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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Současný role-playing a role mediace v ČR na příkladu Dungeons & Dragons / Current role-playing and role of mediation in the Czech Republic on example of Dungeons & Dragons

Motlová, Adéla January 2021 (has links)
This thesis examines the RPG game Dungeons & Dragons (D&D) and its players in the Czech Republic. Although, D&D is primarily a game that uses physical components such as paper character sheets or dice, technology has also found its way to it, which is no surprise because current world is full of new technologies. The aim of this work is to examine the motivation of players to play, what role mediation plays, what technologies are used in playing and what are the main differences players perceive in the case of face-to-face session and in the case of online session. Many different technologies are used in both cases. Research questions dealing with these topics are answered through semi-structured interviews with a total of eight players and two participant observations of a player group's session. The most important reasons to play are the social and creative aspects of the game - players play with others, with whom they often form long-term friendships, and enjoy creating and using their imagination to create unique characters, narratives and worlds. D&D is also a source of inspiration for them. The main differences in offline and online game are especially in sociality and opportunities for communication, which is related to the atmosphere and experience, which in the case of face-to-face game...

Využití mediace na Úřadu pro mezinárodněprávní ochranu dětí / The use of mediation in Office for international legal protection of children

Drašnarová, Lenka January 2016 (has links)
The diploma thesis "The use of mediation to the Office for International Legal Protection of Children" is divided into practical and theoretical. Theoretical part contains four chapters and subsections 15, some of which are further subdivided. The first chapter is devoted to the Office for International Legal Protection of Children and the agenda as the recovery of maintenance, international adoption, international abductions, contact with children and mediation. Another chapter describes mediation as a concept, as well as the types and principles. The following section describes the child's family mediation, especially its legislative confirmation. The last part introduces the profession of mediators, their role and code of ethics. The practical part consists of three chapters. The first one consists of interviews with mediators Office for International Legal Protection of Children. The purpose of these interviews was to answer the research question, which is: ,, In what cases use mediation at the Office for International Legal Protection of Children and increasing this way of resolving the dispute? "The second focuses on four case reports and final chapter describes the system in the Slovak Republic, Austria and Germany.

Práce s pachateli a oběťmi trestných činů v agendě probačního pracovníka / Work with offenders and victims of crime in the agenda of a probation worker

Jelínek, Martin January 2017 (has links)
TITLE: Work with offenders and victims of crime in the agenda of a probation worker AUTHOR: Mgr. Martin Jelínek DEPARTMENT: Faculty of Education SUPERVISOR: doc. PaedDr. Eva Šotolová, Ph.D. ABSTRACT: The thesis presents the agenda of the Probation and Mediation Service and it's approach to offenders and victims of crime in the agenda of probation workers. It focuses on the area of re-offending and the possibility of reducing reoffending through appropriate follow-up services for conditionally released persons with probation supervision. The thesis analyses the problems resulting in the unsuccessful reconciliation of persons released from prison, in accordance with the aim of the thesis based on combined research (respondents were all probation workers in the Czech republic), as well as proposing possibilities for further development of work with conditionally released persons with probation supervision, and suggests systematic measures that could reduce the risk and rate of re-offending. These measures relate to the areas of dependency, employment, and education. KEYWORDS: Probation, mediation, imprisonment, re-offending, resocialisation, conditional release

Institut nařízeného prvního setkání se zapsaným mediátorem / Institute of the first ordered meeting with a registered mediator

Hlaváčová, Zuzana January 2022 (has links)
In the context of the preparation of the new Civil Procedure Code and the publication of its theses, the topic of the first ordered meeting with a registered mediator has become more current. According to the material intent of the new Civil Procedure Code, this institute contradicts the voluntary nature of mediation and should therefore be excluded from the legislation. The purpose of this Diploma thesis is to analyze the institute of the first ordered meeting with a registered mediator in such a way that it is possible to assess whether this instrument should remain part of the legislation on civil procedure. At first, this Diploma thesis deals with mediation as one of the alternative methods of dispute resolution. It discusses the principles on which mediation is based, including the principle of voluntariness. It also describes the advantages and disadvantages of this out-of-court dispute resolution. The thesis further focuses on the analysis of the legislation on the first meeting with a mediator and points out its problematic aspects. To evaluate the use and success of this institute in practice, it analyses the statistics of the Ministry of Justice of the Czech Republic and the results of quantitative research carried out for this thesis. The research was made in the form of a questionnaire...

Mírové uspořádání teritoriálního konfliktu: případ Ekvádoru a Peru / Peace Settlement of Territorial Dispute: Ecuador-Peru case study

Rigó, Michael January 2022 (has links)
This thesis analyses the peace process between Ecuador and Peru and stimulates discussion in the field of conflict resolution. On Monday, October 26th, 1998, President of Peru Alberto Fujimori and Ecuador Jamil Mahuad Witt signed an international agreement that ended more than 150 years lasting territorial conflict. A series of hostile acts and armed conflicts have accompanied these neighbouring states for decades. Four states became the guarantor of the peace treaty: Brazil, the United States, Argentina and Chile. Complicated negotiations began in 1995 after a short war on the Cenepa River. The negotiating teams of the guaranteeing states used various mediation strategies, including the organization of negotiations, sanctions and financial incentives. The aim of this qualitative case study is an analysis of the causes of successful mediation performed by the guaranteeing states. The research follows the theoretical part, which describes the so-called contingency approach and ripeness theory.

Střídavá péče o dítě po rozvodu rodičů / Shared Custody

Hejtmánková, Lenka January 2012 (has links)
This thesis is a theoretical study that characterizes shared childcare after divorce as the most suitable post-divorce arrangement. This assumption is based on developmental changes in the European family from the time of the French Revolution, the development of family law and important aspects of family law, as well as on the needs of children, and definitions of maternal and paternal love. This hypothesis is also supported by the results of foreign research, which compares the lives of children in different post-divorce arrangements. The following paper discusses mediation as an appropriate way of helping parents achieve a solution that is suitable for all participants in the dispute. In the conclusion some case studies are presented.

Mediální výchova v rodině / Media educationin the family

Cigánková, Klára January 2012 (has links)
The master thesis "Media education in the family" discusses media education strategies of parents, or, in other words, parental mediation. This discussion is important because the family, in addition to the school system, is largely responsible for influencing the media literacy of children. The theoretical section of this thesis sums up how this topic was processed in foreign and Czech studies, and describes the main characteristics of parental mediation. Media education strategies of parents are also assessed in connection with the socialization of the child, and with the education and communication styles in family. Frequently, studies describe three types of parental mediation, which are: active mediation, restrictive mediation and social co-viewing. Although these types of mediation were defined mostly in connection with the viewing of television programs, it is possible to transfer these types, with small changes, on to other media, including the internet. The practical part of this thesis contains a qualitative analysis of in-depth interviews with parents who have children between the ages of 12 and 15. The goal of this analysis was to find out what parents think of the relationship between children and media, which strategies of parental mediation they are using, and which conditions and...

Mimosoudní řešení spotřebitelských sporů / Alternative Dispute Resolution

DŮLOVÁ, Lucie January 2012 (has links)
The aim of the thesis is an analysis of ADR among Czech consumers and consumer Czech and Czech dealer. ADR System Analysis is performed using a questionnaire survey among respondents - consumers and controlled depth interviews with the staff of ADR. Based on analysis of collected data will be provided suggestions for improvement.

Mediace jako alternativní způsob řešení sporů / Mediation as an Alternative Dispute Resolution

Joklíková, Kateřina January 2012 (has links)
The submitted thesis deals with Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR), particularly mediation activities. The aim of this thesis is to introduce mediation as an alternative method of conflict resolution, that is still relatively neglected in the Czech Republic, through a summary of theoretical knowledge in terms of its practical operation. Particular attention is paid to the recent regulation relating to mediation in civil matters and certain essential institutes that are affected by the new Mediation Act. The work is divided into five chapters. The first chapter defines the general concept of ADR and outlines the different types of ADR. The next part of the thesis presents in detail the mediation, a mediator and requirements for the performance of this function. There is also clearly described the course of mediation process. The third chapter deals with the regulation of mediation in the EU, which is the starting point for each national system. The fourth chapter is devoted to the regulation of mediation in the Czech Republic. It describes the situation that prevailed during the period without comprehensive regulation of mediation in civil matters, the legislative process of preparation and adoption of the Mediation Act, newly enshrined institutes and there is also a definition of the obstacles that could hinder penetration of mediation into wider practice. Finally, there is a comparison of the situation in the Czech Republic with the application of mediation activities in the USA and in some EU countries.

Překlad ve výuce odborné angličtiny pro nefilology / Translation in Teaching English for Specific Purposes

Bahenská, Adéla January 2014 (has links)
Translation in Teaching English for Specific Purposes at the Tertiary Level The purpose of this thesis is to explore translation as an aid to language teaching from various perspectives relevant to English for Specific Purposes (ESP) classes at the tertiary level of education. Our intention is to offer the option of incorporating translation activities within ESP courses at universities. The research presented in the thesis is relevant to the context of English as a foreign language, taught in a linguistically homogeneous environment to adult learners of ESP at a tertiary level, with a particular focus on English for legal purposes. The research questions dealt with in this thesis are as follows: 1. Can translation contribute to effective learning of English for Specific Purposes? 2. If the answer to the first question is 'yes,' what forms of translation activities are best suited to make such a contribution? 3. Is translation currently used in courses of English for Specific Purposes, and, more specifically, in courses of English for law taught in the Czech Republic? If so, how is it used? 4. What are learners' perceptions of translation activities? The first two questions are answered through a review of the relevant literature. The third question is answered through semi-structured interviews...

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