selected Czech football league clubs Objective: Analysis and comparison of the marketing activities of selected Czech football league clubs and proposition of measures that would lead to the improvement of marketing activities, with an emphasis on marketing communications. Methods: PEST analysis SWOT analysis Porters five forces analysis Marketing research - qualitative method - in-depth interview - quantitative method - questionnaires Results: The results of evaluation of the marketing of selected Czech football league clubs showed significant differences in the quality of marketing activities between clubs. In some areas, such as websites, printed materials, clubs perform well. In others, such as, social networks or programs during breaks, they do not. Despite the lack of financial and human resources some elements are made with precision. I also tried to propose some measures that might lead to improvement and streamlining of marketing activities of clubs and that would be realistic even at third league level. These recommendations are mainly in the field of internet communication, accompanying programs, competitions and events that may increase the interest of viewers and partners of the clubs. Key words: Sports marketing, marketing mix, marketing communications, marketing...
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Influencer sökes : En kvalitativ studie av influencers roll inom företags marknadskommunikation / Influencer wanted : A qualitative study about influencers’ role within corporate marketing communicationsKristiansson, Kajsa, Wahlqvist, Mathilda January 2017 (has links)
Syfte och forskningsfrågor Syftet med studien är att klargöra och analysera influencers roll i företags marknadskommunikation. Utifrån detta syfte har följande tre forskningsfrågor formulerats: ❖ Vad präglar influencers roll som marknadsförare? ❖ Vad innebär digitaliseringen för företags sätt att arbeta med sin marknadskommunikation? ❖ Hur har utvecklingen av sociala medier påverkat företags användande av influencer marketing? Metod Uppsatsen är utformad efter en kvalitativ forskningsmetod. Ansatsen kan anses vara av abduktiv karaktär, eftersom forskningsprocessen utgörs av ett växelspel mellan ett deduktivt och induktivt förhållningssätt. Den empiriska datan utgörs av sju semistrukturerade intervjuer där respondenterna anses vara experter inom området. Slutsatser Studiens resultat har visat att digitaliseringen och utvecklingen av sociala medier gjort att företag allt mer använder sig av influencers i sin marknadskommunikation. Således har influencers fått en betydande roll inom företags marknadskommunikation och rollen kan sammanfattas med följande begrepp: Föra en dialog och dela företags berättelser, högre autenticitet, längre räckvidd på fler plattformar, större genomslagskraft, nischa företags marknadsföring samt nå yngre målgrupper, maskerar marknadsföringen, bygger och ansvarar för företags varumärken och förlust av kontroll. / Purpose and research questions The purpose of this study is to clarify and analyse influencers’ role in corporate marketing communications. With this purpose in mind, the following three research questions have been formulated: ❖ What characterizes influencers’ role as marketers? ❖ What does the digitalization mean for companies’ ways of working with their marketing communication? ❖ How has the development of social media affected companies’ use of influencer marketing? Method The essay is designed according to a qualitative research method. The research approach could be considered as abductive, since the research process comprises of an interaction between a deductive and inductive approach. Furthermore, the empirical data consists of seven semi-structured interviews where the respondents are considered experts in the field. Conclusion The study’s results have shown that the digitalization and the development of social media have increased the use of influencers within corporate marketing communications. Thus, influencers have gained a significant role in corporate marketing communication, and the role can be summarized with the following concepts: Conducting a dialogue and sharing the companies’ stories, higher authenticity, longer reach on various platforms, greater impact, niche the company’s marketing and reach younger target groups, disguise marketing, build and be responsible for a corporate brand and at last loss of control.
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