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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Možnosti rozvoje zdravého sebevědomí žáka v sociálním, kulturním a náboženském kontextu / The Possibilities of the Pupil's Self-esteem Development in Social, Cultural and Religious Context

Sedláčková, Daniela January 2015 (has links)
The doctoral dissertation deals with the description and analysis of healthy self-esteem in terms of its formation; influences that enter into the process of formation and possibilities of the healthy self-esteem development in the school environment with regard to social, cultural and religious context in which the student lives. The theoretical part of the thesis on the basis of literature compiled the most fundamental assumptions and circumstances that largely affect pupil's confidence and contribute to its development in a positive sense. Attention is paid to themes theoretical definition of the concept of self and internal influences that act on the formation of self-esteem. Family, school and peer group are presented as a major social and cultural external influences, together with a religious context influencing the formation of self-esteem. The performance is a phenomenological theory of Chris Mruk shows the issue of confidence in more complex form. The theoretical part is concluded by outlining the possibilities for the development of healthy self-esteem in school through the pupil )including peer mediation) and analysis of some international research which raises questions for a Czech context. The aim of the research is to determine whether and to what extent has felt self-esteem,...

Smírčí řízení v civilním procesu / Conciliation proceedings in civil procedure

Lakron, David January 2018 (has links)
Conciliation proceedings known as special type of civil procedure does not get too much attention. This problem can be seen from many perspectives. This diploma thesis strives to clarify nature of conciliation proceedings, showing its course and benefits. It tries to offer more comrehensive interpretation of it to non-professionals. All this to support the usage of conciliation proceedings. This actual problem underlines the effort of the legislator to support mediation to the prejudice of conciliation proceedings. Thus this thesis focuses on links between conciliation proceedings and mediation with comparison to benefits and disadvantages of both institutes. From this can be shown an increasing downfall of conciliation proceedings with absence to find support for more usage of this type of conciliatory resolution of dispute. This thesis not only focuses on clarification of nature of conciliation proceedings, it also tries to explain in which conciliation proceedings stands out and how it can help to solve disputes in conciliatory way, which can be seen like a good solution in many situations. At the same time this theses strives to give more coherent perspective on this institute of civil procedural law with drawing attention to course of conciliation proceedings based on practical part. Therefore...

Význam Probační a mediační služby ČR v kontextu zákona o soudnictví ve věcech mládeže / Positioning of Probation and Mediation Service CR in the Context of Juvenile Justice Act

HYKOVÁ, Kateřina January 2008 (has links)
No description available.

Práva dítěte a povinnosti rodiče / The rights of a child and duties of a parent

Carbolová, Zuzana January 2017 (has links)
Resumé This thesis, dealing with rights of a child and duties of a parent, is based on the fact that it is primarily the parents who have to fulfill their duties towards children while a child has primarily the right that a parent fulfills duties towards him. This condition is justified by the fact that children are in relation to adults, in this thesis towards parents, traditionally considered as a weaker "element". Because of that, the attention is firstly paid to the rights of a child in a wider context. In the very beginning we take into consideration a historical context of the child's rights development that shows the contrast between a premodern period when a child was considered as almost powerless and without rights and a "progressive " 20th century when a lot of international documents concentrate solely on rights of a child. As a follow-up to the child's rights development, the attention is aimed on explanation of the terms "best interests of the child" and "child's welfare". The thesis also deals with participatory rights in relation to the law court and in relation towards parents. Because the role of a family is very important in a development and education of a child, the thesis also focuses on juridical protection of the family and explains the term "family" in the European system of the...

Řešení obchodních sporů ze smluvních závazkových vztahů na úrovni EU / Resolving Business Disputes over Contractual Obligations at the EU level.

Homolková, Lucie January 2011 (has links)
The master thesis first deals with definition of business contractual relationship (sources, formation, freedom of contract) and indicates ways of resolving disputes arising from it within the Czech legal code. Through defining the concept of cross-border element the master thesis attains on how to resolve business disputes over contractual obligations at the EU level. Core topic of thesis deals with jurisdiction in commercial matters, the law applicable to contractual obligations, alternative dispute resolution as well as the recognition and enforcement of judgements or of different rulings. The last part of the thesis deals with a practical procedure which shows how to resolve dispute between domestic businessman and foreign businessman via legal proceedings.

Přínosy a limity Cochemského modelu z pohledu pracovníka OSPOD. / The benefits and limits of the Cochen model from the point of view of a worker in social and legal protection of children.

Skálová, Blanka January 2021 (has links)
The diploma thesis entitled "The Benefits and limitations of the Cochem model from the point of view of an OSPOD employee" deals with families undergoing adjustment of relations on one hand and with professionals who work with such families on the other. The diploma thesis aims to thoroughly describe the Cochem model, so that the results may be as useful as possible, especially for social workers working at OSPOD, but also for other professionals, who interact with the family during the situation adjustment process. This content can also serve as an informative basis for parents of minor children, who are currently going through a separation / divorce. The purpose of the master's thesis is to find out how OSPOD social workers in selected urban areas of Prague perceive the use of the Cochem model, whether and how they work with it. The aim of the research is to be inspired by knowledge from good practice and to shed light on the bad experiences of social workers.

Dohled probačního úředníka u trestně neodpovědných dětí / Supervision of a probation officer over criminal irresponsible children

Řeháková, Lenka January 2011 (has links)
Diploma thesis "Supervision of a probation officer over criminal irresponsible children" deals with juvenile delinquency, juvenile justice law adaptation for criminal responsible children younger 15 years of age and concerns with the ways by which society can react to the juvenile delinquency according to valid law adaptation. In its theoretical part this thesis focuses on definition of the keywords such are 'child', 'age limits of criminal responsibility', 'delinquency'. Thesis includes also description of juvenile delinquency as such where the law adaptation related to this issue is taken into consideration as well as the discipline precautions which can be ordered by court of law as a reaction to the unlawful behaviour. The goal of the practical part is to map the obstacles which discourage effective usage of discipline precautions supervision of a probation Office and suggest possible solving. The analytical part of the thesis was realised by two techniques, namely, questioning technique and document analysis.

Role mediace v předrozvodové a porozvodové péči v České republice / The role of the mediation in pre-divorce and post-divorce care in the Czech Republic

Kučerová, Jana-Anežka January 2014 (has links)
The dissertation thesis "The role of mediation in pre-divorce and post-divorce care in the Czech Republic" is about identification possibilities that the mediation brings to families, husbands and wives, and partners with solving difficult life situations like a divorce or a break up between partners. After it describes the impact of these interpersonal conflicts. Theoretical base of this thesis is: family crisis theory, individualized society theory, theory of gender inequality, but for all concept of harmonizing working and family life and changes on labor market. Main source of information was qualitative research of mediation clients and interviews with experts. In my thesis I analyze causes and consequences of conflicts in a partner life and through mediation I suggest a solution of consequences in the incurred situation, which seems like desired in wide society context.

Vliv vzdělání na výkon role mediátora / The influence of education on the role of mediator performance

Hájková, Adéla January 2015 (has links)
(in English): This diploma thesis deals with the issue of alternative dispute resolution, mediation in non- criminal matters. The mediation is estabilished in the Act on Mediation and amending certain other acts (the Act on Mediation) No. 202/2012 Coll. in the Legal Order of the Czech Republic, that is the main the aspect in this thesis. This actual topic, (the issue is that it is relatively a new law, which came into effect in September 2012), deals with the personality and educational attainment of registered mediators, particulary prerequisite for the performance of the profession of a registered mediator due to the mentioned law and it examines and compares effeciency in the mediators' exams in the Czech Bar Association and the Ministry of Justice of the Czech Republic according to the Ordinance No. 277/2012 Coll., about the trials and rewards of mediator. The main goal of this diploma thesis is to find out by means of quantitative research if there is a difference between registered mediators with different previous university education and how it shows in mediation process. The teoretical part of the diploma thesis is devoted to description of the mediation as an alternative dispute resolution, defining the role and duties of mediators and the system of education of mediators.

Uživatelské zvyklosti užívání médií dětí z dětských domovů / The User's Habits of Media Usage by Children from the Children's Houses

Benešová, Lucie January 2013 (has links)
The work concerns with media enviroment and life style of children from the children's homes. The empirical part is based on theoretical part and it explores their media habits, media access, media owning and parent mediation. This work compares a sample of 48 children from children's homes and a sample of 62 children who live in a family. Quantitative research is supplemented with qualitative research in a form of semistructured interviews with tutors in six children's homes and with mass discusion with children in one of them. The main aim of the work is to approach which role do media play in every day life of the children from the children home's. Comparative research answers the main question: Are media habits of the children from the children's homes different from the habits of the children from families and which strategy of the parental mediation is supreme and how the mediation differs from the mediation in the families.

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