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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Monofunctional and dendritic schiff base (N, N′) ruthenium carbene

Tancu, Yolanda 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc (Chemistry and Polymer Science))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: See full text for abstract / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Sien volteks vir opsomming

Reactions of gold(I) electrophiles with nucleophiles derived from group 6 Fischer-type carbene complexes

Esterhuysen, Matthias Wilhelm 04 1900 (has links)
Dissertation (PhD)--University of Stellenbosch, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study comprises the preparation and characterisation of various novel organometallic species of gold(I) by employing a range of anionic group 6 metal Fischer-type carbene complexes and group 6 metal-acyl complexes as synthons of the organic moieties introduced to the gold(I) electrophiles. The main objectives of this work are to develop the use of Fischer-type carbene complexes as synthons in the preparation of novel organometallic species along unusual reaction pathways and, in doing so, to expand the organometallic chemistry of gold(I), especially Au-C bond formation reactions. By reacting various β-CH acidic Fischer-type alkoxy/dialkylamino/ alkthio(methyl)carbene complexes, first with a base, and then with a gold(I) electrophile (Ph3PAu+), easy access to vinyl ether/dialkylamine/thioether complexes of gold(I) coordinated to M(CO)5 (M = Cr, Mo, W) fragments, is obtained. When methyl alkoxy- or dialkylaminocarbene complexes are employed, coordination of the novel alkoxyvinyl-gold(I)PPh3 and dialkylaminovinyl-gold(I)PPh3 species to the M(CO)5 fragments occurs in an asymmetrical fashion through the vinyl functionalities of the novel gold(I) species. This usually unstable coordination mode for vinyl ethers is stabilised by delocalisation of partial positive charges from the α-gold vinyl carbon atoms to either the gold(I)PPh3 fragment [for η2-{alkoxyvinyl-gold(I)PPh3}M(CO)5 complexes] or the nitogen atoms of the vinyl amine group [for η2-{dialkylaminovinylgold( I)PPh3}M(CO)5 complexes]. In the latter complexes this delocalisation occurs to such an extent that these complexes are best described as zwitterions. The corresponding negative charges in the bimetallic complexes reside on the M(CO)5 fragments. As a representative example, uncoordinated ethoxyvinyl-gold(I)PPh3 was isolated in high yield via a ligand replacement reaction with PPh3. When Fischer-type alkthio(methyl)carbene complexes are employed in this conversion, novel sulphur coordinated {alkthiovinyl-gold(I)PPh3}Cr(CO)5 complexes are formed.The reaction mechanism involved in these conversions is believed to be the gold(I) analogue of the hydrolysis of Fischer-type carbene complexes. In this mechanism the bimetallic η2-vinyl ether coordinated {alkoxyvinyl-gold(I)PPh3}M(CO)5 complexes represent stabilised gold(I) analogues of postulated transition states in the hydrolytic decomposition of Fischer-type alkoxycarbene complexes. The term aurolysis is conceived to describe the conversion when Ph3PAu+ is employed as electrophile instead of H+. The formation of the bimetallic η2-vinyl ether coordinated complexes in the current conversion, furthermore, strongly supports the existence of similar transition states in the hydrolytic decomposition of Fischer-type alkoxycarbene complexes. This mechanism is also accepted for the formation of analogous η2-{dialkylaminovinyl-gold(I)PPh3}M(CO)5 and {alkthiovinyl-gold(I)PPh3}-S Cr(CO)5 complexes when β-CH deprotonated Fischer-type dialkylamino- and alkthiocarbene complexes are employed in this reaction. The reaction of anionic group 6 metal-acyl complexes and their nitrogen analogues, N-deprotonated Fischer-type aminocarbene complexes, leads to the formation of acylgold(I) and novel imidoylgold(I) complexes coordinated to M(CO)5 (M = Cr, W) fragments. In the previous complexes poor stabilisation of the M(CO)5 fragments allows halide anions to readily form ionic adducts with these groups. This characteristic of these products provides a useful reaction pathway to the first example of a free acylgold(I) complex, benzoyl-AuPPh3. Coordination of the imine nitrogen atom to the M(CO)5 fragments in the analogous bimetallic imidoylgold(I)-M(CO)5 complexes is much stronger. These complexes are remarkably stable and could even be effectively isolated by means of low temperature silica gel chromatography. As a preliminary reaction mechanism for this conversion we propose a mechanism that is closely related to the aurolysis mechanism described above. The only difference is that, instead of formal reductive elimination of vinyl ethers/amine/thioether complexes of gold(I) from the M(CO)5 fragments, acyl and imidoyl complexes of gold(I) are produced in this step. Furthermore, the (Z)- stereoisomers of the bimetallic imidoylgold(I)-M(CO)5 complexes generated in this conversion are exclusively obtained.A second N-deprotonation-auration reaction sequence performed on suitable examples of the bimetallic imidoylgold(I)-M(CO)5 complexes yields, as the only isolable product, a novel triangular Au2Cr cluster complex, cis-{η2-(Ph3PAu)2} PPh3Cr(CO)4. This complex is the isolobal equivalent for the unstable molecular hydrogen complex, (η2-H2)PPh3Cr(CO)4, and exhibits the shortest known Au-Au separation between two gold atoms in cluster complexes of the type Au2M. Finally, two novel and vastly different molecular structures of closely related anionic benzoylpentacarbonyl tungstates, one with Li+ as counterion and another in which exactly half the Li+-cations have been replaced by protons, highlight the importance of hydrogen bonding and ion-dipole interactions in determining the solid state structure of such complexes. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie behels die bereiding en karakterisering van verskeie nuwe organometaalkomplekse van goud(I). Hierdie komplekse is berei deur gebruik te maak van n wye reeks anioniese groep 6 metaal Fischer-tipe karbeenkomplekse asook anioniese groep 6 metaal asielkomplekse as sintetiese ekwivalente vir die organiese fragmente wat gedurende die sintese aan die goud atoom gebind word. Die hoofdoel van hierdie studie is om die gebruik van Fischer-tipe karbeenkomplekse as sintetiese voorgangers in die bereiding van nuwe organometaalverbindings te ontwikkel en om sodoende ook die organometaalchemie van goud verder uit te bou. Veral die ontwikkeling van nuwe sintetiese metodologieë vir die bereiding van Au-C bindings is hier van belang. Verskeie Fischer-tipe alkoksie-/dialkielamino-/alktio-(metiel)karbeenkomplekse met suuragtige waterstofatome geleë op die β-metallo-koolstofatoom is eers onomkeerbaar gedeprotoneer. Byvoeging van die goud(I) elektrofiel, Ph3PAu+, lei - volgens n ongewone reaksiemeganisme - tot die vorming van onderskeie vinieleter-, dialkielvinielamien- en vinieltioeterkomplekse van goud(I). Hierdie komplekse is verder ook op verskillende wyses aan M(CO)5 fragmente (M = Cr, Mo, W) gekoördineer. Die vinieleter- en vinielamienkomplekse van goud(I), wat vorm wanneer alkoksie- en dialkielaminokarbeenkomplekse onderskeidelik in hierdie sintese aangewend word, koördineer onsimmetries deur hulle viniel dubbelbindings aan die vrygestelde M(CO)5-groepe. Hierdie normaalweg onstabiele vorm van vinieleterkoördinasie, word gestabiliseer deur delokalisering van positiewe lading vanaf die α-goud viniel koolstofatoom na die AuPPh3-fragment [vir die η2-{alkoksievinielgoud( I)PPh3}M(CO)5 komplekse] óf na die stikstofatoom van die dialkielvinielamien groep [vir die η2-{dialkielaminoviniel-goud(I)PPh3}M(CO)5 komplekse]. Laasgenoemde komplekse kan as zwitterione beskryf word. Die onderskeie negatiewe ladings in hierdie komplekse bevind hulle hoofsaaklik op die M(CO)5 groepe. Sterk koördinerende ligande (bv. PPh3) verplaas die onsimmetriese viniel eter vanaf die M(CO)5-fragment. Só kon, as n voorbeeld, die vrye etoksievinielgoud( I)PPh3-kompleks met n hoë opbrengs berei word. Wanneer β-gedeprotoneerdeFischer-tipe tiokarbeenkomplekse met Ph3PAu+ reageer, vorm swawel gekoördineerde {tioviniel-goud(I)PPh3}Cr(CO)5 bimetalliese komplekse in stede van die π-komplekse. Dit word voorgestel dat in die bogenoemde reaksies die goud(I)elektrofiel dieselfde rol vervul as die proton gedurende die hidrolise van Fischer-tipe alkoksiekarbeenkomplekse. Die bimetalliese, η2-vinieleter-gekoördineerde {alkoksieviniel-goud(I)PPh3}M(CO)5-komplekse hier berei verteenwoordig dus stabiele goud(I) analoë van voorgestelde tusseprodukte in so ’n meganisme. Die term aurolise word voorgestel om die geval waar Ph3PAu+ in stede van H+ as elektrofiel aangewend word te beskryf. Die vorming van bimetalliese, η2-vinieletergeko ördineerde komplekse in die huidige reaksie ondersteun die moontlike vorming van die voorgestelde tussenprodukte tydens die hidrolise van Fischer-tipe alkoksie(metiel)karbeenkomplekse. ’n Soortgelyke meganisme kan ook gebruik word om die vorming van die η2-{dialkiellamienviniel-goud(I)PPh3}M(CO)5- en {alktioviniel-goud(I)PPh3}-S Cr(CO)5-komplekse vanuit β-CH gedeprotoneerde Fischer-tipe dialkielamino- en tiokarbeenkomplekse en Ph3PAuCl te interpreteer. Die reaksie van anioniese groep 6 oorgangsmetaal metaal-asielkomplekse en hulle stikstofanaloë, N-gedeprotoneerde Fischer-tipe aminokarbeenkomplekse, lewer onderskeidelik asiel- en imidoielkomplekse van goud(I) wat aan M(CO)5 fragmente (M = Cr, W) koördineer. Die goud(I)asiel-M(CO)5 koördinasie deur die asielsuurstofatoom is baie swak en die M(CO)5-eenheid in hierdie komplekse word maklik deur haliedanione en sekere oplosmiddel molekules verplaas. Die haliedanione vorm anioniese addukte met the M(CO)5 fragmente. Hierdie eienskap van die bimetalliese komplekse verskaf sodoende n gerieflike sintetiese roete na die eerste voorbeeld van n vrye asielgoud(I)-kompleks, bensoiel-AuPPh3. Koördinasie van die imienstikstofatoom aan M(CO)5-groepe in die bg. imidoielkomplekse is egter veel sterker. Die bimetalliese {imidoielgoud(I)}M(CO)5-komplekse is verbasend stabiel en kan selfs effektief deur middel van lae temperatuur SiO2-kolomkromatografie geïsoleer word. n Soortgelyke reaksie meganisme as wat voorgestel word vir die aurolise van Fischer-tipe karbeenkomplekse word voorgestel vir hierdie reaksie. Die enigste verskil is dat die formele reduktiewe eliminasie van n viniel-eter, -amien of -tioeter vervang word met die vorming van asiel- of imidoielkomplekse van goud(I). Verder word die (Z)-isomere van die bimetalliese {imidoielgoud(I)}M(CO)5-komplekse uitsluitlik in hierdie reaksie verkry. Wanneer geskikte voorbeelde van bimetalliese {imidoielgoud(I)}M(CO)5-komplekse n tweede keer gedeprotoneer word en gereageer word met Ph3PAuCl, is die enigste isoleerbare produk van die reaksie n driehoekige Au2Cr troskompleks, nl. cis-{η2- (Ph3PAu)2}PPh3Cr(CO)4. Hierdie verbinding dien as n isolobale model vir die onstabiele molekulêre waterstof kompleks , (η2-H2)PPh3Cr(CO)4, en besit verder die kortste Au-Au afstand tussen twee goud atome in driehoekige troskomplekse wat nog tot dusvêr gerapporteer is. Laastens is die kristalstrukture van twee nou verwante anioniese {bensoiel}W(CO)5- komplekse bepaal. Die enigste verskil tussen die hierdie twee verbindings is dat die een slegs Li+ as teenioon bevat terwyl presies die helfte van die Li+-teenione in die tweede struktuur deur protone verplaas is. Hierdie klein verskil in samestelling veroorsaak egter drastiese verskille in die kristalstrukture van hierdie verbindings. Die belangrikheid van waterstof bindings en ioon-dipool interaksies in die bepaling van die vastetoestandstrukture van sulke verbindings word hierdeur beklemtoon.

Carbene and coordination complexes of gold, palladium, platinum and manganese derived from N-containing heterocycles

Deetlefs, Maggel 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Please refer to fulltext for abstract / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Sien asb volteks vir opsomming.

Synthesis and reactivity of carbene complexes of iron, ruthenium and osmium porphyrins

Li, Yan, 李艷 January 2004 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Chemistry / Doctoral / Doctor of Philosophy

Ruthenium porphyrins and dirhodium (II, II) carboxylates catalyzed ylide-mediated cycloadditions and carbenoid transfer reactions

Zhou, Congying., 周聰穎. January 2004 (has links)
published_or_final_version / abstract / toc / Chemistry / Doctoral / Doctor of Philosophy

The Current Response of a Mediated Biological Fuel Cell with Acinetobacter calcoaceticus: The Role of Mediator Adsorption and Reduction Kinetics

Li, Yan January 2013 (has links)
Microbial fuel cells (MFC) are an emerging renewable technology which converts complex organic matter to electrical power using microorganisms as the biocatalyst. A variety of biological relevant organic matters such as glucose, acetate and ethanol have been utilized for the successful operation of a MFC. In this regard, the investigation of a MFC inoculated with ethanol oxidizing bacteria is of particular interest for this research due to its ability to simultaneously produce electricity while reducing ethanol pollution (a type of volatile organic carbon (VOC) pollutant) with potential use in modified biological air pollution control technology such as biofiltration. In this research, ethanol-oxidizing microbial species isolated from soil and compost samples were identified, with Acinetobacter calcoaceticus being the dominant strain. In order to understand the metabolism of the anode microbial cells, which is considered to be the key dictating the performance of a MFC, a systematic analysis/optimization of the growth rate and biomass production for A. calcoaceticus were carried out. A maximum specific growth rate with a final biomass concentration of 1.68 g/l was derived when aerated at a rate of 0.68 vvm. It has been recognized that one of the principle constraints in increasing the current density of MFCs is the electron transfer from the bacteria to the anode. In this sense, the addition of a redox mediator, which facilitates the process of the electron transfer, is desired for the efficient operation of a MFC. Thionine, methylene blue (MB), resorufin and potassium ferricyanide that have been profusely utilized as effective mediator compounds in many MFC studies, however, specific information on the biomass sorption of these compounds was lacking and therefore were selected for this research. All mediators tested were reduced biologically in A. calcoaceticus inoculated samples as indicated by the color transition from the pigmented oxidized form to the colorless reduced form. Subsequent tests on mediator color removal revealed that physical adsorption by the biomass, aggregation as well as precipitation accounted for a significant portion of the color loss for thionine and MB. It was speculated that the fraction of the initial mediator concentration sequestered, aggregated and/or precipitated no longer contributed to the electron transfer process, resulting in a current production which was proportional to the measurable mediator concentration remained in anode solution. To verify this hypothesis, chronoamperometric measurements were conducted for various mediator systems at known initial and measurable concentrations. The data obtained on the current produced were in good agreement with the theoretical predictions calculated from the actual mediator concentration, suggesting that the current produced depended on the concentration of mediator remaining in solution. Finally, the microbial reduction kinetics and the cytotoxicity of potassium ferricyanide were analyzed. The reduction of potassium ferricyanide followed zero order kinetics with the specific reduction rate increased as the initial mediator concentration increased from 1 mM to 200 mM. Inhibitory effects on cell growth were observed at initial potassium ferricyanide concentration of 50 mM.

The antidepressant properties of selected methylene blue analogues / Anzelle Delport

Delport, Anzelle January 2014 (has links)
The shortcomings of current antidepressant agents prompts the design of novel multimodal antidepressants and the identification of new antidepressant targets, especially those located at sub-cellular level. Such antidepressants should possess improved response rates as well as safety profiles. Methylene blue (MB) is reported to possess diverse pharmacological actions and is attracting increasing attention for the treatment of a variety of disorders including Alzheimer’s disease, bipolar disorder, anxiety and depression. MB acts on both monoamine oxidase (MAO) and the nitric oxide (NO)-cGMP pathway, and possesses antidepressant activity in rodents. The principal goal of this study was to design a close structural analogue of MB and to evaluate the effects of these structural changes on MAO inhibition, a well-known antidepressant target. Furthermore, MAO inhibition is also responsible for cardiovascular toxicity in clinically used MAOI inhibitors. For this purpose we investigated the antidepressant properties of the synthetic MB analogue (ethyl-thioniniumchloride; ETC) as well as azure B, the major metabolite of MB, in the forced swim test (FST). ETC was synthesized with a high degree of purity from diethyl-p-phenylenediamine with 6% yield. ETC was firstly evaluated as a potential inhibitor of recombinant human MAO-A and MAO-B. Azure B and ETC were evaluated over a dosage range of 4-30 mg/kg for antidepressant-like activity in the acute FST in rats, and the results were compared to those obtained with saline, imipramine (15 mg/kg) and MB (15 mg/kg) treated rats. Locomotor activity was evaluated to ensure that changes in swim motivation are based on antidepressant response and not due to an indirect effect of the drug on locomotor activity. The results document that ETC inhibits MAO-A and MAO-B with IC50 values of 0.51 μM and 0.592 μM, respectively. Furthermore, ETC inhibits MAO-A and MAO-B reversibly, while the mode of inhibition is most likely competitive. In the acute FST, azure B and ETC were more effective than imipramine and MB in reversing immobility, without inducing locomotor effects. Azure B and ETC increased swimming behaviour during acute treatment, which is indicative of enhanced serotonergic neurotransmission. Azure B and ETC did not affect noradrenergicmediated climbing behaviour. These results suggest that azure B may be a contributor to the antidepressant effect of MB, and acts via increasing serotonergic transmission. Secondly, small structural changes made to MB do not abolish its antidepressant effect even though ETC is a less potent MAO-A inhibitor than MB. / MSc (Pharmaceutical Chemistry), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014

N-heterocyclic carbene gold hydroxide complexes as bond activation reagents

Dupuy, Stéphanie January 2014 (has links)
Although known since the 1930s, organogold chemistry has been dormant until recently, primarily due to preconceptions about the inertness of gold in transformations. However, this last decade has witnessed the emergence of a Golden Age with the development of a wealth of reports on gold in a plethora of reactions. In recent years, the drive for more atom- and step-economical and environmentally friendly reactions has become a field of intense research. In our on-going research on well-defined transition metal complexes bearing NHC ligands, our group recently discovered a new gold(I) hydroxide complex [Au(OH)(IPr)] (1a) that can be easily synthesised from the chloride precursor [AuCl(IPr)] (1b). A preliminary survey of the reactivity of this gold synthon has demonstrated interesting reactivity that holds great potential in bond activation reactions and the development of useful synthetic methods. Simplistically, this gold hydroxide complex can be seen as a strong Brønsted base. This thesis is dedicated to an in-depth examination of the reactivity of this complex in base-free bond activation reactions. Two themes predominate in the following chapters: the first part demonstrates the activity of gold(I) hydroxide as a bond activation agent to readily and efficiently access organogold complexes while the second part studies the reactivity of this compound in decarboxylation processes with carboxylic acids. Chapter 2 and 3 were dedicated to the development of new synthetic routes to access organogold complexes via base-free transmetalation reactions with organoborons and silanes using 1a. The combination of experimental and computational studies allowed identification and isolation of key intermediates in these reactions. Chapter 4 can be seen as a transition between the development of novel methodologies to synthesise aryl and heteroarylgold complexes and the first steps of gold hydroxide 1a as mediator in decarboxylation reaction. As a result, a novel mode of reactivity for gold was discovered and the synthetic route developed constitutes one of the greenest procedures to prepare organogold complexes with the generation of water and CO₂ as only side products. Chapter 5 and 6 venture further into the exploration of 1a in decarboxylation reactions and detail the development of a catalytic process for the protodecarboxylation reaction and subsequent mechanistic investigations of this reaction through stoichiometric experiments and kinetic and computational studies.

Regeneration of activated carbon by photocatalysis using titanium dioxide

Carballo-Meilan, M. Ara January 2015 (has links)
The adsorption of methylene blue onto two types of commercial activated carbons, a mesoporous type (Norit CA1) and microporous type (207C) was analysed. Powdered TiO2 was mixed with the carbon and added to the dye solution to determine the influence of the photocatalyst during the adsorption process. Equilibrium and kinetics experiments were done with and without any addition of photocatalytic titanium dioxide (TiO2). Changes in capacity, heterogeneity, and heat of adsorption were detected and related to changes in the quantity of TiO2 added by evaluating the equilibrium parameter from 13 isotherm models. The influence of TiO2 on the adsorption kinetics of the dye was correlated using simplified kinetic-type model as well as mass transfer parameters. Using a formal design of experiments approach responses such as the removal of the dye, variation of pH, external mass transfer rate (KF) and intraparticle rate constant (Ki) were evaluated. Results indicated that TiO2 increased the uptake of methylene blue onto CA1, increased Ki and CA1-TiO2 interactions had electrostatic nature. In contrast, TiO2 was seen to inhibit the equilibrium adsorption for 207C by reducing its capacity. The 207C-TiO2 interaction was attributed to a specific adsorption of TiO2 on the coconut-based adsorbent, as zeta potential and pH measurements seemed to suggest. The regeneration of activated carbon using UV-C/TiO2 heterogeneous photocatalysis in a novel bell photocatalytic reactor, and in a standard-type coiled-tube photoreactor was also studied. Initially, response surface methodology was applied to finding the optimum conditions for the mineralization of methylene blue in both reactors using methylene blue as model compound and TiO2 as photocatalyst performing direct photocatalytic decolourization. Methylene blue concentration, TiO2 concentration and pH were the variables under study. Complete mineralization of the dye was achieved in the coiled-tube reactor using 3.07 mg/L of methylene blue at pH 6.5 with 0.4149 g/L TiO2. The regeneration experiments in the coiled-tube photoreactor were done using One Variable at Time (OVAT) method. The effect of the mass of TiO2 was the only studied variable. The study indicated an increase in regeneration of CA1 and a decrease in the pH during the oxidation step at higher concentration of the photocatalyst. In the case of the regeneration of 207C, the addition of TiO2 lowered the regeneration and made the suspension more basic during the photocatalytic step. However these results were not statistically significant. Experiments using the bell photoreactor were performed applying the same response surface method used in direct photocatalytic decolourization (control). The variables under study were pH, concentration of dye-saturated carbon and TiO2 concentration. The regeneration percentage was the chosen response. Low regeneration percentages were achieved (maximum 63%), and significant differences (95% confidence interval) were found between the regeneration of the activated carbons, being higher in the case of powdered CA1 as compared with granular 207C.

Terapia fotodinâmica em células de tumores pancreáticos humanos: eficiência e análise das vias mediadoras de citotoxicidade / Photodynamic therapy in human pancreatic tumors: efficiency and analysis of cytotoxicity mediator pathways

Almeida, Daria Raquel Queiroz de 06 April 2018 (has links)
O adenocarcinoma de ducto pancreático (PDAC) é a quarta causa de morte em decorrência de neoplasias nos países ocidentais. Atualmente, a cirurgia ressectiva é a única possibilidade de cura para a doença, porém, a recidiva tumoral acontece em menos de um ano após a intervenção cirúrgica, mesmo com a quimioterapia adjuvante. A terapia fotodinâmica (PDT) é uma alternativa promissora no tratamento do câncer. No entanto, pouco se sabe sobre o uso da PDT em tumores pancreáticos. Portanto, o objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a eficiência da PDT com o azul de metileno (MB) como fotossensibilizador (MB-PDT) em induzir a morte de linhagens de PDAC humanas (AsPC-1, Panc-1, MIAPaCa-2 e BxPC-3) e estudar a contribuição de vias de necrose regulada nos efeitos citotóxicos da terapia sobre estes modelos. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que a MB-PDT foi capaz de induzir a morte massiva das células de PDAC. Além disso, eles indicaram que há dois perfis de susceptibilidade entre as quatro linhagens estudadas quando submetidas a MBPDT com 4,5 J/cm2 de energia e 6min de irradiação. De acordo com os dados apresentados, a diferença nas sensibilidades das linhagens à terapia não está associada à diferenças na capacidade de incorporação do MB ou na localização sub-celular do fotossensibilizador nas diferentes células, uma vez que a localização é, predominantemente, lisossomal em todas elas. Adicionalmente, mostrou-se que as linhagens menos susceptíveis ao tratamento, MIAPaCa-2 e Panc-1, apresentam níveis significativamente menores de RIPK3 e MLKL, dois dos componentes do necrossomo, essenciais para a execução da necroptose. Além disso, foi visto que a MB-PDT induz um aumento de fosforilação de MLKL em AsPC-1, demonstrando a ativação da necroptose após a terapia nestas células, mas não em MIAPaCa-2 (menos responsiva à terapia com 4,5 J/cm2 deenergia e 6min de tempo de irradiação). Ainda, a inibição da via de sinalização necroptótica diminuiu significativamente as porcentagens de morte das células mais susceptíveis (BxPC-3 e AsPC-1), não alterando a resposta de Panc-1 e MIAPaCa-2, corroborando a ativação e importância da necroptose para a citotoxicidade da MB-PDT. Finalmente, neste trabalho foi mostrado que o aumento do tempo de irradiação, mantendo-se a quantidade total de energia aplicada no tratamento, melhora a eficiência da MB-PDT em induzir a morte das células que apresentam limitações para executar a necroptose, sugerindo que mais de uma via de morte esteja sendo ativada após a terapia e que o tempo de irradiação atuaria modulando esta ativação. Complementarmente, foi mostrado que os tempos maiores de irradiação aumentam o estresse oxidativo intracelular que é acompanhado por uma diminuição significativa do conteúdo intracelular de glutationa reduzida (GSH), indicando, preliminarmente, que a ferroptose pode estar sendo acionada após os protocolos mais longos de irradiação. Coletivamente, os resultados apresentados neste trabalho confirmam a eficiência da MB-PDT no tratamento de diferentes linhagens de PDAC, indicando que a necroptose está sendo ativada e contribuindo para a citotoxicidade da terapia sobre as células que não apresentam resistência à esta via de morte. Ainda, eles demonstram que o aumento do tempo de irradiação pode transpor a barreira de resistência de algumas linhagens à terapia, provavelmente por induzir a ativação de outras vias de necrose regulada, mostrando a importância da otimização do protocolo de tratamento no aumento da eficiência da MB-PDT sobre os tumores de pâncreas. Finalmente, os resultados confirmam a MB-PDT como alternativa eficaz no tratamento do PDAC, apresentando um amplo espectro de atuação sobre subtipos tumorais resistentes à vias clássicas de morte celular, uma característica importante no contexto de uma terapia anti-cancer. / Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) is the fourth leading cause of death due to neoplasms in western countries. Currently, resective surgery is the only therapetical approach to cure this disease, but tumor´s recurrence occurs less than one year after the surgery, even with adjuvant chemotherapy. Photodynamic therapy (PDT) is a promising alternative for the cancer treatment. However, the efficacy of PDT to treat pancreatic tumors as well as the mechanisms involved in the induction of tumorigenic cell death remain unclear. For this purpose, in this study, we set out to evaluate the efficacy of PDT using methylene blue (MB) as a photosensitizer (MB-PDT), in inducing death of human PDAC derived cell lines (AsPC-1, Panc-1, MIAPaCa-2 and BxPC-3) and to deeper investigate the contribution of necroptosis to the cytotoxic effects of the therapy. We observed that MB-PDT was able to induce massive death of PDAC cells. Moreover, our results indicated that upon MB-PDT (4.5 J/cm2 energy and 6min of irradiation time), there were two susceptibility profiles among the four cell lines studied. Data also showed that this differential profile of cell response was neither associated with the differences in the MB incorporation capacity nor with the subcellular location of the photosensitizer, since the localization was predominantly lysosomal in all of tested cell lines. In addition, less susceptible cells, MIAPaCa-2 and Panc-1, showed significantly lower levels of RIPK3 and MLKL, two of the necrosome components, essential for triggering necroptosis. Furthermore, while MB-PDT (4.5 J/cm2 and 6min of irradiation) has been able to increase MLKL´s phosphorylation levels, an essential step in necroptosis induction, in AsPC-1cells, less responsive MIAPaCa-2 cells presented no variations on the phosphorylation state of this pseudokinase. Moreover, pharmacological inhibition of the necroptotic signaling pathway significantly decreased cell death percentages of the most susceptible cells (BxPC-3 andAsPC-1), without altering the response of Panc-1 and MIAPaCa-2, corroborating that activation of necroptosis was strongly involved in the cytotoxicity of MB-PDT. Finally, this work showed that increasing the irradiation time improved the efficacy of MB-PDT in killing cells which display limitations to perform necroptosis, suggesting that the irradiation time would be modulating the degree of oxidative stress generated and this stimuli would in turn, be responsible for triggering other regulated cell death pathways in a RIKP3 and MLKL independent way. Indeed, this increase in oxidative stress was accompanied by a significant decrease in GSH, a global indicatior of less antioxidant cell capacity, preliminarily pointing at the induction of ferroptosis by longer irradiation protocols. In summary, we demonstrated that MB-PDT is able to induce cell death in different PDAC cell lines and that different regulated cell death mechanisms are being activated upon MB-PDT induction. Furthermore, it was demonstrated that increased irradiation time may overcome the resistance barrier of some cell lines, probably inducing the activation of other regulated cell death pathways, showing the importance of optimizing the irradiation protocol in order to maximize the efficacy of the therapy. Finally, our observations point MB-PDT as an alternative and effective therapy for pancreatic cancer treatment, displaying a broad-spectrum action on tumors displaying different resistance mechanisms to classic cell death pathways, a desired property for improving an anticancer therapy.

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