Spelling suggestions: "subject:"methoddesign"" "subject:"methodldesign""
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Attenuation AND awareness? : Designing a method for measuring accuracy and certainty of sound identification when wearing a HPDAhlberg, Markus January 2020 (has links)
Noise pollution is widespread in today’s society, from traffic to industrial sources, and many people are confined to unhealthy acoustic environments through their employment. When noise cannot be eliminated at the sound source, the protective measure is usually to equip the employee with hearing protection devices (HPDs), e.g. earmuffs, that attenuates the noise. Applying excessive attenuation can render the wearer disconnected from her acoustic environment and present risks and social isolation. HPDs using level-dependent function (LDF) uses ambient microphones together with a signal processing unit and internal loudspeakers to achieve attenuation flexibility – if ambient noise is low, the loudspeakers can amplify the sound to combat an excessive passive attenuation of the HPD, and if ambient noise is high this amplification is decreased to maintain healthy sound levels. Appropriate levels of attenuation allows the user to detect ambient sounds which contributes to the their situational awareness. Besides attenuating the sounds however, HPDs does change the spectral content of the sound which may complicate the ability to identify them. This thesis has focused on exploring the human ability to identify sounds, design a method for measuring this ability, implement it and evaluate its result and the method itself. The thesis has been conducted in collaboration with 3MTM PeltorTM and was intended to evaluate the effect of earmuffs with LDF on the ability to identify sounds in a process industry soundscape. The progression of the thesis was structured within the Double Diamond process, where literature reviews, benchmarking and workshops informed the research and resulted in a method design that was analyzed using a repeated measures ANOVA based on empirical data from 16 participants. Surprisingly, the results showed no statistically significant advantage from wearing a HPD using LDF, as opposed to no LDF, in the user accuracy or certainty in sound identification. The reasons for this are discussed with a focus on evaluating the usefulness of the designed method in future efforts to develop HPDs that afford reliable sound identification. / Bullerföroreningar är ett utbrett problem i dagens samhälle, från trafik till industriella källor, och många människor är låsta till en ohälsosam akustisk miljö via sin anställning. När buller inte kan elimineras vid ljudkällan är skyddsåtgärden vanligtvis att förse arbetstagaren med hörselskydd, exempelvis hörselkåpor, som dämpar bullret. Att använda en överdriven dämpning kan dock göra att användaren avskiljs helt från sin akustiska miljö och innebära risker samt social isolering. Hörselskydd utrustade med nivåberoende funktion (LDF) använder mikrofoner tillsammans med en signalbehandlingsenhet och interna högtalare för att uppnå flexibilitet i dämpningen – om omgivande buller är lågt kan högtalarna förstärka ljudet för att motverka en överdriven passiv dämpning erbjuden av hörselskyddet, om omgivande buller däremot är högt kan denna förstärkning minskas för att vidhålla sunda ljudnivåer. Lämpliga dämpningsnivåer gör att användaren kan upptäcka omgivande ljud som bidrar till deras situationsmedvetenhet. Förutom att dämpa ljuden så ändrar dock hörselskydd också det spektrala innehållet i ljudet vilket kan komplicera förmågan att identifiera ljuden. Denna masteruppsats har fokuserat på att utforska människans förmåga att identifiera ljud, utforma en metod för att mäta denna förmåga, implementera metoden och utvärdera dess resultat samt metoden i sig. Uppsatsen har genomförts i samarbete med 3MTM PeltorTM och var avsedd att utvärdera effekten av hörselkåpor, utrustade med LDF, på förmågan att identifiera ljud i ett ljudlandskap likt det i en processindustri. Projektet var strukturerad enligt Double Diamondprocessen, där litteraturstudier, benchmarking och workshops har informerat och väglett arbetet och resulterat i en metod som analyserats med hjälp av variansanalys baserat på empiriska data från 16 deltagare. Överraskande nog så visade resultaten ingen statistiskt signifikant fördel med att bära ett hörselskydd som är utrustat med LDF till skillnad från ett hörselskydd som saknar denna funktion, vad gäller användarens förmåga att korrekt identifiera ljud samt rapporterad säkerhet i svaren. Orsaker till detta diskuteras med fokus på att utvärdera användbarheten av den utformade metoden i framtida ansträngningar för att utveckla hörselskydd som erbjuder tillförlitlig ljudidentifiering.
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Výpočet stejnosměrného elektromagnetu a jeho experimentální ověření / Calculation of DC electromagnet and its experimental verificationSteidl, Adam January 2015 (has links)
Content of this thesis deals with electromagnets as operating elements in electric machines. Thesis is divided in two main parts, theoretical and practical. The theoretical part describes electromagnets as an electric machine, usage of electromagnets in electrical devices as operating element. Electromagnets are further divided in groups on the basis of different criteria. Next, the theory of electromagnetic fields and methods of assesment of static pull and dynamic characteristics are described. Construction and function analysis of researched type of electromagnet from OEZ company with permanent magnets, which serves as trigger in compact circuit breaker, is also included in this part. Practical part includes measurement of force quantities of an electromagnet in different operating states and its evaluation. For analysis of dynamic quantities with finite element method was created suitable three-dimensional model of electromgnet. Model is used for simulation ofdifferent operating states.The last part describes measurement of dynamic characteristics of the electromganetic system. This part is closed with comparation of results.
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Korrelation zwischen Siedlungsmorphologie und Migrationsverhalten: Eine Methode zur apriorischen Umwandlung vom Siedlungsraumcharakter zur sozialpsychologischen RaumqualitätChen, Chih-Hung 17 February 2012 (has links)
Der Einfluss des Raumcharakters auf die menschliche Tätigkeit ist einer der Grundsätze der „Umwelt-Mensch-Beziehung“ – und findet sich in allen Maßstabsebenen. Zur Beschreibung des Raumcharakters auf Siedlungsmaßstabsebene wird dieser Grundsatz beispielsweise mit den Thesen kognitive Karte (E. Tolman), visuelle Wahrnehmung (J. Gibson), Raumverständlichkeit (K. Lynch) und territoriale Ansprüche (H. Hertzberger) diskutiert. Es wird bisher dargelegt, dass sich das sozialpsychologische Verhalten gewissermaßen auf den Raumcharakter auf Siedlungsmaßstabsebene bezieht. Räume sind also mit ihrer sozialpsychologischen Raumqualität entsprechend zu charakterisieren.
Jedoch ist nach heutigem Stand der Siedlungsraumcharakter hinsichtlich der sozialpsychologischen Raumqualität schwierig quantitativ zu bewerten, sodass es mithilfe der empirischen bzw. subjektiven Methode nötig ist, die oben genannten Thesen praktisch zu prüfen. Da diese Arbeit die Position des Apriorismus bzw. der Naturwissenschaft bezieht, wird mithilfe des Werkzeugs Space Syntax versucht, eine apriorische bzw. relativ objektive Methode zur Prüfung dieser Thesen zu entwickeln, um den Siedlungsraumcharakter in die sozialpsychologische Raumqualität umzuwandeln. Durch diese Methode können städtebauliche Maßnahmen zur Lösung der sozialen bzw. sozialpsychologischen Probleme in vorhandenen Siedlungen oder zur Vermeidung dieser Probleme bei Siedlungsneubau vorgeschlagen werden.
In dieser Arbeit wird die Methode durch eine Grundtypenanalyse von Siedlungsmorphologien hinsichtlich der jeweiligen sozialpsychologischen Raumqualität musterhaft aufgebaut. Die Stadt Raunheim im Ballungsraum Frankfurt/Rhein-Main, als eine Siedlung in einer wachsenden Metropolregion, wird als Beobachtungsobjekt empirisch untersucht; das Migrationsverhalten dient als sozialpsychologischer Indikator zum Beweisen der Methode.
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Perchè non facciamo un altro figlio? Implicazioni economiche delle intenzioni riproduttive individuali e di coppia in Italia tramite un approccio Mixed-Method. / WHY NOT HAVING ANOTHER CHILD? THE ECONOMICS OF FERTILITY INTENTIONS FOR INDIVIDUALS AND COUPLES IN ITALY: A MIXED-METHOD APPROACHCAVALLI, LAURA 08 November 2010 (has links)
La presente tesi è un contributo allo studio delle implicazioni economiche delle intenzioni di fecondità e all’analisi degli aspetti economici legati ai processi decisionali riproduttivi. Precisamente la tesi, composta da tre capitoli indipendenti e basata su dati Italiani, si focalizza su donne, su individui che vivono in coppia e sulle coppie.
In particolare lo studio mira a comprendere: i) l'interazione esistente tra il mercato del lavoro (con un focus particolare sul ruolo del settore occupazionale femminile) e le preferenze per la formazione della famiglia; ii) le influenze della ripartizione dei ruoli domestici all’interno della coppia sulle intenzioni riproduttive; iii) le determinanti (all’interno delle coppie) dell’accordo/disaccordo circa l'intenzione di diventare genitori una seconda volta, e -per coppie che registrano un disaccordo- iv) le determinanti che spingono una donna a contrastare l’intenzione positive del suo partner per un secondo figlio.
La tesi utilizza il mixed-method design, una strategia basata sull’analisi quantitativa dei dati nonché sull’analisi approfondita di interviste: questo approccio consente di studiare l'argomento da diverse prospettive e -grazie ai due metodi di ricerca -quantitativo e qualitativo- di approfondire le conoscenze del fenomeno di interesse. / The thesis is a contribution to the study of the economic implications of fertility intentions and desires and of the economic aspects of the fertility decision making process. Precisely, it is based on three autonomous chapters and it aims at understanding: a) for women and for individuals within the couples the interplay between fertility and labour market preferences (with a particular focus on the role of women's sector of employment), and the influences that the (un)balanced division of domestic duties play on the intentions of becoming parents for another time in Italy; b) for couples living together the determinants of their (dis)agreement about the intention of becoming parents again; and c) for couples that disagree on future fertility plans, the determinants of female’s contrasting attitude towards her partners’ positive fertility intention.
The dissertation uses a mixed-method design- a strategy based on survey data analysis as well as in-depth interviews analysis: this approach allows investigating the topic from different perspectives, by means of both quantitative and qualitative research methods in order to provide new insights into the phenomenon of interest.
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Optimalizace chladicího systému asynchronního stroje / Optimization of the cooling of induction machinesHalfar, Ivo January 2012 (has links)
This master‘s thesis deals with problems of optimization of cooling in electrical machines. This work includes introduction to the theory of mathematical optimization and brief introduction to optimization problems. This thesis deals with using of program Ansys Workbench for the thermal analysis in electrical machines and optimization of their cooling. Thesis contains thermal analyse of specific asynchronous motor with the squirrel cage and optimization of its cooling.
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Výzkum volebních preferencí v ČR: návrh metodologické optimalizace / Election Polls in Czech Republic: Methodological OptimalizationsProkop, Daniel January 2012 (has links)
Bibliographic record PROKOP, Daniel. (2012). Election polls in the Czech Republic: Methodological Optimization. Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Social Sciences, Institut of Sociological Studies. Thesis academic consultant: Mgr. Jindřich Krejčí, Ph.D. Abstract The thesis focuses on the election-polls and prediction of election results in the Czech Republic. Using data of research company MEDIAN s.r.o. from face-to-face (CAPI) and telephone interviewing (CATI) in election year 2010 it examines possibilities of methodological optimizations which could lead to reducing systematic bias and discrepancies of pre-election polls the election results. In particular, it discusses these methodological solutions: mix-mode data collection (combination of CATI and CAPI), data weighting focused on specific factors correlated with voting behavior, including preferences of undecided voters, prediction of the respondents' participation in elections, election-polls results time-series smoothing. Based on these analyses the thesis tries to articulate general findings which could be fruitful in discussion about Czech election-polls and their methodology in general. In the thesis, basic and advanced statistic methods (CART, exponential smoothing, etc.) are being used to achieve given research goals. Keywords: election...
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Obytný areál Ponavia park v Brně, příprava a organizace stavby / Preparation and Organization of ConstructionHladký, Dominik January 2020 (has links)
This thesis deals with the construction process of the apartment house Ponavia Park located in Brno. The thesis solves the individual realization phases of the main building phase. Building site equipment is designed for the projected construction process in three different variations. A technical report is also included in the building site. Critical points within the transport of materials and machines are also verified. A financial plan for the whole building is made as an summarizing time schedule for the apartment building. The sources for the financial plan are the figures taken from the Czech building objects classifications (JKSO). The summarizing time schedule is made in MS Projekt software and it’s designed as a Gantt diagram. A design of the main building machines and mechanisms was also made for the projected construction process. All of the machines were assessed for their respective required function on the building site. Also included in this thesis is a construction method for the reinforced concrete structures. The construction method deals with the realization process of waterproof concrete, reinforcement binding, formwork of the vertical and horizontal structures and also the process of concrete curing. The construction method is followed up by quality control and test plans for reinforced concrete structures, and a construction site safety plan that is made in the form of predicted main safety risks at the building site. For the noise load on the surrounding buildings a noise study is made. The study examines the intensity of noise in the protected outdoor space. This study was made in the Hluk+ software. The thesis also includes an item budget for the apartment house that was made in Build Power S software.
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Nurturing Concern for Others in Adolescents: A Study of Empathy, Compassion, and Prosocial BehaviorAakash Arvind Chowkase (13163007) 27 July 2022 (has links)
<p>This dissertation investigated a psychoeducational intervention’s effectiveness in nurturing concern for others in adolescents with high intellectual abilities. The intervention was implemented at two research sites in a city in western India with 130 participants. Concern for others was conceptualized as an interplay of empathy, compassion, and prosocial behavior, and interrelationships among them were examined using correlational and regression analyses of self-reported survey data. Results indicated that prosocial behavior is positively associated with empathy (i.e., perspective taking and empathic concern) and other-compassion (i.e., compassion for others and compassion for other living beings) with correlations ranging from medium to strong (.46 ≤ <em>r</em> ≤ .79). Compassion for self, however, is not associated with prosocial behavior (<em>r</em> = .01) or any other key variables of having a concern for others (-.06 ≤ <em>r</em> ≤ .09). Compassion for others and perspective taking are the strongest predictors of prosocial behavior. Predicted self-reported prosocial behavior in girls is, on average, significantly greater than that in boys. Participants were then randomly assigned to treatment and control (delayed treatment) groups. The intervention’s effectiveness was evaluated using a convergent mixed-methods design by combining repeated-measures multivariate analysis of variance (RM-MANOVA) of self-reported survey data and thematic analysis of interview data. Classroom quality was perceived to be high. Moreover, on average, participants’ level of adherence to the intervention was high, especially for session attendance (93%), and self-reported home activity completion (89%). The RM-MANOVA results showed that the self-reported concern for others varied significantly over the time of participants’ participation in the intervention with a large effect (treatment group: ηp2 = .57; delayed treatment group: ηp2 = .47); however, the effects did not seem to sustain over the next three months. Univariate <em>post-hoc</em> analyses indicated significant differences with moderate effect size in prosocial behavior and compassion for others. Overall, the intervention was perceived to be a largely positive experience—appealing, meaningful, and supportive of belongingness—yet there is a scope for improvement, especially regarding active participation. Emotional regulation, mindful engagement, responsible communication, relationship building, kindness, and gratitude were described as key intervention affordances. The mixed-methods integration of results provided preliminary evidence for the effectiveness of the intervention. (IRB #1812021447)</p>
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