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Olika källor, samma islam? : En innehållsanalys av porträtteringen av islam och muslimer i läromedel och tidningsartiklar.Sundh, Greta, Dynevall, Johan January 2015 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to investigate how Islam and Muslims are portrayed a) in results from studies on Swedish teaching materials, and b) in articles in Swedish media newspapers. The study was conducted through two separate studies. In the first study, five previous research reports on how Islam and Muslims are portrayed in Swedish teaching materials were analysed in order to discern the main results regarding the portrayal of Islam and Muslims. In the second study, newspaper articles from 11 Swedish newspapers were analysed in order to discern which central themes emerge in the description of Muslims and Islam in said newspaper articles, as well as which properties and features are attributed to Muslims and Islam in the articles studied. In both studies, the data was analysed inductively through a qualitative content analysis. The theory used was Edward W. Said´s theory on Orientalism. The result indicates that in Swedish teaching materials, Muslims commonly are portrayed as ”The Other”, and that what is Christian is oftentimes used as a referential point. As regards the research of the newspaper articles, the result indicates that the portrayal of Islam and Muslims is relatively one-sided, wherein Islam and Muslims are associated with religious extremism and terrorism abroad. The study suggests that there are orientalistic tendencies in the investigated material, although there is also a small tendency to portray Swedish Islam and Muslims in a different, more personal manner. This serves to highlight the importance of teaching source criticism in school as well as the fact that teaching materials may require the complementation of additional educational aids and materials.
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Hur tandvården framställs i pressen och dess påverkan på allmänhetens förtroende - Media innehållsanalysAbdelghani, Omar, Salih, Hevy January 2019 (has links)
Syfte:Eftersom medierapportering är en viktig faktor som kan påverka allmänhetens förtroende gentemot tandvården är syftet med studien att undersöka hur tandvården framställs i pressen.Material & metod:För att undersöka vad och hur mycket svensk press har rapporterat om tandvården mellan 2007 – 2018 i allmän samt negativ mening användes två källurval. Det ena urvalet kallades för det breda källurvalet och inkluderade all svensk redaktionell press i retrievers mediearkiv. Det andra källurvalet kallades för det begränsade källurvalet och inkludera endast sex räckviddstarka källor. Materialet analyserades både kvantitativt och kvalitativt med hjälp av metoden Media innehållsanalys.Resultat: Den totala publiciteten om tandvård i allmän mening var som högst år 2008, därefter har den minskat i jämn takt. Den negativa rapporteringen har varit ojämn med tydliga ökningar vissa år som kan härledas till specifika händelser som rör tandvården. Inom den negativa rapporteringen skrevs det om tandläkare som blivit av med sin legitimation samt att det inom tandvården förekommer slarv, felbehandling, överbehandling och fusk. Men framförallt skrevs det negativt om tandvårdssystemets funktionssätt och att tandvården är dyr. Slutsats: Genom att jämföra tillgängliga kundnöjdhet och förtroende mätningar med den negativa samt allmänna medierapporteringen, kunde vi inte konstatera att medierapporteringen har påverkat allmänhetens förtroende mellan 2007 - 2018. Vi fann bland annat att när det väl skrivs negativt om tandvården riktades främst kritik mot privattandvården, trots detta var förtroende- och kundnöjdhetsnivå högre för privattandvården jämfört med folktandvården. Fortsatta studier behövs för att undersöka hur medierapportering påverkar individens förtroende för tandvården. / Aim:The aim of this study is to investigate how Swedish dental care is represented in the media, since it is an important factor that can affect the public's trust in dental care.Material & method:To investigate what was written and how much was written in both general and negative sense about dental care in the Swedish press between 2007 - 2018, two source selections were used. One selection was called the broad source selection and included all Swedish editorial press in retriever's media archive. The second source selection was called the limited source selection and included only six powerful sources. The material was analyzed both quantitatively and qualitatively using Media content analysis. Result:The overall publicity on dental care in general sense was at its most 2008, thereafter it decreased at a steady pace. The negative reporting has been uneven with clear increases in some years that can be attributed to specific events relating to dental care. In the negative reporting it was written about dentists who got rid of their license and that in dental care there is carelessness, malpractice, over-treatment and cheating. But mostly, it was written negatively about the functioning of the dental care system and that dental care is expensive.Conclusion:By comparing available customer satisfaction and trust measurements with the negative and general media reporting, we were unable to conclude that media reporting has affected public trust between 2007-2018. We found, among other things, that when it was written negatively about dental care, criticism was mainly directed at private dental care, despite this trust and customer satisfaction levels were higher for private dental care compared to public dental care during the same period. Further studies are needed to investigate how media reports affects peoples trust in dental care.
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