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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

L'écume des news : sociologie politique des usages des informations à partir d'entretiens de couple / L'écume des news : political sociology of the news uses based on couple interviews

Dolez, Charlotte 06 November 2013 (has links)
Comment les citoyens reçoivent-ils et interprètent-ils les informations politiques auxquelles ils sont exposés quotidiennement ? Cette thèse s’intéresse au contexte d’exposition aux informations et met en évidence la diversité des interprétations dont celles-ci font l’objet. Elle porte une attention aux usages et en explore les implications politiques. Les résultats sont énoncés à partir d’un regard croisé entre une démarche d’analyses quantitative et qualitative. L’approche qualitative met en place un protocole d’enquête original, qui s’appuie sur des entretiens de couple réalisés en France. Les résultats portent sur l’exposition aux informations, l’attention qui leur est accordée et enfin leur interprétation. L’exposition aux informations s’inscrit, pour l’ensemble des citoyens, dans une routine quotidienne et s’imbrique dans leurs emplois du temps familiaux et professionnels. Les citoyens, quel que soit leur niveau de politisation ou leur origine sociale, ne font pas état d’une démarche intentionnelle de recherche d’informations. En conséquence, leur attention est variable car dépendante de ce contexte. Elle est tributaire des intérêts qu’ils déploient vis-à-vis du champ politique et de l’action publique mais aussi des caractéristiques de l’offre médiatique. Quatre processus d’interprétation sont identifiés. Leur diversité s’appuie sur l’existence de convictions politiques ancrées, qui guident l’interprétation, et sur les modalités de combinaison des expériences personnelle et médiatique. La thèse met ainsi en évidence les grilles de lecture que les citoyens mobilisent pour donner sens au monde qui les entoure et témoigne du rôle des informations dans leur construction. / How do citizens receive and interpret political news to which they are daily exposed? This PhD thesis deals with the context in which people are exposed to news and sheds light on the diversity of their interpretation. Emphasis is put on media uses and on the investigation of their political implications. The results are based on a mixed method approach (quantitative and qualitative). The qualitative approach offers an inventive interview protocol with French couples, in Paris region and in the North of France. The results focus on exposure to news, attention to news and interpretation. All citizens are exposed to news in daily routine, within their work and family lives. They do not seek for information, regardless of their level of political interest or their social background. Consequently, their attention to news is variable because it is dependent on this context. Not only is attention reliant on citizens’ interests in the political scene and public action but also on the way the media present and construct news. I identify four types of interpretation. Their diversity relies on deeply rooted political convictions, which guide the interpretation, and on the way personal and media experiences are combined. This PhD thesis also singles out the frameworks of interpretation used by citizens to make sense of the world around them and how information contributes to their construction.

O programa Fique Alerta e o discurso da “prestação de serviço”: o telejornalismo popular em busca de definição e legitimação / The TV Program Fique Alerta and its discourse of “service provision”: the popular TV journalism in search of definition and legitimation

Quirino, Fabiano Melo 20 December 2012 (has links)
In a society where being well informed is presented to the individual as a prerequisite to be counted among the hosts of "world citizens" and in which adherence to technology called "information age" seems inevitable, it is questionable whether such social constraints are accompanied by the ability to reach anyone. If not, think, then, in how to categorize a vehicle of information that is intended precisely to meet possible outcasts, those who do not reach - for several reasons - the cultural ideal foisted by industrial-capitalist system. In the increasingly complex reality, in which the means of dissemination of culture merging into an amalgam as confused as the new rules for survival, the class division seems to persist, despite the touted "free enterprise" and "modernity." This substrate, prejudice secretes not only the waves of "outcasts", but also - and probably with increasing intensity and sophistication - and particularly his characteristic way of decoding the information in the world, which also include targeting of any snobbery social media products that would address this demand, even if highly salable and profitable as stated in the establishment. It also invites us to suspect the motives that inspire these "windows media" said popular and its exploitation of the alleged "naked truth." / CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Numa sociedade em que estar bem informado apresenta-se ao indivíduo como prérequisito para ser contabilizado entre as hostes de “cidadãos do mundo” e na qual a adesão às tecnologias da chamada “era da informação” parece inelutável, é lícito questionar se tais coerções sociais vêm acompanhadas da possibilidade de alcance por qualquer um. Se não, pensemos, pois, em como categorizar um veículo de informação que se propõe justamente atender aos possíveis párias, àqueles que não alcançam – por diversas razões – o ideal cultural impingido pelo sistema capitalista industrial. Na cada vez mais complexa realidade, em que os meios de difusão da cultura se fundem num amálgama tão confuso quanto as novas regras de sobrevivência, a divisão de classes parece persistir, apesar das apregoadas “livre iniciativa” e “modernidade”. Desse substrato, o preconceito segrega não só as levas de “párias”, mas também – e provavelmente com cada vez mais intensidade e sofisticação – seu modo característico e particular de decodificar as informações do mundo, o que também incluiria como alvo desse esnobismo social quaisquer produtos midiáticos que se dirigissem a essa demanda, mesmo que altamente vendáveis e lucrativos como reza o establishment. Isso também nos convida a suspeitar das motivações que inspiram essas “janelas midiáticas” ditas populares e sua exploração da alegada “verdade nua e crua”.

L’existence du champ journalistique roumain après la crise économique de 2008 / The existence of the Romanian journalistic field after the economic crisis of 2008

Gubernat-Rammelt, Ruxandra 20 December 2017 (has links)
Cette étude se propose d'analyser les développements qui ont mené à l'état actuel du champ journalistique roumain, après la crise financière de 2008, par lesquels ce milieu professionnel ne parvient pas à convaincre ses acteurs de la viabilité de ses principes. Ma principale hypothèse est que la collision entre deux systèmes de valeurs divergents –l'intersection du modèle allogène, néolibéral, avec les valeurs et les nécessités locales –établit un champ hybride intégrant des éléments des deux cultures, sans incorporer la somme de leurs éléments. Ce champ hybride, caractérisé par un haut degré d'ouverture envers la renégociation, la réinterprétation et le rétablissement des principes qui guident le journalisme, engendre aussi une certaine dimension anomique au sein de ses acteurs. Afin d’établir l’existence du champ journalistique en Roumanie après 2008, une analyse à partir de trois dimensions principales était envisagée : une première dimension serait la rupture politique, qui a imposé une réflexion sur les directions et les choix des modèles dans le nouveau marché médiatique pluraliste ; une deuxième dimension identifiée est le profond changement technologique superposé sur cette étape de compréhension de l’agir journalistique ; troisièmement, la crise financière débutée en 2008, qui a déstabilisé mondialement le milieu journalistique et qui a engendré une remise en cause du journalisme. Nous avons pu remarquer : • Une contradiction idéologique au niveau macro, c'est à dire que les institutions adhèrent au modèle, mais ce n'est pas le principe directeur de leurs démarches, qui sont surtout guidées par les réalités en place ; • Et au niveau micro, une contradiction marquante entre la compréhension du modèle et la manière d’agir : décalage entre le niveau argumentatif – avec la compréhension que le modèle de l'Ouest qui est fortement attractif – et le mode d'agir, où les individus doivent se plier aux coutumes et aux valeurs locales, qui ne sont pas en concordance avec le système de référence auquel ils adhéreraient. / This study aims to analyze the developments that led to the current state of the Romanianjournalistic field, after the financial crisis of 2008, by which this professional environment fails to convince its actors of the viability of its principles. My main hypothesis is that the collision between two divergent value systems -­ the intersection of the neoliberal allogeneic model with local values and necessities -­ establishes a hybrid field integrating elements of both cultures without incorporating the sum of their elements. This hybrid field, characterized by a high degree of openness towards renegotiation, reinterpretation and restoration of the principles that guide journalism, also creates a certain anomic dimension of its actors. In order to establish the existence of the journalistic field in Romania after 2008, an analysis based on three main dimensions was envisaged: a first dimension would be the political rupture which imposed a reflection on the directions and choices of models in the new pluralist media market;; a second dimension identified is the profound technological change superimposed on this stage of understanding journalistic acts;; third, the financial crisis which began in 2008, which destabilized the journalistic environment in Romania. Our main discovery is that of the existence of double standards in the practice and in the evaluation of Romanian journalism by its actors:• An ideological contradiction at the macro level, i.e. institutions adhere to the model, but this is not the guiding principle of their approaches, which are mainly guided by the realities in place ;• At the micro level, the contradiction between the understanding of the model and the waythis model is enacted: a discrepancy between the argumentative level -­ with theunderstanding that the Western model is highly attractive -­ and the mode of action whereindividuals must comply with local customs and values, which are not in accordance with thesystem of reference to which they adhere.

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