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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Hamstrings muscle anatomy and function, and implications for strain injury

Evangelidis, Pavlos January 2015 (has links)
The main aim of this thesis was to examine hamstrings anatomy and its influence on knee flexor muscle function in healthy young men. A secondary aim was to better understand the implications of hamstrings anatomy and function, and their variability, in relation to the risk of strain injury. The functional and conventional H:Q ratios (examined up to high angular velocities) as well as the knee joint angle-specific isometric H:Q ratio exhibited good test-retest reliability at joint positions that closely replicated the conditions of high injury risk. Football players did not exhibit any differences in angle-specific or peak torque H:Q ratios compared to recreationally active controls. Knee extensor and flexor strength, relative to body mass, of footballers and controls was similar for all velocities, except concentric knee flexor strength at 400° s-1 (footballers +40%; P < 0.01). Muscle volume explained 30-71% and 38-58% of the differences between individuals in knee extensors and flexors torque respectively across a range of velocities. A moderate correlation was also found between the volume of these antagonistic muscle groups (R2= 0.41). The relative volume of the knee extensors and flexors explained ~20% of the variance in the isometric H:Q ratio and ~31% in the high velocity functional H:Q ratio. Biceps femoris long head exhibited a balanced myosin heavy chain isoform distribution (47.1% type I and 52.9 % total type II) in young healthy men, while BFlh muscle composition was not related to any measure of knee flexor maximal or explosive strength. Biceps femoris long head proximal aponeurosis area varied considerably between participants (>4-fold) and was not related to biceps femoris long head maximal anatomical cross-sectional area (r= 0.04, P= 0.83). Consequently, the aponeurosis:muscle area ratio exhibited 6-fold variability (range, 0.53 to 3.09; CV= 32.5%). Aponeurosis size was not related to isometric or eccentric knee flexion strength. The findings of this thesis suggest that the main anatomical factor that contributes to knee flexors function in vivo is hamstrings muscle size, while muscle composition and aponeurosis size do not seem to have a significant influence. The high inter-individual variability of the biceps femoris long head proximal aponeurosis size suggests that a disproportionately small aponeurosis may be a risk factor for strain injury. In contrast, biceps femoris long head muscle composition does not seem to explain the high incidence of strain injuries in this muscle. Quadriceps and hamstrings muscle size imbalances contribute to functional imbalances that may predispose to strain injury and correction of any size imbalance may be a useful injury prevention tool. Finally, regular exposure to football training and match-play does not seem to influence the balance of muscle strength around the knee joint.

Pokrývací věty / Covering theorems

Jirůtková, Petra January 2013 (has links)
V této práci se zabýváme r·znými pokrývacími větami a jejich ap- likacemi. Kromě klasických pokrývacích vět (Vitaliova, Besicovitchova a Whitney- ova věta) zde uvádíme i některá jejich zobecnění a další pokrývací věty. Tyto věty pak používáme v d·kazech dalších vět, některé jsou typickými aplikacemi pokrý- vacích vět jako například Lebesgueova věta o derivování, slabý typ (1,1) maximál- ního operátoru nebo Calderónovo-Zygmundovo lemma, v jejichž d·kazech hrají pokrývací věty klíčovou roli. Dále se zabýváme nerovnostmi mezi operátory, po- mocí pokrývacích vět dokazujeme vztahy mezi Hardyovým-Littlewoodovým max- imálním operátorem, maximálním singulárním integrálním operátorem a ostrým maximálním operátorem. 1

Análise de existência de máxima fase estável de lactato em exercício resistido em população jovem e idosa / Maximal lactate steady analysis in resistance exercise in young and older groups

Sousa, Nuno Manuel Frade de 27 October 2010 (has links)
A máxima fase estável do lactato (MFEL) é considerada uma intensidade critica em exercício dinâmico e sua intensidade é específica do grupo etário. No entanto, apesar da relação existente entre a intensidade de esforço e os ajustes cardiovasculares, metabólicos e ventilatórios durante o exercício resistido, a MFEL foi muito pouco estudada neste tipo de exercício. O objetivo do estudo foi verificar e comparar a existência de MFEL nos exercícios leg press (LP) e supino reto (SR) em dois grupos: jovens e idosos. Além disso, analisar o comportamento das variáveis ergoespirométricas (VE, VO2 e VCO2), lactacidemia, freqüência cardíaca (FC), pressão arterial (PA) e percepção subjetiva de esforço (PSE) na intensidade da MFEL. Foram avaliados 13 homens jovens (26,1 +/- 2,9 anos) e 11 idosos (68,9 +/- 4,0 anos) saudáveis e com experiência mínima de 6 meses em treinamento resistido, que passaram por teste de 1 repetição máxima (1RM), teste crescente para determinação do limiar anaeróbio (LAn) e mais três sessões para a determinação da MFEL. Todas as sessões foram realizadas no mesmo horário do dia, separadas por 48 a 72 horas de intervalo. O LAn, expresso em %1RM, foi significativamente superior no LP em relação ao SR para os dois grupos estudados (LP: 27,8 +/- 3,6 %1RM nos jovens e 27,9 +/- 5,0% 1RM nos idosos; SR: 24,0 +/- 3,0% 1RM nos jovens e 21,5 +/- 3,1% 1RM nos idosos). Não foram observadas diferenças estatisticamente significativas na intensidade do LAn entre os grupos em cada aparelho. A lactacidemia na intensidade do LAn foi significativamente inferior no LP (1,86 +/- 0,63 mmol/L nos jovens e 1,23 +/- 0,34 mmol/L nos idosos) em relação ao SR (2,08 +/- 0,41 mmol/L nos jovens e 1,91 +/- 0,40 mmol/L nos idosos). A intensidade da MFEL no grupo de jovens foi 29,2 +/- 6,7% 1RM no LP e 21,7 +/- 4,4% 1RM no SR. No grupo e idosos, a MFEL ocorreu a 30,9 +/- 4,9% 1RM no LP e 23,3 +/- 6,6% 1RM no SR. A MFEL ocorre em intensidade significativamente menor no aparelho SR para os dois grupos (p < ou = 0,05), sem diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre os grupos. Não houve diferença significativa entre as intensidades do LAn e da MFEL para os dois grupos nos dois aparelhos. Durante a realização do exercício na MFEL, ocorreu a estabilização dos parâmetros ergoespirométricos, FC, PA e PSE entre a série 9 e série 15. Estes resultados demonstram que é possível determinar MFEL nos exercícios LP e SR para as duas populações estudadas. A MFEL ocorre em intensidades superiores no exercício LP. A intensidade da MFEL, expressa em percentual de 1RM, é semelhante à intensidade do LAn. / The maximal lactate steady state (MLSS) is considered a critical intensity of dynamic exercise and its intensity is specific to the age group. However, despite the relationship between exercise intensity and cardiovascular, metabolic and ventilatory adjustments during resistance exercise, the MLSS was unknown in this type of exercise. The purpose of the study was to verify and to compare if there is a maximal lactate steady state (MLSS) for leg press (LP) and bench press (BP) exercises in two different groups: young and older people. Furthermore, to evaluate the ventilatory responses (VE, VO2 e VCO2, blood lactate concentration (BLC), heart rate (HR), blood pressure and rate of perceived exertion (RPE) to those exercises performed on MLSS intensity. 13 young men (26,1 +/- 2,9 years) and 11 elderly healthy men (68,9 +/- 4,0 years) with a minimal experience of 6 months of resistance training volunteered for the study. Volunteers underwent a 1 repetition maximum test (1RM), an incremental test to determine anaerobic threshold (AT) and three more sessions to determine MLSS. Session were performed on the same time of day and separated by a 48-72 h interval. AT intensity (%1RM) was significantly higher for LP than BP for the two groups studied (LP: 27,8 +/- 3,6% 1RM for young group and 27,9 +/- 5,0% 1RM for elderly; BP: 24,0 +/- 3,0%1RM for young group and 21,5 +/- 3,1%1RM for elderly). There was no significant difference between groups in the AT intensity. BLC on AT was significantly lower for LP (1,86 +/- 0,63 mmol/L for young group and 1,23 +/- 0,34 mmol/L for elderly) than BP (2,08 +/- 0,41 mmol/L for young and 1,91 +/- 0,40 mmol/L for elderly). MLSS intensity for young group was 29,2 +/- 6,7% 1RM in LP and 21,7 +/- 4,4% 1RM in BP. For elderly, MLSS was 30,9 +/- 4,9% 1RM in LP and 23,3 +/- 6,6% 1RM in BP. MLSS intensity was significantly lower in BP for both groups (p < or = 0,05), with no statistical differences between groups. There was no significant difference between AT and MLSS intensities on both groups. During exercise on MLSS, ventilatory parameters, HR, blood pressure and RPE stabilized between set 9 and set 15. These results show that it is possible to identify MLSS on the LP and BP exercises for both populations. MLSS intensity is higher in LP exercise, when compared to BP. MLSS intensity is similar to the AT intensity.

Medidas de máxima entropia para difeomorfismos parcialmente hiperbólicos com folheação central compacta em T3 / Maximal entropy measures for diffeomorphisms with compact center foliation on T3

Rocha, Joás Elias dos Santos 02 March 2018 (has links)
Este trabalho trata das medidas de máxima entropia para certos difeomorfismos em nilvariedades. Considere um difeomorfismo parcialmente hiperbólico f definido em T3, dinamicamente coerente com folheação central compacta. Suponha ainda que a aplicação induzida por f no espaço das folhas centrais é um homeomorfismo de Anosov transitivo em T2. Mostramos que o conjunto das medidas ergódicas hiperbólicas de máxima entropia é enumerável. Usando o princípio de invariância, mostramos que se o primeiro retorno de f à alguma folha periódica tem número de rotação irracional, então, f tem no máximo duas medidas ergódicas de máxima entropia e ter apenas uma medida de máxima entropia equivale a ser extensão de rotação. Se a aplicação de primeiro retorno à alguma folha central periódica é Morse-Smale, então existe um su-toro periódico, ou temos uma cota superior para o número de medidas ergódicas de máxima entropia que depende do número de atratores da dinâmica nessa folha. Além disso, estudamos a topologia da bacia das medidas ergódicas de máxima entropia para uma outra classe de difeomorfismos especiais que são genéricos no espaço dos difeomorfismos absolutamente parcialmente hiperbólicos e denotada por SPH1(M). / This work is about maximal entropy measures for certain diffeomorphisms on nilmanifolds. Consider a partially hyperbolic diffeomorphism f on T3 , C2 , dinamically coherent with compact center foliation which is a circle bundle. Assume that the map induced by f on the space of center leaves is a transitive Anosov homeomorphism. We show that the set of hyperbolic ergodic maximal entropy measures of f is countable. Using the invariance principle, we show that if the first return map to some periodic leaf has irrational rotation number then f has at most two ergodic maximal entropy measures and, in this case, if f has only one maximal entropy measure then f is a rotation extension. If the first return map to some periodic leaf is Morse-Smale then either there exists some periodic su-torus or an upper bound for the number of ergodic maximal entropy measure depending on the number of the attractors of the dynamics in this leaf. Moreover, we study the topology of basin of ergodic maximal entropy measures of another set of special diffeomorphisms that are generic in the space of absolutely partially hyperbolic systems and denoted by SPH1(M).

Reticulados de conceitos / Concept lattices

Albano, Alexandre Luiz Junqueira Hadura 02 December 2011 (has links)
A Análise de Conceitos Formais (FCA) é uma teoria matemática que formaliza a noção de conceitos e hierarquias conceituais. De importância central a esta teoria é uma estrutura algébrica denominada reticulado de conceitos. Esta estrutura é definida em função de um conjunto de objetos, outro de atributos e uma relação que indica os atributos apresentados por cada objeto. Uma representação gráfica de um reticulado de conceitos, por meio de uma interface computacional, é capaz de expor regularidades presentes em dados a um usuário, e este pode então realizar tarefas de análise exploratória de dados. Este tipo de aplicação de FCA vem sendo empregado em dezenas de projetos pertencentes a áreas diversas, como medicina, serviços de inteligência, engenharia de software e bioinformática. Mostramos neste trabalho um sistema de análise exploratória de dados baseado em FCA, e sua utilização sobre dados reais. Também é mostrado como reticulados de conceitos podem ser empregados em interfaces de recuperação de informação. Do ponto de vista algorítmico, analisamos métodos computacionais para a determinação do reticulado de conceitos, e também de uma subestrutura simplificada, o conjunto de conceitos. O tamanho de um reticulado de conceitos pode ser exponencial em função dos tamanhos dos conjuntos de objetos e de atributos. Assim, é de vital interesse o estabelecimento de cotas superiores para o número de conceitos de um reticulado. Neste trabalho, apresentamos as cotas já conhecidas presentes na literatura. Também estabelecemos uma nova cota superior, e mostramos famílias de casos em que nossa cota superior é mais justa que as demais. Para algumas famílias particulares, nossa cota é polinomial, enquanto que as demais são exponenciais. / Formal Concept Analysis (FCA) is a mathematical theory that formalizes the notion of concepts and conceptual hierarchies. Of central importance to this theory is an algebraic structure termed concept lattice. Such structure becomes defined after being given one set of objects, one of attributes, and an incidence relation describing the attributes held by each object. A graphical representation of a concept lattice, by means of a computational interface, is capable of unfolding regularities present in data to an user, who is then able to conduct exploratory data analysis tasks. This sort of FCA application is currently deployed in tens of projects belonging to a wide range of areas, such as medicine, intelligence services, software engineering and bioinformatics. We show in this work an FCA-based system of exploratory data analysis, and its use over real data. Moreover, it is shown how concept lattices can be employed in information retrieval interfaces. From the algorithmic viewpoint, we analyse computational methods for the determination of a concept lattice, and also of a simplified substructure, the concept set. The size of a concept lattice can be exponential when compared to the size of the objects and the attributes sets. Therefore, it is of paramount interest the establishment of upper bounds for the number of concepts of a lattice. In this work, we present the upper bounds already known in the literature. We also establish a new upper bound, and show families of cases in which our bound is sharper than the others. For particular families, our bound is polynomial, whereas the other bounds are exponential.

Influência dos treinamentos de força e potência nas adaptações neurais, morfológicas e na funcionalidade em idosos / Comparison between strength and power training on neural, morphological and functional adaptations in the elderly

Wallerstein, Lilian França 15 March 2010 (has links)
Apesar das perdas provocadas pela sarcopenia, o sistema neuromuscular do idoso ainda mantém parte da sua plasticidade. No entanto, as adaptações promovidas pelos treinamentos de força (TF) e de potência (TP) não foram totalmente elucidadas, assim como se existem diferenças entre essas adaptações nessa população. Para responder tais questões, 43 idosos (63,8 ± 4,0 anos; 67,2 ±13,4kg e 160,2 ±8,4cm), inexperientes em treinamento com pesos e independentes participaram desse estudo. Os voluntários foram distribuídos em três grupos: GF (n= 14; 70 a 90% de 1RM), GP (n= 16; 30 a 50% de 1RM) e GC (n= 13, não treinou). Durante 16 semanas o GF e o GP realizaram duas sessões de treino semanalmente. Os resultados significantes foram: aumento de 42,7% em GF e 33,8% em GP no teste de 1RM (leg press) e 31% em GF e 25,4% em GP (chest press); aumento de 6% em GF e 3,6% em GP na ASTq; aumento de 22,4% em GF e 17,1% em GP na CVIM e uma diminuição de 28% em GF e 32% em GP no REM. Não houve diferenças significativas entre GF e GP nas variáveis analisadas. Nenhum dos grupos apresentou aumento no sinal eletromiográfico nem na TDF. Não houve alteração significativa na funcionalidade. Portanto, ainda que com características distintas, o TF e o TP são similares em relação às adaptações analisadas, equiparando-se como estratégias de treinamento eficazes no combate à sarcopenia e seus efeitos / In spite of sarcopenia-induced losses, elderly peoples neuromuscular system keeps its plasticity. However, strength and power training-induced adaptations have not been completely elucidated. It also unknown if these adaptations are related to elderly functionality. Fourty three healthy and independent old men and women (63.8 ± 4.0 yrs; 67.2 ±13.4kg e 160.2 ±8.4cm) with no resistance training experience volunteered for this study. Participants were randomly distributed into three groups: GF (n= 14; 70 - 90%-1RM), GP (n= 16; 30 - 50%-1RM) e GC (n= 13, no training). GF and GP trained twice a week for 16 weeks. Leg-press (42.7% in GF and 33.8% in GP) and chest-press 1-RM (31% in GF and 25.4% in GP), quadriceps cross sectional area (6% in GF and 3.6% in GP), maximal voluntary isometric contraction (22.4% in GF and 17.1% in GP) were significantly increased in both groups. Electromechanical delay decreased 28% in GF and 32% in GP. There were no significant differences between groups. EMG and rate of force development did not change throughout the training period. Only main effect of time was observed for the functional tests. These results suggest that even with different characteristics, both strength and power training induce similar neuromuscular adaptations. Thus, both training regimens are equally effective in preventing and treating sarcopenia

Medidas de máxima entropia para difeomorfismos parcialmente hiperbólicos com folheação central compacta em T3 / Maximal entropy measures for diffeomorphisms with compact center foliation on T3

Joás Elias dos Santos Rocha 02 March 2018 (has links)
Este trabalho trata das medidas de máxima entropia para certos difeomorfismos em nilvariedades. Considere um difeomorfismo parcialmente hiperbólico f definido em T3, dinamicamente coerente com folheação central compacta. Suponha ainda que a aplicação induzida por f no espaço das folhas centrais é um homeomorfismo de Anosov transitivo em T2. Mostramos que o conjunto das medidas ergódicas hiperbólicas de máxima entropia é enumerável. Usando o princípio de invariância, mostramos que se o primeiro retorno de f à alguma folha periódica tem número de rotação irracional, então, f tem no máximo duas medidas ergódicas de máxima entropia e ter apenas uma medida de máxima entropia equivale a ser extensão de rotação. Se a aplicação de primeiro retorno à alguma folha central periódica é Morse-Smale, então existe um su-toro periódico, ou temos uma cota superior para o número de medidas ergódicas de máxima entropia que depende do número de atratores da dinâmica nessa folha. Além disso, estudamos a topologia da bacia das medidas ergódicas de máxima entropia para uma outra classe de difeomorfismos especiais que são genéricos no espaço dos difeomorfismos absolutamente parcialmente hiperbólicos e denotada por SPH1(M). / This work is about maximal entropy measures for certain diffeomorphisms on nilmanifolds. Consider a partially hyperbolic diffeomorphism f on T3 , C2 , dinamically coherent with compact center foliation which is a circle bundle. Assume that the map induced by f on the space of center leaves is a transitive Anosov homeomorphism. We show that the set of hyperbolic ergodic maximal entropy measures of f is countable. Using the invariance principle, we show that if the first return map to some periodic leaf has irrational rotation number then f has at most two ergodic maximal entropy measures and, in this case, if f has only one maximal entropy measure then f is a rotation extension. If the first return map to some periodic leaf is Morse-Smale then either there exists some periodic su-torus or an upper bound for the number of ergodic maximal entropy measure depending on the number of the attractors of the dynamics in this leaf. Moreover, we study the topology of basin of ergodic maximal entropy measures of another set of special diffeomorphisms that are generic in the space of absolutely partially hyperbolic systems and denoted by SPH1(M).

Impacto econômico da densidade nutricional e da idade de abate de frangos de corte / Economic impact of nutritional diet and age of broiler chickens

Silva, Amanda da Lapa 12 September 2018 (has links)
Um estudo foi realizado com os objetivos de (i) avaliar o desempenho produtivo, característica de rendimento de carcaça e impacto econômicos de frangos de corte; (ii) demonstrar a utilização de modelos de superfície de resposta em um programa não-linear de formulação de ração para otimização do lucro; e (iii) desenvolver uma planilha dinâmica e interativa para determinar a idade de abate de frangos de corte que otimiza o retorno econômico. Para atender esses objetivos, um experimento foi conduzido, no período de 1 a 56 dias, utilizando 1080 pintos de um dia, Ross®, distribuídos em delineamento em blocos casualizados com seis tratamentos de seis repetições de 30 aves cada. Os tratamentos foram arranjados em esquema fatorial com três densidades nutricionais (baixa, moderada ou alta) por sexos (machos ou fêmeas). Os resultados do desempenho produtivo avaliado, mostraram que a alta densidade nutricional promove melhor desempenho produtivo, entretanto, prejudica os resultados econômicos. Para o fator sexo, as fêmeas apresentam piores resultados de desempenho e econômicos em relação aos machos, no entanto, melhoram o rendimento de peito. No segundo estudo, os modelos de superfície de resposta construídos para as variáveis dependentes consumo de ração e peso corporal para cada sexo e fase de criação foram adequados para estimar o desempenho produtivo e a receita líquida. Além disso, o programa não linear de formulação de ração pode ser útil por otimizar respostas nutricionais e econômicas com precisão. O terceiro estudo fornece uma planilha que usa uma abordagem interativa e dinâmica para determinar a idade de abate que otimiza o lucro da produção baseado no cenário econômico. Os usuários podem calcular a idade ótima de mercado e analisar a decisão de lucro máximo usando diferentes combinações de custos, função de crescimento, equação de consumo de ração e peso de mercado aceitável. Assim, a planilha pode ser aplicada como uma ferramenta de gestão em tempo real para auxiliar na tomada de decisões, otimizar a produtividade animal e maximizar o lucro. / An experiment was conducted with the objective of (i) evaluating the productivity, yield functionality and economic impact of broilers; (ii) demonstrate the use of response surface models in a nonlinear feed formulation program for profit optimization; and (iii) develop a dynamic and iterative programming to determine the optimal slaughter age of broilers that optimizes the profit. For these objectives, an experiment was conducted over a period of 1 to 56 days using 1080 one-day-old Ross® chicks were distributed in a randomized block design with six treatments and six repetitions of 30 birds each. The treatments were arranged in a factorial scheme with three nutritional densities (low, moderate or high) by two sexes (males or females). The production results were evaluated, that high nutritional density promotes optimal productive performance, although it hinders the economic results. Regarding the sex factor, the females showed poor results regarding performance and profit when compared to the males. Nevertheless, they exhibited improved breast meat yields. In the second study, the response surface models were constructed can be used to estimate the productive performance, and therefore the net revenue. In addition, the nonlinear programming of feed formulation can be useful by optimizing nutritional and economic responses accurately. It was concluded that the response surface models are efficient in predicting the performance of broilers and allow to formulate diets to maximize profits. The third study, a dynamic and iterative programming was development for to determine the age slaughter for maximum profit. The model calculated net revenue, consumption ration and market weight. These results could represent a valuable reference for use in adjusting the strategy for broiler production and management. Thus, the developed programming can be applied as a real-time management tool, to aid in decision-making, optimize the productivity and maximize profit.

Força crítica, análise de parâmetros aeróbios e anaeróbios em exercício resistido - supino reto /

Meireles, Cláudio Luiz de Souza. January 2010 (has links)
Orientador: Claudio Alexandre Gobatto / Banca: Sérgio Cunha / Banca: Eduardo Kokubun / Banca: Sebastião Gobbi / Banca: Sérgio Eduardo de Andrade Perez / Resumo: O modelo de avaliação da potência crítica - Pcrit (Monod e Scherrer, 1965) é uma construção teórica, derivada da aplicação de uma série de testes, com cargas constantes até exaustão ou tempos limites (tlim). Muitos estudos têm examinado a aplicação e limitações metodológicas decorrentes da Pcrit em diferentes modalidades de exercícios cíclicos, mas poucos têm analisado as suas respostas aplicadas ao modelo de exercício resistido com peso (ERP). O objetivo geral deste estudo foi verificar a validade do modelo da Pcrit, como método de determinação da máxima fase estável de lactato (MFEL), aplicado ao ERP, no supino reto (SR) e verificar associações entre a capacidade de impulso anaeróbio (CIA), com a carga máxima (Cmax), média (Cmed) e índice de fadiga (IF) obtidos em testes anaeróbios de Wingate adaptado (WgtAd) no SR. Participaram da pesquisa 15 homens, fisicamente ativos em ERP, habituados com exercícios de intensidades elevadas [média (±) dp, idade de 21,33 ± 2,85 anos; massa corporal total de 78,48 ± 13,53 kg; estatura de 178,21 ± 7,44 cm e IMC de 24,63 ± 3,42 kg/m2]. Foram aplicados teste e re-teste de 1-RM, para determinação da carga máxima dinâmica em diferentes pegadas (padrão - PGP, aberta - PGA e fechada - PGF). Determinouse em PGP as cargas relativas a 30%, 40%, 50% e 60% para verificação dos tlim, os quais foram ajustados com procedimentos de regressão linear e não linear, determinando a força crítica (Fcrit) e a capacidade de impulso anaeróbio (CIA). Para a validade do parâmetro aeróbio, foi aplicado o teste de MFEL, levando em consideração três cargas de Fcrit (90%, 100% e 110%), e para o parâmetro anaeróbio, o teste de WgtAd com cargas diferenciadas da massa corporal total (MCT). A creatina quinase (CK), como marcador de lesão muscular, e a frequência cardíaca (FC), com variável hemodinâmica, foram analisadas para... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: The evaluation model of Critical Power - PCrit (Monod and Scherrer, 1965) is a theoretical construct, derived from the application of a series of tests with constant load until exhaustion or timeouts (tlim). Many studies have examined the application and methodological limitations arising PCrit into different types of cyclic exercise, but few have analyzed their responses applied to the model of Resistance Exercise with Weight (ERP). The aim of this study was to verify the validity of the model PCrit as a method of determining the Maximum Lactate Steady State (MLSS), applied to the ERP, the Bench Press (BP) and examine associations between the Anaerobic Capacity Boost (CIA) with the maximum load (Cmax), average (Cav) and Fatigue Index (FI) obtained in the Wingate anaerobic test adapted (WgtAd) in SR. Fifteen men participated in this study, physically active in the ERP, used to high exercise intensities [mean (±) SD, age 21.33 ± 2.85 years, total body mass of 78.48 ± 13.53 kg, height of 178.21 ± 7.44 cm and BMI 24.63 ± 3.42 kg/m2]. Were applied to test and re-test 1-RM to determine the maximum load dynamics in different footprints (default - PGP, open - PGA and closed - PGF). PGP was determined in the charges relating to 30%, 40%, 50% and 60% for verification of tlim, which were adjusted by regression procedures for linear and nonlinear, determining the Critical Force (Fcrit) and Anaerobic Capacity Boost (CIA). For the validity of the parameter aerobic test was applied to the MLSS, taking into consideration three loads Fcrit (90%, 100% and 110%), and for parameter anaerobic test WgtAd with different loads of Total Body Mass (MCT). Creatine Kinase (CK) as marker of muscle damage, and Heart Rate (HR), with a variable hemodynamics, were analyzed to determine the sensitivity regarding the volume and intensity imposed during and after the tests. It was concluded that the mathematical model... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Doutor

An approach to potential evaluation of a contactless energy supply infrastructure for occasional recharging in production related, non-automated material handling

Fekete, P. L. January 2017 (has links)
Significant advances have been made in the research and development of electric vehicles (EV’s). Along with the major challenge of energy storage, being also addressed is the efficient design of system energy transfer and consumption. This has had the effect of fundamentally changing perspectives across the mobility and transportation sector. Applied predominantly to road-going vehicles, the industrial context of non-road Electric Vehicles (nrEV’s) and specifically the use of manned electric forklift trucks integrated within the production related materials handling system has, to-date, received far less attention. The overarching aim of this research is to examine the impact and potential for the use of contactless occasional recharging of nrEV’s integrated within a manufacturing line, recognising the need to balance the (sometimes competing) demands of delivering sustainable production while exercising environmental responsibility. Meeting the objectives of this research resulted in the development of a location allocation model for electric charging station determination based on a fundamental understanding of the nature and quality of process inherent key performance indicators (KPI’s) as well as comprehensive process and energy monitoring while considering both Lean and Green Management perspectives. The integration of the generated knowledge and information into a generally valid simulation tool for occasional charging system implementation allows to more thoroughly investigate the impact from occasional charging to overall efficiency and sustainability to be realised. An investigation into relevant literature identified the need for specifically generated energy consumption data and confirmed the need for an energy optimisation model specific to the area of production related materials handling. Empirical data collected from repeated standardised materials handling operations within a selected production related materials handling environment resulted in the development of the Standard Energy Consumption Activity tool (SECA). Further work within this pilot study confirmed the tool as capable of generating reliable and valid data and confirmed the SECA tool as a generally applicable benchmark for energy consumption determination in material handling based on fractional process functions. Integrating this approach into a comprehensive process analysis and charging infrastructure optimisation resulted in the development of an Excel-based simulation model. The (Occasional Charging Station Location Model) OCSLM is based upon Maximal Covering Location Modelling and an endogenous covering distance definition in order to simulate process related potentials and optimal charging system implementation allocations, the target being to increase vehicles usable battery energy. A comprehensive case study based upon six individual and one combined data set confirmed the general and wider applicability of the OCSLM model while the application of the model provides a set of novel results. The application demonstrated a theoretical increase in usable battery energy of between 40% and 60% and within the same case study the impact of technology implementation identified that a reduction in battery and system cost of between 5% and 45% can be realised. However, the use of contactless power transfer resulted in an increase in CO2 emissions of up to 6.89% revealing a negative impact to overall ecology from the use of this energy transfer system. Depending on the availability of fast connecting, contact based energy transmission systems, the approach and results of OCSLM have shown to be directly applicable to contact based systems with resulting CO2 emissions decreasing by 0.94% at an energy transfer efficiency of 96%. Further novelty, of benefit to both academic and industry practice, was realised through the framework and information of the research with the provision of SECA as a process function-based and generally applicable energy consumption standard, OCSLM as a Maximal Covering Location Modell with a focus on occasional charging based on an endogenous covering distance and integrating detailed energy and process monitoring into electric charging station allocation, and the methodology for the application of this approach for fast connecting contactless and contact charging models and cases.

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