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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Svirtinių mechanzimų kinematinė analizė / Mechanism kinematic examine

Ingelevič, Elvyra 10 June 2005 (has links)
The purpose of this Paper was to examine kinematic characteristics of a mechanism according to a given its kinematic schema and the dependency of the characteristics on parameters of the mechanism; to prepare a visual material for lectures and laboratory activities intended for students of physics and technology majoring in theory of machines and mechanisms. The Paper covers a review and interdependent comparison of basic methods of kinematic analysis: graphical, graphic-analytical and analytical. It is shown that in case of ordinary mechanism it is possible to make an ordinary mathematical model of mechanisms intended for examination of kinematic characteristics. Applying Visual Basic software there was a crank-slide-block mechanism and various cam-gears were designed and examined here. There are proposals given regarding application of this program during lectures and for preparation of tasks intended for laboratory activities of students.

Rolamaitinių vibrovariklių dinamikos tyrimai / Researches of dynamics of rolamaitics vibroengines

Stravinskas, Vaidotas 12 June 2006 (has links)
The short analysis of vibromotors (VM) and rolamite type mechanisms is submitted, their advantages are revealed. Dynamic processes, occurring in vibromotor, are investigated experimentally in which the slanting impact of the converter of longitudinal fluctuations (CLF) to a rotor is used, and rotates it. It is established optimum angle of elastic pressing of the converter of longitudinal fluctuations to a rotor makes 125º- are getting the greatest revolutions of a rotor. The size elastic pressing of the converter of longitudinal fluctuations to a rotor unsignificantly influences the form of the mechanical characteristics. It is recommending for precision systems working in a wide temperature range and at linear and vibrating overloads to use the circuits with included in a contour of the generator by converters or to construct auto ascillatory generators working on resonant frequency of the converter. The value of non synchronicity of rotation of rotors most grows in elementary vibromotor with two rotors, least - in rolamite vibromotor, in which the converter of longitudinal fluctuations rotates both rotors. The variant of rolamite vibromotor, in which the converter of longitudinal fluctuations rotates both rotors, is optimum. Four problems inherent vibromotors are established and ways of their decision are offered. Expediently CLF fix in its middle. Thus it is provided the least damping of vibrations. Expediently to use waveguides in the construction of VM. Thus it is... [to full text]

Srovės pernešimo mechanizmai plonose oksido plėvelėse / Current transport mechanisms in the thin oxygen films

Šlaičiūnaitė, Ilona 16 August 2007 (has links)
Šiame darbe buvo tirtas srovės pernešimo mechanizmas plonose oksido plėvelėse,t.y. SiO-Al, Al-SiO2-Al, Al-Al2O3-Al ir p/Si-Ta2O5-Al. Tuo tiklu buvo eksperimentiškai išmatuotos srovės stiprio temperatūrinės priklausomybės, esant įvairių įtampų vertėms, taip pat voltamperinės charakteristikos plačiame temperatūrų intervale ir nustatytas barjero aukščio (aktyvacijos energijos) kitimas nuo įtampos ir temperatūros. Eksperimentiniai rezultatai lyginami su teorinėmis elektronų tunelinių šuolių tikimybės priklausomybėmis nuo elektrinio lauko stiprio ir temperatūros. / The conduction mechanisms in SiO-Al, Al-SiO2-Al, Al-Al2O3-Al and p/Si-Ta2O5-Al structures has been investigated. In this way there were observed the current dependences of voltages by various temperature values, also the current dependence of temperatures by various valtage values and an activation energy dependence from voltage and temperature. The experimental data have been compared with the teorical tunneling probabilities depending on the strength of the electric field and temperature. The obtained experimental lnI(T) at various aplied voltage is in a good agreement with the theoretical ln W(T) dependences. After the analysis of the measurment data it was shown that the tunneling mechanism is prevailing in the region of strong fields and low temperature. Also it has been observed that the energy activation decreased when of the values of applied voltage is increased and increased when of the values of applied temperature is increased. The observed dependence of barrier height on the voltage established for the I(T, U) characteristics are also explained by the phonon stimulated tunneling mechanism.

Mažumos akcininkų teisių apsaugos ir gynimo Lietuvoje probleminė analizė / Protection and Defence Problem Analysis of Minority Shareholders Rights in Lithuania

Stankus, Kęstutis 04 March 2009 (has links)
Magistro darbo “Mažumos akcininkų teisių apsaugos ir gynimo Lietuvoje probleminė analizė” pagrindinis tikslas ir uždavinys yra atskleisti smulkiojo akcininko sampratą, aptarti jam priskirtas teises bei išanalizuoti pagrindinius teisių pažeidimus bei gynybos metodus, kuriais gali pasinaudoti ši akcininkų grupė. Lietuvos Respublikoje nėra įtvirtinti specialieji norminiai aktai, skirti mažumos akcininkų apsaugai bei gynybai. Smulkieji akcininkai naudojasi visomis teisėmis, kurios yra suteiktos akcininkams bendrai. Šios teisės apima – balsavimo ir dalyvavimo visuotiniame akcininkų susirinkime teisę, teisę atskleisti informaciją, taip pat teises ginčyti daugumos sprendimus bei pareikšti išvestinį ieškinį. Mažumos akcininkai gali naudotis visomis šiomis teisėmis. Dar daugiau jie turi papildomų teisių, kurios suteikia jiems galimybę išeiti iš bendrovės parduodant savo akcijas. Kadangi magistro darbo tema “Mažumos akcininkų teisių apsaugos ir gynimo Lietuvoje probleminė analizė” pati savaime suponuoja problematikos analizę, tai jame yra aptariamos ne tik pačios teisės, bet ir pagrindinės šių smulkiojo akcininko teisių įgyvendinimo problemos, susijusios su teisės į informaciją, teisės gauti dividendus bei didžiausią dėmesį skiriant mažojo akcininko gynybos mechanizmams, t.y. galimybės pasinaudoti daugumos sprendimų nuginčijimo bei išėjimo iš bendrovės teisėms. / The aim of the paper „Protection and defence problem analysis of minority shareholders rights in Lithuania“ is to define the minority shareholders themselves, to discribe the rights prescribed to them. The main issue is to analyse the aspects of abuse of their rights and methods of struggling against this illegal behavior. Lithuanian law does not establish special mechanism for the protection of minority shareholders. However, it does invest all shareholders with the certain legal aids which serve as tools to protect their interests. These include those rights which are primarily based on the principles of equality and proportionality; as well as other rights, such as attendance and voting at the general meeting of shareholders, contesting the decisions made by the company‘s bodies, and the right to access to information about the company. Minority shareholders are entitled to freely exercise any of above rights. Moreover they are entitled to require the investigation of the company‘s activities and thus judicially verify whether the company, its corporate bodies, or any of its members are acting with due diligence and resonable care. They also have a right to force majority share holders to buy their holdings to use so called squeeze-out and sellout rights and derivative action procedure. All these features were listed in the paper. Due to Paper is called „Protection and defence problem analysis of minority shareholders rights in Lithuania“, there were analysed main... [to full text]

Elektroninio verslo diegimas veikiančioje įmonėje / Implementing E-business Models in Acting Enterprises

Levickaitė, Rasa 04 March 2009 (has links)
Magistro darbas yra skirtas elektroninio verslo diegimo poveikio veikiančioje mažoje-vidutinėje įmonėje problemai spręsti. Tyrime remtasi atskiro atvejo studijos ir apklausos metodais. Darbe nagrinėjamas konkretus elektroninio verslo integravimo atvejis – aviabilietų rezervavimo sistemos įdiegimas. Internetu apklausti 78 respondentai. Darbe teigiama, kad elektroninio verslo diegimas yra reikšmingas veikiančios įmonės efektyvumo didinimui. Tezė įrodoma remiantis mokslinėmis publikacijomis, konkrečiu atveju įmonėje diegiant elektroninį verslą ir atlikta internetine apklausa. Darant tyrimą buvo atsižvelgiama ir į kitus veiksnius, kurie taip pat įtakoja elektroninio verslo diegimo efektyvumą įmonėje, t.y. tikslingesnis Lietuvos gyventojų interneto vartojimas, populiarėjanti elektroninė bankininkystė, didėjantis gyventojų pasitikėjimas elektroninėmis paslaugomis. Augantys interneto vartotojų rodikliai priverčia įmones iš naujo pažvelgti į tam tikrus verslo aspektus, įvertinti vartotojų elgsenos pokyčius, jų inspiruojamus pasikeitimus ir įtaką šiuolaikiniam verslui. Šis darbas turėtų būti aktualus inovatyviems verslininkams, įmonių savininkams, marketingo ir pardavimų specialistams, ieškantiems būdų, kaip efektyviai konkuruoti rinkoje, rasti naujas išeitis globalizacijos veikiamoje verslo terpėje. / The Master’s paper is designed to address the problem of implementing electronic business in an active small-to-medium sized enterprise. The study was based on the case study and on the survey approach. The thesis deals with a specific case of e-business integration – the implementation of a system for reservation of airplane tickets. A total of 78 respondents were questioned over the Internet. The paper presumes that the implementation of e-business is important for the increase of efficiency of an operating enterprise. This thesis is proved through reference to scientific publications, the specific case of implementing e-business in the enterprise and the Internet survey. The study also took account of other elements that are relevant in terms of the efficiency of e-business implementation in a company, i.e. the increasingly purposeful use of the Internet among people in Lithuania, the e-banking that is becoming more and more popular, the people’s growing confidence in electronic services. The growing figures of Internet users are making companies reconsider certain aspects of their business, evaluate the changes in consumer behaviour, the new things they inspire and their influence on contemporary business. This work is likely to be relevant for innovative businessmen, company owners, marketing and sales specialists who are looking for ways to compete efficiently on the market, to find out new ways in the business environment under globalisation.

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