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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

An empirical evaluation of information theory-based software metrics in comparison to counting-based metrics a case-study approach /

Govindarajan, Rajiv. January 2004 (has links)
Thesis (M.S.)--Mississippi State University. Department of Computer Science and Engineering. / Title from title screen. Includes bibliographical references.

Software Functionalitymodel For Functional Size Measurement

Ozkan, Baris 01 September 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Functional size is among the few software size measures for which well-structured and standardized methods exists for its measurement. Although Functional Size Measurement(FSM) methods have gone a long way, one ongoing criticism on FSM methods is the discrepancies in the measurement results of the same software obtained by different measures. In this thesis study the sources of discrepancies that involve the functional properties of measurands and constructs of the FSM method models are investigated in two exploratory case studies. In the light of the findings, a software functionality model for functional size measurement is proposed. The model is founded on a characterization of software functionality from a requirements engineering point of view and it aims is to facilitate reliable size measurements on the basis of formalized concepts and rules. Two case studies are conducted in order to evaluate the applicability of the model and validate its effectiveness.

Design And Implementation Of A Software Development Process Measurement System

Eralp, Ozgur 01 January 2004 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis study presents a software measurement program. The literature on software measurement is reviewed. Conditions for an effective implementation are investigated. A specific measurement system is designed and implemented in ASELSAN, Inc. This has involved organizational as well as technical work. A software tool has been developed to assist in aggregating measurements obtained from various CASE tools in use. Results of the implementation have started to be achieved. Lots of useful feedbacks have been returned to the organization as a result of analyzing of the measurement data.

Improvement Proposal For A Software Requirements Management Process

Yamac, Pinar Isil 01 April 2006 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis focuses on measurement based software process improvement, especially improvement of requirements change management process. The literature on software measurement is investigated, software process improvement methodologies are studied and requirements change management metrics are examined. Requirements change management process at a private company working in the defense industry is observed and metrics obtained from various tools have been aggregated. Moreover, an improvement proposal, which also simplifies collecting metrics, is presented for the requirements change management process. A tool is developed for evaluating the performance of the improvement proposal using event driven simulation method.

A mechanism for tracking the effects of requirement changes in enterprise software systems

Datta, Subhajit. Engelen, Robert A. van. January 2006 (has links)
Thesis (M.S.)--Florida State University, 2006. / Advisor: Robert van Engelen, Florida State University, College of Arts and Sciences, Dept. of Computer Science. Title and description from dissertation home page (viewed Sept. 22, 2006). Document formatted into pages; contains ix, 47 pages. Includes bibliographical references.

Functional Similarity Impact On The Relation Between Functional Size And Software Development Effort

Ozcan Top, Ozden 01 September 2008 (has links) (PDF)
In this study, we identified one of the reasons of the low correlation between functional size and development effort which is overlooking the similarity of the functions during the mapping of the functional size and development effort. We developed a methodology (SiRFuS) that is based on the idea of the reuse of the similar functions internally to provide high correlation between functional size and development effort. The method is developed for the identification of the similar functions based on the method of Santillo and Abran. Similarity percentages among the functional processes and Similarity Reflective Functional Sizes are computed to attain adjusted functional sizes. The similarity reflective functional sizes were named as Discrete Similarity Reflective Functional Size and Continuous Similarity Reflective Functional Size based on the characteristics of the adjusted functional sizes. The SiRFuS method consists of three stages: measurement of the software product with COSMIC Functional Size Measurement (FSM) method / identification of the functional similarities bases on the measurement results and calculation of the similarity reflective functional sizes. In order to facilitate the detection of similar functions, calculation of the percentage of the similarities and similarity reflective functional sizes / a software tool is developed based on the SiRFuS method. Two case studies were performed in order to identify the improvement opportunities and evaluate the applicability of the method and the tool.

Melhoria do software de medição de desempenho com base na satisfação do usuário numa empresa de celulose e papel

Pinheiro, Sandro Bressan 29 April 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-02T19:51:51Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 3816.pdf: 4863578 bytes, checksum: 8fb712be8abe6ebad7be0ebb336f461b (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-04-29 / The performance measurement implementation fails in many companies because of lack of information technology (IT) support. Hence it is obvious that IT is one of the critical success factors for performance measurement implementation. The successful implementation of performance measurement depends less on selecting the right measures and more on the way the measures are implemented and used by the people in the business. The data collection, analysis and reporting should be automated as much as possible to save time and effort as well as to provide consistency. Software from PMS is defined as an ideal the better designed (technical factors) and meet people (personal factors) of the organization. The successful deployment of an PMS is related to the ability of organizations to react to changes and manage the use of automated performance measurement, exploiting the latest technology. This thesis aims to improve software performance measurement based on user satisfaction in a business of pulp and paper. The quasi-experiment showed that the end user participating in the full development of PMS, since its design and in all stages of validation or the definition of improvement, they realize the benefits of deployment, and can understand the logic of the management model the company, its tools and concepts. The results of research in this thesis, we hope to benefit many users who have or are planning to implement performance measurement software. / A implantação de Sistemas de Medição de Desempenho (SMD) muitas vezes falha por causa de falta ou uso incorreto da Tecnologia de Informação (TI). O sucesso na implantação desse tipo de sistema depende tanto da seleção correta das medidas de desempenho quanto do modo como elas serão implantadas e utilizadas na empresa. Por isso, a coleta de dados, a análise e a informação devem ser automatizadas o máximo possível para economizar tempo e esforço como também para prover consistência. Um software de SMD é definido como ideal quanto melhor for projetado (fatores técnicos) e quanto melhor satisfazer as pessoas (fatores pessoais) da organização. O sucesso na implantação de um SMD está relacionado à capacidade das organizações para reagir a mudanças e a gerenciar o uso de sistemas automatizados de medição de desempenho, que exploram a tecnologia mais recente. Esta dissertação tem por objetivo melhorar o software de medição de desempenho com base na satisfação do usuário em uma empresa de celulose e papel. O quase-experimento realizado demonstrou que o usuário final participa do desenvolvimento integral do SMD, desde o seu projeto e em todas as etapas de validação ou na definição de melhorias, percebe os benefícios da implantação, e também consegue compreender a lógica, as ferramentas e os conceitos do modelo de gestão da empresa. Os resultados da investigação apresentada nesta tese deve beneficiar muitos usuários que têm ou estão planejando implementar um software de medição de desempenho.

Utläsning av jonkammardata / Ion chamber output read

Larsson, Isak January 2020 (has links)
Tracercenter på Norrlands Universitetssjukhus producerar radiotracers. För att mäta aktiviteten hos de radioaktiva isotoperna används idag en jonkammare tillsammans med mjukvara byggt på Windows XP. Målet med det här examensarbetet är att bygga ny mjukvara som är kompatibelt med Windows 10. Mjukvaran ska tillhandahålla kalibreringsmöjligheter för isotoperna F-18, C-11 och Cs-137 samt kunna överföra uppmätt värde till datahanteringssystemet PETra.Med användandet av kodspråket Python och biblioteket TkInter har ett användargränsnitt och bakomliggande funktionskod utvecklats. Mjukvaran kommunicerar med både jonkammare och PETra seriellt via COM-Port. Linjäritetstester har gjorts för jonkammaren som påvisat god linjäritet. Detta resultat bekräftar mjukvarans tillförlitlighet med en liten felmarginal. Ytterligare tester behövs för att fastställa magnituden av felmarginalen. / Tracercenter at Norrlands University Hospital is a producer of radiotracers. To measure the activity of the radioactive isotopes an Ion Chamber combined with software built on Windows XP is used. The purpose of this thesis is to develop new software for the ion chamber compatible with Windows 10. The software has to provide a calibration function for the isotopes F-18, C-11 and Cs-137 aswell as be able to transfer measured activity to the laboratory information management system PETra.A graphical user interface together with backend code has been developed with Python and the library TkInter. The software communicates with both the ion chamber and PETra with a serial connection via COM-Port. Linearity tests have been made for the ion chamber which has shown that the output of the ion chamber itself is linear. This result confirms the software’s reliability with a slight margin of error. Further tests is needed to determine the magnitude of the margin of error.

Laserový vibrometr s 2D rozmítáním / Laser vibrometer with 2D scanning system

Rajm, Martin January 2012 (has links)
This thesis deals in the theoretical part with the non-contact vibration measurement by single point Laser Doppler vibrometer and it concretes constructions used in practice. It deals also with the possibilities of the laser beam scanning to measure the vibrations in the plane and there are also listed suitable-commercial systems for this solution. Mentioned sweep is immediately necessary for 2D scanning vibrometer construction. In the practical part, the single-point laser vibrometer OFV-5000 was expanded by scanning galvo system, supplemented by a measuring cards for signal acquisition from the vibrometer and suitable control hardware was chosen for mentioned laser. For the resulting hardware assembly was designed and implemented in LabVIEW measurement software, to control the 2D scanning system, to set the position of the laser beam and to process and to visualize of measured vibration signals in the plane. The functionality of the developed measuring system was checked by performed measurement and visualization of the velocity vibration of restraint girder, excited by shaker.

Building a real data warehouse for market research

Lehner, Wolfgang, Albrecht, J., Teschke, M., Kirsche, T. 08 April 2022 (has links)
This paper reflects the results of the evaluation phase of building a data production system for the retail research division of the GfK, Europe's largest market research company. The application specific requirements like end-user needs or data volume are very different from data warehouses discussed in the literature, making it a real data warehouse. In a case study, these requirements are compared with state-of-the-art solutions offered by leading software vendors. Each of the common architectures (MOLAP, ROLAP, HOLAP) was represented by a product. The result of this comparison is that all systems have to be massively tailored to GfK's needs, especially to cope with meta data management or the maintenance of aggregations.

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