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A Practical Lean Analysis : Streamlining a production system for scalable manufacturing / En praktisk Lean Analys : Effektivisering av ett produktionssystem för skalbar tillverkningBörjesson, Henriette January 2019 (has links)
Denna kandidatuppsats är gjord i samarbete med ett företag som arbetar med att producera fryst mat för hundar. Företaget har stora ambitioner och för att möjliggöra en skalbar produktion behöver företaget effektivisera sina processer. Med hjälp av metoder baserade och förknippade med Lean produktion, kan förteget rationalisera bort manuellt och svårskalat arbete i processerna. Detta görs för att generera effektivitet så produktionssystemet är stark nog att skalas upp och producera mer produkter vid en större efterfrågan. Syftet med rapporten är att undersöka det nuvarande produktionssystemet, analysera och utifrån teori granska vad som kan orsaka ineffektivitet. Företagets produktionsflöde har kartlagts med hjälp av värdeflödesanalys, som är en vedertagen metod inom Lean. Företagets problemområden identifierades och förslag på åtgärder togs fram. Med utgångspunkt i litteraturen om Lean produktion utfördes en analys och diskussion av resultatet. Slutligen kunde man konstatera att produktionssystemet, på detta företag, kan skala upp sin produktion och öka sin volym till en viss mängd. När man som företag arbetar med Lean för förbättringar så innebär det i teorin att man arbetar för ständiga förbättringar. Företaget kommer ständigt att behöva analysera produktionssystemet då olika faktorer kommer att påverka skalbarheten över tid.
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Fluid Power Systems for Mobile Applications : with a Focus on Energy Efficiency and Dynamic CharacteristicsAxin, Mikael January 2013 (has links)
This thesis studies an innovative working hydraulic system design for mobile applications. The purpose is to improve the energy efficiency and the dynamic characteristics compared to load sensing systems without increasing the complexity or adding additional components. The system analysed in this thesis is referred to as flow control. The fundamental difference compared to load sensing systems is that the pump is controlled based on the operator’s command signals rather than feedback signals from the loads. This control approach enables higher energy efficiency since the pressure difference between pump and load is given by the system resistance rather than a prescribed pump pressure margin. High power savings are possible especially at medium flow rates. Furthermore, load sensing systems suffer from poor dynamic characteristics since the pump is operated in a closed loop control mode. This might result in an oscillatory behaviour. Flow control systems have no stability issues attached to the load pressure feedback since there is none. Pressure compensators are key components in flow control systems. This thesis addresses the flow matching problem which occurs when using conventional compensators in combination with a flow controlled pump. Flow sharing pressure compensators solve this problem since the pump flow will be distributed between all active functions. A novel control approach where the directional valve is controlled without affecting the cylinder velocity with the objective of optimizing the damping is proposed. In this research, both theoretical studies and practical implementations demonstrate the capability of flow control systems. Experiments show a reduced pump pressure margin and energy saving possibilities in a short loading cycle for a wheel loader application.
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Important Factors in the Transfer of Aircraft Production : Challenges Related to Offset BusinessMalm, Anna January 2013 (has links)
Today, many global industries have difficulties meeting their transfer of production cost targets; the complexity in transfer of production is often underestimated. The aircraft manufacturing industry is a relevant example of a global industry, as many aircraft manufacturers produce parts in different areas of the world. The aircraft manufacturing industry include highly complex production technologies, is regulated by strict national and international standards, and utilizes a comprehensive configuration management. Large international agreements in defence-related industries often involve offset business. The most important parameters for the buying organisation in offset business are to create relations, import technical knowledge/production, promote domestic merchandise, and create employment for the local population. The purpose of the research is to identify, categorise and explore challenges related to transfer of aircraft production within offset business. The research is conducted as a case study at the Swedish enterprise SAAB Aeronautics. Future export deals for SAAB Aeronautics will in all probability consist of offsetbusiness including transfer of production, involving for example parts or entire aircraft to the receiving country. Several factors connected to transfer of aircraft production were identified. The factors were categorised and three of the categories were selected for in-depth studies: Category 1: Cultural challenges and communication Category 2: Configuration management Category 3: Transfer of knowledge and technology The results from the in-depth studies can help Aeronautics in planning and conducting transfer of aircraft production.
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Implementing virtual reality in the product development process, and estimation of virtual maturityVabulis, Ylva, Forsgård, Linnéa January 2020 (has links)
Virtual reality (VR) is one of the new technologies in Industry 4.0 and will influence the industry. If VR is implemented correctly it will lead to higher quality, improved efficiency, and closer customer relationships. The problem with using virtual reality at the company lies both in how these tools shall be used in the product development process and the issue that it is a new tool and a new way of working. The purpose of the thesis is to identify when virtual reality can be used in the early phases of the product development process. The purpose is also to identify how virtual maturity can be measured. The research questions that the study is based on are the following: RQ 1: Which steps are qualified to implement VR within the early phases of the product development process? RQ 2: What dimensions need to be taken into consideration when estimating virtual maturity? RQ 3: How can virtual maturity be estimated? To answer the research questions, primary data such as interviews and a workshop was performed along with a literature review to collect secondary data. A case study lays as a ground for creating a product development process including VR activities, a maturity framework, and a maturity model proposal which are the objectives of the thesis. To analyze the data, methodology triangulation and evaluating patterns between the empirical findings and the literature review were used. The purpose of the literature review was to contribute to the knowledge of the VR tool, VR in industry, and how the implementation of new tools and technologies influences organizations in different aspects. Since the thesis is divided into both creating a product development process including VR and assessing virtual maturity, a general product development process is described in the literature review. The interviews and the workshop provided an overview of the current state at the company regarding both the existing product development process and virtual maturity. Based on the current development process a new extended version was developed, where activities that can be done in VR are included. At the beginning of the project no maturity model that described virtual maturity, important dimensions, or VR activities that can be included in the product development process existed. The development of the maturity framework and the maturity model connected to VR is described in the case study, as well as the development process including VR. As a result of the thesis existing research is compared to the empirical findings, where important dimensions for estimating virtual maturity and VR activities are presented. The analysis of the development process including VR shows that the activities can be found in both literature and empirical findings. However, there was no research found where VR is implemented in a general product development process. The empirical findings also show that there is a need for a tool that can estimate virtual maturity, but there is no such tool directly connected to VR described in the literature. This thesis contributes to this gap by creating a maturity model consisting of five levels, that is based on the 12 identified important dimensions in the framework. Both the framework and the model are divided into the aspects people and technology. Neither the process nor the model has been tested in reality, which is needed to confirm that both will be suitable for the specific company. This is however proposed strategies that are supposed to work as guidelines for the work towards implementing VR.
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Electric Kick Scooter(ScookE)Venkata Arun Kumar, Darsi, Ma, Jiacheng January 2020 (has links)
No description available.
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Analys av ett växande kassationslager / Analyze of a growing reject stockJohansson, Max, Dahlkild, Oscar January 2020 (has links)
No description available.
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Framtagning av termosmugg och vattenflaska : Anpassad till Thules nuvarande mugghållare / Development of thermos mug and water bottle adapted to Thule´s current cup holderOlivia, Larsson, Mikal, Fitsum January 2020 (has links)
No description available.
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Kapacitetsmätning av ett system för automatisk materialhantering / Capacity measurement of a Flexible Manufacturing SystemHumble, Gustaf January 2020 (has links)
In order to be competitive in today’s manufacturing industry, companies are required to constantly improve the performance of processes and optimize the use of resources. It is therefore important to get a good view of the conditions in a production plant. The purpose of this work is to evaluate and document the effectiveness and degree of resource utilization in the Engcon FMS-plant (Flexible Manufacturing System). The aim is also to identify possible improvements. A well-established procedure to determine the efficiency of a process is the so-called Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) method. With deeper knowledge thanks to the preparations, consisting of literature research and some research at the production plant, the practical part of this work started. The main source of information was the Fastems software that controls and plans production. The rest of the information was provided by Henrik Mäki at Engcon and Emil Martinsson at Strömsunds Kvalitetslego. Some manual measurements were also required. All gathered information was examined and compiled before the calculation work began. Results show an OEE-value of 89,6 %, which is a high number indicating an efficient plant usage. Despite of the high OEE-value, there is still room for improvements. At the start and finish of an EC206, order the machining process is slightly inefficient, but this could be prevented by adding a larger variety of machining programs. This would decrease milling time, but the benefits and drawbacks of such a measure have to be analysed before implementation. In order to get an accurate result, easily analysed data have to be used. The information behind the OEE-value in this report was a bit hard to interpret at some times but I do not think it has affected the result too much. / En förutsättning för ett industriföretag att bibehålla konkurrenskraften på världsmarknaden är att ständigt jobba med förbättringar och effektivisering. För att lyckas med det gäller det att få en tydlig bild över de förutsättningar produktionsanläggningen har så att förluster kan minimeras och produktionen effektiviseras. Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) är en väletablerad metod i dessa sammanhang. Det här arbetet har gått ut på att göra en OEE-analys av Engcons FMS-anläggning (Flexible Manufacturing System) med syftet att undersöka hur effektiv anläggningen är och hur resurserna används. En FMS-anläggning är ett flexibelt tillverkningssystem med automatiserad materialhantering och bearbetning. Arbetet syftar också till att identifiera förbättringsområden och ge förslag på förbättringar. En litteraturstudie genomfördes för att få större kunskap inom området. Under det förberedande arbetet undersöktes vilka förutsättningar som fanns för datainhämtning och de efterföljande beräkningarna. Huvudelen av informationen som behövdes för OEE-analysen fanns tillgänglig i styrsystemet Fastems och övrig information kunde Henrik Mäki på Engcon samt Emil Martinsson på Strömsunds Kvalitetslego bistå med. Utöver det krävdes en enklare manuell mätning. All data sammanställdes innan OEE-analysen påbörjades. Resultatet av arbetet visade ett OEE-värde på 89,6 %. Det är en hög siffra och tyder på att anläggningen presterar på en hög nivå. Trots det höga OEE-värdet finns det rum för förbättring. Bearbetningsprocessen vid uppstart och avslut av ordrar för modell EC206 skulle kunna förbättras genom att öka antalet bearbetningsprogram i maskinerna. Fler program skulle kunna öka anläggningens effektivitet genom minskade genomloppstider. Det är dock något som bör utredas vidare innan en sådan åtgärd införs. För att få ett OEE-värde som stämmer väl överrens med verkligheten gäller det att använda data som är tydlig och lätt att tolka. Den information som användes för den här analysen var vid vissa tillfällen aningen svårtolkad men det har troligtvis inte haft allt för stor påverkan på resultatet.
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Lyftanordning för byte av lyftcylinder på lastbärarvagnStenberg, Jon January 2020 (has links)
Det här examensarbetet har utförts för SSAB EMEA i Borlänge. I företagets produktionsanläggning i Borlänge valsas stålämnen till tunnplåt som säljs som rullar eller formatklippt plåt. För att bli till färdig produkt genomgår produkten flera olika processer beroende på vilka egenskaper som efterfrågas hos den färdiga produkten. För att genomgå processerna måste produkten transporteras internt mellan de olika processerna. Transporter utförs av företagets transportavdelning med företagets fordonspark. Dessa fordon underhålls av företaget egna fordonsverkstad, ett av fordonen kallas lastbärare och är en typ av trailer med en lastkapacitet upp till 170t som kopplas till en dragare. Lastbäraren bärs upp av tre hjulboggin bestånden av fyra hjulpar med styrning på alla hjulen och för att få med sig lasten eller ställa av den så höjs och sänks lastbärarens flak. Funktionerna för styrning och nivåreglering utförs med hydrauliska cylindrar. Ett moment när lastbärare ska underhållas är att byta lyftcylinder för nivåreglering. Det finns en lyftcylinder för varje hjulboggi och för att byta lyftcylinder måste hela hjulboggin demonteras vilket gör det till ett tungt och tidskrävande arbete. Syftet med det här arbetet är att designa ett säkert och effektivt koncept till lyftanordning som möjliggör byte av lyftcylinder på lastbärare utan att demontera hjulboggi med hänsyn tagen till gällande standard. Målet med arbetet är att föreslå ett koncept till lyftanordning som gör att tiden för byte av lyftcylinder reduceras från 2 dagar till 4 timmar. För att uppfylla syftet har lyftanordningen anpassats till att leva upp till standarden SS-EN 1494 +A1:2008. Konceptet till lyftanordningen som det här arbetet har resulterat i rullas på hjul in under lastbäraren för att lyfta och tilta lyftcylindern så att den blir fri att rulla ut med lyftanordningen. Tidsåtgången för arbetet är beräknat till 4 timmar och 20 min. Arbete med att designa konceptet till lyftanordning startade med att reparatörerna som utföra arbetet tog in en lastbärare på deras verkstad. Reparatörerna förklarade vilka arbetsmoment som krävs för att byta lyftcylinder och hur den nya lyftanordningen är tänkt att användas och vilka krav de ställer på den. Utifrån dessa krav och de krav som syftet och målet med det här arbetet innebär har ett antal koncept arbetats fram som sedan reducerat till det konceptet som föreslås till att lyftanordningen ska konstrueras efter. Konceptet är designat att rullas på hjul in under lastbäraren med en lös kopplingsanordning som först spänns fast på lyftcylindern sedan länkas kopplingsanordningen och lyftanordning samman med två sprintar. Därefter kan lyftcylinder höjas och tiltas för att gå fri för att sedan rullas bort från lastbäraren med lyftanordningen. Metoden som används till att designa konceptet för lyftanordningen är hämtad ifrån Ulrich & Eppingers bok Product Design and Development där kundens krav är centralt. / This degree project has been carried out for SSAB EMEA in Borlänge. In the company's production plant in Borlänge, steel blanks are rolled into thin sheets and sold as coils or size cut plate. To become a finished product, the product undergoes several different processes depending on the properties required of the finished product. To go through the processes, the product must be transported internally between the different processes. These transports are performed by the company's transport department with the company's vehicle fleet. These vehicles are serviced by the company's own vehicle workshop, one of the vehicles is a load carrier a type of trailer with a load capacity of up to 170t the load carrier is coupled to a tractor. The load carrier is carried by three wheel bogie, the wheel bogie consists of four wheel pairs. The load carrier got steering control on all the wheels and to pick up or leave the load, the load carriers flatbed is raised and lowered. The functions for steering and level control are performed with hydraulic cylinders. One task when servicing the load carriers is to change the lift cylinder for level control. There is a lift cylinder for each wheel bogie. To replace the lift cylinder, the entire wheel bogie must be removed, which makes it a heavy and time-consuming task. The purpose of this work is to design a safe and efficient concept for a lifting device that allows the replacement of the lifting cylinder on load carriers without dismantling the wheel bogie with regard to the applicable standard (s). The aim of the work is to propose a concept for a lifting device that reduces the time for changing the lifting cylinder from 2 days to 4 hours. To fulfill the purpose, the lifting device has been adapted to live up to the standard SS-EN 1494 + A1: 2008. The concept of the lifting device that this work has resulted in is being rolled on wheels under the load carrier to lift and tilt the lifting cylinder so that it is free to roll out with the lifting device. The time required for the work is calculated to be 4 hours and 20 minutes. The work on designing the lifting device concept started with the repairmen who carrying out the work task brought a load carrier into their workshop and explaining what work steps are needed to replace the lifting cylinder and how the new lifting device is intended to be used and what requirements they impose on it. On the basis of these requirements and the requirements that the purpose and objective of this work entails, a number of concepts have been developed which have then been reduced to the concept proposed for the lifting device to be designed after. The concept is designed to be rolled on wheels under the load carrier with a loose coupling device which is first clamped on the lifting cylinder then the coupling device and lifting device are connected with two pins. Thereafter, the lift cylinder can be raised and tilted to go free and then rolled away from the load carrier with the lifting device. The method used to design the concept for the lifting device is taken from Ulrich & Eppinger's book Product Design and Development where the customer's requirements are central.
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Smart Plug – Optimization of design and material regarding environmental aspects : Mechanical design of an environmentally friendly Smart Plug / Smart Plug – Optimering av konstruktion och material med avseende på miljöaspekter : Mekanisk konstruktion av en miljövänlig Smart PlugSamson, Nadia January 2020 (has links)
A Smart Plug is a remote-controlled power socket that allows the user to, through an app, control any appliances that is plugged into the outlet. Since not all appliances are constructed with a smart function, the usage of a Smart Plug can be beneficial to facilitate the everyday life. Existing Smart Plug products from various companies are available on today’s market. Sigma Connectivity has therefore initiated this degree project with the ambition of constructing a Smart Plug distinguished from the others by optimizing the design and material selection with regard to environmentally friendly aspects. The product concept development process generally consists of several different phases. Due to limitations in design and requirements, a traditional product concept development process was not followed. Customer requirements and wishes, as well as a preconstructed PCB assembly was given upon start of the project. The product concept development process consisted of a concept generation and a concept selection phase. The concept generation phase was performed by brainstorming where one product concept solution was determined and alterable parts of that concept was developed. Concept selection was executed on the alterable parts through Pahl and Beitz elimination matrix. Injection molding was determined to be the optimal manufacturing method and it was determined after the concept selection was performed. The determination of manufacturing process for the Smart Plug was implemented in the early stages so potential design requirements could be applied in the three-dimensional design model. The three-dimensional model was created, where components of the Smart Plug were designed separately and later assembled into one product. Material selection was performed on the plastic casing of the Smart Plug. The most promising candidate was the biodegradable thermoplastic Polylactic Acid. Impact simulations were performed on the Smart Plug where the simulations corresponded to 1 meter drop simulations. The impact simulations were performed on both a rigid- and a wooden surface. The simulations resulted in high absorption of stresses for certain designed parts in almost all performed simulations. Design alterations on those parts is therefore necessary to perform.
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