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Pokrývací věty / Covering theoremsJirůtková, Petra January 2013 (has links)
V této práci se zabýváme r·znými pokrývacími větami a jejich ap- likacemi. Kromě klasických pokrývacích vět (Vitaliova, Besicovitchova a Whitney- ova věta) zde uvádíme i některá jejich zobecnění a další pokrývací věty. Tyto věty pak používáme v d·kazech dalších vět, některé jsou typickými aplikacemi pokrý- vacích vět jako například Lebesgueova věta o derivování, slabý typ (1,1) maximál- ního operátoru nebo Calderónovo-Zygmundovo lemma, v jejichž d·kazech hrají pokrývací věty klíčovou roli. Dále se zabýváme nerovnostmi mezi operátory, po- mocí pokrývacích vět dokazujeme vztahy mezi Hardyovým-Littlewoodovým max- imálním operátorem, maximálním singulárním integrálním operátorem a ostrým maximálním operátorem. 1
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Klasické operátory harmonické analýzy v Orliczových prostorech / Classical operators of harmonic analysis in Orlicz spacesMusil, Vít January 2018 (has links)
Classical operators of harmonic analysis in Orlicz spaces V'ıt Musil We deal with classical operators of harmonic analysis in Orlicz spaces such as the Hardy-Littlewood maximal operator, the Hardy-type integral operators, the maximal operator of fractional order, the Riesz potential, the Laplace transform, and also with Sobolev-type embeddings on open subsets of Rn or with respect to Frostman measures and, in particular, trace embeddings on the boundary. For each operator (in case of embeddings we consider the identity operator) we investigate the question of its boundedness from an Orlicz space into another. Particular attention is paid to the sharpness of the results. We further study the question of the existence of optimal Orlicz domain and target spaces and their description. The work consists of author's published and unpublished results compiled together with material appearing in the literature.
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Sobolev-Type Spaces : Properties of Newtonian Functions Based on Quasi-Banach Function Lattices in Metric SpacesMalý, Lukáš January 2014 (has links)
This thesis consists of four papers and focuses on function spaces related to first-order analysis in abstract metric measure spaces. The classical (i.e., Sobolev) theory in Euclidean spaces makes use of summability of distributional gradients, whose definition depends on the linear structure of Rn. In metric spaces, we can replace the distributional gradients by (weak) upper gradients that control the functions’ behavior along (almost) all rectifiable curves, which gives rise to the so-called Newtonian spaces. The summability condition, considered in the thesis, is expressed using a general Banach function lattice quasi-norm and so an extensive framework is built. Sobolev-type spaces (mainly based on the Lp norm) on metric spaces, and Newtonian spaces in particular, have been under intensive study since the mid-1990s. In Paper I, the elementary theory of Newtonian spaces based on quasi-Banach function lattices is built up. Standard tools such as moduli of curve families and the Sobolev capacity are developed and applied to study the basic properties of Newtonian functions. Summability of a (weak) upper gradient of a function is shown to guarantee the function’s absolute continuity on almost all curves. Moreover, Newtonian spaces are proven complete in this general setting. Paper II investigates the set of all weak upper gradients of a Newtonian function. In particular, existence of minimal weak upper gradients is established. Validity of Lebesgue’s differentiation theorem for the underlying metric measure space ensures that a family of representation formulae for minimal weak upper gradients can be found. Furthermore, the connection between pointwise and norm convergence of a sequence of Newtonian functions is studied. Smooth functions are frequently used as an approximation of Sobolev functions in analysis of partial differential equations. In fact, Lipschitz continuity, which is (unlike <img src="http://www.diva-portal.org/cgi-bin/mimetex.cgi?%5Cmathcal%7BC%7D%5E1" />-smoothness) well-defined even for functions on metric spaces, often suffices as a regularity condition. Thus, Paper III concentrates on the question when Lipschitz functions provide good approximations of Newtonian functions. As shown in the paper, it suffices that the function lattice quasi-norm is absolutely continuous and a fractional sharp maximal operator satisfies a weak norm estimate, which it does, e.g., in doubling Poincaré spaces if a non-centered maximal operator of Hardy–Littlewood type is locally weakly bounded. Therefore, such a local weak boundedness on rearrangement-invariant spaces is explored as well. Finer qualitative properties of Newtonian functions and the Sobolev capacity get into focus in Paper IV. Under certain hypotheses, Newtonian functions are proven to be quasi-continuous, which yields that the capacity is an outer capacity. Various sufficient conditions for local boundedness and continuity of Newtonian functions are established. Finally, quasi-continuity is applied to discuss density of locally Lipschitz functions in Newtonian spaces on open subsets of doubling Poincaré spaces.
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Nerovnosti pro integrální operátory / Nerovnosti pro integrální operátoryHolík, Miloslav January 2011 (has links)
The presented work contains a survey of the so far known results about the operator inequalities of the type "good λ", "better good λ" and "rearranged good λ" on the function spaces over the Euclidean space with the Lebesgue measure and their corollaries in the form of more complex operator inequal- ities and norm estimates. However, the main aim is to build similar theory for the Riesz potential operator on the function spaces over the quasi-metric space with the so-called "doubling" measure. Combining the corollaries of this theory with the known norm estimates we obtain the boundedness for the Riesz potential operator on the Lebesgue and Lorentz spaces.
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Weighted inequalities and properties of operators and embeddings on function spaces / Weighted inequalities and properties of operators and embeddings on function spacesSlavíková, Lenka January 2016 (has links)
The present thesis is devoted to the study of various properties of Banach func- tion spaces, with a particular emphasis on applications in the theory of Sobolev spaces and in harmonic analysis. The thesis consists of four papers. In the first one we investigate higher-order embeddings of Sobolev-type spaces built upon rearrangement-invariant Banach function spaces. In particular, we show that optimal higher-order Sobolev embeddings follow from isoperimetric inequal- ities. In the second paper we focus on the question when the above-mentioned Sobolev-type space is a Banach algebra with respect to a pointwise multiplica- tion of functions. An embedding of the Sobolev space into the space of essentially bounded functions is proved to be the answer to this question in several standard as well as nonstandard situations. The third paper is devoted to the problem of validity of the Lebesgue differentiation theorem in the context of rearrangement- invariant Banach function spaces. We provide a necessary and sufficient condition for the validity of this theorem given in terms of concavity of certain functional depending on the norm in question and we find also alternative characterizations expressed in terms of properties of a maximal operator related to the norm. The object of the final paper is the boundedness of the...
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